Psychological test to determine what is important in life. A simple but accurate psychological test: a walk in the forest Psychological test imagine what

Before moving on, have a blank piece of paper and a pen ready. After reading the question, immediately write down the answer. Don't give yourself time to think. Write or draw the first thing that comes to mind.

Here are the questions. If you answer them immediately and without hesitation, you will be able to establish contact with your subconscious.

  1. Imagine that you are walking with someone through the forest. Who could it be?

  2. You are walking through the forest and see an animal not far from you. What kind of animal is this?

  3. What happens after you meet his eyes?

  4. You continue walking through the forest. Go out into the clearing where your dream house stands. How would you describe its size?

  5. Is your dream home surrounded by a fence?

  6. You enter the house. Go to the dining room to look at the dining table. Describe what you see on and around it.

  7. You leave the house through the back door. And you see a cup lying right on the grass. What material is it made of?

  8. What would you do if you saw her?

  9. You come to the end of the yard, in the middle of which there is a house. There's a pond there. What kind of pond is this?

  10. How are you going to cross the water to move on?

How do you usually spend free time? What do you do when you are alone or with your family? Do you watch TV? Are you scrolling through social media pages?

Spend time with benefit for yourself and invite your family to take part!

Test “Walk in the woods” creative and playful. Your imagination will play (and at the same time develop!). This easy test is a great way to relax and unwind. And he will also answer those questions answers which you couldn’t find, thinking strictly rationally, logically.

Perhaps, after passing the test, you will answer your most important question “ What prevents me from being happy? If you are already happy, the “Walk in the Forest” test will suggest the direction of further development.

You can do the test yourself. But it's better to ask close person to read it. Let your “home therapist” read the test in a calm, quiet voice, slowly, pausing.

Preparing for the “Walk in the Forest” test

In order for the results of the “Walk in the Forest” technique to be extremely accurate, Psychologists recommend before starting it:

  1. Prepare a sheet of paper and a pen. You or a loved one will write down the associations that arise on a piece of paper so that you do not forget them at the end of the test.
  2. Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down. It is important to take a comfortable position.
  3. Relax your whole body. Pay special attention to the muscles of the face and those that are most often overstrained (lower back, shoulders, forehead, eyes, etc.).
  4. Take a deep breath and exhale several times. Let your breathing become even and calm.
  5. “Relax” the mind. Let go of your thoughts. Just think about the fact that you simply exist here and now.
  6. Feel a slight drowsiness, a state of half-asleep.

As you read or listen to the test text, notice those associations(pictures, images, thoughts) that first are born in the head. Don't invent anything. Just watch what your unconscious shows you and enjoy this process!

Instructions for the “Walk in the Forest” test

Imagine that you are walking along forest. Describe what kind of forest this is:

  • Is it sunny or cloudy there?
  • What trees grow there, are there many of them, how far are they from each other?
  • Do you feel good in this forest?
  • What time of year and what time of day?
  • Are you alone?
  • What are you doing in the forest?
  • For what purpose did you come here?

Suddenly you see something shining in the grass. Lean over and see key.

  • What is he like?
  • What will you do with it - pick it up or walk past it?
  • Were you pleased with the find?

Suddenly you notice bear

  • What bear?
  • What is he doing?
  • How did he treat you?
  • How do you react to it?

Ahead spring.

  • Will you drink from it?
  • What about washing?
  • High or low?
  • What material?

You need to be on the other side of it.

  • How will you overcome it?
  • Is it easy for you to get across?
  • Is it big or small?
  • Will you look into it?
  • Are you wondering what animal dug it up?
  • Are you interested in the animal that sits there?

Suddenly approaches you dwarf. He is trying to attract your attention, spinning under your feet. What's your reaction?

  • You are angry?
  • Do you feel sorry for him?
  • He keeps pestering you - what are you doing?

You come ashore rivers. Imagine the river very clearly:

  • What kind of water is there?
  • What is the speed of the current?
  • What is the bottom like, are there any rocks at the bottom?
  • Do you like being on the shore?
  • What is he like?

This is your home. On the doors sign, which reports this.

  • What does the sign look like?
  • What exactly is written on it?

You opened the door and entered the house. Look around.

  • Are you comfortable here?
  • Is everything around clean or messy?
  • How many rooms are there in this house?
  • Which? Name and describe them.

Look into basement.

  • Will you go in there?
  • If yes, how do you feel there? What do you see?
  • Do you want to stay or would you rather leave?

You're climbing attic.

  • What does he look like?
  • What is stored there?
  • Is the attic tidy or is there junk everywhere?
  • How long will you spend there?

You are leaving the house.

  • With regret or with joy?
  • Do you want to return there as soon as possible?
  • Is it calm or stormy?
  • What is the weather like, is there sun, wind?

They fly over the sea seagulls.

  • High, low, close to you or far away?
  • Can you hear them?
  • What feelings do they evoke?

You see ship.

  • What ship?
  • How far is it from the coast?
  • Can you reach it?
  • Will you do this?

Interpretation of the “Walk in the Forest” test

Forest symbolizes the society that surrounds you, as well as your attitude towards people. The happier you are in the forest, the more positive your attitude towards people.

The more frightening the picture your imagination paints, the more difficult it is for you to express yourself. Are you not very happy with those around you? Do you think they don't understand or underestimate you?

If the forest is too crowded, then most likely you are tired of close circle.

Key- this is your attitude towards everything new that life brings. Your readiness to accept change shows whether you picked up the key or threw it away. Whether you were happy about it or not says whether you are happy about the changes.

Bear- reaction to potential danger. If you hide or freeze in fear, you are most likely too passive in life; if you rush at a bear, you are too active.

Spring- Love. The willingness to drink from the spring is the desire to meet love halfway. Are you ready for genuine, true and pure love to appear in your life?

Fence- a symbol of the obstacles that exist on the path of life. Pay attention to the fence. Is it a symbolic fence or the Great Wall of China? The way you climbed over the fence shows how easily you overcome obstacles. If something or someone who helped suddenly appeared in your imagination, it means that you rely little on yourself and are accustomed to help and support.

If you were unable to move, you may now be faced with a problem that seems unsolvable.

Nora- perception of hidden danger. If you boldly climbed into a hole, you are a brave, reckless or too inquisitive person.

Attitude to dwarf will show how merciful you are. There are people who kick him, and there are those who carry him on their shoulders.

River- a symbol of the flow of your life. Remember how fast the flow seemed to you, how clear the water was. The bottom and the stones on it symbolize life's difficulties.

House- it's you. As much as you like it there, you feel as good with yourself.

Tablet on the door speaks about who you consider yourself to be.

Rooms– the aspects of life that are most important to you. Where you like everything, everything is fine. If any of the rooms are disorganized, there may be problems in this area of ​​​​life.

Basement– your perception of your own unconscious. If you feel bad in the basement, perhaps you are at odds with your unconscious. Are you afraid of your dreams, don’t want to remember many moments of the past, are you afraid to look into the future? Unconscious fears create anxiety and stress. Work on yourself!

Attic- the image of education, culture, intelligence, all social skills, morals and ethics instilled in you. No, didn't you see the mess there?

Sea- the sensual, emotional side of love. By how stormy it seems to you, judge the nature of the love relationship that you are attracted to.

Seagulls- relatives. In terms of volume, intrusiveness and proximity, seagulls seem to be the same as their relatives.

Ship- your dream. How beautiful it is and how achievable it is can easily be judged by what kind of ship and at what distance from the shore you see it. Is it possible to reach it? Did he swim to meet you?

What did the unconscious tell you? Did you enjoy traveling in your inner world, not limited by the framework of thinking? Did the results of the “Walk in the Forest” test match your ideas about yourself and your life? Did the test help?

Share thoughts, feelings, discoveries in the comments!

Before before you leave, have time to accept present! Author and presenter of women's trainings, creator and director of the center "Knowledge and Finding Yourself" A. Ryabchenko gives everyone who wants their courses about .

You will receive, and as a result you will feel like a person worthy of getting what he wants. You will reconfigure your thinking programs in accordance with your desires.

You will learn to live easily and joyfully!

What interesting things can you learn about yourself from an imaginary walk in the forest?

I want to invite you for a walk... For an imaginary walk through the forest. You will imagine trees, animals and people, excuse me, housing... And we are psychologists - Jungians (this is not a curse, but scientific term) we’ll tell you what all these free fantasies of yours mean.

  1. Imagine that you are walking through the forest. Describe what kind of forest this is. Is it sunny or cloudy there, what kind of trees grow there, are there many of them and how far apart do they grow? Do you feel good in this forest? What time of year and what time of day? Are you alone? By the way, what are you doing in the forest? For what purpose did you come here?
  2. Suddenly you see something shining in the grass. You lean over and see the key. What is he like? What will you do with it - pick it up or walk past it? Were you pleased with the find?
  3. Suddenly you notice a bear. What kind of bear is he, what is he doing? How did he treat you? How do you react to it?
  4. There is a spring ahead. Will you drink from it or wash your face?
  5. You go further and run into...a fence. What is it like: tall, short, what material is it made of?
  6. You need to be on the other side of it. How will you overcome it? Is it easy for you to get across?
  7. You walk further and notice a hole. Is it big or small? Will you look into it? Are you wondering what animal dug it up? Are you interested in the animal that sits there?
  8. Suddenly a dwarf approaches you. He is trying to attract your attention, spinning under your feet. What's your reaction? You are angry? Do you feel sorry for him? He keeps pestering you - what are you doing?
  9. You go to the river bank. Imagine the river very clearly: what kind of water is there, the speed of the flow, what is the bottom like, are there any stones at the bottom. Do you like being on the shore?
  10. You crossed the river and saw a house on the other side. What is he like?
  11. I want to make you happy, this is your home, there is a sign on the door that tells you this. What does the sign look like and what exactly does it say?
  12. You opened the door and entered the house. Look around. Are you comfortable here? Is everything around clean or in disarray? How many rooms are there in this house? Which? Name and describe them.
  13. Look into the basement. What do you see? Will you go in there? How do you feel there? Do you want to stay or will you leave quickly?
  14. You go up to the attic. What does he look like? What is stored there? Is the attic tidy or is there junk everywhere? How long will you spend there?
  15. You are leaving the house. With regret or with joy? Do you want to return there as soon as possible?
  16. You walk further and over the hill a view of the sea opens up. Describe the sea. Is it calm or stormy, what is the weather like, is there sun, wind?
  17. Seagulls fly over the sea. High, low, close to you or far away? Can you hear them? What feelings do they evoke?
  18. You see a ship. What ship is it, how far is it from the shore? Can you reach it? Will you do this?


Despite game uniform, this is a completely serious test that psychologists often use. It is based on associative thinking, that is, those who like to “tailor” their answers to the “correct” ones in tests should not cheat here. Only the subconscious mind works here, and, as you know, it cannot lie.

I’ll warn you right away - even if some conclusions seem unfounded to you, try not to immediately deny everything, but listen to the voice of the subconscious. A huge amount of information that is useful to you is hidden in the unconscious.

So, now let's see the results:
The forest symbolically reflects your childhood and children's ideas about life. The happier you are in the forest, the more positive your childhood impressions; The more frightening the picture your imagination painted - gloomy trees, thickets - the more difficult your childhood was and, perhaps, your previous ideas affect your adult life. If it seems to you that the forest is too crowded, then most likely you are tired of your close surroundings, crowds of neighbors in the subway, office and apartment.

The key is your attitude towards everything new that life brings. Your readiness to accept change is shown by whether you picked up the key or threw it away, whether you were happy about it or not.

The bear symbolizes your reaction to potential danger. If you are hiding or freezing from fear, most likely you are too passive in life; if you rush at the bear, you are too active.

Your willingness to drink from the spring shows your willingness to meet love halfway. Are you ready for genuine, true and pure love to appear in your life? Or did you find yourself in a littered sewer hatch?

By the way, the sea represents the sensual, emotional side of love. By how turbulent it seems to you, it is fashionable to judge what kind of relationship you are attracted to.

A fence is a symbol of the obstacles that exist on any path in life. Pay attention to what kind of fence you have - a symbolic fence or the Great Wall of China.

The way you climbed over the fence and crossed the river shows how easily you overcome obstacles. If you answered honestly and you do not have any special fears (water or heights), then the nature of overcoming both obstacles will be the same.

If in your imagination out of nowhere something or someone appeared who helped you overcome it, it means that you count little on yourself, but you are accustomed to help and support as something taken for granted.

By the way, it’s in vain, your relatives and friends will not always stand in a deserted forest, waiting for you to finally want to cross to the other side.
And pay attention to whether you were able to get across. If not, then perhaps now you are facing some kind of problem that seems insoluble to you.

The hole is your perception of hidden danger. If you boldly climbed into a hole, you are a brave, reckless or too inquisitive person.

Your attitude towards the dwarf will show how merciful you are. There are people who kick him, and there are those who carry him on their shoulders.

The river is a symbol of the flow of your life. Remember how fast the flow seemed to you, how clear the water was. The bottom and the stones on it also show life’s difficulties.

Home is you. As much as you like it there, you feel as good as yourself.

The sign on the door says who you consider yourself to be (some have your first and patronymic written on them, some have all your regalia and merits, and some have your last name scratched on the side in chalk)

The rooms you saw during the test are those aspects of your life that are most important to you. Where you like everything, everything is fine; if any of the rooms are in disarray, there may be problems in this area of ​​life.

The basement is your unconscious perception of yourself. If you feel bad in the basement, then you may not be okay with it. You are afraid of your dreams, you do not want to remember many moments of the past, you are afraid to look into the future. And this is not very good, since unconscious fears lead to anxiety and overstrain.

The attic is a metaphor for all the education, culture, intelligence, all the social skills instilled in you. If it’s a mess, then perhaps you don’t know why you once put so much effort into getting your diploma.

Seagulls are your relatives. Submit your own comments on loudness, intrusiveness and proximity.

The ship is your dream. How beautiful it is and how achievable it is can easily be judged by what kind of ship and how far from the shore you see it. Is it even possible to reach it?

Simple psychological test will help you understand how you see your life, how you overcome obstacles, what your inner essence is and what is really important to you. The main thing is to concentrate, use your imagination and answer all questions as quickly as possible. Try to take this test seriously.

Imagine yourself standing on road. What kind of road is this? (Country road, dirt road, highway, etc.).

Where in this moment located Sun? (Referring to the time of day).

You are walking along this road, and suddenly a fence. What kind of fence is this, what is it like? (Wooden, stone, iron, etc.).

How are you going overcome his?

And now the fence is behind, but in front you can see forest. What kind of forest is this? (Fairytale, spruce, light, dark, mixed, etc.).

You approach the forest and find a thin path, along which you rush further.

Suddenly on the path you see key. What is he like? What are you going to do with it? (Pass by, take, hang on a tree, etc.).

After a while you come out of the forest and approach body of water. What kind of pond is this? What will you do there? (Swim, sit next to each other, etc.).

And beyond the pond you see your dream home, the woman (man) of your dreams comes out of it and invites you to come in and stay there forever. Your actions?

Behind the house it starts again road. Which? Are you encountering an obstacle again? What is this obstacle? (Different, the same as at the beginning of the journey).

Where is Sun at that moment?

The test is interpreted very simply.

Road shows you to the surrounding reality. If the road is asphalted, along which cars rush, or a highway, it means that you are very active in life, you have a lot of things to do, you need to be on time everywhere, you find the strength and time for both work and rest. If the road is country or dirt, it means that you lead a calm, measured life, try to control events, and do not allow them to get ahead of you. If there are potholes or small pebbles on the road - something is bothering you, it may be something insignificant, but terribly annoying, haunting you for quite a long time.

Sun- your plans, ideas, goals. If the sun rises, it means you are just on the way to achieving them. If it’s right above your head, it means that now you are directly implementing them. If it is after noon, most of your ideas and plans have been implemented, your goals have been achieved.

Fence means obstacles. The bigger the fence, the more likely you are to exaggerate your failures.

Way overcoming the fence signifies how you overcome troubles. If you climb over, go around, or look for a gate in the fence, it means that you are trying to solve your problems flexibly and as painlessly as possible. If you go ahead, you are a fairly straightforward person; you tend to make decisions at lightning speed.

Forest- this is your inner essence. The brighter the forest, the brighter your soul and thoughts. If this mixed forest- you must be very interesting person who strives for knowledge. Pine or spruce - you are very rational, you always stand firmly on your feet, you know what you want from life. You are also a very reliable person, you can be given a loan.

Key- your happiness. Everything is simple here. The smaller the key, the more spiritual balance, happiness, and intimacy with your partner mean to you. Accordingly, the larger it is, the more important material values ​​are for you. The more beautiful the key, the more attention you pay to the aesthetic side of your life. If you take it with you, you will not be inclined to miss your chance. If you hang a key on a branch or pass by, you often do not notice successful opportunities and leave them to others.

Water- your feelings, the personification of your loved one. The deeper the body of water, the deeper your feelings. If this is a calm lake, then you and your chosen one are balanced people. If it is a fast river, stream, waterfall - you are a passionate person. For you, every day is a whirlpool of feelings; you need constant attention and the presence of your beloved woman (man).
If you sit next to you, you are satisfied only with the presence of your loved one; if you bathe, wash your face - you seem to dissolve in it, signs of attention, gentle words, etc. are very important for you. House + woman (man) of your dreams - a tendency to temptation, the degree of your gambling.

The road after home- your future life. If the obstacle remains, you will not take lessons from life.

Sun speaks about how much you will be able to turn your plans into reality.

"So simple!" I have prepared for you today a very entertaining one that will help you understand yourself and begin to understand your inner world.

Prepare a piece of paper and a pen. First, you will need to carefully read the questions and give a written answer to them. Try to answer as quickly as possible.

Write or even draw the first thing that comes to your mind. If you answer them immediately and without hesitation, you will be able to establish contact with your subconscious.

Psychological test


  1. You are walking with someone through the forest. Who is this?
  2. You are walking in the forest and see an animal. What kind of animal is this?
  3. What happens after you meet his eyes?
  4. You walk deeper into the forest and see a clearing in front of you. The house of your dreams stands in front of you. Describe its size.
  5. Is there a fence around it?
  6. You enter the house and go to the dining room. Then you see the dining table. What is on it and around it?
  7. You go out the back door and see a glass or cup lying right on the grass. What material is the container made of?
  8. What will you do with her?
  9. You walk to the end of the clearing, in the middle of which there is a house. There is a pond there. What kind of pond is this?
  10. How are you going to cross the water to move on?

The answers to these questions demonstrate your values ​​and ideals.


  1. The person you're going with is the most important person in your life.
  2. The size of an imaginary animal is actually the size of your internal problems. The larger the animal, the harder your life.
  3. The way you react to an unexpected meeting in the forest is your most typical way of solving problems (aggressive, passive).
  4. The size of your dream home is the size of your ambitions. If it's too big, you may have high expectations from life.
  5. The absence of a fence indicates that you are an open and internally free person. If it is there, it means you value personal space and expect the same from others.
  6. If there is no food, flowers or people on or near the table, then you are most likely deeply unhappy.
  7. The strength and durability of the material from which the container is made is how strong and strong you perceive your relationships in the family. Disposable plastic or paper cup? Glass?

    Most likely, you are worried about the future of your family. If the container was metal or porcelain, then you have nothing to worry about.

  8. Your action characterizes your attitude towards the person from question number 1.
  9. The size of the pond is the size of your sexual appetite.
  10. The wetter the mode of transportation you choose, the more important sex is in your life.

This test can be repeated over and over again, several days apart. This way you can see how your emotional condition from day to day. Everyone needs to take this test. Recommend it to your friends!
