Thematic cards for children 2 years old. How to make children's cards more durable

Today I want to talk about one of the most famous early development methods - Doman cards. Among parents, opinions about this technique are quite contradictory. Some talk about the colossal successes they have achieved in teaching their children, others claim that Doman’s method interferes with the natural development of the child, and also requires complete self-denial on the part of the parents. Who to believe? Is it necessary to study according to this system? And if you do, how? I will try to answer all these questions in this article.

Is it worth practicing the Doman method?

I myself was skeptical about Doman training for a very long time. I was convinced that it was difficult and unnatural for a child to look through cards dozens of times a day, instead of learning about the real world. This is precisely the argument put forward by opponents of the technique - “It’s better to take your baby around the room and show him objects in real life than pictures."

Trying to understand what would be best for my daughter, I got acquainted with various early development methods, read reviews of parents about them, including becoming more familiar with the Doman system. The reviews about this method amazed me. I learned that classes using the Glen Doman method are so conducive to the activation and development of the brain that they get children on their feet who previously could not walk for reasons related to brain damage. And classes also give healthy children a huge boost in development.

Glen Doman has proven that the brain grows and develops only if it works. And the more we engage in the development of the baby from birth, the more active the formation of the brain will be, the more perfect and mature its cells will be, the higher its intelligence will be. Scientists have found that By the age of three, 70-80% of our brain cells are formed , therefore, it is obvious that the quality of brain activity in the first three years cannot but affect later life. If engage in development at this age, then in the future learning will be much easier, there will be a good “launching pad”, the child will be much more receptive to knowledge.

However, Doman’s technique in its pure form may seem quite “harsh” to many - an endless stream of varied and sometimes unnecessary information. I think so myself, to be honest :) Therefore, I think that teaching according to the method should be “reasonable”: there is no need to turn classes into just a mechanical display of cards and you need to concentrate not on the development of photographic memory (showing the child everything in order), but on development of thinking child. How to do this, read below.

Among the arguments against learning according to the Glen Doman method, you can find the following: “stuffing” a child with information will overload him, will interfere with his natural development, and will in some way affect his psyche; classes will deprive the child of emotionality, will interfere with normal human communication, and so on. All these statements can be considered true only if you are too fanatical in your approach to teaching according to Doman, showing your child pictures from morning to night, and ignoring any other methods of development. In fact, training using the method does not take so much time and does not at all exclude other games and normal human communication, and most importantly, it can always be adapted to your desires - the number of impressions per day can be reduced, and the topics covered in the cards can only be taken those that you consider interesting and useful for the baby.

A reasonable approach to the methodology

So, in my opinion, you need to practice according to the Doman method! But you must adhere two basic principles :

1. There is no need to chase quantity, trying to show as many different cards as possible; it is better to focus on quality.

What do I mean by card quality? This means that for learning it is better to take only the information that is interesting to the child. this moment time, and most importantly, one that you can quickly consolidate using real life examples, pictures in books or games. I have repeatedly noticed from Taisiya that she forgets the information she has viewed and not used very quickly. In a couple of months she won’t even remember that I showed her gladioli and chrysanthemums. But if soon after viewing, for example, pictures with animals, you read poems about them, go to the zoo or play the Animals lotto, the result will be completely different - not only does the information fit firmly in the child’s head, but it’s also great develop associative thinking ! And this is very valuable and useful for the baby.

It seems to me that my daughter’s face even changes when we begin to discuss what we previously covered with cards; it is clear that at this moment an active thought process is going on in her head (“Yeah, this tiger in the cage is the tiger that I saw in the picture"), and her eyes are shining - it’s clear that she is very interested :) I say this without exaggeration.

Therefore, all information must be thoroughly analyzed before studying. Is it worth learning 100 colors using cards, if in reality you will never name them all in games with your baby? I think that it is quite possible to limit ourselves to 15-18 colors. And some topics may need to be excluded completely. It all depends on what you play and what you discuss with your baby. A little about at what age what topics are interesting for a child to read.

The number of impressions should also be reasonable. It is not necessary to pester your child with cards 20 times a day. Show cards in the quantity that is acceptable to you. If, while working with your child, you constantly torment yourself with the thought that you are overloading him and giving him absolutely nothing. unnecessary information, then the child will definitely feel your message.

2. Doman training should be combined with other games and activities.

If you focus too much on showing and making cards, forgetting that the child needs live communication, knowledge of the real world and its laws, creative and musical development, you will really deprive your child of a lot.

What is the essence of the Doman technique?

So, what is the Doman technique? Generally speaking, displaying cards is not the only thing that Doman offers, but they are the ones that are most widespread, so they will be discussed here. The essence of the technique is to repeatedly show the child sets of cards with some information. By showing pictures, you voice to the baby what is depicted on them. Even though each lesson lasts only a few seconds, your child will easily remember everything you teach him.

The first type of Doman cards is encyclopedic , they contain pictures depicting animals, plants, musical instruments, professions, etc. and bright signatures in red font. Cards are presented to the child in thematic sets, for example, first we study wild animals, then vegetables, transport.

In addition to encyclopedic cards, there are cards with dots ( — Ozon, My-shop)

And cards with words , no pictures ( — Ozon, My-shop).

Previously, followers of the technique had to make materials at night so that the next day they would have something to show the child; today, fortunately, you can purchase ready-made kits. For example, we studied using the “” set. This wonderful set contains all the most necessary topics, the object being studied is clearly highlighted in the pictures, there is nothing superfluous, and in general the pictures are very colorful. The back has facts that will come in handy as you learn all the major objects in the pictures.

It always seemed to me that showing cards on paper is much more convenient than on a computer (it’s easier to follow systems approach after replacing images, they can be put in a prominent place, and then it will be difficult to forget about them). But if you have a different opinion, then these electronic cards might be useful to you - DOMAN CARDS DOWNLOAD . If you have a color printer, you can also print them.

How to practice?

Different sources suggest starting to practice in different ways. Somewhere they advise taking 5 sets of cards of 5 pieces each, somewhere – 3 sets of 10 cards each, etc., there are a lot of options. I'm sure every option works. To begin with, choose whichever one you think is most adequate, and then, looking at the results, adapt the system to suit you and your child. If it is difficult for your child to look through a set of 10 cards, he begins to get distracted at the end of viewing, then reduce the number of cards and vice versa. We chose for ourselves the option with 3 sets of 10 cards . This option suited us.

Further, according to Doman, each set must be shown 3 times a day . The child must see every picture 1-2 seconds. Only one set is shown per demonstration, and the time interval between showings must be at least half an hour . After ten days of classes (that is, after you have looked at a set 30 times), one card is removed from each set and replaced with a new one, this is done every day until the set of cards is exhausted. It should be noted here that if your sets initially contained 5 cards, then you need to start introducing new cards after five days of classes. If the set is completely studied, it is replaced with a new one.

In addition, Doman suggests gradually increasing the number of sets of cards shown to the child. Almost up to ten sets. Moreover, each of them also needs to be shown 3 times a day. Just imagine, it is necessary to distract the child from his important matters 30 times a day and show him pictures! Such numbers can scare away many mothers from this technique.

So that everything doesn't look so scary, in methodological manuals Usually they do a calculation (the number of seconds spent on display, multiplied by the number of demonstrations per day) and find that it will only take a few minutes per day to display the cards. But not everything is as simple as it seems, because showing pictures is not the only thing you do and remember all day. To begin with, you simply need to remember about them, then drop everything, tear your baby away from the game and show him the pictures. This is also good if you are close to your child all the time, and the cards are with you all the time, but, unfortunately, not all mothers have this opportunity.

Therefore, I repeat once again, do not chase the number of sets you study. The main thing is that the classes are interesting for you and your child, and that learning does not turn into a burden. BUT still try to practice regularly, don’t give up what you started.

After experimenting, my daughter and I settled on this regime: we had no more than 6 demonstrations a day, i.e. We managed to watch each set twice a day. Every third show, one new card was added to each set (that is, we did not add new pictures every day, but a little less often). At first, I started introducing new cards after 30 views of the set. But later, all these norms changed. For example, it quickly became clear that 30 views of a set was a lot, and my daughter was starting to get bored. The number of sets we have always remained the same - 3. You can read more about our experience of training using the Doman system here:

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Educational cards for children are excellent educational material. But you shouldn’t wave them in front of your child; it’s much more interesting to play with them. Today I will tell you what educational games we play, then I will give links to the material that we have been using in the last couple of months. The most important principles that I follow are that the game should not only be educational, but also bring secondary benefits. This could be physical activity, speech therapy gymnastics, or repetition of material covered long ago in a form that is interesting to the child. I am sure that in this article you will find a lot of useful and interesting things for the development of your children.

In this photo my baby is 1 year 3 months old

  1. Preface
  2. Description of 9 games
  3. Download material in French
  4. Download material in English

Hello, dear blog readers. I often write that my son likes educational cards and enjoys playing with them. I think my child is not the only one like this. I am sure that other children are drawn to various types of cards. Now Alexander is 3 years 7 months old, in the last six months he can occupy himself for 15-30 minutes in independent play. And if it’s not cars, then it’s definitely cards.

It would seem, why invent something if he himself can take them out, play with them and put them back? However, any child will be more interested in playing with his favorite object. Another reason for organizing joint games is that my son still prefers me as a spectator. That is, he lays it out, plays, and doesn’t let his mother out of sight. And if I sit down next to him, he will immediately ask: “Mommy, do you want to play with me?”

Just a week ago my son woke up with the words: “Where is our poster with mushrooms?” We played the mushrooms for the second round a few months ago and I was relieved to take down the poster so that I could free up a piece of the wall. That morning we had breakfast, played, worked out, and I left to prepare lunch, and Alexander himself found something to do:

  • I myself took out educational cards about mushrooms;
  • I chose which ones I wanted;
  • I started reading them to myself.

When he read almost everything (they are lying on the sofa in front of him in the video), I still looked up from the stove and approached with the camera. Of course, Alexander noticed me, but this did not bother him at all.

Educational cards - games

1. How can you not only learn the alphabet, but actually remember which letter comes after which? You will need educational Alphabet cards. We lay them out on the floor and remove 3-5 letters. We give these 3-5 cards to the child, having mixed them in advance. We turn on the music and the child runs around the alphabet. As soon as the music stops, he must correctly arrange the letters in his hands. The game can be played many times, removing new letters. As long as the child is in the mood and desire, you can play.

I don’t turn on music, I hum any melody while holding the whistle in my hand. As soon as I finish chanting and the whistle sounds, Alexander lays out the missing letters. Since I decided to write about these games, I’ll post a completely home video. It’s spontaneous, I shot it on one of the Sundays – our English day. Alexander completely unexpectedly began to sing, I picked it up, in general, the child stretched his legs and vocal cords.

That day he took out his alphabet puzzles, which we used when we first started learning English (at three years old). And so that my son would not just connect them, but would have some benefit, I invited him to play.

2. Another alphabet game. In any container, open or in the form of a bag, we put cards with words. And on the other side we lay out the alphabet on the floor or carpet. The child puts his hand into the container and pulls out one word. If the baby is a reader, then he reads and finds the corresponding letter of the alphabet with which this word begins. If not a reader, then the parent names the word and the child finds the letter. It seems to me that this game can arouse interest among children who are studying with the “Reading from Cradles” set.

3 . We take educational cards, for example, fruits or vegetables, or any food. Two people must participate in the game, since Alexander has no brothers and sisters, I am his partner. He chooses any card, and I turn my back to him. The child is trying to explain to me in suggestive sentences what is depicted on it. For example, “apple” - it can be green, red, yellow, it is juicy, juice is made from it, the peel is removed from it before eating, etc. Or “cake” - it’s sweet, it’s cooked in the oven, you can add raisins or nuts to it, etc. Then we change.

It is important that the child hears how a more experienced partner plays! This way he will learn on his own. As you understand, this game develops lexicon. We play it in English. have not yet matured.

And the last time we played this game, what did you think? With a set of 100 colors from the Umnitsa company. We went through this set a long time ago, but sometimes I see that information about color is forgotten. I divided all the material into shades, took only red ones and began to ask leading questions one by one. So they were happy to repeat the material covered a long time ago.

4. Basically, all educational cards have a picture and a word, that is, they are not made according to Doman. But we are “mammies with crazy hands” and can do everything ourselves.

So, for example, your child learns body parts in Spanish. We make one card with a picture, and another with a word that represents this picture. Place everything face down and turn over two at a time. If a child gets a picture - nose and a word - nose, then he takes them for himself, if not, then he leaves them for you. In other words, this is a Memory game, but in it you need to connect a picture with a word, which gives the child not only knowledge of names, but also reading practice. I think it’s clear that the one who collects more pairs wins.

5. Don’t forget about the basics, remember how we flew and jumped on the “Reading from Diapers” cards? If your educational material laminated, you can make a “bridge” across the “river”, along which the child must jump to the other side. Every time he jumps, he names a card.

6. You need to print and cut out a medium sized fish. Stretch on the floor sticky tape two meters, different in color from the floor. The child stands at one end, the parent at the other. The adult shows the card and the child must name it correctly. In this case, for kids you can choose educational cards with pictures, and for older children with words. If you manage to read a word or name an object, then the child can blow on the fish so that it “swims” along the river. When the fish swims up to the parent, it means the child has won. I think there is no need to talk about the importance.

7. If your baby allows you to blindfold him, then do it; if not, then let him close them. The parent divides the educational material equally and places piles in each of the four corners of the room. The child stands in the middle of the room and the mother begins to spin him, while he counts to ten (development). The mother tries to twist the child so that he stops facing one of the corners. The baby takes the cards from this corner, the parent names them, or he reads them himself. The game continues by spinning in the other direction... and ends when the cards from all corners are taken.

The last time we played it was with the “emotion robots”, which will be linked below. We discussed all emotions in English. I learned so many interesting things about my child by asking questions: “Why do you think the robot is sad?”, “What makes you sad sometimes?” And so about all the emotions - cheerful, scared, proud.

8. Great practice for asking a question. The parent shows what topic the game will be on. Then the baby turns away, and the adult chooses one card and holds it facing him. The child asks questions: “Is it a dog?”, “Is it a ball?”, “Is it a book?” etc. If the child guesses the object, he takes it for himself. Now the parent must ask questions about the child's chosen object. Remember the importance of role reversal - you serve correct example quietly teaching.

We played this game with volumetric . First, of course, we selected everyday objects for each card, and then asked each other questions.

9. Animal theme. The parent has educational cards with animals and he agrees in advance that the child will be given 3 clues for each object. For example: he has 5 toes on his front paws, he is very strong, and there are stripes on his skin. Who is this? Of course the tiger!

The child can guess from the first clue or from the third. If you don’t guess correctly, put it off until next time without showing the card to your child. Let him think about the tips, next time he will definitely succeed.

Download educational cards: review with link

Now I will share with you various links to download the material. If you teach your child English or French, then the cards I collected will definitely help you in interactive lessons. You can read how my son learns languages, as well as about bilingualism in children, in articles in certain sections, which are located in the right column of the blog. Here, I advise you to go to the comments after reading it. There, parents share their experiences and get answers to questions.

So, let's begin. Wouldn't your child like these math pictures? What if we use the games described above?

To download, click on Numbers 1 to 10 Flash Cards – A4, going to Mr.printables

Study material in French

Fruits on French are given on the page along with the video and correct pronunciation every word in the voice recording. To download, you need to click directly on the picture.

Unfortunately this site has closed. Therefore, below I provide links to download those cards that I have saved.

Vegetables in French. Download.

Sweets in French

My dear mother! After studying them, my husband had to take us to the best pastry shop in the city, since we wouldn’t agree to anything less. I have never seen Alexander gobble up so many sweets. We went, ate, and calmed down.

Download for free.

Alphabet in French

The French alphabet is very delicate, all the colors are soothing. You can download it on the website Mr. printables

Signs of nature

Study material in English

Alphabet in English

I can’t imagine a person who wouldn’t fall in love with this work of art, but the trouble is, the site provides a link to material in half a matchbox or in a huge size for decorating children’s rooms. Therefore, in order for the educational material to appear in the correct size, each picture had to be edited manually. Taken from the website Rookno17. And I let you download my link with edited material.

Or maybe you like the clearer lines of a minimalist? Then this is the place for you.
What I liked about this alphabet were the words that are rarely used in English flashcards.

Did you know that you can use educational cards to make such wonderful pictures for a child’s room?

Flags for children


Free download 16 educational cards on the topic "Toys". First games with cards for kids. Games with cards for memory development.

The cards are intended for games with babies from 9 months. Start playing at the age you consider necessary, based on the developmental characteristics of your child. I will indicate in brackets the age at which Maxim and I started playing.

How to play

1. Compliance (from 9 months)
For the very first acquaintance with cards and the concept of depicting objects, real photographs of toys and interior items in your apartment are best suited. If this is not possible, we print cards.
We get acquainted with the cards and show the baby first the real toy, then the one shown in the picture.

2. Find a picture (from 1 year)

We call the toy, for example, “Ball” and ask the child to indicate the correct one from the four cards laid out.

3. Children's lotto (from 1 year)

We print cards in two copies. One is cut, the other is not. We give the child a card with 4 images, take out the cut ones one at a time, tell and show how these cards relate. For the first lesson, 4 will be enough, then we make it more difficult.

4. Remember where (from 1 year)

We lay out several cards in front of the child (depending on complexity) and ask them to remember for 5 seconds, then turn them over and ask one by one where which toy is hidden.

Glen Doman's early development method is an excellent opportunity for parents who care about the development of their children from birth. The proposed exercises and activities can be carried out from 3 months of age. Moreover, there is no need to purchase tasks at exorbitant prices - Doman cards you can make it yourself. The technique has been used in teaching children abroad and in Russia and has fully proven its effectiveness.

How was this technique created? What is the essence of the technique and its uniqueness? How to use it? You will find the answers in our article!

History of creation

The talented American neurosurgeon Glen Doman, together with his colleagues, worked to improve methods of treatment and rehabilitation of children with brain disorders. Having devoted 15 years of his activity to studying the mental processes of healthy and sick children, Glen Doman made several remarkable discoveries.

  1. Firstly, he noticed that healthy brain cells, under the influence of exercise, actively participated in the process of mental activity. This allowed the scientist to decide on the possibility of using the technique in the development of absolutely healthy children.
  2. Secondly, Doman found that with visual, auditory and tactile stimulation, the affected brain cells are able to rehabilitate themselves at a faster pace than in the absence of the necessary activities. Thanks to this, it was possible to justify the use of the technique in working with sick children.

The exercises developed in this way have gained recognition among scientists. different countries and began to be used by educators, psychologists, pediatricians, and neurosurgeons. For several decades now, they have been effectively used in various preschool and rehabilitation institutions and development centers. IN Lately Parents have increasingly begun to pay attention to this well-known technique.

We practice according to the Glen Doman method


Focusing on the fact that children, first of all, begin to perceive information with the help of visual and auditory analyzers, Doman based his development on this very principle.

The neurosurgeon suggests showing children words written on separate cards. Words must be specific and have a special meaning for a preschooler: MOTHER, DAD, PORridge, CAT (these are the most simple words, with which it is recommended to start training). Then the exercises become a little more complicated in that the words demonstrated are divided into various categories (food, animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.) and are no longer aimed at the child’s emotional response, but at his development. logical thinking. It is worth noting that the words must be written in large red letters. One card contains one word.

Later, as the child grows up and develops, he is shown cards with images of various animals, fruits, etc. The cards are accompanied by corresponding inscriptions - the names of the images shown. This is how the baby develops a relationship between the visual image and the word. This, according to Doman, ensures a smooth transition to reading. The child learns to perceive not individual letters, but whole words. By this point, he is already mastering some sounds, syllables and their combinations.

(This is what Doman’s cards look like. Clickable)

With numbers, things are a little different. Doman believes that it is easier for children to perceive concrete quantities rather than abstract patterns. Therefore, according to his method, it is necessary to demonstrate a certain number of points. They should also be depicted in red.

Watch the video, this is how the lesson goes approximately

Focusing on mental development, it is important to remember about physical development. To do this, the scientist recommends gymnastics, dynamic physical exercises, and musical warm-ups. The more and more varied a child moves, the better his physical development proceeds. And this, to a certain extent, affects the mental abilities of a preschooler, since these processes are interconnected.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

How is the training going?

Classes should be carried out at a time when the child is in a calm state. It is important that nothing disturbs or distracts him.

The baby must be placed or seated in a comfortable position (if he is already). Draw his attention to yourself and begin to show him cards with words or numbers (we start according to the principle “from simple to complex”). One card is shown for 2-3 seconds at a distance of no more than 50-60 cm from the face, while clearly pronouncing the word or number of characters. The first series consists of five cards. You need to consistently demonstrate them without being distracted by explanations. Classes must be carried out about 3 times a day for 5 days. After this, one card from the series must be removed by adding a new one.

Cards from the same series must be shown in a new sequence each time!

  1. The first lesson is the most important. It is at this stage that it is important to inspire the child’s trust and interest him. So choose the most appropriate moment to practice and start! Cards of the first series must be shown, accompanied by comments. For example: “This is a train. The train travels along railway", "This is a cow. The cow gives milk." (After showing a card with a written word or picture, for clarity, you can demonstrate the corresponding toy. Subsequently, you can limit yourself to only the demonstration and the name (“Train”, “Cow”, “Bug”). During the first few lessons, select cards from the same series.)
  2. Training using the Doman method should arouse interest in the child and motivate him. This is easy to understand by observing the behavior of a preschooler. If he is actively involved in the proposed game (namely in game form and you need to conduct classes!), if everything that happens causes him excitement and a desire to receive new information, you are on the right track.
  3. As your child learns and develops, activities can be slightly modified. For example, after showing a card with a word or picture, ask your child to find the object (if possible). Children 3-4 years old can write a short story based on the words demonstrated or draw pictures based on the words.
  4. Some parents place cards with words and pictures near their baby's crib. This makes sense, but we must not forget that it is much more interesting for a child to learn new things together with loved ones. Therefore, do not be lazy to participate in classes. Your reaction to the process itself is also important to the baby. If you smile and praise him, he will quickly figure out how to please and surprise you.
  5. When starting to practice this method with children in their first year of life, do not overdo it. For classes with newborns, showing a picture and pronouncing a word is enough. The baby must learn to establish a relationship between a picture and a word. In addition, the attention of infants is still unstable and scattered. Therefore, there is no need to overextend your baby.
  6. After the child is 9-12 months old, classes can be carried out as follows: the mother calls a word or shows a picture with a written word, and the baby must find the correct image among several cards. You can also show your child a picture with a written word (for example, “eyes”) and ask him to point to that part of the body.
  7. When showing cards, it is advisable to group them in advance into categories (“animals”, “fruits”, etc.). You can demonstrate in different sequences. For your convenience, it is advisable to sign the cards with reverse side so as not to constantly look at the pictures. This can interfere with the child’s ability to perceive information and distract him from the process.
  8. There is no need to show the same cards more than 3 times a day. Don't be afraid to type new material, if you do not observe the expected reaction of the baby. Perhaps he will like the new series of pictures more!

Thus, classes using the Glen Doman method do not have specific and strict rules. The main thing is the mother’s desire to develop her baby and his interest in learning.

What else is important to know about the Doman technique?

The main idea reflected in the developments of Glen Doman is that the main educators of a child are his parents. They are the ones who must make it clear to their child that they accept him for who he is and do everything to make him better. There is no need to impose activities on a preschooler if he does not want it or gets tired of them quickly. Everything has its time. Perhaps he himself will later show interest in the learning process.

If you started classes with your baby, then you need to conduct them regularly with gradual complication. In most cases, children perceive this as a kind of game and are actively involved in the process. Your task is to motivate them to learn, but to do it in an easy and unobtrusive manner so that preschool children do not lose interest.

Where can I get Glen Doman cards?

Ready-made Doman cards can be purchased at bookstores or children's stores. Such sets are usually in demand, so they are by no means cheap.

However, don't despair. We have collected cards for you so you can download them on our website for free. All you have to do is print them on thick paper on a color printer -

You can also study with your child on a computer (tablet) by watching a video with Glen Doman’s cards. For you, we have created a “Video” section, where we constantly add new educational videos, including Doman’s cards -

The application contains more than 1,500 professionally voiced Doman cards. There are ABC, educational games “Find the Picture” and “Coloring Books”. As well as flashcards with videos, animal sounds and much more.

Educational cards are an easy and fun way to learn to speak and then read. Endorsed by child psychologists, teachers and parents all over the world, it is ideal for babies from birth to 4 years old!

The built-in educational game “Find the Picture” is specially designed for children from 0 years old. Thanks to the special interface, your child will easily understand the game by simply following what is happening on the screen. You can select one or more topics for the game, thus simplifying or complicating it.

If there is a child growing up in a family, then educational cards are more of a necessity than just entertainment. It has long been known that the key to the development of a child’s mental abilities is his personal experience cognition in the first three years of life, when brain cells are most actively developing. By showing cards, you stimulate the brain, develop the child’s logical thinking, memory and attention. Thanks to the word memorization mechanism, your baby will also learn to read faster than his peers.

Using Glen Doman's early development method, teaching a child using cards is very easy, the main thing is regular lessons. Just start playing with him, showing one or two sets of cards three times a day, spending no more than 2-3 seconds on each card. After a few days, introduce new sets and slightly increase the training time. The desire of the child himself is very important - stop the game as soon as the baby loses interest in it.

The cards can also be used for training according to the methods of Makoto Shichida and Montessori; for this purpose, it is possible to disable captions on the cards in the application settings.

The benefits of cards are as follows:

√ Stimulation of brain development
√ Memory development
√ Development of logical thinking
√ Quick learning to read
√ Development of attention
√ General early development baby

Features of our application:

Sounds of animals, technology and nature
Supports any screen orientation
High quality pictures
Videos with animals and equipment
Professional studio scoring of cards
200 cards available for free
Built-in test game "Find the Picture"
Built-in coloring game
Built-in game "Erase the frost" (for the development of fine motor skills)
Dividing the signature into syllables (phonetic type)
Slideshow for lessons using the Glen Doman method
Ability to disable signatures for classes using the Makoto Shichida method

The full version consists of 1500 cards, divided into 52 topics (200 cards available for free), including:

- Pets
- Alphabet
- Syllables
- Numbers
- Professions
- Transport
- Vegetables and fruits
- Musical instruments
- Dinosaurs
- Space
- Aviation

and other topics.

Start classes right now!

If you have any comments on the operation of the application or suggestions for its improvement, be sure to write us an email at [email protected]
