How to use the pictogram on umk in dou. Implementation and use of teaching materials for teaching children two official languages ​​in a preschool institution, material on the topic. Principles laid down in the new standards

Educational and methodological complex and its components

Educational and methodological complex (UMK) is a set of systematized materials necessary for the implementation of the educational process, ensuring the success of students in cognitive, creative, communicative and other types of activities.

The educational and methodological complex should be considered as a system, the parts of which are interconnected.

Thus, teaching materials are a system, all components of which form a single whole and interact to achieve the goal of the educational program.

The entire set UMK components can be broken down into four components:

1. Educational program as a key document on the basis of which the teaching and learning system is developed.

2. Educational and methodological aids for teachers and students. The implementation of an additional educational program is impossible without the use of handouts, didactic, information and reference materials, thematic teaching aids, lesson notes, scientific, special and methodological literature, tasks and tasks solved according to a model, tasks and tasks of a creative nature, etc.

All of the following materials can be recorded:

    on modern storage media (magnetic and laser disks, videotapes, etc.;

    on traditional (printed materials).

3. System of teaching aids. This component consists of manuals aimed at supporting the development of the content of an additional educational program. Tools designed to support the study of theoretical material can be roughly divided into traditional and modern.

Traditional materials include printed aids - tables, posters, paintings, photographs, as well as handouts - flashcards, filmstrips, films, sound recordings.

Modern ones include videos, multimedia materials, and computer software.

4. System of funds scientific organization labor of the teacher and students, can be presented in the form of materials in the following areas:

    materials on individual support for the development of students (methods of psychological pedagogical diagnostics personalities, reminders for children and parents);

    materials on working with children's groups (methods of pedagogical diagnostics of groups, gaming techniques, scenarios of collective events and affairs).

Designing a teaching aid is a labor-intensive and creative task that takes quite a lot of time.

At the first stage development of teaching materials, the teacher analyzes the specific tasks of training, education and development of students, the nature and volume of information to be assimilated, the initial level of training of students. It is also important to analyze the content educational material, divide it into logical portions (information components) and justify the development logic for each component of the corresponding methodology.

At the second stage The teacher begins to develop and create methodological recommendations, a selection of materials on individual support for the development of students, the development of questionnaires, questionnaires, memos for students and parents, the development of scenarios for public events and activities, and game techniques.

At the third stage To improve and develop teaching materials, the teacher creates educational and methodological aids, a package of materials that provide individual support to the student in mastering the educational program, his social and professional determination.

Each teacher has the right to approach the compilation of teaching materials creatively, to develop its content at his own discretion, in accordance with the level of training of students and their educational needs.

The educational complex can be developed by an individual teacher or a team of teachers, depending on the specifics of the structural unit (studio, club) and the type of additional educational program. The educational complex is designed to solve a full range of problems that arise within the educational process.


An educational and methodological set (UMK) is a set of educational materials and software and hardware tools that facilitate students’ effective mastery of educational material included in the subject course program.

In other words, each educational complex includes:
collections of program and methodological materials (official publications, including programs on relevant school subjects, regulations);
textbooks (publications for schoolchildren containing a systematic presentation of educational material);
methodological manuals (intended for teachers; they contain general recommendations for developing and conducting lessons);
workbooks (for organizing independent work students; textbooks and workbooks for them form a single whole);
reference books and reference materials (contain all the necessary information for students on the school curriculum).
Teaching materials also include dictionaries for schoolchildren, atlases and contour maps.

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

All textbooks have complete lines from grades 1 to 4, as well as extensive educational and methodological support in the form of workbooks, didactic materials, test papers, lesson plans, reading books and other aids.

Already today it is possible to correlate the implementation of the main provisions of the new Standard in the training courses of our set.

One of the most important provisions of the Standard is the orientation of the content of education towards formation of family values, constituting the cultural, spiritual and moral wealth of the Russian people.

This problem can be solved by means of all educational subjects, among which a special place is occupied by the course “ The world", where the formation of family values ​​is one of the main tasks. The peculiarity of the course is that knowledge of the surrounding world is offered as a kind of a joint project, which is realized through the interaction of an adult and a child in the family. Conventionally, it can be called “Let's explore the world together.” This project includes the following joint activities: joint reading of educational literature, joint observations (of plants, animals, stars), joint environmental actions (cleaning the yard, planting trees), joint walks and travels (excursions to museums, trips to one’s native country and etc.) and many other situations.

Involving a child and an adult in real joint activities makes it possible to solve educational problems in the process of learning about the world around them, avoiding declarativeness, moralizing, alienating educational material from the interests of the child, and in a form adequate for the child solves the problems of forming moral values.

Thus, the main idea of ​​the course is realized - the formation of family values ​​through the organization of joint activities of the child and adults in the family.
To support this activity, the set includes the following books: “Green Pages”, the atlas-determinant “From Earth to Sky”, “The Giant in the Clearing, or the First Lessons of Environmental Ethics”. These books were created not only for work in the classroom, but to a large extent for work in the family, which is distinctive feature set.

The focus on the formation of family values ​​is especially evident in the 2nd grade textbook, where from the very beginning, from the first lesson, the child is introduced into the world of the family, which is presented in the form of characters in the textbook (mom, dad, son Seryozha, daughter Nadya, and pets - dog Ryzhik and parrot). Family heroes take part in the study of all course topics. In this way, it becomes possible to structure lessons in a plot-based manner, in which family relationships are modeled in educational situations. Various aspects of family relationships are presented: mutual assistance, caring for each other, joint activities, games, recreation, management household etc.

At the same time, in a number of cases, other characters are involved: grandparents who live in the village, friends of the heroes who live in St. Petersburg, etc., which makes it possible to show the value of family and friendly relations.

The family presented in the textbook demonstrates a model of family relationships that is transferred to the real life of each child. This is helped by the system of tasks in the textbook, workbook, as well as teaching aids, which allows you to connect the educational situations of the course with real life child in the family.

Scientific and popular science literature" href="/text/category/nauchnaya_i_nauchno_populyarnaya_literatura/" rel="bookmark">popular science literature.

An important feature of textbooks is their emphasis on basic and advanced levels of educational material allowing students to progress in mastering training courses taking into account individual characteristics, interests and inclinations. A striking example could serve as an introduction to textbooks on the surrounding world of the heading “Pages for the Curious,” which is systematically built from grades 1 to 4." alt="http://*****/Attachment.aspx?Id=8108" width="450" height="305 id=">!}

The second generation standard allows you to build the learning process based on the child’s creative activity and present its result in a new way. The learning outcomes of the “School of Russia” package include not only a developed system of knowledge and methods of action, but also results expressed in subject-activity form. For example: an interview with a person of one profession or another, a selection of questions for a quiz, a holiday script, the collective creation of a “Museum of Our Travels” or “The Red Book of Our Region”, an exhibition creative works etc. At the same time, wide opportunities open up for organizing student project activities, both within individual subjects and on an interdisciplinary basis.

Undoubtedly value of the kit is that it has such characteristics that are very significant for a teacher not only today, but always, namely: fundamentality, reliability, stability, openness to new things.

Implementation and use of teaching materials

on teaching children two official languages in a preschool

In the context of the new language situation in the republic, the formation little man occurs under the influence of two national cultures and traditions. In accordance with the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2010 – 2015 “Kilachak” - “Future” and with the aim of developing and improving preschool education, promoting and disseminating innovative approaches to organizing work with preschool children in teaching two state languages, the teaching staff of our kindergarten since September 2012 began the successful introduction, implementation and use of new educational and methodological kits. We have set ourselves an important task - to create a unified educational space for children through the partnership of the teaching staff and parents of students. After all, the main participants in the educational process are children, parents and teachers.

To improve the effectiveness of working with children, staff training is needed. IN kindergarten work has been done to organize permanent courses for Russian-speaking educators, each of whom has completed a training course and received a certificate based on the test results. Teachers have the minimum vocabulary required to successfully work on educational teaching and learning projects. To date, our Russian-speaking teachers have completed their studies in Online school“Ana Tele” and upon completion received certificates. Teachers are provided with pedagogical councils and weekly consultations on the organization of didactic, round dance, and role-playing games; on planning; on composing dialogues; practical lessons to consolidate the material covered; competitions, Mind games, master classes, where educators share their experience of working with each other on creating a language environment in groups within the framework of teaching and learning.

To achieve the goals of education, it is necessary to combine the efforts of teachers and parents. It is very important to create an atmosphere of community of interests. The use and implementation of teaching materials in kindergarten involves joint work with parents; active involvement of parents in the learning process. It is important to teach parents to help their child master the vocabulary of the Tatar language. On the basis of our kindergarten, a parent conference was held on the problem: “Continuity of the family, kindergarten and school for educating children Tatar language" Parents got acquainted with the best practices of the preschool educational institution, watched a video showing how their children enjoyed learning the Tatar language. In order to familiarize parents with innovative activities, using modern information Technology, the teaching staff conducts: lectures, consultations, general and group meetings with the display of open educational activities, meetings in the parents’ living room, joint viewing of cartoons, competitions for presentations, drawings and crafts based on watched cartoons, design of information stands in each group according to their own project, questionnaires, study reviews and wishes of parents.

To reinforce speech material at home with the child, our parents use booklets, baby books with samples of dialogues according to the project of the educational educational complex “Tatarcha soylishebez” “Speaking Tatar”. An indispensable assistant for us at present is the website of the kindergarten in Electronic Education, where a page “Tatarcha soylәshәbez” has been created, on which parents and kindergarten staff can familiarize themselves with regulatory documents, read the consultations, use the game material that is posted on the site, look at the vocabulary minimum, which can be repeated in a calm home environment. A link is given to the website of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, where in the Preschool Education section you can watch cartoons, animated stories, and episodes of the program “Akiyat Ilendi”. Good results can only be achieved when the efforts of teachers and parents are coordinated. The parents of our preschool educational institution have a positive influence on their children’s desire to learn a second language. As a result of joint holidays and events: “Day native language”, “Nәүрүз”, “Gailә bәyrәme”, “Sabantuy” they fully realized the need for children to study two state languages ​​of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The game is an effective and accessible form of activity when teaching Russian children Tatar oral speech. Children don’t even think that they are learning, without noticing it themselves, they learn Tatar words, phrases, and sentences much better. The use of workbooks allows the child to learn the vocabulary of the Tatar language, consolidate speech material V game form, maintain interest in the language, attract parents to actively participate in the development process of their child. A creative group of educators at our preschool educational institution has developed original methodological games - manuals for the projects: “Minem өem”, “Uynyy - uynyy үsәbez!”, “Without inde khazer zurlar, mәktәpkә iltә yullar!”.

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Implementation and use of teaching materials for teaching children two state languages ​​in a preschool institution

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In preschool educational institutions Since September 2012, the introduction of new educational and methodological kits for teaching children their native, Tatar and Russian languages ​​began.

On September 1, 2013, we began working on the implementation of these educational and methodological kits.

The main task educational and methodological kits - the formation of initial skills and practical knowledge of the Tatar language in oral form.

The game is an effective and accessible form of activity in teaching Russian children Tatar oral speech. Children don’t even think that they are learning, without noticing it, they learn Tatar words, phrases, sentences much better and on this basis they practice correct pronunciation specific Tatar sounds.

My educational activities I implement it using the following methods and techniques:

1. To increase the efficiency of the educational process, I use information and communication technologies. For example, using a computer, I give children new information (slides), and reinforce the material they have covered with the help of various educational games. For example, “Who is missing”, “Guess and name”, “Who is extra?”, “Count up”, “Treat the hares”, “Make a salad” and many others. Using a tape recorder, children, for example, listen to an audio recording and sing along:

Kisher, kisher

Tamle kisher.

Zur kisher,

Kisher points.

The computer helps improve the level of teaching, providing visibility, control, a large amount of information, and being a stimulus in learning. Mastering computer technologies allows you to really individualize the educational process, enhance positive motivation for learning, and activate cognitive activity, strengthen the creative component of the work of both the child and the teacher. The computer also helps me organize watching cartoons.

2. In classes to develop a full-fledged gaming communication I use game situations, which the character falls into (Akbay, Miyau). Through the game plot, you can play out the process of a character’s acquaintance with a new object, examine it in detail, study it, and examine it. The game character provides the teacher with the opportunity to put the child in the position of a subject of cognitive activity. For older adults, game problem situations are most effective. In these situations, the adult draws the child’s attention to his emotional state and the state of other characters. By actively participating in problem situations, the child finds a way out for his feelings and experiences, learns to recognize and accept them.

To achieve effectiveness in communicating with children in the Tatar language, I made didactic material. Since all classes are held in the form of a game, the best way to reinforce topics is this didactic games. Didactic games I made - “Nәrsә artyk?”, “Who is yuk?”, “Bu narsә, nichә?”, “Dores sana”, “Kunak syylau”, “Uenchyk sorap al”, “Ber-kүp”, “What color no?”, “Bear Gifts”, “Find a Pair”, “Magic Bag”, “Show It Correctly” and others.

The purpose of these didactic games: development of sound culture of speech, activation and enrichment vocabulary children, coordination of parts of speech, development of fine motor skills.

In order to develop and strengthen memory I use word games, such as “Who is there, who is not?”, “Take a vegetable”, “Call the cat”, “Deaf telephone”, “What, which, how much?” and others.

On the development of fine motor skills I conduct finger games . For example,

Boo barmak - babai,

Bu barmak - әbi,

Bu barmak – әti,

Bu barmak – әni,

Bu barmak – malay (kyz)

In order to develop imagination, thinking, creativity, I use educational games. For example, “Name how many” or the game “What was I thinking?”

In my work I also use outdoor games, relay games and many others.

3. I also use it in class visual methods . These include:


Examination of paintings, natural objects;

Showing cartoons such as “Three Bears”, “Funny Toys”, “Who Loves What”.

I also use visual methods for secondary acquaintance with the object, consolidation of knowledge acquired during observations, and the formation of coherent speech. For this purpose I use methods such as:

Looking at pictures with content familiar to children;

Looking at toys

4. I pay a huge role in classes articulation method. It is very important that the child pronounces sounds and words correctly. For example,

Bu kurchak kechkenә.


Bir matur shakmak.

Children also complete tasks in workbooks.

The workbook is one of the main components of the educational complex “Speaking Tatar. A creative notebook helps a child master the vocabulary of the Tatar language, consolidate speech material, and attract parents to actively participate in the development process of their child. The workbook contains tasks for naming, generalizing and comparing objects to determine their size, size, quantity. For example, “Offer dishes to the bears,” “Find a pair of tea,” “Color the clothes,” and others.

In my work I actively use folklore. Through folk nursery rhymes, songs, fairy tales, and finger games, I quickly manage to achieve contact with children in order to more successfully instill in them skills and organize play activities more interestingly.

Implementation in educational process health-saving technologies make it possible to achieve positive changes in the health of children. I spend physical education, active and educational games with them. Carrying out such games helps improve the health of children. The rhymes of the song with the movements are interesting. Quatrains about animals, nature, and children are easy to remember and make physical education lessons fun and useful. The texts read during physical education sessions are accompanied by movements of the arms and torso. I also do eye exercises.

For easy use, I prepared the teaching aid for work in the following way: laminated it, distributed the games, demonstration and handout material into envelopes, files, folders, indicated the name and purpose, and placed them in tight boxes.

Thus, EMC ensures the unity of educational, training and developmental goals and objectives in the process of education of preschool children. It is built on age-appropriate activities and forms of working with children. Also aimed at mutual understanding with the family in order to implement speech development children. This training kit makes extensive use of gaming, information, dialogue and problem-based learning technologies. The use of non-standard methodological techniques contributes to the development of curiosity, activity and creative abilities of each child. Audio and video applications, aesthetically designed visual demonstrations and handouts provide maximum variety of children's activities.

Fania Vakhitova
Using teaching materials for educators “Creating a language environment in Russian-speaking groups”

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 401 combined type"


For teachers of Russian-speaking groups« Usage Teaching methods in working with children" By topic:

« Creating a language environment in Russian-speaking groups»

Vakhitova F. G. -

children's education teacher

Tatar language

Kazan, 2016

In the Republic of Tatarstan Tatar language and Russian are equal state languages. Tatar status language How does the Tatar view the state? language as a means of communication, and also as a way of spiritual and moral development, development of the communicative culture of students.

As U. Weinrach argued, bilingualism is the mastery of two languages ​​and their free use depending on your social circle. We know that bilingualism is the ability to use two language systems.

Scientists have found out: only the coexistence of two for quite a long time language environments, necessary for the child(natural or artificially created, leads to bilingualism and allows you to maintain it.

In learning, achieving success allows, on the one hand, usage personal approach to a child, where you can carry out individual work, apply a reward system, attract children to success in their activities; on the other side, creation of a Tatar language development environment.

The goals that we set for a child are abstract for him, so we must build the learning process in order to satisfy the cognitive, gaming, and personal needs of the child.

Let's consider the condition methods creating a Tatar language development environment more details.

Based on learning objectives Russian-speaking children to the Tatar language, it is necessary to take into account that language environment must be primarily developmental in nature, i.e. it is necessary create a developing language environment. All methodological techniques, means of education, visual and handout material, used aids and equipment should create and support the developmental and educational nature of foreign language environment.

Language development environment includes both language environment, and subject. Subject the environment attracts the child, arouses his interest in language. The role of subject the environment in the preschool educational institution is very high, because the child is in constant contact with her. The child knows that he can come up, look, pick up what he needs, and arouses his interest. In this regard, real communication in Tatar is stimulated language within the subject environment. Such communication becomes significant for both the students and the teacher. This Wednesday is interactive in nature. In our preschool educational institution created specialized room for Tatar classes tongue, rich museum "Talking Things".

In this office there are Board games, lotto, dominoes, thematic tables, toys, toys-heroes of Tatar literary works, photographs, postcards depicting the main attractions of the cities of Tatarstan, a library of works in Tatar language and much more.

Role teacher on teaching Tatar language, ka and his colleagues, acts as the main language environment creation tools. She is a role model and model speech behavior children and adults.

In order to implement the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2010 – 2015 "Kilchk" - "Future" in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 527/12 dated January 31, 2012 on the basis of the Children's Development Center No. 83 "Fairy" created republican experimental site for testing teaching materials “We speak Tatar” project "I eat mine" For Russian-speaking children 4-5 years old.

It was he who became the basis creation and development of the Tatar language development environment at our Child Development Center.

The educational and methodological set includes an integral system consisting of methodological manual educators, audio-video materials, visual demonstration material, diagnostic cards, notebooks for individual work.

Work with parents preceded and accompanied the development of bilingual language environment of our preschool educational institution. At meetings, family clubs, in consultations, teachers and teacher on teaching Tatar language helped parents loyally perceive learning Tatar language as a second language of communication. The teachers of our preschool educational institution recommended to parents “TATAR LESSONS” LANGUAGE ONLINE"FROM ZERO" on the website; advised to visit the official website of the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE of the Republic of Tatarstan in the section « Preschool education» , where new educational and methodological kits for teaching children two state languages in preschool educational institutions and other necessary information.

Since 2012, we have been receiving educational and methodological kits, audio-video materials. A presentation was made by the teaching and learning complex on training in two state languages In order to involve teachers and parents in the learning process, it was recommended to watch a television program on Sundays at 9.30 on the TNV channel “Kiyat Iland” - “In the Land of Fairy Tales”, where the material learned in kindergarten is consolidated, since the plot of each program created based on teaching materials. Parents of each groups informed about the day and time of the children's program being broadcast. Adults have the opportunity to observe and enjoy the successes of their children not only open classes, V Everyday life, but also when watching TV shows, when reading articles in newspapers.

Organizes the efforts of adults in group corner on teaching materials“We speak Tatar”. In each group timely replacement of information in the corner, issuance of printed, audio, video materials to consolidate knowledge of Tatar are implemented and carried out language for our parents pupils.

A significant drawback of the previous education system Russian-speaking children to the Tatar language was the application of the principle "one office - one language» . We identified the organization of preschoolers in Tatar as the main condition for an effective way to implement a new technology for teaching children the second language. language. Psychologists note that from motive as the most important component in the structure speech activity depends on the quality of speech and, ultimately, the measure of the success of a child’s communication and learning. Therefore, the formation and enrichment of motives for speech activity in the learning process are of particular importance (L. S. Vygotsky, A. M. Leushina, N. D. Arutyunova, etc.). Preschool teachers purposefully and consistently create positive motivation for the pleasure of communication and co-creation with adults and children for each child throughout educational- educational process, organize situations that create a need for communication, taking into account the age of children and their speech experience, using various and attractive methods and techniques for the child (game, surprise, problem-search, creative tasks, stimulating speech activity and promoting the development of initiative speech, creative speech skills. Teachers use Tatar language during various regime moments(dressing for the street, walks, meals, in the plot - role playing games, didactic games, at children's parties. Individual speech actions are performed in sensorimotor, objective-practical, competitive, imaginary, entertaining, fairy-tale, etc. game circumstances. Tatar language acts as a kind of "rule of the game", "cipher" to achieve the results of communication and joint activities. Let us note the rich didactic material for consolidating what children have learned during ECD in Tatar language.

The work is organized in accordance with the calendar-event cycle of the preschool educational institution. In this case, children get the opportunity to feel different language to the maximum extent, immerse yourself in it as an integral system. This involves mastering a variety of vocabulary and many grammatical structures.

Consolidation of the material studied during GCD in group happens in various types children's activities: educational, gaming, creative. There is a unification of the mental, emotional, and motor activities of children. Different types of memory are involved children: motor, associative, visual, auditory. Inclusion of different activities (sculpting, appliqué, drawing, singing, etc.) and, accordingly, various analyzers, contributes to a more durable assimilation of the material.

Teaching children Tatar language is made in relation to specific situations in which children find themselves in kindergarten (for example, wishing you a pleasant appetite before eating). The actions of teachers are aimed at consolidating Russian-speaking children's need to contact teachers and other children with various requests and statements in Tatar language. Thus, the knowledge gained in the process of learning Tatar language, children constantly implement in practice.

Teachers reinforce preschoolers’ knowledge of Tatar throughout the day language in various types of activities based on the interests of children. Thus, teachers focus on the personality of each child and contribute to the realization of his creative potential.

In order to form professional competence Preschool teachers have been trained and tested their knowledge and successfully apply it in practice.

It should be emphasized that learning to speak another language language means not only learning words and phrases, but also bring up have a tolerant attitude towards another culture; get acquainted with foreign language culture, i.e. with the customs, foundations of another people, their holidays, folklore, literary works, fairy tales, children's games. This means that it is necessary create a cultural language environment which will help introduce children to another culture. Helps preschool teachers to competently build such usage NQF in working with children, but this is a subject for a completely different conversation.

Created in our kindergarten the conditions contribute to easier and more interesting learning of Tatar language by Russian-speaking preschoolers. I would like to note that preschool age is sensitive in mastering others tongue, That's why Creation similar conditions precisely at this age period is the most effective.

So, the main components of success in creating a Tatar language environment for Russian-speaking children will become:

1. Application of new educational technology(MK, modern methodological and technical manuals that will allow all teachers to join forces and work purposefully and consistently.

2. Organization language environment for teaching Russian speakers preschoolers Tatar language directly in groups.

3. Formation of motivation for speech activity. Communication should take place in such a way that the child becomes his direct participant. The motive for joint activities on the second there will be joy in the tongue, pleasure from communication, from interaction, co-creation with adults and peers. He used in those situations when the second language fulfills its function - to be means of communication.

4. Use of a second language in any available activity for a preschooler, and above all in play.

5. Creation subject-developmental environment, corresponding to the current tasks of the development of preschool children. First of all, let's note the visual aids. Didactic material is of particular importance.

6. Formation of professional competence of teachers.

7. Coordination of efforts of teachers and parents.

8. Creation of a cultural language environment, which will contribute to the introduction of children to another culture with the help of NQF.

The experiment showed that the integration of the specified psychological and pedagogical conditions creates favorable prerequisites for successful development Russian-speaking children of the Tatar language.
