How do you spell “for real” or “for real”? How to make your morning truly good The ability to be grateful

Each of us has many good and not so good habits. A system of actions gives rise to a habit, a habit gives rise to character - we all know this expression. So, in order for our character to be kind and the person himself to be pleasant in communication, it is necessary to develop good habits and give up bad ones. By the way, let's look at exactly what bad morning habits we should give up in order for the morning to become truly good.


I really don’t want to get up in the morning, crawl out of a warm bed, and face a gloomy (or not so gloomy) morning. Probably only athletes or seasoned people can quickly get out of bed; everyone else would like to soak up a few more minutes. And many people can’t think of anything better than setting the alarm a few minutes later than scheduled, or even setting it twice with a difference of a few minutes. This little “deception” of yourself still prevents you from getting enough sleep - after all, in order to get up easily in the morning, you had to go to bed at the right time in the evening (and not sit on the Internet until midnight), but this is a topic for another conversation, while we’ll talk about getting up. Therefore, such a habit can be considered harmful - such tactics do not give anything other than self-deception, you just get all nervous during these few minutes of “extra” sleep. Having pulled himself out, a person already rises dissatisfied and gloomy - but “as is the beginning, so is the continuation.” Conclusion: you need to get up at the first call of the alarm clock, without stressing yourself out and without complaining about the imperfections of this world. Next - water procedures, exercises and breakfast. And here is another habit of some people - refusing breakfast. Helpful or Harmful? Let's figure it out.


Many people, whether out of habit or due to lack of time (an untimely rise backfired), refuse breakfast. And here we can definitely say that this habit is not only harmful, but downright malicious. After an energetic rise, the body starts working and needs energy, but where will it come from if no one has supplied fuel? While a person gets to work, he doesn’t seem to want to eat, but the stomach has already woken up and is working, producing gastric juice, which has absolutely nothing to digest except the walls of the stomach itself. And it digests, resulting in gastritis, ulcers, etc. In general, we give up the bad habit of not having breakfast. It works better on a full stomach. When eating breakfast, a person's eyes and ears remain free, and how can one not occupy them with something, for example, watching the news. This is where we come to the third bad habit - watching the news in the morning.

Information attack in the morning

News, what would we do without them? You need to know how the economy is doing there, how much the national currency has fallen, fires, floods, crime. And now, from the very morning, it’s scary not only to live in general, but also to stick your nose out the door right now. And how can such a morning be called good? Of course, life is full of all sorts of unpleasant events, but you can’t change what has already happened, but ruining your day is quite possible, so you don’t need to watch the news early in the morning and the day will start with a good mood and a charge of optimism. And most importantly, you should not turn on the computer and go “on the Internet for a minute.” Because a minute on the Internet is half an hour, or even more. real life. And as a result, we don’t have time to get anywhere, we’re late everywhere, and all our plans collapse. No plan? But this is the fourth mistake.


Some people have another not very good habit - frowning in the morning. Such people perceive everything in a negative light - the weather is bad, there is a lot of work and life in general is not going well. You need to get rid of such a habit, otherwise you can quietly turn into a gloomy, unpleasant type. We need to look at life more optimistically - is it raining in the morning? So there will be a rainbow, a lot of work? This means that you are a valuable personnel and you will definitely be noticed and offered a promotion! Be optimistic and have a good morning!

What to do?

Even when going to work, you need to have a clear plan of your actions. If you leave without clear planned actions, you may not have time to get anywhere at all, and, accordingly, lose a lot of time without achieving desired result. Therefore, the habit of planning your day is considered good, and even very good.

The world rests on kindness. It is she who prevents society from wallowing in the swamp of cruelty, lies, and meanness. We, people, are the bearers of this quality. But not every one of us takes the path of kindness, much less adheres to this course. All because of the need for the ability to sacrifice oneself and one’s time. Otherwise, you won’t be able to stay on this path. I think that representatives of our generation must answer the eternal question: “Who can be called a good person?”

I believe that in the heart of a kind person there is always a burning desire to help others and give them joy. Such a person sincerely rejoices at the happiness of others and never harbors envy or other dark thoughts. It is also necessary to distinguish truly kind people from hypocrites. The latter only create the appearance of compassion, a desire to help, to give at least a little happiness. By wearing such a mask, they most often want to get some benefit. Good, as we know, is selfless.

Examples of truly kind people can be found in literature. The main character of V. Shukshin’s story “The Freak,” Vasily Yegorych Knyazev, is considered strange by his fellow villagers. And all because of his gentle character, honesty and constant desire to help everyone who requires it. Even his wife calls him a weirdo. The hero is going to his brother in the Urals. Before the trip, he gets into some unpleasant troubles. The man returns the money he found to the cash register, but then realizes that these fifty rubles are his.

A plane flying to the Urals makes an unsuccessful landing. Weird's neighbor loses his dentures. Out of the kindness of his heart, Vasily Yegorych tries to help, but in response he hears only swearing for taking the jaw in his hands. At his brother’s house, the hero feels that his daughter-in-law is not very happy about his arrival. However, he tries to do something nice for her. As always his good deed“rewarded” with indignation and abuse. Vasily Yegorych has to go home.

Why did I choose Chudik as an example of a kind person? It’s simple, he doesn’t prevaricate, he’s not a hypocrite. His desire to help comes from his heart. At the same time, the man does not expect reward, does not seek benefits. He does good, not paying attention to the bad reactions of others, offensive words.

The image of the main character of the story “The Freak” helps to come to the conclusion that there are good people, but in society they are rarely valued, considering them strange.

Sonya from F. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” can also be considered a kind person. The girl sold herself, her innocence for the sake of her family. She is ready to sacrifice herself to help her stepmother and alcoholic father. But the most amazing thing is that in such conditions the girl did not stop radiating the inner light of goodness. Moreover, she helped Raskolnikov take the true path.

- proof that no circumstances can make a person evil or cruel if he has a truly good heart.

Thus, a kind person is one who is always ready to help people. No circumstances can turn his soft heart into a hard one.

for real or for real

How to spell it correctly?

The word “really” is written with a hyphen, or separately - for real or for now at .

It depends on the choice of parts of speech that represent a given word or combination of words.

Rule for "really" (adverb)

To determine how to correctly spell the word " for real", you need to clarify what part of speech it is. If this is an adverb and By– this is a prefix; its spelling with the main part of the word will be hyphenated. In this case, the placement of a hyphen is explained by the rule according to which the prefix po- and the suffixes -oo-, -him- give the right to write a word with a hyphen: in a bad way, in a homely way.


  • Selivanov was for real interested in the successful completion of the trial.
  • You for real talented artist!
  • He loved me jokingly, and I loved him - for real .

Rule for "for real" (adjective with preposition)

If the word " present"is an adjective in the dative case, and " By" - preposition, combination " for real" will be written separately. You can test yourself by substituting the word “yourself” between them: He walked across a real bridge. If such a substitution is possible, we have an adjective with a preposition that requires separate writing.


  • Agafonov was yearning for real art: big ideas, daring plans, sudden insights.
  • Grandfather was bored for real forest, wild, unkempt, free and deaf.
  • Pupils of the Figure Skating section will soon begin skating for real ice.

True kindness today is a luxury that is difficult to find in modern world. Many people believe that a good person is one who simply does not do evil - however, in my opinion, this is more of a neutral person than a truly kind one. Kindness must be manifested first of all in thoughts and actions, only then will a person be truly kind and will sow this energy around him.

I have written a short guide on how to become kinder - this guide will help every person become a little kinder. Thanks to these rules, I became a kind and sweet girl.

Why do you need to be kind?

It would seem that the absence of bad deeds is already great result, and can you ask for more? I thought this way throughout my life until, quite by accident, I met a girl who was truly kind and brought light and positivity to everyone around her. To be honest, I was immediately interested in this - I was already thinking about how to be kinder.

It was clear that she puts a lot of effort into this, she sincerely monitors herself and her behavior, tries to be nice and not conflict with anyone. From our conversations, I learned that this behavior is her personal interpretation of a positive attitude towards the world and people, which is largely dictated by religion.

One day she found herself in a difficult situation and no one came to her aid. She learned a lesson from that situation, and decided that since there is so little kindness in the world, then it is necessary to increase its amount. It was with her that I consulted when I was thinking about how to become a kind person.

There is another side to the issue - good deeds usually return a hundredfold. It is unknown how this works, but it has been noticed more than once or twice - once you do a good deed for someone who needs it, you can expect gifts from fate in the near future. They are not always material (and this is even good), but they are always very significant for a person.

The benefits of kindness

  • Scientists have proven that kind people live longer. It turns out that being nice is good for your health and longevity.
  • Cosmetologists emphasize that kind people only become more beautiful with age - it’s all about facial wrinkles and small facial expressions, which we have practically no control over. In angry and aggressive people, small facial muscles are often tense, which is why the face takes on an unpleasant expression.
  • When you yourself adhere to a certain system of behavior, a certain atmosphere gradually develops around you. Who wouldn't want to live the life of a kind and sweet girl?
  • Good deeds bring unexpected dividends.
  • Fair people are more pleasant, they have more friends - everyone wants to be friends with a nice and calm woman.

How to take the path of goodness

How to become kinder? First of all, you need to define for yourself what it means to be kind and sweet. When I thought about this, I came up with the following concept for myself - goodness is, first of all, a large supply unconditional love to the world and everything around us and the willingness to do something. Love for the world is a complex phenomenon, but I believe that this should be learned - and not just to seem nice to your friends and acquaintances, but to learn to live a happy life, to enjoy every day you live.

The desire to become better can be achieved through change. In my case, it was necessary to slightly change the concept of relationships with people - I am quite sarcastic, and often offended people. Yes, I’m sure it wasn’t out of malice, but on the other hand, does it matter to the person I offended whether I did it on purpose or in passing?

I thought carefully about my behavior and decided to stop criticizing others without their asking for it, and also refrain from harsh and sarcastic comments. If there is something to praise, if it is difficult to find a reason for praise, just pass by. Ultimately, few people are interested in other people's opinions.

The next step is to learn to do good. I sometimes fed stray animals, and I thought that this was a really good and useful thing. Isn't it bad when kittens go hungry? Badly. And I, therefore, am a young man and a rescuer. However, then I looked critically at my actions and realized that this was some kind of wrong kind of good.

I used this technique to further correct behavior, and thus I stopped bringing pancakes from the dining room to the office of a colleague who is on a diet, started bringing fruits and vegetables to my mother instead of sweets and candies (it turned out that my mother practically stopped eating sweets), and began really cute in the eyes of others. I finally learned to hear the people around me and take into account their wishes.

The ability to be grateful

Love for the world is also expressed. The best lesson that life taught me was the ability to make the world after me a little better than it was before me. In fact, it’s simple - throw away someone else’s candy wrapper, deliberately smile at passers-by, put purchases on the cash register in the order that is most convenient for the cashier to count them. Small things like this really help change the world, and if you start changing yourself, the world will respond positively.

The ability to thank people and the universe is an important part of this path. As soon as a person begins to do something, make some decisions, follow principles, he begins to feel the value of everything that happens around him. This is a purely intangible phenomenon, but very important.

Imagine that a heavy door on the subway was not held for you, and it hurt you painfully. Surely you will be more grateful to those people who will hold the door next time, and you will not get hurt. Small acts of kindness from the world and people around us deserve gratitude. Of course, it is best to express it in words or deeds, but the best gratitude in this case would be to continue the tradition of doing small good deeds to other people.

My experience

They helped me good books and good advice from knowledgeable people - I chose several of my friends who I considered positive and kind, and followed their recommendations. At first it was not easy, and then a natural shock happened to me - it was as if my eyes were opened, I began to see how much indifference there was in me and in those around me. The desire to change this gave me strength, and I still try to spread goodness around me.

It's not as difficult as it seems - you just need to be a little more attentive to the world. Every day I ask myself - what can I do today for the world and other people? How can I help our planet become a better place? And you know, the answer is always there.

Sometimes it’s an old lady who has no one to talk to - I patiently walk her from the store to the entrance and listen to her simple news, sometimes it’s volunteer work (I’m also still helping an animal shelter), sometimes it’s just something good - planting flowers around at home, look after the neighbor's kids.

My relationships with my family and loved ones have also changed. I can’t say that there are any drastic changes, we have always been friends, but now my parents have begun to truly trust me - they know that I will always come to the rescue. And my little sister is not afraid to share her secrets with me - because now, instead of sarcastic comments, she receives support and love.

New habits

  • Listen to the world and the people around you.
  • Do not get into quarrels and conflicts, try not to become the cause of them.
  • Treat everything that happens with understanding.
  • Not only to appear cute, but also to be cute - sincerity should become a faithful companion.
  • Making the world around you better.
Now you know how to become a kind person and can make your plans come true. My experience helped me reconsider my whole life, values ​​and views, I became more attentive to people, and learned to love the world as it is.