Lingva online dictionary. Local dictionaries in ABBYY Lingvo x5: a designer for translators and more. How to work in the Lingvo service

With the help of which you can not only translate a word, but also an entire text. However, online services do not lose popularity, among which ABBYY Lingvo occupies a special place. A simple, free, easy-to-use online translator has many dictionaries in its arsenal, including explanatory ones, and most importantly, it translates queries as accurately as possible.

How to use the Lingvo online translator?

To translate a word, sentence or phrase for free, follow these steps:

  • Go to the ABBYY Lingvo website and select the “Translations” section to translate the word.
  • Enter the word of interest and click “Translate”.

  • Let's look at the result. We are looking for a suitable answer that would correspond to the meaning of the sentence.

  • If you click on the speaker icon, you can listen to American and English pronunciation words. This is very appropriate, since even ordinary stress can change the meaning of a word.

If you need to translate a phrase, do the following:

  • Select the “Phrase Combination” section and enter the required one.

In the “Interpretation” section you can see an explanation of a specific word.

If there are few words, you can use additional dictionaries. They are located under the “Dictionaries” link.

However, it is worth noting that out of 205 dictionaries, only 50 are free. The rest can be purchased online.

All are paid and free dictionaries in Linguistic Translator, divided by topic.

To buy a dictionary, you need to register. To do this, just enter your data, login and password.

Click “Place an order”.

Fill in your contact information and select a payment method.

Within a certain time, the manager must call to discuss receiving the dictionary.

It is worth noting that online translation using Lingvo is perfect for both students and office workers. It contains terminology from various fields human activity, and therefore is able to translate all queries in English as accurately as possible.

It includes two dozen languages. The user will be able to choose the interface language at his own discretion. Download ABBYY Lingvo x5 Professional version for free you can always visit our website. Downloading will not take much time and will not cause difficulties.

Program features

The translator works perfectly with different versions of Windows, but under one condition - operating system must necessarily support the Cyrillic alphabet. Additionally, you need the Windows Installer component and about 512 MB of RAM. Of course, the hard drive must also have space to install the program. It takes approximately 150 MB - 5 GB.

If you decide download ABBYY Lingvo x5 Professional version without registration, then after installation you can easily use a solid lexical base and many functions. All this will be useful to you for high-quality translation.

The software will provide you with high-quality translation from twenty languages ​​in a matter of seconds.

If you want to take advantage of unlimited translation capabilities, we recommend that you download ABBYY Lingvo x5 Professional version for Windows in Russian . Millions of program users around the world have already been able to personal experience be convinced of its phenomenal capabilities.


You can use this software product to study the language, relax and work. It’s easy to download at any time ABBYY Lingvo x5 Professional version on our website.

After installation, you will be able to use general lexical, grammatical, thematic dictionaries (electronics, medicine, technology, law, programming, business vocabulary) and 12,400,000 dictionary entries. Additionally, along with the program, you will receive the ABBYY Lingvo Tutor application for quickly memorizing words.

The younger version of this program is Home. The professional version has more advanced functionality compared to it. The Senior contains all the advantages of the Home, but at the same time has additional services that cover the requirements of highly specialized specialists. It contains thematic dictionaries that take into account the nuances of a particular vocabulary.

The developers took into account the preferences of their audience and increased the accuracy of translation and search speed. With the latest version, you will find the required word among the dictionary arrays in a second. The language barrier is being destroyed before our eyes!

You are presented with a product that has no analogues on the market. No other translator will provide you with such a set of tools and data. The translation always turns out accurate and coherent, because it uses intelligent system drawing up proposals.


The ease of use and intuitive interface are immediately noticeable. Nice-looking menu and easy controls. There are no difficulties or freezes in the work. Perfectly optimized software shows bugs only on very weak computers.

With ABBYY Lingvo x5 you can receive translations even outside the application. That is, to translate a text file, it is not necessary to open the program and move the source there.

Simply select it and press a preset key combination on your keyboard. The translation of the required section will appear in the drop-down menu. This option is available for both single words and multiple sentences.

Get detailed translation a single word or phrase. In addition to the translation, you will see the maximum amount of information about the word: stress, transcription, meaning, gender and number, examples of use in context. You can find out the correct sound and pronunciation by listening to the recording in the program.

The information on the Lingvo.Pro portal is taken as a basis. All dictionaries and text arrays are stored on the servers. The advantage of such an organization is that developers are constantly updating and expanding their base. When you connect to the Internet, you directly contact the corrected dictionaries and apply the new information.

electronic dictionary-translator with big amount additional opportunities from the world famous Russian campaign ABBYY Software. The Abbyy lingvo software product includes more than 20 foreign language dictionaries, 105 grammatical and general lexical vocabulary and 115 thematic dictionaries for the most common languages ​​of the world.

The Abbyy lingvo application, which is a family of interactive electronic dictionaries, does not support the text translation option, but using the standard clipboard the utility can work as a literal translation translator both individual words and expressions and any text documents. In addition, in some of the dictionaries in the software product, most of the words and phrases are voiced by professional native speakers.

The interactive functions of the program are implemented in the new improved Lingvo Tutor module, which makes it possible to study foreign languages ​​remotely. Even if Abbyy lingvo is downloaded for free, the program will have a built-in learning module Lingvo Tutor, with which you can reproduce and remember both individual words and speech structures when teaching a foreign language. The training has thematic sections: weather, shopping, restaurant, business vocabulary and many others, and can be launched automatically according to a schedule, thereby allowing you to periodically learn individual verbal structures or hard-to-memorize words.

In addition, the software product has a module that includes examples of letters in 4 languages, written on the basis of very common Oxford dictionaries Concise. These samples recreate the most frequently encountered life situations, so these examples may be useful when conducting business or personal correspondence. The program provides the ability to create custom dictionaries necessary for study, work, and other activities.

Distinctive features of Abbyy lingvo:

  • a large number of languages ​​and translation options;
  • extensive lexical base;
  • interactive learning module Lingvo Tutor;
  • instant translation on mouse hover;
  • parallel search in all available dictionaries;
  • availability of installation on mobile gadgets.

Online dictionaries and translators are an indispensable tool that helps not only language learners, but also everyone who works with foreign languages. There are a lot of dictionaries and translators; in this review we will look at some of the most famous and popular ones.

What is the difference between online dictionaries and translators?

Online dictionaries are programs whose main function is to search for the meaning or translation of individual words. There are also more narrowly focused dictionaries that look not for interpretation or translation, but for synonyms, antonyms, rhyming words, etc. In this review, we will mainly talk about dictionaries of the “word-translation” or “word-meaning” type.

Most modern online dictionaries provide several meanings of words or translation options, with so-called dictionary marks, for example: book - bookish, outdated. - outdated, explaining the peculiarities of the use of words, as well as with examples from speech.

Online translators can also translate individual words, but their main task is to translate texts. Despite the fact that machine translation is becoming smarter every year, it is far from normal human translation. Machines can process huge amounts of data, but they cannot think like a person, reason, be smart and use their brains, and this is extremely important in translation. As a result, the texts translated by the program turn out to be very inaccurate and often funny :)

But there are still benefits from online translators. For example, they help when a person who does not know the language just needs to grasp the general meaning of the text, roughly speaking, to understand about refrigerators or Picasso paintings.

What types of online dictionaries are there?

Before moving on to the review, you need to clarify that online dictionaries are different types. In general, the classification of dictionaries is a rather complicated thing; the matter is not limited only to explanatory and bilingual ones, but in our case we will talk about these two categories.

  • Bilingual dictionaries (bilingual)- these are the dictionaries we are familiar with a foreign word on the left and translation into Russian on the right or vice versa. English words are often voiced. There are usually several translations, they are provided with comments and examples. When talking about paper dictionaries, they are usually distinguished by direction, for example, English-Russian (from English into Russian) and Russian-English (vice versa), but in the case of online dictionaries there is no such division, because they all allow you to freely switch between directions. Many online dictionaries have a large database of several languages, so it would be more correct to call them multilingual.
  • Explanatory dictionaries of the English language (English-English, monolingual)- these are dictionaries in which an English word is given an explanation in English. In addition to the meanings of the word, examples from speech and voice acting are usually given.

There is an opinion that, studying English language, it's better to use English-English dictionary, because by reading such a dictionary, you better understand the meanings of words and immerse yourself in the language.

I think this is useful for those who work professionally with language (translators, linguistic scientists), but for students, especially, it is not necessary, it only distracts attention once again. Why does a student look in the dictionary? To quickly find a word's meaning, pronunciation and example. A bilingual dictionary is quite suitable for this.

Online dictionaries

Lingvo Online

Popular multilingual online dictionary with a rich set of functions. Lingvo is a “talking” dictionary, that is, many words can be heard, and in two versions: British and American. Some words are not voiced, but all words are given with transcription.

For each word in Lingvo there is not only a translation with a full-fledged dictionary entry, but also examples from the literature, examples and translation of phrases. This is very convenient, because the true semantic richness of a word is revealed only in context, and with examples the words are better remembered.

If desired, you can purchase additional dictionaries for Lingvo; there is also a free application for mobile devices.


The multilingual dictionary Multitran does not look as beautiful as Lingvo, it does not have voice acting, but it is popular among translators, as well as those who often have to translate something for work. The fact is that if you need to look into the dictionary 100 times during the working day, then Multitran is really more convenient: it has a simpler interface, the window shows translation options from all dictionaries at once.

Often words, especially technical terms, have very different meanings in different fields of activity, so it is useful to have many interpretations before your eyes at once: construction, economic, space, marine and others.

“Compass card” is not a typo, but a technical term.

The online version of Multitran is free, the PC version is paid. There is a free version for mobile devices.

Cambridge Dictionaries

“Cambridge” is positioned as a dictionary for learners of English, and it is also one of the resources that can be used as an explanatory dictionary of the English language. It has an English-English dictionary mode and a bilingual one, including English-Russian (there are about 20 languages ​​in total), and there is also an interesting English Grammar Today section containing articles about grammatical difficulties.

In the English-English mode, three groups of meanings are given: British, American and business interpretations. The words are voiced in British and American versions.

This dictionary is clearly useful for those interested in business English. and

An honorary old-timer of the Internet, operating since 1995, one of the most popular online dictionaries in the world. Consists of two parts: a dictionary and a thesaurus. On the Internet you can find many clever definitions of what a “thesaurus” is, but in this case it is dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. Here, by the way, is the definition of the word “thesaurus” from itself: “A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms, such as the online”

Urbandictionary is a slang dictionary created by American students just for fun, but then grew into a giant project. Slang is a very unstable layer of vocabulary that is updated much faster than new paper dictionaries appear. Today one slang word is trending, and tomorrow teenagers laugh at it as outdated.

Until recently, no one knew such a word, but now there are even instructions from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on safe selfies.

Urbandictionary works in wiki mode, that is, it is written by the users themselves. Moderation there is not very good, and therefore there are very low-quality articles and articles written for fun (sometimes very successfully). Fortunately, there is a rating system that brings the most worthy interpretations to the top.

Translator LinguaLeo (LeoTranslator)

LeoTranslator is an extension for the Chrome browser, a contextual dictionary. It only supports English, since Lingvaleo is a service for learning English, but not other languages. Despite the name, LeoTranslator is more of a dictionary than a translator. The main function is the translation of individual words, phrases, but not texts.

The thing is very convenient. When reading a page in English, click on a word and a dictionary hint appears with voiceovers and translation options. Having chosen the appropriate option, you add the card to your personal dictionary, in which you can then learn words using a special program. You can add not only words, but also phrases and phrases.

The free version has a limit on the number of added words, but it is quite gentle. I read a lot in English on the Internet, so this application is very useful for me. Often you come across strangers or just interesting words, useful expressions. In just a couple of clicks you can add them to the dictionary without interrupting your reading, and then view them.

The creators of the service themselves call Ludwig not a dictionary, but a linguistic search engine. Its main purpose is to help with writing texts in English, selecting words, and composing sentences. It helps a lot if you are unsure about word choice or sentence construction.

Here's how it works:

  • Enter a sentence or phrase.
  • The program will offer examples from various texts (media, encyclopedias, etc.).
  • By comparing the text with the example, you conclude whether you composed the sentence correctly.

This interesting tool also has the following functions:

  • Online dictionary – if you enter a word, a dictionary entry will appear.
  • Translator into English – if you enter a sentence in Russian (or another) language, a translation into English will appear.
  • Compatibility dictionary - if you enter a phrase, putting an asterisk instead of one word, the program will tell you which words are suitable instead of the missing word.

Online translators

Google Translate

There are a lot of jokes, tales and funny pictures about blunders that are given out by online translators. Indeed, if you run even a simple text through Google Translator, the output you will get is something far from Russian or English. However, the general meaning will be clear if the text is without a professional bias.

Google knows that our movie “Some Like it Hot” is not called “Some Like It Hot,” but “Some Like It Hot.”

For example, buyers of online stores often communicate with customer support or sellers via Google Translate. The latter option is especially popular when shopping on AliExpress, where, as you know, you can write wishes and complaints directly to the seller. They seem to understand each other :) But still, if you use a translator to communicate with a seller in an online store, try to write briefly and clearly, without florid ramblings of thought. How more complex sentence, the less accurate the translation.

An interesting feature of Google Translate – voiceover of the text. If online dictionaries allow you to listen to the sound of one word, then here you can read the entire text. His program speaks, of course, but the quality is pretty good. It's just that the intonation is completely lifeless.

When traveling, you need to be more careful with this application.

Deserves special mention application for mobile devices. It has two very fun, although not very useful functions: voice translation and photo translation.

In the first case, you say something into the microphone and - lo and behold! – the program says the same thing, but in a different language! Just like in science fiction films! When I learned about this function, I played for a long time, dictating different phrases in Russian and listening to them in English, German, Spanish, Italian.

The quality of the translation is, of course, terrible (see picture), but it’s a funny thing. But I can’t imagine how this could be useful in life. Theoretically, you can use such a program, without knowing the language, to try to communicate abroad, but it seems to me that in practice it is unlikely that anyone will do this.

Another fun feature is photo translation. You point the camera at the foreign text, having previously selected the language, and - lo and behold! – right on the screen he immediately turns into Russian! Or rather, into abracadabra from Russian words, because this translation “on the fly” is very inaccurate. It is only suitable for translating signs like “Danger” or “Exit here”. However, in critical cases the thing can be useful; I used this method to translate Japanese inscriptions on the refrigerator.

Here is a detailed video review of this miracle of technology.

Yandex translate

In general, Yandex.Translate is no different from Google Translate. It also offers translations from/to dozens of languages; some languages ​​have voice acting. The main difference is that Yandex.Translator has two modes: translation of texts and translation of web pages.

Translation of texts it works like in Google with the only difference that if you translate one word, then not a translation will appear, but a short dictionary entry, like in Lingvo, but with a minimum of information. And here in web page translation mode you need to enter not text, but a link to the page - its translated version appears in the window. You can set up viewing in two windows; you get a kind of parallel texts. Very Bad quality, of course, but you can get the meaning.

Translation of the book description from Googreads. Machine translation is still far from perfect.

Yandex.Translator also has a mobile version. This simple and convenient application does not translate websites, but has sufficient functionality for a mobile application: translation of words, text, voice typing (recognizes well). There is even a translation from a photo - it recognizes the text in the photo and translates it directly into the photo. Almost like mobile Google Translate, but not on the fly.

Which online dictionary should you choose?

Online dictionaries work wonders: they pronounce words in different voices, show examples from fiction, provide lists of synonyms and antonyms. But perhaps you have a question: which dictionary is better? Well, it depends on how you use it.

  1. If you are learning English, then Lingvo is a good choice for you. When reading text on the Internet, “LeoTranslator” also helps a lot - its hints pop up when you double-click on a word, you don’t have to be too distracted, and the “dictionary card” can be added to your personal collection. With a deeper acquaintance, it makes sense to delve into English-English dictionary. Multitran is not the best choice because it does not have voice acting.
  2. If you use English for work For example, if you often come across documents in English or need to write an email to a foreign partner, then Multitran is a great fit. Of course, Lingvo is also suitable, but Multitran is more designed for use in everyday work by secretaries, accountants, engineers, editors, builders, sailors, astronauts, doctors - in general, everyone who may need English-Russian dictionary for work purposes. The main difference from Lingvo is that when you enter a word, translation options appear immediately from all dictionaries (by profession, specialty) - this saves time, which, as we know, is money. The Ludwig search engine is also very convenient for work purposes - it helps a lot in cases when you doubt the choice of a word or the construction of a sentence.

This review did not include some well-known dictionaries. No, for example is a popular and authoritative dictionary, but the review already includes functionally similar Cambridge and There is no popular dictionary - because Lingvo, in general, performs the same functions.

Friends! I don't currently tutor, but if you need a teacher, I recommend this wonderful site- there are native (and non-native) language teachers there 👅 for all occasions and for any pocket 🙂 I myself took more than 80 lessons with the teachers I found there!

Lingvo Life (formerly Lingvo Online) is a high-quality web service for translation. It is based on Abbyy Lingvo dictionaries, which have long been known to professional translators. The search for words is carried out throughout the entire collection of dictionaries (for registered users), the translation is provided with examples, which is very useful. There is also a “folk” dictionary where users can add their own translation options.

Enter the word or phrases to be translated and click the "Translate" button

This screen appears with translations from all dictionaries.

The word can be spoken using the loudspeaker button next to the transcription. Moreover, you can separately voice the British and American pronunciation.

You can choose a short and full form of presentation (“without examples” and “with examples”). These are the examples given in dictionaries as examples of the use of the word.

But there are other examples - from real texts. To get to them, you need to scroll further down the page. The texts are taken from real books and articles - the authors and titles of the articles are given - that is, you can trust the examples 100%.

Below are the phrases. Some words change their meaning in combination with others, and such phrases are summarized in a separate table (it is unclear from which dictionaries this table is compiled, but this Additional Information, which may be useful). For example

Below are given grammatical forms words. For example, you can look at the second and third forms irregular verb or how it is formed plural given noun.

Instead of having to scroll through the web page, you can click the link in the table of contents on the right for a quick navigation.

Pros and cons of Lingvo Life

To access all 130 dictionaries you need to register on the site


  • Completeness – you can find almost all words that are not in other dictionaries. True, this was only tested for translation from English into Russian.
  • Convenient presentation of translation results - you can quickly scroll through translations from all dictionaries in which the word was found - and go to the found examples from texts, look at grammatical forms, if necessary.
  • Modern design – the site is easy to use on a mobile device (unlike Multitran, whose design is stuck at the level of the 90s)


  • Unfortunately, you need to register to get all 130 dictionaries, but the site remembers your data, so you only need to log in once. You can log in through your Facebook or VKontakte profile. Only a limited number of dictionaries are available without logging in. But after logging in, all 130 dictionaries are available for free.
  • It would also be useful to search through encyclopedias and dictionaries from Russian into Russian, as was done in the now defunct Yandex dictionaries. In general, something is missing from Yandex dictionaries, although the set of dictionaries is quite complete, there are enough examples of phrases and contexts.
  • The Multitran dictionary is not yet complete - a lot has been added to it by users, and a large database has accumulated over the years. But on the other hand, this is a plus, since in Multitran for this reason a lot of unreliable translation has accumulated.

Additional chips

  • As already mentioned, the word can be added to the folk dictionary. Here you can give your translation, comment on it and provide an example of the use of the word. You can also specify the part of speech and topic. It turns out to be an analogue of Multitran, but more literate; academic translations and user translations do not mix here. Time will tell how much you can trust the folk dictionary. The main thing is that nothing is mixed up, and it is immediately clear that this is a translation from the user.

Later, when other people search for words, your translation will appear in the vernacular dictionary.

  • You can ask the community for a translation (after registering first).
  • Dictionaries are available on the website, but there is a separate Lingvo Live application for iOS and Android.
  • In the “Community” section of Lingvo Life, current user questions are displayed, and you can answer them.


“Lingvo Life” ( – best online translator, judging by the completeness and quality of the dictionaries, with a convenient presentation of the result. I hope his forum will become more and more lively, and there will be someone to consult with on the RuNet about difficult translations.
