Plan of my room in English. Description of a room in English - examples of stories with new words. An example of a room description for elementary school girls

English topic: How I usually spend my free time

English language topic: How I usually spend my free time. This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

How I usually spend my free time

Two types of free time

As far as my spare time is concerned, I think I should divide it into two parts. The first one is the time I spend out of school, which is supposed to be free, but, in fact, it’s not. And the second one is my leisure time, which I spend the way I want and can do exactly what I want.

Extra classes

Regarding my time out of school, it starts right after I leave the school, but, however, it doesn’t mean I become free and can enjoy myself. I mean, when the school day is over, I go home for a meal, or my mother takes me to a café to have lunch. After that, we usually go to my English tutor or my Unified State Exam courses, which are not in our district, so it takes us at least 45 minutes to get there. While we are going there, I have to repeat the materials for the classes or do my extra homework.

After the extra classes, my spare time should start. Nevertheless, I am still not fully free, I mean, I have to do my additional tasks at to practice my English. I love the website, but I have to do it mostly because every time my mother checks what I have done and how much of the tasks have been done correctly on the website. This is how she sees my progress with my English tutor.

My leisure time

Speaking of the time which can be called my free time, I prefer to do something different all the time. This is to say, I would hate to spend my spare time just sitting and watching TV, for example, as a couch potato. Moreover, I truly think watching TV is a waste of time because everything I see there is boring, I mean, the TV programs tend to be of bad quality. Actually, I can’t possibly enjoy a TV show where people are physically fighting because they disagree about politics. And good shows are very rare on TV.

The thing I would love to do at my time is to see my friends or surf the Internet. Talking of my mates, when we get together, we can go somewhere interesting. There are a lot of very nice spots in our city such as cinemas, cafes, arcades and other places.

When I am tired to see my friends, or they are just busy to meet me, I turn on my computer and surf the Internet, which I think is amazing. Just imagine, even if you have never been to Paris, you can open Google Maps and see the panorama of the capital of France. In other words, I love walking around Paris sitting in my room at the same time.

Another activity which, I believe, has already been replaced television is Youtube, which has millions of channels in different languages. I love spending time there. I have my favorite bloggers and I find the content they create very funny and relaxing.

To sum up, people should spend their free time wisely. Otherwise, they won’t get relaxed and will have to go back to everyday life being very tense.


How I usually spend my free time

Two types of free time

As for my free time, I think I should divide it into two parts. The first is the time I spend outside of school, which should be free, but in fact it is not. And the second is my leisure time, which I spend as I want and can do exactly what I want.

Additional classes

As for my time at school, it starts immediately after I leave school, but, however, this does not mean that I become free and can enjoy my free time. I mean, when the school day is over, I come home for lunch, or my mom takes me to a cafe to have lunch. After that, we usually go to my English tutor or other tutors who are preparing me for the Unified State Exam, and who are not in our area, so we need at least 45 minutes to get there. While we go there, I have to review class materials or do extra homework.

After additional classes, my free time begins. However, I'm still not completely free, I mean I have to do my extra assignments on to practice my English. I like the site, but I have to do it mainly because every time, my mom checks what I have done and how many tasks have been completed correctly on the site. This is how she sees my progress with my English teacher.

My leisure time

When talking about the time that can be called my free time, I prefer to do something different every time. This means that I wouldn't want to spend my free time just sitting and watching TV, like "vegetable". Moreover, I really think that watching TV is a waste of time because everything I see there is boring, I mean TV programs are of poor quality now. Actually, I don't know how people can like TV shows where people fight because they don't agree with politics. And good shows are very rare on TV.

What I would like to do in my free time is see my friends or surf the Internet. Speaking of my comrades, when we get together, we can go somewhere interesting. There are many beautiful places in our city, such as cinemas, cafes, arcades and other places.

When I'm too tired to meet my friends or they're just too busy to meet me, I turn on my computer and surf the Internet and I think it's amazing. Imagine, even if you have never been to Paris, you can open Google Maps and see a panorama of the French capital. In other words, I like to walk around Paris while sitting in my room at the same time.

Another thing that I believe has already replaced television is Youtube, which has millions of channels in different languages. I enjoy spending time there. I have my favorite bloggers and I find the content they create very funny and relaxing.

To sum it up, people should spend their free time wisely. Otherwise, they will not rest and will have to return to everyday life while being very stressed.

18 Sep

English topic: A story about my family

Topic in English: A story about my family (My family). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

My family

My name is Anne Smith and I would like to say a few words about my family. Our family is small, rather ordinary: my father, mother, my younger brother and me. We also have pets: a puppy and a parrot. If only you could imagine how funny they are!

My mom

My mother is forty-two years old. She is a beautiful woman. She has brown hair and gray eyes. I think she looks great. She works as a translator for a large foreign company. Sometimes she has to travel abroad and we all miss her very much, but when she comes back we are over the moon. Keeping the house clean when mom is away is very difficult. Although my mother works very hard and is dedicated to her company, she never puts family on the back burner. She is a kind and smart woman.

My dad

My father is forty-five. He's a manager. He is extremely well read and very interesting to talk to. I really love discussing all sorts of pressing problems with him on long winter evenings. And my father also has golden hands. It's not a problem for him to fix anything at home. In his free time, he teaches me how to drive.

My brother

As for my brother, you can say that he is my best friend. He is three years younger than me, so we have a lot in common. He is in high school. He is sociable and witty. He is also friendly. I don't remember him and I quarreling. We both play tennis three times a week, so we spend a lot of time together.


In general, we have a very friendly family. We always help each other. We also have a lot of relatives and we love to get together.

Download Topic in English: A story about my family

My family

Describing my family

My full name is Ann Smith and I want to tell you a few words about my family. It’s not very big, just a typical one: father, mother and my younger brother and me. I have also got two pets: a puppy and a parrot. If only you could imagine how funny they are!

My mother

My mother is 42. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair and gray eyes. I think she looks her best. She works as an interpreter in a large foreign company. Sometimes she has to go abroad and we all miss her a lot, but when she is back everyone is in seventh heaven. It’s not easy to keep the house in order without my mom. Although she is very hard-working and committed person she never puts her family aside. She is a kind and clever woman.

My father

My father is 45. He is a manager. He is well-read and very interesting to talk to. I like spending long winter evenings discussing different up-to-date problems with him. He is also handy with many things. It’s not a problem for him to fix something in the house. In his spare time he teaches me to drive a car.

My brother

Regarding my brother, I may say that he is my best friend. He is three years younger, so we have a lot in common. He is a pupil at a secondary school. He can be described as a sociable and witty person. He is also friendly. I can’t ever remember arguing with him. We both play tennis three times a week, so we spend much time together.


All in all, I have a very united family. We always help each other. Besides, we’ve got a lot of relatives and we all appreciate getting together on various occasions.

18 Sep

English topic: My best friend

Topic in English: My best friend. This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

My girlfriend

I would like to tell you about my best friend. Her name is Olga. We met at school. She is my age, so we have a lot in common. Besides, we live in the same area and see each other almost every day.


Olga is a slender, pretty girl with dark wavy hair, a straight nose and large green eyes. In my opinion, she is very kind and honest, although sometimes she can be too straightforward.


I think it’s not easy to meet real friends, so I’m happy that I have Olga. I know I can always trust her. She really is very reliable. In difficult moments in my life, I can turn to her for help and advice. We always share our experiences with each other. Of course, she has flaws, but I don't notice them. I really enjoy being in Olga's company. Moreover, I like her parents. They are very smart. They are always happy to see me in their home.

Time together

As I said, we spend a lot of time together. Sometimes we go to the movies, theaters, museums, or just walk around the city, discussing school, crushes, life and other topics. We are both good dancers, so we often go to clubs or parties where we can relax and have a good time. If we suddenly quarrel, we try to make peace as soon as possible. To tell the truth, I think arguing is a waste of time.


What I like most about Olga is her willingness to help at any moment. She has a great sense of humor and will never let you down. When we separate for a long time, I miss her very much.


I think our friendship gives me confidence and helps me become more understanding and tolerant.

Take care of your friends because friendship is a great power.

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My best friend

My friend

I would like to tell you about my best friend. Her name is Olga and we got acquainted at school. She is of my age, so we have a lot in common. Besides, we live in the same area, and therefore see each other almost every day.


Olga is a slim good-looking girl with dark wavy hair, a straight nose and large green eyes. To my mind, she is very kind and honest though a bit straightforward at times.


I think it’s not very easy to meet a true friend therefore I’m extremely happy to have Olga. I know that I can always trust her. She is indeed a reliable person in any way. I can turn to her for help and advice in difficult moments of my life. We always share our problems and feelings with each other. Of course, she has got some shortcomings but I never take notice of them. I really enjoy Olga’s company. Moreover, I like her parents who are nice intelligent people. They are glad to see me in their house any time.

Going out together

As I have already said we spend a lot of time together. Sometimes we go to the cinema, to the theater, to the museum or just walk around the town discussing all sorts of things such as school, love, life and many others. We are both keen on dancing, so we often visit clubs and parties where we can relax and enjoy ourselves. Whenever we quarrel, we try to make peace as soon as possible. In fact, I believe arguing is just a waste of time.


What I like best about Olga is that she is always ready to help. She has got a good sense of humor and never lets people down. I miss her terribly if we part for a long time.


In my opinion, our friendship makes me feel more confident and helps to become more understanding and tolerant. Take care of your friends because friendship is a great force.

2 697

18 Sep

English topic: The house where I live

Topic in English: The house in which I live (My home). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

My house

I would like to talk about the house in which I live with my parents. This is a modern twelve-story building. Our apartment is on the top floor, so we use the elevator. I must say that our apartment is quite spacious, but at the same time cozy.

Description of the house

It has three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. The living room is the largest room in the apartment. There is a sofa, a wall and two large comfortable chairs. There is a coffee table between the chairs. There is a soft carpet on the floor. Family and friends gather in the living room. There we usually watch TV, play or just chat and relax.

My parent's room

My parents' room is much smaller. The room has a double bed with bedside tables and a wardrobe. Oh, and of course my mother’s dressing table with a mirror. There my mother puts on her makeup and gets dressed every morning.

My room

I have to say, I'm lucky to have my own room. The most important things for me are the computer and DVD player, which I use most often. The room also has a bed, a wardrobe with clothes and a bookcase where I keep my textbooks and other things that are important to me.

Our kitchen

It's time to describe the kitchen. This room is very bright and cozy. It has a large dining table, where we often meet for breakfast and dinner. The kitchen has a TV, so it's a real room.


Our apartment has all the amenities such as gas, central heating, hot and cold water. We also have all the necessary household appliances: microwave oven, washing machine, vacuum cleaner and others.


In conclusion, I would like to say that I adore my apartment. Wherever I am, I am always pleased to return home and feel the atmosphere of love, friendship and mutual understanding. That's why my home is my castle.

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The house I live in

My home

I would like to tell you about the house where I live together with my family. It’s a modern building and it is twelve stores high. Our apartment is on the top floor, so we use an elevator to get there. I should say that the apartment is quite spacious but at the same time cozy.

Describing my home

The flat has got three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. The living-room is the largest one with a sofa, wall units and two big comfortable armchairs in it. There is also a small coffee table between the armchairs. The floor is covered with a soft carpet. It’s the room where our family and friends get together. We usually watch TV there, play games or just chat and rest.

My parents' bedroom

My parents’ bedroom is much smaller. There is a double bed with bedside cabinets and a wardrobe in the room. And, of course, it’s important to mention a dressing table with a mirror where my mom spends some time every morning putting make up and getting dressed.

My room

I must say I’m lucky to have my own room. The most necessary things for me there are my computer and DVD-player which I use most. There is also a bed, a wardrobe and a bookcase where I keep my textbooks and other important stuff.


The last place to describe is the kitchen. It’s very light and comfortable with a beautiful dining set in it. We meet there quite often when having breakfast or dinner. We’ve got a TV in the kitchen, so it’s like a real room.


We have all modern conveniences in our apartment such as gas, central heating, hot and cold running water. We also have modern electric appliances: a microwave, a washing machine, a vacuum-cleaner and others.


In conclusion, I want to say that I adore my apartment. Wherever you are it’s always pleasant to come back home where you can feel the atmosphere of love, friendship and understanding. That is why my home is my castle.

1 861

18 Sep

English topic: My day

Topic in English: My day. This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

My daily routine

I would like to start by saying that all my days from Monday to Friday are very much alike. That’s what we call “daily routine” when the same things are repeated from day to day.

In the morning

I usually get up at 7 o’clock in the morning and that’s quite early for me. Then I make my bed, wash my face, brush my teeth, get dressed and put pens, pencils and textbooks into the bag. After that I go to the kitchen to have breakfast which is usually prepared by my mom. She makes a lot of everything but I prefer something light, just a cup of tea and a sandwich.

In the afternoon

Then I go to school, where I spend half of the day. However, I should notice that I really enjoy this time, getting knowledge and meeting my friends. I come back home at two or three o’clock and always have a substantial meal for dinner as I’m extremely hungry after school.

In the evening

After eating, I rest for about an hour listening to music, watching TV or just lying on the bed with my eyes closed. Then I do my homework for the next school day.

My chores

I have my chores in the house. In the evening I usually sweep the floors, clean the dust and sometimes clean the carpet with the vacuum-cleaner. I can’t say I’m excited about this work anyway I simply have to do it.

Free time

When I finally have some free time I go for a walk with my friends or just stay at home and play my favorite computer game.

At night

My day habitually ends at ten or eleven o’clock. This is the time when I go to bed in order to get up and start everything again the next morning.


2 952

18 Sep

English topic: My hometown - Voronezh

Topic in English: My native town is Voronezh. This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

My hometown

I would like to talk about my hometown. This is Voronezh.

History of Voronezh

The history of Voronezh goes back to 1586. By the mid-sixteenth century, Voronezh had become a bustling, densely populated city.

Time of Peter the Great

Voronezh received a new birth during the time of Peter the Great. Voronezh is called the cradle of the Russian fleet. Now there is a monument to Peter I, which was built in 1860.

The Great Patriotic War

During the Great Patriotic War, Voronezh was destroyed. It was practically in ruins, but the heroic defenders of the city stopped the German invaders, and they were unable to advance further to the west. Several years ago, Voronezh was awarded the title of City of Military Glory.

Voronezh is famous

Chernozem, which can be found everywhere in the city and region, is the best not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

Voronezh today

Today Voronezh is one of the largest industrial cities in Russia. The city's trademark can be found on many different products, such as radios, tires, rubber, etc. Voronezh is a scientific and educational center. It has dozens of research centers, universities and colleges. The city is rich in its cultural traditions. There are many cinemas and libraries here. The city also has several museums and art galleries. Arriving in Voronezh, you can visit the Opera and Ballet Theater, Puppet Theater, Kramskoy Museum, Nikitin Museum and some others.

Famous people of Voronezh

Many outstanding people lived and worked in our city. The priceless treasures of the Voronezh land are the poems of Koltsov and Nikitin, the paintings of Kramskoy, the collection of fairy tales collected by Afanasyev and folk songs collected by Pyatnitsky.


I must say that Voronezh is a city worth visiting.


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Voronezh is my favorite city

My native town

I would like to tell you about my home town. It's Voronezh.

The history of Voronezh

The history of Voronezh dates back to 1586. By the middle of the 16th century Voronezh developed into a bustling densely populated town.

The times of Peter the Great

Voronezh had a new birth in the times of Peter the Great. It can be called a cradle of the Russian national fleet. Now there is a monument to Peter 1, which was built in 1860.

During the Great Patriotic War

During the Great Patriotic War Voronezh was destroyed. Practically, it was turned into ruins but the heroic defenders of Voronezh stopped the German invaders and they never moved further to the East. Several years ago Voronezh received the status of the City of Military Glory.

The region is famous for

The soils around the town are the black earth. They are the best not only in Russia but all over Europe.

Voronezh today

Today Voronezh has become one of the largest industrial cities of Russia. The trade mark of Voronezh can be seen on different kinds of radio receivers, tires, rubber and other goods. Voronezh is a city of science and education. It has dozens of research centers, universities and colleges. The town has rich cultural traditions. There are many cinemas and libraries in here. There are also several museums and picture galleries. In Voronezh you can visit the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Puppet Theatre, the Kramskoy’s Fine Arts Museum, the Nikitin’s Museum and some others.

Outstanding people

Many outstanding people lived and worked in our city. The priceless treasures of Voronezh land are Koltsov’s verses, Nikitin’s poetry, Kramskoy’s paintings, fairy tales collected by Afanasiev and folk songs gathered by Pyatnitsky.


I should say that Voronezh is really worth visiting.

1 219

18 Sep

English topic: The holiday that I liked the most

Topic in English: The holiday that I liked the most (A holiday I remember well). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

Best holiday

I would like to describe the holiday that I liked the most. It was New Year. For as long as I can remember, we have always celebrated this holiday at home, just me and my family. Of course, we all decorated the Christmas tree together, my mother prepared a special holiday dinner and we sat down at the table. Everything was very sweet and touching, but the dream was a little boring. And then one day my parents decided to celebrate the holiday with friends.


Taking gifts and other elements of the celebration with us, we left the house at eleven o'clock. Usually it takes us twenty minutes to get to our parents' friends' house, but there was no public transport at this late hour, so we tried to catch a taxi. It turned out to be not so simple. After all the adventures, we managed to get to the place at a quarter to twelve just in time for the start of the holiday. When the traditional part - I mean the chimes and the clinking of champagne glasses - was over, everyone relaxed. This family has two sons my age, so we went to play, eat fruit and candy while our parents watched TV and chatted.

End of the holiday

Around three o'clock in the morning we decided it was time to get some fresh air. We went to the main city square, where we saw Father Frost and, in order to stay warm, took part in various competitions. We all went to bed in the morning very tired, but satisfied and happy.


Since then, New Year has become my favorite holiday, because on this day there is always fun and a lot of entertainment.


Download Topic in English: The holiday that I liked the most

A holiday I remember well

A holiday I liked most

I would like to describe a holiday I liked most. It was a New Year's Day. As I remember we always celebrate it at home, just me and my family. Of course we decorated a New Year’s Tree together, my mother cooked a very special tasty dinner and then we all sat at the table. That was quite nice and touchy but I felt a bit bored all the time. And once my parents decided to spend the holiday with our family friends.

The traditional part of the holiday

Having taken all the presents and holiday stuff we left the house at 11 o’clock. Usually it takes for about twenty minutes to get to our friends’ place but as it was no public transport available at that time of the evening, we tried to get a cab. It turned out to be not such an easy thing to do. After all, we arrived at a quarter to twelve, I’d say just in time for the celebration. When the traditional part of the holiday, I mean listening to the clock strike twelve and drinking to it, was finished, we are all relaxed. There were two boys of my age in that family, so we were playing different games together and eating fruits and sweets all the time while our parents were watching TV and chatting.

At night

At about 3 o’clock at night we decided it was high time to get some fresh winter air. We went to the city main square where we saw Father Frost and took part in funny competitions in order not to get frozen. We all went to bed early in the morning exhausted but very happy and satisfied.


From that time on New Year has become one of my favorite holidays as it’s always a lot of fun and entertainment.

18 Sep

English topic: How I spend my birthday

Topic in English: How I spend my birthday (My birthday). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.


My birthday is August 10th. I must say, this is a significant day for me and one of my favorite holidays. Besides, I think I'm lucky that my birthday is in the summer. Therefore, I have the opportunity to celebrate it somewhere outside the house, for example, on the river bank. In fact, that's what we do if it's not raining.

First congratulations

My parents are the first to congratulate me and give me gifts. Early in the morning they look into my room and say “Happy Birthday!” They always buy me useful gifts. I have to say, I really love receiving gifts, and who doesn't? They reflect people's feelings and attitudes towards us. I am very grateful to my family for all the gifts I receive.

Celebration organization

On my birthday, I get up quite early to go to the store and buy everything I need for the celebration. I invite friends in advance; I call them or send an invitation. I usually invite four or five of my friends, only the closest ones. My parents and other relatives gather separately on some other day to drink tea and cake. If I stay at home on my birthday, I cook everything myself. If we go on a picnic, we cook meat over a fire and also bring ready-made food with us. Being neat, I always clean the apartment before guests arrive.

Meeting with friends

Birthday cake is an integral part of this holiday. Even though I get older every year, I still enjoy blowing out candles. I really enjoy celebrating my birthday. Such meetings are a chance to spend an evening or a whole day with your best friends, sing songs, dance, play various games, chat about life and the future, in other words, have fun. I truly believe that my friends appreciate this day as much as I do.


Birthdays are considered a fun holiday, but sometimes we feel a little sad because another year of our life is behind us. But despite all this, I always look forward to my birthday.

Download English topic: How I spend my birthday

My birthday

My favorite holiday

My birthday is on the 10th of August. I should say it’s a remarkable day for me and one of my favorite holidays. Besides, I think I’m lucky to have my birthday in summer. Therefore I have an opportunity to celebrate it somewhere outside the house, for example by the riverside. In fact, that’s what we usually do if there’s no rain.

First congratulations

The very first people to congratulate me and to give presents are my parents. Early in the morning they look into my room and say “Happy birthday”. They always buy me useful presents. I should say I really enjoy getting presents and I wonder who doesn’t. They express people's feeling and attitude towards us. I’m very thankful for everything I get.

Birthday Party Planning

On my birthday I usually get up quite early in order to go to the supermarket and buy all the things I need for the party. I invite my friends in advance by calling them or sending an invitation card. I prefer to have four or five people, just my closest friends. As for my parents and relatives, we get together some other time for tea and a birthday cake. If I stay at home for my birthday party and have to cook I do it myself. If we go on a picnic we cook meat over the fire and take some cooked food as well. Being a tidy person I always clean my flat before having guests.

Getting together

A birthday cake is an integral part of this holiday. In spite of getting older each year I like blowing the candles out. I’m fond of my birthday parties. It’s a good chance to meet your best friends and to spend an evening or even a whole day all together singing songs, dancing, playing games, talking about our life and future, in other words to have a lot of fun. I truly believe that my friends appreciate this day as much as I do.


Birthday is considered to be a happy holiday, however, sometimes we feel a bit sad that one more year of our life is left behind. All in all, I always look forward to celebrating my birthday.

1 174

18 Sep

English topic: My favorite book is Oliver Twist

Topic in English: My favorite book is Oliver Twist. This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

The role of books in our life

First of all, I would like to say a few words about the role of books in our lives. I think books are our best friends. By reading books, we have the opportunity to look into the future or the past. Books shape a person's values ​​and character. In addition, they help in self-education. And most importantly, books teach us to be kind, hard-working and honest and to understand each other better.

My favorite book

I really love to read. When I have some free time, I spend it with a book. There are a huge number of famous authors in the world known for their beautiful works, but my favorite book is “Oliver Twist”, written by Charles Dickens in 1838. It is an extremely sad story, however, with a happy ending. In his novel, Dickens wrote about poverty and an unromantic criminal world. The book also describes the cruelty with which poor children were treated in London at the time.

The novel tells the story of an orphan who was doomed from birth to poverty and misfortune. In his early years, he experiences many terrible events that result in him "dying several times," but his desire to live and find justice in the world helps him survive, reconnect with his lost relatives, and eventually become happy. This book describes the ongoing struggle between good and evil. It is impossible not to cry while reading and empathizing with the fate of the main character. I firmly believe that Oliver Twist is a true masterpiece of English literature.


In conclusion, I would like to say that the book is one of the wonders of the world. We must treat them with care and caution.

You can download this unique theme in English right now:

My favorite book

The role of books in our life

First of all, I would like to say a few words about the role of books in our life. I think books are our best friends. While reading we have an opportunity to look into the future or into the past. Books form our values ​​and character. Besides, they help us in self-education. What is more important, books teach us to be kind, hard-working, brave and honest and to understand each other better.

My favorite book

I'm really fond of reading. Whenever I have got free time I spend it with a book. There are a lot of famous writers in the world known for their wonderful books but my favorite one is “Oliver Twist” written by Charles Dickens in 1838. This is a very sad story with a happy end though. In his novel Dickens wrote about poverty and an unromantic criminal world. The book also exposed the cruelty with which poor children were treated in London at that time.

Contents of the novel

It tells us about an orphan who was born into a life of poverty and misfortune. He came across lots of terrible events in the early years of his life and it can be stated that “he died several times” but the desire to live and to find justice in this world helped him to survive, to reunite with his lost relatives and to finally become happy. In this book a constant struggle of good and evil is described. You can't help crying when reading it as you start to live the life of the main character. I truly believe that “Oliver Twist” is a masterpiece of English literature.


Summing up I want to say that a book is one of the wonders of the world. We must treat them with great care.

18 Sep

English topic: My favorite English writer Charles Dickens

Topic on the English language: My favorite English writer (My favorite writer is Charles Dickens). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

Favorite writer

I have read quite a lot of books by English writers. Each of them has their own literary style, but I like Charles Dickens the most.

early years

Dickensborn at Portsea 7th February 1812. His early years were miserable, but towards the end of his life he became rich and famous. Charles's father served in the finance branch of the Navy. When Charles was four years old, his family moved to Chatham. From an early age, the boy had a rich imagination and dramatic talent. His parents enjoyed their son reciting poetry and imagining scenes from plays and novels.

Going to work

When Dickens was ten years old, his family moved to London. Very soon Charles had to start working, as his father was put in a den. Charles was paid very little and was undernourished for the first two years. However, his poverty helped him become familiar with the lives of poor people, which greatly helped him when he became a writer.

Travel impressions in novels

As soon as Charles's father was released from prison and managed to get some money, he sent his son to a private school. After this, Charles worked as a clerk in a law office and studied shorthand in his free time. At nineteen he became a newspaper reporter. He often made trips to villages, and his “road” impressions found their way into some of his novels.

Dedication to literature

When Dickens was twenty-five, he wrote an essay and signed it “Boz.” The essay was published in the magazine. He subsequently wrote many essays, and readers were captivated by their humor. This is how the famous “Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club” were born, and from then on Dickens devoted himself entirely to literature.

The most famous works

Some of his famous books include Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, David Copperfield, Dombey and Son, Little Dorrit, Hard Times and The Curiosity Shop. Despite his sparkling humor, Dickens was never happy. Family difficulties, worries about children and excessive workload exhausted the strength of the great writer, and Dickens died in 1870. He was only 58.

Download English topic: My favorite English writer

My favorite writer is Charles Dickens

My favorite writer

I have read quite a number of books written by English writers. Each of them has its own style in literature and the most attractive for me appeared to be Charles Dickens’s.

Early years

Dickens was born at Portsea on the 7th of February in 1812. He knew misery in his younger years and became rich and famous in the end. Charles's father was a clerk in the Navy Pay-Office. When Charles was four, his family moved to Chatham. The boy showed the imagination and dramatic talent from his early childhood. His parents loved to hear him recite poetry and act scenes from plays and novels.

Starting work

When Dickens was ten, his family moved to London. Very soon Charles had to go to work as his father was put in prison for debt. Charles was paid very little money and for two years he never had enough to eat. His poverty, however, brought him in contact with the poor which was of great value to him when he became a writer.

“On the road” experiences

As soon as Dickens’s father left prison and managed to get some money he sent his son to a private school. After that Charles became a clerk in a lawyer’s office and in his spare time studied shorthand. At the age of 19 he became a reporter for a newspaper. He was often sent into the country and his experiences “on the road” can be found in some of his novels.

Dedication to literature

When Dickens turned 25 he wrote a sketch and signed it Boz which was accepted by a magazine. Later he wrote more sketches and readers were charmed with their humour. Thus was born his famous Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club and from that time on Dickens devoted himself to literature.

The most famous of his books

Among the most famous of his books are Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, David Copperfield, Dombey and Son, Little Dorrit, Hard Times and The Old Curiosity Shop. Despite the sparkling humor of his novels Dickens never succeeded in being completely happy. Family troubles, worry over his children and overwork exhausted the great writer and in 1870 Dickens died. He was only 58.

18 Sep

English topic: My favorite sport is swimming

Topic in English: My favorite sport is swimming. This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

Sports in our life

Sport plays an important role in our life. If you want to be healthy and stay in good physical shape, you should exercise. There is a good English proverb: “If you are healthy, you are rich.” It is important to play sports constantly, and not occasionally, only then does sports improve health, bring joy, pleasure and satisfaction. That's why I think physical education lessons at school are very useful. During these lessons, children play games such as volleyball and basketball. In winter, if there is enough snow, they go skiing. Students take part in various competitions, and those who show the best results become winners.

Swimming for me

As for me, I like various sports and games, but most of all I love swimming and figure skating. I can go swimming all year round. To tell you the truth, I have been swimming seriously since I was six years old. I think swimming makes us healthy and strong. I also like being part of a team. We have already visited many cities, taking part in various competitions, and won a large number of prizes, which I am very proud of. Of course, I get very tired from daily training, but on the other hand, it brings me a feeling of satisfaction. In truth, one day I hope to become a famous athlete.

Despite my serious passion for swimming, I also take figure skating lessons. And although I rarely manage to find time to go to the skating rink, I really love watching figure skating on TV. I think this is one of the most beautiful sports. The competitors are always so graceful in their unusual costumes.


In conclusion, I would like to say that sports are divided into summer and winter. In the summer we all play badminton, ride bicycles and go hiking, and in the winter we play hockey, ice skating or skiing. So, everyone has something to choose from. I think that all people, regardless of age, need to play sports.

Download English topic: My favorite sport is swimming

My favorite sport

Sport in our life

Sport plays an important role in our life. Everyone who wants to be healthy and keep fit should go in for sports. There is a good English proverb that saying: “If we are healthy, we are wealthy.” It’s essential to do sports regularly not once in a while, only then it improves our health, gives us joy, pleasure and satisfaction. That is why I believe Physical Education is a useful school subject. At the lessons children play different games such as volleyball and basketball. In winter they go skiing if there is enough snow. Pupils also take part in various competitions and those who show the best results become winners.


As for me, I’m fond of different kinds of sports and games but my favorite ones are swimming and figure skating. I can go swimming all the year round. Actually, I have been practicing it seriously since I was six. I believe that swimming makes me healthy and strong. I also like being part of a team. We have already traveled through lots of cities for our competitions and won a great number of prizes I am really proud of. Of course, I feel exhausted at times as I have trainings almost every day but I should say it’s a pleasant and satisfactory feeling. Frankly speaking I hope to become a famous sportsman one day.

English topic: My future profession is translator

Topic in English: My future profession is an interpreter. This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

Download Topic on the English language: My future profession is a translator

My future profession

The matter of choosing a career

I’m going to tell you about my future profession. There are two most important things in anyone’s life: choosing a career and getting a job. Some pupils know what they are going to do after leaving school but for others it’s difficult to give a definite answer about their future profession. We get to know about a wide range of professions from magazines and advertisements and then we make either our own choice or follow our parents’ advice as they are also concerned about our future.

Choosing a career

When choosing a career one should take into consideration all the possibilities that it might provide. First of all, it should be interesting. Secondly, one has to be sure to be able to find a good and well-paid job after progressing. Another important factor that influences the choice of the profession is our abilities to different disciplines. One has to analyze thoroughly which things or subjects he or she is good at, and only then make a final choice.

I want to be an interpreter

As for me, since my childhood I’ve known I want to be an interpreter. My choice is closely connected with the importance of foreign languages ​​and cultures which is growing nowadays. Foreign languages ​​are needed for communication with people on our planet. I believe that among all, English is the most universal and widely spread. It’s an official language in a vast number of countries. Besides, it’s the language of international aviation, sports, medicine, the language of science and technology, trade, cultural and business relations.


I’m quite aware that the job of an interpreter isn’t an easy one. You have to be very communicative and responsible. Moreover, be prepared to work long hours and move around a lot. But on the other hand you’ll have a chance to travel to different foreign countries and to meet a lot of interesting people. I think this profession is worth taking up. Being a student of the University I pay special attention to English and try to work hard. I hope I’ve made the right decision.

This is my bedroom. It is not large.

There are many things in it. There is my bed in the room. It is red. The lamp is near it. The bookcase is on the right. There are many books and exercise-books on it.

There is a big wardrobe in the corner. It is white. There are my clothes in it. On the left there is a window. There are two chairs under the window. They are between the wardrobe and the chest of drawers.

I like my bedroom very much.


This is my bedroom. She is not big.

There are many things in it. There is my bed in the room. She's red. The lamp stands next to her. The bookcase is on the right. There are a lot of books and notebooks on it.

There is a large closet in the corner. He's white. This is where my clothes are stored. There is a window on the left. There are two chairs under it. They are located between the closet and the chest of drawers.

I really like my bedroom.


  1. Translate the following words from the text: near, in, on, in the corner, on the right, on the left, under, between.
  2. Find, read and translate sentences: a) with structure There is b) with structure There are
  3. Translate the sentences into English: There is a wardrobe in the corner, and a bookcase on the right.

My room is not very big, but not so small. It is medium-sized. There is one big window with the view of the children’s playground, the shop and the bus stop. My room is very light. Under the window there is a wide windowsill with potted plants on it.

My room is decorated in light beige color scheme. It features wooden furniture. The room is simple but very functional.

My room is divided into zones. There is a living area and a sleeping area. The sleeping area is located on a platform. There is a comfortable bed and a large wardrobe in this zone. There is a carpet on the floor. Next to my wardrobe there is a little shelf. This is the place where I keep all my awards and achievement certificates. At the moment there is only one medal and an honorary diploma. I go in for swimming and have won first place at a local schools’ competition.

The living area is located right opposite the sleeping area. There is a desk right by the window. I do my homework and study at the computer here. By the door on the left there is a huge soft bean bag and a small bookcase. I love reading and I read every day. Above the bean bag on the wall there is a world map. I love learning new things about different countries and dream that one day I will travel a lot.

My parents are going to give me a new modern stereo system as it is my birthday very soon. I will be able to listen to my favorite music. The stereo system will be located next to the bean bag. I already have a little table for it. I like my room very much. I like spending time here.

My room is not very big, but not very small either. She is medium size. It has one large window that overlooks the playground, shop and bus stop. My room is very bright. Under the window there is a wide windowsill on which there are flowers in pots.

My room is decorated in a light beige color scheme. It is furnished with wooden furniture. The room is simple but very functional.

My room is divided into zones. It has living and sleeping areas. The sleeping area is located on an elevated platform. There is a comfortable bed and a large wardrobe. There is a carpet on the floor. There is a small shelf next to the closet. It contains my awards and certificates of achievement. So far she has only one medal and a certificate of honor. I swim and won first place at a local school competition.

The living area is located directly opposite the sleeping area. There is a desk near the window. Here I do my homework and study on the computer. Next to the door, on the left, there is a huge soft bean bag chair and a small bookcase. I love to read and read every day. Above the chair, on the wall hangs a world map. I love learning new things about other countries and dream that someday I will be able to travel a lot.

Often when studying foreign languages, teachers offer a written or oral description of the room. This is quite easy to do in English. It is important to have a certain vocabulary and be guided by the elementary fundamentals of a foreign language. In the process of writing an essay “Description of a room” in English, you should not describe in detail everything that is in it. It is enough to simply highlight the main, eye-catching items. If the owner of the room is a plant lover, then you can point out the predominance of green in the room and the presence of a large number of fresh flowers. For fans of football or racing, a description of the trophies on the shelves is suitable.

To prevent the essay from being dry and boring, you should not list the entire situation in detail.

An example of an uninteresting and dry description (in Russian for now): “In my room there is a bed, a carpet, a table, a computer, a TV and a red wardrobe.” The story should be interesting and creative, so it is recommended to use all your literary skills.

My room (primary school girls)

Let's look at a rough description of a room in English for elementary school girls. Below is a literal Russian translation.

A description of a room in English for a girl might look like this:

  • I love pink and dolls.
  • That's why there are a lot of different beautiful dolls and pink wallpaper in my room.
  • My room resembles a princess's castle.
  • I love to study, so I have a large and bright desk that stands in front of the window.
  • There are a lot of beautiful flowers on the window, I like to water them.
  • My favorite toy bear is sitting on the bed.
  • My parents gave it to me for my birthday.

Translated into English, the story about the room and its contents will look like this:

  • I like the color pink and dolls.
  • So in my room a lot of different beautiful doll and pink wallpaper.
  • My room resembles a Princess castle.
  • I like to learn, so I have a large and bright table, which stands in front of the window.
  • On the window so many beautiful flowers, I love to water them.
  • On the bed my favorite Teddy bear sits.
  • My parents gave it to me for my birthday.

in English for primary school boys)

The description provided in the previous section is in no way suitable for boys. Mischievous hooligans prefer a room with furnishings reminiscent of their favorite football team to dolls, pink wallpaper and a teddy bear. For automotive enthusiasts, the best option would be a McQuinn car-style setting.

Option for boys: “My room” (essay in English).

"My name is Sergei, I like to play football. In my room a lot of different soccer balls, and on the wall hang posters of football teams. My dad and I went to the game and brought the ball with autographs of the favorite team .
Even on the sofa where I sleep drawn by the players.
I also like to read on the shelves in my room a lot of books. Most science fiction about aliens and travel to the Islands. Mom was on the computer desk put a few pots with beautiful flowers. Mom says they are very good for health."

Russian translation:

“My name is Seryozha, I really love playing football. There are a lot of different footballs in my room, and there are posters of football teams on the wall. My dad and I went to the game and brought a ball with the autographs of our favorite team. Even on the sofa where I sleep , football players are drawn.

I also love to read; there are a lot of books on the shelves in my room. Most of all science fiction is about aliens and travel to the islands. Mom put several pots with beautiful flowers on the computer desk. Mom says they are very healthy."

If the proposed essay contains many unfamiliar words, then it is better to write them down with the correct translation and learn them. This action will not only help you talk about your room in an easy and fun way, but also gradually expand your vocabulary.

Essay for boys

Creative work needs to be approached creatively. You should not try to write in English right away. It is better to make a draft of the text in your native language, and then translate it. You should not be afraid of mistakes: as you know, you learn from mistakes. For help in correctly presenting what you have written, you can always contact your teacher.

Description of the room in English with translation:

  • My room is divided into two parts: sports and study. My room is divided into two parts: sports and training.
  • I love it very much, there is green wallpaper on the walls, and a warm carpet under my feet. I like it very much, on the walls green wallpaper, and under feet warm carpet.
  • In the sports part, I play sports. In the sports part I play sports.
  • I have several exercise machines. I have several simulators.
  • In my study room I have a large table, and there are many books on the shelves. I have a big table and on the shelves of many books.
  • My little sister often plays at the study table, so there are always a lot of toys there. Over the training table often play my little sister, so there"s always a lot of toys.

Essay for girls

And another essay “My Room” in English:

"I love my home very much, and especially my room. It is very bright and comfortable. I love cleanliness and order. Come visit me and see for yourself right away. On a beautiful and massive table there is an antique frame with a photo of our friendly family. Nearby with the table you can see my personal library, where a very large number of different works are collected. On the left side of the room there is a large closet, and on the opposite side there is a bedspread with bright green apples. My room is very cozy and bright."

"I lile my house and especially my room. It is very light and comfortable. I like cleanliness and order. Come to visit me, just to make it. On the beautiful and massive table is an old frame with a photo of our friendly family . Near the table you can see my personal library, which contains a very large number of different works. On the left side of the room is a large wardrobe, and opposite my bed. very cozy and bright."

My room is cozy, warm and bright because it has a large window. My room is cozy, warm and bright, because it has a large window.

Opposite the closet, on the opposite wall, is my bed. Opposite the cabinet, on the opposite wall, is my bed.

bookcase - bookcase [ˈbʊk keɪs]


Essay My room

I have my own room. It is spacious and square in shape. When I enter this room, a large metal-plastic window immediately catches my eye. It goes out into the yard. There are flowers in pots on the windowsill. I like to admire their greenery on winter evenings. The room has light green wallpaper and greenish curtains on the window. On the ceiling is a small bright chandelier with three shades.

The room has modern furniture in light colors. To the right of the door is a long computer desk and chair. On the table is a computer, my textbooks, school notebooks. To the right of the door is a high wall of furniture. It stores bed linen and my things.

There are books, photo albums, and souvenirs on the shelves. There is a wide light green sofa along the wall. The floor in my room is covered with laminate. There is a small fluffy rug on it. I like to sit on it sometimes and look through magazines. My room is bright and cozy. I like to relax here, study lessons, and spend free time with my friends.


I have my own room. It is spacious, square in shape. When I enter this room, a large metal-plastic window immediately catches my eye. It goes to the courtyard. On the windowsill are potted flowers. I like winter evenings to admire their greenery. The room has light green wallpaper and greenish curtains on the window. On the ceiling is a small bright chandelier with three lights.

The room has modern furniture in bright colors. To the right of the door is a long computer desk and chair. On the table is a computer, my textbooks, school notebooks. To the right of the door is a high furniture wall. It keeps bed linen, my things.

On the shelves there are books, photo albums, souvenirs. Along the wall is a wide light green sofa. The floor in my room is covered with laminate. On it lies a small fluffy rug. I like to sit on it and look through magazines sometimes. My room is bright and cozy. I like her and relax, and learn lessons, and spend free time with her friends.


- Hi Oleg. Tell me about your room.

- Hello, Roman. Okay, listen! When you enter the room, there is a huge window in front with pink curtains, and there is a large cactus on the window. To the left of the window there is a closet with my clothes.

- And on the right?

— And on the right is my desktop, and on it is a computer. Half the room is occupied by a bed. To the left of the bed is a cabinet where I store my things.

— What color are the walls in your room?

— The walls are yellow. This is my favorite color!

- Wow! What a beautiful room you have.


- Hi Oleg. Tell me about your room.

— Hello, Roman. Okay, listen! When you enter the room, in front of a huge window with pink curtains, on the window is a large cactus. To the left of the window is a wardrobe with my clothes.

— And on the right?

— And on the right is my desktop, and on it is a computer. Half of the room is occupied by a bed. To the left of the bed is a drawer where I store my things.

“What is the color of the wall in your room?”

— The walls are yellow. This is my favorite color!

- wow! What a beautiful room you have.
