School guide. Vacant places for admission Enlightenment perspective technological maps


Residence address: 193079 St. Petersburg

Oktyabrskaya embankment building 80 building 3 apartment 82

teacher primary classes

State budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school №303

with in-depth study German language and objects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle

named after Friedrich Schiller

Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Routing lesson

1.F.I.O. teachers: Ivanova O.P.

2. Class: 1

3. Academic subject: Literacy training. Reading.UMK: Perspective

4. Lesson topic: Book of nature.

5. Purpose of the lesson: to form in students the ability to reflect on correctional-control type and implement correctional norms

6. Tasks:


    summarize students’ knowledge discovered in previous lessons and apply learned concepts and algorithms.


    development cognitive activity children, the ability to observe, compare, generalize and draw conclusions.


    to cultivate and instill an interest in reading, the world around us, and a love of nature.

7. Planned results


    comprehend the content of the text in accordance with its features;

    reproduce the content of what you read based on questions.


    be able to determine the purpose of the activity in the lesson;

    be able to determine the success of completing your task in dialogue with the teacher;

    be able to draw conclusions based on analysis;

    generalize and classify according to characteristics;

    listen and understand others, agree on the rules of communication, behavior and carrying out a common task;

    evaluate the correctness of actions at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment.


    showing curiosity about the material being studied;

    showing interest and willingness to cooperate.

8. Lesson type: lesson on skills and reflection

9. Forms of organizing educational activities:



    work in permanent pairs and groups.

10.Logic of lesson development:

    motivation for correctional activities

    updating students’ knowledge and recording difficulties in individual activities

    generalization of difficulties in external speech

    inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition

    reflection of educational activities.


    computer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, presentation for the actualization stage;

    handouts: assessment sheets, standards.

Molded universal learning activities


Motivation for correctional activities.

Target: create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in activities by referring to the experience of past lessons, and establish the thematic framework of the lesson.

(The lesson begins by watching a video)

Guys, I invite you for a walk in the forest (video film 30 s, then a poem performed by the teacher is heard in the background of the film).

Look my dear friend,

What's around?

The sky is light blue,

The golden sun is shining,

The wind plays with the leaves,

A cloud floats in the sky

Field, river and grass,

Mountains, air and foliage,

Birds, animals and forests,

Thunder, fog and dew.

Man and season -

It's all around...nature.

What is nature?

Where do we get information about nature?

What books have you read about nature?

Look at the exhibition. These are only the books you read. And how many of them are still unread!

So what will we continue to do in class? (read works about nature and learn about nature).

They watch the video. Listen and answer the teacher's questions.
Determine the purpose of the lesson.


Aiming for successful activities.


Express a positive attitude towards the learning process.


Formation of the ability to listen and hear.


Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in individual activities.

Goal: organize repetition on the topics studied and activate mental operations: comparison, analysis, analogy.

What natural phenomena did we learn about in the last lesson? (about the seasons)

What seasons did we learn about? (about winter and spring)

Who wrote these works, what are they called? (“Winter” by I. Surikov, “Spring” by A. Pleshcheev

What genre do these works belong to? Why? (poem, there is a rhyme)

Identical in mood, tone, tempo? (no, we read “Winter” calmly, quietly, “Spring” loudly, joyfully)

Is it possible to convey mood and feelings in music?

Listen to a fragment from P.I. Tchaikovsky’s musical work “The Seasons”. (sounds first “Winter”, then “Spring”).

What poem is the music in tune with?

How did you understand?

Who learned these poems? Tell your poem to each other.

How should poems be told? (expressively)

What standard helped you with this? (read emphatically)

Who thinks their neighbor did a great job and wants everyone to hear your neighbor? (2 students talk at the blackboard)

Who also did the task well?

Who found it difficult to complete this task?

*Work according to the ABC's

N. Matveeva “In the Forest”

Let's continue our walk through the forest. (30c video)

We saw interesting footage of nature. Where else can you get information about nature? (from books)

Open "ABC" p. 102. Read the topic of the lesson (“Book of Nature”).

Read the first work from the Book of Nature.

What genre should we classify this work as? (poem). Why?

What standard do you need to work on this piece? ("Read the poem")

Name the work and its author. (Matveev’s short story “In the Forest”)

Listen to the poem (read by the teacher)

In whose name is the poem written? (on behalf of the boy)

Why did he get wet in the forest? (he left early in the morning)

Why did he go into the forest? (to get to know nature)

How did you understand the expression

“...About the hedgehog and about the hedgehog,

Who have hedgehogs

All the needles are shaking."

(they are worried about their children)

Did you like the poem? What feelings do you have? (joy, surprise)

Prepare an expressive reading of the poem using the standard. What should you pay attention to when preparing expressive reading? (for punctuation marks).

Who thinks that he has completed the task and wants to read the poem out loud? (2 people)

What difficulties did you encounter while preparing the assignment?

What will you do to cope well with such a task later? (Train to read expressively and correctly)

On your assessment sheet, show how you did on this task. Paint the second leaf.

N. Sladkov “Magpie jabbering”

Quiet, listen, someone is talking. (slide with a forest, sounds of magpie and moose included)

Who recognized these forest inhabitants?

(an elk and a magpie appear on the next slide)

Do you understand what they are talking about?

Let's listen. Read the following piece.

What is the name of the work? Who is called a chatterer? Who is author? What genre does it belong to? Why? (tale about animals)

How many heroes are there in a fairy tale? Name the participants in the dialogue. If there is dialogue, how will we read? (by role) What standard will help you work? (Read by role)

How should a magpie speak? (fast)

What does a moose say? (slowly, loudly). How does a moose show that he is tired of mosquitoes? (He draws out the word mosquitoes)

How will you prepare role-playing? (paired with)

Remind me of the rules for working in pairs.

Who thinks that the couple has completed the task and is ready to show everyone how to read? (read by 1-2 pairs)

What difficulties did you encounter while working on the work? What will you do to cope with them? (we'll practice)

*Physical minute

Hands raised and shook.

These are trees in the forest.

Arms bent, hands shaken,

The wind blows away the dew.

Hands to the sides

Let's wave smoothly

These are the birds flying towards us.

How will they sit down?

We'll also show

The wings were folded back.

*V. Bianki “Who writes with what”

(slide with footprints in the snow)

You weren't the one who left the tracks? Who? What animals?

Where can we find out who left the traces? (read the next piece)

Read the title of the work, name the author.

Listen and follow with the pointer. (teacher reads)

What genre does this work belong to? (story)

By what standard will we work? ("Read the story")

Let's read the story in sequence.

What words are unclear? (fives, belly)

Find the answer to the question in the text.

What do animals write more often?

What do birds write with?

Besides paws, what else can animals write with?

Who agrees with the guys? What should the task be compared to? (with sample)

Let's ask the magpie to help us. (sample is superimposed)

What was difficult for you about this task? How would you evaluate the work of the whole class? I also think you did a great job. Evaluate this assignment on your assessment sheet. Paint 4 leaves.

*N. Sladkov “Who Sleeps How”

Shhh…. Don't wake up the forest inhabitants. Let's quietly take a look at who's sleeping.

(slide with a picture of a bat, black grouse, heron and hare).

Who did you recognize? Before you are the heroes of the next work.

Read the title, name the author.

Read the work.

What genre does it belong to? Name the participants in the dialogue.

If there is a dialogue, how will we read it? (by role, in a group).

How do they work in a group? We work in our groups.

What standard will help in preparing this work? (“Read by role”)

Which group completed the task and is ready to read the fairy tale? (1 group)

What difficulties did you encounter while working? What didn't work?

What will you do?

Children answer questions. Listen to music. They watch a video. They recite poems by heart. They work with standards. They work according to the ABC. Work in groups (pairs), using a work algorithm; agree, read the text, answer questions, discuss, carry out practical work, analyze.

They work independently, carry out self-(mutual) checks, conduct self-assessment.


The ability to work with texts individually, in pairs, in a group, to delegate powers, to distribute roles; the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.


Self-created ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.


Orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships;

The ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior;

Willingness for cooperation and friendship;


The ability to interact with peers in educational activities, the formation of an attitude to find ways to resolve difficulties.


Generalization of difficulties in external speech .

Target: consolidation of methods of action that caused difficulty.

Look at the assessment sheets.

What tasks did you have difficulty completing?

What should you do to avoid difficulties?

The guys answer questions and express their opinions and make assumptions.


Ability to act according to a plan and plan one’s activities;

The ability to control the process and results of one’s activities, including the implementation of anticipatory control in collaboration with the teacher and peers;


Search and selection of necessary information, application of information retrieval methods.


Willingness to cooperate and provide assistance.

Assessment of assimilated content, providing personal moral choice;


Planning educational collaboration with the teacher and peers;

The ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.


Reflection on learning activities in the classroom.

Target: correlate the purpose of the lesson and the results of the activity, evaluate the activities of yourself and your classmates in the lesson.

- -What goal did we set at the beginning of the lesson? (learn to expressively and correctly read works about nature and find information in them).

What standards did you use to complete the task?

What new things have you learned about nature?

What tasks did you enjoy doing?

What tasks did you find difficult to work on?

How will we overcome them?

Our walk ends, we approach a forest tree.

Look at your marking sheets, summarize and show everyone how you evaluate your work in class. (video film, on the board there is a tree on which children attach green, yellow and red leaves).

Before us is the most beautiful tree in the forest. This means you did a good job. Well done!

The teacher answers the questions and expresses their impressions of the lesson.
Relate the material studied and their experience gained in the lesson.

They draw a conclusion.

Get a positive attitude from the lesson


Assessment – ​​awareness of the quality and level of mastery and mastery of certain educational activities;

Carry out final control


Evaluate your own educational activities: your achievements, degree of independence, initiative, reasons for failures.


The ability to build productive interactions in collaboration with peers and adults.

Be active in activities.

- Guys, I want to start the lesson with riddles, I offer them listen and guess:


Black, crooked,

Mute from birth.

They will stand in a row -

They'll start talking right away.

He is not visible

Can't take it in your hands

But you can hear

Have you guessed what the topic of our lesson is?

Right! And in order to remember everything we know about sounds and letters, I propose to play the game “Believe it or not.” On the board you will see 6 statements to which you need to answer “yes” if you agree with the statement and “no” if you disagree. Everyone has a table with statement numbers on their desk. Complete the second row in this table.

Game “Believe it or not” Reception "Do you believe"

1.The Russian alphabet has 32 letters. NO

2. We pronounce and hear sounds, and write and see letters. YES

3. The vowel sound consists only of the voice. YES

4. A consonant sound consists of noise or noise and voice. YES

5. A consonant sound forms a syllable. NO

6.When pronouncing a consonant sound, air flows freely, without obstacles. NO

Work withCD.

Listen to the explanation of Ivan Ivanovich Samovarov. Working in pairs, fill out the table “How to distinguish a vowel from a consonant.”

But before we get started, let's remember the rules of pairing.

(Slide 6).

(Slide 7), checking the table.

How to distinguish
consonant sound from a vowel?

Vowel sounds


Sound consists of noise or noise and voice.

When pronouncing a sound, air flows freely, without obstacles.

When pronouncing a sound, a stream of air in the mouth encounters an obstacle (lips, teeth, tongue).

A vowel sound forms a syllable.

A consonant sound forms a syllable only together with a vowel sound.

Now let's reflect all our knowledge in clusters. There are two clusters on the board: “Sounds” and “Letters”. Try to fill it out yourself; reference words will help you.

Reception "Cluster"


They form...

... sound

... sound

... sound


... sound



... sound

We pronounce and...

Reception "Cube"

The class is divided into 6 groups. By rolling the die, each group receives one of the tasks, the numbers of which are written on the sides of the die.

1. Slide number 9. Fill in the missing letters in the alphabet.

2. Slide number 10. Find the vowels. Circle it.

3. Slide number 11. Find pairs of words that differ in one sound.

kit pack

Xhosa house

Morse cat

cancer smoke

goat poppy

wheelbarrow pile

4. Slide No. 12 Indicate the number of syllables in a word

5. Slide number 13 Indicate the number of syllables, letters and sounds

6. Slide number 14 Match the diagrams to the words

Slide number 15

Work on a tape of letters

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

How does a sound differ from a letter?

How to distinguish a vowel sound from a consonant?

What are the letters that represent vowel sounds?

What vowels can represent two sounds?

Which vowels indicate a soft consonant?

Which consonants always indicate a soft consonant sound?

Which consonants always indicate a hard consonant sound?

Which letters do not represent a sound?

Slide number 16

Independent work.

Write the following sentence in your notebook:The hedgehog has sharp spines.

1. Write out all the vowels from the sentence.

2. Write down a word with 3 syllables.

3. Find the word for the diagram in the sentence

Write it down, divide it into syllables, put stress on ite.

Determine how many letters and how many sounds.

4. Do a self-assessment.

Valuation activities

Complete the sentence:

- In today's lesson I learned...

After the lesson I wanted...

Today I managed...

Slide number 17 I wish you success!

The “Perspective” textbook system today is:

A modern information and educational resource for children, teachers and families;

- effective educational innovations;

- a successful future for our children.

The system’s textbooks are the basis of the educational and methodological complex “Perspective”.

Technological maps.

Routing- this is a new type of teaching products that provide effective and high-quality teaching training courses V primary school and the possibility of achieving the planned results of mastering basic educational programs at the level primary education in accordance with the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

Training using a technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal educational actions), in accordance with the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard, and significantly reduce the time for preparing a teacher for a lesson.

The technological map is intended for design educational process by topic. Technological maps for the "Mathematics" line, authors G. V. Dorofeev, T. N. Mirakova

Principles and regulations for working with technological maps.

Technological maps for working on the educational complex “Perspective”, 1st grade
Technological maps for teaching literacy. Letter
Technological maps for teaching literacy. Reading
Technological maps in the Russian language. 1 class
Technological maps for Literary reading. 1 class
Technological maps for the world around us. 1 class
Technological maps for Technology. 1 class
Technological maps for Mathematics 1st grade

Technological maps for working on the educational complex "Perspective", 2nd grade
Technological maps in the Russian language. 2nd grade (1st semester)
Technological maps for Literary reading. 2nd grade (1st semester)
Technological maps for the world around us. 2nd grade (1st semester)
Technological maps for Technology. 2nd grade (1st semester)
Technological maps in the Russian language. 2nd grade (2nd half year)
Technological maps for Literary reading. 2nd grade (2nd half year)
Technological maps for the world around us. 2nd grade (2nd half year)
Technological maps for Technology. 2nd grade (2nd half year)
Technological maps in Mathematics, grade 2 (1st semester) G.V. Dorofeeva and T.V. Mirakova
Technological maps for Mathematics 2nd grade (2nd half of the year)

From experience working with technological maps

Planned results of studying courses based on the results of grades 1 and 2.

The auxiliary and indicative nature of the presented planned results allows the teacher to adjust them in accordance with the educational capabilities of students, their own professional views, material, technical and other conditions of the educational institution.

Capital letter U
Pedagogical goal
Create conditions for developing the ability to write the capital letter U; promote the development of phonemic hearing, fine motor skills, eye perception

Lesson type
Solving a learning problem

Planned results (subject)
Compare lowercase and uppercase, printed and written letters; draw a pattern continuously; carry out syllable-sound analysis of words; write down sentences, indicate the boundaries of a sentence in writing; intonate when reading a sentence; use capital letters in proper names; copied from printed text; answer the question in writing

Personal results
Show cognitive interest and learning motives

Universal learning activities (meta-subject)
Regulatory: they plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.
Cognitive: general educational – consciously and voluntarily construct speech statements in oral and written form; logical – conduct a syllable-sound analysis of words with the sounds [y’u].
Communicative: able to communicate in a way that makes statements understandable to a partner

Educational Resources
Presentation on writing [Electronic resource]

Lesson script
Lesson stages
Forms, methods, methodological techniques
Teacher activities
Student activities
Type and form of control

Actions taken
Formed skills


I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson
Frontal, individual. Conversation
Greetings. Checking readiness for the lesson (presence on the table study book"Copybook 3", pens)
They greet the teacher and each other, check their readiness for the lesson, and get emotionally ready for the lesson. Answer teacher questions
They listen attentively and give internal instructions for the lesson.
Individual. Checking readiness for the lesson

II. Setting a learning task
Frontal. Verbal. Guessing riddles, conversation
– What letter did you learn to write in the last lesson?
– Which letter is paired with in the “letter ribbon” lowercase letter Yu?
– Today we will learn to write the capital letter U
– Lower case u.
– With a capital letter Y.
Teachers listen
Formulate learning task together with the teacher
Verbal responses

III. Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of activity.
1. Finger gymnastics
Frontal, individual. Practical, verbal. Exercise for the development of small
motor skills
- Let's prepare our hand for writing. Let's do finger exercises.
Fingers doing exercises
To be less tired.
And then they are in the notebook
They will write letters
Stretch your arms forward and squeeze
and unclench their fists. Repeat the exercise several times
Listen carefully, perform the exercise in accordance with the teacher’s instructions
Correct execution of exercises for fine motor skills of the fingers

Continuation of the table.

2. Rules for sitting at the table while writing
Individual. Practical
– We check the fit, the rules for handling the handle
They show how to sit at a table when writing and how to hold a pen correctly.
Maintains correct posture when writing and handles the pen correctly
Checking the correct posture when writing, correct handling of the pen

3. Introducing the writing of the capital letter U
Frontal. Verbal, visual demonstration, practical. Explanation based on demonstration
– Look at the example of writing the capital letter Y.
– We begin writing the capital letter Y from the middle of the wide auxiliary line. Draw a small stroke up to the right, then draw a line down, cross the top line of the working line, draw further down.
Before reaching the bottom line of the working line, we round it up to the left, slightly rising above the bottom line of the working line. Using a crossbar, we connect the first element with the second - with a large oval.
– Write the letter Y in the air
Listen to the teacher’s explanation and follow the writing of the letter. Prescribe the elements in the air
Analyze a sample of the letter being studied, highlight the elements in the capital letter
Teacher observation

4. Work in “Pro-writing 3” (p. 28). Letter Y, pattern
Individual. Practical. Letter
– Let’s look at examples of writing the letter Y.
– What are the arrows for?

– Circle the elements of the letter. Trace the pattern continuously and follow the pattern yourself.
– Complete the letters on the 1st line.

– Arrows show the direction of hand movement.
Perform writing elements of letters, patterns, letters U
Learn to write the letter Y according to the model; perform the pattern continuously
Correct letter Y, pattern

Continuation of the table.

Remember the rule: letters must be written at the same distance

5. Syllable-sound analysis of a word (p. 28)
Frontal, individual. Verbal, practical. Reading, writing, analysis
– Read the words on lines 2 and 3.
– Why are the words written with capital letters?
– Perform a syllable-sound analysis of the words Yulia, Yura.
– Write the name on the free part of the line
Read words, analyze them, answer questions
Write your own name correctly. Perform a syllable-sound analysis of the word, correlate the written word with the model diagram
Correct writing, oral responses, analysis

Physical education minute
Collective. Practical
Our rest is a physical education minute,
Take your seats.
Step in place, left, right,
One and two, one and two.
Keep everyone's back straight,
One and two, one and two!
And don't look at your feet,

One and two, one and two!

They walk in place.

Straighten your back.
They walk in place.
Circular movements of the head.
Walking in place
Prevent fatigue
Proper exercise

IV. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.
with a proposal
Frontal, individual. Verbal, practical. Conversation, letter
– Read the sentence on line 4.
– What is this sentence regarding the purpose of the statement?
– Why are the words written in capital letters?

They are reading.
– Narrative.
– People's names are written with a capital letter.
They read sentences, determine intonation, and write them down correctly.
Execute a letter with a stamp
Oral answers. Correct writing of the sentence

End of table.

(p. 28)

– Write a proposal, format it correctly in writing.
– Read the next sentence. What is the purpose of the statement?
– Write a sentence on a free line.
– Read the sentence on the last line.
– Determine the sentence according to the purpose of the statement.
– What font is used here?
- Answer the question.
– Write the answer in writing
They write sentences.
- Interrogative.

- Printed.

– Yura plays with Yulia
long text, answer the question in writing

V. Reflective-evaluative
Frontal. Verbal. Conversation
- Which letter were we visiting today?
– The letter Yu is pleased with your work. And you?
- What happened? What else needs to be worked on?
– Did you enjoy visiting the letter Y?
– Practice writing the letters you’ve learned at home
Answer teacher questions
Evaluate their work in class

"Perspective"- This training and metodology complex(UMK) for primary classes educational institutions, which is a holistic information and educational environment that implements unified ideological, didactic and methodological principles that meet the requirements of the Federal State educational standard(FSES).

Textbooks for studying the subject area “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics"(ORKSE) in 4th grade (can be used as part of the “School of Russia” and “Perspective” textbook systems):

ORKSE. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture. Kuraev A.V.
- ORKSE. Fundamentals of Islamic culture. Authors: Latyshina D.I., Murtazin M.F.
- ORKSE. Fundamentals of Jewish culture. Authors: Chlenov M.A., Mindrina G.A., Glotser A.V.
- ORKSE. Fundamentals of Buddhist culture. Chimitdorzhiev V.L.
- ORKSE. Foundations of world religious cultures. Authors: Beglov A.L., Saplina E.V., Tokareva E.S. and etc.
- ORKSE. Fundamentals of secular ethics. Shemshurina A.I.

Studying foreign languages according to the following teaching materials of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie":
