Download the presentation on the topic of a safe new year. Presentation "Caution, pyrotechnics! Safe New Year!" Safety requirements when using pyrotechnic products

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The presentation on the topic “Safe New Year” (8th grade) can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: life safety. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 18 slide(s).

Presentation slides

Slide 1

Safe New Year

Completed by: 8a grade student, Shushenskaya school No. 1, Alexandra Andreevna Shcherbakova.

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I. Ensuring fire safety requirements when organizing and holding New Year trees

When decorating a Christmas tree, it is prohibited:

Use celluloid and other flammable toys and decorations for decoration; use candles, sparklers, fireworks, etc. to illuminate the Christmas tree; cover the stand and decorate the branches with cotton wool and toys made from it, not impregnated with a fire retardant.

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Choosing a location and installation of the Christmas tree:

The tree should not be located next to heating devices; - the location of the tree should not interfere with the exit from the room; if it ignites, it can become an insurmountable barrier to evacuation; - the tree should be installed on a stable base and in such a way that the branches do not touch the walls and ceiling;

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In premises used for festive events, it is prohibited:

Carrying out events with locked swing bars on the windows of the premises in which they are held; - use arc spotlights, candles and firecrackers, arrange fireworks and other fire-hazardous light effects that can lead to a fire; - decorate the Christmas tree with celluloid toys, as well as gauze and cotton wool, not impregnated with fire retardants; - dress children in costumes made of flammable materials; carry out fire, painting and other fire and explosion hazardous work; completely turn off the lights in the room during performances or performances; allow the premises to be filled with people in excess of the established norm.

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Actions in case of fire.

a) immediately report this by phone to the fire department (in this case, you must clearly state the address of the institution, the location of the fire, and your last name);

b) use the fire warning system

c) If possible, begin to extinguish the fire.

d) Evacuate from the premises

Slide 7

I I. Ensuring safety requirements when using pyrotechnic products. Selection of pyrotechnic product:

Do not use homemade pyrotechnic products! - pyrotechnic products must be purchased only in specialized stores (departments);

Slide 8

When purchasing pyrotechnic products, check the availability of a certificate of conformity (fireworks and pyrotechnic toys (crackers) in accordance with the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 1997 No. 16 “On approval of the rules for certification of pyrotechnic products” are subject to mandatory certification in the Certification System of Explosive Materials and Products for their basis), instructions in Russian, expiration date.

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When purchasing a product that is unfamiliar to you without receiving instructions or qualified advice, it is better to refuse it. - When choosing pyrotechnic products, pay attention to their appearance. You cannot use products that have obvious defects: wrinkled, wet, with cracks or other damage to the body or wick. - when purchasing pyrotechnic products, you must remember that the flammable substances and gunpowder they contain are flammable. If handled carelessly or stored incorrectly, they can easily ignite and cause a fire or injury.

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Safety requirements when using pyrotechnic products

1. Before use, clearly determine in advance: where you will hold the fireworks, what pyrotechnic product you will use, how you will organize its display; 2. Choose a location for the fireworks display. Ideally, this could be a large open area - a courtyard, square or clearing - free from trees and buildings;

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5. Think in advance where the audience will be. They need to ensure good visibility and safety, and to do this, place them at a distance of 35-50 meters from the fireworks launch site, always on the windward side, so that the wind does not blow smoke and unburned parts of the products onto them. Standing at a distance is not only safer, but also more convenient to watch the fireworks; you don’t need to throw your head back high and look for the departed rocket with your eyes.

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6. If your yard is small and cramped, you can use a limited assortment, mainly ground-based: firecrackers, firecrackers, fire tops and wheels, but under no circumstances should you launch products that fly upward - rockets, butterflies and other things. Using them near residential buildings and other buildings is strictly prohibited: they can get into a window or window, fly into the attic or onto the roof and cause a fire. Try to move further away from home and find a more suitable place.

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When using pyrotechnic products, it is strictly prohibited:

Use a pyrotechnic product before reading the instructions; - when the wind is more than 5 m/s; - use pyrotechnics when there are people, animals, flammable materials, trees, buildings, residential buildings, and electrical wires in the danger zone;

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Carry out any actions not provided for in the instructions for use and these safety measures, as well as disassemble or remake finished products; - use pyrotechnics in enclosed spaces, apartments, offices (except for firecrackers, sparklers and fountains permitted for use in enclosed spaces), as well as launch fireworks from balconies and loggias;

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Disposal of pyrotechnic products

Used pyrotechnics must be disposed of with household waste after soaking in water for 24 hours. In the event of a pyrotechnics failure, you must: - wait at least 10 minutes to verify the failure. - if the wick burns out, do not try to re-ignite it. - carry out an external inspection of the pyrotechnic product to make sure there are no smoldering parts.

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
  • DC 1-2 Greeting

    here and there
    Fireworks are splashing in the sky...
    Great, of course
    If everything is successful.

    But the danger
    on a way
    Guards -
    can't get around!
    If anything goes wrong,
    marriage in fireworks,
    Or away
    didn't run away

    Or out the window
    who got hit
    In general, there are so many questions here!
    Don't let fireworks go off without asking!

    Do you want to arrange fireworks?
    let's not argue
    so as not to get hurt
    You need to call adults for help!

    Fireworks, the most incredible and beautiful sight.

    When two verses: fire and air - come together.

    Progress has made this “little miracle” accessible to everyone.

    But most importantly,
    do not forget,
    that jokes with fire are bad,

    and always comply
    safety precautions.

    DC 6 From the history of pyrotechnics

    The word “pyrotechnics” comes from the Greek words: “pir” - fire and “techne” - art, skill. The art of “creating” fire and controlling it arose in ancient times.

    In 1674, the first fireworks display in Russia was held in the city of Ustyug.

    Under Peter I, fireworks became an integral part of entertainment organized on the occasion of any special event.

    DC 7. Pyrotechnics classes

    It turns out that there are 5 classes of pyrotechnics. The market mainly presents pyrotechnics of 1-3 classes, household ones. The simplest one is firecrackers. They are the cheapest and easiest to “operate”. But this does not mean that when lighting them you can completely forget about safety, relax and have fun. Then there are fireworks. They come in a wide variety of varieties - flying, sliding along the ground, exploding. Well, except that breakdancers don’t dance in the air... although... The next class is rockets. Usually the rocket is mounted on a stick - a flight stabilizer, which gives it direction so that it flies strictly vertically. As a rule, an empty bottle or some pipe lying around is used as a guide. It is better for the rocket to be launched not by a beginner, but by a person already familiar with this pyrotechnics. After all, often accidents occur simply from carelessness and inattention. It happens that they place a rocket on an uneven ice surface, and at the first salvo it rolls down and starts shooting at the spectators, or even inadvertently flies onto someone’s balcony or window. At best, this will end in hysterical cursing of the surrounding residents; at worst, it can lead to a fire. To avoid this, the rocket must be placed on an absolutely flat, trampled surface and sprinkled with snow on the sides - for reliability. A wonderful thing is festival balloons. You probably had to see (those who didn’t have to launch, of course) bright balls that looked like large apples flashing in the sky. It looks much more festive than the launch of conventional rockets. The most chic thing is the fireworks batteries. These are single fireworks assembled into a large battery. Volleys are heard one after another, not allowing the audience to even bat their snow-covered eyelashes. And this “show” is already closer to what real professionals “show” on Victory Day.

    DC 8
    There are rules in the world
    All children should know them.
    Now we'll hit the road,
    To a country where rules live.

    You always remember the rules
    So that trouble doesn't happen suddenly,
    And trouble didn't come
    And somewhere suddenly I found you.
    And you not only need to know them,
    And constantly do it.

    DC 9-10-11. Rules for using pyrotechnics

    You cannot wear pyrotechnic products
    in your pockets.

    You cannot burn pyrotechnics in a fire.

    Do not disassemble pyrotechnic products and expose them to mechanical stress.

    Do not allow open fire in the room where pyrotechnics are stored.

    Place pyrotechnics away from heating devices.

    Remember that pyrotechnic products are susceptible to dampness, and this may affect their operation.

    Any pyrotechnics must be lit
    at arm's length

    DC 15. Rescue phone numbers

    DC 16. First aid
    New Year's holidays are approaching.

    Well, what are holidays without fireworks?

    Often we do not pay due attention to basic safety rules when handling pyrotechnics.

    The most common injury resulting from the use of firecrackers, firecrackers and sparklers is burns.

    DC 17 What is a burn?

    A skin burn is an injury resulting from exposure to high temperature: flame, boiling water, steam; electric current, chemical substance: acid or alkali; ionizing radiation, i.e. radiation.

    Burn degrees

    1st degree redness and swelling of the skin.
    2nd degree detachment of the epidermis with the formation of blisters. The bottom of the bladder is bright pink, very painful.
    3rd degree A - damage to the skin up to the papillary layer. A thin light brown or whitish scab forms. Pain sensitivity is reduced.
    3rd degree B - death of the entire thickness of the skin. The burns are represented by dense scabs, through which the pattern of thrombosed veins is visible.
    Stage 4 - complete charring. There is no pain.
    Often there is a combination of thermal burns of the skin and respiratory tract. This is a very life-threatening situation. A burn of the upper respiratory tract can be suspected based on several signs.
    Signs of thermal damage to the respiratory tract:
    presence of burns to the face, neck, upper chest.
    coughing up black mucus.
    hoarseness of voice, "barking cough".

    DC 18
    Emergency first aid for thermal burns:
    1. Stop exposure to the traumatic factor. For any degree of burn, it is advisable to cool the body with cold water.
    2. Remove clothing and, if possible, remove fragments of smoldering clothing. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the skin. If the fabric is stuck to the body, there is no need to tear it off. It is best to cut off the clothes.
    3. Cover the burn area with a clean cloth. You should not wash the surface of the burn with water of questionable purity, pierce the blisters, or touch the burn with your hands.
    4. Keep the wound cool by applying cold through a bandage.
    5. Give any painkiller you have: “Analgin”, “Pentalgin”, “Nurofen”, etc.
    6. If the victim is conscious, it is advisable to give him any available drink in small sips every 5-10 minutes. It is advisable to drink mineral water or sweet tea.

    pouring copious amounts of cold water over the affected skin

    gently releasing the burn surface
    from clothes;

    applying a damp sterile dressing to the wound
    with an antiseptic (for example, furatsilin).

    In case of chemical burns to the eyes, it is necessary to rinse immediately and for a long time (up to 30 minutes) with water.

    Apply to the area of ​​thermal burn
    ointments, pastes, creams, powders, etc.
    Not recommended.

    For burns
    It is forbidden:

    Lubricate the burned surface with oils and fats;

    Remove any remaining clothing from the burnt surface;

    Open burn blisters;

    Bandage the burned surface tightly;


    Sprinkle with powders and erachmal;

    Lubricate with iodine, brilliant green, lotions, ointments;

    Offer the victim sparkling water.

    DC 21 How to use sparklers correctly

    Sparklers, like any pyrotechnics, are flammable.
    Sparklers should be used only after a thorough inspection for damage and familiarization
    with instructions.
    Despite its commonality, sparklers are a very beautiful (and most importantly affordable) fireworks display.
    It is recommended to use a sparkler candle, holding it in your hand by the part free from the pyrotechnic composition,

    The tilt angle should be 30-45 degrees.

    And colored sparkler candles should be used only in the open air, outdoors, because the pyrotechnic composition used in their manufacture contains aggressive oxidizing agents released by combustion products.

    DC 22. Quiz

    The most New Year's types of fire are...
    (Sparklers, Christmas tree candles.)

    * A person “working with a spark” is... Who?

    DC 25
    What do firefighters prohibit their children from doing at the New Year's party?
    (Shout: “One, two, three! Christmas tree, burn!”)

    Happy New Year!
    We wish you happiness with all our hearts!
    To get you through this year
    Without sadness and worries.

    So that with success
    You have to work
    And on holiday - have fun,
    And good luck to you in your business,
    And smiles on your lips.

    Full text of the material Presentation "Caution, pyrotechnics! Safe New Year holiday!" see the downloadable file.
    The page contains a fragment.

    Budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type 18”. New Year. A holiday safe for children. New Year is an amazing time when wishes come true and miracles happen. The main thing is to make sure that for your kids the spell is not dissipated by problems that are not at all festive. Therefore, think about how to arrange a safe holiday. You certainly know a lot about this. But it’s never a bad idea to learn something new, and even more important, to organize the information you know and create several algorithms for each specific situation. Christmas tree When purchasing an artificial tree, make sure it is fire resistant. This should be written in the attached documentation. A live Christmas tree must be fresh. Place the Christmas tree away from radiators, fireplaces and electric heaters. The spruce should not interfere with walking or block passages. Cut off a few centimeters of the trunk. This will help absorb water better and the wood will not dry out. Check regularly to make sure you are drinking enough water. Before hanging a garland on the tree, check it. Make sure that all the lights are on and that the wires and sockets are not damaged. Never use electric lights on metal trees. If you want to use garlands outdoors, for example to decorate windows and doors, buy products that have the appropriate certification. When decorating, hang garlands from non-conductive hooks rather than nails or tacks. Never pull or tug on a garland while hanging or removing it. Ground any lights you hang outdoors to prevent the possibility of electric shock. Turn off all lights when you go to bed or leave the house. All Christmas tree decorations must be made from non-flammable or fire-resistant materials. Choose tinsel and Christmas tree decorations made of plastic or metal. Never decorate your Christmas tree with candles. If you have small children in the house, avoid using sharp or breakable decorations. Decorative elements with small parts should be kept out of the reach of children to prevent them from accidentally swallowing or inhaling them. Don't use decorations that look like candy or other tempting foods - children may want to taste them. GarlandsChristmas decorations

    As a gift, choose toys that suit the child’s age, abilities and interests. Toys intended for children older than your child may be dangerous. Carefully read the instructions for the toy before buying and giving it to your child. To prevent burns and electric shocks, do not give small children toys that must be plugged into an electrical outlet. Battery-powered toys are more suitable for young children. Children under three years of age may choke on small parts from games and toys. According to safety rules, toys intended for small children should not contain small elements at all. For your child's safety, also remove all ties and bows from toys before gifting them. Safe toysSafe food Raw food always contains bacteria, so food should be cooked thoroughly. It is also important to wash fruits and vegetables. Make sure that hot food and drinks are kept away from the edge of the table, where they could easily be dropped by a small child. Wash your hands often and make sure your children do the same. If you have tasted food from a shared container, do not use it again without washing it. Always keep raw and cooked food separate. And to prepare them, use different dishes. Always defrost meat in the refrigerator, not at room temperature. Food that should be kept in the refrigerator should not be kept warm for more than two hours. Happy Guests Clean up as soon as you see the last guest out. A small child may wake up early and taste leftover “adult” food and alcohol. Remember that the home you have been invited to may not be safe for a child. Do not allow children to be in places where they could get into trouble. In case of an emergency, you should always have an emergency telephone number at hand. Traveling, visiting and shopping, and even receiving gifts can strain a child’s nervous system and cause stress. You and your baby will enjoy the holidays more if you follow your usual daily routine. In fact, a lot depends on your inner feeling. The holiday should be a holiday for everyone. The main thing is to think through everything so that the New Year is pleasant and safe for everyone. Happy New Year to you!

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    Safe New Year Completed by: 8a grade student, Shushenskaya school No. 1, Alexandra Andreevna Shcherbakova.

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    I. Ensuring fire safety requirements when organizing and holding New Year trees When decorating a Christmas tree, it is prohibited to: Use celluloid and other flammable toys and decorations for decoration; use candles, sparklers, fireworks, etc. to illuminate the Christmas tree; cover the stand and decorate the branches with cotton wool and toys made from it, not impregnated with a fire retardant.

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    Choosing the location and installation of the Christmas tree: - the Christmas tree should not be located next to heating devices, - the location of the Christmas tree should not interfere with the exit from the room; if it ignites, it can become an insurmountable obstacle to the escape route, - the Christmas tree should be installed on a stable base and in such a way that the branches did not touch the walls and ceiling;

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    In the premises used for festive events, it is prohibited: - holding events with locked swing bars on the windows of the premises in which they are held; - use arc spotlights, candles and firecrackers, arrange fireworks and other fire-hazardous light effects that can lead to a fire; - decorate the Christmas tree with celluloid toys, as well as gauze and cotton wool, not impregnated with fire retardants; - dress children in costumes made of flammable materials; carry out fire, painting and other fire and explosion hazardous work; completely turn off the lights in the room during performances or performances; allow the premises to be filled with people in excess of the established norm.

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    Actions in case of fire. a) immediately report this by phone to the fire department (in this case, you must clearly state the address of the institution, the location of the fire, and your last name); b) activate the fire warning system; c) If possible, begin to extinguish the fire. d) Evacuate from the premises

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    I I. Ensuring safety requirements when using pyrotechnic products. Selection of pyrotechnic products: - do not use homemade pyrotechnic products! - pyrotechnic products must be purchased only in specialized stores (departments);

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    When purchasing pyrotechnic products, check the availability of a certificate of conformity (fireworks and pyrotechnic toys (crackers) in accordance with the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 1997 No. 16 “On approval of the rules for certification of pyrotechnic products” are subject to mandatory certification in the Certification System of Explosive Materials and Products for their basis), instructions in Russian, expiration date.

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    When purchasing a product that is unfamiliar to you without receiving instructions or qualified advice, it is better to refuse it. - When choosing pyrotechnic products, pay attention to their appearance. You cannot use products that have obvious defects: wrinkled, wet, with cracks or other damage to the body or wick. - when purchasing pyrotechnic products, you must remember that the flammable substances and gunpowder they contain are flammable. If handled carelessly or stored incorrectly, they can easily ignite and cause a fire or injury.

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    Safety requirements when using pyrotechnic products 1. Before use, clearly determine in advance: where you will hold fireworks, what pyrotechnic product you will use, how you will organize its display; 2. Choose a location for the fireworks display. Ideally, this could be a large open area - a courtyard, square or clearing - free from trees and buildings;

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    3. Carefully inspect the selected location; in the neighborhood (within a radius of 100 meters) there should be no fire hazards, parking lots, wooden sheds or garages, etc. 4. In strong winds, the size of the danger zone downwind should be increased 3-4 times.

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    5. Think in advance where the audience will be. They need to ensure good visibility and safety, and to do this, place them at a distance of 35-50 meters from the fireworks launch site, always on the windward side, so that the wind does not blow smoke and unburned parts of the products onto them. Standing at a distance is not only safer, but also more convenient to watch the fireworks; you don’t need to throw your head back high and look for the departed rocket with your eyes.

    Slide 13

    6. If your yard is small and cramped, you can use a limited assortment, mainly ground-based: firecrackers, firecrackers, fire tops and wheels, but under no circumstances should you launch products that fly upward - rockets, butterflies and other things. Using them near residential buildings and other buildings is strictly prohibited: they can get into a window or window, fly into the attic or onto the roof and cause a fire. Try to move further away from home and find a more suitable place.

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    When using pyrotechnic products, it is strictly prohibited: - to use a pyrotechnic product before reading the instructions; - when the wind is more than 5 m/s; - use pyrotechnics when there are people, animals, flammable materials, trees, buildings, residential buildings, and electrical wires in the danger zone;

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    To make the holiday a joy...

    You can't play with fire, baby!
    These games are dangerous
    At the same time they can
    get injured:
    Both adults and children.

    Slide 4

    Consequences of situations arising on holidays

    In our country, the number of victims from the consequences of situations that arise on holidays is growing. All this happens because many children and adults do not know how to behave correctly in a variety of dangerous everyday situations, under normal conditions.

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    A dangerous situation is

    • a situation in which there is a direct threat to human life and health.
    • Before you start preparing for the New Year celebration and relaxation during the winter holidays, you need to remember what can interfere with the carefree, joyful moment of celebrating the holiday.
    • This means that we must provide for everything that is fraught with danger. So that the holiday is a joy.
  • Slide 6

    Christmas tree installation

    • Do not place the tree on escape routes.
    • Do not install the Christmas tree near heating appliances.
    • The exit must always be free.
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    Christmas tree decoration should be smart

    • Do not use flammable toys, cotton wool, gauze, or paper to decorate the Christmas tree and carnival costumes.
  • Slide 8

    You can’t turn on the garland yourself

    Who plugs into the socket?

    TV, toaster, kettle

    And garlands and lights -

    Come on, Christmas tree, burn!!!

    The network cannot be overloaded

    There will be no celebration, but trouble.

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    Do not light candles or sparklers at home

    And who decorates the Christmas tree?

    lights candles on it,

    And who then wonders:

    “Why did my house burn down?”

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    Do not leave plugged-in electrical appliances unattended.

    • We are accustomed to the fact that there is always light, warmth, and water in our apartments. But it should be clear to children and adults that using these facilities incorrectly is dangerous.
  • Slide 12

    Don't use fireworks and firecrackers - they're scary...

    • They tell us that fire is not a toy, but as long as there is white light, the Chinese have an old firecracker
    • At least one client will be found. In anticipation of impossible miracles, we will buy sparklers,
    • and put firecrackers in your pockets for happy holidays.
    • Well, what can I say, well, what can I say, this is how people are designed. They want to play, they want to play, not knowing what will happen.
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    And this is what will happen

    The match was thrown accidentally
    The flame flared up desperately
    Don't panic, friends,
    Save your home from fire.
    After any fire
    The sight is terrible
    Houses burned to the ground -
    The ashes are terrible.

  • Fires are very dangerous, as things, an apartment, even an entire house can burn down. But the worst thing is that people can die in a fire.
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