The spoiled agent was truly enjoying himself. A culture of speech. Basic aspects of speech culture. Functional language styles

The spoiled agent really took pleasure in buying boys' pants and teenage shoes for his children, as well as diapers for his newborn daughter, whom he only saw briefly. The religion of the agent, who was not compromised by belonging to the aristocracy (he kept his coat of arms along with a photograph of his deceased Ukrainian uncle), did not allow him to change citizenship, experience the catharsis of being in the theater stalls, read lampoons and pass judgment. His thinking was influenced by the study of the traditions of Russian icon painting, evidence of posthumous ordeals of the soul and reflection on the proximity of the apocalypse. He felt not like a heretic, but a chosen one of heaven and saw a sign of the last times in every new invention.

The agent's exalted friends were jealous that, as a deeply religious Christian, he devoted his leisure time to his home and never left his family on Sundays. They masterfully hatched a conspiracy and began to bully him. They teased the agent, calling him “an emotionless statue, more beautiful than a naked David” and claimed that his “life is extremely normalized.” In the end they forced him to break all the taboos.

Restaurant regulars, customs officials and mine owners took him to a Sunday party at a cookery where alcohol flowed straight from the tap and was therefore sold at exorbitant prices. And only for old friends the owners sold goods at a wholesale price. Finding themselves at the table, the friends ordered toast, wine in a bowl, beets, cottage cheese, sorrel and tongue sausage. Having exhausted all means of convincing our hero to take a sip of wine, his friends poured a small amount of medical alcohol into his sparkling water. But even this tiny amount turned out to be enough to facilitate the company’s intention to cause a brawl. The agent's face began to turn purple, his glasses slipped down by three diopters, he coughed and proposed to petition for an agreement to organize an entire industry for the extraction of caterpillars and ensuring their transformation into butterflies. “What awaits us,” he notified everyone, “is guaranteed success, because there is no analogue to such an industry, we will receive a profit every quarter and will be able to run for president.” The speech made caused a dispersion of everyone's attention, and the agent felt nausea, foreshadowing a stroke. Having blocked the attack, the agent invited his friends to go to his winter quarters, located 735 kilometers from the culinary center, if you move obliquely. But then he completely forgot the alphabet and the entire language system as a whole and lost consciousness.

He woke up in the morning in a room where all the windows were blocked, so he realized that he was at the airport. How he got to the airport, he did not know. A carpenter sitting next to him told him how he kicked, screamed that he didn’t want to go to the dispensary, and threw kitchen knives from God knows where, for which he was almost put under arrest.

The agent decided to immediately call home and walked along the old gas pipeline, left to rust, and bags of cement to the nearest payphone, coming up with an alibi as he went.


student group ____________

_________(FULL NAME)____________

Creative laboratory

Research laboratory

Prepare your message.

1. Types of speech cultures in Russian national communication.

2. Communicative ideal in Russian national communication.

Normative aspect of the Russian language

Orthoepic and accentological norms

Write down the words in which spelling and accentological norms are violated.

Apostrophe O f, Athens I nin, religious e giving, mutually, dermatin, don e mistake, incident, exhaustion A t, competitive, to at hone, m A sterski, newborn, guardianship, cake, slipped, anticipated And yeah, prin at dit, scrupulous, tol And ka, ukra And English, fluorography, progress A secrete, h e sleep.

Read the texts. Pay attention to the pronunciation of words in italics.

Spoiled Agent really scooped pleasure in buying diapers for newborn daughter whom he only saw glimpse. Agent Religion, which is not compromised to belong to aristocracy(mine armorial he kept the sign along with a photograph of his uncle- Ukrainian), did not allow him to change citizenship, experience catharsis from staying in stalls theater, read lampoons and take out sentences. on his thinking influenced by the study of Russian traditions icon painting. He felt not heretic, and saw the chosen one of heaven the Omen last times in every new invention.

Exalted friends agent was envious that he is like a deeply religious Christian, dedicates his leisure home and never leaves his family on Sundays. They masterfully arranged CONSPIRACY and started it bully. They claimed that his life extremely normalized, and in the end forced ruin it all taboo.

Regulars restaurants, workers customs and the mine owners, they took him to a Sunday party in cooking where the liquor flowed straight from water supply, but it was sold at exorbitant prices. But only long-standing friends owners released the goods at wholesale price. Finding themselves at the table, the friends ordered toast, wine in bowl, beets, cottage cheese, sorrel And linguistic sausage. Having exhausted All facilities convince our hero take a sip wine, his friends poured him some a little alcohol V carbonated water. But even this meager the quantity was sufficient to ease intention arrange a company brawl. Face agent began to turn purple, He coughed And proposed to intercede about the conclusion agreement about the organization of the whole industry By catching caterpillars And ensuring their transformation into butterflies. “Waiting for us,” notified it is a guaranteed success for everyone, because there is no analogue industry does not exist, we will each receive profit quarter, and I can run for office for the presidency." Then agent suggested friends to go to his winter quarters, located in 735 kilometers from cooking, if you move obliquely. But then he completely forgot alphabet and all linguistic system as a whole and lost consciousness.

He woke up in the morning in the room where they were clogged all the windows. Soon he Understood which is located at the airport. How did he get to airport, he did not know. Sitting next to carpenter told him how he kicked and screamed that he didn’t want to go to dispensary, rushed god knows where did it come from kitchen with knives, for which he was almost put under arrest.

Agent decided to immediately call home and along the old gas pipeline, left rust, and bags of cement went to the nearest payphone, making up an alibi as he went.


Using dictionaries, place emphasis on words.

Lexical norms

Type of error Example Remedy Note
1. Choosing a word without taking into account semantics Most of the game has already passed. Semantics of a word - meaning.
2. Violation of lexical compatibility It's time to sum up the results of the meeting: our team is ahead. Lexical compatibility is the ability of words to connect with each other in a speech segment.
3. The emergence of ambiguity due to the use of a polysemantic or homonymous word The lack of instruments casts doubt on the results of the experiment. A polysemous word is a word with two or more meanings. Homonyms are words that are the same in sound and spelling, but different in meaning.
4. Speech redundancy The worker was fired for absenteeism without a valid reason. Based on what they found, there is already strong evidence in favor of this theory. This is my work colleague. Pleonasm is the repetition of words that are identical in meaning and therefore superfluous. Tautology is the repetition of words with the same root. Hidden tautology is a repetition of a foreign and Russian word with a duplicate meaning.
1. Mixing paronyms This actor played the title role in the film Crime and Punishment. Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning due to different suffixes and consoles.
6. Errors in the use of borrowed words A cavalcade of cars was moving along the embankment. P’s performance was especially piquant. The store has a large selection of quality shoes.
7. Errors in the use of phraseological units He always considered his neighbor a notorious enemy. New rules have come into effect. Stop going from empty to empty! This is what the grandmother said for two. The visitor left without having taken a sip. The commander ordered to reel in the fishing rods. Phraseologisms are stable combinations of words.

Fill the table.

I. Transformed utterance The original version of the precedent text Author (if any) Source
1. The housing issue has spoiled the deputies.
2. Why don’t officials fly like people?
3. All citizens are equal, but some are more equal than others.
4. I would be glad to serve, to be waited on too.
5. Assange for both your houses!
6. Bend over, gentlemen, bend over!
7. Oh, Van, look at the elections
8. A patriot's dream came true
9. He who Googles will always find
10. We were born to make Kafka come true
11. I don’t know another country like this, where it’s so free, peaceful and all around.
12. Your word, fellow browser
13. Yandex is watching you
II. Quote Author Work
1. We all learned a little something and somehow.
2. Never talk to strangers.
3. Maybe I should give you the key to the apartment where the money is?
4. Let's hit the road rally against off-road conditions and sloppiness.
5. Two minutes of hatred.
6. Ah! Evil tongues are worse than a pistol.
7. I'm not being naughty, I don't touch anyone, fixing the primus.
8. In the morning I spread the sandwich. Immediately I thought: how are the people? And the caviar doesn’t come out in the throat, And the compote does not pour into the mouth!
9. Congratulations, citizen, having lied!
10. Arkady, don’t speak beautifully.
11. Owner of factories, newspapers, ships.
12. You and I are of the same blood, you and me.
13. The poet’s soul could not bear it.
14. Nobody writes to the Colonel.
15. You need such a cow yourself!
16. You can’t understand Russia with your mind.
13. Learning is a plague; learning is the reason.

Morphological norms

Use of numerals

Syntactic norms

Error type Example Remedy
1. Management at homogeneous members offers Select and prepare personnel. The trust organized and manages the enterprises.
2. Stringing cases To solve the problem of accelerating the rise in the level of industrial production...
3. Choice of case in constructions with words of the same root that are similar in meaning Worried about the children. Based on results. Pay for travel.
4. Choosing the correct case and preposition Indicate that... Due to the past rains... Due to the upcoming departure... Thanks to illness...
5. Use of participial phrases Organizations that are the first to pave access roads will be awarded a prize. There are smiling faces around me. He spoke about the order that prevailed here before the revolution. In front of us stood a birch tree, swaying by the wind.
6. Use of participial phrases Passing a birch grove, I felt dizzy. Passing a birch grove, I felt sad. Having run away from home, the boy was found by his parents.

Prepare your message.

1. A communicative leader is the standard of speech behavior. 2. Typical violations of literary norms in students’ oral speech. 3. Speech culture in everyday communication.

4. Types and causes of language errors and communication failures. 5. Modern youth slang.


Questions for self-control:

1. Define the concept of “speech culture”. Expand the content of the components of the concept

2. Name the features of modern speech situation. Do you think the Russian language needs protection?

3. What is a language norm? Is it necessary?

4. Name the basic norms of the modern Russian literary language. Identify its characteristic features.

5. Distribute errors by type (speech, stylistic, grammatical), give examples: use of a word in an unusual meaning, violation of lexical compatibility of words, pleonasm, tautology (repetition of cognate words), speech failure, violation of stylistic homogeneity of speech, unsuccessful use of pronouns, violation of word structure, errors in coordination, errors in management.

6. Name the main reference dictionaries of the modern Russian literary language. In which dictionary can you check the correct spelling of words? In which dictionary can you check pronunciation and stress standards? In which dictionary can you find a replacement for a word or combination, an answer to the question of how to say it differently, how to express the same thought in other words, or name this or that object?

Prepare your message.

1. Ethics business communication. 2. Speech etiquette: “maxims of politeness” and means of their expression. 3. Internet as a new means of communication. 4. Conditions for effective verbal interaction. 5. Communication barriers. 6. Rules of telephone etiquette.

Questions for self-control:

1. Name the main functions of communication. Give examples of their implementation in various communication situations.

2. How the meaning of the word “communication” is interpreted in various dictionaries (explanatory, psychological, pedagogical, etc.). What is common and different in the interpretation of this concept?

3. What characteristics of an individual define the concept “ linguistic personality»?

4. Give the concept of effective communication. Identify its characteristic features.

5. Maintaining communicative balance.

6. List the principles of business communication.

7. Name the basic laws of communication.

Functional language styles

Public speaking

Use gradation.

Sample. My opponents call these shortcomings. But these are not just shortcomings, these are not even mistakes, this is a real crime.

I. They say that action must be taken against this person. It is not only necessary to take action against him, he is needed... he is needed... 2. The authorities say that a significant amount is needed for this matter. This amount is not only significant, it is... it is... for our budget. 3. She doesn't

she's just cute, she... she's just...


1. What does education give a person? 2. Should children help their parents with housework be paid? 3. Is it possible to defeat blat? 4. Who achieves more - the one who is just studying or the one who also works part-time? 5. What sacrifices can children accept from their parents?

6. Does prison correct a criminal? 7. Should smoking be allowed in school? 8. How to overcome drunkenness? 9. Do we need censorship? 10. Should parents help their children with homework? 11. Can everyone live richly? 12. Is it possible to eradicate


Prepare your message.

1. “Oratorical fear” and ways to overcome it. 2. Speaker and audience. 3. Means of expression in public speaking. 4. The art of argument, discussion, controversy.

5. Dishonest methods in the behavior of polemicists. Permissible and impermissible tricks in a dispute.


Questions for self-control:

1. List the conditions for the effectiveness of public speech.

2. Name the basic concepts of rhetoric.

3. List ways to attract attention, evidence and refutation. Indicate the main types of arguments.

4. Preparing a speech: choosing a topic, purpose of speech, searching for material, beginning, development and completion of speech. Basic methods of searching for material and types of auxiliary materials. Verbal design public speaking. Requirements for public speaking.

5. Indicate the features of informative (informative) speech. What means of activating the attention of listeners should the speaker use in the process of public speaking of an informative nature.

6. Indicate the features of argumentative speech. List the speaker’s tasks that are solved in the process of preparing an argumentative speech.

7. Ability to answer questions. Types of questions and answers.

Questions for testing

1. The need to introduce the course “Russian language and culture of speech” into the higher education system vocational education. Subject, goals and objectives of the discipline.

2. Communication as the basis of all types human activity. Communication and language.

3. Language as a sign system.

4. Functional varieties of literary language and the social functions they perform.

5. Standardization of language activity. The concept of a language norm.

6. Spelling standards.

7. Punctuation norms of the modern Russian language.

8. Morphological norms of the modern Russian language.

9. Syntactic norms of the modern Russian language.

10. Orthoepic norms of the modern Russian language.

11. Functional and semantic types of speech.

12. Verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

13. Features of business communication.

14. Official business written language.

15. National and cultural traditions speech etiquette.

16. History of the formation of the Russian literary language.

17. Historical changes in language norms.

18. Stress in modern Russian.

19. The phenomenon of polysemy (polysemy).

20. Book and colloquial speech. Operating conditions.

21. Features of official business style. Characteristics of its text and language parameters.

22. Classification of documents.

23. Features of scientific style. Characteristics of its text and language parameters.

24. Features of journalistic style. Characteristics of its text and language parameters.

25. Conversational style and its linguistic features.

26. Language of artistic speech.

27. Basics of public speaking skills.

28. Stages of speech and methods of verbal presentation of public speech.

29. Text and its transformation: structural and semantic types of (micro)texts; types of interphrase connections organizing (micro)text.

30. Correctness of speech as a communicative quality.

31. Accuracy, logic and purity as communicative qualities of speech. Paronyms.

32. Richness of speech as a communicative quality.

33. Telephone etiquette. Maxims of telephone communication.

34. Dispute, discussion, controversy.

35. Culture and culture of speech.

36. Lexical paradigmatics and syntagmatics.

37. Phraseologisms and their use in speech.

38. Semantics of etiquette formulas. Problems of modern Russian speech etiquette.


in Russian language and speech culture

student group ____________

_________(FULL NAME)____________

A culture of speech. Basic aspects of speech culture

Creative laboratory

Remember the proverbs and sayings that reflect the rules of speech etiquette and contain recommendations for speech influence on the interlocutor (for example, to be proud is to be considered stupid). Formulate an ideal model of communication based on Russian sayings.

Kozlova Olga Leonidovna,

Teacher of Russian language and literature

MAOU "Berkutskaya Secondary School"

Yalutorovsky district



Lesson topic: “General repetition of spelling and vocabulary.”

The purpose of the lesson: systematization of voluminous theoretical material on these topics, repetition of spelling norms, replenishment of vocabulary.

Tasks training session: repeat and deepen students’ knowledge on the topic by organizing work in pairs and frontal conversation; using practical assignments to correct gaps in students’ knowledge of learning; increase the subject and general academic competencies of students; using test tasks, identify typical errors associated with violations of spelling and lexical norms in order to plan further work on the topic; preparing students for the Unified State Exam.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, handouts, textbook (Vlasenkov A.I.. Russian language: Grammar. Text. Speech styles: Textbook for 10-11 grades of general education institutions / A.I. Vlasenkov, L.M. Rybchenkova . – 10th ed. – M.: Education, 2006. – 350 pp.).

    Org moment.

Hello guys. From the beginning of this academic year, you and I began to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Today, the first sentence of the topic of our lesson is formulated as follows: “Preparation for the Unified State Exam.” Open your notebooks and make the necessary notes.

Slide 1.

    Problematic situation.

Slide 1. Look at the screen. The slide contains words. Consider whether they can be used when compiling a Unified State Examination task that sounds like this:

stressed vowel sound?

Words: glacier, soar, reflex, bald, vision, damned, choirs, linguistic.

Suggested answer: These words cannot be used when composing task A-1, since their pronunciation depends on the context.

Slide 2.

glacier (in the mountains) - glacier (cellar); soar (turnip) - soar (in the clouds); reflex (from reflector) - reflective (from reflex); naked (hold checkers) - naked (cut); VISION (ghost) - VISION (point of view); damned (hated) - accursed (cursed); choirs (balcony at the top of the hall) - choirs (singing groups); tongue (preparation) - tongue (sausage).

    Go to the topic of the lesson. Setting a goal.

- What are similar words called, identical in spelling, but different in sound and meaning? (a type of homonymy - homographs). We have seen that the meaning of a word can determine its pronunciation. Performance of this assignment allowed us to verify the close connection between the two branches of the science of language. Name them, giving them a definition.

Suggested answer: Orthoepy- a branch of linguistics that deals with the study of normative pronunciation.

Vocabulary- a branch of linguistics that studies lexicon. Slide 3.

- So, today in the lesson we must repeat the pronunciation norms and certain information from the Vocabulary, as well as expand our knowledge in these sections, which will help us learn to perform Unified State Exam assignments. But the most important thing is that each of you must understand why we need this information from spelling and vocabulary. Let’s write down the second sentence of the lesson topic: “Generalized repetition of orthoepy and vocabulary.” Slide 4.

    Working with theoretical material.

Remember and name the basic concept of orthoepy. Slide 5.

Word stress- this is the emphasis of a syllable in a word with greater pronunciation power and an increase in the duration of the sound.

Name the features of Russian word stress.

Features of Russian word stress: free, varied, mobile.

Pronunciation rate– rules for the pronunciation of individual sound combinations accepted in public language practice, the pronunciation of sounds in certain grammatical forms in groups of words. Modern Russian literary pronunciation began to take shape in the 18th century on the basis of the oral speech of Moscow. By the 19th century, Moscow pronunciation had become exemplary.

Slide 6.

Why are pronunciation standards needed?

Suggested answer:

Orthoepic norms are also called literary pronunciation norms, since they serve the literary language, i.e. a language spoken and written by cultured people. Literary language unites all Russian speakers; it is needed to overcome linguistic differences between them. And this means that he must have strict norms: not only lexical - norms for the use of words, not only grammatical, but also orthoepic norms. Differences in pronunciation, like other differences in language, interfere with people's communication by shifting their attention from what is being said to how it is being said.


What do you think, which Unified State Exam tasks require knowledge of spelling norms?

A-1.In which word is the letter correctly highlighted?

stressed vowel sound? Slide 8.

    Repetition of spelling norms. Slides 9-10.

Task No. 1. (students work with handout No. 1 in pairs)

    Place emphasis on the highlighted words.

    Read it out loud.

    Note the cases when the literary language allows variable pronunciation.

4. Which word has an outdated pronunciation?

Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by R. I. Avanesov, Moscow, 2000

Spoiled agent really scooped boys' panties, teenage shoes, as well as diapers for newborn glimpse. Agent Religion, who was not compromised by belonging to aristocracy (mine armorial deceased uncles- Ukrainian), did not allow him to change citizenship, experience catharsis from staying in stalls theater, read lampoons and take out sentences. on his thinking icon painting, death certificates ordeals apocalypse . He felt not heretic , A chosen one heaven and saw sign invention.

Let's check: Slide 11.

BallObathroom ahent really herpal fun shopping for your kids mAboyOout panties, otherOstkOout shoes, as well as diapers for newbornennoy daughter whom he only saw melkom. Veroispovegiving agenta, who was not compromised by belonging to aristocrat A tii (mine Gerib he kept the sign along with the photograph mindebest uncles- stolenAndntsa), did not allow him to change citizenAsociety, experience To A T A rsis from staying in desk e re theater, read P A Squeely and take out PrigovOry. on his thoughtetion influenced by the study of Russian traditions Andhemp writing, death certificates washed A resolutions souls and reflection on intimacy apoc A lipsis . He felt not heretic O m , A favAnickname heaven and saw zn A meunier last times in every new inventederesearch institute.

    Variable stress is allowed in words teenage and catharsis.

Teenage – five years ago it was only allowed otherOstock, today the Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by R. I. Avanesov, Moscow, 2000 recommends teenagerOvyy. In a word ToATArsis Big Dictionary edited by S.A. Kuznetsova, St. Petersburg: Norint, 2009 allows two stresses - on the first and second syllables, and the dictionary Russian word stress. Dictionary of common nouns. (Author M.V. Zarva. Printed edition M.: ENAS, 2001.) - on the second syllable, in the directory of Rosenthal D.I. and in the dictionary of R.I. Avanesova - on the first.

An outdated pronunciation has the word znAmenu(obsolete I knowetion).

    Repetition of information from the “Vocabulary” section. Slide 12.

Task No. 2 .

Spiritual release (through the test of fear, pity, compassion),
experienced by the viewer, the reader as a result of empathy with the heroes of the drama, tragedy.
Moral purification.
Answer: catharsis.

Which of the underlined words has the following lexical meaning:

A work of an offensive, slanderous nature in a journalistic or fictional form (close to a pamphlet).

Answer: libel.

Slide 13.

Which of the underlined words has the following lexical meaning:

Torment, suffering, adversity.

Answer: ordeal.

Slide 14.


We have come to repeating information from the “Vocabulary” section. Let's see which Unified State Exam tasks require the ability to determine the lexical meaning of a word (reading information from the screen):

Task A-2 to distinguish paronyms, A-11 to determine the meaning polysemantic word in a certain context, A-30 on the ability to find a word with a figurative meaning in the text, phraseological units, groups of words by origin and use.

Completing Unified State Exam assignments. Slide 22.

Remember what paronyms are and give a definition.

Since paronyms are similar in sound, they are often incorrectly used in speech. When performing this task, you should remember that the lexical meaning of a word can be understood through the selection of synonyms, antonyms, cognates, the interpretation of the word, and then make a semantic analysis of the sentences and determine the correct answer. Slides 23-25.

    In which sentence should we use SHARK instead of the word SHARK?

1) In England in the 18th and 19th centuries, customs officers and recruiters for the Royal Navy were contemptuously called sharks for their SHARK character.

2) The insidious habits of SHARKS are well known to pearl divers.

3) More than twenty families of SHARK fish live in the aquarium.

4) He dreamed of the damned SHARK'S Jaws, and then he relived the horrors of those four hours.

Answer: 3.

    In which sentence, instead of the word LORDLY, should the word LORDLY be used?

1) While collecting LORD'S berries, the serf women sang.

2) Ligov’s lordly posture and gait involuntarily attracted attention.

3) The peasant children tried to avoid playing with the LORD’S son.

4) THE LORD’S decree caused a riot not only on his estates, but throughout the entire province.

Answer: 2.

3. In which sentence should we use GRATITUDE instead of the word RECOGNITION?

    Nobel Prize- RECOGNITION of the outstanding achievements of physicist Zhores Alferov.

    His love confession embarrassed the woman to tears.

    The teacher ardently defended Vovka, and he felt a deep sense of RECOGNITION for her.

    The boys scattered, and this was a RECOGNITION of my undoubted victory.

Answer: 3.

Completing Unified State Exam assignments (students work with handout No. 2). Slide 26.

(1)... (2) First of all, written speech is not limited by the time of communication, while an oral statement is perceived and understood by the listener as the speaker pronounces it. (3) In addition, written speech cannot be bound by a certain physical space of communication, the psychological state of its participants and the requirement for an immediate response. (4) The fact is that written speech is monologue: when we write, we only internally imagine our reader-interlocutor with his answers and therefore have the opportunity to think about and remake our statement, without being constrained by restrictions in time and space. (5) The same written statement can be read many times, by different persons and at different times, so grammatical errors and ambiguities in the expression of thought can be detected and corrected. (6)... these differences must be taken into account in the process of oral and written communication.

Indicate the meaning of the word GRAMMARICAL in the fifth (5) sentence of the text. Slide 27.

1) related to the placement of punctuation marks

2) related to the spelling of words

3) associated with correct pronunciation words and word forms

4) associated with the norms of changing words and constructing phrases and sentences

Let's check: 4.

    Independent work (students work with handout No. 3).

The task on paronyms, like the others, is included in the independent work that you each complete on your personal sheet “Handout No. 3”. Don't forget to sign it.

Gall old man from apartment 56, former carpenter And regular chess club, early August in the morning he threw it into the garbage chute old shoe with obvious intention wake up the whole house. He's been leading for a long time litigation with the residents of the house and everything quarter, and everyone quarter compiled a detailed report. Spy old man spoiled ham cat, who knew a lot about gastronomy, walked along the drain gutter. TO traveling salesman from apartment 55 comes to visit dancer from the cabaret, and expert on the floor below there is no end to customers. Resident from 54th, former collective farm worker milker, actively selling plum juice, explaining this by the fact that the mother-in-law has plenty of plums in the garden bears fruit and there is nowhere to put the fruits. His wife is sitting at the apple stand and cherry diet, but she looks far away not frozen. The trainer from the 50th keeps at home mesh python, feeds this evil spirits cottage cheese, serves bread sliced ​​thick in chunks And watered olive oil. The python eats until it overcomes it nap ion will not fall into the power of Morpheus. Everyone envious.

Assignments to the text:

    Place emphasis on the highlighted words.

    Note the cases when the literary language allows variable pronunciation.

    Which of the highlighted words is ambiguous? Write down this word and determine its lexical meaning.

    Which of the underlined words has the following lexical meaning: “a representative of a company who concludes trade deals while traveling; a traveling agent offering company products based on samples and catalogs? Write this word down.

    Find a phraseological unit in this text and write it down.


Anyone who was able to realize during the lesson what was important to him will actively move forward.

    Please note what was useful for you in today's lesson?


    Announcement of grades. Lesson summary.


Place stress in the words of the orthoepic minimum to be checked on a single state exam in Russian language in 2017.


Read it out loud.

Handout No. 1 (work in pairs)
Place emphasis on the highlighted words.
Read it out loud.
Note the cases when the literary language allows variable pronunciation.
What is special about the pronunciation and spelling of the word “compromise”?
Which word has an outdated pronunciation?
The spoiled agent really took pleasure in buying boys' pants and teenage shoes for his children, as well as diapers for his newborn daughter, whom he only saw briefly. The religion of the agent, who was not compromised by belonging to the aristocracy (he kept his coat of arms along with a photograph of his deceased Ukrainian uncle), did not allow him to change citizenship, experience the catharsis of being in the theater stalls, read lampoons and pass judgment. His thinking was influenced by the study of the traditions of Russian icon painting, evidence of posthumous ordeals of the soul and reflection on the proximity of the apocalypse. He felt not like a heretic, but a chosen one of heaven and saw a sign of the last times in every new invention.

Handout No. 2

Handout No. 2
(1)... (2) First of all, written speech is not limited by the time of communication, while an oral statement is perceived and understood by the listener as the speaker pronounces it. (3) In addition, written speech cannot be bound by a certain physical space of communication, the psychological state of its participants and the requirement for an immediate response. (4) The fact is that written speech is monologue: when we write, we only internally imagine our reader-interlocutor with his answers and therefore have the opportunity to think about and remake our statement, without being constrained by restrictions in time and space. (5) The same written statement can be read many times, by different persons and at different times, so grammatical errors and ambiguities in the expression of thought can be detected and corrected. (6)... these differences must be taken into account in the process of oral and written communication.
Indicate the meaning of the word GRAMMARICAL in the fifth (5) sentence of the text.
1) related to the placement of punctuation marks
2) related to the spelling of words
3) associated with the correct pronunciation of words and word forms
4) associated with the norms of changing words and constructing phrases and sentences

Independent work
10th grade student _____________________________________
Read the text.
The bilious old man from apartment 56, a former carpenter and regular at the chess club, early in August morning loudly threw an old shoe into the garbage chute with the obvious intention of waking up the whole house. He had been in litigation for a long time with the residents of the house and the entire block, and every quarter he wrote a detailed report. The old man's spy, a cat spoiled by ham, who knew a lot about gastronomy, walked along the gutter. A cabaret dancer comes to visit the traveling salesman from apartment 55, and the expert on the floor below has no end to clients. A resident from No. 54, a former collective farm milker, actively sells plum juice, explaining that his mother-in-law’s plum tree in the garden bears fruit profusely and there is nowhere to put the fruit. His wife is on an apple and cherry diet, but she looks far from starved. A trainer from the 50th keeps a reticulated python at home, feeds this evil spirits cottage cheese, treats him with bread cut into thick slices and sprinkled with olive oil. The python eats until drowsiness overcomes it and it falls into the power of Morpheus. Everyone is jealous.

Assignments to the text:
Place emphasis on the highlighted words.
Note the cases when the literary language allows variable pronunciation.
Which of the highlighted words is ambiguous? Write down this word and determine its lexical meaning.
Which of the underlined words has the following lexical meaning: “a representative of a company who concludes trade deals while traveling; a traveling agent offering company products based on samples and catalogs? Write this word down.
Answer: _________________________________________
Find a phraseological unit in this text and write it down.
Answer: ________________________________________________
