Quotes from writers about home. Statuses about home

It's good when everything is in its place at home. I wish I knew where these places are.

You can run around the world as much as you like and visit all sorts of cities, but the main thing is to go then to a place where you will have the opportunity to remember the bunch of things that you have seen. You've never really been anywhere until you come home.

"Terry Pratchett"

At sixty, a person begins to realize the value of a home.

"Edward George Bulwer-Lytton"

Home comfort is the atmosphere of warmth in your apartment, the desire to return there after a hard day, the special, native smell that is unique only to your home.

A good house is where the inhabitants are good.

"George Herbert"

One day we will get to where ours is real home. We will definitely find this place, we will come there.

No best place on earth than your home.

To me, the word "garden" means the best in the world. All my thoughts, aspirations, dreams about home, about happiness are in this word.

"Rina Green"

No one realizes the beauty of travel until he comes home and rests his head on an old familiar pillow.

"Lin Yutang"

Home is not objects worth several thousand dollars or the delights of modern designers, but cozy little things, the voices of children, the smell of home-cooked food, toys scattered on the floor, a bookcase and just the feeling of your own cozy little world.

"Oleg Roy"

A dwelling becomes a Home only thanks to a woman or the presence of a child.

We first leave our parents’ nest, and then, sometimes, our first family nest too, and we always feel the same pain, because we feel forever orphaned.

"Frederick Beigbeder"

They say it’s good to come back from a hike when someone is waiting for you by the fireplace and keeping it warm for you.

Home is where mom is. Where your mother is, your home is there.

When I'm at home, apple trees, or green lawns, or the color of the sea somewhere in distant lands always come to mind, and I indulge in sadness because I can't be everywhere at the same time.

"William Faulkner"

Nothing in the world can be better than returning to where you are loved and waited, where it is warm and the light is on.

"Oleg Roy"

Home is where the heart is, and I left my heart to you.

When you want to be alone with your own thoughts, you have to get up earlier than anyone else in this house.

"Anelia Austin"

If a person is drawn to home, then he knows how to be happy.

"Elchin Safarli"

Home is not an address or a building, but a place where, when you come, you can be yourself?; a place where they love and wait.

I like it here, I like a lot here, almost everything, but I don’t like anything here, and at home I don’t like a lot of things, but I love it.

"Evgeniy Grishkovets"

No problems are scary if loving people are waiting for you at home.

"Shahrukh Khan"

You yourself understand that it’s no good to run to the neighboring house with buckets of water when your own is on fire.

"Vladimir Torin"

Where does home begin: the fuss of happy children, the warmth of the hearth, the icy gaze of the wife.

The ideal size of the house: so that children can be heard, but not too clearly.

Home is not just a place where you sleep. It is an extension of your self, living its own life.

We all love our home. Some – which is. Others - which was. Third - which will never exist

Most homebodies are among those who do not have their own corner.

"Leszek Kumor"

Nothing makes you more attached to home than the prospect of living on the street.

"Gennady Efimovich Malkin"

The first causes of the events that make up history were always worked out within the fence of the temple or near the hearth.

"Gustave Le Bon"

The home is a prison for a girl and a workhouse for a woman.

You can be away for a year, but when you return home and the door slams behind you, it will seem as if you never left. Or you can return in a few hours, but everything in your life has changed so much that you will feel like a stranger.

"Graham Green"

Home is where our junk is kept while we are away from home to get more junk.

"George Carlin"

There is always a way home. Why not start with this? Let's see what happens.

Why are we leaving? So that you can go back. To see with new eyes and in new colors the place you left behind. Coming back is completely different from never leaving.

"Terry Pratchett"

A house in which happiness reigns cannot be too small.

A house without books is like a body without a soul.


Everything in life starts from home and we owe everything to it. We should be grateful to its floors, tables, pillars, roof...

When the time comes for changes in life, when the old has already gone and the new has not yet appeared, the best refuge is the father's house. And it doesn't matter how old you are.

"Sophie Kinsella"

Walk many roads, return to your home, and look at everything as if for the first time.

A man builds a house, and a woman makes it her home.

"Robert Frost"

Anyone who has no home anywhere is free to go anywhere.

“E. M. Remarque"

The woman is shining - the whole house is shining, the woman is gloomy - the whole house is in darkness.

When a woman enters the house, it becomes light, when a man enters, it becomes warm, and when a child enters, it becomes joyful. So let there always be Light, Warmth and Joy in our homes!

Every home rests primarily on the mother, but they understand this only when the end is not far off.

"Sarah Margaret Fuller"

I'm in my childhood home. Everything here is native, close and so cozy. It's happiness when you can return home.

"Elchin Safarli"

Home is a place where if you have to return there, they will have to accept you.

"Robert Frost"

If you're tired of being the boss of your home, get a cat.

"Valentin Domile"

You come home, make coffee, sit down, and there is silence around... and each of us chooses for himself what it is: loneliness or freedom.

It takes a hundred men to make a camp, but one woman is enough to make a house.

"Robert Ingersoll"

Home, family is a place that needs to be taken care of very much, leaving the entire outside world outside the door.

"Ksenia Luchenko"

Happiness is what everyone is looking for. Some are sure that they will find it as soon as they return home, others think that they will find it by making new friends, some hope to find it by winning a competition, but there are also those who have stopped looking for happiness because they have realized that it is all this time was in their hands.

A house without an owner is an orphan. And the owner without a home is also an orphan. Houses and walls help.

"Kuzya the Little Brownie"

If a person is looking for warmth, peace, simplicity that pleases the eye, then he can get all this from his own home if he truly loves it.

"Daphne du Maurier"

Cleaning the house before the kids are grown is like clearing the driveway before the snow stops.

A man's home is his fortress, but only from the outside. Inside, this is most often a children's room.
K. Luce

Home is just a place where you go when you have nowhere else to go.
B. Davis

If the Lord does not build the house, those who build it labor in vain.
Psalms 126:1

It takes a hundred men to make a camp, but one woman is enough to make a house.
Robert Ingersoll

Home is a place where big ones are small and small ones are big.
Henry Louis Mencken

The ideal size of the house: so that children can be heard, but not too clearly.
Minion McLaughlin

One person - one adult - cannot fill a house.
Robert Frost

Your home is your wife's castle.
Alexander Chase

Home is a place where we take a break from trying to be polite to others.
"20,000 Quips d Quotes"

A house may be too small for one family, but it will never be spacious enough for two families.

It was a lovely house, with all the modern inconveniences.
Mark Twain

Give your new house to an enemy in the first year, to a friend in the second, and move into it yourself in the third.
William Gaslitt

There are only two kinds of houses for sale: those that are not suitable for us, and those that are beyond our means.

The dining room is the room where people eat when the kitchen is being renovated.

I thought I had a small apartment until they started hanging the wallpaper.
Konstantin Melikhan

There are three types of furniture: antique, modern and comfortable.

Every husband needs his own closet for the clothes that his wife does not fit in her closet.

The temperature in the room, no matter what it is, is always room temperature.
Stephen Wright

Learn to be a good leader in your own home.

Women's quarrels burn out the whole house.

A man is small, but his home is the world.
Varro Marcus Terence

A house without books is like a body without a soul.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

There is no place sweeter than home.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

Let anyone who enters our house marvel at us, and not at our dishes.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

At home there are lions, outside the house there are foxes.
Petronius Arbiter Gaius

As is the master, so is the servant.
Petronius Arbiter Gaius

Beware and beware of the domestic enemy, for every arrow fired by the string of his cunning and the bow of his ill will will bring destruction.

If there is no owner in the house and the servant is in charge of everything, then will not demonism and darkness reign in it?
Hong Zichen

A good house is where the inhabitants are good.
George Herbert

Every father of a family should be the master of his own home, and not of his neighbor's house.

The fear of empty space often leads to closing the walls; and this emptiness is replaced by empty pictures, devoid of thought.
Johann Joachim Winckelmann

Where we are loved is the only place where our hearth is our home.
George Noel Gordon Byron

At sixty, a person begins to realize the value of a home.
Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

In a house without residents, you won’t find the famous insects.
Kozma Prutkov

Houses, like people, have their own soul and their own face, which reflects their inner essence.

A home, warmed by the warmth of a faithful friend, makes a person invulnerable.
Martin Andersen-Nexø

A house is a structure designed to serve as a home for a person, a mouse, a rat, a cockroach, a fly, a mosquito, a flea, a bacillus and a microbe.
A. Beers

At home there are lions, outside the house there are foxes. Petronius Only kings, wenches and thieves can be everywhere at home.
O. de Balzac

The houses are new, but the prejudices are old.
A. Griboyedov

The home is a prison for a girl and a workhouse for a woman.
B. Shaw

Repairs cannot be completed, they can only be stopped.

Only kings, wenches and thieves can be everywhere at home.
Honore Balzac

Nothing divides people more than shared housing.
Zbigniew Cholodiuk

Most homebodies are among those who do not have their own corner.
Leszek Kumor

Anyone who has no home anywhere is free to go anywhere.
Erich Maria Remarque

A home is not only a place where a person lives, but also his personal living space. It is in our own apartment that we can truly relax and recover after nervous tension received at work. Only at home do we really rest and recuperate. That is why there is such a wise saying - “My home is my fortress.” This is actually true.

Quotes about home help to appreciate the importance and significance of the comfort with which a person surrounds himself. When you read such statements, a feeling of warmth is created and an opportunity arises to look differently at your usual way of life in order to appreciate everything that you have. The quotes below about home demonstrate an attitude of humility and peace.

“Home is not a place, but a state of mind” (S. Ahern)

Since a person spends a significant part of his life in an apartment, it is where he feels most comfortable. In the evening, people return from work and find an atmosphere of comfort and peace. Relaxation and harmony reign there, so there is an opportunity to spend time well and with benefit for the whole body. If a person did not have such a personal corner, he probably would not be able to fully exist. Quotes about home fully correspond to people’s ideas about life and how it should be arranged.

We ourselves emit energy that envelops the space of the apartment, creating a unique atmosphere in it. You will not find two identical houses in the whole wide world; they will definitely differ from each other in some way. The state of mind is how we feel in a particular space.

“He who does not have a home can be anywhere” (E. M. Remarque)

As a rule, such individuals cannot find consolation anywhere. They look for reassurance and comfort everywhere, but something constantly prevents them from feeling happy. The thing is that they do not have a specific place where they could lay their heads, fully relax, and reflect on the events taking place. Quotes from writers about home demonstrate family and personal values. Creative people, as a rule, more scrupulously seek answers to questions about the meaning of life and actively engage in self-knowledge.

“There is a home where we are loved and waited for” (Byron)

Quotes from the greats about home would be incomplete without this wonderful saying. It is customary to call a hearth not so much a place of physical habitat, but rather a spatial dimension where a person is met by relatives and loved ones. Where you are happy to see you, where you go to heal your spiritual wounds, is your true home. In such a place you can remove social masks, allow yourself to be weak, and achieve a state of calm and comfort.

Relaxation is achieved due to the fact that it becomes possible to express your emotions fully, and not hush them up for fear of disapproval from your superiors. It is for this reason that conflicts that arise at work are easily “treated” with warmth and comfort.

“Home is where your heart is” (P. Strashiy)

When a person talks about himself, in most cases he understands by his own well-being the presence of a large and friendly family. Home is a place where close people who deeply love each other gather. Willingness to give care, warmth, and understanding indicates that several individuals feel good together.

Thus, quotes about home allow each of us to find our own individual values, look at close environment with recognition and gratitude. A person cannot be happy alone, no matter how hard he tries to prove the opposite to himself or those around him. Each of us needs to understand and recognize our own uniqueness.

A house is a building built to house people, various mice, crickets, flies, all kinds of insects, rodents and microbes. - A. Beers.

In an old house, feelings and emotions are preserved - the pain of loss or separation, the fear of separation. . .It's like a record with a scratch that the stylus keeps hitting. And the same words are constantly heard. - Schreiber Joe. No windows, no doors.

Don't judge a house by its owner, but judge the owner by the condition of the house. - Cicero Marcus Tullius.

Is there anything wrong with not having my own home? I just love to travel and find my home in different places.

When the time comes for changes in life, when the old has already gone and the new has not yet appeared, the best refuge is the father's house. And it doesn't matter how old you are. - Sophie Kinsella. The girl and the ghost.

One day we will get to where our real home is. We will definitely find this place, we will come there.

What a mess this house is! Why is the ruler endowed with the right of dominance, when even in the palace he has no peace!

Read the continuation of famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

You can probably also get a special kind of pleasure from a messy house, I’m just not able to understand it yet. Max Fry.

Shame on you, Watson. Will Mrs. Hudson leave Baker Street? England will soon fall! Sherlock Sherlock

Well, we have a house! Sometimes they steal, sometimes they call names, and we are also fighting for the honorary title of a house of high culture of life! This is a nightmare! Horror!

Since our meeting was destined from above, why don't we create our own world? Our little house, just you and me and no one else. When you find yourself in my arms, as if in a cradle, in the moonlight, the whole universe will rejoice. Place your hand on mine, trust me. And if I don’t turn these dreams into reality, then you can demand whatever you want from me!

A good house is where the inhabitants are good. – George Herbert

The fear of empty space often leads to closing the walls; and this emptiness is replaced by empty pictures, devoid of thought. – Johann Joachim Winckelmann

Learn to be a good leader in your own home. – Chilo

The longer you live in one place, the more things and people become unruly, decay and begin to stink especially for you. Louis-Ferdinand Celine. Journey to the edge of the night.

The store was my home and my work at the same time. He was so much to me the best school, rather than a regular general education one, and later became my personal university.

You can run around the world as much as you like and visit all sorts of cities, but the main thing is to go then to a place where you will have the opportunity to remember the bunch of things that you have seen. You've never really been anywhere until you come home. Terry Pratchett. Crazy star.

Home is a place where if you have to return there, they will have to accept you. Robert Frost

Your home is where people think about you.

What is life without a home? You can't live without it. Once created, it must always protect from the outside world.

The table is decorated by the guests, and the house by the children.

If you're tired of being the boss of your home, get a cat. Valentin Domil

There is no worse hell than home.

Home is a place where you don't have to get along. Don't control your words. To be tired when you are tired, to be silent when you want to be silent - and at the same time not be afraid that you will offend. Don’t pretend for a moment - not with a gesture, not with a look...

Most often people leave Small town to dream of returning there. And others stay to dream of leaving there. Chuck Palahniuk. Rant: A Biography of Buster Casey.

House? What are you talking about? My house is on Lookout Court, where Bobo's is. Home is where my mother and friends are. And also - I even began to think that home is where you and I are. Ben Sherwood. Double life Charlie St. Cloud

This is not a house, this is some kind of passageway.

All I need is a room to put my hat and a few friends. – Dorothy Parker

We spend too much time in our rooms. We think too much within four walls. We live too much and despair locked up. Is it possible to fall into despair in the lap of nature?

A dwelling becomes a Home only thanks to a woman or the presence of a child.

The road home is always faster

As is the master, so is the servant. – Petronius Arbiter Gaius

Buildings should be built to last for a short time. And if they are older than ten years, in my opinion, we need to get rid of them. I would build new buildings every fourteen years. Construction and demolition would keep people busy, and there would be no rust in the water from old pipes.

And this was already a perfect home, for the cat served as a symbol and unmistakable evidence that contentment and peace reigned under this roof. They say that even without a cat - well-fed, pampered, accustomed to being revered - there are ideal homes; Perhaps I don’t argue, but how is this proven? Mark Twain. Dude Wilson

If you have a cat, you don't come back to the house, but to the home.

I am visiting abroad and prefer to behave accordingly.

It's strange when my home is not you, but just a room.

He who lives everywhere lives nowhere. – Martial

A person without an address is suspicious, a person with two addresses even more so. – D B Shaw

It's never too late to return home.

At home there are lions, outside the house there are foxes. Petronius Only kings, wenches and thieves can be everywhere at home. – O. de Balzac

Home is not a place, but a state of mind.

Home is where the heart is, and I left my heart to you. Love and betrayal.

A house in which happiness reigns cannot be too small.

A house in the hands of slaves is a kingdom of obscurantism. – Hong Zichen

You two, better than anyone, should understand that external well-being can be deceptive. John admitted to me that things were not going well for him at home, he did not go into details, but he usually preferred to spend a couple of extra hours at work rather than go home. The Pretender

Whether there is a place in the house or not, as long as there is a place in the heart. When you're alone One 2 Ka 4

We all love our home. Some – which is. Others - which was. Third - which will never happen...

Homesickness is not always the vague, nostalgic and even wonderful feeling that we are used to imagining. It can be sharp, like a knife, and turn into a disease not figuratively, but literally. It can change a person's outlook on life. The faces on the street become not indifferent to him, but repulsive and even malicious. Homesickness is a real disease, the pain of a plant uprooted. Stephen King. Breathing method.

He felt at home there, but at home he felt bad.

But a hotel is not a home. And it always seems to me that my real home is my office. Zakhar Oskotsky. The last tower of Troy.

Of course, you don't feel sorry for leaving me. For people like you and me, home is where we are not.

Where we are loved is the only place where our hearth is our home. – George Noel Gordon Byron

A house is not a household, not shared housing, as you said, not even children. Home is when nothing is hidden from each other. After all, today you and I have a home.

A kingdom divided within itself cannot stand. Verse 12:25 Bible. New Testament

Home is a place where you should always be accepted when you go there. Unfortunately, this is also a place where they don’t want to let you out.

Houses... can absorb the state of mind, emotions, so that over time the walls begin to emit the feelings of the people who live there. These feelings are hidden in the cracks of the floor, in the soot stains on the ceiling, in the smells of the kitchen. Ross McDonald. Heralds of misfortune

How much easier it is to be a confirmed bachelor, knowing that someone is lovingly waiting for you here in this house.

A house is a machine for living. Le Corbusier

I don’t like apartments that don’t have the owner’s imprint. Sergei Lukyanenko. Last Watch.

In a house without residents, you won’t find the famous insects. – Kozma Prutkov

There is no place sweeter than home. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Home is a place where they must let you in when you have nowhere to go.

The Akragants eat as if they will die tomorrow, and build houses as if they will live forever.

Home is not just a place where you sleep. It is an extension of your self, living its own life.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Man and Motherland are like trees and Earth. The more roots, the stronger their connection. And woe to the enemies who encroached on the Fatherland. Maria Semyonova. Swan Road.

A person who dreams of leaving the place where he lives is clearly unhappy.

Houses, like people, have their own soul and their own face, which reflects their inner essence. – Alexandre Dumas father

Let anyone who enters our house marvel at us, and not at our dishes. – Seneca Lucius Annaeus the Younger

It is good to lead in your home.

Thanks to this house, I'll go to another!

A home, warmed by the warmth of a faithful friend, makes a person invulnerable. – Martin Andersen-Nexø

We first leave our parents’ nest, and then, sometimes, our first family nest too, and we always feel the same pain, because we feel forever orphaned. Frederick Beigbeder. Love lives for three years.

After all, a house is not a place, but people.

A man is small, but his home is the world. – Varro Marcus Terence

My childhood home... Sweet home. I probably had it. Home... mine, childhood... I will calm down only when I find you... me!

The enemy living in your home is the most dangerous. The blows of the sword of his evil word or the spear of hatred always strike straight into the heart. – As-Samarkandi

A ship is a home, it is the joy of a favorite job, the most precious piece of the Universe. But which person doesn’t like to visit? That’s why cosmonauts value so much even their short time off...

Any door, no matter how you close it, will forever remain a door as long as the house stands.

Anyone who has no home anywhere is free to go anywhere. – E.M. Remarque

You can find out your darkest secrets without leaving your home.

Our journey is actually a search. Search for love and affection. Sometimes he takes us back home.

Everything is wet to the skin, a person cannot understand why the rain is pouring so hard, even the roof above his head seems to have dissolved in this gray mass of water.

The houses are new, but the prejudices are old. – A. Griboyedov

Walk many roads, return to your home, and look at everything as if for the first time.

If a person is drawn to home, then he knows how to be happy.

All life is the road home. Salespeople, secretaries, miners, accountants, sword swallowers - for all of us. All the restless hearts in the world are looking for the way home. Healer Adams Patch Adams

If home is where the heart is, then where to go if you don't have a heart? In Miguel's case - to a five-star hotel.

There is always a way home. Why not start with this? Let's see what happens.

Homework tends to fill everything free time plus another half hour.

At sixty, a person begins to realize the value of a home. – Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

The house smelled of dust and dampness and something vaguely sweet, as if the ghosts of long-dead cookies lived here.

Women's quarrels burn out the whole house. – Menander

There is no better place on earth than home.

Any misfortune will not frighten you as long as you have a home and relatives in it.

A good wife, a good house - what else does a person need to meet old age?!

Why wash the dishes if no one sees it?

Every father of a family should be the master of his own home, and not of his neighbor's house. – Voltaire

House. The place where it was worth going, the house in which it was worth living. A house whose inhabitants must be made happy, a house for which it is worth tearing the throat of a scoundrel who comes with sharp arrows or a flaming torch, a house... A house where the Law is observed, Benefit is undoubted, and Love is alive. Henry Lyon Oldie. Network for World Rulers.

At home there are lions, outside the house there are foxes. – Petronius Arbiter Gaius

A house without books is like a body without a soul. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Now I lie there, half numb, half seared with pain. And yet, every morning I still manage to get up and leave the house - although I have to remind myself that this is really my home. To remind you that there is no trail of blood visible even to the naked eye from this place.

There are many sayings and sayings about the house - and many of them have long become popular. However, this is not surprising - after all, the house has great importance for each of us. But not as a material value. For many, home is a place where one can find peace and hide from problems, because “my home is my fortress.” This is the place where we invariably strive, even after spending quite a lot of time away from it. Quotes about home will reveal this concept in the best way possible.

● The shortest road to the home where you are loved and expected.

● In order to build a house, the efforts of many men are required. Well, in order for it to become truly warm and cozy, the efforts of just one woman are enough.

● Our birthplace is where we are truly loved and expected.

● Only kings, corrupt girls and thieves can feel at home everywhere.

● A person will never be truly happy in a place that he longs to leave.

● If something bad happens to your house and it collapses, don’t try to glue the pieces together. Better build a new, stronger house.

● One adult cannot fill a house, even the smallest one. And alone small child there may be dough even in the largest house.

● If happiness and harmony reign in the house, it will never become cramped.

● The special beauty of the world you see becomes clear only when you return to your home and lie down on such a familiar sofa.

● It is better to have hundreds of enemies outside the camps of your home than just one inside it.

● It doesn't matter what your home looks like. The main thing is that it is yours, and you feel comfortable in it.

● No matter what country you are in, no matter what unknown corner you find yourself in, it is important to remember one thing - there is a way home from here.

● A house is not just a building that protects from cold and rain. This is a piece of our soul, a continuation of our self, which invariably attracts us.

● A person who does not have an address is quite suspicious. But even more suspicious is someone who has multiple addresses.

● Even the richest, most beautiful modern house will be empty, cold and lifeless until children's laughter sounds in it.

● Our life is a journey. We can travel hundreds of roads in search of love and happiness. But we find them only when we return home.

● Returning to your home after a long absence is an amazing thing. You look at old paintings and books, it’s all so familiar. And suddenly the gaze stops at what has actually changed a lot. This is a reflection in a mirror.

● If you feel that there is no owner in the house, there is a simple way out. I urgently need to get a cat.

● Even the richest person cannot be happy in a house in which he is not loved.

● Everyone needs a home. Even the smallest and ugly one. But it’s yours. After all, they will never be able to kick him out.

● If your life is destroyed and you do not want to build a new one, there is only one place where a wounded soul can find peace and strength. This is my home.

● A home is not a beautiful building filled with furniture and trinkets. Home is the smell of food, fluff of wool on the sofa, children's laughter and drawings on the walls. Home is small world.

● A good house cannot be purchased. You can only create it yourself.

● From the outside, a man’s house most often looks like an impregnable fortress. But as soon as you walk through the door, you realize that you are in a children's room.

● No house renovation can be completed. It can be temporarily suspended.
