Day of sports games in the middle group. Scenario of a sports festival in the middle group “sports country”. Scenarios of physical education activities for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Target: contribute to the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.


1.Create a cheerful and joyful mood in children and their parents.

2.Develop physical qualities: endurance, speed, reaction power.

3. To establish a relationship between the kindergarten and the family regarding the physical education of children.

Attributes: two children's trucks, cubes, two basins, balls, two spoons, a bow, skittles, hats, scarves, medals, certificates, flags.

The progress of the holiday

During a sports march, two teams enter the hall and line up facing each other.

Leading: Hello guys! Hello, dear parents! We are glad to see you at our sporting event, which is dedicated to the holiday of the family!! Congratulations on this holiday!!! Family is the warm smile of a mother, the kind hands of a father and the cheerful laughter of children. This is a place where we are always loved and welcome. We are having a sports event! So, we learned what family is! Do our children know what sports is?

Sport is sports competitions, physical exercise, training, and a great desire to win. Guys, what sports do you know? (football, tennis, hockey, athletics, etc.)


Leading: Moms - They are always in shape. Constant training: shopping, childcare, cleaning, laundry. And even the holidays don’t unsettle them. And they are the ones who will set the tone for the competition!

Dads - Also always in great shape! Strong and dexterous! They can always screw on a shelf, hammer a nail, and also constantly carry their mothers in their arms!
Leading: And finally, children! (shows) It was they who, from the cradle, hardened them with constant training for many years and united their parents into a friendly team, setting themselves new challenges: hard in learning, easy in battle!!!
So, we begin our competition.
To the sports ground
We invite everyone now,
Celebration of sports and health,
It starts with us!
If you want to be skillful
Agile, fast, strong, brave,
Learn to love jump ropes, balls,
Hoops and sticks!
Never be discouraged!
Hit the targets with the balls!
That's the secret of health!
Be healthy! Fizkult-hello!
To begin with, we divided into two equal teams, choose captains and come up with a team name.
(Teams introduce themselves)
So, the captains were chosen, the name was invented, we are very pleased to meet you!
Let's start sports competitions!
1. Competition “Unload the car and build a town”

Parent and child must work together to transport the blocks in a large truck from one place to another and build a town, passing the baton to the next pair.
2. Competition “Funny Centipedes”
The first pair of participants run to the pin, come back, take the next pair by the hand and run to the cone, run to the next one, and so on until the whole team is in the chain.

Fizminutka: self-massage by E. Zheleznova “The giraffe has spots.”
3. Competition "Precise hit"
The parent holds the bucket, and the child must throw the ball and hit it.
4. Competition “Onion and Spoon”
The participant takes a spoon with onions and runs to the pin and back.
5. "Kindergarten"
They play in pairs (mother (father) and child). The first pair takes the hat and scarf. Each mother (father) dresses the child and goes to the “Kindergarten” to the landmark, undresses him there and leaves him. Passes on clothing attributes to the next pair. The winner is the team that is the first to send their children to the “Kindergarten”.)
Well done to our teams,
Strong, skillful,
Friendly, cheerful,
Fast and brave!
I ask the team to line up.
Now we will summarize our competition,
And we will find out who is the strongest!

In the meantime, our jury is summing up the results, our guys and I will dance the duckling dance.

Summing up: the jury's word
Well, the winners have been revealed.
Let's say thank you to the viewers.
New victories for the athletes.
And our sports greetings to everyone!

Presentation of medals and diplomas to competition participants who take a lap of honor to loud applause.

Tatyana Yalunina
Summary of thematic Sports Day in the middle group


Summary of the thematic day in the middle group

teacher of MADOU No. 29 "Cinderella"

city ​​of Gubkin, Belgorod region

Main goals:

Form the habit of a healthy lifestyle in children;

Consolidate knowledge on how to maintain and improve health;

Satisfy children's need for physical activity;

Expand children's knowledge about summer species sports;

Cultivate a positive attitude towards sports.

A basketball rolls in from a nearby court (eyes and mouth are drawn on it).

Ball. Hello guys! Do you recognize me, who I am?

Children. Yes! You are the ball.

Ball. Right. And what time? I'm playing a sports game?

Children. We don't know.

Ball. Then I will tell you and show you how to play it.

The ball's story about sports game"Basketball"

Goals: introduce someone new sports game"Basketball", the history of its origin; clarify children's ideas about sports, its meaning; arouse interest in the coming day, set the mood for sporty mood.

Ball. And now I offer you a training element of the game "basketball". Let's play a game "Take the ball away", learn to take the ball from each other.

Outdoor game "Take the ball away"

Rules of the game: At the beginning of the game, children choose the first runaway with a counting rhyme. He will run away with the ball, and everyone else will catch up with him and take the ball away. Whoever catches up and takes the ball is the one running away, and everyone else catches up.

Morning exercises (with a ball)

1. Walk at a calm pace, with the ball in front of you.

2. Walk at a calm pace, throw the ball low in front of you and catch it.

3. Exercise "Hands up". I. p. standing, ball in right hand. 1) Raise your hands up, transfer the ball from your right hand to your left hand, 2) lower your hands, 3) raise your hands up, transfer the ball from your left hand to your right, 4) lower your hands. Do it 5 times.

4. Exercise "Bouncing the Ball". I. p. standing, ball in front of him. 1) Throw the ball on the floor with both hands and catch it.

5. Exercise "Rolling the Ball". 1) I. p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in front of you. 1) Bend over, 2,3) roll the ball between your legs, drawing a figure eight, 4) straighten up.

6. Exercise "Squat". I. p. standing, ball in front of him. 1) Sit down, stretch your arms forward with the ball, 2) stand up, press your hands with the ball towards you. 3) sit down, stretch your arms forward with the ball, 4) stand up, press your hands with the ball towards you.

7. Jumping. Legs to the sides, legs together.

8. Walk at a fast pace, carry the ball in front of you, sometimes with your right hand, sometimes with your left hand.

Goals: consolidate children’s knowledge about the concept "health"; expand children's knowledge about preventive measures to prevent diseases and injuries; teach you to make judgments based on your personal experience and the experience of other children and adults.

Sports game basketball

Goals: teach children to dribble the ball in front of them, hitting the floor; teach how to throw the ball and hit the hoop; develop children's physical abilities; develop an interest in basketball.

Physical education "Olympic Games"

Goals: create a positive emotional mood; increase motor activity of preschool children; develop dexterity, speed, coordination of movements; foster a sense of camaraderie.

Plot-didactic game

"Healthy food store"

Goals: consolidate children’s knowledge about healthy foods; develop role interaction, dialogic speech; cultivate a desire to take care of your health.

Water hardening

Target: by pouring water over children’s feet, help harden the body as a whole; prevention of flat feet.

Rules: children walk barefoot along a tactile path "Sea Pebbles", then sit on the bench. The teacher pours water on the children’s feet, heated in the sun to 26`-30`C. When the feet are dry, the children can put on their shoes.

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep

1. Stretching "We reached out"

2. Corrective exercises:

1) "Kolobok". I.p. lying on your back, spread your arms to the sides. On the count of 1-3 grouping(pull your knees to your chest, clasp your knees with your hands, at the count of 4, return to ip. Perform 6 times.

2) "The fingers hid". I. p. lying on his back, arms along the body. On the count of 1-3, simultaneously raise your head and one leg, look at the toe, and on the count of 4, return to i. p. Perform 6 times in turn with each leg.

3) "Squeeze the ball". I. p. lying down. Squeeze and unclench the massage ball with each hand alternately.

4) "The ball rolled". I. p. sitting. Roll the massage ball along your right leg to your toes, reach for your toes, without bending your knees. Roll the massage ball along your left leg to your toes, reaching for your toes.

5) "Get some sunshine". I. p. standing by the bed, massage ball in his right hand. Stand on your toes, stretch your arms up, and transfer the ball from your right hand to your left hand. I. p. Stand on your toes, stretch your arms up, transfer the ball from your left hand to your right hand. I. p.

Artistic and creative activity.

Making an album about sports

Goals: clarify children’s understanding of different types sports, the very concept « sport» , about why people do physical education and sports; develop children's speech.

Manufacturing rules: children cut out pictures with the image athletes, paste them into an album. Draw objects belonging to a particular type sports. The teacher sticks on proverbs, sayings, statements of famous people about sports.

Board educational game "Team of Champions"

Goals: consolidate knowledge about species sports; teach to find, identify species sports using cards, name the species sports; activate children's vocabulary by naming athlete in the singular of this type sports; develop logical thinking and speech.

Ball game “Name the summer species sports»

Goals: consolidate children’s knowledge about summer species sports; activate children's vocabulary; develop dexterity in catching and throwing the ball to each other.

Rules of the game: children stand in a circle, throw the ball to each other, and name the type sports. Who can name more?

Summer sports festival for children of primary and secondary groups. Scenario

Hall decoration

On the central wall there is a large, bright, illuminated decorative panel depicting a smiling Sun. The hall is decorated with bouquets of wildflowers that children and teachers picked during a walk. There are bright umbrellas in the hall.


Adults: Presenter, Summer.

Children of the younger group.

Children of the middle group.

Children of the primary and secondary groups enter the hall and look at the colorful panel.

Leading: Guys, look, Sunny is our guest. It is so cheerful, looks at you and smiles.

Sunshine, sunshine,

Shine brighter for us.

They'll be on the lawn

Flowers grow.

Look, children, what beautiful flowers are in our bouquets: blue, yellow, white, and red. What kind of stems do they have?

Children(in chorus): Green.

Leading: Children, why is summer called Red? Because it is bright and beautiful! Let's sing a song to the Sun.

Children lead a round dance and sing the song “Sun” (words by O. Vysotskaya, music by 3. Kompaneets).

Sunshine, sunshine,

Look out quickly!

Grass and grains

Warm up the field!

Girls, boys

It will be more fun.

Squirrels, bunnies

Drier and warmer!

Sunshine, sunshine,

We are all waiting for you!

Birds, little animals

Bad in the rain!

The sun heard

A song guys!

We went out, we went out

Go for a walk in the garden!

Leading: But suddenly the Sun hid behind a cloud and it began to rain! (the musical triangle imitates the sounds of raindrops)

It's raining, it's starting to rain,

Got all the kids wet!

Well, let's hurry up -

Let's run away from the rain.

Children hide under bright umbrellas.

Leading. But the sun came out again, all the puddles dried up, the children went out for a walk again, began to run, jump, and have fun. (Children jump.) But then it started to rain again. (Children hide. The game is repeated 2-3 times.)

Leading: Children, the sun is also called Red because in the summer everything blooms and smells fragrant. Well, what color is summer, who knows?

Come on, who will answer?

What color is summer?

I don't know the answer -

I'll go ask Summer.

Summer enters, wearing a bright suit with a predominance of green.


Green, green

Today everything is all around.

Green paths

The green meadow is rustling.

Green paths

The guys are running into the forest.

Green grasshoppers

They sing a song to them.


What color is summer?

Now I know it.

We all know that it's summer

Green color.

Summer, both adults and all our children love you. They are glad to meet you.

Several children from the middle group come out to the middle of the hall.

1st child:

Hello summer!

Hello summer!

Everything is warmed by the bright sun!

2nd child:

Let's run into the green forest,

Let's lie down in the clearing!

3rd child:

Hello, blue river!

4th child:

Hello, hello, thick rye!

5th child:

We are a cheerful locomotive

I brought it to you from the city.

6th child:

Hello, white daisy!

7th child:

Hello, pink porridge!

8th child:

We need a lot of flowers

For bouquets and wreaths!

9th child:

Hello, wild berry!

10th child:

Hello, mischievous squirrel!

11th child:

Summer has come to us again.

This is very good!

Leading: The sun rises very early in the summer, and with it, loud-voiced feathered friends awaken...

The play “The Lark's Song” by P. Tchaikovsky is being performed (recording).

Summer: Following the birds, ants, butterflies, and bees wake up and begin their working day. For them, the green thick grass contains many colors: blue, purple, red, yellow. Listen, guys, to how the poets talk about me.

Happy summer,

You are dear to everyone.

In fragrant meadows.

Flowers are blooming.

Their songs are praise

Flying into the sky.

Shiny midges

Swirling in a crowd

And the sun sends them

Its beam is golden.

Leading: The air in summer is filled with the smell of flowers. There are many of them everywhere: in the forest, in the field, in the meadow, and in the flower beds in the garden. Everyone loves flowers, admires them, collects them in bouquets, and weaves wreaths. Will you and I weave wreaths? (Children's answers.)

Children, together with adults, sing the song “Venochek” and dance in a circle. Children of the middle group dance in a circle, children of the younger group stand behind the circle. The one who is addressed, calling him this or that flower, enters the circle.

Come to us quickly, blue cornflower.

We weave, we weave, we weave a wreath,

White porridge, come to us, little flower.

We weave, we weave, we weave a wreath.

Little yellow buttercup, come to us, little flower.

We weave, we weave, we weave a wreath,

Scarlet rose, come to us, little flower.

This is the wreath we wove.

That's how good it is, our colorful wreath!

Summer: Well, now, children, it’s time to go for a walk and run barefoot on the grass. And I'll see which of you is the fastest and most agile.

Everyone goes out to the kindergarten playground or goes to the meadow. During the summer he spends competitions and games with the children (chosen by the leader from the proposed material).

1. “Dashes”

For children of the younger group, you can organize games with dashes in various forms:

— Run around the lawn barefoot.

— Run across the lawn, jumping over grass or low hummocks.

— Run up a low hill and get off it.

- Run up a low hill and escape from it.

— Run to the designated place with long steps. Whoever takes the fewest steps wins.

2. “Running races”

Several children of the middle group (4-5) stand in a row facing a bush to which they need to run. At the teacher’s signal: “One, two, three - run!” - the children run to the bush and then return at a walk. Summer rewards those who reached the bush faster and encourages those who lag behind.

3. "Jumping"

Children of the younger group can perform jumps in the following form:

- Jump on two legs above the grass.

- Jump from a place over a small hole.

— Jump over a low hummock.

- Jump on two legs while moving forward.

- Jumping on two legs, move around a bush, tree, between bushes.

- Try to jump on one leg.

Children of the middle group can perform jumps in a more complicated form. They need to move forward while jumping.

3. "Crawling"

Children of the younger group can crawl in the following form:

— Crawl on all fours to the flag (distance 2-3 m).

- Crawl over hummocks.

Children in the middle group perform crawling in the following form:

- Crawl on your bellies.

— Crawl up a low hill, leaning on your knees and helping yourself with your hands.

- Slide on all fours in a race to a certain place. (Who is faster?)

4. “Exercises with the ball”

Children of the younger group can perform exercises with the ball in the following form:

- Throw the ball with both hands from behind your head and run after it.

- Throw a small ball with one hand (right, then left) into the distance. Who will quit next?

Children in the middle group can:

- Throw balls to each other from a distance of 3-4 m.

- Throw balls to a certain place (to a bush, etc.).

- Throw balls over low bushes.

At the end of the competition, Summer praises all the children for their efforts and offers to play fun games (at the leader’s choice from the material offered).

1. “On a level path”

Children freely group and go for a walk with Summer and the Leader. Summer rhythmically pronounces the following text at a certain pace:

On a smooth path,

On a flat path

Our feet are walking:

One-two, one-two.

By pebbles, by pebbles,

Over the pebbles

over the stones...

Into the pit - bang!


We got out of the hole!

To the words “On a level path,” children walk at a pace; to the words “Over the pebbles, over the pebbles” they jump on two legs, moving forward; to the words “Into the hole - bang” they squat down or sit on the grass; “We got out of the hole” - the children rise. The poem is repeated again.

After several repetitions

Summer says another text:

On a smooth path,

On a flat path.

Our legs are tired

Our legs are tired

This is our house -

This is where we live.

With the end of the text, the children run to the house - a predetermined place behind a bush, under a tree, etc. Summer can arbitrarily lengthen or shorten the time for completing this task, repeating each line of the poem more or less times.

2. “The Shepherd and the Flock”

Children of the younger group depict a herd (cows, calves, sheep). They choose a Shepherd from the children of the middle group and give him a horn and a whip. Summer says the words:

Early in the morning

Shepherd: “Tu-ru-ru-ru.”

And cows suit him well

They sang: “Moo-moo-moo.”

To the words “Tu-ru-ru-ru” the Shepherd plays a horn, after the words “Mu-mu-mu” the Cow children moo. Then the Shepherd drives the flock into the field (to the appointed lawn), everyone wanders around it. After some time, the Shepherd cracks his whip and drives the flock home. The game can be repeated. It needs space so that children can walk around the meadow with pleasure.

You can slightly change the plot of the game by introducing the Wolf (a child from the middle group) into it. In this case, the Shepherd drives the flock out to the meadow and carefully watches to see if the Wolf appears, hunting for the Sheep and Calves. Seeing the Wolf, he cracks his whip, as if scaring him away and drives the herd home. The wolf catches stragglers from the herd.

3. "Horses"

Children are divided into two groups: some depict horses, others - grooms. Each groom has jump rope reins. At the signal, the Grooms catch the Horses and harness them (put on the reins). According to Summer's instructions, children can ride (run in pairs) quietly, trot or gallop. After some time, the horses are unharnessed and released into the meadow, the grooms sit down to rest.

After 2-3 repetitions of the game, the children change roles. In the game, children alternate movements: running, jumping, walking, etc. You can offer different scenes of trips: to the races, to get hay, to the forest to get firewood. If the Groom cannot catch any of the Horses for a long time, other Grooms help him.

4. "Find out who's screaming"

Children stand in a circle with their backs to the center. Summer appoints a driver, who stands with him in the middle of the circle and imitates the cry of some domestic animal or bird. All the children turn to face the circle, and Summer offers

one of them to guess who shouted. Then the game is repeated with a new driver. If children find it difficult to reproduce the cry of an animal, the teacher helps them.

5. “Who is grazing in the meadow?” Riddle game

Children are divided into two groups, one group makes a riddle, the other guesses. Before each riddle, the children agree with Summer which animal they will have in mind the first two times. They finally agree on the answer (cows) and sing the final two lines.

No! Not horses!

Far, far away, cats are grazing in a meadow...

No! Not goats!

Far, far away, cats are grazing in a meadow...

Right! Cows!

Drink, children, milk -

You will be healthy!

6. “Who has what horns”(Joke game)

Children in the middle group read poetry. The younger children listen.

1st child:

The ram's horns

It's like two donuts.

2nd child:

The cow's horns

Like two horseshoes.

3rd child:

Goat's horns

Like two braids.

4th child:

The ox's horns

It's like two stakes.

5th child:

The bull's horns

Like two bayonets.

6th child:

The bison's horns

Like a fork's teeth.

7th child:

Deer's horns -

Two lilac bushes.

8th child:

And the elk has antlers,

Like the roots of pine trees.

9th child:

You yourself can guess

That all the horns

To butt heads.

After pronouncing the entire text, all the children begin to jokingly butt heads, running after each other.

7. "Scarecrow"

Children choose a Scarecrow leader according to a rhyme, put a torn old hat on his head and give him a long stick with rags or sponges hanging on it. He places the stick on his neck behind his head, keeping his arms extended at its ends. Children stand around the Scarecrow and sing a song, stomping, now approaching, now moving away. At the end of the song, the children invite the Scarecrow to play with them. The scarecrow catches the children. Whoever he touches becomes a Scarecrow.


Scarecrow got bored

To scare the sparrows.

Scarecrow really wants

Play with us.

How will the Scarecrow hear?

Songs, noise and laughter -

Spinning, worried

In front of everyone.

Scarecrow really wants

Play with us

And he has to

To scare the sparrows.

The game “Scarecrow” can also be played after the “Vegetable Garden” round dance, when children with toy rakes and shovels “work in the vegetable garden.”

8. "Vegetable Garden"

Actions in a round dance are performed in accordance with the lyrics of the song.

We took the blades

The beds were dug up.

One, two, one and two

This is how they dug it up!

They took the rake in their hands,

The rows have been combed.

One, two, one and two,

This is how they combed their hair!

Seeds in rows

We planted in the ground.

One, two, one and two,

This is how we planted!

We are cool water

The beds were watered.

One, two, one and two,

The rows were watered!

Round dance and songs

They started it themselves.

One, two, one and two,

They started it themselves! They started it themselves!

After singing a round dance song, Leto, together with the children, dresses up one child as a Scarecrow (with his consent), and then reads the poem “Scarecrow.” You can also play the game “Scarecrow”.


Scarecrow in the garden

The hat was pulled down

Waving his sleeves

And it’s like he’s dancing!

This is a scarecrow - it

The guard has been set

So that the birds don't fly,

So that they don't peck the peas.

What a scarecrow

The hat was pulled down.

And a blue scarf on a stick, -

Let them be afraid of jackdaws.

Summer: We played well, we even stirred up the Scarecrow. You guys are clever, fast, it’s impossible to keep up with you. And in order for you to be even stronger and healthier, I brought a treat for the holiday. Let's go back to our festive hall.

Everyone returns to the hall. The presenter and Summer bring fruit baskets to the children. Everyone eats and says goodbye to Summer.

Marina Kopnina
Scenario of a sports festival in the middle group “Health Day”

Scenario of a sports festival in the middle group.

Subject: "Health Day

"Integration of educational directions: "Physical direction", "Cognitive direction", "Speech direction", , .


"Physical direction"

To form in children a conscious attitude towards their health.

Strengthen physical children's health, increase resistance to colds.

Engage children sports games, physical education.

Develop physical qualities in children.

Encourage children to want to take care of their own health,

good and friendly relationships.

"Cognitive direction"

To develop children's knowledge about holiday"Day health» .

Consolidate knowledge about the benefits healthy food and vitamins.

Develop children's thinking and attention.

Cultivate interest in healthy lifestyle.

"Speech direction"

To strengthen children's ability to expressively recite poems loudly and solve riddles.

Develop memory, attention, logical thinking, speech activity.

"Social and communicative direction"

To improve children’s ability to follow the rules and norms of behavior in joint play.

Continue to form friendly relationships.

Develop the ability to listen to the teacher’s signals.

"Artistic and aesthetic direction"

To develop in children the ability to move to music.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: outdoor games, relay race games,

Visual: examination of illustrations on TSO.

Verbal: riddles, poems, question.

Materials and equipment: TSO, dummies of vegetables and fruits, arcs, hip-hop balls, flags, posters about healthy lifestyle to decorate the hall.

Progress of entertainment.

Children enter the hall to the music. They walk around the hall and sit on chairs.

Leading: Children love Health Day

Cities and villages.

Let it become in the whole world

Health day every day!

Who is friends with exercises boldly,

Who will drive away laziness in the morning,

He will be strong and skillful,

And all cheerful day!

Leading: Hello guys. We know how greet each other, wish health. So let's look at each other now and wish everyone health.

Leading: Guys, today we have holiday Health Day.

A bright smile, a friendly parade

We need to start Health Day.

Let's all shout together

day health: "Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!"

Leading: Children, who will say what it means to be healthy?

Children's answers___

(Children's answers are accompanied by a slide show)

Leading: That's right, that means don't get sick, exercise sports and harden up. And don’t sit still, move more often. Let's move and dance too!

(Music plays. The slides show exercises that the children must repeat.)

Leading: To grow and harden,

Need to play sports.

Get busy, kids!

Good morning! Physical training!

(Children answer in unison - hurray)

1st child:

Strengthen your body

My whole family knows

There must be a routine for the day.

2nd child:

Well, what if it happened:

I got sick,

Know that it's time for you to see a doctor.

He will always help us!

(Doctor Pilyulkin runs into the hall to the music)

Pilyulkin: Oh, I'm running, I'm running! Who is it that got sick? Who needs my help?

(The doctor runs around the children, listens to them, checks their throat and temperature)

Leading: No, no, Doctor, no one is sick with us.

Pilyulkin:Ugh, that's good. I was so scared for the kids!

(Sighs, "wipes the sweat from his forehead")

Pilyulkin: Well, since you are doing well, I want to test your knowledge. I will ask you riddles, and you will have to go to the screen and choose the correct answer from the pictures shown on it. But please don't shout, just raise your hand.

(Tasks are shown on the monitor in the form of several images, from which children choose the correct ones).

Pilyulkin: Well, let's get started?

Children's answers___

1. Young and old should eat.

Vegetable always... (salad)

2. He will be slim and tall

The one who drinks fruity (juice)

3. Know that it’s not easy for a cow

Give to children... (milk)

4. Gleb knows firmly from childhood

The most important thing on the table is... . (bread)

5. Don’t look for candy-

Eat with fresh cabbage (cabbage soup)

6. It’s winter or summer outside

For the second we -…. (cutlet)

7. Meat, fish, cereals, fruits -

Together they are all…. (products)

Pilyulkin: Well done! All the riddles have been solved! All these products are needed for healthy eating. Do you eat these foods?

Children's answers___

Pilyulkin: And guys, I love to eat vegetables and fruits! Do you love them?

Children's answers___

Pilyulkin: Guys, let's play some game with vegetables and fruits? But I don’t know which one...

(Pilyulkin looks at the guys upset)

Leading: Children, what kind of game can you come up with with vegetables and fruits?

Children's answers___

(A game is played at the children's choice)

Pilyulkin: Well, well done guys! We came up with an interesting game. I liked her very much! And I suggest you, children, to do finger gymnastics to relax after the competition.

(Children sit freely on the carpet and perform finger gymnastics together with Pilyulkin “Finger, where have you been?”)

Pilyulkin: Well done, you can do everything! But in order not to get sick, you need to exercise sports. Is it true? Are you doing sports?

Children's answers ___

Leading: Yes, Pilyulkin, our guys really love to practice sports. Now we will prove it to you.

(Relay games are held)

1. Relay "Crawl and don't per day»

Children stand in a column one at a time. The first one runs to the arc, crawls under it, runs to the landmark and runs back to his team.

2. Relay "Funny Ball"

Children stand in a column one at a time. Each team is given a hip-hop ball. Children jump on it to the end of the hall and back.

3. Relay "Collect the flags"

Children stand in a column one at a time. The first one runs to the flags placed on the finish line, according to the number of children. He takes one flag there and runs back to his team.

Pilyulkin: Now I know for sure that everything will be fine with you. After all, you not only know everything about healthy lifestyle, but also very sports guys! I really enjoyed my visit, but it’s time for me to go home! Goodbye!

Leading: Guys, did you like it? holiday? What did you like most?

Children's answers___

Leading: And in conclusion of our holiday I propose a fun game called "Repeat after me". Everyone stand in a circle and repeat me:

We kick top to top

We clap-clap our hands

We are the eyes of a moment-a-moment

We shrug our shoulders

Once - here. Two - there.

Turn around yourself.

Once, sit down. Two stood up.

Everyone raised their hands up.

Sit down, stand up

It’s as if Vanka became a stand-up.

Hands pressed to the body

And they began to make jumps,

And then they set off at a gallop,

Like my elastic ball

One-two, one-two,

It's time for us to say goodbye.

(Actions according to the text. Care of children in group) .

JV "Kindergarten "Lad" GBOU gymnasium named after. S.V. Baimenov, Pokhvistnevo


sports event in the middle group

on the topic: “Sport is an alternative to addictions”

Prepared by: physical education instructor:

Zhuravlev Sergey Nikolaevich




contribute to the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, the formation of correct posture, and interest in a healthy lifestyle.

to form motor skills;
to form children’s ideas about the health benefits
physical exercises on the body;
teach team play.
develop speed, strength, agility, accuracy, memory.
develop interest in sports games;
develop the ability to throw rings on “elephants” from a distance;
instill in children the need for daily physical exercise;
develop a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, and interest in physical education.
Educational areas:“Health”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Labor”.
Types of children's activities:communicative, gaming, cognitive, motor, labor.

Sport equipment:

  • relay baton - 2 pcs;
  • large ball - 2 pcs;
  • small ball - 14 pcs;
  • small hoops - 6 pcs;
  • skittles - 2 pcs;
  • baskets-4 pcs.

Progress of the event


Hello, dear friends! Today, teams of the most dexterous, quick-witted and intelligent guys will prove in a fair and open fight that they are worthy of the title “Champions!” Today our holiday is dedicated to the campaign “I choose sports as an alternative to addictions.” On this day, sports competitions and holidays are held all over the world so that children all over the planet grow up healthy, fit, strong, dexterous, brave and courageous! On our site, middle group teams “Luna” and “Sun” meet in competitions.

We wish both teams success in the upcoming competitions and move on to our first competition, but before the competition begins, it is necessary to do a warm-up. (The presenter does several warm-up exercises with the guys).

Relay No. 1.

Description: The first participant picks up the baton, runs, runs around the pin and, returning to the team, passes the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay No. 2.

"Roll the Ball"

Description: the first participant rolls the ball to the limiter, circles it, takes the ball in his hands and runs to his team, passing the ball to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay No. 3


Description : three hoops lie on the floor at an equal distance from each team. The first participant runs to the limiter, ducking and jumping through the hoops, runs around the limiter and returns to his team, passes the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Leading: While our teams rest, we will play with the fans.

Game with dancers "Hippodrome"

Leading: “Please get your palms ready. Palms are a horse, but it will run on your knees. Let's learn what a horse can do: gallop (ringing clapping of palms on knees); run on the sand (rubbing your palms on your knees); jump on pebbles (knock on your knees with your fists); take hurdles (hands are raised up and down, slapping the knees, down). So, we're at the racetrack. The races begin. Let's see whose horse comes first. On your marks! Attention! March!" The presenter gives various combinations of commands from those learned and changes the tempo.

Relay No. 4

"Gather the Harvest"

Description : each player runs to the basket containing the balls. They take the ball and run back with it. The team that brings all the balls to their team wins.

Relay No. 5


Description: the team becomes a train - hands on the belt of the player standing in front. The whole team, at the signal, runs to the limiter, runs around it and returns to its place.The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Summing up. Today there are no losers, there are winners, we have become healthy, fit, strong and agile.

Sweet prizes have been prepared for children.
