Children's research work on local history. Research work on local history "countrymen". What are street names for?

Maria Muksunova
Research in local history

Research work of schoolchildren on local history

Involving students in scientific research work on local history– one of the types of multifaceted extracurricular activities of a teacher native language and literature.

Local history aims students at learning the history and culture of their small homeland and introduces a regional component of education. Local history knowledge deepens students’ understanding of the historical and cultural ties of their native land with the life of the country, and centuries-old traditions folk culture understand more deeply in class local history.

For research work characterized by the use of scientific methods and our own experimental local history material. IN works contains mandatory elements of scientific research: setting a goal, formulating tasks, defining an object and subject research, putting forward a hypothesis, choosing collection methods and processing factual material, conducting observations, experiments, experiments, analysis and discussion of the obtained material, conclusions (answers to questions posed, presentation of the results obtained.

It should be noted that on modern stage development school education research The teaching method must be considered as a means of developing the student’s cognitive capabilities.

Research student activities in modern school is becoming increasingly important, as it introduces them to the world of words, develops a culture of thinking, and the intellectual potential of the student through independent activity, free self-expression, creating your own creative product. In order for a student to want to participate in scientific research work, it is necessary to awaken desire, to form research motivation.

Research works in local history are carried out according to directions: culture, ethnography, folklore, literature and language. Forms research: design, search, information, creative, applied. In the process of formation research students' skills get: clear understanding of the learning cycle, basic methods research(both theoretical and experimental); the opportunity to master techniques for independently posing problems and finding ways to solve them. Subjects research work depends on age, interests and abilities of the student.

As a result, scientifically research work Schoolchildren should be familiar with methods of searching for scientific information, be able to review the literature on an issue of interest, systematize information, and draw up a plan. work, apply theoretical skills, analyze and summarize the results obtained. Besides theoretical knowledge the student is required to have a creative approach, perseverance, and perseverance to achieve the final result, since the topic requires work 2-3 years, constantly improving and supplementing.

In education research literacy and culture, an active role is played by the school scientific society of students, which has unique opportunities for schoolchildren to draw research knowledge. Teacher-leaders conduct discussions and reviews research literature, research.

The original composition of the report, the emotionality and conviction of the students speaking, fluency in the necessary concepts, readiness to answer the questions asked - aspects that must be addressed work head of scientific research work.

Success in research work come after a scrupulous, educational work, in close cooperation with students and their parents, with staff Museum of Local Lore named after. P. Kh. Starovatov, school and city libraries. The result of such cooperation, for example, was study students of Syromyatnikova Christina “Armament and armor of Kyys Bogatyrka Dyrybyn Dyrylyatta”, Maria Muksunova “Birch bark products - the national creativity of the Yakuts”, Unarova Sardaana “Poetics of olonkho V. O. Karataev "Mighty Er Sogotokh", Mikhailova Marina “Folk craftswoman M. I. Mikhailova”, “Happar - an elegant handbag of the Yakuts”, “Tuesok – a modern girl’s set”, Andreeva Vitaly "Khomus Games", Kirillin Nikita “The outstanding son of the Yakut people P. A. Oyunsky”, Andreevay Agafya “V. O. Karataev "Modun Er Sootoh" olohoto", Ignatiev Grigory “The concept of spirits in Yakut belief” and etc.

Every year, students of our school are winners and prize-winners scientific and practical conferences "Step into the Future", "Turkic world", "Sakha saarynnara" etc. Students are participants in republican, all-Russian, international scientific and practical conferences of Turkic expeditions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Mongolia, and the Altai Republic.

In conclusion, I would like to note that local history is the most effective form research organization work student activities, so How: students develop value-semantic, general cultural, information and communication abilities; deepen local history knowledge, ideas about the historical and cultural connections of the native land with the life of the country. The centuries-old traditions of folk culture are understood more deeply in the classroom local history.

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Municipal educational establishment Mirnaya Average comprehensive school Zonal district

Research work on local history

Villages are not famous for their names

Performed by Valeria Yuraeva,

9a grade student

Consultant Morozova I.A.,

a history teacher

Introduction. “Villages are famous not for their names, but for the kindness and wisdom of the people” …………………………………..1 - 6 Chapter 1. The beginning of the journey ……………………………………………………… ……….7- 9 Chapter 2. Hard times of war…………………………………….. 10 – 12 Chapter 3. Post-war years…………… …………………........ 12 -15 Chapter 4. Virgin Lands……………………………………………………………........... 15- 18 Conclusion. “By becoming more fully aware of the past, we understand the present”………………………………………………………19 -20Appendices

And she proved it with an ancient saying,

Which is more important than all ideas,

That villages are not famous for their names,

And the kindness and wisdom of people!

M. Mokshin


Most often, for a person, the concept of Motherland is associated with the place where he was born and raised. When studying a history course in high school, the Small Motherland falls out of our sight. This research work is intended to help expand knowledge about the native land, see it in the general course of history, and feel your connection with the past and present of the country. In 1957, a decree was issued by the Council of Ministers of the USSR, according to which the economic activities of collective farms were stopped, their bank accounts were liquidated, and the property was sold to state farms. At the same time, due to the consolidation of state farms, many settlements disappeared from the map of the Altai Territory, including the village with the strange name MTS, which was the ancestor of the modern village of Mirny in the Zonal District. It is interesting to know what this village was like, what is interesting, famous, what kind of people lived on its territory. After all, it is the people who work in their native land, raise children and grandchildren, who make up the main wealth of any settlement. There are already few people alive who can talk about the MTS village, which played a significant role in the development of the Zonal District. The memory of a small village with a population of just over 100 people still lives in their hearts, therefore, I consider this research work to be relevant and socially significant. Arguing the above, we can provide an analysis of a survey conducted among various groups of the population of the village of Mirny, Zonal District. A total of 130 people were interviewed. 1. Do you know about the existence of the MTS village in the 30-60s of the twentieth century on the territory of our settlement. 2. Do you think there is enough material in the press, media and other sources about the history of our village and the life of our fellow countrymen?
3. Would you like to know more about the history of the MTS village. 4. Why is information needed about fellow countrymen, about the history of a settlement that is no longer on the map? The most common responses were:

    to preserve the memory of worthy people; to use information when writing various reports, abstracts, research papers; to educate the younger generation using examples from the lives of respected people; to preserve the continuity of generations; to replenish the materials of the school museum.
From the survey we see that the adult population of the village of Mirny knows about the existence of MTS. Schoolchildren are little familiar with this information. But almost all respondents would like to know more about him. After all, their parents, grandmothers, and grandfathers stood at its origins. Attempts have been made in the past to describe the history of the village. The first such attempt dates back to 1972, when from the city of Mirny, Yakut region, the editorial office of the newspaper “Mirninsky Rabochiy” received a letter to the chairman of the Novochemrovsky village council with a request to write “the history of the emergence of your Mirny.” Eremeev P.I., chairman of the village council, wrote a response (1 page of typewritten text) to the Yakut region, which contained some information about the history of the disappeared village (see Appendix 1.2). In the book “Zonal District: History, People and Fates” (2003) there is a short essay on the formation of the village. In the reports of the historical and ethnographic expedition of the BSPU, which took place in 2002 in the Zonal District, you can find information about the village, for example, about the type of its development. In the anniversary book “Through the Prism of Time” (2008), there is a publication about our fellow villager, Hero of the Soviet Union N.N. Demin, who worked at MTS. In the regional newspaper “For the Harvest” there are articles and notes about our fellow countrymen: about leaders in production, about honored teachers, about veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The school museum contains some materials about MTS. The material we have studied is insufficient, there is no systematization, so it is difficult to imagine a picture of the life of the village in the 30s - 60s of the twentieth century. There has been no systematic research into the history of MTS. Therefore, one of the objectives of the research work was to systematize the material, the memories of the village’s contemporaries, and analyze the available literature. Thus, the main goal of the study is to expand knowledge about the native village, determine the stages of its development, and establish its role in the general course of history. Tasks:
    Study the history of the village and the biographies of fellow countrymen using publications available in the media and other sources. Collect and systematize the received material. Identify the stages of development and correlate them with the history of the country.
Object of study: historical processes of development of the MTS village in the Zonal District of Altai in the 30-60s of the twentieth century. Subject of study: content of the historical development of the village. Hypothesis: the MTS village, which existed for about 30 years, went through traditional stages of development that are closely related to historical processes events occurring in the country, made a significant contribution to the development of the region, region, and country. Research methods:
    Analysis of literature on the research problem. Statistical synthesis of data. Questioning. Interview. Household crawl.
The chronological framework of the work can be defined as follows: 30s - 60s of the twentieth century: from the emergence of MTS to its reorganization. The research was based on information provided by contemporaries of the MTS village (more than 15 people were interviewed), archival documents widely presented in the book “Zonal District: History, People and Fates”, documents from the personnel department of the state-owned poultry plant “Chemrovsky”, provided by V.I. Mikhina, who worked there in the 60s and 70s. It should be noted that a very limited number of documents have survived, so the research material was collected literally bit by bit. History is made up of different human destinies, and we tried to present the history of the village through the eyes of its inhabitants. We tried to collect as many names and surnames of people involved in the MTS village as possible. It should be noted that this work does not claim to be full research the history of the formation of the village, the biography of its inhabitants. Therefore, there remains scope for further research as material becomes available or as other authors join in the work.

This memory is clever nature

It gives us both warmth and light.

Without her, the people have no strength,

There is no name and no future.

And we must preserve within ourselves from childhood

Memory and love for all years,

so that they, as the main inheritance,

pass on to descendants forever.

M. Mokshin

Chapter 1.

The beginning of the way

The history of the disappeared village begins in 1928 with the construction of a flax mill on the banks of the Chemrovka River, 5 kilometers from the village of Novaya Chemrovka. By 1930, construction was completed, but the plant did not have to be used for its intended purpose. This period in the country is known as collectivization, a large number of collective farms appear. To service the equipment, machine and tractor stations were needed, which maintained and repaired equipment for nearby collective farms. In 1930, it was decided to locate the Chemrovsky machine and tractor station on the territory and in the buildings of the flax plant. All over the country, many MTS began to appear their own special villages - the first stage in the development of the village begins. Initially, the station personnel lived in the village. New Chemrovka. In the 30s, several barracks for housing were erected on the river bank, designed for 4 families. Later, MTS workers themselves began to build new houses. Among the first are houses on Molodezhnaya and Lenin streets. The archives of the personnel department of the Chemrovsky state-owned poultry plant contain few documents on the Chemrovskaya MTS. According to them, MTS began its activities only in 1935. Its first director was T.V. Zyuzdintsev, who worked until 1938. We managed to find in the documents the names of people who worked with him.

    Belov G.I. - Deputy Director Utkurtsev M.Ya. - senior agronomist G.S. Stepanov - senior mechanic Terneevsky Grigory Nikiforovich - senior accountant Koroteev M.P. - mechanic Mikhaltsov S.I. - mechanic Safonov P.F. - accountant Ozer - garage manager Krechik I.K. - accountant Sosnovsky - secretary Bespalov V.S. - foreman Vdovin Prokopiy Ivanovich - foreman Frolov Grigory Ivanovich - foreman Vostrikov Egor Semenovich - machine operator Golubtsov Spiridon Egorovich - machine operator (3. p. 2)
The MTS service area included 15 collective farms: Red October, Giant, New Life, named after Krupskaya, named after Kalinin, named after Yezhov, Red Star, named after Molotov, Testament of Ilyich, named after Kaganovich, named after Kuibyshev, named after Voroshilov, named after Kirov, Path to Communism, New Life. These collective farms were located in the villages of Novaya Chemrovka, Shubenka, Novy Byt with a total area of ​​arable land of about 100,000 hectares, and a total tractor fleet of 56 units. At this time, another wooden workshop for the repair of agricultural machinery was built, which was located along the street that in our time bears the name of Hero of the Soviet Union N.N. Demina. This workshop serviced equipment until 1950. Along with these, other objects, barracks, and residential buildings were also built. And everyone started calling the village MTS. This name stuck with the young village for a long time. Since 1938, A.S. Sidorov began working as director of Chemrovskaya MTS. And together with him: Ksiyanov V.D. (political assistant), A.D. Samoilov (chief accountant), U.P. Ivanilov (senior agronomist). According to the informant, no more than 150 people lived in MTS before the war. Sidorov A.S. worked for about a year and was replaced by Alexander Vasilyevich Chasovskikh (1939-1941), and from July 19, 1941 to July 16, 1942, Alexander Deomidovich Sheredega was already the director. (3. p. 4). The turnover of directors in those years is explained by very difficult working conditions. There was little equipment, mostly women worked on it, therefore, in the documents of those years we read that, despite the fact that the workers made every effort, the work plan was often not fulfilled. We must not forget that these years were years of terrible repression, so any oversight in the work could be regarded as sabotage, aiding the counter-revolution. In total, 37 people were repressed in the Zonal region from 1938 to June 22, 1941. Among them were ordinary collective farmers, state farm workers, and MTS workers. For example, I.I. Mishkevich, a tractor driver at the Chapaev collective farm, which was part of the MTS service area, was accused of “preparing an act of sabotage to set fire to a garage... He was collecting espionage information about the composition of the MTS tractor fleet.” In October 1938, he was convicted under Art. 58-6, 9, 11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (espionage, destruction of state property structures and participation in a counter-revolutionary organization) and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. In 1959 he was rehabilitated (2.p. 360).

Chapter 2.

War hard times

I often see the same picture:

Like in a village from every house

They saw off their fathers to war,

Older brothers, relatives and friends.

The enemy was evil, cruel and strong.

The whole horde and mass of steel.

But he did not know the characters

Men who became soldiers.

M. Mokshin

With the outbreak of war, the second stage in the development of the village begins. Mass demobilization into the ranks of the Red Army began in 1942, when the commander-in-chief became clear that the war would drag on for many years. Almost all the men were called up for service. They showed themselves to be real heroes, defending the freedom and independence of the state, many were awarded orders and medals. Among them is Hero of the Soviet Union N.N. Demin and Full Knight of the Order of Glory Silaev P.M. (see Biographical information No. 1, No. 2). Far from the front and the fighting, the residents of MTS felt the effects of war every day. According to the recollections of home front workers, during the war years in MTS, as in other farms in the region, there was a significant shortage of personnel. Old people, women and teenagers remained in the village; it was on their shoulders that the entire burden of military everyday life fell. Therefore, the district leadership tried to use all possible reserves to resolve the personnel issue. In the resolution of the Bureau of the Zonal District Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Bolsheviks) “On the reception and placement of migrants from the Volga German region and evacuated citizens of the USSR” dated October 6, 1941, we find the following lines: “The Bureau of the Republic of Kazakhstan All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Bolsheviks) requires all MTS directors to immediately use machine operator personnel from the immigrants who arrived by specialty, paying attention to the theoretical level of training” (2. p. 700). Fulfilling the decree, the Chemrovskaya MTS also accepted settlers, among them was Gaan Ivan Ivanovich, who worked for many years as a machine operator and raised five children with his wife Lydia Maksimovna, who settled in the village forever. In 1942, on July 17, Mikhail Pavlovich Koroteev, who headed MTS until June 20, 1952, was appointed director. Together with him, the work of MTS was supervised by Politkovsky (deputy for political affairs), Philip Ivanovich Korobov (chief engineer), Vasily Pavlovich Koroteev (senior agronomist), I.V. Donskikh. (chief accountant), Natalya Egorovna Grinimaer and Amalia Maksimovna (accountants), Ivan Fedorovich Tatarnikov (garage manager), Sergey Georgievich Zyablitsky (head of courses), Burilov (chairman of the work committee), G.G. Menshov. (agricultural machinery mechanic), Makarov (foreman) (3. p. 5). Before his appointment, Koroteev M.P. I worked as a senior mechanic, so I was well aware of the severity of the work. He had the most difficult years: the war was going on, he had to work mainly with women who were trained right there in courses at MTS, some studied at the Bulanikha School, among them Alexandra Chasovskikh, Anna Korovina, Nina Kryuchkova, Maria Bessonova, Anastasia Selezneva. Many bitter tears, according to the informant, were shed by these young girls while preparing equipment in the cold, when their fingers froze to the iron. O. Lavrentsova, A.V. Burakova, S. Menshova, Alexander Komkov, Agniya Filippovna Ryzhkova and many others did not leave work for days (3. p. 4). Informants talked mainly about the hard physical labor of that time. Living conditions were also very difficult. There was no furniture in the trailers of the machine operators and repairmen; during short breaks they slept right on the floor, spreading old straw. They ate mainly potatoes, which they boiled, baked over fires, fried, and made potato pancakes to replace bread. There was no telephone communication for several months (Resolution of the meeting of the bureau of the zonal district committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Bolsheviks) “On the state of telephone communication dated October 5, 1942”). At night, the MTS director, school teachers, accountants, and responsible employees were on mandatory duty (2. p. 713). Those who worked at MTS during the war years remember the minutes short rest. When work ended, girls, young women, and teenagers gathered for parties, where they sang songs, ditties about the Nazis, and danced to the accordion. And in the morning they went to the field again and got to work again. During the Great Patriotic War (1942), a fundraiser was announced for the construction of the Altai Collective Farmer tank column. The Novochemrovsky village council, which included MTS, collected 123.8 thousand rubles in 1942 (2. p. 715). The Komsomol organization from Novaya Chemrovka took the initiative to collect warm clothes and potatoes for the front. The initiative was supported by the entire population of the area, including residents of MTS. They carried everything they could to the gathering places: food, things, including valuables, even warm sheepskin coats (2. p. 381). During the war years, the development of the village slowed down somewhat. All efforts were devoted to fulfilling the main task - to give the front more grain and other agricultural products.

Chapter 3

Post-war years

Both a tractor driver and an agronomist,

Both a teacher and a doctor

They now live in their native village,

Like good neighbors.

M. Mokshin

The third stage of development of the village begins after the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. After the war, the development of the village intensified significantly. (1. p. 2) Demobilized soldiers began to return to the village. They were gladly hired. In the report of the military department of the Zonal District Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks to the Altai Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks for the first half of 1946, we learn about the organization of work with the demobilized (2. p. 736). They were given lectures on the international situation, read newspapers, magazines, fiction. We held rallies and meeting evenings. They built housing for the arriving soldiers and provided assistance with food and clothing. We tried to warm up the attention of former military personnel. The report noted: “the mood of the demobilized is cheerful and cheerful. All demobilized people who arrived with a consciousness of their duty also work selflessly on the labor front, just as they fought selflessly on the fronts. Patriotic War for the freedom and independence of our Motherland” (2. p. 736). Few documents have been preserved about the life of MTS in 1945 - 1950. To restore the destroyed economy, the country needed a lot of agricultural products: grain, sugar beets, potatoes, meat, milk. The struggle to obtain high yields and further development collective farms were directly dependent on the work of MTS. It should be noted that in the reports and reports of those years we can find information about the good work of the Chemrovsky machine and tractor station (basically, plans for tractor work were carried out, combine harvesters and the entire tractor fleet were working). Informants speak of strict labor discipline V post-war years. There were no delays to work, no absenteeism, since fines and punishments were provided for all this. A lot of cultural education work was carried out at MTS. In the report of the regional film department on the results of work for 1950 (dated February 10, 1951), we read that MTS showed 43 sessions of feature films during the year, among them “The Cruiser “Varyag”, “Chapaev”, “Alexander Nevsky”, “Man” with a gun”, “Party card”, “Lenin in October”, “Zoya”, “Young Guard” and many others (2. p. 761). Before the sessions, lectures were given, conversations were held at political topics . From June 23, 1952, the Chemrovskaya MTS was headed by former front-line soldier Tikhon Efimovich Vostrikov (see biographical information No. 3). Working with him were Gaidin M.Ya (deputy director for political affairs), Bazhenov I.A. (chief accountant), V.D. Glazyuk (chief agronomist), I.V. Mikhin (chief agronomist since 1955), future director of MTS, F.A. Kukhlenko (mechanicist), N.I. Kovalenko (animal technician) and many others. At this time, the MTS service included 7 collective farms: “World October”, named after Kirov, “Path to Communism”, “Testaments of Ilyich”, named after Voroshilov, “Glory”, “New Life” (3. p. 7). Under the new director, according to the informant, working conditions in the equipment repair workshop have improved, a garage, a boiler room for heating the workshop, an office, and a red corner have been built, where the recreation center in the village of Mirny is currently located. All previous buildings were located on the banks of the Chemrovka River, and the river, although small, was capricious - it washed away everything almost every year. We had to re-build a bridge, a bathhouse, a first-aid post, and housing. The director paid a lot of attention to the subsidiary farm - a vegetable plot that supplied MTS canteens with fresh vegetables. The school in the village was only primary. Vostrikov decided to open a 7-year school in 1956; it was transferred from the village of Safonovka. The average academic performance in the district was 85% (from the protocol of the X Party Conference of the Zonal District on the development of public education and health care for 1952 -1953. The school was located in a small wooden barracks-type building. A few years later the school became an eight-year school. The first director of the school was Zoya Yakovlevna Kozhevnikova, head teacher - Grigory Fedorovich Palchikov. First teachers: Vera Fedorovna Budkova, Maria Vasilyevna Sukhacheva, Olga Fedorovna Palchikova, A. T. Shipulina, E. T. Sviridova, E. A. Finaeva, F. N. Isaeva, A. T. Kutenov. Sanitary order was strictly maintained. Medical workers were responsible for his condition together with the deputy director for economic affairs. At one time Ivan Vasnev worked for him (3. p. 10) The medical and obstetric station in the MTS village was opened in the early 50s One of its first employees was Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Petrova. She recalls her work in those years: “In 1959, I came to work in the Zonal District, and I was sent to work as the head of the FAP Chemrovskaya MTS. The medical center was located in 2 rooms of a small apartment. The equipment consisted of a wall-mounted wooden cabinet. After a good wash and painting, they began to store medicines in it. In the hallway there was a small table, borrowed from the workshop, and two benches. There were no paved roads either to the regional center or to Biysk. In the autumn-winter period, sick people and women in labor were transported on tractor carts, horses and on a steam locomotive to which a freight car was attached. At that time, in case of emergency, it was possible to call a steam locomotive. In those distant years, diseases such as trachoma, diphtheria, and typhoid fever were common, and there were many patients with measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever, and hepatitis. The first medical furniture was purchased only in 1964, and the premises of the first-aid post began to resemble a medical facility.” From the report of the Secretary of the Zonal District Committee of the CPSU Comrade. Krylov at the VII Plenum on the state and measures to improve cultural and educational work in the region on March 24, 1953, explanations are given about the cultural and educational work of that time. In particular, about the work of theater and drama clubs that were in every village and household. The repertoire of these circles is interesting, given the time when the plays were staged: mainly Chekhov’s “Family History”, “Horse Name”, “Rural Aesculapians”, and of course, they were criticized by the district and party leadership. Chapter 4. Tselinniki

And forever became someone’s homeland

A village with a new name.

For everyone he is like a sacred pedestal,

To which every soul yearns

M. Mokshin

The fourth and final stage in the development of the MTS village is the development of virgin and fallow lands. At this stage, there was a noticeable strengthening of the material base of MTS. On March 2, 1954, the Resolution of the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee “On the further increase in grain production in the country and on the development of virgin and fallow lands” was issued. In the same year, 425 virgin lands arrived in the Zonal District, 80 of whom were sent to the Chemrovskaya MTS. By the end of 1954, 33 people had left: 14 people in the SA, 1 due to illness, 12 for family reasons, 6 without permission (From the report of the Zonal District Committee of the CPSU on the material, production and living arrangements of new settlers who arrived in the virgin lands on February 7, 1955 years (2. pp. 773-774). Mostly these were young people who were employed in their specialty, and those who did not have one could get one at the Bulanikha School of Mechanization. Those who arrived were provided with housing, some lived in dormitories, others then in departmental apartments, and many lived in the apartments of MTS specialists. In 1955, Chemrovskaya MTS received a loan for the construction of individual houses for virgin lands in the amount of 65 thousand rubles, so the first good housing was built. In those years, the village consisted of five small streets. The buildings were mostly wooden. There was no running water or centralized power supply. Electricity was provided by diesel from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. (1. p. 2). Cultural, mass and political work was carried out among those who arrived to develop the virgin lands; magazines were issued to the brigades , newspapers. Lectures and reports were given to machine operators, films were regularly shown at the MTS club, youth evenings were organized (2. p. 774) The report of the Zonal District Committee of the CPSU on the material, production and living arrangements of new settlers who arrived in the virgin lands on February 7, 1955 indicated wage virgin lands in the Chemrovskaya MTS. For example, tractor driver Kacheev, together with his wife, who works as a trailer driver, earned 20 thousand rubles in 6 months (2. p. 774). Chemrovskaya MTS worked very well during these years. In 1954, Taisiya Ivanovna Stepanova, a beet growing manager, was sent to VDNKh. In 1956, Ivan Vasilyevich Mikhin (chief agronomist) took part in the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy and was awarded the VDNKh medal. And in 1957 he was awarded the medal “For Labor Distinction”. In the same year, four more MTS employees received a high government award, the medal “For the development of virgin lands”: Ivan Antonovich Tolstov (tractor driver), Lukerya Ilarionovna Tishkova, Ivan Vasilyevich Mikhin (chief agronomist), Fedor Artemyevich Kukhlenko (mechanic). According to informants, the MTS team was young, efficient, and friendly. We worked together, rested together. Vostrikov paid a lot of attention to sports and amateur performances. MTS had its own football team, sports uniforms, skis and other equipment were purchased. The MTS football team included:

    Petrov Gennady Petrov Victor Koroteev Victor Stolyarov Vasily Pospelov Boris Drozdev Yuri Gerashchenko Victor Nazarov Arkady Selivanov Yury Smolkin Arkady Borisenko Franz
Skiing competitions were held, most often won by Yuri Nikolaevich Drozdev, an MTS engineer. On the territory of the modern Mirnaya secondary school there was a stadium, where all the competitions took place, which gathered the entire population of the village, young and old. Active members of amateur performances in the 50-60s of the twentieth century were Mikhail Nikolotov (driver), Nina Voroshilova (medical worker), Nikolay Kochergin (engineer), Viktor Gerashchenko (driver). According to the informant's recollections, we learn that mostly comic numbers, dramatizations, and ditties were staged. Accompanied by M. Nikolotov and V. Gerashchenko. The club, whose building was built in 1959, maintained strict order, with MTS specialists and workers constantly on duty. The informant remembers the duty officer with a red bandage on his sleeve, Ivan Lavrentievich Kharlov, a front-line soldier, a public figure in the village. In April 1958, the machine and tractor station was transformed into a repair and technical station (RTS), but the residents of the village, there were about 400 people, were still called MTS. T.E. Vostrikov worked as its director for another year, and in 1959 he was transferred to the position of director of the Biysk vegetable and potato state farm in the village of Malugrenevo. On December 15, 1959, Dmitry Yakovlevich Voropaev was appointed director of the Chemrovskaya RTS. In February 1961, another new trend occurred in the country: collective farms were reorganized into state farms. Chemrovskaya RTS ceased to exist at the peak of its development. All equipment was sold to new state farms. In 1959, in the village, according to the informant, a competition was announced for the best name. Many options were proposed, but we settled on Mirny. At this time, many villages with this name appeared not only in the Altai Territory, but throughout Russia. By decision of the Altai Regional Council of Working People's Deputies in 1965, the village was given the name "Mirny", although residents have called it that since 1959. And it begins new life new village.


The research work “Villages are not famous by name” is a kind of tribute to those people who lived in those distant years. We would really like to remember everyone who was involved in the formation and development of MTS. This is necessary so that the memory of the people inhabiting the village lives in us, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It follows from the work that the village has followed a traditional path of development: from a small repair station to a large farm with a population of about 400 people. We have identified the main stages in its development:

    The appearance of the village. Development during the war years. Reconstruction of the economy in the post-war years. Development of virgin lands.
These stages are closely related to all the processes that took place in the country: collectivization, years Stalin's repressions, Great Patriotic War, post-war reconstruction of the country. The people of the village made a huge contribution to the development of the pre-war region, turned out to be selfless defenders of their native land during the Great Patriotic War, and with their labor restored the destroyed economy in the 50s. The work presents biographical information about working people, front-line soldiers, home front workers, who can tell about their difficult fate. The hypothesis presented in the work was fully confirmed in the study: the village went through traditional stages of development. These stages are closely related to the historical processes taking place in the country. Residents of MTS have made a significant contribution to the development of the region, region, and country. I want to end my work with the words of Herzen: “By becoming more fully aware of the past, we understand the present: by descending deeper into the meaning of the past, we reveal the meaning of the future; by looking back, we step forward.” "Fatherland -2012"
Research work on local history

"My land, my fellow countrymen..."
"Chronicle of the native land"

(The history of the village is like a mirror of reflection

Russia's past)

Sudakov Dmitry Evgenievich

10th grade student

MBOU Verkhnespasskaya Secondary School

Rasskazovsky district

research work:

Platonova N.V.

history and social studies teacher

MBOU Verkhnespasskaya Secondary School

Rasskazovsky district

^ I. Introduction. Relevance of the work
“Get to know your country, your land,

your own collective farm, your own little town

or a small river, don’t be afraid,

how small is this onepeaAndriver,

after all, from small things grows big.”



purpose I think:


^ II. Main part.

None of the villagers know how, by whom and when the territory of the now widely spread coastal village of Verkhnespasskoye began to be populated. Its history, like a mirror, reflects the history of the country.

The first mention of our village dates back to early XVIII century. It was formed as an outpost from the raids of nomads later in 1699, on the lands given to the Spassky Monastery of the city of Pereslavl - Ryazan.

However, in the application book of 1702, the following entry was preserved: “Chapel of the Intercession, in the estate of the Spasov Monastery, in the village of Verkhakh. That chapel has a courtyard, priest Vasily... Yes, in the parish to that chapel there is a monastery courtyard, and thirty-nine monastery courtyards, and thirty-nine peasant courtyards.”

From the 2nd half of the 18th century, the village of Verkhi began to be called “Verkhnee Spasskoye”.

The village of Verkhneye Spasskoye is called newly settled and its age corresponds to the date of recording. It turns out that the village of Verkhnespasskoye is the same age as St. Petersburg, which at that time was founded on the banks of the Neva by Peter I!

According to the personal list in 1724, the population of the village of Verkhnee Spasskoye (hereinafter Verkhnespasskoye) was 250 revision souls (only the male population was taken into account). Among the village residents were serfs who belonged to the Spasov Monastery of Pereslavl-Ryazan. The names of the settlers were preserved in the record: Potap Gerasimov, Ivan Kopylov, Fyodor Timofeev, Efim Lavrentyev, Philip Safonov and others. The roots of the hardworking villagers came from the distant past.

In 1778, there were 223 households in Verkhnespassky with a population of 920 men and 1000 women. For those times the figure was huge. According to the documents of the third census of 1866, the village had 590 households, 5126 souls, one church, two mills. Among the residents were not only service people with single-yard households for resettlement, from whom villages like ours arose, but also landowners with their courtyard servants and serfs. By 1886, the village of Verkhnespasskoye was the third largest village in the Tambov district.

Verkhnespasskoye is a steppe village, everywhere you look there are fields and riverine meadows all around. The river is not wide and, intricately winding, slowly rolls its waters from the very Kamenny Lakes. It has its own romantic name - Forest Tambov. Her name sounds strange, as they say, there is not a stick around, and she is called a forest stick. Perhaps there were once forests here, and the old-timers actually gave this name? Who knows, time mercilessly changes landscapes.

The nature of our village was untouched. The forest-steppe landscape was sharply expressed. Natural conditions were favorable (chernozem lands, forest, pasture, hayfields, river) for farming. But the life of the first settlers was difficult and alarming. Among the old-timers of the village there are stories that in the south of the village there were uninhabited places called “Wild Field”, where some unknown, mysterious people lived. These stories of old-timers are confirmed by documents: “...and on that given land of that Spasov monastery, the archimandrite and his brother ordered the monastery peasants to settle around that village, to build dugouts (gouges - a type of tree stumps dug into the ground, sometimes connected to each other by a tie) so that you can live carefully from enemy people.” (Certificate from the order Grand Palace Tambov governors about the transfer of that land to the Spassky Monastery).

When the first settlers went out into the fields to work in high places, guard posts were set up on special towers. Seeing the horsemen galloping from the steppe, the guard observers gave an alarm signal and the workers left for the village.

The economy of the first settlers of the village of Verkhneye Spasskoye was subsistence: they did not sell or buy anything, they used what their farm provided. Clothes were made by their own tailors from sheepskins, threads and fabrics were made from flax. Weaved on hand looms. Lived in chicken huts with stoves without chimneys, with small windows covered with bull's bubbles, they shone with a torch.

It goes without saying that there was no talk of any culture as we understand it now: there were no schools, no books, no newspapers.

Years passed, life, albeit slowly, changed.

There were such landowners as the Zagryazhskys, Bumakovs, and Kryugonokovs. The peasants began to rent land; they needed money to pay the rent. By that time, Rasskazovo had become a large commercial and industrial village, where rich merchants appeared and the bourgeoisie grew up (manufacturers brothers Aseev, Ragozin, Zheltov).

In the village of Verkhneye Spasskoye a church-parish three-year school was organized. Then, in 1910, a zemstvo school was opened, a two-room school that could not accommodate all the peasant children who wanted to receive a diploma. Therefore, in 1913, construction began on a two-story brick building, in which classes began in 1916. primary school. Classes were held in three shifts.

But the time has come Civil War, the gangs of Antonov and Matyukhin were rampant in the village. They were hiding in the forests of Tambov and Rasskazovsky districts. The detachments made surprise raids on neighboring villages in order to obtain food. The villages of Koptevo, Kobylinka, Verkhnespasskoe, and Khitrovo were subjected to frequent raids. Brigade commander Kotovsky was called in to fight the atamans. The liquidation to defeat the gangs was successful.

After the civil war, life for the villagers began to improve. In 1920, the Verkhnespassky Village Council of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies was formed.

Until 1929 there were individual farms. The village was divided into three land districts. First land district: Old Golobovka, New Golobovka, Chekunovka, Aul, Glainovka. Second land district: Gronkina, Komarovka, Faminovka, Lyseevka, Kuchurovka, Sidnevka, Shkolnaya. Third land district: Novaya Moiseevka, Staraya Moiseevka Samodurovka, Koshelevka, Baldon, Osinovka.

In 1928, a partnership for joint cultivation of the land was organized. They had a Fordson tractor, the first tractor driver was Ivan Kochergin (living in the city of Kotovsk). There were mechanical mills in the village: the first on Staraya Osinovka, near the Tormyshovs Vasily Mikhailovich and Ivan Petrovich; the second is on Moiseevka near the Tormyshovs. There was also a water mill at the end of Novaya Osinovka.

In 1930, our village took the path of collective farming. Collective farms of our village “Im. Lenin" and "Pobeda" began to be replenished with domestic agricultural machines every year. Wheeled and tracked tractors “KhTZ”, “KhTZ-NATI”, “K-700”, “K701”, combine harvesters “Kommunar”, “Niva”. The equipment was concentrated in MTS.

In 1931, a seven-year school was opened, then three primary schools.

The peaceful work of our people was interrupted by the treacherous attack on June 22, 1941 Nazi Germany. Like the whole country, the residents of our village are rebuilding on a war footing. The village began to work for defense.

On the very first day of the war, the best sons of our village went to the front. Women and teenagers began working on village collective farms. We prepared warm clothes for the front-line soldiers. They donated their savings for the construction of the Tambov Collective Farmer tank column. Residents of our village fought heroically on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, for which many were awarded government awards.

After the end of the war, our village changed beyond recognition.

As of April 1965, the village had 1,135 houses and a population of 4,180. From 1958-1964, 370 houses were built.

The village has been electrified and radio-connected since 1964. Every house has electric irons and electric stoves.

Social and cultural facilities were opened - a library with 12 thousand books, a hospital with 35 beds, an outpatient clinic, and a pharmacy. In 1964, a club with 250 seats was built. A boarding school was opened at the school, which provided the opportunity to study for children from neighboring villages (Koptevo, Kobylenka, Khitrovo, Alekseevka). Great importance The pioneer organization was involved in the development of the school at that time. In 1998, blue fuel came to the village.

During the perestroika period, it was hard for the people of our village. There was a crisis in all spheres of society, unemployment, and wage arrears. But even then our residents were able to hold out and not lose heart.

And the Vvedenskaya Church is being built as a spiritual symbol. It is not yet completed, but people are already going to the temple in search of peace of mind and warmth.

The idea of ​​restoring the church arose among local residents in the 1990s, but they began to implement the plan much later. Restoration work is being carried out with donations from local residents and funds from a native of the village, A. Popov.

People who are distinguished by their hard work and good production indicators have worked and are working on the Verkhnespasskaya land. For long and fruitful work, many natives of the village were awarded state awards.

This is Rybina Nina Vasilievna - Honored Teacher of the RSFSR, holder of the badge "Excellence in Public Education", Honorable Sir district.

Boltnev Anatoly Mikhailovich – professor, lecturer at Derzhavin University.

Baranov Valentin Petrovich – professor, historian, writer.

Kochergina Lyudmila Viktorovna – Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

It is gratifying that today, village residents work conscientiously in agriculture and in the fields of education, medicine, culture, doing everything possible to preserve and develop the economic and social potential of both the village and the region.

  1. Conclusion.

First of all, it is necessary to remember the importance of local history in the education of patriotism and citizenship. Love for the Motherland is always concrete: it is love for one’s home, city, village, native land. And in order to love your land, you need to know its history.

I used the material I received in creative work regional competition “My land, my fellow countrymen...” and in the creation of the research work “The history of the village as a mirror of the history of Russia”

  1. Baranov V.P. People and memory / V.P. Baranov - T.: Publishing house of TSU named after. G.R., Derzhavin, 2001. 751 p.

  2. Stepanov A.N., My Land Tambov / A.N. Stepanov – T.: - 2003. 156 p.

  3. Chernikov A.A. The city of Rasskazovo and its surroundings / Chernikov A. A. - M., 2004. - 176 p.

  4. Extract from the CENTRAL STATE ARCHIVE OF ANCIENT ACTS / m.: g -48 No. 665;

  5. Internet resources


for research work in local history

"My land, my fellow countrymen..."

Nomination: “Chronicle of the native land”

“The history of the village as a mirror of the reflection of Russia’s past”

^ Head of the research work: Platonova N.V., teacher of history and social studies, Verkhnespasskaya secondary school, Rasskazovsky district
Local history has long been one of the most active and creative forms of introducing people to history.

Local history is, in fact, knowledge, that is, the study of one’s native land. This includes learning about history, geographical features, nature and economic activities of the place where you live.

It is impossible to comprehend and understand the processes taking place in the world without knowing the local characteristics, because every small village is a world in miniature.

Studying your native land, you begin to sincerely love it. The feeling of attachment to a small homeland develops into love for the entire Fatherland. Love for the Motherland is always concrete: it is love for one’s home, city, village, native land. And in order to love your land, you need to know its history.

Nothing like local history serves to instill a sense of patriotism. Patriotism is one of the qualities without which it is unimaginable to build an advanced society in Russia.

My native land, my Rasskazovsky land, my village - Verkhnespasskoye... The land of boundless grain fields and forests, boundless steppe expanses, green gullies and river valleys with chains of villages, highways straight as an arrow, high-voltage lines hastily running into the distance.

The village of Verkhnespasskoye is large and crowded. City dwellers cannot even imagine how beautiful nature is here in the village. The dim and unobtrusive landscapes of the region conceal a modest, unique beauty and therefore are especially loved by us. They inspired poets and artists to create wonderful works of literature and art; they remain in the minds of people born and raised here as symbols of our beautiful Fatherland.

Many generations of our ancestors lived on this land, located on the unmarked border of forest and steppe. Long years of living in harsh, extreme conditions have developed a special character among our people, my fellow countrymen. Kind and responsive to other people's misfortune and suffering, stern and unyielding to enemies, long-suffering in trials and tribulations.

And here is my happy childhood, for which I should be grateful to my ancestors.

How did they live - the people of past centuries? What did they dream about, what did they hope for? These questions still interest me and my contemporaries.

Therefore, for my research work I chose topic:

“The history of the village as a mirror of the reflection of Russia’s past”, where the main purpose I think:

Studying the history of the village of Verkhnespasskoye from the moment the area was settled to the present day, its past and present.

Tasks research activities:

Study and analyze historical documents;

Systematize the material within the framework of local history work;

Study local history literature;

Carry out a conversation with the old-timers of the village.

In the process of research, I worked with documents from the central archive of ancient acts, and spoke with the old residents of the village using archival materials from the school.

During the search work, I received information on the history of the village, the first years of its development, about the life and activities of the first settlers, the development of the agricultural activities of the village, labor and cultural traditions, the history of my school, since this is the most important means in nurturing a sense of love for small and large Motherland.

I used the material I received in the creative work of the regional competition “My land, my fellow countrymen...” and in the creation of the research work “The history of the village as a mirror of the history of Russia”

Statement of the problem (task) The topic of the research work is “There is always a place for heroic deeds in life.” The object of study of the proposed work is the biography and feat of fellow countryman Ivan Mikhailovich Ragozin. The subject of the research is archival and exhibition materials...

Statement of the problem (task) The topic of the research work is “There is always a place for heroic deeds in life.” The object of study of the proposed work is the biography and feat of fellow countryman Ivan Mikhailovich Ragozin. The subject of the research is archival and exhibition materials of the Kimiltei Museum of Local Lore, newspaper articles, memories of fellow villagers and colleagues about Ivan Mikhailovich Ragozin. The problem is - is it possible to accomplish a feat and become a hero not in war? Hypothesis – heroes are not born, they are made. The relevance of the topic lies in the need to preserve in the memory of the residents of the village of Kimiltei, the cities of Sayansk, Zima and Ziminsky district the feat of I.M. Ragozina. Our country, which has enormous, gigantic capabilities, can only be defeated ideologically, rotting from within. Having once won the Great Patriotic War, we are now losing on the information front. We don’t know our heroes and are even surprised at the need to know about them! We don't want to become heroes ourselves. And if we don't stop now,

Regional local history conference of schoolchildren In life there is always a place for feat Author of the work: Shkalenkova Victoria Maksimovna, 9th grade student of Municipal Educational Institution Kimiltei Secondary School, Irkutsk Region, Ziminsky District Leader: Krasikova Oksana Pavlovna teacher of history, social studies and law of the highest qualification category Municipal Educational Institution Kimiltei Secondary School, Irkutsk Region, Ziminsky District, Ziminsky District, 2016

2 Contents Contents………………………………………………………………………………………2 Introduction…………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………….…3 Chapter I. There is always a place for heroic deeds in life………………………………………………………………...5-7 1. Statement of the problem……………………………………………………… ……………………………………5 2. Research…………………………………….………………………………………… ….7 Chapter II. What kind of guy was he………………………………………………………...8-13 1. Becoming a hero…………………………………… ……………………………………………………………….8 2. The feat in the name of saving people is immortal………………………………………………… ………10 Conclusion. ........................................................ ........................... …………………………..…….14 List of sources and literature ................................ …………………………………...15 Introduction

3 “A moment is enough to become a hero, But it is necessary whole life, To become worthy person..." Paul Brulat In Vladimir Dahl's dictionary, a feat is a heroic, selfless act. And a feat in the name of saving people’s lives is immortal. A person who has accomplished a feat is popularly called a hero. HERO (French héros from Greek heroos - close to Hera, eros) - A person who has performed feats of courage, valor, and dedication. A person who is for someone an object of worship, admiration, or a role model. A person who embodies the characteristic, typical features of his era and environment. Knight, brave warrior, valiant warrior, hero, miracle warrior; a valiant companion in general, in war and in peace, a selfless person. 1 Heroes are the founders of cities. Wise legislators and philosophers (compare “seven wise men”), and warriors who died in battle were considered heroes. The cult of heroes brought gods and people closer together, showing that there are no impassable boundaries between the divine and the human. The remains of heroes were revered as saints. In Christianity, this tradition continued in the form of the cult of saints and relics. The hero, performing a feat, shows an example of selflessness (sometimes literally sacrificing the body for the sake of the spirit). The heroic in art is associated with the sublime and tragic, and the almost inevitable death of the hero is perceived joyfully (after all, he is guaranteed immortality)2. Every nation has its heroes. And these are not only the bravest and strongest people. Brave and strong people There are many, but every nation knows its heroes by name and keeps the memory of them for centuries. These are the defenders of the Russian land. They are pure in heart and thoughts, selfless and do not live for themselves. They glorify their native land with their exploits and protect it from enemies. And our time cannot be called completely peaceful; our contemporaries have suffered the pain of losing their comrades, and the fire of battles, destruction and death. They had to risk their young lives in “peacetime.” For many, it ended there, on the battlefield: in the spurs of silent mountains, at the crossroads of dusty roads, on the streets of foreign cities and villages... 1 See. Dictionary living Great Russian language V.I. Dalia / Comp. N.V. Shakhmatova and others - St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Ves”. 2004. – 736, ill. 2 See Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Russian language, 1984.

4 You ask, in the name of what? The answer is simple: they are people of duty and honor, faithful to the end to the oath they took to the Motherland, taking the path of serving the Fatherland, choosing for themselves the most masculine profession in the world - a defender, a warrior. Is it possible to accomplish a feat and become a hero not in war? Is there a place for heroism in our time? Are there any heroes among the residents of Kimilteya that their fellow villagers are proud of? The author began his search for an answer to the questions posed by visiting the local history museum of the village of Kimiltei, where he became acquainted with the heroic feat of Ivan Mikhailovich Ragozin. His story was interesting. So the object of the study was the life and feat of a resident of the village of Kimiltei, Ragozin Ivan Mikhailovich. Chapter I. There is always a place for feat in life 1. Statement of the problem The topic of the research work is “There is always a place for feat in life.”

5 The object of study of the proposed work is the biography and feat of fellow countryman Ivan Mikhailovich Ragozin. The subject of the study is the story of the life and deeds of a young man who was faced with a choice: life or saving people? The problem is - is it possible to accomplish a feat and become a hero not in war? Hypothesis – heroes are not born, they are made. The relevance of the topic lies in the need to preserve in the memory of the residents of the village of Kimiltei, the cities of Sayansk, Zima and Ziminsky district the feat of I.M. Ragozina. In November 2015, the 20th anniversary of the feat of the police - our fellow countrymen - was celebrated. Our country, which has enormous, gigantic capabilities, can only be defeated ideologically, rotting from within. Having once won the Great Patriotic War, we are now losing on the information front. We don’t know our heroes and are even surprised at the need to know about them! We don't want to become heroes ourselves. And if we don’t stop now, it will soon be too late. If we lose pride in our history, we will lose our country. Purpose of the work: to prove personal example Ivan Ragozin, that in life there is always a place for heroic deeds and that heroes are not born, they are made. Objectives:  conduct a sample sociological survey of students at the Kimiltei school and college on the question “What do you know about the feat of Ivan Ragozin?”  conduct conversations with fellow villagers, classmates, and friends of Ivan Ragozin;  study the materials (documents, photographs) stored in the exposition of the local history museum of the village. Kimiltey;  visit the department of internal affairs of Sayansk and interview Ivan Ragozin’s colleagues;  summarize and systematize information about the life path and feat of a fellow villager and provide it in accordance with the chronological principle;  attract the interest of my peers in studying the history of our small homeland through the fate of a person who committed a heroic feat. Research methods: collection, analysis and systematization of archival materials, interviewing fellow villagers, colleagues, study of funds mass media, content analysis, comparative analysis. The work examined the biographical fate of the hero at different stages of life: school and working years. In preparing the work, documents, archival and exhibition materials of the Kimiltei Museum of Local Lore were studied, memories were collected

6 fellow villagers, colleagues. A folder of materials about Ivan Mikhailovich Ragozin was compiled and a presentation “There is always a place for heroism in life” was compiled. Topic related to the study life path, very specific. On the one hand, it is built on people’s subjective memories and judgments; on the other hand, on objective sources, which, first of all, include various kinds of documents (for example, certificates, diploma, work book, military ID, etc.). There is no scientific literature on the issues directly addressed in the study. Thus, this work is based on the use of only sources of oral and documentary material, with the exception of excerpts from newspapers. Practical and theoretical significance of the study: the work is intended for a wide range of readers interested in the history of their small homeland. The data and results of research work can be used in a school history course, as well as when conducting cool hours on patriotic education. Structure of the work: the research work consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion, and a list of references. Based on the above, the stages of work were determined: 1. Sociological survey. 2. Studying materials from local historians of the museum of the village of Kimiltei. 3. Interviewing the class teacher, fellow villagers, and colleagues. 4. Analysis of the results obtained. 5. Design of work and presentations “In life there is always a place for heroic deeds.” 2. Research At the beginning of the research, in order to identify what village residents know about the feat of Ivan Ragozin, and how they preserve the memory of their hero, a sociological survey was conducted. The study used a random sample of respondents from three categories of residents of the village of Kimiltei. A total of 44 people were interviewed: 14 of them were adult residents of the village, 15 were students of the Kimiltei school, 15 were students of a technical school. Respondents were asked to answer the following questions: 1. Is it possible to become a hero in our time? 2. Are heroes born or made? 3. Do you know about the feat of Ivan Ragozin? Regarding the first question, the following results were obtained:

7 Conclusion: the majority of respondents believe that you can become a hero in our time. Although there are doubts on this issue among schoolchildren and students. On the second question, the following results were obtained: Conclusion: the majority of respondents answered that heroes are made, not born. On the third question, disappointing results were obtained: Out of 44 people, only 17 answered that they knew what feat Ivan Ragozin accomplished. And this is the majority of respondents from among adult village residents. The younger generation, unfortunately, does not remember either Ivan or his feat. The results of the study convinced that the research topic was chosen correctly. Chapter II. What kind of guy was he 1. Becoming a hero There is only a moment between the past and the future It is called life... In the local history museum of the village of Kimiltei there is short biography Ivan Ragozin. A typical biography for someone who grew up in the USSR. Ragozin Ivan Mikhailovich was born on December 3, 1966 in the village of Kimiltei, Ziminsky district, Irkutsk region, into a peasant family. In 1984 he graduated from Kimiltei Secondary School. Served in the ranks armed forces Soviet Union. He worked as a driver on his native collective farm. In 1994 he entered the

8 service as a private police officer, inspector of the road patrol service of the traffic police department of the internal affairs department of the city of Sayansk. Died on November 5, 1995 during the arrest of an armed criminal. Dry official information, and behind it - life filled with preparation for the feat. And it's not even about Soviet ideology, then actively preparing citizens for war, no. You can teach to fight. It is impossible to teach oneself to sacrifice oneself, because only a person himself can grow himself capable of giving himself to his land, his people, his loved ones. This is a feat, and an act of heroism is just the tip of the iceberg. As a result of the research, based on the stories of fellow villagers, the class teacher, and colleagues, the most complete biography of Ivan Mikhailovich Ragozin was recreated. Ivan - ancient Russian name, has long been a symbol of the defender of the Motherland. Many odes, songs, poems, fairy tales, epics are dedicated to the Russian Ivan, in which Ivan appears strong, strong-willed, devoted, beautiful man with a big soul. Therefore, the name Ivan is the personification of a real Russian person. It is not for nothing that in many countries Russians are called Ivans - defenders of the Russian land. So, what was Ivan like? Ivan Ragozin was born in the village of Kimiltei. The family had three children, Vanya was the youngest of them. Parents were collective farmers. Father: Mikhail Vasilyevich Ragozin, born in 1926, a native of the village of Kimiltei, worked on the Lenin collective farm as a motor operator. Mother: Ragozina Elizaveta Egorovna, born in 1928, a native of the Altai Territory, did not work for health reasons. Maintaining household and raising children was entirely on her shoulders. The boys, Vanya and his brother Valentin, did all the men’s work possible, and sister Tamara helped her mother more. Work on the garden plot and mowing was entirely done by the hands of the mother and children. All children were early accustomed to work. My father came home from work late and was also not entirely healthy. In material terms, the family always had limitations, but the children were all dressed, their shoes modestly but neatly, they knew how to value and take care of everything that they got in the family.3 A boy living on Terekhovaya Street went to school in 1973, where he was a neat and disciplined student. He was actively involved in physical education, fulfilled the GTO standards “excellently” and for this he was awarded diplomas and insignia. Since childhood, Ivan liked military uniform. He dreamed of becoming a military man, a future keeper of law and order. He studied well at school; his notebooks, filled with neat handwriting, are carefully preserved in the Kimiltei Museum of Local Lore. Ivan was a balanced, slightly thoughtful, non-conflict young man by nature. 3. See From the memoirs of the class teacher Klara Ivanovna Zarubina

9 From the memoirs of class teacher Klara Ivanovna Zarubina4, Ivan was respected by his classmates, his opinion was taken into account. He was a conscientious and responsible student, always fulfilled both temporary and permanent public assignments, and was constantly elected to the active class. I read a lot. Together with his classmates, he worked in the school production team and, among the best members of the team, repeatedly took part in tourist trips by memorable cities Soviet Union: Moscow, Sochi, Kuibyshev. From the memoirs of Svetlana Nikolaevna Uritskaya: “I studied three years older than Ivan. He was a tall, calm guy. Always with a smile, a little thoughtful. He was endearing." Big role His mother played a role in raising Ivan5. The illiterate mother, Elizaveta Ivanovna, did not think about the fact that she was setting her children a good example of mercy and compassion and the ability to come to the aid of the weak. The fact is that next door lived a lonely old woman, Elena Vondrukhova, with a small pension. Due to her age, she could not work in the garden or go to the store. Vanya’s mother shared food from her farmstead with this grandmother and carried something to eat along the path through the garden. Ivan and his brother also often helped their grandmother: they brought water and chopped wood. So Ivan went through life as a kind, sympathetic and noble man. After successfully graduating from high school, Ivan was drafted into the ranks Soviet army. After serving for two years, he returned to his native village and began working as a driver on a collective farm. In May 1994, Ivan entered the service as a private police officer, an inspector of the road patrol service of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the internal affairs department of the city of Sayansk. Unfortunately, I worked there for one year. During the period of service in the position he proved himself on the positive side. Police Lieutenant Colonel Bondarenko A.L. recalls: “Ivan was a modest and calm person by nature. In communication with participants traffic He was always extremely polite and never allowed himself to be rude. He enjoyed well-deserved respect among the OGAI team. He was valued for his clear head, accurate calculations, courage and natural ingenuity. Ivan had good performance in traffic supervision. In 1995, they identified 1,080 violators of traffic rules, 48 ​​of whom were drivers under the influence of alcohol. I received repeated rewards from management for conscientious service.” 4 See From the memoirs of the class teacher Klara Ivanovna Zarubina 5 See From the memories of the class teacher Klara Ivanovna Zarubina

10 At the city police department of the city of Sayansk they showed an order from the head of the city police department, Lieutenant Colonel E.I. Solovyov, about awarding private Ivan Ragozin in honor of the day of the police worker. Alas, Ivan no longer found out about this order. So imperceptibly, but confidently, Ivan walked towards his main act in life, which made him famous among the residents of the district and the Irkutsk region. 2. Feat in the name of saving people is immortal This is the secret of heroism: never allow the fear of death to rule your life. Bernard Shaw On November 4, 1995, the Sayan police were alerted. The “Serena” operational plan was introduced, aimed at searching for and apprehending a particularly dangerous armed criminal. It was known that at 19.20 he broke into the private store “Kristina”, located in the “Yubileiny” microdistrict, killed the seller Irina Terlyuk, the buyer Danilenko, who worked as the director of the Kuitun forestry enterprise, with pistol shots and, having taken the proceeds from the store’s cash register, disappeared. Information about the signs of the killer spread throughout the area. She was received by the traffic police crew of the traffic police, consisting of foreman Sergei Grishkevich and private Ivan Ragozin, who served at the traffic police checkpoint between Sayansk and Zima. “Attention all posts!” - they heard the voice of the duty officer on the radio, - “Take measures to detain a dangerous criminal, his signs...” And then, not according to the instructions: - “Be careful, guys, he has a gun!..”6 They still did not know what was in the arsenal Eduard Safronov, who once took part in hostilities in Transnistria, in addition to the Makarov system pistol, had two F-1 combat grenades. “There is an echo of an explosion in the title, That yesterday shook everyone, And today, painfully visible, Tears our hearts. Those who were wounded by past misfortune will not be called to new troubles. There is no injunction to kill, not in the Bible, not in the Koran.” ... Obeying the baton, the shuttle bus obediently pressed itself to the side of the highway. Inspecting its cabin, which contained about thirty passengers, Grishkevich and 6. See newspaper article "Armed and very dangerous."

11 Ragozin, without saying a word, drew attention to a man whose appearance coincided with the signs of the killer indicated in the orientation. They acted according to the circumstances, calmly and quickly. Under the pretext of searching the bus, they removed the suspicious person from the passenger compartment, ruling out the slightest possibility of his using a weapon. Further events unfolded at the speed of a stopwatch hand. Jumping off the step, Safronov (and it was him) grabbed a lemon from his jacket pocket (he had pulled out the pin earlier). There were moments left before the explosion, which could have cost the lives of many unsuspecting passengers, when Ivan Rogozin, in a desperate throw, closing the doorway with himself, intercepted his hand with a deadly piece of metal with a characteristic notch. He no longer heard the explosion. He did not see how his partner, who died six days later, fell, bleeding, mortally wounded by shrapnel, could not see the faces of the people outside the bus windows, in which fear was frozen, and the fact that the still living bandit in agony was trying to pull the pin of the second grenade . But there was no second explosion - Sergeant Alexander Belezov, who arrived at the scene of the incident, discharged his PM at the killer’s head. Ivan and his partner Sergei Grishkevich with multiple shrapnel wounds were taken to the Central City Hospital of Sayansk. The intensive care unit doctors fought all night to save their lives. But, despite their efforts, Ivan Ragozin died on the morning of November 5, 1995, without regaining consciousness. Thus the life of a wonderful man was cut short. The newspapers will write: “He died at his combat post, detaining a murderer, saving the lives of dozens of people.”7 Ivan’s partner Sergei Grishkevich (23 years old) was in a severe comatose state for several days. Died on November 10, 1995. The funeral of Ivan Ragozin took place on November 8 with a large gathering of residents of the cities of Sayansk, Zima and nearby villages. Ivan was given all the honors. The funeral farewell took place in the Palace of Culture of the city of Sayansk with a guard of honor from among police officers in uniform and with weapons posted at the coffin. Ivan was buried in the cemetery in his native village. When the coffin was lowered, a three-shot rifle salute was fired. A memorial was erected at the site of the death of Ivan Ragozin and Sergei Grishkevich. For the courage and courage shown during the detention of a dangerous criminal, Ivan Mikhailovich Ragozin and Sergei Vasilyevich Grishkevich were awarded the Order of Courage (posthumously) by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1652 of December 16, 1996. Every year on November 4, traffic police officers organize a rally in honor of the memory of fallen employees, which is attended by employees of the city police department. Sayansk, Zimi, 7 See Memoirs of colleagues of the road patrol service of the City Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Sayansk

12 pensioners and veterans of internal affairs bodies, representatives of the city administration, military registration and enlistment office, and the city public. Garlands and flowers are laid at the monument. In the local history museum of the village of Kimiltei there is an exhibition dedicated to Ivan Ragozin. The exhibition includes Ivan’s personal belongings and service uniform, a hat pierced by shrapnel, and the grenade fragments themselves, removed from his body. A memorial album has been created. The memory of Ivan Ragozin is immortalized in the names of streets in the city of Sayansk and his native village of Kimiltey, where he was born and honestly lived his life. The life of Ivan Ragozin turned out to be very short. He walked through life with a firm step and pure thoughts. He died with dignity, saving the lives of passengers and the driver, at the cost of his own life, which is undoubtedly a heroic feat. Conclusion The research work has restored and presented the heroic biography of Ivan Mikhailovich Ragozin. The question is explored: is there a place for heroic deeds in life and is it possible to become a hero in our time of peace? There are situations when a person has no choice. This is wrong. Every day, every hour, each of us makes one choice or another. Sometimes, to become a hero, it is enough to simply remain human, not betray your friends, remain faithful to your Motherland, and act as your own conscience dictates. And even in our ordinary life, all our actions have a certain price: by making even an insignificant (seemingly) choice, we determine our future fate, your future and the future of your children. The whole life and feat of Ivan Ragozin proves that heroes are not born, they are made. They find themselves in difficult conditions of choice: to live for themselves or for others. There are things that are more important than life... Ivan was able to make a choice in favor of the lives of other people, without thinking about his own.

13 The reliability of the work is irrefutable, since the material was taken from direct sources, namely, from the memories of fellow villagers, colleagues, archival data and the exhibition of the museum of the village of Kimiltei. The work is relevant, since in November 2015 the 20th anniversary of the feat of the police was celebrated. this work posted on the website scientific supervisor Krasikova O.P., therefore accessible to a wide range of readers. The school took over the patronage of caring for Ivan’s grave, since there were no relatives left in Kimiltey. The history of your homeland must be studied according to the destinies of people, because history is made by people. It is in human destinies that time and man are reflected - his social position and spiritual world. Ivan Ragozin is a true hero of his time and his whole life is instructive and worthy of emulation. List of sources and literature 1. Archival documents local history museum Kimiltei. 2. Memoirs of residents of the village. Kimiltei. 3. Memoirs of the class teacher Klara Ivanovna Zarubina. 4. Memoirs of colleagues of the road patrol service of the city police department of the city of Sayansk 5. Brief biographical information of Ragozin Ivan Mikhailovich. Local history museum of the village of Kimiltei. 6. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Russian language, 1984. 7. Article “Armed and extremely dangerous” // Newspaper clipping from the local history museum of the village of Kimiltei. 8. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language V.I. Dalia / Comp. N.V. Shakhmatova and others - St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Ves”. 2004. – 736, ill.

14 Appendix 1. Memoirs of the class teacher Klara Ivanovna Zarubina

15 Appendix 2. Service reference for Ivan Mikhailovich Ragozin

DIFFERENCE OF RESEARCH ACTIVITY FROM OTHER TYPES OF CREATIVE ACTIVITY Research activity is understood as a form of organization of educational work associated with students solving a creative, research problem with a previously unknown solution and presupposing the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research. Main hallmark research activity is the presence of such elements as a practical methodology for studying the selected phenomenon, one’s own experimental material, analysis of one’s own data and the conclusions arising from it. When implementing creative activities, the main thing is the approach, and not the composition of sources on the basis of which the work is carried out. This is especially true in the humanities. It is possible to perform both abstract and research work using the same sources. The essence of research work is a comparison of data from primary sources, their creative analysis and conclusions drawn on its basis. The essence of abstract work is the selection of material from primary sources that most fully illuminate the selected problem.

History and economy of the village. Work in this area consists of studying the history of a particular village, its houses, families, the demographic situation as a whole, the current economic state and comparison with archival data about the past of this village. To do this, archival data is studied and oral stories of old-timers are recorded. -Folklore and ethnography. The guys in this specialization, working with village residents, record folklore texts, legends, identify existing folklore genres, study the features of existence at the present stage of family and calendar rituals, draw up a plan of the village, on which local toponyms are applied. “History of families and houses in the village of Shhafit”, “Family in traditional culture as a factor of socialization”, “ Current state family rituals in the Adyghe diaspora of Sochi”, etc.

Definition of research methods Method (from the Greek word methodos) is a way, a method of understanding the phenomena of the surrounding world. Think for yourself; Look at books about what you are researching; Ask other people; Get acquainted with films and television films on the topic of your research; Go to the computer, look on the Internet; Observe; To conduct an experiment.

Bibliographic search of literature on the topic. Students are invited to start searching for literature from their home library, gradually expanding it. For help with the necessary literature, you can turn to friends, acquaintances, relatives, visit the school, city library, or the library of the Central Children's Library. In libraries, work is carried out with card indexes or catalogs of articles in order to identify literature on a given topic; collections, reference books, almanacs, magazines and newspapers are reviewed.

Encourage children to make cards for each reference they discover. The card records all the information you will need to create a bibliography list in a research paper. Example: Komarov A., Maksimov I. Sochi and Sochi residents. Krasnodar book publishing house, p.

Various written sources are widely used in research work: diaries, memoirs, etc. Correspondence found in the family archive may also turn out to be very interesting. Important source - various types personal documents, stored in family archives: identity cards, work books, certificates, etc. Various kinds of photographic documents can be an extremely important source. Old objects can be an important starting point, as they reflect the personality and lifestyle of their owner.

Archive search. This work is carried out individually and only with those students who have collected the material responsibly, conscientiously, and have a desire to study the topic much deeper. Sochi archive – Irina Nikolaevna. Street of Young Leninists. Operating mode reading room: , – Have a letter from the educational institution, certified by the director’s signature and seal. Please indicate your full name in the letter. student or teacher, topic of work. Have your passport with you.

Structure of the work Any research work is divided into three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. Bibliography. Some researchers do not consider the introduction a serious part of the work; they place only a few common phrases and a very short summary. However, it is here that the history of the creation of the work is contained, from the identification of the problem to the conditions for the implementation of your project.

Introduction Goal, objectives A clear statement of the problem (not “what is my work about”, but “the purpose of this work is to study/analyze/compare/make recommendations). An example from the work “Battle for the Caucasus”: “PURPOSE OF THE WORK I set a goal for myself: to determine historical meaning and the role of the battle for the Caucasus in common system the struggle against the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War. OBJECTIVES - Find out the reasons for failures Soviet troops in the Caucasus during defensive battles in 1942; State the size of our losses; Express an opinion about the level of combat training of German troops and their strategic blunders; show the insufficient equipment of Soviet units and formations with weapons and military equipment.”

Introduction Relevance The introduction should prove the relevance of your work. Therefore, to write an introduction, give the young researcher sample questions that prove the relevance of his research: What is the idea behind your research? How will your activities be carried out differently? Due to what? What traditional and non-traditional research methods will help achieve this goal? What result are you expecting?

Introduction Originality and features of the study The next group consists of questions whose purpose is to identify the novelty of the author’s position. The main one is: “What exactly is the originality (or feature) of your development?” It is advisable that you compare your approach with existing, traditional and other works of similar issues, highlight what is new that you bring in, what distinguishes your work from others.

Introduction Boundaries of application or conditions of implementation After the novelty of the author's position has been revealed, you can move on to the final stage - answers to the last group of questions aimed at identifying what is needed to implement the plan. The author must answer the main question: “What conditions are necessary to implement the plan and achieve the predicted result?” For student work, you can identify specific questions that accompany the main one: Who is your research intended for? Does it fit with school curriculum? Which ones are required? additional conditions to implement your project or research?

Main part The main part should contain information collected and processed by the researcher, namely a description of the main facts under consideration, characteristics of methods for solving the problem, comparisons of old and proposed solution methods known to the author, justification for the chosen solution option (efficiency, accuracy, simplicity, clarity, practical significance and etc.). The main part is divided into chapters.

List of references The list of references includes publications, publications, websites, and other sources used by the author. Information about each publication must include in strict sequence: surname, initials of the author, title of the publication, imprint of the publisher, year of publication, issue number, number of pages. All publications must be numbered and arranged in alphabetical order.

Appendices Every research paper is enriched with carefully selected appendices. These can be photocopies of drawings, documents and letters, photographs, copies of postcards, a compiled subject-topographic index, tables, diagrams, graphs. It is recommended that students collect and produce all this while writing their work. All applications must be referenced in the report.

Presentation of the work Find out in advance how much time is allocated for the presentation of the work and compose the text of the speech taking this into account. If there is very little time, the structure of the speech should be as follows: Topic and specific problems of the research – Based on what materials the research was conducted – What issues were studied – Main conclusions.

Speech The speech itself must be worked out not only in terms of content, but also in terms of language and techniques oratory. Monitor the pace at which the text is pronounced - it should not be too fast so that everyone listening can understand the essence. A nice way to end your speech is to say, “I’m ready to answer the jury’s questions,” but at the same time, think about what questions might be asked and how best to answer them.

Visual presentation of the speech Today this is understood almost exclusively as a computer presentation. It can be a good help - but it can also irrevocably worsen the impression of your performance. A multimedia projector is useful in two cases: When you need to draw the audience's attention to some key points of the speech When you need to present those materials that cannot be presented in oral speech. Accordingly, the slides can contain illustrations, photographs, diagrams, and tables. It is very beneficial if the speaker constantly refers to these materials while working with a pointer. The speech will make a greater impression if the impression remains that only the main things have been said - and that these main conclusions have been drawn from the results of serious work.
