Newfangled vehicles and their names. Modern means of transportation: hoverboards, unicycles, Segways. For children and teenagers: electric karts and skateboards with an electric motor

Transport is an integral part of modern life, especially in the frantic urban rhythm. It is not surprising that, along with the usual public modes of transport, cars, taxis and bicycles, alternative means of transportation of a wide variety of designs and principles of operation began to appear. With the popularization of crowdfunding platforms, inventors have the opportunity to bring their ideas to life. Now Kickstarter is replete with similar devices, but we will get acquainted with interesting projects that have ever been financed on Kickstarter.

Transport is an integral part of modern life, especially in the frantic urban rhythm. It is not surprising that, along with the usual public modes of transport, cars, taxis and bicycles, alternative means of transportation of a wide variety of designs and principles of operation began to appear. With the popularization of crowdfunding platforms inventors were given the opportunity to bring their ideas to life. Now Kickstarter is replete with similar devices, but we will get acquainted with interesting projects that have ever been financed on Kickstarter.

CMYK folding electric bike

The CMYK electric bike was funded back in 2012, and now has version 3.0, although there are no fundamental changes compared to the first. This is a fairly miniature bicycle with 14-inch wheels, disc brakes and an aluminum alloy frame, weighing 11.3 kg. The steering wheel, pedals and seat fold for transport and storage.

The bike uses a 250-watt electric motor that is powered by a lithium-ion battery. Charging time from a power outlet is about 2 hours, the charge lasts for 50-60 minutes of driving. Maximum speed - 20 km/h.


Another successfully funded e-bike is the Riide. There was no folding design here; this bike is more suitable for pleasure trips. The frame is made of aluminum alloy, the weight is about 16 kg, which is quite good, considering the presence of an electric motor and a battery for it. Wheel diameter is 26 inches. A 160mm disc brake is used, and part of the energy during braking is returned to the battery (recuperation).

The bike is powered by a 350-watt motor or pedals. The maximum speed is 32 km/h, and a full battery charge lasts for 32–40 km (when driving solely using the electric motor). Charging time is about 2-3 hours.

Verrado Electric Drift Trike

The next miracle of engineering is more reminiscent of a hybrid of a bicycle and a go-kart. Of course, with an electric motor. The Verrado Electric Drift Trike has three wheels: a 20-inch front wheel with a brushless motor and two small rear wheels. The vehicle is aimed more at performing all sorts of pirouettes on the asphalt than at moving around the city.

Charging takes about 3 hours, which is enough for 45 minutes (or about 20 km) of figure skating and drifting. The front wheel is mounted on a BMX fork, and the rear wheels are 5-inch wheels with 10-inch kart tires, on top of which there are PVC “covers” for better gliding.


The vast majority of such vehicles are equipped with electric motors. They are environmentally friendly, but also have a number of disadvantages, such as short battery life and long recharging times. The ProGo scooter is equipped with a propane engine, which is significantly less harmful to the environment than gasoline.

The four-stroke engine has a volume of 25 cubic cm, one refill (464 g of propane) is enough for 50-65 km or 2-3 hours of driving. Maximum speed is about 32 km/h. The scooter uses 8-inch wheels and disc brakes, the design can support up to 125 kg with a weight of about 16. The handlebar can be folded for storage and carrying.

ACTON M Scooter

The creators of the electric skates ACTON R RocketSkates, which we wrote about recently, are not for the first time on Kickstarter. Previously, they successfully raised the necessary amount for a three-wheeled electric scooter-designer ACTON M Scooter. The design allows the scooter to be folded for transportation to a size that will fit in the trunk of a car. The weight is 31 kg, while the “carrying capacity” is 136 kg, so a small guy with his girlfriend (or two girls) can ride with ease.

Charging time is 2 hours (from the charger) and 4 hours from the outlet. The maximum speed is about 20 km/h, and the travel range is 24 km.


A separate topic is single-wheel vehicles with an automatic balancing system. Their number and variety are also growing. For example, something vaguely reminiscent of a skateboard with one wide wheel in a hole in the middle of the board, called Onewheel. In addition to the electric motor and battery, there is auto balancing system with accelerometer, gyroscope and microcontroller. The controls are quite intuitive: to move or turn, you need to tilt the Onewheel in the desired direction.

Electric motor power is 500 W, maximum speed is 20 km/h. They promise 2 hours of riding on one battery charge. Charging time is 2 hours from a standard charger and 20 minutes from a proprietary fast charger. There's a companion app for Android and iOS that lets you track routes, limit top speed, and more.

Urban Glider

The next miracle of technology is called Urban Glider and also has only one wheel and an auto-balancing system, but this time the legs are placed on folding platforms on the sides of it. Such devices are already being made by brave Chinese engineers. IN Urban Glider has a 16-inch wheel and folding footrests and handle for easy transportation. Weight - 11 kg.

The characteristics of the electric motor are quite standard: maximum speed - 20 km/h, range - 30-35 km, and charging time - 2 hours.


Skateboards of various shapes and sizes have become popular again and the emergence of electric options is quite logical. There are also many variations of them. Gnarboards are the harshest of them all. Although they can rather be attributed to the so-called “Mountainboards”: they use large wheels for driving over rough terrain, metal structures and powerful electric motors.

Three model options are available: the simplest two-wheel drive version is equipped with an electric motor with a rated power of 1.4 kW and a peak power of 7.2 kW. Accelerates to 45 km/h in 3 seconds and has a range of up to 34 km. The remaining two models are all-wheel drive, the most powerful is equipped with a 3.4 kW electric motor (16.5 kW peak), accelerates to 45 km/h in 1.9 s and has a range of 24 km. Controlled by wired remote control.


Marbel is the lightest electric skateboard (at least for now). It weighs only 4.5 kg, and carbon fiber and Kevlar were chosen for lightweight construction. To limit speed, control acceleration, track position and charge level, use a hand-held remote control or a mobile application for Android or iOS. The maximum speed is about 40 km/h, and the range is about 16 km.

The relatively short driving distance on a single charge was due to the desire to make the skateboard as light as possible. A full charge takes about one and a half hours.


The developer is a snowboarding enthusiast who doesn't want to wait until next winter to do what he loves. At first glance, the device has a conventional design. In fact, the four side wheels play a balancing role. The driving wheels are two more, which are located along with brushless electric motors on rotating platforms on the bottom of the LEIF. Thanks to this design, an imitation of sliding on turns is created and the ability to drive in all four directions.

The motor power is 200 W, the maximum speed is about 32 km/h. One charge is enough for 13 km of travel, and the batteries can be recharged in an hour. It is controlled by a LEIF wireless remote control and weighs 6.8 kg.

Instead of waiting for several hours in the cold for a bus, you can plan the most convenient route in advance. “iWhereBus” will help with this. With its help, you can find the nearest stops, find out the route of any bus, study the metro map and get directions on any transport.


You can find your way from home to work and to any other place even without an Internet connection.

Thanks to augmented reality, you can simply rotate your phone in space and see on the camera where the stop you need is located.


Inconvenient visualization of the routing function.

Disgustingly implemented routing in the metro - unlike Yandex.Metro, here you can’t even choose an alternative route.

The built-in metro map is not presented in a format familiar to any person, but in the form of an alphabetical list of stations.

There is no rubricator in the “Routes” section. To see trolleybus routes, you have to scroll down for a very long time on absolutely all bus routes.

"Moscow Transport"

A universal application for motorists, pedestrians and public transport passengers, developed by the Moscow government. Here you can find out about the presence of traffic police fines, check any taxi driver by car number for a work permit, find out where your car was towed, as well as get directions, find out the location of parking lots, gas stations, public transport stops and much more.

This application even has the ability to send messages to drivers by car number - however, for this they must be in the application database. But, unfortunately, from the popular implementation of all the good ideas, it is clear that the developers know very little about the logic of application navigation.


Things could have been much worse.

In the “Filters” section you can find out the location of all points useful for a traveler, from gas stations to public transport stops.

In the “Help” section, news about the situation on the roads is regularly updated, as well as traffic rules, fares for various types of transport and much more.


A terrible metro map, inferior in all respects to Yandex.Metro. When I tried to use it, it froze forever.

Terrible functionality and terrible Soviet design, developed under Leonid Ilyich.

Users report outdated information about parking spaces.

It is possible to display non-existent fines that are not available on the traffic police website.

The app as a whole does not live up to its name as it does not provide useful information or significant convenience to people using public transport.

"Moscow Parking"

The most important obstacle to moving around the city on foot is most often a car - either one that prevents you from crossing a pedestrian crossing, or your own, which does not allow you to jump out into the fresh air and make the rest of the way under the flowering crowns of fragrant linden trees. This application will help you instantly and painlessly get rid of your tired car: by opening “Moscow Parking”, you will see the location of all parking lots in the city, you can leave your car in one of them and walk the rest of the way.


All lovers of additional information will find in the application the number, address and cost of parking, as well as the number of remaining spaces.

When navigating the map, the number of parking lots in different areas is displayed.

If desired, you can enable a filter on the map by cost, number of remaining seats and other parameters.


When paying for parking and topping up your parking account through the app, be prepared to sacrifice a few percent for the commission.

The information in the application is not updated very quickly, so be prepared to run around looking for a parking meter or a long-demolished parking lot.

According to users, money debited from the account sometimes does not reach the recipient, as a result of which you may incur fines for non-payment.

Road Bike


Road Bike shows all nearby cycling routes on the map - this is the main plus for which you can already launch the application.

If you decide to leave the Internet world for a while, you can download part of the map for offline use.

Statistics lovers will find here everything you can calculate while riding a bicycle. There's even a compass and weather.



Unfortunately, aimless walks around the city tend to get boring quickly. Therefore, anyone who wants to breathe fresh air for as long as possible at all costs can plan a route that even the greatest tour guides in the country have never thought about. With a list of 38 routes, you can quickly get detailed information about each and immediately hit the road.

For curious guests and residents of the capital, there is a not-so-terrible alternative from the Moscow government, with audio tours: “Discover Moscow” (iOs, Android, Windows Phone).


Depending on your interests, routes can be ranked by purpose: sightseeing, shopping, romantic walk, and so on.

In the “Events” section you can bring yourself up to date with current cultural events, see their location on the map and set a reminder.

Augmented reality will save you from having to fiddle with the map.

Each route has detailed information with length, required time, nearest metro stations and detailed description.

Simply by turning your phone horizontally, you can see photos of the selected route.


Internet access is required for the application to function fully.

Currently there is no possibility to create and add your own routes.

"Audio guide"

A good alternative to silent and thoughtless walks along the historical streets of Moscow. Currently, several versions of the application are available in the App Store with routes along Triumfalnaya and Tverskaya squares, Ostozhenka, Gogolevsky Boulevard and Tverskaya. Once you are nearby, don’t be lazy to turn on one of these audio guides in your headphones, and, as Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Alexey Borzunov, responsible for the voice acting of the application, said, you will immediately forget even about the bad weather.

Gone are the days of big cars with big engines that burn huge amounts of fuel. Compact and economical modes of transport are now in fashion, some of which can even be carried with you in a backpack. And today we will talk about 7 of the most memorable miniature vehicles.

The Impossible is the ideal personal vehicle for city dwellers. This electric scooter allows you to combine different types of private and public transport within one day. Unlike a bicycle or other mopeds, the Impossible can be carried onto a subway, bus or tram without fear of encountering rebuff from controllers or reproaches from passengers.

The fact is that the Impossible electric scooter easily fits in a regular backpack. It can be folded and unfolded within a few seconds. And this vehicle weighs only 5 kilograms. But despite its small size, the Impossible can carry people weighing up to 85 kg.

Impossible has a lithium-ion battery that allows you to drive approximately 25 km on one full battery charge. In this case, the scooter can accelerate to a speed of 20 kilometers per hour.

- This is another compact electric scooter for traveling within a big city, when a person needs to repeatedly change from one type of public transport to another during the day, as well as walk.

Trikelet allows you to get rid of walking long distances; it will easily take the owner to the nearest metro station or bus stop, after which the owner of this scooter can quickly fold up his personal vehicle and take it with him to the cabin.

After all, when folded, Trikelet is so compact that it can fit on a luggage rack in a train car or in the owner’s backpack. True, this electric scooter weighs noticeably more than the Impossible mentioned above - twelve kilograms.

Chinese farmer He Liangcai, who is involved in engineering as a hobby, has created a compact one that doesn’t even need a backpack to carry, because this vehicle is itself a suitcase.

This electric scooter is an integrated part of a travel bag. It can be used both for moving around the city and for traveling inside large premises - shopping centers, terminals of large airports and other spacious buildings. But at the same time, the suitcase can still be used for its intended purpose - it has enough space to store and transport clothes and other personal items.

The scooter suitcase without things inside weighs 7 kilograms. It can travel up to 50 km, while reaching a maximum speed of 20 kilometers per hour. This is an excellent vehicle for people who travel a lot and are therefore tired of endlessly walking with a suitcase in hand or on their shoulders.

- This is perhaps the most famous example in the world of integrating a bag and a vehicle, but we will never get tired of talking about it. We are talking about a regular travel backpack with a built-in scooter.

This is what makes Gig Pack so valuable. After all, this vehicle significantly speeds up the average travel speed of a tourist, but at the same time it is completely independent of the battery charge level - a person can travel exactly as far as he has enough physical strength.

The Gig Pack scooter backpack can support a person weighing up to 90 kilograms. It has a secure compartment for your laptop, and the wheels on this vehicle are made of durable rubber, which greatly improves its maneuverability.

Onewheel is an unusual electric vehicle that gives a person the feeling of real flight. Unlike other skateboards, it has not two or four wheels, but only one.

But the electric motor and intelligent Onewheel balancing system allows a person to literally float in space without taking his feet off the board. He does not need to push off the asphalt with his foot - the board itself carries him forward, he just needs to choose the direction of movement, and doing this on Onewheel is as intuitive as on the popular Segway electric scooter.

Onewheel can travel at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour, traveling up to 10 km on one full battery charge. Battery charging speed ranges from 20 minutes (80 percent capacity) to two hours (full charge).

Solowheel is another one-wheeled electric vehicle. But, unlike the Onewheel mentioned above, we are not talking about an analogue of a skateboard, but about a scooter. True, all that remains of the Solowheel moped is a wheel, and even then only one.

But this Solowheel has everything a person needs to move around the city built into it. These include two platforms for legs, an electric motor, a battery, and an intelligent control system. Balancing on the Solowheel is just as easy as on a Segway. But this scooter has a much smaller scale and cost.

The single-wheeled electric moped Solowheel has 43 centimeters in diameter and 13 cm in width. It weighs only 9 kilograms, and for ease of carrying from place to place, this vehicle has a convenient handle built into the top.

Solowheel can travel up to 19 kilometers on a single battery charge. Its batteries can be fully charged in just forty-five minutes. The cost of this vehicle starts from 1495 US dollars.
Boosted Boards are a skateboard that looks like a real skateboard. But unlike its original predecessor, this vehicle does not need to be powered by human feet, as Boosted Boards have a built-in electric motor.

Thanks to the electric motor, the Boosted Boards can travel independently not only on horizontal surfaces, but even on a slight upward slope. This is an excellent means of transportation not only for lazy skateboarders, but also for those whose professional activities involve constant travel around the city, for example, couriers, postmen or pizza delivery people.

Boosted Boards can accelerate using the power of an electric motor to a speed of 30 kilometers per hour and travel up to 10 km on a single battery charge. But even after the batteries are completely discharged, the Boosted Boards can continue to be driven in the old fashioned way using the strength of the legs of the person on it.

You are walking around the city. Then a teenager silently rushes past you, standing on a crossbar with small wheels on the sides. He doesn’t push off from the ground—he just rides. The next minute, when you are standing at a traffic light, a bicycle passes along the road at great speed, overtaking cars, while its owner sits straight and does not think about pressing the pedals. There is a girl standing nearby who, as soon as the light turns green, gets on her scooter and... just rides. What's happening?

The point is that the future has already arrived. Human laziness and the desire to make life as comfortable as possible have led to the fact that almost all of our familiar mechanical means of transportation around the city, such as bicycles and scooters, have already been converted to electric drive - they are powered by electric motors. At the same time, civilization has come up with a huge number of new opportunities to move around the city, of course, with the help of electricity.

Electric bike

In principle, we have known about the existence of electric bicycles for a long time. We take an ordinary bicycle, attach an electric motor to it, which is capable of accelerating our city vehicle without our help, and enjoy life. If you want, pedal, if you want, you turn on the engine and catch the flow of wind in your face and the envious glances of other cyclists.

Today, the electric bicycle is becoming not some kind of curiosity, but a very fashionable means of transportation. Moreover, in big cities, where from home to work you need to travel 10-15 kilometers in traffic jams, an electric bicycle is not a fad or a tribute to fashion, but a real necessity. This solution is especially relevant for those who do not want to sit in a traffic jam in a car, cannot travel on a motorcycle, do not have space to store a small scooter and live far from the nearest metro station. An electric bike that can hide on your balcony is a real way out of the situation.

Now prices for modern electric bicycles start from 25 thousand rubles and go almost to infinity. Moreover, when we say “almost to infinity,” this is what we mean. Today you can buy an electric bicycle, the price tag of which will significantly exceed 500 thousand rubles - the amount for which you can buy a good, albeit slightly used, foreign car.


Do you already have a regular bike, which already costs a lot, and you don’t want to buy another one just because it has an electric motor? But sometimes you want to move around the city faster or spend a little less energy climbing a hill?

There is a solution - a wheel motor. It can turn an ordinary standard-design bicycle into an almost full-fledged electric bicycle. You buy a wheel that already has an electric motor built into it that drives it. Then all that remains is to install such a wheel on your bicycle so that it turns into an electric bicycle. Think of it as reinventing the wheel.

But such wheels will cost only slightly less than full-fledged electric bicycles. The price tag for them starts from 19 thousand. More advanced models can be bought for 26-30 thousand rubles.

Electric scooter

Do you remember at the beginning we mentioned the girl who, having stood on a scooter, drove away from the traffic light on her own, without pushing off from the ground? She was using an electric scooter.

Its essence is almost the same as that of an electric bicycle: an electric motor is built into the scooter, which is located under the footrest. It drives the rear wheel, which pushes the entire structure with you on it forward. To start moving, you just need to transfer your weight to the back of the scooter - this way you press the pedal, which will set the vehicle in motion.

This scooter is very convenient for moving from home to the metro and from the metro to your place of work. Scooters are not prohibited from being brought into the metro, so you won’t have any problems with an electric scooter. The main thing is not to ride it inside stations. This is not only prohibited, but also unsafe.

Prices for adult electric scooters start from 15 thousand and end at about 100. By the way, you can buy an electric scooter with large wheels, like a bicycle. But such luxury will cost you no less than 200 thousand rubles.

Electric skate

The next means of transportation around the city on our list is very similar to an electric scooter, only it has twice as many wheels and no handlebar post - an electric skate.

We are already accustomed to ordinary skateboards and longboards on city streets. It's time to get used to the fact that skaters will rush past us, who do not need to push off with their feet to move - I pressed the back of the skateboard and went.

The essence is the same as in a scooter - an electric motor built into the design that drives the wheels.

The cost of this miracle of technology starts from 23 thousand rubles. True, the range of such vehicles on our market is still scarce. But electric skateboards are just starting to gain popularity.

One-wheel electric skate

Yes, there is such a wonder - a one-wheel electric skateboard. Based on their name, we understand that this is something like the electric skateboard described above, but with one wheel instead of four. But how is this possible?

One-wheel electric skateboard. Photo: Frame

Everything is simple - the only wheel, large enough in size, is located in the slot - along the board. Its upper part sticks out from the board, and its lower part touches the ground. A low center of gravity helps maintain balance. This vehicle looks truly cosmic. You immediately begin to believe that the future has already arrived.

Prices for these unusual vehicles start at about 30 thousand rubles.


Very similar to a one-wheeled electric skateboard, the unicycle is another futuristic means of transportation around the city. The only difference from a skateboard is that the skateboard is not attached to the wheel. A person moves while standing on one wheel.

If, in the case of a skateboard, you stand along the wheel on the board, then the unicycle is equipped with two small footrests, which are located on the sides of this wheel. You need to stand on them in such a way that your body is positioned across the wheel - crosswise. You get up and go.

Prices for unicycles start from 22-24 thousand rubles and amount to about 75-80 thousand rubles.


One of the most popular toys among urban youth today is the hoverboard. In some ways it resembles a unicycle. The difference is that there are twice as many wheels, and the space for the legs is not on the sides of the wheels, but between them there is a small platform, like on a skateboard, only not along, but across with small wheels on the sides.

The movement must be controlled by tilting the feet forward and backward. I lightly pressed the “board” with my toes and went faster. I focused on my heels and slowed down. In principle, there is nothing complicated in the controls - even small children, after a few minutes of experimentation, begin to drive through the streets at a speed of 15-20 kilometers per hour.

This miracle of technology costs 15 thousand rubles and more. A huge number of offers have already appeared on the market. The only negative is the small size of the wheels, for which even a small obstacle on the street, a pothole or a ledge will be insurmountable. The price can increase up to 60 thousand rubles. There are also versions with larger wheels.


One of the most familiar types of urban transport of the future, which has already become our present, is the Segway. Russians have long been amused by renting them in parks. It looks exactly the same as a hoverboard, only with a handle and a steering wheel that you can hold on to with your hands and control the movement.

Instead of pushing with your toes to increase speed and braking with your heels, a Segway only requires you to lean forward slightly on the handlebars to go forward and shift your weight slightly back to slow down.

Despite the slight difference in design, Segways are noticeably more expensive than hoverboards. The fact is that they are actually considered a means of transportation, and not just another toy, and have larger wheels and a battery with a longer power reserve.

Prices for full-fledged Segways start from 50-60 thousand rubles and have practically no upper limit, going beyond the horizon of 300 thousand rubles.

Over the past decades, the market for various vehicles has expanded significantly. If earlier there were cars, motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, roller skates and several other vehicles, now just the names of modern technological types of transportation can make your head spin. Monobikes, Segways, longboards, jumpers - these are just a small part of modern devices that allow you to move around the city and enjoy it. Some of them will be discussed in this article.

Modern means of transportation around the city. TOP 8

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Jolly Jumper

JollyJumpers translated from English it sounds like “boots of speed.” This creative invention allows you to run at speeds of over 30 km/h. In such unique “speed boots” you can jump more than 2.5 meters in height.

JollyJumper (or simply Jumpers) have a unique spring mechanism - the structure is tightly attached to the legs and serves as their “continuation”. “Walking boots” are exciting entertainment and a great way to quickly pump up your ankles, abs, thighs and buttocks; they also allow you to move quite quickly from one point of the city to another.

It is very easy to learn how to stand in jumpers, since its frame itself is very stable and durable. Therefore, they are suitable not only for young people, but also for adults.

The price for such “walking boots” starts from 4 thousand rubles

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Segway- the most popular modern type of urban transport, which has long been recognized in the West. Its design is simple: a convenient platform and two wheels. As for the advantages, they are undeniable. In particular, on a Segway you can comfortably ride along the pedestrian area, forever forgetting about traffic jams.

In terms of technical characteristics, the Segway is a kind of electric self-balancing scooter. Its platform balances automatically when the position of the body changes: tilting forward serves as an impulse for movement. To reduce speed, simply tilt the body in the opposite direction. Stopping and reversing also occur when the body is tilted towards you. The speed of the Segway is up to 50 km/h, and its weight can reach up to 45 kg. When the battery is fully charged, you can travel about 40 km. This makes the Segway an excellent alternative to a car when driving short distances in good weather conditions.

Recently, mini-Segways have become popular because they are ultra-light and compact. For example, the Robin-M1 model reaches speeds of up to 15 km/h. Its charging lasts for 3 hours. The weight of this model is 18 kg, which is lighter than some models of baby strollers and comparable to the weight of a bicycle. This type of vehicle is also attractive because it can be transported in the trunk of a car. Some models have built-in GPS and remote shutdown systems.

This modern two-wheeled vehicle can be purchased from 100 thousand rubles.

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Electric bicycle (bicycle hybrid)

The hybrid bike can be described briefly: comfortable, fast, quiet. A hybrid bicycle differs from a regular bicycle in 3 design features: it has an electric motor, a battery and a controller. Although outwardly a bicycle hybrid is practically no different from a bicycle.

You can also set the electric bike in motion using regular pedals. The advantages include the ability to independently regulate the degree of physical activity. loads and overcome obstacles without much difficulty. You can charge the battery of the bicycle hybrid from a power outlet; the energy reserve is enough for 20-40 km. If the battery runs out on the way, we start pedaling - it’s simple.

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The fashion for motorskates came to us from the countries of Southeast Asia, but in Russia this type of transport is still considered exotic. The main feature of its design is that speed and braking are controlled via a hand joystick. Motoskates are usually equipped with simple two-stroke engines with a volume of 50 cubic centimeters. This allows you to easily overcome difficult obstacles such as mud, sand or steep climbs.

Riding a motorskate is convenient, comfortable and easy; it overcomes any obstacles: sand, snow, mud. Anyone can learn how to operate a motorskate and ride it is much easier than riding a skateboard or snowboard. The maximum speed can reach 45 km/h. The weight of the device is about 30 kg.

Prices for motorskates start at 20 thousand rubles.

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Electric scooter

Electric scooter– a universal city transport, which is convenient for both adults and children to ride. Maximum load up to 120 kg.
In just 5 seconds, you can reach a speed of up to 15 km/h on an electric scooter. You can charge the electric scooter from any network. Battery life depends on the model and battery type you choose.

The main advantage of this type of city vehicle is that it is safe and environmentally friendly and can be stored in an apartment. Some models even have a folding frame.

You can find this and other types of modern electric transport in the online store

The price for a children's electric scooter model starts from 4.5 thousand rubles.

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Fatbike- another type of transport that is rapidly gaining popularity. This is a bicycle that differs from the usual one by having thick tires. Thanks to this design feature and reduced tire pressure, you can safely ride on a fat bike on sand, ice and snow. By the way, you can see this bike more often in winter. Due to thicker wheels and a reinforced frame, the weight of a fatbike ranges from 14 to 25 kg.

In addition, a fatbike can be made more technologically advanced by adding an electric motor to it. Thus, the fatbike becomes a hybrid bicycle that can be used all year round.

The price of models for adults starts from 14 thousand rubles

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Hoverboard– this is the same Segway, only without a steering wheel. The absence of a steering box makes this type of transport lighter, more mobile and at a price several times cheaper than the classic model. The weight of the device does not exceed 12 kg. The maximum speed that can be reached is 15 km/h. A hoverboard is an ideal option for training the vestibular apparatus and lumbar region. The only difficulty is that it is quite difficult to learn how to operate it. In the first weeks of training, it is recommended to wear the following equipment: knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet, because Falling from this device at the first stage is almost inevitable.

The price for a hoverboard starts from 8 thousand rubles

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Unicycle(or unicycle) - the same hoverboard, only with one wheel. The balance of the unicycle is controlled by tilt sensors and gyroscopes located in the wheel itself. The main condition observed when managing it is the ability to maintain balance. Maximum speed up to 15 km/h. Weight does not exceed 10 kg. This is the only vehicle presented that, when folded, can be carried in a bag. The unicycle helps train body coordination. This is why it is better for beginner monobikers to ride with a helmet and knee pads. And this modern means of transportation is popular only among teenagers.

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Scientific progress does not stand still. The emergence of new composite materials, as well as ultra-light and strong alloys, coupled with the development and popularization of mobile electric transport, gives us technologically advanced vehicles every year. Modern means of transportation around the city, thank you for your attention!
