Russian Border Troops: flag, uniform and contract service. Special forces border troops Pv border troops

It's no secret that ensuring the safety of citizens is a primary state task, which can only be successfully accomplished thanks to a professional, combat-ready army. At the same time, it is very important to ensure the protection and integrity of territorial borders, and the armed forces succeed in this through the border troops. They are the ones who can ensure a peaceful sky above our heads.

It should be noted that service on the border is a school of loyalty to the Motherland and patriotism. From century to century, the great military traditions of the soldier protecting the territory of the Fatherland are passed on.

A little history

It should be emphasized that border troops appeared quite a long time ago; their history goes back several centuries. Even in ancient times, when nomads attacked Rus', the princes were forced to build heroic outposts and fortress-cities on the outskirts of their possessions.

The Soviet countries were established by a special order of the Council of People's Commissars on May 28, 1918. During civil war the soldiers guarding the state border became subordinate to the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs. It is on May 28 that our country celebrates Border Troops Day.

It was especially difficult for soldiers wearing “green caps” during the Great Patriotic War. It was they who steadfastly and heroically took the brunt of the fascist invaders. A clear confirmation is that about 17,000 soldiers were awarded medals and orders, and over 150 people earned the title of Hero Soviet Union.

IN post-war years became controlled by the Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. In 1993, the Federal Border Service was established, and in the spring of 2003, the head of state abolished it and transferred the functions of the FSB.

Features of the structure of border troops

The main combat force of the troops guarding the border of our state is the border outpost, which is based at a remote distance from large settlements. Its strength usually varies from 30 to 50 fighters.

Also vested with the authority to exercise control over seaports, airports, checkpoints, as well as international road checkpoints.

A huge number of films on military themes were shot in the USSR, and every resident of the country of that period knew what a real border guard looked like. He was a brave warrior who carefully looked out for border violators with binoculars. And, of course, next to the soldier there is always a faithful and devoted friend - a dog. Even today it helps to find drugs and explosive devices at international road checkpoints, despite the fact that border troops have modern and technologically advanced weapons in their arsenal.

Combat vehicles

Currently, soldiers guarding the territorial integrity of the country can use combat helicopters, cargo planes, military boats and ships to carry out their tasks.

Border Patrol today

IN modern conditions Service in the border troops is an honorable and responsible mission. Today it is performed by about one hundred thousand officers and soldiers.

Many young people today are attracted to contract service. Border troops have recently consisted only of mercenaries - this is a very common practice. Currently, about 11 regional border service departments are successfully functioning, protecting about 60,932.8 kilometers of Russian borders from encroachment. Every day in our country over 10,000 units enter service, 80 aircraft and helicopters, and 100 border ships are used.

Russian border troops responsibly perform their function on the external borders of Tajikistan and Armenia. Previously, border service task forces were formed in Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Moreover, it should be noted that our soldiers are taking an active part in the ranks of the KFOR peacekeeping forces to resolve the conflict in Kosovo.

Today, the border service agencies, institutions of the previously abolished Federal Border Guard Service, as well as all structures, buildings and material and technical base necessary for maintaining troops protecting the integrity of the state are included.

Requirements for border guard recruits

Guys who want to join the FSB border troops must definitely serve in the army and be morally stable. In 2008, the requirements for those who want to become a soldier guarding the state border were tightened.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that compulsory service in the above-mentioned branch of the military was abolished, and now only those who are going to serve under a contract can try on green caps. You also need to take into account the age criterion - border guards accept people from 18 to 38 years old. It is welcomed when a young man has previously served in military service at the border. Young people dreaming of border troops should also remember that only those who have completed secondary education are worthy of this. And, of course, the future border guard warrior must have impeccable health, both in the physical and mental sense of the word. The moral preparation of a soldier is no less important, since the specifics of the service require a person to spend a long time away from populated areas, and in a purely male team.

What qualities should a soldier have?

The protection of state borders involves carrying out border patrols. In other words, a soldier must patrol significant distances (20-30 kilometers) on foot, and not always in comfortable conditions, for example, in mountainous areas. That is why the border guard must be as resilient as possible.

However, this is not enough to flawlessly protect the borders of the Motherland. It is important to be vigilant at all times and be able to quickly concentrate when danger arises. To fight the enemy effectively, hand-to-hand combat skills and the ability to organize ambushes will not interfere.

Who selects candidates for border guards

Those who dream of serving in the border troops must write a corresponding application and address it to the FSB border department at their place of residence. As a rule, it takes two to three months to review the application and check all documents. It should be noted that the verification is carried out in the most thorough manner. All family ties of a potential border guard are studied in detail, and if it suddenly turns out that the brother or uncle of the future defender had problems with the law, then it is very likely that service at the border will be denied.


Quite interesting is the question of what clothes the border guards wore. It should be noted that after the October Revolution, the uniform of the border troops was no different: a gray overcoat, dark blue trousers, a cap with a blue band and boots with spurs.

In the 30s of the last century, when the border troops were part of the NKVD structure, it was decided to sew a uniform for the soldiers that was different from the Red Army. Now soldiers began to wear a cap with a light green top and a black chin strap. A wool cap was provided for commanders, while the rank and file wore a cotton cap without piping. At the same time, as before, the Budenovka helmet of a grayish tint was preserved. There was also an innovation: Soviet fashion designers came up with a gray raincoat made of wool.

In the 40s, the country's leadership decided to minimize the variety of clothing, since it was necessary to optimize it to the maximum extent for wartime conditions. A single color of clothing was chosen for all soldiers. At the same time, warm uniforms and hats with earflaps were invented.

During the Great Patriotic War, shoulder straps were introduced, which in the border troops were made in the likeness of shoulder straps pre-revolutionary Russia. Soldiers guarding state borders wore double-breasted uniforms at that time. The senior leadership of the border troops had the right to wear green stripes.

Over time, Soviet uniforms began to resemble European military clothing more and more; for example, it was decided to abandon the blue color of trousers, and the suit for soldiers became monochromatic. The privates wore uniform shirts and ties, as they were required to wear an open, single-breasted suit. The officers were allowed to flaunt their aquamarine ceremonial attire. Subsequently, additional accessories appeared on the uniform: the letters “PV” began to appear on the border guards’ shoulder straps.

Today, an integral attribute of a soldier guarding the borders of the Motherland is a green beret and a cap with a green crown.

It should be noted that modern border guard uniforms cannot be called ideal, and work on its modernization is in full swing.


It is very interesting that the flag of the border troops in the navy, approved at the state level back in the 20s of the last century, as well as the uniform of the soldiers, is green. In other words, it was a light green cloth with a smaller version of the cantonal Navy flag in the upper left corner.

The modern flag of the border troops is a four-pointed cross of emerald color on a scarlet background, in the center of which is the emblem of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation with silver swords.

Imperial Troops

Below is full list Imperial troops, distinctive feature which are:

  • reduced content;
  • increased combat performance;
  • increased maneuverability;

It is worth noting that these troops are only available as a reward in Story missions and in periodically appearing Global missions.

Armored vehicles

Imperial Strike Tank

Still the same light and maneuverable Scorpion attack tank, but of the imperial class. Assumes a reduction in maintenance costs.

Carries resources when looting 150
Maintenance Cost 1 Cr/h
Speed 180 km/h
Susceptible to Mutation No

Imperial armored personnel carrier

The Imperial class of armored personnel carrier "Varan" involves more high speed movement and lower maintenance costs.

Carries resources when looting 120
Maintenance Cost 1 Cr/h
Speed 180 km/h
Susceptible to Mutation No


The secret weapon of the Red Demos - the rapid "Sun Extinguishers" were supposed to end the war, destroying Earth Zero and General Lapidus. They had already entered orbit when the general launched the Cocoon project. The legendary weapon lost control and was left to drift in space, waiting for new owners. The Imperial class of splitter offers higher speed and lower maintenance costs.

Carries resources for robbery 700
Maintenance Cost 1.5 CZK/h
Speed 180 km/h
Susceptible to Mutation No

Nicknamed “Heavenly Thunders,” these new types of artillery mounts provided protection for the Capital during a prolonged siege. The Imperial class of Gauss guns implies a lower maintenance cost and increased protection against infantry and armored vehicles.

Carries resources when looting 200
Maintenance Cost 1.5 CZK/h
Speed 120 km/h
Susceptible to mutation? No


During the War, the enemies of the Empire realized one immutable truth: where Imperial Retribution-class cruisers appear, only radioactive dust remains. All shipyards producing them were strictly classified. An Imperial cruiser offers increased combat performance and reduced maintenance costs.

Carries resources when looting 1750
Maintenance Cost 2 Cr/h
Speed 180 km/h
Susceptible to Mutation? No

Imperial Interceptor

The new Camouflage-Max optical system and ultra-high-speed bipolar engines made Phoenix interceptors faster, stronger and faster. The Imperial class offers high speed, increased protection against infantry and armored vehicles, and reduced maintenance costs.

Regarding the OGSR... in 1995, they were also created in the Russian PoV in Tajikistan... in each detachment, with the central OGSR which was based in Dushanbe and was subordinate, initially, to the intelligence department of the PG, then to the headquarters... The units were formed of officers and warrant officers. OGSR detachments mainly worked at the place of their deployment, although sometimes they were on business trips and in other detachments as reinforcements... The most numerous, in terms of staff, called “in common people” - “Dushanbe Sigma”, the first the composition of which By the way, he underwent training, receiving, respectively, 2 ensign stars for shoulder straps, in the training of the GRU Special Forces in Pechery, he worked along the entire border when operational necessity required it....

I read all the messages about the border special forces.
Your message is most completely true.
Time has passed. Thanks to the head of the press service of the Border Group of the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia in the Republic of Tajikistan, A.I. Kondratyev. Four books have been published about the historical path of the Border Group from creation to reduction. On the cover of one of these books there are many real photographs of guys from the Panj OGSP.
In 1995, there was an urgent need for surgical actions to implement specific information to counter illegal activities across the Tajik-Afghan border. In the period from 1997 to 2000, OGSP became an effective tool for harsh suppression of the actions of drug smugglers, whose actions were covered up by the actions of Afghan militants. No less effective and efficient were the platoons military intelligence, which were created in 1997. The composition of the OGSP and VVR was multinational. Were different highly trained and devotion to its traditions. November 5 was considered their holiday. The smugglers immediately appreciated their worthy opponents, they feared and respected them - they knew that if they met in the zone where the border patrols were deployed, it would be impossible to “agree”. PV's totem has always been a service dog. The totem of military intelligence units is the wolf. Hence the appearance of the emblem, which appeared after 2000. In the period 1997-2000 there was no time for this. It was very dangerous to glow.
Initially, the training program was as close as possible to the regular program of special forces units. In 1998, the training programs for the OGSP and VVR were adjusted taking into account the training program for the VPBS (platoons of increased combat capability from the time of the KGB PV), which made it possible to maximally adapt the special forces and military reconnaissance units to actions in the conditions of everyday protection of the State Border (the State Border was guarded by border outposts. DShMG and MMG were used for reinforcement in pogz areas).
The history of the application and use of ogspr and vvr PG FPS of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan is unique, the experience of use is worthy of study - the conditions of use are very diverse - in the area of ​​the Pyanjsky pogo there is an abundance of powerful reed thickets and islands, in the area of ​​​​the Moscow detachment there are reeds on the right flank, in the center there is a plain and foothills , on the left flank of the mountain, in the areas of the Kalai-Khumb, Khorog, Ishkashim pogos there are mountains, rocks, in the area of ​​the Murgab detachment there are highlands (more than 4000 m above sea level). Now these names are history. In each of these detachments there were OGSP, vr. Their experience is invaluable.

Great Patriotic War- a special page in the history of marine units and formations of border troops. Being part of the Navy, they bore on their shoulders the entire brunt of the fight against an insidious and cruel enemy, without disgracing their honor and enhancing the glorious combat traditions of the guards of the maritime borders of the Fatherland. In the North and the Baltic, the Black Sea and the Pacific Ocean, they fought heroically, showing courage and ingenuity, dedication and professional training, military camaraderie and readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of Victory. The legendary exploits of border guard sailors will forever remain in the history of the troops, setting an example of service to the Fatherland for all subsequent generations of border warriors.

From the history of the Border Service of the Russian Federation...

12/3/1991 The USSR Law “On the reorganization of state security agencies” was adopted, on the basis of which the KGB of the USSR was abolished and the Committee for the Protection of the State Border was formed with the status of an independent union department.

02/18/1992 By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 145, on the basis of the All-Union Institute for Advanced Training of Officers of the Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR, the Order of Lenin Red Banner Academy of Border Troops was formed.

03/20/1992 At a meeting of the heads of the CIS member states in Kyiv, an agreement was signed on the creation of the Joint Border Troops Command, the “Regulations on the Joint Border Troops Command” were approved, and the Agreement on the status of the CIS Border Troops was adopted.

Published: August 21, 2010

Early XIX V. was marked by a sharp increase in international tension caused by the policies of the leading European powers.
Since 1800, England began to interfere with the maritime trade of other states. This caused the formation of an alliance of four northern countries: Russia, Sweden, Prussia and Denmark, interested in restoring Catherine's armed neutrality. England took this as a declaration of war and imposed an embargo on all Allied ships in English ports, including Russian ones. It seemed that war could not be avoided. But the death of Emperor Paul I on March 11, 1801 changed a lot. Alexander I, who ascended the throne, was a supporter of peaceful politics.

Published: August 21, 2010

With the outbreak of the First World War, border guards became part of the active army (except for two Central Asian brigades) and fought on various fronts. According to research by a professor at the Academy of the General Staff of the Tsarist Army, General N.P. Golovin, in the First World War the most persistent and combat-ready were Cossack troops and border guards.

Many of them became Knights of St. George. After February Revolution, when power in Petrograd passed to the Provisional Government, border guards were asked to “maintain complete calm.” Despite the revolutionary upheavals, the service continued. However, the situation on the border and in the building changed dramatically. Corps commander N.A. Pykhachev and chief of staff N.K. Kononov, many generals and officers were removed from their posts. The collapse of the corps began.

Published: August 21, 2010

In General Pronichev’s office there is a huge globe. The borders of Russia are as much as one and a half equators.
First Deputy Director of the FSB of Russia - Head of the Border Service, Colonel General Vladimir Pronichev, answers KP's questions.
Russia's chief border guard is elusive to journalists. Not because it is “classified”. It’s just that he visits Moscow during breaks between business trips, and this time is rarely calculated for a whole day. The border economy is equal to one and a half equators of the Earth, but you can’t stretch it out like a thread. Just go and get to distant outposts. But the general gets there - it’s not for nothing that he once began his service in those regions where it was not his superiors who fell on his head, but avalanches...

Published: August 21, 2010

After the death of Peter I in 1725, Russia was faced with the task of ensuring the security of the southern borders of the state and access to the Black Sea. The solution to these problems was directly related to the relations between Russia and Turkey, with further development and strengthening the domestic fleet.

After Anna Ioannovna ascended the throne, they began to show great concern for the fleet.

In 1732, under the chairmanship of A. Osterman, a Military Maritime Commission was created, which identified many uncombatable ships and vessels, and also outlined a program for updating the ship's personnel. She proposed to have 27 ships, 6 frigates, 2 ferries, 3 bombardment ships and 8 packet boats in the fleet. Instead of the previously existing three large flotilla flags (white, blue and red) on all ships navy A single white flag with a blue St. Andrew's cross was introduced. The fleet renewal program was carried out successfully. By 1740, the renewed Russian fleet consisted of 12 battleships, 26 lower-class ships and 40 galleys. In 1757 there were already 21 battleship and b frigates. These forces were enough to take care of the protection of the state’s borders in peacetime.

Published: August 21, 2010

A special page in the history of the Border Troops is participation in the war in Afghanistan. The border troops of the USSR KGB did not officially participate in the war on the territory of Afghanistan. And the officers, warrant officers and soldiers who died in Afghanistan were considered killed while guarding the USSR border with Afghanistan.

The border guards were outwardly no different from the 40th Army. Soldiers and officers wore the same uniform, their shoulder straps were changed to general-arms ones. Perhaps the only peculiarity is that all logistics and combat support services, as well as all border aviation, were located on Soviet territory, at the locations of border detachments.

Published: August 21, 2010

The origin of military medicine of the Border Guard of the Russian Empire began when the Russian government headed for the transition from the Border Customs Guard to the border troops.
On August 15 (27), 1827, Emperor Nicholas I approved the “Regulations on the organization of the Border and Customs Guard with general view there..."

The regulations of 1827 did not provide for medical positions and medical institutions in the staff of the Border Customs Guard. “Treatment of lower ranks” was prescribed in civilian hospitals and military hospitals of the field army for a fee. There were no government expenses for the treatment of officers and members of their families, although the border service required every patrolman and guard to mobilize all physical and moral forces.

Published: August 21, 2010

The state border of the Soviet Union stretches for thousands of kilometers. It passes through the tundra, through steppes and forests, through the sultry sands of the desert, along inaccessible taiga spurs of mountain ranges, along the surface of the seas and river banks. It stretched out as an endless chain of outposts, naval and air patrols. At every kilometer of the border, from the subtropics to the northern tundra, it is guarded by the faithful sons of the Motherland - Soviet border guards. In the heat and cold, in the rain and blizzard, day and night, soldiers in green caps vigilantly keep their honorable and permanent watch, sacredly fulfilling the oath of allegiance to their people.

Published: August 21, 2010

Memoirs of an officer who witnessed the events of March 1969 on Ussuri

Yuri Vitalievich Sologub - retired colonel.

Recent reports of a final settlement of border issues between Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China involuntarily made me remember the events of almost 40 years ago. After all, they happened exactly in those places Far East, which were the subject of a long-standing dispute between one state and another. And I wanted to put everything on paper as it was, without concealment. Moreover, I hope that the readers of HBO will understand: all this is being told by a retired tank colonel, and not a writer or a journalist. So please don’t judge me too harshly for the quality of what’s written...

Published: August 21, 2010

Serpentine shafts

In the III-VII centuries. To protect themselves from the steppe nomads moving west and replacing each other, the Dnieper Slavs erected a system of ancient defensive structures along the borders of their territories - the Serpentine Ramparts. The ramparts ran south of present-day Kyiv along both banks of the Dnieper along its tributaries. Their remains remain today along the rivers Vit, Krasnaya, Stugna, Trubezh, Sula, Ros, etc.

The name Serpent Val comes from folk legends about ancient Russian heroes who pacified and harnessed the Serpent (an allegory of the image of formidable nomads, evil and violence) into a giant plow, which was used to plow a ditch-furrow that marked the borders of the country. According to another version, the Serpentine Shafts are named for their characteristic serpentine configuration on the ground. Similar structures are also known in the Dniester region under the name “Troyan Shafts”.

Published: August 21, 2010

In the difficult trials of the Great Patriotic War

On June 22, 1941, aviation units stationed on the western border, like all land and sea units of the border troops, were suddenly attacked by fascist troops.

From the very first days of the war, the personnel of the 10th and 11th air squadrons, the 7th naval air squadron and the 6th separate air squadron fought side by side with units of the Red Army Air Force and Naval Forces, and invariably showed high flying skill. The skills acquired during combat training in peacetime were especially useful to flight personnel in war time. Bombing from various heights, aerial firing from machine guns at a cone and at targets on the ground, etc. - these elements, although not directly required for border protection, were carefully practiced by the personnel. As it turned out, this method of training border guard pilots was justified.

Published: August 21, 2010

The 18th century was a time of major territorial acquisitions by Russia, military successes, the formation of the Russian Empire, and administrative reforms. These acts are associated primarily with the names of Peter the Great, Catherine II and outstanding Russian commanders A.V. Suvorov and P.A. Rumyantsev.

Published: August 21, 2010

In the history of Russian border protection there are many significant dates, which, like bright milestones, mark the stages of its glorious and long journey. One of them is October 27, 1893. On this day, Russian Emperor Alexander III signed a decree on the creation of a Separate Border Guard Corps. October 15 (27), 2003 marked the 110th anniversary of the Separate Border Guard Corps.

Published: August 21, 2010

KONIGSBERG ORDER OF LENIN AND THE RED STAR BORDER DETAIL, one of the most famous military units troops of the NKVD of the USSR and the modern Border Service of the FSB of Russia, the heir to the military glory of the 95th border regiment of the NKVD troops of the USSR and the 31st border regiment of the NKVD troops of the USSR and the 31st border regiment of the NKVD troops of the USSR, a connection of the modern Red Banner border department of the FSB of Russia in the Kaliningrad region.

Published: August 21, 2010

Over its almost 180-year history, the Russian Border Troops were repeatedly reassigned to various ministries and departments and had different names; border guards, border guards, Border troops, bodies and troops of the Federal Border Service, Border Service of the FSB of Russia.

The names of the military medicine management body changed accordingly: Medical Unit of the Separate Border Guard Corps (OKPS), Sanitary Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of Border Guard, Sanitary (later - Military Medical) Department of the Main Directorate of Border Troops, Military Medical Directorate of the Federal Border Service.

Published: August 21, 2010

The first mention of the state border guard in Rus' dates back to 1512, when, after another attack by the Crimean Khan Grand Duke Vasily III "established his land with outposts." It was from this time that the protection of the borders of the Russian state began to be called the border service.

Published: August 21, 2010

Separate Border Guard Corps Russian Empire at the beginning of the last century, he had in his arsenal a far from rich selection of weapons. It usually consisted of a dragoon saber and a single-shot Berdan rifle. More, as it seemed to the officials of that time, was not necessary, since the then-current “Rules on the Separate Border Guard Corps” and “Instructions for OKPS Officials” made the use of firearms incredibly difficult. They ordered “not to kill a person, but to injure if possible” and “to use weapons only when truly necessary and, moreover, with the greatest caution and prudence.” Border guards had to avoid directing shots into adjacent territory, shooting while on the border line, and if they did shoot, then “so that the bullets would not ricochet to the wrong side.”

Published: April 05, 2010

“Border guards are sacrificial troops”

The first border guards can be considered three heroes who defended Rus' from the visits of malicious “foreign tourists”. But legends are legends... The first documentary evidence dates back to 1512. Then, after another attack by the Crimean Khan, Grand Duke Vasily the Third established his lands with outposts. And on February 16, 1571, Ivan the Terrible determined the border regulations of the village and guard services.

Published: March 30, 2010

My grandfather, Dmitry Sergeevich Avramchuk, took over on June 21, 1941 as an operational duty officer for the August border detachment. Quite recently I found several sheets of paper written by him with memories of the first day of the war. He wrote, as far as I understand, at the request of one of the children of his colleagues. If you are interested in the details, I will reprint it. By the way, he recalled that the outposts were raised in advance and were waiting for an attack. No one in the troops at the level of border detachments shut their mouths about the possible outbreak of war, and reports about this regularly went to Moscow without repressive consequences.

Published: March 30, 2010