Spelling of the prefix from the deafness of the sonority of the sound. Spelling of prefixes ending in z-s. “very”, high degree of quality

Bezrodny. Pushkin wrote about him: “Happiness is a rootless darling, a semi-sovereign ruler.” And in fact, Menshikov was raised from the very bottom to the pinnacle of fame, wealth and power and again plunged to the bottom - into Siberian exile. 7. Find a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness/voicedness of the sound indicated by the letter following the prefix.

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“Words with a prefix” - Iz. Demon. Girl Prefix. Learning to write prefixes. Without. Is. Let's think about it. A calligraphic moment. Once. Ras. Boots, can, bamboo, library. Underline the words with the spelling “Unstressed verifiable vowels at the root of the word.” Living letters. Explanatory dictation. Identify the root in the words. Physical exercise.

“Spelling of prefixes” - The spelling of a vowel in a prefix depends on the meaning of the prefix. The spelling of the vowel in a prefix depends on the meaning of the prefix. Wide open. Out of nowhere. The spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness/voicing of the sound indicated by the letter following the prefix. The spelling of the first vowel of the root matches the pronunciation thanks to the prefix.

“Words with prefixes at and pre” - Write at-: 2. Accession. Arrived, sailed, arrived. Write the prefix pre- instead of per, instead of very. Let's draw a conclusion. Define the word with the prefix pri-. Define the word with the prefix pre-. Fairy Pre-Pre. 3. Proximity. Under the short name Pre-Pre. Prefixes pre- and pre-. 2. Instead of the word very. Pre- or pre-?

“Tasks for consoles” - Start testing. Excessive. Ra...dream. Ra...get excited. Neither...overthrow. Ra...count. Enter your first and last name. Which word in the prefix contains the letter Z? Ra...they were pouring out. And...used. Be...deceased. In...click. Not...crowded. Correct answers. And write. Again. Time spent. In...wave. Be... free. Ra...bloomed.

“Prefixes pre pri” - “Big Pendulum”. block=over. "Pump". Training apparatus. Draw a conclusion using the diagram. School intimacy. Spelling of prefixes. Insert i or e in the prefixes. Sail approaching. Algorithm for spelling the prefixes pre and pr. What can the prefix PRI - mean? "Palms." “Hug your shoulders.” If you can replace it with the word VERY or the prefix PERE.

“Spelling of prefixes in Russian” - Place emphasis. Sunflower. Spelling of unstressed vowels in prefixes. Algorithm for writing an unstressed vowel in a prefix. Gnawed granite of science. Complete the sentences. Write the word by inserting the correct letter. An unstressed vowel sound in a prefix. The lesson is useful. Examination. Spelling. The unstressed vowel in the prefix can be checked.

There are a total of 16 presentations in the topic

Spelling of prefixes

Task formulation:

Show answer

continuation options:

What you need to know:

1) Immutable prefixes (they need to be remembered);
4) Prefixes PRI-, PRE-

1. Unchangeable prefixes.

2. Prefixes on Z-, S-.

Their writing is very simple:

RA S watch,
And Z is in there,
And stop drinking,
Damn it,
B C to Arabic,
With ch ur,
SNI S x educational

Case 1.

in word prefixes
RAS h udny and RAS c we will write a thread - s h - i - c FROM d erzhka and FROM m ena we will write the letter - z d - i - m -

Case 2. C - in words
in the words WITH DO and WITH

Case 3.
in the word NOT VOS

Case 4.

A, under the accent - O.


4. Prefixes PRI-, PRE-

The prefix PRI- means:
1) when driving, when sticking
2) at sea, at Oka
3) when open, when slow down
more rare meanings:
4) completeness of action: come up with
5) when hiding
6) accompanying action:

The prefix PRE- means:
1) pre red (very beautiful)
2) pre

Difficulties that may arise:

Case 1. give corresponding type - betray a friend
dream (make it come true)
on vacation (to be)

moment (impermanent),
despise enemy (to hate) - look after orphan (to shelter)
bow down to the ground (lean)

limit (border) patience - aisle (extension) of the house
(get used to) the heat

Case 2.

Case 3.


Spelling of prefixes

Task formulation:

From sentences 4-5, write down the word, the spelling of the prefix in which is determined by its meaning “spatial proximity”:
(4) At the school site, work was in full swing. (5) The guys, chanting, dug the beds.

Show answer

Other possible formulations:
From the sentences... write down the word(s) in which...
continuation options:

  • the spelling of the prefix depends/does not depend on the voicelessness-voicing of the subsequent consonant;
  • the spelling of the consonant in the prefix depends on the voicelessness of the subsequent consonant;
  • the spelling of the prefix depends on the voicing of the subsequent consonant;
  • the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning (the specific meaning of the prefix may be indicated);
  • The spelling of the prefix depends on the accent.

What you need to know:

IN In Russian, there are 4 groups of prefixes, the writing of which may cause difficulties:
1) Immutable prefixes (they need to be remembered);
2) Prefixes ending in Z-, S- , the spelling of which depends on the subsequent consonant;
3) Prefixes ROZ- (ROS-), RAZ- (PAC-), NOT-, NI- , the spelling of which depends on the stress;
4) Prefixes PRI-, PRE- , the spelling of which is determined by their meaning.

1. Unchangeable prefixes.

These prefixes are unchangeable and constant in their spelling. They are always written like this! Be sure to remember these prefixes:

B- (VO-), DO-, FOR-, ON-, OVER-, UNDO, O-, OB- (OBO-), OT- (OTO-), PO-, UNDER- (UNDO-), S- (CO-), RE-, PRE-, PRO-.

EXAMPLE: to write, not enough salt, to slip, to knock, to do, to give, to accept.
The prefix Z- is not in Russian! In words building, health, here, below gi (not visible) the letter Z is part of the root.

2. Prefixes on Z-, S-.

Their writing is very simple:before voiced consonants a prefix with the letter Z is written, before voiceless consonants - with the letter S. Be sure to remember these prefixes:


RA S watch,
And Z is in there,
And stop drinking,
Damn it,
B C to Arabic,
With ch ur,
SNI S x educational

Difficulties that may arise:

Case 1. To choose correct letter-з- or -с- at the end of the prefixes, it is necessary to distinguish voiced consonants from voiceless ones.
All voiceless consonant sounds can be remembered by the following phrase: F O C A, WANT TO EAT BUTCH?
Voiced consonant sounds allow you to remember the phrase: OY, M U W H E N T FORGET ABOUT ANOTHER!
in word prefixes
RAS h udny and RAS c we will write a thread - With -, because the first letters of the root are - h - i - ts - denote voiceless consonants, and in word prefixes FROM holder and FROM m ena we will write the letter - h -, since the first letters of the roots indicate voiced consonants - d - i - m -

Case 2. Remember that the spelling of the prefix S - in words does not depend on the voiced or voiceless consonant that follows it. The prefix C- belongs to the group of unchangeable prefixes.
in the words WITH DO and WITH JUMP is written with the same prefix C-, despite the fact that in the first word after the prefix there is a voiced consonant, and in the second there is a voiceless consonant.

Case 3. The prefix Z-S- may not be noticed if the word has two prefixes.
in the word NOT VOS REQUIRED after the prefix NOT- there is a prefix BOS-, the spelling of which depends on the voicelessness of the subsequent consonant, while the spelling of the prefix NOT- is not determined by this rule.

Case 4. Do not confuse words with prefixes ending in Z-S- with words whose roots are consonant with these prefixes.
1. prefix BES- (BESNOOK) and root -BES- (Besya)
2. prefix NIZ- (NIZ) and root -NIZ- (LOW)
3. prefix RAZ- (BREAK) and root -RAZ- (STARKING), root -DIFFERENCE- (DIFFERENCE)
4. prefix RAS- (GRIND) and root -RAST- (PLANT)
5. prefix ROZ- (ROZdal) and root -ROZ- (PINK)
6. prefix ROS- (ROScherk) and root -ROS- (ROSisty), other roots (ROSKOSHNY, ROSTOK)
7. prefix WHO- (Abstain) and root -WHO- (CARIO)

3. Prefixes ROZ- (ROS-), RAZ- (PAC-), NE-, NI-

The spelling of vowels in these prefixes is determined by stress.
In the prefixes ROZ- (ROS-), RAZ- (RAS-) the letter is written without accent
A, under the accent - O.
write off - write, play - play, draw (rivers), pour drinks

The prefixes NOT and NI, found in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, also depend on stress. With an accent we write NOT, without an accent we write NE.
n E when - n and ever, n E who - n and who, n E what - n and what

4. Prefixes PRI-, PRE-

The rule for writing these prefixes is one of the most beloved by schoolchildren, and it is also very easy to remember. The spelling of the vowel in them depends on the meaning of the prefixes.

The prefix PRI- means:
1) approximation, accession, addition: when going, when sticking
2) location near something (proximity): at sea, at Oka
3) incompleteness of the action (the action is not completed completely): when open, when brake
These are the main meanings of the prefix pri-, but there are three moremore rare meanings:
4) completeness of action: come up with
5) an action performed based on someone's interests: when hiding
6) accompanying action: when jumping, saying, dancing, singing

The prefix PRE- means:
1) close in meaning to the word "very": pre red (very beautiful)
2) close in meaning to the prefix re-: pre step (cross the line), interrupt (interrupt)

However, the spelling of these prefixes is not always determined by the listed meanings!

Difficulties that may arise:

Case 1. The spelling of words that are similar in sound but different in meaning differs:
give corresponding type - betray a friend
close the door - close the door dream (make it come true)
arrive on time - stay on vacation (to be)
to start work is to break the law,
coming to visit - transient moment (impermanent),
despise enemy (to hate) - look after orphan (to shelter)
bow before talents (to admire) - bow down to the ground (lean)
vicissitudes of fate - the gatekeeper at the gate
limit (border) patience - aisle (extension) of the house
endure (survive) - endure (get used to) the heat

Case 2. The spelling of some words with the prefixes PRI-, PRE- should be remembered or determined in a spelling dictionary. This includes, for example, outdated words used in phraseological combinations stumbling (obsolete) - “to stumble”, stumbling - “interference, difficulties”, stumbling block; repose (obsolete) - “to die”, to arrange the end of the world.

Case 3. It is recommended to determine the spelling of borrowed words with pri-, pre- radically using a spelling dictionary: prestige, president, price list, prefix, precedent; priority, privilege, claim, private, primitive, etc.

Task formulation:

From sentences 4-5, write down the word, the spelling of the prefix in which is determined by its meaning “spatial proximity”:
(4) At the school site, work was in full swing. (5) The guys, chanting, dug the beds.

Correct answer: at school (the prefix PRI- means ABOUT - near the school)

Other possible formulations:
From the sentences... write down the word(s) in which...
continuation options:

  • the spelling of the prefix depends/does not depend on the voicelessness-voicing of the subsequent consonant;
  • the spelling of the consonant in the prefix depends on the voicelessness of the subsequent consonant;
  • the spelling of the prefix depends on the voicing of the subsequent consonant;
  • the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning (the specific meaning of the prefix may be indicated);
  • The spelling of the prefix depends on the accent.

What you need to know:

In the Russian language there are 4 groups of prefixes, the writing of which may cause difficulties:
1) (they need to be remembered);
2) , the spelling of which depends on the subsequent consonant;
3) , the spelling of which depends on the stress;
4), the spelling of which is determined by their meaning.

1. Unchangeable prefixes.

These prefixes are unchangeable and constant in their spelling. They are always written like this! Be sure to remember these prefixes:

B- (VO-), DO-, FOR-, ON-, OVER-, UNDO, O-, OB- (OBO-), OT- (OTO-), PO-, UNDER- (UNDO-), S- (CO-), RE-, PRE-, PRO-.

EXAMPLE: on write, under salt, By slip, By knock, With do, With give, before accept.
The prefix Z- is not in Russian! In words h giving, h health, h here, neither h gi (not visible) the letter Z is part of the root.

2. Prefixes on Z-, S-.

Their writing is very simple: a prefix with the letter Z is written before voiced consonants, and a prefix with the letter S is written before voiced consonants. Be sure to remember these prefixes:


RA With with watch,
RA Z g lie down
AND W in eat,
AND S t drink,
CRE Zm black,
RA WITHh wriggle,
IN From to Arabic,
CHERE C h ur,
sNI C x parental

Case 1. To choose the correct letter -з- or -с- at the end of prefixes, it is necessary to distinguish voiced consonants from voiceless ones.
All voiceless consonant sounds can be remembered by the following phrase: F OK A, WOULD YOU LIKE TO EAT BUTCH?
Voiced consonant sounds allow you to remember the phrase: OH, WE ARE NOT FORBIDDEN ABOUT ANOTHER!
in word prefixes ASDh good and ASD ts we will write a thread - With-, because the first letters of the root are - h- And - ts- denote voiceless consonants, and in word prefixes FROM d Erzhka and FROM m ena we will write the letter - h-, since the first letters of the roots indicate voiced consonants
- d- And - m-

Case 2. Remember that the spelling of the prefix WITH- in words does not depend on the voiced or voiceless consonant that follows it. The prefix C- belongs to the group of unchangeable prefixes.
in words WITH DO and WITH JUMP is written with the same prefix C-, despite the fact that in the first word after the prefix there is a voiced consonant, and in the second there is a voiceless consonant.

Case 3. The prefix Z-S- may not be noticed if the word has two prefixes.
in the word NOT VOS REQUIRED after the prefix NOT- there is a prefix BOS-, the spelling of which depends on the voicelessness of the subsequent consonant, while the spelling of the prefix NOT- is not determined by this rule.

Case 4. Do not confuse words with prefixes ending in Z-S- with words whose roots are consonant with these prefixes.
1. prefix BES- (BESNOOK) and root -BES- (Besya)
2. prefix NIZ- (NIZ) and root -NIZ- (LOW)
3. prefix RAZ- (BREAK) and root -RAZ- (STARKING), root -DIFFERENCE- (DIFFERENCE)
4. prefix RAS- (GRIND) and root -RAST- (PLANT)
5. prefix ROZ- (ROZdal) and root -ROZ- (PINK)
6. prefix ROS- (ROScherk) and root -ROS- (ROSisty), other roots (ROSKOSHNY, ROSTOK)
7. prefix WHO- (Abstain) and root -WHO- (CARIO)

3. Prefixes ROZ- (ROS-), RAZ- (PAC-), NE-, NI-

The spelling of vowels in these prefixes is determined by stress.
In the prefixes ROZ- (ROS-), RAZ- (RAS-) the letter is written without accent A, under stress - ABOUT.
R A write off - r ABOUT list, r A play - r ABOUT gambling, r A zliv (rivers), r ABOUT angry drinks

The prefixes NOT and NI, found in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, also depend on stress. With an accent we write NOT, without an accent we write NE.
n E when - n And when, n E who - n And who, n E what - n And What

4. Prefixes PRI-, PRE-

The rule for writing these prefixes is one of the most beloved by schoolchildren, and it is also very easy to remember. The spelling of the vowel in them depends on the meaning of the prefixes.

The prefix PRI- means:
1) approximation, accession, addition: at drive, at glue
2) location near something (proximity): at sea, at Oka
3) incompleteness of the action (the action is not completed completely): at open, at to brake
These are the main meanings of the prefix pri-, but there are three more more rare meanings:
4) completeness of action: at think
5) an action performed based on someone's interests: at hide
6) accompanying action:at jump, at say, at dance, at sing

The prefix PRE- means:
1) close in meaning to the word "very": pre red (very beautiful)
2) close in meaning to the prefix re-: pre step (cross the line), interrupt (interrupt)

However, the spelling of these prefixes is not always determined by the listed meanings!

Difficulties that may arise:

Case 1. The spelling of words that are similar in sound but different in meaning differs:
give corresponding type - betray friend,
pretend door - implement dream (make it come true)
arrive during - abide on vacation (to be)
start to work - transgress law,
coming to visit - transient moment (impermanent),
despise enemy (to hate) - look after orphan (to shelter)
bow before talents (to admire) - bow down to the ground (lean)
vicissitudes fate - gatekeeper at the gate
limit(border) of patience - aisle(extension) of the house
endure(been through) - get used to it(get used to) the heat

Case 2. The spelling of some words with the prefixes PRI-, PRE- should be remembered or determined in a spelling dictionary. This includes, for example, outdated words used in phraseological combinations stumbling (us-tar.) - “to stumble”, stumbling - “interference, difficulties”, stumbling block; repose (obsolete) - “to die”, to arrange the end of the world.

Case 3. It is recommended to determine the spelling of borrowed words with pri-, pre- radically using a spelling dictionary: prestige, president, price list, prefix, precedent; priority, privilege, claimaniye, private, primitive, etc.

Prefixes on –З and –с

1. Remember that this wording of the task refers to variable prefixes in the letter. These are prefixes ending in –Z, -S: WITHOUT-; BES-; WHO-; VOS-; (VZ-; VS), IZ-; IS-; BOTTOM-; NIS-; ONCE-; RAS-; ROZ-; ROS-; THROUGH-; CHRES-.

2. Underline in these sentences the words in which these letter combinations occur.

3. Parse the underlined words according to their composition to make sure that these words can be classified as words with prefixes ending in -Z; -WITH. (Don’t forget to choose related words from other parts of speech, preferably without a prefix!!!)

4. Read the task again, checking what letter the prefix should end with, what sound the first letter of the root indicates!

5. Write down the found word(s) on the answer sheet in the form in which it is written in the sentence.

Prefixes PRE- and PRI-

1. Remember that this wording of the task refers to variable prefixes in the letter. These are the PRI- prefixes; PRE.

2. Remember that the spelling of changing prefixes is PRI-; PRE depends on the value:



· when she gives meaning to words maximum degree of action exceeding any measure, or highest quality: extol, exceed, exaggerate, surpass, succeed; excellent, very pretty, very nice, very nice;

· When she prefix has meaning re-: block ( block off), turn, stop, legend ( hand over), transgress ( step over), perverse ( flipped over), successor ( adopt).

· spatial proximity , adjacency: seaside, Amur region, coastal area, station, household;

· addition, approximation, accession : bend, drive, bring, tie, freeze, fasten;

· incompleteness of action: attach, open, lie down, lower, subside;

· bringing the action to completion , to a certain result: find, finish off, muffle ( drown out completely), accustom, invent, cut;

· taking action in one's own interests , enhanced manifestation of action: take a closer look, pocket, lure, dress up, hide, appropriate, listen;

· accompanying action : chorus, whistle, dance.

REMEMBER WORDS in which the spelling of the prefixes PRI - PRE - depends on their lexical meaning :

· etc And create (door) = close a little, cover
etc e create (dream come true) = realize

· etc And to be (at the station) = to arrive
etc e to be (at the station) = to be

· etc And mature (orphan) = help her, shelter her
etc e stare (enemy) = treat him badly, disrespect him

· etc And give (form) = add, correct
etc e give (to a friend) = cheat on him, give him away

· etc And step (to perform an exercise) = start
etc e step (through the law) = break

· etc And lean (toward a tree) = touch slightly
etc e bow (before a feat) = feel respect

· etc And to fall (on the left leg) = to limp slightly
etc e teach (lesson) = teach something

· etc And affairs (to the house) = add, attach
etc e affairs (feelings) = extreme, final edge

· etc And emnik (“Mayak”) = a device that receives radio waves
etc e successor (father) = successor

· etc And walking (doctor) = who comes
etc e walking(value) = temporary

  1. Underline the words in the sentence with the prefixes PRI-; PRE-
  2. Disassemble the underlined words according to their composition. Be sure to choose words with the same root of another part of speech.
  3. Check the meaning of the prefix in the found word or words
  4. Write the word(s) on the answer form in the form in which it(es) are given in the sentence.

For example: From these sentences, write down the word(s), the spelling of the PRESIDENT in which is determined by the rule: “If the prefix has the meaning of performing an action not in full, then the letter I is written in it.”

What an extraordinary silence! In anticipation of the cold weather, the birds became silent. The branch bent down slightly and touched your face. Boundless joy embraces you.

The type of tasks “Spelling prefixes that depend on meaning” includes the following frequently used formulations:

  • From sentences No.... write down the words in which the spelling of the PRESIDENTS depends on their meaning.
  • From sentences No.... write down words with a prefix denoting incompleteness (etc.) of an action...

Immutable prefixes

  1. Remember the unchangeable prefixes in writing: O-, U-, V-, S-, VO-, DO-, ZA-, NA-, PO-, OT-, OB-, UNDER-, OVER-, PRO-, PRE- , PERE-, etc.
  2. Select words in the sentence with these prefixes.
  3. Parse the selected words according to their composition to make sure that they contain unchangeable prefixes, selecting words of the same root from other parts of speech.
  4. Enter the word(s) on the answer sheet in the form in which the word is used in the sentence.

For example:

AT 3.From sentences No.... write down words with prefixes that cannot be changed in writing.

There are times when a book lying peacefully on our shelf quietly loses its charm. She blends in with others.

The type of tasks “Spelling prefixes that do not change in writing” includes the following frequently encountered formulations:

  • From sentences No. ... write down the word(s), in the PRESENTATION of which the last consonant sound is deafened, but does not change in writing.”

Most prefixes in Russian are unchangeable, i.e. Regardless of the sound in one position or another, they are written uniformly.


called out, stop, sediment, go numb


get there, get there, guess


belief, courtyard, cut, rely


boil, gap, trick, grow


in a special meaning: great-grandmother, proto-language


attack, cover, overtake


wonder, prisoner, pick up, hammer


bite, crack, inscribe, tear


melt, sharpen, suggest, wait

OT- (OTO-)

give away, rest, move aside, open

OB- (OBO-)

trim, grind, wipe, go around

V- (VO-)

to your heart's content, to sew in, to cling to, to involve


chairman, predecessor, predetermine


humus, overflow, distortion


move, stray, save, bend

REMEMBER! That prefixes ending in a voiced consonant can be deafened before a voiceless consonant.

REMEMBER! What prefixes ending in a voiceless consonant can do before a voiced consonant?


Hyphenated prefixes

  1. Remember that only in adverbs the prefix is ​​written with a hyphen: the prefix PO- (if the word has the suffixes –OMU; -EMU; -I), the prefix B- (VO-) (if the word has the suffixes –ИХ; -ИХ)
  2. In these sentences, underline (or write out) the words written with a hyphen.
  3. Analyze the highlighted words: why a hyphen is written in them (the presence of the prefixes PO-; V- (VO-)
  4. Write down the found word on the answer form in the form in which it is given in the sentence.

We reason :

1. We remembered that the hyphen in prefixes is written only in adverbs with the prefix PO-; V- (VO-)

2. Write out the words written with a hyphen from the sentence. Just one word: in your own way.

3. This word answers the question: how?, has the prefix PO- and the suffix –OMU.

4. We write the word “in our own way” on the answer form.

The type of tasks “Spelling hyphenated prefixes” includes the following formulations:

  • From sentences No. ... write down the word(s), the spelling of the prefix in which depends on the presence of a certain suffix

Task 4 (from exam texts 2017)

On...W, or...N

The prefix C- is not included in this group.

1) “In prefixes ending in -Z and -S, Z is written before voiced consonants, and S is written before voiceless consonants.”

2) the spelling of the prefix depends ondeafness - the sonority of the subsequent consonant.

Ras said, is scared, demon selfish, Sun remember , vz ditches, once valine, Sun remembers Sun remembered once thinking demon then, demon verbal, races saying, races said races demand, is spoiled once talk demon controversial, races said sun praise from pampering races are falling, races wanted races cut, races grabbed is was scared races get angry sun sang once poured times broken, races prints, once having returned, is skinny, times they were transporting races got lost is spoiled races got lost demon turning, races tyral, times given, races laughed races become, demon honest, not races spent, vz raised, races was lost. races put, is plowed without sonorously from pampering, without difference, vz breathed

1) In the word TOLD, the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the rule: “In prefixes ending in Z and S, Z is written before voiced consonants, and S before voiceless consonants.”

The word UNKNOWN does not contain the prefix IZ.

(Source: unknown

2) “calms” the prefix U

3) will burn – with – unchangeable prefix,

4) distance – no adj.

The prefix is ​​always written the same way, regardless of pronunciation.

Unchangeable prefix (+s-)

O circled for earlier, With below, from cut, V soon, With sting With burning, With held on (the sound is ringing out)

There is no prefix in the word hide(sya) - secretive.


1) the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by itsmeaning “incompleteness of action”, “approximation”, “attachment”,"location near something"

at got under way, at ran, at squinted, at creating at was driving at walked at walk, at has stopped, at goes, at quiet, at walks, at dressed up, at raised at rushed at led at send, at walk, at open, at sat down at opening, at did, at walked at Brezhny, at wing, races got lost at raised at stung at walked, at station, // at slowed down at got up, at bedspreads, at carried, at picked up at huddling, at ran at pressing, at stopped at floats. at squinted, at has stopped, at cut, at forged (attached), at city ​​(located nearby)

Word " dried up"in this context, the synonym has frozen, frozen, there is no incompleteness of action in this word.

At carry – “approaching”


The prefix "PO" is written with a hyphen in adverbs with the suffix -OMU, -EMU: By -summer, By -to another.


From stress

- (42) Fi! - Lyovka whistled. - (43) What a crybaby! Just think - the red cat is missing!

(44) Several more days passed like this. (45) All the neighbors joined in the search for the cat, and the unfortunate Marya Pavlovna became completely desperate and fell ill with a heart attack.

3. From sentences 1-5, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “incompleteness of action.”

(1) She appeared before Alexei’s gaze one evening, at the hour of his frantic attack of pain, and did not pass by, she lingered. (2) Pryakhin found out later that Aunt Grunya works not as an orderly, not as a nurse, but as a watchman, she sits at the entrance, and after her shift she goes around the hospital wards to give someone some water, to tuck someone in with a cold cloth blanket, although no one tells her about this asked. (3) But is it really necessary to ask when there is war, when people need compassion more than bread? (4) And the illiterate old woman wandered between the beds in the evenings, fluffing pillows, putting compresses on her hot, puffy foreheads and saying, pronouncing some words, either lulling them to sleep, or telling some magical fairy tale.

(5) Just like that, she entered Alexey’s gaze, into his dilated pupils with pain, put her palm to her cheek, somehow leaned comfortably on her elbow, stood for a minute, sighed and leaned towards Pryakhin, unexpectedly strongly, but carefully raised his head with one hand, and the other fluffed the pillow.

4. From sentences 19-24, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “Approaching”.

(19) Listen to your feelings, observe the world around you and write. (20) But write as you feel and as you see, and not as other poets, even the most brilliant ones, felt and saw before you. (21) Be independent in art, bring something new. (22) This can be learned. (23) And then the inexhaustible world of true poetry will open before you. (24) It will become easier for you to breathe. (2) It was small and flat. (3) The waves did not crash onto the low shore, but quietly and leisurely crawled onto the sand and just as slowly and silently rolled away, leaving a white edge of foam on the sand.

7. From sentences 30-34, write down the word in which the prefix has the meaning of joining.

(30) One day Evgenia Ivanovna could not stand it and decided to penetrate the mysterious life of her student. (31) After the bell rang, she slipped out of the classroom after Kosta and, hiding behind the backs of passers-by, walked him home. (32) Kosta disappeared into the entrance and appeared again five minutes later. (33) Without even noticing his teacher, he rushed past, and Zhenechka hurried after him.

(34) In the next house, on the first floor, a boy was sick - he was bedridden.

8. From sentences 1-17, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “location nearby.”

1) One spring day, a passenger train roared and clanged through the suburbs of Tokyo. (2) Our carriage was relatively empty - several housewives with children and elderly people were traveling in it.

(3) At the next station, the doors of the carriage opened, and suddenly the calm was disturbed by a man who literally burst into our carriage, shouting curses. (4) He was of large build, dressed in overalls. (5) Having shouted something, he walked towards the woman with the child with a belligerent look.

(6) The train started moving, the passengers in the carriage froze in fear. (7) I got up. (8) Then, twenty years ago, I was young and in good athletic shape. (9) For the last three years I have been regularly practicing aikido - Japanese wrestling. (10) I liked this fight, but my training was not tested in a real battle.

(1) Between the two villages stretches a mighty slope.

(2) One day, perhaps one of the most secretive animals, the white-breasted marten, settled in the thicket of the slope. (3) Soon she had children.

10. From sentences 1-4, write down the word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the suffix.

(1) The climb up the road leading to the house was steep. (2) Kirill stopped, jumped out of the saddle and walked along the warm asphalt sidewalk, holding the bicycle by the handlebars. (3) It was deserted, small daisies were blooming in a roadside ditch, and a bumblebee was buzzing in the grass near the wooden fence, just like summer.(27)—Nothing. (28) Of course you didn’t. (29) But there are also bitter examples... (30) Look. - (31) She took out a stack of photographs from her desk drawer, found the photo she needed and handed it to Kirill.

12. From sentences 41-44, write down a word with an invariable prefix, the consonant sound in which is voiced.

- (41) Your father is probably proud. (42) “Mine would be terribly surprised if I did something like that,” Kostya smiled.

(43) Nika became gloomy. (44) The temptation to tell Kostya about her father’s indifference, misunderstanding, and loneliness was great, but at the last moment Nika restrained herself: there was no need to throw out her grievances.


It is necessary to remember that Most prefixes in Russian are unchangeable. That is, they are always written the same way. In any words.

For example:
O- : run around, stop, change your mind
y- : take away, ran away, calm down
before- : survive, reach, delivery
By- : run, courtyard, look
pro- : ride, space, view
pra- : used in the meaning of “distant degree of relationship”: great-grandmother, proto-language
on the- : attack, cover, press
behind- : close, prisoner, confuse
over- (must-): bite, inscription, tear
under- (sub-): swim up, suggest, wait
from- (oto-): give away, move away, open
about-(about-): to fly around, to wipe around, to go around
in- (in-): plenty, up, involve
You- : catch, exit, survive
pre- (pre-): preference, prejudge, warn
re-: break, overflow, distortion
s- (co-): move, get off, bend(be careful, there is only the prefix s-, no prefix z-)

! Borrowed foreign language prefixes are also unchangeable:

Dez: misinform
counter-: counter argument
trans-: transatlantic
post-: postmodernism
sub- : subculture
super-: superhero
pan-: pan-European


In the Russian language there are several small groups of prefixes that do change under certain conditions. In other words, their spelling depends on something. Let's look at these groups of prefixes.

1. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the deafness/voicing of the subsequent consonant.

What does it mean?

If after a prefix from this group we see a voiced consonant, then at the end of the prefix we write -z, and if it is voiceless, then, accordingly, -s.

This includes the so-called prefixes with -з, - с, there are exactly six of them:

Without-/without- unemployed, immortal
times-/dis- scattered, dissolve
sun-/sun- (sun-/sun-) return, sigh, climb
from-/is- avoid, fright
bottom-/bottom- to overthrow, descend
through-/through- (through-/through-) excessive, excessive

2. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the lexical meaning.

These are consoles pre-/pri-.

In order to do right choice prefixes, you need to understand what meaning it brings to the word.

So, what meanings are typical for each prefix:

a) Meanings of the prefix pre:

1) The meaning of the highest degree of quality. Simply put, this meaning is equal to the meaning of the word Very.

For example: beautiful, exaggerate, surpass, calm.

2) A meaning close to the meaning of the prefix re- (it should be understood that in such cases the prefix pre- can not always be replaced by the prefix re-, the similarity of their meanings is important here)

For example: interrupt, criminal, teacher, transform, obstacle.

b) Prefix values ​​for:

1) “approximation”

For example: come, come

2) “accession”

For example: sew, glue

3) “non-action”, that is, incomplete action, close to the meaning of “slightly”

For example: cover, sit down,

4) “completed action”, that is, completed

For example: invent, prepare

5) “closeness to something,” that is, “near”

For example: coastal, roadside

3. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the stress.

This group includes prefixes:
race-/ros (time-/rose-)
If you have not forgotten, these prefixes also belong to the first group, therefore they have the spelling option - z/-s.

Without an accent, the letter A is written in them, but with an accent... - there is no problem with the accent, what we hear is what we write, as a rule, it is the letter O.

For example: painting, schedule, conversation, search.


To correctly complete spelling tasks for prefixes, you need to know two more rules:

1. About the choice of Y-I after prefixes in words with roots with the first letter I.

After a prefix ending in a consonant, Y is written at the root if this prefix is ​​of Russian origin.

For example: unprincipled, find, play out, become unimaginative (from the word frost)

Exceptions: Russian prefixes INTERMEZH- (inter-institutional, Y is impossible after F!) and SVERH- (superintelligence) and the whole word TAKE.

After a prefix of non-Russian origin, that is, borrowed (most often from Latin), the letter I is retained in the root.
