School graduations on the theme of space. "Space travel into the future." Scenario for graduation party in kindergarten. Necessary attributes for the holiday


Children enter the hall and dance...

The presenter enters

Leading: What kind of show is this?

What kind of noisy fun?

Why did you come here

Are you completely, completely alone?

Child: We wanted to play, frolic, scream.

And dance here for the last time with your toys!

Child: After all, the time has come for us all to say goodbye to childhood,

Because we have to get ready for school.

Leading: Why did you rush and didn’t open the script?

Everything goes in order in it: dancing, games and riddles,

Congratulations and flowers of unprecedented beauty.

Child: Today, out of excitement, we forgot all the poems,

They were just preschool children, and now they are students.

Child: We dressed up today and are excited in the morning,

That’s why we slightly forgot about the script.

Child: I have a proposal!

All. Which?

Child: Overcome your anxiety

everyone should leave the hall together,

Let's start our holiday all over again.

Children leave the hall and prepare for the fashion show

Fanfare sounds

Leading: Sound, fanfares and trumpets!

The children are rushing to the joyful holiday.

Today we are taking the kids to school,

It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten!

Leading: Meet the most fun and unique graduates of 2013

The best kindergarten in the city of Krasnodar.

Solemn music sounds, children enter the hall in groups

Child: There are various holidays throughout the year,
And today is our holiday:
We are almost first graders,
A bright, spacious classroom awaits us.

Child: For many, many years in a row, we went to kindergarten, and now we have grown up, it’s time for us to go to school.

Child: And the parents sit on the sidelines,
And they look at us with excitement,
It's like everyone saw it for the first time
Your boys have grown up.

Child: We are flying away today, Like birds from a nest. It's a pity we have to say goodbye to kindergarten forever.

Child: In September other children

A new one will come to the group.

Well, we'll close the doors,

Great things await us

Child: We promise not to be lazyDon't shout or play pranks, Be diligent in your studies, Don't let kindergarten down.

Song "Magic Land of Childhood"

Child: With tender sadness "Goodbye"!

Let's tell the group we are dear.

You and I never parted

Only on weekends.

Child: There were construction workers here.

Doctors and tailors.

In our bedroom hundreds of times

We rested during a quiet time.

Child: Setting the table for dinner

Learned etiquette

And they drew in albums

House, trees and dawn.

Child: Gathered in this hall

We are on holidays more than once,

They sang songs, danced,

Polka, minuet and waltz.

Child: Let's say "Goodbye" to the garden!

A school country is waiting for us

And homework

And fun things to do.

Child: And today is the farewell day,

We will not be discouraged! We will always remember kindergarten with a kind word!

Song "Ding - ding kindergarten"

Leading: Guys, would you like to look into the future and find out what awaits you ahead? The stars will tell you about this...

Children: Yes!

Star: I see your future clearly

Everything in your life will be great!

Guys, we'll have to work

Try and study a lot!

A wonderful road awaits you,

Walking along it, you will learn a lot!

But this will happen a little later,

Now an unusual guest will come to you!

Enter the Little Prince

A little prince:Hello guys!

I am the Little Prince from Star Country.

Ask the stars and the moon about it,

This is an unusual country -

In the glare of bright light.

I look at the stars in the night sky,
I'll tell you everything about the secrets of the stars.
Smile at these stars
Share your dream.

Child: There is a rumor among children

What is there in the universe, the planet Dream!

All desires, dreams and worries are on it

Quietly waiting for its incarnation!

Everything you can dream about will come true there!

And we would like to visit it.

A little prince.These are the words of real dreamers!

We will definitely get to this planet!
My stars will help you with this. They will show the way to the planet!

Stars dance"

Child : What are we going to fly on?

A little prince:I will help you. I will give you a magical starship.

Feel free to take flight on it. Bon Voyage!

Game "Get ready to fly"

Flight melody


Child: Look, we're flying to a wonderful planet

We don't know its name.

Or maybe we need this planet?

What surprises is she preparing?

Child: We have arrived on the planet “Childhood”!

She's always in the neighborhood.

Adults often visit her in dreams,

And they dream of going back to childhood again.

Performance of the Kids.

1 baby: We put on our dresses and washed our cheeks,

They became beautiful and hurried to you.

2 baby: We are funny, funny,

You were like that too,

We'll grow up a little

We will also come to your school.

3 baby:. We promise you guys,

what would happen without you in my native garden?

We won't break flowers

Let's save all the toys!

Toddler teacher: We also wish you that you study with A's! And today, as a farewell, we’ll invite you to dance!

Pair dance with graduates

Graduates give toys to kids in the group

Flight melody



What surprises is she preparing?

Child: This planet is called a Fairy Tale,

All good fairy tales live comfortably here.

Child: There on unknown paths

Traces of unseen beasts,

The hut is there, on chicken legs

It stands without windows, without doors.

Guys, this is the Planet of Fairy Tales. We're landing.

Dance of fairy-tale heroes

Flight melody


Child: Look, look, what a planet!

There is no end or edge in sight!

An unknown planet is on our way,

We can find a lot of interesting things here.

Aliens appear.

Aliens: Who you are? And what are you doing on our planet?

Child: We are earthlings, we are going to school.

Child: Today we say goodbye to kindergarten

Aliens: What is a kindergarten, what is a school?

Child: We'll tell you now.

Song "I will"

Aliens: You guys are funny

We don't want to let you go

we want to play with you.


Aliens: What else can you do?

Child: We can also dance!

"Dance of Seeds"

Aliens: Well, we can do that too, would you like us to teach you our dances?Come out quickly!

Dance with aliens

Leading: Thank you. It was a lot of fun with you, but it’s time for us to hit the road and look for the planet “Dreams”.

Flight melody

Child: A planet appeared ahead.

What awaits us here? How do we know this?

Perhaps we need this planet,

What surprises is she preparing?


(English and French)

Flight melody


Child: Look, we are flying to a wonderful planet. We don’t know its name. Or maybe we need this planet? What surprises is she preparing?

Child: "Planet of Colors" welcomes the guys!

Oh, how we loved to draw in the garden.

We painted with paints and crayons,

And they were very proud of their deeds.

Children appear on stage: a boy and paints.

Child: They gave me beautiful and bright colors.

I am, of course, very happy about this gift.

But what paint should I choose for the picture?

To give it to your beloved mother?

Yellow paint: The yellow sun is shining in the sky,

And the yellow dandelion laughs,

The yellow chicken shed its shells

Mom's skirt is yellow.

Blue paint: The blue sea plays with waves,

Blue sky right above us

Blue shadows lay on the sand.

And the blue - blue cornflower blossomed!

Red paint: Red poppies grow in the meadow,

Red berries in a coniferous forest,

Our guys have red cheeks,

Red balls fly into the sky.

White paint: White snow on the fields,

White lilacs on the bushes,

White teeth in my mouth

Any doctor wears a white coat.

Green paint: Green grass is a spring carpet,

Green leaves are for trees.

The green grasshopper sings a song,

A green cucumber is growing in the garden.

Dance “Let's paint all the planets”

Flight melody


Child: A planet appeared ahead.

What awaits us here? How do we know this?

Perhaps we need this planet,

What surprises is she preparing?

Child: Planet of Health meets us all,

The residents who live there are simply top class!

Strong, healthy, dexterous, skillful,

Everyone is very cheerful, kind and brave.

Children - athletes come out and read poetry:

Child: We are brave, and strong, and dexterous

Sports are always on the way,

The guys are not afraid of training -

Let your heart beat in your chest.

Child: Health, strength, agility -

This is a fiery testament to sports.

Let's show our friendship, courage

We send our greetings to happy starts!

Child: Temper your young body,

Achieve greater heights

Develop courage and will in yourself

Sports will help us.

Child: It will not be easy to argue for each of our records.

We believe in one thing sincerely and sacredly:

All those who love sports, all those who believe in sports -

Reliable guys!

Sports dance "Not children's time"

Flight melody

Child: We've been on the road for a long time,

But the Planet of Dreams could not be found.

Perhaps there is a planet of dreams there,

Where sweet dreams I often had!

Where the windows look out onto our street,

Where mom cooks semolina porridge in the morning!

Child: Where every morning we went to our garden,

Where everyone was very happy to see us.

Where will we gather for school?

Gain skills and knowledge.

Let's keep our course towards the light of the stars!

Let's go, the Planet of Dreams awaits us!

Flight melody

Educator: The birch trees in the yard are sad at this farewell hour.
All of you will go to first grade in September.

Educator: Take backpacks, primers, notebooks, diaries.
And the song will be sung loudly, school bells ring for you.

Child: Each of us is very happy today
We all sing, and with us the birds
The last time we came to kindergarten,
We came to say goodbye to you forever.

Child: You see, we have grown an inch,
You see, we have matured a little.
For my very first school lesson
We'll be carrying our briefcases soon.

Child: Our kindergarten, goodbye,
Our dear, beloved home!
But we don't cry goodbye -
We're going to school tomorrow!

Child: We will sit down at our desks boldly,
And let's open the ABC books.
Write on the blackboard with chalk
The letters are the first ones.

All: Hello, hello, first class,
Teach us to learn.

Song of first graders

Educator: I see that the kids have an idea about studying at school, but are their parents ready? Let's check it now! Let's all say the words of the sacred oath of parents of first-graders together!
You must say YES or NO loudly and clearly!

1. Will we always help children with their studies? - Yes!
2. So that the school is proud of its children? - Yes!
3. Are you not afraid of leapfrog tasks? - No!
4. Are formulas to remember nonsense for you? - Yes!
5. We swear to never hit children! - Yes!
6. Just scold a little sometimes? - Yes!
7. Let's be calm, like water in a river? - Yes!
8. Will we be as wise as a star in the sky? - Yes!

Educator: Well, I see that parents are already ready for school! Well done!

Child: Now the time has come to say “Goodbye!”

But we won’t be sad anyway.

Today I want to go to the farewell party

Just say a kind “THANK YOU”!

Child: We will remember more than once that kind planet,

Where sunrises meet the rays of the eyes.

Child: Where are the sunny dreams, where are the starry paths,

Where you can hear laughs and sadness in the songs.

Child: Here the clouds are not visible, here it’s crowded with smiles,

The planet of Childhood lives to the singing of Spring!

To the music, children walk around in pairs in a circle of honor.


Scenario "Parade of Planets 2014".

1. A cosmic melody sounds. (background)

(poems are heard behind the scenes)

Slide No. 1 School

Presenter. In the wide world, in the noisy sea
Among the voices and destinies of people
The stars will show the way to the holiday,
Where do you say goodbye to school?

Leading. All exams have been passed, worries are over,
Each was accompanied by a sign given by God.
What is bequeathed by fate, everything, of course, will come true,
And the wise Zodiac will help with this.

2. Fanfare as the presenters exit

Presenter. Today is an unusual holiday - a celebration of youth and beauty, friendship and fidelity.

1. A celebration of music and dance, love and hope, a celebration of ballroom dresses and elegant costumes...

2. A holiday that our graduates were looking forward to.

1. And not because school ends with him, but because there is no more exciting moment in school life than the last time you enter the walls of your native school as its student, and emerge as an independent, adult person.

Presenter. Today, together with the graduates of 2014, we will take a space journey across the starry sky.

1. They say that every person is the whole world, the whole Universe. Or a planet, no less.

2 Sometimes there is a parade of planets in outer space. We will see such a parade too.
1. So, pay attention! The parade of planets begins!

Presenter: We are pleased to welcome the most desirable passengers of the 2014 graduates on our spaceliner “Dream”!

Slide No. 2 Photos of graduates

The heroes of the holiday are now very excited. So support them now with your applause!

3. The exit of the graduates sounds.






















2:. We are pleased to welcome you on board a unique spaceship

Slide No. 3 Cosmoliner

1. The duration of the journey will be 11 sidereal years. The temperature outside is 30 degrees above zero, on board 23-25 ​​degrees above zero.

2: During the parade of planets it is prohibited: to be bored; eject before landing at 21.00. according to cosmic time;

1 .Have you seen the night sky? Well, of course you saw it! What a luxurious, mesmerizing picture! How brightly the stars shine! But if the stars light up, it means someone needs it.
2 . They say that every person is the whole world, the whole Universe. One can argue with this. So let’s focus on the fact that every person is a star, and nothing less.
Presenter. And sometimes in outer space there is a parade of planets, and such
You and I will see the parade today.

4. It sounds “If you really want to, you can fly into space”

Presenter: Attention! Attention! The parade of planets is opened by the commander of the intergalactic training center for the young generation, head of the flight control center for the future, Stanislav Ivanovich Vorontsov.


Presenter 1: Dear participants of this amazing event! Our instruments show within our visibility range the Planet of Childhood. Please tune in to the wave of memories.

Slide No. 4 Planet of Childhood

2: Between adulthood and childhood

There are no bridges and no fairy tales.

Remains to you as an inheritance

Only the memory of these years.

1. Eh, I’d like to take a dip again

In the carefree years of childhood

And reach with your hand

Fairy-tale planets are yours!

2. Your childhood is floating away,

Like squadrons of brigantines,

Leaving you as an inheritance

Memory of solar pictures.

1. You will be reminded more than once

That good planet

Where with the rays of the eyes

There are dawns.

2 .Where are the sunny dreams,

Where are the star paths?

Where in songs are you heard like that?

Laughs and sadness.

They believe in magic here

Here they are friends with miracles

All fairy tales come true

They come to visit themselves.

Presenter. There are no clouds visible here,

It's crowded with smiles here.

Sail of love

"Planet of Childhood" is flying

6.Children’s dance “Flashmob”

After the dance, immediately the words of the first graders.

1.I wish all graduates

Start your morning with exercises,

And don’t upset either dad or mom,

And my health was fine.

2. I want to develop my brain

So that thought always flows through them.

And study and work only for five!

Without giving in to difficulties!

3. I wish not to lose my enthusiasm,

Do not be discouraged in any trouble!

And then life will give you a high five!

Revealing the rainbow above you.

4.What more could I wish for...

Let your life be sung like a song.

Even in the heat, and in the cold and in the blizzard

Only kindness flows from the heart!

5. There is preparation in life,
Skill and dexterity
And God did not offend you with your mind.
Health is strength
And so that there is happiness,
You must achieve it through hard work.

7. The children are leaving.

Presenter: You took your first steps on the planet of childhood on September 1st, back in 2003.

2: For many of you, this day is associated with noise, a crowd of children, flowers and music.

1: Some of you consider this day the most exciting and responsible in your life, because everything around was new, unknown.

Presenter: And someone was amazed by the beauty, youth and kindness of their first teacher. What a pity that these unforgettable moments remained in the distant wonderful past.

Video No. 1 (From disk)

Dear graduates, your first teachers Galina Sergeevna Bykova and Natalya Yurievna Kovaleva congratulate you.

Slide No. 5.1 class

(come on stage with bouquets)

1. Golden autumn reigned,
Everything in the world made us happy.
And fragrant with the smell of flowers,
A playful wind called us to class.

2. 11 years flew by in a blink.
As if in a fairy tale, the days have passed,
From the time when I was timid
We came to school for the first time.

3. Galina Sergeevna and Natalya Yuryevna. You led us along the roads of knowledge,
They gave us a lot of effort and work.
And your tender care and attention
Our hearts will never forget.

8. The exit and departure of the first teachers.

Presenter: We are heading for a planet called “Intelligence”.

Slide No. 6 Certificates

Dear passengers, prepare for a spacewalk. To meet graduates at the airport CERTIFICATES. The school director S.I. Vorontsov is invited to the stage. and Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Stodolina S.V.

Presentation Presentation of certificates.

Chernyshev Andrey

Kucheryavykh Anna

Akimov Sergey

Roskoshanskaya Yulia

Gorbachev Victor

Korosteleva Lyubov

Nekrasov Alexander

Avrorova Natalya

Barannikova Sofia

Grishchenko Alexander

Gaidukova Ekaterina

Grudinkin Dmitry

Pashkova Natalya

Polovinkin Vadim

Budyakova Ekaterina

Stepantsova Anastasia

Bondar Mikhail

Lupilins Elizaveta and Ekaterina

Sukhorukova Anastasia

Pashkova Ekaterina

Shein Evgeniy

Abrosimov Prokhor


Presentation of certificates.

10. Cosmic music sounds.

Presenter. Attention attention! Please take your seats! Ahead of us is the amazing spectacle “Starry Rain”. We invite you to relax and watch the stars dance.

Slide No. 7. Stars

11. Waltz of graduates.

1: Our flight continues. Having passed through the amazing “Star Rain”, we are heading to the noisiest, funniest planet populated by schoolchildren called “Alma Mater”.

Slide number 8.

2: Explanation from the logbook: “Alma mater” means “mother of learning” in Greek. The planet is mysterious, its uniqueness lies in the fact that every inhabitant of the galaxy makes a stop on it at least once in their life (some for a year, some for 11 years, and some for a lifetime).

Presenter: School No. 4 has become an alma mater for all of you, many of you consider it a second home, a childhood home, a place where you acquired the necessary knowledge and precious life experience, learned to be self-confident, achieve your goals, believe in friendship...

2: The indigenous inhabitants of this planet, star magicians and wizards are teachers.

Presenter: And I think that most of you in the future would be happy to entrust the upbringing of your children to us, your teachers. This is a high assessment of the work of our teaching staff.

1: On the planet “Alma Mater,” parting words and wishes of mentors are traditionally heard.

Presenter: (I go to the hall) Now our teachers will say just one word of wish, but they will form a big and good instruction.

12 The undertone sounds.

Teachers: We wish you: good luck, happiness,….


4.Not far behind the forests

Wizards live now.

They come to school with us -

Or rather, a little earlier than us.

5. Is it snowing, is autumn rustling,

Plucking yellow leaves

They always bring with them

And they generously give us spring!

6. We rediscovered them

Both the starry world and the distance of the Earth.

They inspired us with a dream,

Hearts were lit with courage.

We understand, we see for ourselves,

How dear to them is any of our class,

How difficult it can be for them with us

And how even more difficult it is without us.

Our teachers!

We say thank you!

There will always be Earth

Your work makes it beautiful!

So that our release is remembered,

And he was especially bright,

Today, at the farewell hour,

We give you a dance as a gift.

13. Boys’ dance “Lucky, lucky”

(Boys say words)

7. Dear our teachers!
You had a lot of trouble with us.
And you only dreamed of peace every night.
Everything passed like fog over a cold river,
And now you won’t be able to, you won’t be able to help.

8. Everything is given only once in this crazy life,
Now we cannot correct our mistakes.
Everything is given only once, my teacher, dear,
Bless you on the road and happiness!

9. The head teacher at our school is strict and fair.
She always kept order at school,
So that the student is not late for lessons,
Moreover, God have mercy, I didn’t miss it.

10. So that you study the entire school curriculum,
At the institute, so that the handkerchief does not get wet with tears.
If science was given to us

This is Svetlana Vasilievna’s merit!

11. Stanislav Ivanovich!

You have always been an example for us
Intelligence and honor, strength and patience.
And in these sad farewell moments
We want to confess to you that you were loved.

12. Thank you for everything and we wish you
So that work gives you joy,
And so that everything in life is wonderful
You deserve it. We know that!

Handing the photo to the director

Presenter. Dear graduates, you can thank your teachers and dance a slow dance with them.

14. “Goodbye school” sounds

(graduates present bouquets and dance with teachers)

15. Cosmic music sounds.

Presenter. To the right of the course is a planet called “Restless Hearts.”

Slide number 9.

Its residents are active participants in school activities: special holidays, festivals, rallies and concerts. And we are greeted by the beautiful inhabitants of this planet

16. Dance “Lambada”

Presenter. The inhabitants of this planet are active participants in school activities: special holidays, festivals, rallies and concerts. Today, the members of the school's dance group will leave this planet forever. And they present to you the graduation dance.

17.Dance of dancers.

Presenter presentation of diplomas from the dance studio.


Presenter. The planet "Restless Hearts" has a satellite planet "Sports Olympus". It is inhabited by surprisingly strong, dexterous and fast people, whose motto is the words “Sitius, altius, fortius” (faster, higher, stronger).

And we welcome the guys who defended the sporting honor of the school: Sergey Akimov, Dmitry Grudinkin, Victor Gorbachev, Alexander Nekrasov, Maxim Petrov, Vadim Polovinkin.

This planet has a small satellite “Inspiration” and its permanent residents are two Katyas, two stars who helped out the school. Our singers Katya Gaidukova and Katya Budyakova.

And also the planet of inspiration has a satellite “extreme”, the inhabitants of this satellite are Andrey Chernyshev, Alexander Nekrasov, Prokhor Abrosimov, Sergey Akimov. During the year we participated in intellectual projects in the Kursk region.

Transfer of cups.

Presenter. We thought for a long time about how to thank you all at once, and decided to use the services of an intergalactic prediction service.

I will ask you to very carefully eat the cookie it contains a fortune.

19. Girls come out with juice and cookies in bags.

Presenter. In the bags you will find cookies with fortune telling . And in boxes The elixir of luck, you need to drink it to the end, and then all your plans will definitely come true.


The presenter reads out the predictions.

Presenter. And now is the most important moment. Take the bags in your hands and turn around with the bag around you, tie the ribbons. In this bag the most valuable treasure of our evening is its atmosphere. Keep this atmosphere in your memory and in your hearts.

21. Cosmic music sounds.

1: Dear travelers! We safely crossed the meteor shower zone.

The warmest planet of our galaxy is ahead - “Parental Care”.

At the moment, there is an extraordinary silence on the planet - children who have suddenly grown up are about to leave it... Moms and dads will have a completely different life, different worries.

Presenter: One wise man was asked: What is happiness? He replied: “This is when I am young at heart, when love is near me, when my parents are healthy.”

The floor is given to parents of graduates.

22.parents exit .

Parents' speech.

23. “London minus” sounds

Graduates leaving:

24. The background “My feelings” sounds

A response from graduates to parents

25. The song for parents “Mom and Dad” plays until the end! (don’t turn it off)

Budyakova, Gaidukova and Grishchenko sing

Presenting flowers to parents.

26. Cosmic music background.

Presenter 1:

Attention! We are starting to accept unique exhibits for our intergalactic museum.

27.Museum substrate.

An assistant with a tray approaches the graduates


My school diary, which is especially valuable due to the many autographs from the class teacher.


A super cheat sheet that will warm the soul of any graduate during the exam. An exclusive version, an original work, can be used in several exams at the same time.


Please note: a photograph of my first invention in the field of space exploration. This exhibit will acquire particular value in the near future, when I become a famous scientist-inventor.


I'm tearing it from my heart. A universal notebook for seventeen academic subjects, designed for 2 years of study. It can easily replace a 5 kg briefcase for a high school student.


A unique magical remedy - growth vitamins, which allowed me to become a giant in a short time. Please pass this on to children who dream of growing up.


I want to leave the school a talisman that has been tested by more than one generation of graduates - a nickel for good luck. Place it in your shoe under the right heel and you are guaranteed a high score on the Unified State Exam.


The first note with a declaration of love with a declaration of love to a wonderful stranger, thanks to whom I unexpectedly began to write poetry.


My exhibit requires careful attention and careful care. These are stingy male tears shed on the day of farewell to school.


You will be able to see these exhibits on the day of the alumni meeting 10 years later.

28. Cosmic childhood music sounds

Presenter: Our parade of planets continues. Ahead is the planet of declarations of love.

1 led. Many peoples have a belief that with the birth of a person on
a new star is born in the sky. It's probably true.

2 ved. Apparently, this is why people’s lives are so similar to the lives of stars: some are dim
flicker, others burn evenly, others sparkle brightly.

1 ved. But it should be noted that a person, if desired, can enhance the shine
your star. No wonder they say: “Light up your star!”

2 ved. But lighting a star is one thing, but making it unquenchable is another.

1 led. Yes, you are absolutely right. Therefore, the profession of a teacher can be compared with the profession of an astronomer. How important it is to consider, notice, see
Every person has a personality...

2 ved. And a person who is inherent in this, who has the gift of sincere love for children, is undoubtedly a class teacher...

Presenter For a long time, your class teacher Lyudmila Mikhailovna Korsunova was with you. And now we give her the floor.

29. Exit of the class teacher.

Speech by the class teacher.


30. Romeo and Juliet background sounds

The graduates line up in a semicircle and say the words.

LAST Gaidukova. Our school years have come to an end. We became one and friendly family, and even if there were disagreements between us, we still love each other. Now we are overwhelmed with feelings. Lyudmila Mikhailovna you are a part of each of us. Let me hug you with all my heart.

Then the ribbons are rolled out.

Dear Lyudmila Mikhailovna, our invisible connections with you have become visible, no matter where we are on the globe, we will be connected by an invisible thread.

But we need to be released.

Cut the threads connecting us to childhood and release us into adulthood.


31.Song for the class teacher

Katya Budyakova sings

32. Cosmic music sounds.


We are approaching the next planet emitting a warm glow - "Warm Hearts".

33. The backing candle sounds

1: Today's quiet summer evening seems to prophesy a clear and happy destiny for all graduates entering life.

2: How you want all your dreams and desires to come true.

And so that for each of you beyond the school threshold in the beautiful distance, everything will be fine.

Presenter The hearts of teachers and parents burn with the fire of love and kindness, and this fire flared up in this hall. And the sparks of this fire encourage people to become better and strive for high goals.

The candle will go out. But the fire lit in your hearts will be an eternal reminder that life is amazing and beautiful and that you, the Class of 2014

Graduates light candles and stand in a circle.

You gathered in a circle,

And remembering the past

The candle is burning, dreams are foggy

It's hard to believe goodbye

Hearts are burning, burning with fire

But the wise candle cries, shedding tears.

The candle will melt without difficulty,

You will fly away in all directions,

But don't forget the evening

June evening.

Don't hide your feelings today,

Wish your friend happiness.

See you in the future, friends,

See you soon!

Together: goodbye, school! And blew out the candles!

Presenter. And now guys, you have the last opportunity to say goodbye to each other.

34. “Separation” sounds

Presenter 1: Dear graduates! Our school galaxy has become too small for you and it’s time for you to go to the other edge of your Universe, to other planets, stars and worlds. Our parade of planets has come to an end.

13. The constellations are blinking ahead...
And somewhere nearby your star is flying.
Listen, the stars are shining
Not for sleepy gloomy apartments.

14.Listen, there aren’t that many stars!
Everyone can easily count them in childhood.
I see a star road in the sky.
Through it, perhaps, childhood will slip away...

15. Childhood remains with us until tomorrow.
How I want to extend it... And may I have another hundred years left to live...
But there is no longer a place for us in this fairy tale...

16. We are all sad that we are leaving the school house,
Where our childhood and youth went, where we matured and grew up.

17. We studied, rejoiced, sang,
They were lazy and looked out the window.

18.The dictation was written with errors,
We took exams with Spurs.

19. The teachers groaned from us,
With a creak the "troikas" were displayed,

20. And although they loved teachers, they sometimes scolded them behind their backs,
Because they sometimes tortured us, turning us into Einsteins.
21.And we loved to walk,
They were smoking in the bushes behind the school,
22.We fell in love for the first time at school,
We had fun at discos
23.We became friends with each other in class.
As individuals, we have developed here.
24.Now all this is behind us,
And how much work, searching and worries will lie ahead?
25.And we, of course, will be lucky!
All our dreams will come true,
And school will not be forgotten.
Together: And we will never forget our school years!

35. Final song “It was just our graduation with you”

1 So all the warm words have been said,
Good parting words were given,
It's time to part ways,
She is full of joy and sadness...

2 Life has many paths,
And it is difficult to choose the right path.
May the road be difficult
Let her be happy!

Ved. And may luck be with you
Walking along that road
If you don't forget about honor,
You will be on your way with your dreams.

Together. Good luck, dear graduates!

36. It sounds like Childhood is leaving.

Graduates leave the hall.

Host: One wise man was asked: What is happiness? He replied: “This is when I am young at heart, when love is near me, when my parents are healthy.”

Dear mothers and fathers, the closest and most beloved people, thanks to you, the children did not deviate from the path and reached their first destination.

Words of gratitude to parents.

Host: How time flies

And it seems the country is going down.

But only the teacher lights the candles,

When others curse the darkness.

And let the speeches not cease,

Let the eyes of the students shine.

Then we just light the candles,

When love doesn't stop.

And only the teacher is honest, kind, and cordial.

And only the teacher is sincere and brave,

That's why he lights the candles

To prevent the darkness from breaking through.

Presenter: The hearts of teachers and parents burn with the fire of love and kindness, and this fire of hearts lights a candle................... Carry this fire and keep it in your hearts, dear ones Graduates!

Since ancient times, fire has been endowed with extraordinary power. They worshiped him, but did not create myths and legends. The hearts of the best heroes of literature burned with the fire of love for people. And the sparks of this fire encouraged people to become better, to strive for high goals.

I invite you to light a candle and pass on to each other this spark that will unite you throughout your life. In the meantime, while the candle is burning, let's remember all the brightest, most joyful and happiest moments from our school life.

The candle went out. But the fire lit in your hearts will be an eternal reminder that life is amazing and beautiful and that you, graduates of 2012, will become worthy citizens of our great Motherland - Russia!

Our school has a long-standing, good tradition when graduates accompanying current graduates to the first grade come to the graduation party. For these guys, such meetings are always a reminder of childhood, of carefree youth, of wonderful
school time.
I want to invite your guys guests to this square
Graduates......... of the year

Release colorful balloons into the sky,
Children's dreams, let them fly away.
You have become more serious now and you must
Dream bigger than you did even a year ago.

Dream, achieve peace on earth,
So that the birds can fly and bloom in the spring.
So that our native land prospers with us.
So that no one forgets their parents.

Let the balloons fly, let the children dream,
Bright dreams, fabulous colors.
Well, today you, having become graduates,
Release a fireworks display of balloons into the sky.

Lyudmila Gorokhova
"Space trip". Scenario for a graduation party in a pre-school group

Leading educators come out to the sound of fanfare:

Presenter 1:

Children are in a hurry for the last holiday

It’s time for them to say goodbye to their beloved garden.

That's why we're all a little sad,

We want to slow down the moments of farewell.

Presenter 2:

Well, what can you do? The children have grown up!

So let the sun shine on them everywhere!

And we solemnly open the holiday,

We invite graduates of 2017 to our hall!

Children enter with balloons to the soundtrack of A. Evtodieva’s song “Clouds” and perform dance movements.

When finished, release the balls and stand in a semicircle .

1 child: Friends, please answer together: what a fun day?

Why are there so many guests?

Children: We're leaving for school!

Child 2: Why are all the guests looking at us joyfully?

Are they congratulating us from the bottom of their hearts?

Children: We're leaving for school!

3rd child: Why tell me straight, mothers hide their noses in a handkerchief,

What could they say?

Children: How quickly we have grown up!

4th child: Why do all our eyes glow with impatience?

What will we say goodbye?

Children: Goodbye kindergarten!

5th child: A ray of sunshine in the morning will wake up all the kids for school,

But the first-grader will always remember his kindergarten!

The song “Kindergarten” is performed

music by E. Skvortsova, lyrics by V. Miryasova

1 child: Farewell ball! So many eyes are on us now.

We haven't forgotten anyone! And everyone was invited to the celebration!

2nd child: Even if a little bit not skillfully,

But we will dance boldly.

And our beautiful, farewell waltz

We will dance for you today.

Dance "Crystal Waltz" is performed

Presenter: There is a rumor among children that there is only one planet in the universe!

This planet is called a school planet. All children live comfortably there

All desires, dreams and worries are on it

Quietly waiting for its incarnation!

Would you like to visit it?

Children's answers...

But the path to that planet is not close,

And surprises await us today!

Well, the space liner is ready,

And looks forward to graduating students!

Presenter: The crew should take their seats! Preparedness number one!

The flight begins!

(1 Start-multimedia)

Coming out of the kids.

Children's dance "Lapushki" is performed

Presenter: Did you recognize yourself, remember, guys?

After all, this is how you once came to kindergarten!

They spoke poorly and didn’t know how to eat

And all the time you wanted to go home to your mother.

1 baby: We dressed up and washed our cheeks,

They became beautiful and rushed to you!

2 baby: We are funny, we were funny, and so were you.

When we grow up a little, we will also come to school with you.

3 baby: We wish you, guys, that you get excellent grades!

And today, goodbye, we want to kiss you.

Presenter: Thank you dear kids for coming to congratulate us!

And accept your gifts with all your heart! (on a tray)

Toddler teacher:

Well, the little girls will tell you goodbye now:

Kids:"Goodbye!" (the kids leave)

Presenter: What a gentle, kind farewell to the kids,

really guys?

Presenter: Well, it's time for us to move on!

(3 fly-multimedia)

Presenter: What an unusual name - the constellation of “Talents”. This is a musical starfall.

Presenter: Our group has talents, both singers and musicians,

There are artists, dancers and a few actors.

Football players and swimmers. All the guys are great!

1 child: We have grown out of preschool children, our finest hour has come.

And we will show you everything we can do now.

Soloists perform the song “Childhood - you are a blooming meadow”

with dance (daisies, balls)

2nd child: We have an orchestra in the garden, it will play for us now.

Oh, that sounds great, it will make everyone around me happy!

Performed by "Unusual Orchestra"- "Ku-chi-chi"

Presenter: We played theater in kindergarten.


Conversation on a bench

(two kindergarten graduates are sitting on a bench, brand new briefcases are lying on the ground next to them)

Luda:(looks at herself closely in the mirror, speaks flirtatiously, turning to her friend)

Oh, how quickly the years fly by,

No good.

It's scary to look in the mirror

I don't want to grow old!

Lena: And don't tell me how right you are.

Here in the next group is Ksyushka,

Oh, what a girlfriend looks like.

All of yourself!

Fu-you, chickpeas, well done!

Luda: What have I come to?

(looking in the mirror, makes a light massage with fingers under the eyes)

I bought the bags for myself.

The trace of blush has long since disappeared,

All diets are of no use.

They force you to eat oatmeal,

They wake up early.

Develop intelligence

In our computer age.

Lena: Oh, what a fool you are!

Okay, it's not that bad.

We will live to be a hundred years old,

What will you tell me then?

Luda: Yes, friend, you're right.

Let the years fly by.

The school is waiting for you and me,

Which leads to a great life.

(recovering themselves, they run away, laughing with their briefcases)

Presenter:(6g): At our holiday today we suggest you not to be bored,

And we want to show you extraordinary talent!

Artistic whirling.

Presenter: Our spaceship gives the signal, let's take off!

(fly-multimed ia)

Presenter: What kind of planet is this?

(4 Flying Planet Zhelezyaka-multimedia)

Space pirates (adults) enter.

Presenter: Excuse me, but who are you?

Pirates together: Space Grandfather Pykhto! That's who!

Presenter: Guys, these are space pirates. !

1 pirate: Yes! I am the Galactic Badass.

2 pirate: And I am a space brute.

Together: What are you doing here?

Presenter: Here are future first-graders and we are traveling around the galaxy.

1Pirate: Ah-ah-ah. And you want to fly so far, and it’s dangerous. (turns to pirate 2) So, I came up with everything - they need to be captured!

2 Pirate: I don't like them either...

1 Pirate: Let's scare them. WOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (they approach the children and “scare”)

2 Pirate: What's not scary? Well, now we will arrange it for you! (rubs hands)

Presenter: What to do now? What if the pirates are not joking... But we need to fly further. Let's, guys, ask the pirates to let us go. Dear pirates, please let us go!

Children: Please!

2 Pirate: Oh oh! They are also polite! Why do you really need to fly further?

Children's answers...

1 Pirate: Will you complete our task? Maybe we'll change our minds and

we'll let you go.

2 Pirate: Yes, yes, show me! What can you do?

Presenter: We can do a lot! Yes, guys?

1 Pirate: So, Big Man, well, give me here those pieces of paper with bowed legs and pictures that we took away from other earthlings! Let them tell us what they are and what to do with them. (bring a book)

Children recognize a book in the pieces of paper...

2 Pirate: But these crooked legs, what are they? What do they do with them?

Children's answers...

Pirates: We don't believe it! Prove it!

The game “Make a word” is played

music by K. Makarova (song “Miracle Garden”)

Children are given cards with letters of different colors (from blue letters you need to assemble the word - BOOK, from green - SCHOOL, from red - LETTER, etc.). Those who were dealt cards stand scattered facing the audience and sing:

Who doesn't believe it, let him check:

We know letters by five.

Those who haven't seen it, let them see:

2 Pirate: So, you've done it! Now try us

to cheer up.

Presenter: Guys, how can we cheer up the pirates?

Child: I know! We'll show you how much fun we had in kindergarten!

Flash mob "Kindergarten"

Medley based on soundtracks of children's songs

2 Pirate: Yes, we’ll have to let you go! You have fulfilled all our conditions.

1 Pirate: Big guy, maybe we should enroll in space school ourselves?

2 Pirate: What a good idea! Goodbye children! (leave)

(5 fly-multimedia)


A planet appeared ahead.

What awaits us here? How do we know this?

Perhaps we need this planet,

The Fairy appears.

Fairy: Hello, my dear guys!

I am a Fairy of this magical planet and I love to dream.

I also really like it when dreams come true.

Let's dream together.

Poem by Tatyana Petukhova

"Dreams of different heights"

Once! Two! Three! Just tell the truth!

What are you dreaming about now?

Tell me what do you want?

1. How much I love chewing gum!

I wish I had a big pack,

Or better yet, a million!

And to me from all sides

Everyone at school will run,

Am I greedy or something?

This pack, so be it,

I can share!

Once! Two! Three! Just tell the truth!

Well, what are you dreaming about?

Tell me what do you want?

2. Don’t take it for a joke

But I really want a fur coat!

I'll walk in it like a queen

And the girls are on the right, on the left

They will look at me.

I want to have a fur coat!

Dreams are different:

Serious and idle.

There are big dreams

It's not easy to reach them.

3. I dream of becoming a great geneticist,

To solve the problem of old age,

And in our new century

Give immortality to a person!

4. I dream of becoming an architect

Build a city without corners

I'm making my dream come true now -

At home I draw from circles.

Mom, a dream has come true!

You can't do it anymore

Loving as before,

Put me in a corner!

5. I dream of becoming the head of the Central Bank,

The whole world to surprise in Russian!

Buy a ticket to a distant planet,

And take mom into space on a plate!

6. I want to become a great musician

To play the Stradivarius violin.

I think I have enough talent

To become your idol in the future.

7. I dream of becoming a doctor,

So that people live longer

So that there are more happy people.

8. And I want to be simple

A good man,

To keep pace merrily

Welcome to the 21st century.

Dreams are different:

Serious and idle.

There are big dreams

It's not easy to reach them.

But if we live with you

A bright, joyful dream,

She will warm our hearts

And everything in the world will become more beautiful.

Where is the light and kindness?

A dream will always come true!

Lisa (11g): And I want to become a gymnast,

To speak for Russia,

Win all tournaments!

Gymnastic number.

Fairy: What do our parents dream about? Do you want to know?

My hat will help us with this.

It is not simple, there is such a mystery in it -

As soon as he touches his head, his thoughts are immediately heard by everyone!

The game "Hat" is being played

with parents (three episodes)

Fairy: And now I’ll try to guess what they’re dreaming about now

children. (magic music)

They dream about fun, of course about gifts and studying in

school gets A's! May all your dreams come true!

(casts a spell, leaves)

Presenter: It was good on the planet “Dream”, but it’s time to fly further.

Presenter: Hooray! We've arrived!

(Aunt Owl appears on the screen)

Presenter: Hello residents of the planet “School”. How long it took us to get to you! We, earthlings, are kindergarten graduates, future first-graders. What is your name?

Aunt Owl: We are glad to welcome you to our planet, where the smartest, most savvy, funniest, most creative, coolest guys live!

I was instructed to check how ready you are for school. You know the letters, you also learned to read, but can you count?

The musical game “Merry Counting” is being held

music Klara Makarova (song “Merry Count”)

sl. Alexandra Krivileva

Children stand in a circle and choose a leader with a counting rhyme (goes out to the center of the circle). Children holding hands walk in a circle and sing a song. At the end, the child driver calls any number from 1 to 10 and the children form circles to the accompaniment of fast music. The number of children in them must correspond to the stated figure. Those children who are the first to complete the task correctly win.

Mathematics is our friend

We see the numbers around us!

We can prove it!

Don't yawn, my friend,

Tell me your number!

We will play with you!

Aunt Owl: Great, you completed the task! And now allow me to give you a gift from all the inhabitants of the planet Shkolnaya. This is a magical call. He will open the way for you to school!

Presenter: Thank you very much! It's time for us to fly on!

Presenter: On this planet, grateful hearts beat louder!

Video "We were kids, now we've become big"

Children come out with flowers:

1 child: Today, kindergarten, we say “Thank you” to you,

And we thank all your employees a hundred times.

2nd child: We will probably often dream about the kindergarten, the path,

And a birch tree by the gate, a lilac bush under the window.

3rd child: Goodbye, cozy kindergarten, where so many long years

You gave us your warmth and unquenchable light!

They give flowers.

A song is performed with teachers

"Goodbye kindergarten"

The manager's word...


And now comes the solemn hour,

He is very serious and important to you!

The first award in my life is presented,

Diploma of completion of kindergarten!



Dear guys, all life’s joys and hardships, ups and victories have always been shared with you by your glorious parents. And it would be unfair not to give you the floor. So, a word to the parents of our graduates.

Speech by parents, presentation of gifts.

Presenters together: Let your dreams take you to the sky

Your ball is light-winged.

You start your flight

Let him be happy!

The phonogram of I. Krutoy’s song “First-Grader” plays.

(Teachers hand the children balloons. To the sound of the farewell bell, the children go outside, where they release the balloons into the sky, making a wish).

The holiday is over.

The hall is festively decorated, two teachers enter:

All those present are greeted.

Children are invited one by one - a boy, a girl. Children come in and stand on both sides of the teachers. On one side there are girls and on the other there are boys.

1 led.

Look at your children

They are not a year old, and not two anymore.

You gave them into our hands,

Barely babbling words.

2 ved.

But the years passed, and everything happened -

Both joy and sorrow.

Resentment, and sometimes deception

They slipped into a quarrel.

1 led.

But we weren't going to sleep

We tried to educate them.

They were given love and care,

They thanked us!

2 ved.

We've been waiting for this day for five years

But it came somehow right away.

And the lilac blossomed for you,

Like it has never bloomed before.

1 led.

Bouquets, music, poetry

And the hall is bright with smiles -

All this for you, graduates,

Today is your last ball.


Song "We went to kindergarten"

Our garden is a magical ocean,

We went sailing for five years,

We know it was given for luck,

And we always loved him!

There are so many different rooms here,

Like in an ocean of ships.

We are without barriers and without prohibitions

We set sail quickly.

We learned what friendship means,

What does it mean to protect the weak?

That you need to be brave and dexterous,

And we need to help adults.

They explained to us that nature

We must all protect together

That, approaching the seventh year,

We must solve examples.

We recognized the letters and syllables,

We can sing and dance,

We know how sternly they will look

When we start getting mischievous.

We often remember the group,

The cribs are gentle warmth,

How we watered the flowers

And grain was poured into the birds!

How can you forget your friends?

We walked along the same path to the garden.

What a pity that we won't be here -

We became strong friends with them!

But time cannot be turned back -

Now the moment of farewell has come.

We love kindergarten very much

And we say to you: “Goodbye!”

Song "Kindergarten" sat down in their seats.

1 led.

Attention! Dear graduates, dear teachers and parents! We invite you to take a space cruise on the Mechta spaceliner.

1 child How many stars are there in the blue sky?

Is there life in another universe?

How can we find out?

2 reb. And that’s what I want, guys

Even for an hour, right now

Fly into space with friends

To Venus or Mars!

3 reb. And see how it is on Mars

Martians live

What do they eat for breakfast?

What are the songs about?

4 children Well, then let's fly!

All doubts are gone!

Let's turn on our imagination

Hey guys, follow me!

Today we will take a space cruise, the duration of which is 5 stellar years of kindergarten life.

Children's laughter is heard, everyone is surprised, there is a knock on the door - kids from the nursery group, accompanied by a teacher, enter the hall.

2 ved.

Oh, look, mourners have come to see us. The kids came to see you off on your space cruise and congratulate you on your transition to first grade.

1- We have come to you today

Conduct to first grade.

2- Promise not to be lazy

Excellent study in everything.

3- How will you go to first grade?

Remember us at school.

4- Congratulations, congratulations

With the transition to first grade.

1 led. Thank you very much for your congratulations.

Graduates give the kids balloons.

2 ved. So, we ask those seeing you off to leave our spaceliner. We're leaving. Let's start the countdown.

All in chorus: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - START!

The light goes out.

Cosmic music plays, during which the girls get up to dance.

Dance of the Stars and the Moon.

After the dance, a siren or alarm music sounds.

Ved. Oh, guys, where are we? Some unknown planet, look, these are probably the local inhabitants of this planet.

Alien dance (boys)

The Little Green Man enters with a briefcase behind his back. The briefcase is made of whatman paper rolled into tubes. The legs have green flippers.

Z.Ch. So, I bought a briefcase, a pen, pencils, paints. What else do I need to prepare for school? (pays attention to the sitting children, hides). Oh, who are they? Mommy, these are aliens who came to take over our planet, so somewhere here I had a laser slingshot (searches).

Ved. Wait, Little Green Man, don’t shoot at us with a laser slingshot, we won’t harm you, come to us, we want to meet you.

The little green man comes out, carefully.

Hello, Green Man!

Z.Ch. Hello, white men!

Ved. Tell me what planet we arrived on, our spaceliner crashed, we need help.

Z.Ch. you have arrived on the planet Mars. And that you weren’t sitting at home. Where did you come from, what planet did you come from?

Ved. We are from planet Earth!

Z.Ch. This is the first time I’ve heard about such a planet, it’s probably terribly boring and uninteresting there, since you came here.

Ved. Why, Green Man, our planet is wonderful, we just decided to go on a space cruise, gain new impressions, but due to an accident we were forced to make an emergency landing on your planet. And the guys will sing you a song about our planet, and you will understand how good it is.

Song with soloists “Colorful Planet”

Z.Ch. Yes, your planet is truly wonderful.

Ved. Little green man, what's behind your back - a spacesuit or what?

Z.Ch. Where? Oh, this is my briefcase, I’ll soon go to Mars school, I’ll learn to read, count, and write. Although I already know how to do that.

Ved. And our children are also going to school.

Z.Ch. What is your school like?

Ved: We will sing a song about her and you will understand everything.

Song "First things first"

Z.Ch. I see, where are your briefcases, have you prepared them?

Ved. We'll check this now.

Game "Collect a briefcase"

They play with the Little Green Man, he collects completely different objects, for example a frying pan, a screwdriver, cabbage, a pistol, etc.

Ved. Little green man, you said you can read. Read what is written here?

Z.Ch. reads: “back to school soon” - on the contrary, “uloksh in oroks”

Ved. Wait, maybe you’re reading something wrong, but try again.

Z.Ch."uloksh in oroks"

Ved. You're reading it the other way around!

Z.Ch. Nothing is the other way around, I read everything correctly.

Ved. Well, that means on your planet it’s customary to read this way - from right to left.

Z.Ch. Yes, you completely confused me - from right to left, from left to right - I don’t understand anything!

Ved. Don't worry, we'll teach you now. Guys, let's show how we earthlings can form words.

A child (or three) reads the poem “ABC”:

Thirty-three sisters,

Written beauties,

Live on one page

And they are famous everywhere.

A, B, C, D, D, E, F -

They rolled up on a hedgehog,

Z, I, K, L, M, N, O -

Together we climbed out the window,

P, R, S, T, U, F, X -

Saddled a rooster

C, Ch, Sh, Shch, E, Yu, I -

So they are all friends!

It's very bad to live in the world

For those who are not familiar with them.

They live on the same planet

And they always stand side by side.

Game "Make a word"

Ved. Again you got everything mixed up. Guys, what is the best rating?

Children. FIVE!

Ved. Why explain, we’d better sing for you.

Song "1, 2, 3"

Z.Ch. And I know a very interesting game, here on Mars all the children love to play it, this game is called “Fun Counting”

Game "Fun Counting"

To play you need two sets of numbers from 1 to 10 in two colors. They are distributed to all children. Everyone dances to cheerful music. The music stops: the children must line up in two teams - the numbers are in order. Who is faster? You can repeat the game with your parents.

Z.Ch. I was so happy that I wanted to dance.

Ved. Very good idea!

Get up in our cheerful circle

Start dancing with us!

Dance "We are together"

Z.Ch. How fun you dance, I really liked it. Now I will teach all Martians this dance.

Ved. Little green man, you are probably tired. Sit down, relax, and the guys will read you poems about our school.

Poems about school.

Tatar song.


Ved. Well, no matter how much we would like to part with you and your wonderful planet, it’s time for us to return to Earth. School and first grade are waiting for us! Little green man, maybe you can help fix our spaceliner.

Z.Ch. Well, I'll try, they say I have a talent for repairing all kinds of space technology.

Z.Ch. takes a screwdriver, stands behind the children and “fixes the spaceliner.” The sound of a car starting up sounds.

Z.Ch. Everything is ready, you can safely go, mere trifles - this tiny meteorite (shows a small pebble) stuck in the exhaust pipe.

Ved. Thank you very much, Little Green Man, you saved us! Let's say goodbye.

Appropriate music plays, everyone waves to Z.Ch.

Ved. Goodbye, Little Green Man!

Z.Ch. Farewell White Men, happy journey to you! Leaves.

Dance "Childhood"

1 Ved. So we have returned from our space cruise to our home planet Earth. And now we want to thank all those who led our children throughout all five stellar years of kindergarten life! .

Our children have been surrounded all these years by caring, enthusiastic, hardworking and cheerful people, whom the wonderful kindergarten “Ryabinushka” deserves. .

And now allow me to open the ceremony of presenting the “GRADUATE-2008” award

2 Ved. Specialists and staff of the Ryabinushka kindergarten took part in the “GRADUATION-2008” competition. The winners were determined in 14 categories.

The names of all the laureates will be announced today, but everything has its time.

And now the first nomination is “A penny saves the ruble.” (Supervisor)

A poem is read, a diploma and a gift are presented.

1 p: Our supply manager and storekeeper

I'm not used to sitting idle,

Knows everything in detail,

Glory and honor to you!

1 Vedas . The second nomination is “It doesn’t get any cleaner.” (Laundress)

2 p: White sheet

Apron and scarf.

You will go around the whole white light -

You won't find a better laundress!

2 Ved. The next nomination is “Finger-licking good.” (Kitchen)

3 p: Dear chefs,

Always feed tasty food.

Look at us -

These cheeks are simply classy!

1 Vedas . What do you think is most valuable to a person?

2 Ved. Of course, children's health.

1 ved . The next nomination is “You Live Healthily.” (Doctors)

4 p: Medical staff

He kept us healthy

And vaccinations and green stuff -

A child's best friend!

2 ved. The fifth category is “Advanced Thought”. (Methodist)

5 r: Our methodologist all day

Sitting at the computer

According to the “program” so that from the cradle

Growing up a talented child!

1 led. There is an opinion that man descended from a bird.

2 ved. Why?

1 led. Because the bird sings, and the man sings too.

2 ved. So, the nomination is “It’s fun to walk with a song.” (Music worker)

6 r: Together with our musician

We sang sonorous songs,

We had fun, danced,

Laziness was not given free rein.

2 ved. So, the next nomination is “Our home is Tatarstan”. (Tatar language teacher)

7 r: To be patriotic at heart

We were able to reach great heights

Language of the Tatar people

You help to comprehend!

1 led. To be strong and healthy, you need to love physical education .

The eighth nomination is “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” (Head of Physical Culture).

8 r: Energetic athlete

Teaches you to run and jump,

Or somersault on the mat,

Or hit the target!

2 ved. Ninth nomination - “Speak correctly.” (Speech therapist)

9 r: The speech therapist is trying

He works with us

The letters are all in a row now

I'm glad you go!

1 ved: Tenth nomination - “Mental healer” (Psychologist)

10 RUR: For questions and tests

We will find the answer we need,

The psychologist prepared us -

This is true, no doubt!

2 ved. Nomination eleventh - “No Bast” (Castlemaid)

11 r: Sews scarves and bed sheets

Embroiders and stitches

And a costume for Grandma - Yozhki

He will make it for us right on time!

1 led. You can say “your mom” or “my mom.” What do you call a mother who has so many big and small and even adult children that she can’t count them?

2 I lead. Peter Pan would call her Everyone's Mother.

1 led. So, the twelfth nomination is “Mother of All.” (Manager)

12 r: And our manager

We'll remember at school

It's not very easy

Give your heart to children!

1 led. A good word "helper":

Will help you collect toys

Will help the guys undress

He will quietly put you to bed.

2 ved. Nomination thirteen - “Support and support”. (Nanny)

13 r: Our dear nanny,

You replaced our mother,

It's a pity that we can't see you

Take it with you to first grade!

1 led. Do you remember the first time you brought your baby to kindergarten? How worried we were about how he would be doing without his mom and dad?..

2 ved. The next nomination is “My Second Mother”. (Educators)

14 r: Thanks to the teachers

For affection and warmth

We had fun with them

Cozy and bright.

2 ved. The award ceremony has come to an end. We thank the high-ranking jury, guests and nominees.

1 led. Next year there will be new laureates of the “GRADUATE-2009” award. The music will start playing again, and there will be a lot of flowers. And today's graduates, rushing to school, will say: “This is my kindergarten!”

Dear guys, good luck to you in everything, and may the Milky Way of your life be strewn with stars! And if it gets difficult, remember that your parents and teachers are always next to you, who will come to your aid in any difficult moment.

Word from the principal and parents. Presentation of gifts.

Necessary attributes for the holiday:

1. Costume for the Little Green Man (hat with antennas, green turtleneck, silver vest, trousers)

2. Headbands with antennas, green or silver gloves for “aliens” boys.

3. " briefcase" made from rolled-up Whatman paper for Z.Ch.

4. 2 briefcases for the game “Build a briefcase” (contents for them)

5. A large water pistol of bright phosphorescent color - a “laser slingshot”.

6. 2 sets (of different colors) of letters from 1 to 10 for the game “Fun Counting”

7. Stars (shiny) on a stick for girls (one at a time).

8. Mask for the “month”.

9. A poster or from individual letters “BACK TO SCHOOL SOON”.

10. Letters for the game “Make a Word”.

11. Screwdriver, pebble.

12. Musical instruments for the dance “We are together.”

13. Diplomas for kindergarten teachers

14. Framed portraits of teachers made by children.
