English with "Polyglot": lesson nine. English with “Polyglot”: lesson nine English with Dmitry Petrov lesson 9

Daria is missing from this episode (according to the teacher, Daria is on an international business trip for an internship, which she received as a bonus for her efforts in learning English). From the ninth lesson, in the second half of the entire course, students try to communicate, simply speak in English.

Watch the ninth episode of “Polyglot” for free online. English in 16 hours":

Lesson summary:

It is very important to start speaking English without waiting until we learn all the rules and words. Because, firstly, this will never happen, and secondly, in our native language, when we just started speaking, it’s unlikely that any of us even knew the basics of our native grammar. We must speak without hesitation, with pleasure, figuratively, without waiting for us to finally fix some grammatical patterns in our memory. To speak, we don’t need to know a lot of words; vocabulary will be added as we communicate. In Russian, when we talk about events occurring in the past, future and past, we can make do with a minimum set of some grammatical knowledge.

Active vocabulary of the lesson ( English words and sentences and translation into Russian):

Russian service - Russian service

On air - in the air, on the air

Sleep - sleep

To go to bed - go to sleep

At the TV talk-show- on a television talk show

You have to = you must - you must, you should

At the end of the talk - at the end of the conversation

To be silent - be silent

To keep silence - keep silence

Price – price

Wise - wise

Feel (felt) - feel

Own – own

I am happy with something - I'm happy with something

Version – version

Let it be... - let it be…

When I do something myself – when I do something myself

Yourself – you yourself (do it yourself! – do it yourself!)

Myself - I myself

Himself - himself ( he is happy with himself - he is pleased with himself)

Her - she herself
Ourselves - ourselves ( we will do it ourselves - we'll do this ourselves)

Yourselves - you yourself

To play the role - play a role

Often - often

Themselves – they themselves

I will be short - I'll be brief

Unfortunately - Unfortunately

Luckily - fortunately

Seldom - rarely

Open question - open question

Usually - usually

Film itself – the film itself

To act - play

Actor – actor

We never met before – we haven’t met before

Actress – actress

Game - a game

Win (won) - win, win

Winner – winner

Lose (lost) - lose, lose

Team - team

To look like - to be like someone

Nonsense - nonsense

At the same time - in the same time

To guess - guess, guess

Team spirit - team spirit

To spend time - spend time

Rehearsal - rehearsal

Calm - calm

Discussion – discussion, discussion

To rehearse - rehearse

To repeat - repeat

Neither - neither one nor the other

Opinion – opinion

Both - both

Sense - meaning

Good afternoon Today is our ninth lesson. I hope you find minutes and seconds to sometimes refresh what we did in previous lessons, pay attention to the diagrams, repeat the words that we are mastering. For example, Dasha paid a lot of attention to repeating patterns, and, as a bonus, we sent her on an international business trip for an internship. Luckily for us, modern technologies allow us to be in touch all the time. In touch, as they say in English. So the process continues, and in two days Daria will join us and, I hope, will share new impressions and tell us about her internship.

Well, we, having gradually crossed the equator, will simply try to slowly begin to speak English. At the same time, we must remember several points.

1. It is very important to start speaking the language without waiting until we learn all the rules and words. Firstly, this will never happen, and secondly, when we started speaking our native language, believe me (and remember your childhood), hardly anyone knew even the basics of their native grammar. Therefore, we must speak without hesitation, with pleasure, figuratively, without waiting for the moment when we finally fix some grammatical patterns in our memory and in our subconscious.

2. We don’t need a lot of words to speak. Well, naturally, while we are together, we will add everything that we miss. I'll give you an example. In Russian, when we talk about events that happen in the present, in the future, in the past, we can also make do with a minimal set of some grammatical knowledge. Therefore, I urge you, when someone talks about something, do not be shy, feel free to ask questions, so that we gradually begin to have real communication.

OK. So, now we will try to speak English. Let's try to speak English. I will ask you some questions and you will answer, you will tell me, you will speak as much as you can about what you do, how you live, how you spend your time. (How do you spend your time)

If I ask, Oleg, what did you do on Sunday?

On Sunday I went to the cinema. I see very nice movie “Drive”.

On Sunday I went to the cinema. I watched a very good film called “Drive”.

And after Drive I go to my home. In my home radio BBC telephoning for me. Understand?

And then I went home and did a telephone interview with BBC radio.

And ask for radio BBC interesting theme conspiracy and ... world ...

- …world political situation

on interesting topic- conspiracy theories in the world of modern politics.

Very interesting!

Very interesting. Absolutely nice. Ten minutes in the radio BBC program.

OK. You have a questions for Oleg?
Do you have questions for Oleg?

American voice?

No. BBC. What will the Russian service be like?

Russian service.

Russian service- Russian service

Russian service.

It's a secret program?

No. It's normal program. Every day on “broadcast”, so to speak?

on air- on air
air- air, ether
It is on the air every day.- It's on air every day.

Aren't they jamming right now?)

So, you see Oleg is a specialist, is an expert in conspiracy.

Now you see that Oleg is a specialist in the field of cospirology.

Conspirology and magic ang extraordinary situations in life and afterlife.

Conspiracy theories and magic, and extraordinary phenomena.

And what's the magic? White magic? Black magic?

What kind of magic, white or black?

Both. (Together.)

And anything else? (Anything else?)

In the night I slept in my room.

And at night I slept in my room.

OK. Very nice. This means that the only thing is that if we insist on the past tense, then we look at what correspondences there are. Statement in the past tense: if I see (I saw) - I saw. I speak - I spoke.

What if I was asleep?

I speak – I spoke
I sleep – I slept

Or you can say I went when I went to bed, I went to bed. That's what they usually say.

I went to bed.- I went to bed.
to go to bed- go to sleep

Vladimir, what did you do yesterday? How did you spend your time yesterday?

Yesterday I was to TV talk show

Yesterday I took part in a television talk show.

Were you at the TV talk show?

OK. You were at the TV talk show.

I was “to”?

at the TV talk-show- on a television talk show

I didn't do much. My wife went on tour, I can’t live without her.

How many stars went to the show?

How many stars howled on this show?

Too many. And we are talking about my last film “Generation P”.

Too many stars. And we talked about my latest film “Generation P”.

Where I played the main role.
In which I played the main role.
- And some people said don’t see this film.

Some people said don't see this film.

Some said that this film should not be watched.

Other people said you must see this film.

And others said it was a must-see.

You have to or you must - it's the same thing.

you have to = you must- you must, you should

I silence. I was silent.

You kept silence.

to be silent- be silent
to keep silence- remain silent, remain silent
kept silence- remained silent, remained silent
keep- keep, preserve

At the end of the conversation...

at the end of the talk- at the end of the conversation

I remember the teacher always shouted at us: “Keep silence!”

- “Quite!” - shouted the second director in Bulgaria on our set.

Did he not speak Russian?

He spoke badly, yes.

OK. So, some people said: “don’t see this film”, others said “you must see this film”. And you said nothing. (Didn't say anything). You are silent.

How many times are you silent?

You did not understand. How much was your silence worth?

What was the price?

price- price

What about thirty pieces of silver?

Thirty silver coins.

coin- coin

Can we say: Very symbolic price?

Very symbolic price.

wise- wise

I have a question!

I know the interesting story about how you get the main role in this film.
I know you have an interesting story to tell about how you got the lead role in this film.

Wow! What's the story?

Tell us! (Tell us!)

Tell us please!

How you get - how you got it.

It’s you “tell us”)

This is a sneaky question!)

Everybody have to know about. - Everyone should know about this

You know about it! - You know about it.

Oh, I can't hear! - Oh, I can’t hear about this!

What do you think about? - What do you think about it?

What happens? We are waiting. - What happened there? We are waiting.

Sasha, what is your version?

Casting, yes! When you shot yourself. - I'm talking about casting, when you cast yourself.

Difficult casting. Many stars...

A lot or many?

Many stars wanted. - Many stars wanted it.
Many stars wanted to play this role.

What is the story? - What's the story?

How did you get this role?

How did you get this role?

She means how you took the test yourself.

Yes, as you took the samples yourself.

once- one day

Once I comes…

I came! [past tense]

Once I came to casting. - One day I came to a casting.

- …when not about me. That is, not on your own. I was supposed to play there.

It was not my casting.

Not only other actor

And me too. But I was not ready (I was not ready) for this casting. I just helped. But after director watching this casting…

Wait, that's not right!

Well, let him tell you!

No, we need to fix it right away.

After the director watched this casting… - After the director watched this casting…

Watched - in the past.

He called me and said... - He called me and said...
Sorry, I think it’s not your role. - Sorry, I don't think this is your role. Maybe if you want to play in my film... Maybe it’s will be another role.

I need to think. If you want to play in this film, maybe another role will suit you?

So, if you want to play in my film, it will be some other role. (some other role)

It's some band guy.

Maybe some bad guy.

Bad guy like Vovchik (bad guy like Vovchik...)

I answered him (I answered him): Yes! Sure! I like this project! Any role! (Any role!)

I'm ready to take any role!

I will be happy!

(I will be happy with any role.)

But after... I hung up the phone...

I hang - I hung up

to hang- to hang, to hang, to hang

Which is correct: “I answered him” or “I answered to him”?

I answered to him. (???)

I feel some strange.

Something strange - something strange
I felt something strange. - I felt something strange.

feel (felt)- feel

I took... I took...

I took my camera and going…

- … and went to my swimming pool
I took my camera and went to the pool.

Without water (without water).

Empty swimming pool.

I created...

My own…

And I made my own casting

I filmed my version of the casting.

Are you happy with your casting?
Did you like what you came up with?
Are you happy with your casting?

Yes, everytime when I do myself I am happy.

I am happy with something- I'm happy with something

Very good phrase!

Excuse me, please, but made my own “version”? or what?

I made my own version.

version- version, option

I’ve already assembled it, I don’t know how to say it...

I cut this version... and... threw...

to throw- throw, throw, throw

- … and throw to the director.

And I gave this version to the director.

He said: Vovchik, so Vovchik!)

OK, let it be Vovchik. Okay, let it be Vovchik.

- ... but... just see... maybe you will have some thoughts.

Maybe you will have some ideas. - Maybe you will have some thoughts.

How do you say “look”? I said see this…

Yes, see this! Or look this.

Look, maybe you will have some ideas.

I happy with am I happy for some reason?

Yes. Or satisfied.

Are you happy with your job?-Are you satisfied with your work?
I'm happy with this version.- I'm happy with this version.
I'm happy with my dog.- I'm happy with my dog.

How to say the phrase correctly? Vladimir tried to say: “When I do something myself.”

when I do something myself- when I do something myself

When I do something myself I everytime happy!

It seems to me that we should all... myself, ourselves...

Absolutely right!
This row looks like this:

myself- I myself

Can you say I'm always happy?

I “am” - I am. I'm always happy. - I am always happy.

When I do something myself I am happy with this.

When I do something myself I am happy with it.

yourself- you yourself

Do it yourself.- Do it yourself.

Rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves

I will do it myself.- I do it myself.

himself- himself
herself- she herself

Not happy with himself.- He is pleased with himself.

Yes, he is - he exists.

ourselves- we ourselves

We will do it ourselves.- We'll do this ourselves.

And “-f” is replaced by “-ves”, right?

Because plural, Yes.

And if the answer is: - Is it true that you will come? - Of course, of course!

No, here it means “of course.”

of course, sure- of course, of course
Sure, I will come!- Of course, I'll come!

ourselves- we ourselves
yourselves- you yourself

Is “of course” not something like that in English?

The plural appears in the word “self”. Self is yourself.

And if you say “you is” it will be you, not you?

You is impossible to say. You are.

Well, what if you tell me? You are this “you” after all?

I think they will understand! Even if they are surprised, they will understand.

Listen, we will still bring something new to the English language! How do you think?

We do this all the time! That's all we do)

And the last thing:

themselves– they themselves

They do it themselves. - They do it themselves.

More questions for Vladimir?

Maybe I finished this story?)

It's a good idea!

Yes, yes, no problem!

This is an open question.

open question- open question

What about a rhetorical question?

I will be short. Right?

I will be short. - I'll be brief.

He called me back after watching this film and just said: “Sorry.”

After looking at this recording, he called me back and said: “Sorry.”

This is the happy end of the story.

Dramatic story!

-...I was not right.

I was wrong.

- …It’s your role.

How do you say “unfortunately”?

Let's write now!

And “fortunately” too, please!

Yes, and there, literally, the prefix changes.
So, the root here is the word “fortune”:

fortunately- fortunately
unfortunately- unfortunately, unfortunately

Oh, is this fortunate?

Well, when fortune is on your side.

Fortunately, my film… Many people said…

Many people said it is good.

Better... than, I forgot...

Is the movie better than the book?

No, better than what was filmed later.

Yes, he was livelier.

So, your casting was better.

This is not a casting, this is a piece of video art... video cutting.

good - better
good - better

bad - worse
bad - worse

And if not casting, but when do you try? Trial?

to try- try, try
It can also mean a noun:
try- trial, attempt
This is my first try.- This is my first attempt.

Try. This test of yours was better than the result of the film itself.

Because it’s very short film.

Because it was a very short film.

It's more interesting.

Casting is a selection process, when there is already a list... You know, analogue... the roles were played - just cast - a list of actors.

How can I say often?

often- often
rarely- rarely
usually- usually

What is this usually?

Here, it seems to me, he usually needs to use.

More often than not, the preview is more interesting.

Most often preview for film... it happens...

Is, simply is.

- … is more interesting than film.

What can I say about the film itself?

Than the film itself.

film itself- the film itself

I think because when you are making film and when you looking something… when the artist is looking for something his way is more interesting than when he knows the result and all effects and the station form. Do you understand me?

Yes I do can be answered!

When you play… playing…

When you play. Oh no! When you play without a role, it’s just an act.

to act- play

And we add play when “to play a role.”

to play the role- play a role

And act means playing “not a role”?

Yes. In the sense of being an actor - act. This is where the word actor (actress) comes from.

to act- play (regular verb)
actor- actor
actress- actress

When you act in a film.
When you act in a show.
Or simply: When you act.

This also comes from the word “act”. That is, this may not just relate to acting, but simply as an action.

The word itself means “to act.”

Can he act as a musician?

No. Play. When on the instrument it is play.

And the artist?

No. An artist is paint - to draw.

What is artist?

This comes from the word art (art). A man of art.

OK. Now Sasha, what is your story? What did you do yesterday or on Sunday?

Fine. Now Sasha. What's your story? What did you do yesterday or on Sunday?

I took part in TV show. This is play. A game.
I took part in a television game.

No, show is already a game.

It was a play…

Was it a play?

No, it was a game.

game- a game

It was a game “Crocodile”. Our team was lose.


to win (won)- win, win
winner- winner
to lose (lost)- lose, lose
loser- one who loses or loses

Our team lost.- Our team lost.

So, and who won? Who did win?

The manager...middle management. How to say?

Manager of the middle level.

level- level

So, what is the game about?

This is traditional game when two teams…

team- team

Who is the conflict?

There are five rounds.

There are five tours.

No, let's do it this way. Based on a traditional game

1) basis, base, base, foundation;
on a good neighborhood basis- based on good neighborly relations
2) base, main component
3) fundamental principle

In the basis the traditional game when someone shows something and can’t talk.

But silence, just right.
…and has to keep silence. (And must remain silent)

In general, it should show some word.

OK. So, a person has to show something without words

person- Human

Can you say must (instead of has to)?

Why did you say has to?

Because must is very categorical. Must.

It turns out I have to.

So, you have to show something without speaking, yes? Not talking.

Without words - without words. With your hands, face...

So, what did you have to show? What did you have to show?

I show Oleg Tabakov.

So, you have to show an actor. Some kind of actor. You have to show some actor.

Yes. It's very difficult! Cat Matroskin…

And did your team have to guess?
Did your team get it right?

No. We showed two teams together, in parallel.

At the same time - at the same time

At the same time two teams showed together… but how do you say opponent?

opponent- opponent

Opponent the manager team show only… like a cigarette. Tobacco.

So, he imitated pipe smoking (depicted smoking a pipe).

I don’t understand how they... guess...

to guess- guess, guess

I don’t understand how they guessed. - I don’t understand how they guessed right.

How did they guess - not necessary?

No. How they guessed is not the question. If I asked, then: How did they guess?

Who was supposed to guess? Who had to guess?

Two team... Who is faster. Who's fast?

So, your team had to guess. Your team had to guess.

And their team.


So, you team had to guess and the other team had to guess.

Three seconds and they: O! Tabakov! I don't understand how.

Do you show pipe? (Did you show pipe?)

Did the manager look like Tabakov? Was he like him?

look- not only look, but also look
to look like- to be like someone

How did you show?

I didn't have time. I did not have time to. Because they... how to say corporate spirit?

team spirit- team spirit

Just because the managers have a collective mind.
They won because they have a collective consciousness.

Collective unconscious.

Collective Unconscious

subconscious- subconscious, subconscious

Good practice for all people.

It's a Generation P.

Well, Anya, what is your story? What did you do on Sunday or yesterday?

OK, Anya, what's your story? What did you do yesterday or on Sunday?

Sunday I spent with my family, with my daughter how I said on one of the excuses about my house in the country…

I spent Sunday with my family, with my daughter. At home outside the city.

And I spent the Sunday with my daughter. And we were on her lesson of horse riding.

to spend time- spend time

How will you accompany?

accompany- to accompany, accompany, accompany

We've been through this!

I was accompanied…

No, you can say that I took her there, took her. Yes?

I took her there. And it was nice. Because horses are very nice and everything was so… calm…

calm- calm

- …so calm and it was really good time. Other two days I spent... how to say dedicated?

to spend on- spend on something

And other time I spend on a rehearsal. It was the really theater time.
And I spent the rest of the time at rehearsals. It was dedicated to the theater.

to rehearse- rehearse
rehearsal- rehearsal

We rehearse new play. - We were rehearsing a new play.

It was really the time of the theater. Because in one day I had I think maybe three rehearsals.

And not repeat?

Repeat means “to repeat” in English.

to repeat- repeat

What is the name of your play?
What's the name of the play?

I’m not sure I want to tell (call) it now. It depends not only on me.

I'm not sure I want to say this name. It doesn't just depend on me. This is not just my secret.

Confidential at this moment.

Extraordinary situation.

Oleg is an expert on conspirology.

Oleg is an expert in conspiracy theories.

I don’t now what is the really direction and how... how to say “how real is it, really”

I don’t know if it is really.

I don’t know if it is really now because… I want to keep silence about it. Just without working thoughts about a future.
I don't want to talk about this project yet. Just work quietly and not think about the future.

So. That's all.

OK. More questions?
More questions?

You rehearse a new play. Is it classic or modern?

Is your new play contemporary or classical?

Are we playing crocodile?) It is modern. I had one try. Samples. And meeting with the new director.

She's modern. I spoke with the director.

We were not met... Right?

We didn't meet. We didn't meet. We didn't meet.

No. We didn't know each other before.

You can say:
We never met before. - We haven't met before. (We've never met before)

before- earlier

Yes. It was interesting meeting independent on the result. I don’t know will I take part on this film or no but the meeting was interesting. The meeting with the person not only meeting with the director.

regardless of the result

regardless of the outcome
whatever the outcome
regardless of the result
irrespective of the result
irrespective of the outcome

I liked that I met interesting person, and not just with the director.

What are you rehearsing?

It's some modern play.

It’s a play or film?

It's a theater.

When we begin the new film with Yatsko first of all in a first day we are sitting as a roung for reading the play. Before some talking. Before some conversations.

When we take on a new play with Yatsko, at first we just sit and read it. Before the discussion, before the conversation.

Before or after?

Before. Before we talk, we read.

discussion- discussion, discussion

Before discussion we just read the play.

I think it’s a very good way because it givs to play a chance to come in a clean air.

I think this is very correct.

An opportunity, a chance for a piece to be performed in a transparent, empty space.

Before some discussions, opinions, versions and some…

So, it gives the chance. She says that. It is important to read play before discussion

Opinions, disputes, conversations

opinion- opinion

to give a chance- give a chance
it gives a chance- it gives a chance

It gives a chance to the play to come to free space

free space- free space

And after we begin the discussion. The direction of the discussion after the reading comes clear. So, the first is like the nature of play, not the mind thoughts of actors or somebody about play. Understand?

Not somebodies opinion (not someone's opinions), not somebodies understandings (not someone's understanding). But only the play, only the text. And then the actors start discussion.

Tell me, did you say not somebodies opinion? And if not someone’s opinions (plural), then not somebodies opinions?

What if neither this nor that?

Look, there are two convenient words. One of them means “both.” In English it is:

both- both
Do you dance or sing?(Are you singing or dancing?) - Both.

What if neither one nor the other?

neither- neither one nor the other
Do you dance or sing? - Neither.

So, I think it’s a very important moment because it’s very right way for coming some... what’s the point?

sense- meaning
nonsense- nonsense

-…some sense by itselves. Inside of the play

Well, we have reached this level of interaction...

Have we taken any step, Dmitry? Tell us a little praise if we did! Or curse me!

We have reached a stage or level where it is no longer possible to stop. I want to talk and talk! And that's just wonderful. And in subsequent classes we will increase this pace and consolidate our achievements.

(Ratings: 9 , average rating: 5,00 out of 5)

Welcome everyone to the 9th lesson of “Polyglot”!

Firstly, I want to draw your attention to the fact that you should already speak English, regardless of the fact that you do not know all the grammar, you already have the basic structures, you have a certain vocabulary. Don't put it off day after day, try it today. There are tons of chat rooms where you can find native English speakers; your family or friends may speak the language. Forward! No learned grammatical rule or word has absolutely any value until you apply it in practice - in speech. “You should speak with pleasure, without hesitation” - this is the advice of the great polyglot D. Petrov. This is the main disadvantage of many; when we graduate from school, we know a lot of rote grammar and do not know how to string together several phrases. Let's speak English!

Polyglot: Lesson Nine

The ninth lesson of the “Polyglot” course consists of four real stories, students of Dmitry Petrov tell what they did on Sunday. You will hear interesting stories After each story there is a translation hint, however, do not rush to resort to it, try to understand for yourself what it is about:

Oleg's story

— If I ask Oleg, what did you do on Sunday?

— On Sunday I went to the cinema. I watched a very nice movie Drive.

After the movie I came home and gave a telephone interview to the Russian service BBC. The world political situation in terms of conspiracy theory. 10 minutes on air of radio BBC.

— You see — Oleg is a specialist in conspiracy theory.

— Not only... Conspiracy theory, magic and extraordinary situations during the life and after death.

— And what magic white or black?

History of Vladimir

— Vladimir, what did you do yesterday? How did you spend your time yesterday?

— Yesterday I was at the talk show

— How many stars were in the talk show?

— There were many stars. We talked about my last film `Generation P`, where I played the main role.

Some people said, do not watch this film, some people said that you must see this film.

- I said nothing. I was silent.

— What is the price of your silence?

— Thirty pieces of silver.

— Very symbolic price!

— I know an interesting story about how you got the main role in this movie

— I don`t want to hear about it!

— Everybody should know about it!

— I mean casting, when you shoot yourself.

-What happened there? We are waiting!

— It was a difficult casting, because many stars wanted to play this role.

— What's the story? How did you get this role?

— Once I came to the casting. It was not my casting. And I was not ready for it.

After the director, watched this casting, he called me. He said, sorry, but it`s not your role. Maybe you want to play some other role in my movie? Some bad guy, for example, Vovchik? Yes of course, I said, I like this project. I will be happy in any role. But after I hung up the phone, I thought it was no good. I felt something strange. I took my camera and went to my empty swimming pool. And I made my own version of the casting.

— Did you like what you made?

- When I do something myself I am happy with this. I cut my version and gave it to the director. And said, let it be Vovchik. Just take a look. Maybe you will have some ideas?

— More questions for Vladimir…

— May be I will finish the story? Because the question left open. I'll be brief.

After watching the recording, the director called me back and said, sorry.

— This is the happy end of the story.

— This is a dramatic story!

— The director said, he was not right. This is your role. But unfortunately my casting was better than the movie. Often samples look better than the film itself.

Alexandra: about her resurrection

- Ok. Now... Sasha, what is your story? What did you do yesterday or on Sunday?

— I took part in a TV show. It was a game Crocodile. Our team lost.

— The team of middle managers.

— So what is this game?

— This is traditional game when someone shows something and can’t talk.

— What did you have to show?

— I showed Oleg Tabakov.

— You had to show an actor.

- Yes. It is very difficult. At the same time the two teams showed Oleg Tabakov.

- Who had to guess?

- My team had to guess and the other team had to guess. And one manager imitated pipe smoking. And his team exclaimed, Tabakov! I don`t understand how they guessed. In three seconds!

— Did you show the smoking pipe?

- No. I was just deciding what to show.

— How did you show?

— I didn`t have time.

— Did the manager look like Oleg Tabakov?

— No, I think they won thanks to team spirit.

— Just because the managers have a collective mind.

- Yes! They know how to communicate on the collective conscious and unconscious level.

Anna's narration

— Well, Anya... What is your story? What did you do on Sunday or yesterday?

— Sunday I spent with my family, with my daughter. I spoke on the one of the previous lessons about my house in the countryside. Not far from Moscow. We were at her horse riding lesson. I took her there. The horses were so nice and calm and we had a good time. Rest of the time I spent in rehearsals. One day I had three rehearsals!

— What is the name of the play?

- I don't want to say her name. I don't want to say her name. This moment is confidential! I don`t know if it is real. That is why I want to keep silent about it. I just want to work. Without thinking about the future. That's all.

- OK. More questions…

— Is your new play classic or modern?

- It is modern. This is with regard to the theater. Besides that I had one sample and a meeting with the new filmmaker. We never met before. It was an interesting meeting, regardless of the outcome. I don`t know will I take part on this film or not but the meeting was interesting. It was like a meeting with a person, not just a meeting with the director. But back to the theater... When we start a new play with Yatsko, above all, on the first day we sit and read the play. Before discussion we just read the play. I think this is a very good way for any play, sound in free empty space. And then we start to discuss. I think it`s very important to understand the meaning of the play the actor himself.

Reflexive pronouns

A little grammar:

Three uses of reflexive verbs in English:

  1. When we need the verb to acquire -sya/-sya, that is, it becomes reflexive.
  2. Whenever we need to translate these Russian pronouns: ourselves / ourselves, ourselves into English, we use the type of pronouns given above.
  3. When expressing a pronoun sam / sama / ourselves / ourselves also use the reflexive pronouns of this table.

I appeal to you, dear English lovers, when learning the language, show interest, practice, speak English!

You can watch the next lesson and listen to these stories, and make sure that everyone can speak a foreign language, even if they make mistakes at the beginning. Try to express your thoughts in English and catch this wonderful state - “I can speak English!”

Download Additional materials to the lesson at the link below.
