How to open mentor window in lineage. Mentoring system on official Russian servers. The system will allow the beginner to swing faster

Characters level 1 and above can enter into a Mentoring contract with an Awakened character on the same server. Pacted characters receive powerful experience gain buffs when both the Mentor and the Mentee are in play at the same time.

This page describes all the features of the mentoring system. You can also find this information in-game by talking to the Mentor Guide at any major city.

Powerful level 85+ buffs that are better than any before respawn!

Both mentor and apprentice automatically receive a powerful buff when both characters are in play.

The mentor gets:

Please note that this buff only applies once, although one tutor can have up to three students at a time.

The student receives:

Please note that students can get these buffs while playing as the main class. They do not affect the subclass.

Who can be a mentor and student?

To become a mentor, a character must be reborn. Apprentices can be characters up to level 86 who have a Mentee Certificate. A student cannot be a mentor.

At the same time, the mentor can have no more than three students. An apprentice can only be taught by one mentor.

How to get Mentee Certificate

The Mentee Certificate is currently only obtainable as part of a level 40 item set on Path to Awakening. But in the future we may offer another way to get it.

  1. Upgrade your character to level 40.
  2. Then visit the Path to Awakening page ( You don't have to leave the game to do this.
  3. Select a server and a character that has reached level 40.
  4. Click on the link at the bottom of the page Claim Reward(Claim a reward) next to the inscription "Level 40". Please note that characters who reached level 40 prior to the launch of Goddess of Destruction cannot receive the item set at level 40 when completing Path to Awakening.
  5. In game, approach the Dimensional Merchant in any major city as your character. They are marked on the city map to make them easier to find.
  6. Talk to Dimensional Merchant and choose Retrieve a Dimensional Item(Get an item from other worlds).
  7. A list of the items you selected on Path to Awakening will be displayed. Click on Mentee Certificate to get it.

Conclusion of a mentorship agreement

Student guide. Only a future mentor can start the procedure for concluding a contract. Characters who want to become apprentices can declare this in the game chat, ask around for clan members, or post announcements on the forums. When you find someone who can be a mentor, ask him to make a pact with you. When he sends you a mentorship offer, you will see the corresponding window. To conclude the contract, click on the "Accept" button.

Guide for the mentor. The contract can be concluded if both characters are in the game. To conclude an agreement, the future mentor must do the following:

  1. Open System Menu (System menu), then Friend Manager (List of friends) and go to the tab Mentoring (Mentoring).
  2. Click on the button " + ' to add a student.
  3. Enter the name of a character who can be a student (up to level 86 with a Mentee Certificate) in the Character Name field and click Add to list(Add to the list). This character will be sent a mentorship offer.
  4. When a character accepts this offer, they formally become your apprentice and you become their mentor. Since you are in the game at the same time, both characters immediately receive bonus buffs from entering into a mentorship pact.

Both mentor and student can terminate the contract at any time. After the cancellation of the contract, the mentor cannot enter into transactions with new students for seven days. The apprentice does not receive a penalty for terminating the contract and can immediately accept a new mentorship offer.

Please note that the Mentoring tab of the Friend Manager window is only displayed for Sims who can become Mentors and students with a valid Mentoring Agreement.

Mentee Marks (Student Marks)

Mentors can help students level up and earn rewards at certain milestones. At level 40, 50, and each level thereafter, mentors receive a different amount of Mentee Marks in the mail. Mentors can use them to purchase a variety of items from the Mentor Guide. Here is a partial list of available items:

  • Hair Accessory Life Stone
  • Soul Crystal Changing Stones Grade A to R95
  • Attribute Changing Crystals (S-grade to R99)
  • Enchant Armor and Enchant Weapon stones that increase the chance of successfully enchanting an item
  • Super 60 and Super 150 Attribute Stones of all elements
  • Scrolls of Enchant Weapon and Enchant Armor of all ranks
  • Superior Giant's Codex (Secret Scripture on Rebirth)
  • Elixir of Blessing (Elixir of Blessing)
  • Mentor's mystery box ( Mysterious Chest mentor)

Completion of training

An apprentice completes a mentorship contract by reaching level 86. Such an agreement is considered fulfilled. former student can become a mentor five days after being reborn (Awakening). Graduating students can exchange their Mentee Certificates for 40 Diplomas with a Mentor Guide in any major city. Diplomas can be spent to buy R-grade items from the same NPC.

The newbie/returner help system is designed to help such players quickly get used to the game features of Lineage 2.
1. Mentor
A mentor is a player who helps newcomers/returners to get comfortable in the world of Lineage 2.
Conditions for mentoring:
- to conclude a contract with a newcomer / returning to the game, the player must be level 85 and above, who has gone through rebirth.
Mentor Bonuses
Each mentor who has signed a contract with a newcomer/returner will receive the following items as a reward for mentoring:
- Increase experience/SP gain by 10%
- each novice/returner level up will give the tutor some amount of Sign of Tutor, which he will receive by mail

Below is a table of received Sign of Tutor according to the level of the student

A newbie is a player who has not played lineage 2.
Returning to the game is a player who had an inactive (unpaid) account for 3 consecutive months or more.
If both types of these players are under level 85, they will each receive a Tutor Certificate and receive an Evidence of Graduation as a reward at level 86. Such a player will henceforth be referred to as a student.
Players receive these items through the Vitamin Manager.

Bonuses for the Student
After signing a contract with a mentor, each player will receive a special Mentor Buff until the end of the contract. It consists of the following buffs:
- the player receives an increase to the received experience / SP in the amount of 200%
- the player gets 7 Iss Enchanter buffs: Horn Melody, Drum Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Guitar Melody, Harp Melody, Lute Melody, Mentor Run (XP/SP+200%)
The buff is active while the mentor is in play.
At the end of the contract, each player receives 40 Evidence of Graduation

3. Mentoring agreement
As soon as a potential mentor presses Alt+Y, he will see the mentoring agreement interface. The condition of mentor and disciple is described above in the text. A mentor can enter into a maximum of 3 contracts, but can only fulfill a contract to one.

1. Button for concluding/cancelling a contract: You can add or remove a student
2.Name: enter the name of the student, you can also select your clanmate from the list if it satisfies the beginner conditions.
3. Confirmation: confirmation of the contract with the student

4. Student release
When a student reaches level 86, he receives a Tutor Seritifcate, which can be exchanged with a special NPC for 40 Evidence of Graduation. The mentor will not be able to select a new student for 5 days

5. Breaking the contract
You can terminate the contract with the student unilaterally at any time. This will result in you being able to assign a new student to yourself after 7 days.

6. Mentor and Student Awards

Evidence of Graduation student can purchase

Requiem Shaper, Requiem Cutter, Requiem Buster, Requiem Slasher, Requiem Avenger, Requiem Retributer, Requiem Thrower, Requiem Shooter, Requiem Fighter, Requiem DualDagger, Requiem Caster, Requiem DualBlunt,Requiem DualSword, Requiem Stormer - 20 Evidence of Graduation

Immortal Necklace, Immortal Earring, Immortal Ring - 1 Evidence of Graduation

Immortal Breastplate, Immortal Leather Armor, Immortal Tunic - 5 Evidence of Graduation
Immortal Gaiters, Immortal leather leggings, Immortal Stockings - 1 Evidence of Graduation
Immortal Circlet, Immortal Leather Helmet, Immortal Helmet - 2 Evidence of Graduation
Immortal Gauntlets, Immortal Boots, Immortal Shield, Immortal Leather Gloves, Immortal Leather Boots, Immortal Gloves, Immortal Shoes, Immortal Sigil - 1 Evidence of Graduation

5000 Soulshot R-Grade: 1 Evidence of Graduation
2500 Blessed Spiritshot R-grade: 1 Evidence of Graduation

6.2 Mentor
Table of rewards that a tutor receives for Sign of Tutor

Explanations on subjects:
1) Stone for changing the SA - at the mammon blacksmith, with the help of this stone, you can change the inserted SA to another
2)Crystal of changing the properties of weapons - changes the attribute in the weapon to any
2) Stone: enchant weapons - during sharpening +3 ... + 9, the chance of success increases by 20% of the base
3)Stone: enchant armor - during sharpening +3 ... + 9, the chance of success increases by 35% of the base
4) Great stone (attribute) 60/150 - instantly gives armor 60 attribute, weapon 150 attribute
5) Scroll of Destruction - if the modification is unsuccessful, the level of sharpening remains unchanged
6) Scroll of Giants - the effect of modification is stronger than usual and depends on the type of weapon being modified
7) Scroll of Enchant Head Accessories - increases resistance to magic when enchanted. Safe enchant up to +3
8)Head Accessories Life Stone - Grants an additional effect to head accessories

From the chests, the player can randomly receive 1 item:
Chest of Destiny contains: Scroll of Destruction - Weapon:D,C,B,A,S,R; Scroll of Destruction - Armor:D,C,B,A,S,R;Scroll: Enchant Weapon R-grade, Scroll: Enchant Armor R-grade , Weapon Modification Crystal(A,S,S80,R,R95), SA Change Stone(A,S,S80,R,R95)
Giant Chest contains: Giant Scroll - Weapon:D,C,B,A,S,R; Giant Scroll - Armor:D,C,B,A,S,R; Scroll: Enchant Weapon R-grade; Scroll: Enchant Armor R-grade; Scroll of Head Accessory Enhancement, Head Accessory Life Stone
Chest of Captivity contains: Binding Scroll - D,C,B,A,S,S80,R,R95;Scroll: Enchant Weapon R-grade, Scroll: Enchant Armor R-grade;Stone: Enchant Weapon - D,C,B,A,S, R;Stone: enchant armor - D,C,B,A,S,R; Great Code of Giants

Who can become a Mentor or Apprentice?


can become a character who has undergone Rebirth. At the same time, he can take 3 students for training.


can become a character below level 86. To find a mentor, a student will need

Ward Certificate

- every new player gets it. The Ward's certificate will be placed in the character's vault. A character who reaches level 86 receives a Certificate of Completion. A student can have only one mentor.

Conclusion of the Mentoring Agreement

Only a Mentor can initiate a Mentorship Agreement.
The Apprentice receives an invitation from the Mentor, which must be accepted in order to conclude the Mentorship Agreement.

Recruitment of students

A mentor can recruit students using a special interface window (Alt+Y).

1. To add a student, click on the "+". Highlight a student and press "-" to terminate the contract.
2. Enter the name of the future student and click the "Add" button
3. If the selected character meets all the requirements, then he will receive an invitation. If he accepts the invitation, the contract will be activated and the student's name will be displayed in the list.

Termination of the Mentorship Agreement

Both the Mentor and the Apprentice may terminate the Mentorship Agreement at any time. After the cancellation of the Agreement, the Mentor cannot recruit students for seven days. The student does not receive a penalty for terminating the Mentorship Agreement and may immediately accept a new invitation.

Certificate of Completion

Upon reaching level 86, the contract with the mentor is automatically terminated. In any city, at the Mentor's Assistant, you can exchange the Ward's Certificate for a Certificate of Completion - 40 pcs., And these in turn for weapons and armor grade R. When the training contract ends, the Mentor will not be able to take a new student for 5 days.

Benefit for the mentor

XP/SP Bonus

When an apprentice is in play, the mentor automatically gains the apprentice's gratitude buff - which increases the experience gained from killing monsters by 10%.

Positive effects of the Mentor

When a character has Apprentices, skills similar to the Isa Conjurer's harmonies are added to him, the Mentor can only impose these effects on his Apprentices.

Harmony Guardian Mentor
Harmony Mage Mentor
Harmony Berserker Mentor

Sign of the Mentor

When a student gains a level, the mentor receives a number of Mentor's Marks by mail, which can be exchanged in any city with the Mentor's Assistants for various items. Depending on the level reached by the student, the mentor receives a certain number of Mentor Signs.

For signs of the Mentor you can get:

Headgear Life Stone
A-R95 Accessibility Change
Attribute Ore - Super 150 (60)
Enchant Stones
S-R99 Grade Element Change Crystals
Scrolls of Enchantment
and etc.

Benefit for the student

In addition to Certificates of Completion, the student receives the following benefits:

Blessing of the Mentor

When the Mentor is in play, the Apprentice automatically gains a set of buffs. 6 poems similar to Ys Conjurer's buffing skills, plus the effect of increasing experience and SP for killing monsters. The buffs from the Mentor's presence do NOT apply to the subclass.

Poem of the Horn of the Mentor
Mentor's Drum Poem
Poem of the Lute Master
Organ Poem of the Tutor
Mentor's Guitar Poem
Master's Harp Poem
Rune of the Mentor

The apprentice's experience and SP is increased by 200% while the Rune of the Mentor is active.

Summon the Mentor

The student gets the opportunity to call the mentor to him.

Certificate of Completion

Upon reaching level 86, the student ends his training, the contract with the Mentor ends, he does not receive any more positive effects. At the Assistant Mentor, the Certificate of the Ward can be exchanged for the Certificate of Completion - 40 pcs.

A mentor for a beginner is very important. Why? Yes, because by getting a mentor we get bonuses, both as a mentor and as a ward, so it's beneficial for everyone.
Mentor Bonuses: (Mentor Sign - sign of tour(Tauti - doubled reward), mentor skills (Mage Mentor Harmony,
Guardian's Harmony,
Harmony of the Berserker Mentor,
Summon Mentor), increase experience gained by 10%). Generally the mentoring system is designed to help you adapt to the server.

The system will allow the beginner to swing faster.

In order to become a student (ward), you need to contact the vitamin manager in any city, having received a mentor certificate from him. You should use the Alt + Y mentoring system. The mentor, using this system, can add up to 3 students, who must be below 85lvl. (The presence of a PA does not affect the possibility of becoming a student). To get a mentor faster, you need to use the group search system, write "Looking for a mentor" in the title - the process is faster, it will not be worse if you yourself look for a mentor during the game.

A mentor is a player who has reached lvl 85, who has undergone rebirth. After adding an apprentice, the Mentor will receive a Mentor's Badge in the mail when the player levels up, as well as a nice +10% EXP/SP bonus.
After receiving Mentor's Marks, you can subsequently purchase useful items from Mentor's assistants.

There is undoubtedly a benefit for the student too, when the mentor is online, the mentee receives a bonus in the form of an increase in EXP / SP and the Mentor's Blessing (this is a set of buffs, 6 poems similar to Isa's empowering skills) - a buff with no cooldown so that all the time that the mentor is in the game you you get bonuses.
When a player reaches lvl 86, the contract with your mentor is terminated automatically. Also, the certificate of the ward can be exchanged for a certificate of completion - 40pcs. These certificates can be exchanged for a full set of R-grade armor and weapons.

If you are dissatisfied with the mentor (he is constantly not online), using the ALT + Y mentoring system you can remove the mentor and find a new one, while the mentor who deleted the student will receive a penalty for adding new students - 7 days. Also, if the student finishes everything as expected, the mentor will receive a fine of 5 days, after which he will again be able to add new players.

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