What sound does a hare make? What sounds do hares make? Amazing abilities of hares

It is not so easy to answer the question of how hares talk. But surely all wildlife lovers are interested in learning how these animals communicate. Our article will help you figure it all out.

What does the bunny say?

Small children often ask about how hares talk. A parent can easily explain that cows moo, chickens cackle, and cats meow. But what about the runaway bunny, who so often appears in children's fairy tales and rhymes?

Let's try to find the answer to the question in children's literature. According to Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, the hares babble:

He was lying under the cabbage, babbling like a hare.

This is exactly how you can answer a curious child. Moreover, dictionaries agree with this version.

Ways of communication

But for those who have left childhood, such an answer is clearly not enough. But not every city dweller in his entire life manages to hear how hares communicate in the forest at least once.

These animals are quite silent, but they should not be considered completely dumb. Long-eared animals can not only grumble while chewing food, but also scream quite loudly. However, they often use stomping, patting, and special smells that correspond to different occasions to communicate.

Selfless Drummer

Until a certain point, it was believed that hares kicked the ground out of fear or pleasure. But the French scientist Pierre Bidelas found that drummers play the role of signalmen. Seeing a predator, they begin to furiously pound the ground with their hind legs, warning their relatives. The drummer himself, who so zealously attracts the attention of the kite, most likely becomes its victim, but his relatives manage to escape.

The scientist believes that this is how hares communicate with each other in times of danger in order to preserve populations. The hum created by hitting the ground can be compared to the sounds of a tom-tom, with the help of which many archaic tribes transmitted signals to each other. Hares hear this sound better and farther than the screams of their relatives.

Hares communicate by hitting the ground (as well as stumps, logs and other objects) and during the mating season. By making noise, they simply attract the attention of their relatives, hoping to quickly find a mate.

Rabbit cry

Hunters can tell you how these animals scream. According to them, only a wounded animal that is about to die can make such heartbreaking sounds, full of horror and pain.

The screams emitted by the hare resemble either the inviting cries of a cat or the crying of an infant. Young hares have a higher voice than older ones. But the volume is quite high almost always.

The sound attracts not only relatives, but also many predators. Hunters use decoys that imitate hare calls to lure out foxes and wolves.

In calm conditions, these animals do not speak. Hares are very careful, and therefore do not make noise unless unnecessary. To communicate, tapping and mutual sniffing are usually enough for them.

But their relatives - domestic rabbits - can be quite talkative. Moreover, different breeds are characterized by unequal talkativeness. The cries of a rabbit are similar to those of a hare, but are rarely as shrill and loud.

Answer from Lenzel[guru]
The hare, seeing a hawk in the sky, begins to drum on the ground with its hind legs, notifying other hares that danger is approaching... Although the “drummers” expose themselves to danger, attracting the attention of predators, rabbits that are nearby manage to hide.
In Africa, as you know, some tribes still use large drums - tom-toms - to transmit messages. So, the French scientist found out that animals are familiar with this method of communication. By knocking on dry ground, a hare or rabbit can transmit information to their relatives about approaching danger, the location of food, etc. Moreover, animals hear these sounds better than voices, and at a greater distance.
The hare squeal that he makes in moments of danger is well known. This is some kind of dying cry calling for help. Many other animals come running to him - stray dogs, cats, foxes, martens, ferrets, weasels, birds of prey and sometimes wild boar and bear. Young hares squeal in a high voice, adults in a lower voice. The hare's voice is like the cry of a baby. In hunting practice, a decoy is used that transmits the cry of a hare. They lure foxes with it, and in places where there are a lot of them, the hunt is quite successful. In addition to screaming, hares also mutter: the hare during the rut, and the hare during feeding. True, they can only be heard at a short distance.
Source: h ttp://

Answer from Marina Novoselova[master]
Drumming with paws when they are angry or want to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Answer from Up2sun[guru]
Rustle when they mow the grass)

Answer from Anna Kalyuzhnaya[guru]
Like all hares, hare are quiet animals; Only when caught or wounded do they emit a high, piercing cry. The female calls the hares, making quiet sounds. An alarmed hare clicks its teeth, as many rodents do. Another type of communication is paw tapping, similar to beating a drum.

Answer from Clubnicka[expert]
Ooooh! These are such multifaceted personalities)))
With the light hand of my beloved, the nickname “Hare” has been firmly attached to me for many years now. It’s hard to live with this when there are so many cartoons and everything else about them, these are all reasons to laugh at me. And now he says: tell the person what sounds you make.
Well, in general, hares can hiss. My dad, a hunter, told me that when you catch a hare by surprise, he hisses like a cat and, instead of running away, tries to pounce.

Answer from Barakan the Invincible[guru]
When the hare is angry, he quietly growls “Hrrrr”. It turns out very funny. “Pure beast!” 🙂 And when he is happy, he snores loudly.

Answer from LILU[guru]
oh they scream so much! they scream like children! ! The first time I heard it, I thought I was going to go crazy, I got scared and let it out of my hands. And he’s a bastard and let go! It turns out that this is how they defend themselves!

Answer from ~Oksana~[expert]
According to fiction, they babble, and in critical situations they “scream like children.”
Based on practice, they grunt, sniffle, say “hp-hp-hp” 🙂 And also, they knock with their front paws when they get irritated.
During the mating season - unintelligible muttering like "wa-wa-wa". If caught by a predator, it screams shrilly like a child or like a March cat, something like that.

Hares are one of those animals for which nature is destined to play the role of a victim. Despite this, they successfully survive in almost any conditions, since they inhabit all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. How do they do this?! A selection of amazing facts about hares will help lift the veil.

Physiological features

The hare family is very numerous. It has 11 genera and includes 54 species. There are 11 species of lagomorphs found in Russia. The most common of them is the white hare.

The first thing that catches your eye in the appearance of these unusual animals is their expressive eyes and incredibly long ears. They need large eyes set high on the sides of the skull to expand their visual field, which can reach 360°.

It is noteworthy that hares do not close their eyes even when resting. The most that the animal can afford is a shallow nap, during which it closes its eyelids.

But this happens only at moments when the eared one feels completely safe. Deep sleep is extremely rare for a hare. This state can last only 1-2 minutes. You can tell that your little cat is sleeping by its relaxed position, lying on its side and fully closed eyelids. But as soon as the animal hears the sounds of danger, it instantly wakes up and freezes, merging with the ground.

It is also surprising that hares, unlike their fellow rabbits, are initially born sighted. Within a few minutes from the moment of birth, the nimble animals are ready to “rip their claws.” The rabbits remain with their mother during the first 4 weeks of life while they are breastfed. At one month of age, they are already completely ready for independent life.

Ears are a special pride of these animals. They are so large that when bent they can reach the tip of the nose. This feature is used by Siberian hunters in order to distinguish the brown hare from the white hare. If the animal’s ears do not reach its muzzle, this is a white hare. As scientists explain, the ears of the white hare are much smaller for the reason that these animals do not need to cool quickly. Due to the special structure of the inner surface of the ears, dotted with veins, white hare easily regulates body temperature. It is also noteworthy that the large ears of animals are very sensitive to moisture. Therefore, in rainy weather, hares press their ears to their heads to prevent droplets from getting in.

The common concept of “cleft lip” arose due to the special structure of the animal’s nostrils, which, due to their close proximity to the lips, simply merge with them.

Since hares often become prey for animals, in order to camouflage themselves a little from them, long-eared hares can change the color of their fur throughout the year.

This is how the fur of a white hare in winter acquires a white light that merges with the snow. In the spring months, depending on the temperature, it changes from brownish-red to blackish-brown.

It is interesting that in winter, the feet of the animals are covered with thick, coarse hair. It not only protects them from the cold, but also helps to create a support similar to skis in order to move more confidently on ice and snow.

Amazing abilities of hares

Many have probably heard how these nimble animals briskly beat off shots on logs or stumps. But not all children and adults know the interesting fact that this is how hares communicate with each other. Furiously pounding the ground with their hind paws, they warn their fellow tribesmen that the enemy is approaching. At the same time, the drummer himself, who makes sounds and thereby attracts attention to himself, often becomes a victim of this predator, but gives his relatives the opportunity to hide in the wilderness. The hum produced when the paws hit the ground can be compared to the sounds of a tom-tom, which was used by ancient tribes of people to transmit signals. Research shows that such a sound is heard much better than the screams of relatives.

In addition to stomping, they use various types of pats and release special odors into the air that correspond to different situations.

As for the sounds made by the speech apparatus, long-eared animals can grumble while chewing food, and also scream shrilly in case of danger. Hunters who are “lucky enough” to hear the heartbreaking cries emitted by hares note that they are somewhat reminiscent of the crying of a baby or the inviting cries of a cat.

The common fact that hares are herbivores is wrong. Yes, they love to eat juicy grass. But with the same success they are ready to taste meat, for example, insects and small rodents. Northern hunters setting snares for partridges repeatedly noticed that if the trap is not checked in time, ahead of the long-eared one, the prey will be eaten.

For the same reason, scientists who have been studying these animals for a long time initially classified them as a species of rodents, and having identified the taste preferences of long-eared animals, they were classified as a separate series of lagomorphs.

People who keep rabbits note that these animals love to eat their droppings. Their wild relatives, hares, also suffer from the same “weakness.” The fact is that soft green droppings contain enzymes that help speed up the digestion process. Watching these animals, you notice that they are constantly gnawing on something. This is more likely not a feeling of hunger, but a physiological need. Hare teeth grow throughout life, and therefore they have to be ground down regularly.

Amazing animals are often called “oblique”. They received this nickname not because of vision problems, but because of their ability to circle while escaping. While running away, they manage to make a turn, returning to the same place from where they started. This ability is explained by the structure of the hind legs. They are more developed than the front ones, but at the same time they differ in length. In nature, there are both right-handed and left-handed hares. The looping run created due to the uneven length of the paws makes long-eared animals elusive prey for predators.

If we talk about their ability to move quickly, then hares are real sprinters among small animals:

  • the height and length of the jumps of these animals reaches 3.5 m;
  • The speed during the chase is up to 80 km/h.

These animals easily overcome rocky terrain and swim well. Eared animals have very strong hind legs. During the mating season, they use them to fight rivals and

Many children will probably be interested to know the fact that hares, like lizards, are able to give up their tail in the name of salvation. This often happens when a predator catching up with an animal manages to scratch the victim by the tail. At this moment, the fur is removed along with the skin, thereby diverting the attention of the predator and giving the victim the opportunity to win a couple of seconds necessary for salvation.

Hares can live in families or settle as individuals. The way of life can be either sedentary or “tumbleweed” type.

With a sedentary way of life in the adjacent territory, sometimes reaching 6-10 hectares, these animals form a complex intertwined system of routes. It combines feeding and surveillance areas. The animals carefully monitor the maintenance of order on the paved paths, from time to time cleaning them from leaves and branches. This procedure is necessary to make it easier for the animal to escape in case of danger.

Nomination record holders

Of no less interest may be the fact that among these inconspicuous at first glance, but so amazing animals, there are record holders. The average weight of hares ranges from 1.2-1.6 kg. This parameter depends on the type of animal and the abundance of food.

The largest representative of the family, who lived on the island of Minorca about 12 million years ago, is recognized. This is confirmed by the fossil remains found by archaeologists, judging by which the animal weighed about 15 kg.

The record holder for ear length is rightfully considered to be a representative of the hare family - a rabbit called the Brussels ram. The animal's ears, located on the sides of the head, are collected into balls. When extended, they reach a length of 3 meters.

If we mention the rarest representatives of the family, then we should include tree hares among them. These animals do not rush through the fields, but jump through the trees. They are found in two geographical locations in the world: on the islands of Japan called Toku-no-Oshima and Anami-Oshima. Since fifty years ago, there were only 500 of them. It is not known exactly what their number is today.

Water hares will soon be considered among the rarest representatives. Their numbers are declining at a rapid rate due to the disruption of the ecological balance of the southern United States. Representatives of this breed got their name due to the fact that in case of persecution they escape by hiding in bodies of water. They know how to dive into the water, exposing only their tiny nose above the surface of the water. They can remain in this position for tens of minutes. When the danger has passed, the animals begin to quickly row to the other side.

What sounds do hares make?

  1. It scratches, rustles, grunts =)) and when it gets there it growls!
  2. Ooooh! These are such multifaceted personalities))))
    With the gentle hand of my beloved, the nickname “Hare” has firmly stuck to me for many years now. It’s hard to live with this when there are so many cartoons and everything else about them, these are all reasons to laugh at me. And now he says: tell the person what sounds you make.

    Well, in general, hares can hiss. My dad, a hunter, told me that when you catch a hare by surprise, he hisses like a cat and, instead of running away, tries to pounce.

  3. Like all hares, hare are quiet animals; Only when caught or wounded do they emit a high, piercing cry. The female calls the hare, making quiet sounds. An alarmed hare clicks its teeth, as many rodents do. Another type of communication is paw tapping, similar to beating a drum.
  4. According to fiction, they babble, and in critical situations they “scream like children.”
    Based on practice, they grunt, sniffle, say “hp-hp-hp” 🙂 And they also knock with their front paws when they get irritated.

    During the mating season - unintelligible muttering like "wa-wa-wa". If caught by a predator, it screams shrilly like a child or like a March cat, something like that.

  5. The hare, seeing a hawk in the sky, begins to drum on the ground with its hind legs, notifying other hares that danger is approaching... Although the “drummers” expose themselves to danger, attracting the attention of predators, rabbits that are nearby manage to hide.
    Previously, however, they thought that rabbits and hares pounded the ground with their paws out of joy or fear. But Pierre Bridelas, a scientist at the Paris Museum of Natural History, found that long-eared drummers play the role of... telegraph operators.
    In Africa, as you know, some tribes still use large drums - tom-toms - to transmit messages. So, the French scientist found out that animals are familiar with this method of communication. By knocking on dry ground, a hare or rabbit can transmit information to their relatives about approaching danger, the location of food, etc. Moreover, animals hear these sounds better than voices, and at a greater distance.
    The hare squeal that he makes in moments of danger is well known. This is some kind of dying cry calling for help. Many other animals come running to him: stray dogs, cats, foxes, martens, ferrets, weasels, birds of prey and sometimes wild boar and bear. Young hares squeal in a high voice, adults in a lower voice. The hare's voice is like the cry of a baby. In hunting practice, a decoy is used that transmits the cry of a hare. They lure foxes with it, and in places where there are a lot of them, the hunt is quite successful. In addition to screaming, hares also mutter: the hare during the rut, and the hare during feeding. True, they can only be heard at a short distance.

    http://forums.nf.ru/read.php?1,20683 -THE CRY OF A HARE

  6. Drumming with paws when they are angry or want to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  7. When the hare is angry, he quietly growls “Hrrrr”. It turns out very funny. “Pure beast!” 🙂 And when he is happy, he snores loudly.
  8. oh they scream so much! they scream like children! ! The first time I heard it, I thought I was going to go crazy, I got scared and let it out of my hands. And he’s a bastard and let go! It turns out that this is how they defend themselves!
  9. Rustle when they mow the grass)