Expected result in the task for vkr. Scientific supervisor about the final qualifying work. Application design rules

This article contains an example of the structure of a final qualifying work (thesis/project or bachelor's/master's thesis) - from introduction to appendices.

Here you can download the template of the final qualifying work:

By completing the sections of this example template step by step, you will get the job you need. Then you only need to formalize it according to the methodological instructions of your university.

You can contact us with questions here: Alexander Krylov

So. Structure


You take this sheet from methodological guidelines for the implementation of research and development work, which the university provides you

Also need to see guidelines for preparing text documents, it states:

— Margin sizes (usually the same on all sides - for example, 2 cm, and the right margin is almost always 1 cm)

— Font size 14, spacing 1.5, font itself – Times New Roman

— Insert page numbers. They are usually placed at the bottom center, there is no number on the title page

Before and after each heading, press Enter so that there is one blank line between the heading and the text before and after it.


Chapter 1. Theoretical review on the topic of WRC……………………………………………..

1.1. Review of the essence of the chosen topic of the WRC …………………………………………

1.3. Industry specific features of the WRC topic …………………………………………

Chapter 2. Analysis of the state and activity of the object (enterprise) from the point of view of the topic of the research and development work in accordance with the methods from clause 1.2……………………………………………………………………

2.1. Brief description and main indicators of the condition and activity of the facility ……………………………………………………………………………………

2.2. Comprehensive economic or financial analysis of the facility’s activities…………………………………………………………………………………………

2.3. Analysis on the topic of the WRC ……………………………………………………………

Chapter 3. Design of measures to improve the operation of the facility in the direction chosen in the WRC ……………………………………………………………

3.1. Conditions and prerequisites for the development of activities ………………………….

3.2. Name of event 1 …………………………………………………

3.3. Name of event 2………………………………………………………………

3.4. Name of event 3…………………………………………….

3.5. Assessing the effectiveness of the set of proposed measures……………

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………

List of used literature………………………………………………………



Relevance. Why did you choose this topic? A couple of paragraphs, total size - approximately 70% of the first page of the introduction

The purpose of the final qualifying work(more details about the goals here:)

Tasks of the WRC:

  1. First task
  2. Second task
  3. Usually there are 5-7 of them

Object of study in the WRC – the organizational and legal form and the name of the object of work. For example, LLC “Senior Lecturer Alexander Krylov”

Subject of study– what comes after the first word “improvement” or “improvement” from the topic of the WRC. If there is no such word in the title of the topic, then the subject of research is usually the first phrase

For example, the topic “Improving the financial condition of an enterprise (using the example of Diplom 35 LLC)”

Then the subject of research in the WRC is the financial condition of the enterprise

Research methods- the methods you used in your work. Personally, since I am a former senior lecturer in financial management, I write here all the time financial ratio method. It is reasonable to fill out this item after writing the entire work.

By the way. The financial ratios themselves, as well as financial analysis in general, can be calculated for free using this link: http://anfin.ru/finansovyj-analiz-esli-net-dannyh/.

Practical significance of WRC– is not present in all works. Here we write what a theoretical review of work can be used for, how you can use the results of the analysis, and how realistic it is to use VKR activities at the enterprise

Work structure– this section is also not always available. But if there is, then we write here: the final qualifying work consists of an introduction, the main part, a conclusion, a list of used sources and literature, and applications. The main part contains a theoretical review that reveals the topic of the final qualifying work, an analytical section that allows you to assess the current state of the research object, a design part containing a list of measures to improve the subject of research with calculations confirming their economic feasibility

The introduction is 3-5 pages long, no more is required.


1.1. Review of the essence of the selected WRC topic

1.2. Methods and approaches to measuring indicators characterizing the topic of WRC

1.3. Industry specific features of the WRC topic

You can read an article on how to prepare the first part of your final qualifying work here:. Where to get the theory - here:


2.1. Brief description and main indicators of the condition and activity of the facility

2.2. Comprehensive economic or financial analysis of the facility’s activities

In this section, based on the initial data, a general analysis of the enterprise is carried out.

Regardless of the topic, you can conduct the following types of analysis:

2.3. Analysis on the topic of WRC

This section provides specific analysis for the topic of the work. You have to either come up with it yourself, or look for a ready-made one and remake it to suit your topic of work


3.1. Conditions and prerequisites for the development of events

In this section we write conclusions on the analysis from the second chapter, since they are the conditions and prerequisites for the development of activities. This particular section may be located at the end of the second part - there it will be called “Conclusions”. Or it can be at the end of the second part, and at the beginning of the third. It depends on what your manager recommends.

You can read about the events for the third part here: . There are many events, you can come up with them yourself. In addition, they can be recommended by your supervisor or a representative of the subject of work, that is, for example, the head of a department of the enterprise, who can subsequently write a review of your work ()

3.2. Name of event 1

Here you describe how to implement the first event, what resources are required for it, what the deadlines for implementation are, justify the costs and planned income, describe the possible effect

3.3. Name of event 2

Here you proceed similarly for the second event

3.4. Name of event 3

Well, here you are describing the third event

3.5. Assessing the effectiveness of a set of proposed measures

Here you describe at least the following indicators - for all events at once:

— One-time costs

— Fixed costs

— Variable costs

— Income

Based on these indicators, you calculate economic efficiency indicators. At a minimum this:

— Profitability of a set of measures

— Change in the efficiency of the W&R facility as a result of the implementation of measures

- Payback period

At the end of this section, draw conclusions about the extent to which the activities you proposed allowed you to achieve the goal of your final qualifying work.


In conclusion you:

— Draw conclusions on achieving the goal

— Draw conclusions on all chapters, confirming them with analysis and project figures

— Describe options for using the results of research and development experiments

— Describe options for further research for which your thesis can become the basis


This is insanity, of course, but often works are sent for rework if the list of more than 30 sources contains more than 5 sources released 5 years ago. It’s somehow naive to think that the opinion of a dozen modern analysts who wrote their articles a year ago can even come close to the weight of the opinion of Henry Ford, who was the first to use the assembly line, Jack Trout, who came up with the concept of product positioning, or Jack Welch, the legendary CEO of General Electric.

During Jack Welch's two decades in office, from 1981 to 2001, the corporation's total value increased 30-fold, from $14 billion to nearly $400 billion. General Electric has become the second most profitable company in the world. After leaving GE in 2001, Welch wrote his autobiography, JACK: Straight From The Gut, which became a bestseller.

And if you use such a book and indicate the date of its publication, your job may be terminated. Therefore, adjust the release dates of information sources.



In most economic works, Appendix A will be the balance sheet of the object of study for three years.



The following applications will be located:

— Large illustrations (more than half a page in size)

— Large tables (more than 70% of the page in size)

All applications must be mentioned in the text of the WRC.

All applications in the text of the work must have links.

The number of applications and their size are usually not limited.

Materials for final qualification (diploma, bachelor's, master's), coursework and practice reports in economics, financial management and analysis:

  • The second chapter of the thesis on economics is usually called as part of the title of the thesis, but with the addition of the words “analysis, assessment, diagnosis,” etc. to the beginning of the title. For example,…
  • Good afternoon, dear reader. In this article I will talk about how to write the introduction of a thesis. The introduction is written after drawing up the plan for the thesis. After writing the introduction...
  • The third chapter of a thesis (bachelor's or specialist's) usually consists of three subsections. Its title is often similar to the title of the thesis topic and begins with words like...
  • There are several options for where to get the balance sheet and financial statements for your thesis. Well, for any other economic work too. If you…
  • In order to evaluate the results of implementing activities in the third chapter of the thesis, it often makes sense to come up with a forecast balance sheet and a financial performance report. What is this for…Good day to you. In this article we will consider what to write in the conclusion of an economic work - a diploma, dissertation or regular coursework. The total volume of the conclusion is about...
  • Here you can read customer reviews about working with me, and also see the cost of economic theses. Reviews first. Names, as you understand, cannot be given...

1. Purpose and objectives of the final qualifying work

2. Structure of final qualifying work

3. Requirements for presenting the content of the text part of the final qualifying work

4. Requirements for the design of text and graphic parts of the final qualifying work.


In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for a specialty, state (final) certification includes the preparation and defense of a final qualifying thesis.

Carrying out research and development work is one of the main types of independent work of students at the final stage of training, aimed at expanding and consolidating theoretical knowledge, developing skills in solving practical problems in the course of independent scientific research.

The purpose of the guidelines: to provide assistance to students in completing their final qualifying work, as well as to teachers supervising the graduate work.

Purpose and objectives of the final qualifying work

1.1. The thesis is the final qualifying work containing the results of independent research on the chosen topic.

1.2. The purpose of the examination is to determine the degree of readiness of the student to independently solve professional problems.

1.3.In the process of performing research and development work, the following tasks are implemented:

Systematization, expansion and deepening of students’ theoretical and practical knowledge in their specialty;

Application of knowledge in the field of economics in solving specific scientific and practical problems;

Mastery of methodology and methods of scientific research;

Development of skills and abilities of independent work.

Structure of final qualifying work

The thesis must contain the following structural elements: title page, assignment for the essay, abstract, content, introduction, main part, conclusion, list of sources used, appendices, supervisor's review (not filed), review (not filed).

The title page is the first page of the VRC, serves as a source of information necessary for processing and searching for the VRC, and should include:

Indication of the departmental affiliation of the technical school;

Full name of the technical school;

A note confirming the admission of the research and development team to protection;

Title of the WRC topic;

Name and code of specialty;

Last name, first name, patronymic and signature of the student who completed it;

Last name, initials and signature of the manager;

Last name, initials and signature of the regulatory inspector;

Place and year of the WRC.

A sample title page is given in Appendix A.

Assignment for the VKR is a normative document that establishes the boundaries and depth of topic development, as well as the deadlines for submitting the work.

The assignment for the thesis is drawn up on a standard form (Appendix B) signed by the student, supervisor and approved by the chairman

Essay is compiled in a brief form (no more than 1 page) and must include information about the volume of the proposal, the number of illustrations, tables, appendices, a list of keywords, and an annotation.

The list of keywords should include from 5 to 15 words or phrases from the text of the WRC, which best characterize its content and provide the possibility of information retrieval. Keywords are given in the nominative case and printed in capital letters on a line separated by commas.

The abstract reflects the structure of the research project, its object, subject, purpose and objectives, the degree of development of the topic, methods, means, methods and ways of research, their novelty and proposals for the implementation of the results, indicating the scope of their application, the significance of the work, the forecast for the development of the research object.

If the thesis does not contain information on any of the listed structural parts of the annotation, then it is omitted in the text of the annotation, but the sequence of presentation is preserved.

The heading “ABSTRACT” is placed in paragraph indentation and written in capital letters.

A sample abstract format is given in Appendix B.

Chapters, paragraphs, subparagraphs must have serial numbers within the main part and are indicated in Arabic numerals with a dot at the end.

The introduction, list of references and appendices are not numbered.

The words “chapter”, “paragraph”, “subparagraph” are not written before the title.

Paragraphs must be sequentially numbered within each chapter. The paragraph number includes the chapter number and the serial number of the paragraph, separated by a dot. For example: 1.1., 1.2.,1.3. etc.

The subparagraph number includes the chapter number, paragraph number, and subparagraph serial number, separated by a dot. For example: 1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3. etc.

Headings of chapters, paragraphs, and subparagraphs are written in paragraph indentation without a period at the end and without underlining. Headings of chapters - in capital letters, paragraphs, subparagraphs - in capital letters. It is allowed to highlight the headings of chapters and paragraphs of the WRC in bold.

The distance between the title and the text should be at least 2-3 spaces.

Long headings are transferred without breaking them down into syllables (according to words). If headings include several sentences, they are separated by periods.

In the introduction necessary:

Show the relevance of the topic of scientific research: the state of its theoretical development, unexplored aspects of the problem being studied, difficulties and contradictions in practice, from which the need to study this topic follows.

To substantiate the relevance of the topic of the WRC, it is possible to characterize the regulatory and legal materials that contain decisions confirming the importance of the topic and expressing the needs formed at the level of the state and economic management bodies, as well as a description of practice, its state and needs that confirm the significance of the topic, analysis of theoretical works - the contribution of scientists to the development of the topic and a description of the prerequisites created in science for the development of the topic; compare theoretical developments and their practical application to identify inconsistencies; describe the expected impact of research on the topic on the development of science and practice;

Describe the subject and object of research. The object of research, as a rule, follows from the formulation of the topic and characterizes the boundaries of the study. Subject of research - economic relations, properties and functions identified in the object of research;

Formulate the main goal of the research project as the expected result of the research, which can be expressed in identifying new results in the development of theory, in positive changes in practice. The goal statement includes:

Target action that must be performed on the subject of research within the object: develop, justify, identify, disclose, provide, analyze, etc.;

The target subject as part of the purpose of the research: ways and means, directions, requirements, aspects, etc.;

The target object as part of the theory and practice within which the goal is being realized: the economic system, the development process, real economic relations, models of the economic mechanism, economic processes, methods, etc.;

Highlight the main tasks that need to be solved to achieve the goal.

These tasks are connected, firstly, with the study of the theory of the issue (to provide justification, study the state of the problem, reveal the essence, determine methodological approaches, etc.);

secondly, with the study of the state of practice and the manifestation of the subject of research (characterize the content and methods, perform an analysis of existing practice and assess the degree of implementation of theoretical developments, determine the role and place of use, as well as familiarize yourself, establish, identify, trace, etc. );

thirdly, with the transformation of the subject of research (develop a system, improve, systematize, classify, generalize, identify, prepare, create, formulate, determine the content, model the system); fourthly, with the development of recommendations (develop proposals, make recommendations, develop activities, programs, etc.);

Indicate the initial methodological principles that determine the approach to researching the topic;

List the methods of collecting and processing information, evaluating the results obtained, used in the process of performing the research work;

Characterize the information base of the study (literary sources, normative and legislative acts, instructional materials, materials from periodicals, statistical data, etc.);

Justify the practical significance of the chosen topic.

The heading “INTRODUCTION” is placed in paragraph indentation and written in capital letters.

The main part of the thesis contains a presentation of material that reveals the implementation of the research goal and the solution of the theoretical and practical problems outlined in the introduction:

The structure of the main part may be different. Recommended: two to three sections (chapters) with two to three subsections (paragraphs) or three to four sections (chapters) without subsections (paragraphs). All parts of the work (sections, subsections) should be approximately equal in volume.

The assigned tasks should be disclosed in equal detail and thoroughly.

At the end of each section (subsection), a conclusion should be drawn and a logical transition to the next section (subsection) should be outlined.

The first section (chapter) of the main part of the thesis examines the theoretical foundations of the research topic, using a systematic approach, comparative analysis and other general scientific economic methods.

A literature review on the problem being developed is required. It is the result of an analytical and synthetic processing of literary sources on a specific topic, containing generalized and critically analyzed information about the history, current state, trends and prospects for the development of the subject of the review.

The second section (chapter) of the WRC provides a critical analysis of the current state of affairs on the problem under consideration in the conditions of practical activity. The purpose of such an analysis is to identify both positive and negative aspects of the state of the issue being studied and to search for possible solutions (improvement, perfection, development), or to find fundamentally new approaches. It is necessary, in addition to stating the facts, to give them a qualified assessment and develop recommendations for solving the problem.

The degree of elaboration of solution options is agreed upon with the manager. Each recommendation (solution option) must be fully disclosed and justified.

The text part of the theoretical and practical sections should be supplemented with tables, figures, graphs, references to literature, etc.

All chapters and paragraphs are arranged in the order specified in the CONTENTS and must be logically interconnected, ensuring consistent development of the main ideas of the topic throughout the entire thesis.

The distance between chapter headings and its text should be 2 spaces. The distance between the paragraph heading and its text should be one space.

On the page where the title of a paragraph or subparagraph is given there must be at least two lines of subsequent text.

IN conclusion the significance of the issues considered for theory and practice is revealed, the main results of the work done are summed up, the completeness and depth of the solution to the issues raised in the WRC are assessed, proposals and recommendations for the implementation of the results obtained are outlined, and prospects for further study of the problem are determined. In the Conclusion, repetition of the content of the introduction or the main part is not allowed.

The heading “CONCLUSION” is placed in paragraph indentation and written in capital letters.

List of sources used is constructed in accordance with the rules established for bibliographic descriptions.

Basic requirements for the list of used sources:

Compliance with the theme of the WRC and completeness of reflection of all its aspects;

A variety of types of publications: official, regulatory, reference, educational, scientific, industrial and practical, etc.;

Lack of obsolete documents.

The sources used are indicated in the following sequence (Appendix I).

Within the section of regulatory legal acts, instructions, administrative and other official documents, sources of equal legal force are arranged in chronological order according to the dates of their adoption and signing.

Inside the literary sources section, the names of the authors and the titles of the works (if the author is not indicated) are placed strictly alphabetically. Foreign sources should be placed at the end of the list of all materials. When compiling an alphabetical list, adhere to the following sequence of sources: if the first words coincide - in alphabetical order of the second words, etc.; for several works by one author - in alphabetical order of titles, for namesake authors - according to identification characteristics (junior, eldest, father, son - from eldest to youngest), for several works of an author written by him in collaboration with others - in alphabetical order of the authors' surnames.

When creating a list, all basic information about the publication is indicated: surname and initials of the author (authors), title, place, year of publication, number of pages.

All sources used are numbered in Arabic numerals with a dot and printed in paragraph indentation.

The heading “LIST OF USED SOURCES” is placed in paragraph indentation and written in capital letters.

An example of a list of used sources is given in Appendix I.

Archival materials used in performing the research and development work are indicated in the list of sources used after the normative and reference acts.

Applications designed to facilitate the perception of the content of the work.

These should include:

Ancillary materials that clutter the main text;

Materials supplementing the text;

Intermediate formulas and calculations;

Supporting Data Tables;

Supporting illustrations, instructions, questionnaires, methods, etc.

Application design rules:

Applications are placed at the end of the WRC;

Each appendix must begin on a new page with the word "APPENDIX" written at the top center of the page, indicating its designation without a period at the end, and the subject heading written lower in the middle of the page;

Applications (if there are more than one) are numbered (designated) in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters E, Z, J, O, CH, ь, ы, Ъ, and are arranged in the order in which references to them appear in the main text . It is allowed to designate applications with letters of the Latin alphabet, with the exception of J and O. In the case of full use of letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, it is allowed to designate applications with Arabic numerals. If the application consists of several parts, then a combination of alphabetic and numerical designations is allowed. For example, for Appendix A: A.1., A.1.1., A.1.1.1, etc.;

Applications must have the same page numbering as the rest of the WRC;

The manager’s review is compiled in free form, but must reflect:

Compliance of the content of the project with the assignment;

Description of the work done in all its sections;

Completeness of the topic;

Theoretical level and practical significance of the work;

The degree of independence and creative initiative of the graduate student, his business qualities;

Quality of work design;

Possibility of admission of a student to the public defense of the thesis at the State Attestation Commission,

A sample format for a manager's review is given in Appendix K.

Review is the most important document that determines the completeness and quality of the thesis submitted for defense.

The review is prepared in free form, but must include an assessment of:

Compliance of the content of the WRC with its topic;

Relevance and social significance of the topic;

The main results of the WRC, including novelty: new ideas, original research methods, new approaches;

Practical significance and possibility of implementing the results of research and development work into practice, the expected effect;

Validity of conclusions and proposals;

Existing shortcomings of the thesis (in content, presentation and design of materials), as well as questions for the student and the recommended overall assessment of the thesis. A sample review format is given in Appendix L.


student Natalya Petrovna Korovina

on the topic: “Specifics of Internet promotion using the example of

landing page molecule-MSK. RF"

1 Scope of work: number of pages 87.

2 Purpose and objectives of the WRC:

The purpose of the final qualifying work is to identify the specifics of Internet product promotion and develop recommendations for the use of a landing page in promotion.

The goal allowed us to formulate the tasks that were solved in this work:

1. research into theories of Internet promotion;

2. conducting quantitative research;

3. development of the landing page structure;

4. analysis of the landing page molecule - msk.rf;

3 Relevance, theoretical, practical significance of the research topic: The relevance of this work is determined by the development of new information technologies and significant changes in the field of trade. As a result of continuous global changes in the field of information technology (in particular, the Internet), a problem arises related to the need to practically use the variety of promotion methods and “selling” capabilities of the Internet in the sphere of interaction of commercial organizations, in the field of trade. Promoting a product on the Internet has become so profitable that the unhindered dissemination of information immediately affected the growth rate of advertising campaigns. The practical orientation of this work lies in the fact that the author conducted research on an existing organization; the site already exists.

4 Compliance of the content of the work with the task (complete or incomplete):

5 Main advantages and disadvantages of WRC:

The advantages of this thesis are confirmed by the fact that the author managed to cover the topic in accordance with the plan of this study, sufficiently study the theoretical foundations of advertising promotion, identify the features of Internet advertising technologies, and consider Internet promotion tools using the example of a landing page. Analyze Internet promotion strategies and develop a landing page promotion project based on the research received. Develop recommendations for using the landing page molecule - MSK. RF in Internet promotion. The completeness and sufficiency of literary sources, the use of materials and current periodical articles are reflected in the list of sources used.

6 Degree of independence and ability of the graduate for research work (ability and skills to search, summarize, analyze material and draw conclusions):

The author has demonstrated the ability to search and systematize the necessary sources, comprehensively analyze research results, practice materials, scientific literature, make independent theoretical generalizations, practical calculations and conclusions, and conduct a scientific discussion.

7 Evaluation of the student’s activities during the period of completion of the examination (degree of conscientiousness, efficiency, responsibility, accuracy, etc.):

During the preparation of the thesis, N.P. Korovina reacted responsibly to the task, showed an active interest in this topic, and conscientiously carried out the research.

8 Advantages and disadvantages of the design of the text part, graphic, demonstration, illustrative, computer and information material. Compliance of design with the requirements of standards:

The quality of the final qualifying work complies with the methodological instructions. The depth of the research is emphasized by the voluminous illustration of the text with practical materials and developed activities, graphs, tables, drawings, and applications.

9 Feasibility and possibility of implementing the results of the WRC study:

General conclusion and proposed assessment of the final qualifying work

The goal and objectives set by the student can be considered achieved. The submitted thesis meets the requirements for final qualifying works and can be accepted for defense.
