Analysis of the poem “Aibolit” by K. I. Chukovsky. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Aibolit" Doctor Aibolit main characters

It is not at all difficult to guess that the patient’s alarmed cry “Ay! Hurts!" has become the most affectionate name in the world for a fairy-tale doctor, very kind, because he treats with chocolate and eggnog, rushes to the rescue through snow and hail, overcomes steep mountains and stormy seas, selflessly fights the bloodthirsty Barmaley, frees a boy from pirate captivity Penta and his fisherman father, protects the poor and sick monkey Chichi from the terrible organ grinder..., while saying only one thing:

"Oh, if I don't get there,
If I get lost on the way,
What will happen to them, to the sick,
With my forest animals?

Of course, everyone loves Aibolit: animals, fish, birds, boys and girls...

Doctor Aibolit has an English “predecessor” - Doctor Dolittle , invented by the writer Hugh Lofting .


Each of the books has its own fascinating story.

"Dr. Aibolit" K.I. Chukovsky written based on the plot of fairy tales by an English writer Hugh Lofting about Doctor Dolittle ("The Story of Doctor Dolittle", "The Adventures of Doctor Dolittle", "Doctor Dolittle and His Beasts" ).


To the good to the doctorAibolit come for treatment and “and a cow, and a she-wolf, and a bug, and a worm, and a bear”. But the children suddenly got sick hippopotamus, And Dr. Aibolit goes to Africa, getting there, he repeatedly risks his life: either the wave is ready to swallow him, or the mountains "go under the very clouds". And in Africa the animals are waiting for their savior - Doctor Aibolit .

Finally he is in Africa:
Ten nights Aibolit
Doesn't eat, doesn't drink and doesn't sleep,
Ten nights in a row

He heals the unfortunate beast
And he sets and sets thermometers for them.
And so he cured everyone.
Everyone is healthy, everyone is happy, everyone is laughing and dancing.

A hippotamus sings:
“Glory, glory to Aibolit!
Glory to the good doctors!


1. What animals lived with Dr. Aibolit?

(In the room there are hares, in the closet there is a squirrel, in the cupboard there is a crow, on the sofa there is a hedgehog, in the chest there are white mice, Kiki the duck, Ava the dog, Oink the pig, Korudo the parrot, Bumbo the owl.)

2. How many animal languages ​​did Aibolit know?

3. From whom and why did the monkey Chichi run away?

(From the evil organ grinder, because he dragged her everywhere on a rope and beat her. Her neck hurt.)

Year of writing: 1929

Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: doctor Aibolit, sick animals


The wonderful, kind doctor helped everyone without exception; he could sew legs on a bunny or a wing on a moth. He was always ready to help, and when the jackal brought him an urgent telegram that small hippos had fallen ill on the Limpopo River, he immediately set off on the road. Difficulties await him on the road; he falls exhausted into the snow, but thinks only about sick animals. But grateful animals, in this case wolves, help him.

And when the doctor stands in despair on the seashore, not knowing how to swim across it, a whale helps him. And so the doctor finally visited the patients and for ten days, without sleep or rest, he treated the little hippos.

Conclusion (my opinion)

This fairy tale describes a real doctor, for whom the most important thing is his profession and the lives of the animals he treats. He not only loves animals, he sees the purpose of his life in caring for them.

The main character of the fairy tale “Aibolit” is a good doctor with the remarkable name Aibolit. This doctor takes on the treatment of any animals that turn to him for help. For example, when an inconsolable hare came to him, whose son’s legs had been run over by a tram, Aibolit cured the baby - he sewed on new legs for him and now the little hare can jump vigorously again.

But one day the jackal delivered an alarming telegram to the doctor. Animals living in Africa reported that their children fell ill with various serious diseases. The animals really asked Aibolit to come to Africa and cure their children.

The doctor immediately set off. He ran through fields and forests, knowing no rest. But at some point the doctor fell, realizing that he could not move on. Wolves came to his aid. They came out of the forest and carried Aibolit on their backs. The wolves took the doctor to the sea, and he anxiously looked into the vast blue distance, wondering how he could swim such a long distance. Then a whale appeared, which sat Aibolit on its huge back and ferried him across the sea.

Beyond the sea there were high mountains that prevented the doctor from moving further. But the eagles saved the situation. They carried Aibolit high above the mountains, heading straight to Africa.

Meanwhile, in Africa, near the Limpopo River, the animals were eagerly awaiting the doctor's arrival. A hippopotamus sat under a palm tree. He continuously looked at the sea, assuming that the doctor would arrive by ship. And rhinoceroses and elephants roamed the roads. They were annoyed that the doctor had been gone for a very long time.

But then someone noticed a bird flying high in the sky. It was the eagle that delivered Doctor Aibolit. The good doctor immediately began treating the animals. He took their temperature and gave them eggnog and chocolate. For ten days the doctor treated the sick, without sleep or rest. And finally, the treatment bore fruit, all the patients recovered. And then the holiday began in Africa. Everyone sang and danced, glorifying the good doctor. That's how it is summary fairy tales.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “Aibolit” is that kindness and mercy are valuable things without which it is impossible to live in the world. Doctor Aibolit did not refuse treatment to anyone, he tried to help everyone. The fairy tale teaches us to be kind and sympathetic, to help everyone who is sick, weak or helpless.

I liked it in the fairy tale main character, Aibolit. The good doctor is a shining example an unselfish, selfless person who tries to help everyone, sparing no effort, regardless of time.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale “Aibolit”?

A good deed does not drown in water.
He who helped in time helped twice.

Chukovsky K. fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" and their characteristics

  1. Doctor Aibolit, kind, caring, compassionate, courageous, courageous, decisive, resilient, master of his craft
  2. Varvara. Aibolit's evil sister. Quarrelsome and harmful. Sent to a desert island.
  3. Barmaley. Pirate. Evil robber. Eaten by sharks.
  4. Aibolit's animals, his friends and helpers: the dog Ava, the parrot Carudo, the pig Oink-oink, the duck Kika, the owl Bumba, the monkey Chichi, the crocodile, pull-push, Dick.
  5. Penta, the son of a fisherman who was saved by Aibolit. Became a doctor's assistant.
  6. Robinson. An old sailor, Aibolit's friend.
  7. Jumbo. Negro, lighthouse keeper, friend of Aibolit.
  8. Benalis. Another evil pirate. Drowned at sea.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Doctor Aibolit treats animals and learns that monkeys in Africa have become ill.
  2. He sails to Africa, is captured by Barmaley, but gets to the monkeys and heals them
  3. Aibolit receives tyanitokai as a gift, and Varvara is sent to a desert island.
  4. Aibolit saves Penta, and then his father, and Barmaley is eaten by sharks.
  5. Pirate Benalis sets fire to Aibolit's house, but breaks into a boat on the rocks and drowns.
  6. The beavers build Aibolit a new home and he lives happily and calmly.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"
Help others, and others will help you. A doctor should think first of all about the patient and only then about himself.

What does the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" teach?
This fairy tale teaches selflessness and self-sacrifice. Teaches to protect the weak and small. Teaches you to love animals. Teaches to ruthlessly eradicate evil and villains. Learn to help each other. Teaches you to boldly face dangers and find a way out of any situation.

Review of the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"
This interesting story about a doctor who loved animals so much that animals became his family. Aibolit, of course, was kind to his friends, but merciless to his enemies. He even sent his own sister to a desert island because she didn’t like animals. Animals were the meaning of Aibolit’s life.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"
Who heals and who cripples.
If you don’t trust the doctor, you won’t be cured.
That's what a doctor is for, to treat the sick.
Road help on time.
Not a big deal - a great help.

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Doctor Aibolit" by chapters:
Part 1. Journey to the land of monkeys.
Chapter 1. The Doctor and his animals
Once upon a time there lived a good doctor Aibolit and his evil sister Varvara lived. The doctor loved animals very much, but most of all the pig Oink-oink, the parrot Carudo, the dog Ava, the duck Kiku and the owl Bumba.
Varvara swore at the animals and demanded that they be driven away.
People often came to the doctor and he treated everyone. Aibolit understood animal language well and could speak it himself. He opened a hospital for animals and did not take money from anyone.
Chapter 2. Monkey Chichi
One day, a thin and dirty monkey knocked on Aibolit’s door and said that her neck hurt. And on the neck there was a mark from the rope. The monkey ran away from the evil organ grinder and he came to the doctor to demand the monkey back, but Aibolit drove him away and called the dog Avva.
The monkey was named Chichi and the neighbor children Tanya and Vanya loved to play with it.
Chapter 3. Doctor Aibolit at work
Many animals came to the doctor. He sewed a tail on the goat, pulled out a splinter on the bear, and gave medicine to all the animals. And everyone got better and said “Chaka” to him.
Once Aibolit even sewed a new wing on a moth from a bright piece of cloth.
Chapter 4. Crocodile
One night, Crocodile came to Aibolit with a toothache. Aibolit cured the crocodile and he began asking to stay with Aibolit. Aibolit demanded that the crocodile not eat any of the animals and the crocodile agreed.
He began to live with the doctor and Varvara cursed heavily. After all, one day a crocodile ate her skirt.
Chapter 5. Friends help the doctor
Aibolit was left without money and sat hungry. But his friends began to help him and the animals built a vegetable garden, and Vanya and Tanya carried water from the well.
The doctor was happy at how clean his house was.
Chapter 6. Swallow
One winter, a frozen and tired swallow flew to Aibolit and began to ask him to go to Africa. The monkeys there are sick and if the doctor does not cure them, they may die.
The doctor remembered the sailor Robinson, whom he once helped and asked him for a ship.
Of course Robinson gave him a ship.
Aibolit took his animals with him, including a crocodile, but did not take Vanya and Tanya. They were still too small.
Chapter 7. To Africa
The doctor and the animals boarded the ship, but then the doctor remembered that he did not know where Africa was. The swallow had to show him the way. Aibolit ruled behind the swallow, and at night she even took a flashlight so that she could be seen.
The Crane flew to the ship and said that the monkeys had gotten worse. Aibolit said that he was flying with all sails.
Then the dolphins swam and also said that the monkeys were getting worse.
Finally Africa appeared and the crocodile was very happy.
Chapter 8. Storm
Suddenly a storm began. There was a terrible crash. the ship hit the rocks and began to sink. But the crocodile carried everyone ashore on its broad back.
Everyone was wet and tired. But Doctor Aibolit hurried to the monkeys.
Chapter 9. The doctor is in trouble.
But then a shaggy old man came out to meet the doctor and asked where they were going. Aibolit replied that he was in a hurry to see the sick monkeys. And the old man laughed and said that they had ended up with Barmaley.
Aibolit was very scared, he wanted to run to the monkeys. However, Barmaley and his pirates appeared. They captured Aibolit and the animals and put them in prison.
The animals were crying with fear.
Chapter 10. The feat of the parrot Karudo
Aibolit began to console the animals and say that they would definitely be saved. But the crocodile did not believe him and cried. Then Aibolit called Karudo and whispered something to him.
Carudo flew through the bars and flew straight towards Barmaley.
Barmaley was sleeping, and under his pillow lay the key to the prison. Karudo pulled out the key and flew back. The key was very heavy and the parrot almost dropped it.
But he brought the key and Aibolit opened the doors. He and his animals disappeared into the thicket.
Chapter 11. On the Monkey Bridge
Upon learning of the escape, Barmaley became terribly angry and sent his servants in pursuit. Aibolit walked through the forest and carried a pig in his arms. He was very tired, but Chichi cheered him up, saying that she could already see Monkey Country from the tree.
And here is the river, beyond which the monkey country begins. And then pirates run out of the thicket. The monkeys saw Aibolit's difficult situation and instantly built a bridge from their bodies. They held each other tightly and hung over the river.
Aibolit and his friends ran across the bridge, and the pirates fell into the water when the monkeys disengaged.
Chapter 12. Stupid animals
Aibolit began to treat the monkeys, but he was alone, and there were a lot of sick monkeys. Very soon he was completely exhausted, and so were his animals. Then Aibolit went to the lion and asked him to help treat the monkeys. But the lion just laughed and drove Aibolit away.
Aibolit visited rhinoceroses and tigers, but they also refused to help the doctor.
And when the lion returned home, the lioness complained to him that the lion cub was very ill and he urgently needed Doctor Aibolit. The ashamed lion went to Aibolit and helped him treat the monkeys for three days. And only then he asked for help for his son. And Doctor Aibolit, of course, helped and cured the lion cub.
And then the children of rhinoceroses and tigers got sick. But Aibolit helped them too, and the animals were very ashamed of their behavior.
Chapter 13. Gift
When the monkeys were cured, they began to decide what gift to give Aibolit. Someone offered to give a camel, but Aibolit saw camels. Another monkey offered to give him an ostrich, but the doctor had also seen ostriches.
And then the monkeys decided to give Aibolit tyanitolkaya.
Chapter 14. Pull
Hunters have never caught Tyanitolkay because this animal has two heads. And when one is sleeping, the other is awake and immediately notices the danger.
But the monkeys surrounded Tyanitolkai and grabbed him by the horns. Then they began to persuade Tyanitolya to go with Aibolit, saying how good he would be with the doctor.
They persuaded him for so long that he agreed to go see the doctor.
He saw Aibolit and realized that he was very kind. And if so, then Pullman agreed to go with him. But on the condition that if he is bored, then Aibolit will let him go home.
And Aibolit of course agreed.
Chapter 15. Monkeys say goodbye to the doctor
The monkeys arranged a fabulous dinner in honor of Aibolit. And then they installed a stone in memory of the doctor.
The doctor said goodbye to the monkeys and promised to return soon. Until then, he left Karudo, Chichi and the crocodile in Africa, who were born in Africa.
He crossed the river and again found himself on the lands of Barmaley.
Chapter 16. New troubles and joys
Indeed, the pirates were already waiting for Aibolit. But he was not taken aback, jumped up on the pull and quickly galloped through the forest. Pull and Pull didn’t let anyone get close to him. And then the crocodile, Chichi and Ava came to the rescue. So Aibolit safely reached the shore.
There he saw Barmaley's beautiful ship and decided to capture it.
Aibolit boarded the ship and set sail. Barmaley ran out of the forest and started swearing dirty. But Aibolit only laughed at him.
Very soon the ship landed on its native shores.
Chapter 17. Pull and Varvara
Aibolit returned home and all the animals joyfully greeted him. Many were afraid of pulling and pushing at first, but soon got used to it.
And Tanya and Vanya became completely inseparable from the puller. They rode him constantly.
I wanted to ride the tyanitolkay and Varvara. She climbed on her back and began to beat him, pushing him with an umbrella, calling him a two-headed donkey. And Pull and Pull threw her into the sea. Varvara began to drown and not a single animal began to help her.
It’s a pity that Robinson sailed by on his new ship and saved Varvara. But Aibolit shouted at him to take her to hell, and Robinson took Varvara to a desert island.

Part 2. Penta and the sea pirates
Chapter 1. Cave
Aibolit and his friends loved to walk along the seashore, through fields and meadows. And then one day he found a cave that was locked. Everyone decided that very tasty things were stored in the cave and began to look for the key. But there was no key.
Then the owl said that she heard a man in the cave putting his hand in his pocket. And that a tear is rolling down his cheek.
Doctor Aibolit got excited. He began to call for breaking the unfortunate castle.
Chapter 2. Penta
Tyanitolkay ran home and brought an ax. Aibolit opened the door and entered the cave. There was a little boy sitting on the straw. He saw Aibolit and realized that he was not a pirate.
The boy said that his name was Penta, and that yesterday he was put in a cave by pirates who captured his father, a tall red-haired fisherman with a beard.
Aibolit promised to help find the boy's father and called the dolphins.
Chapter 3. Dolphins
The dolphins swam and Aibolit asked them to find a fisherman whom the pirates could throw into the sea.
The dolphins searched the entire sea, but did not find the drowned man anywhere.
Penta was happy, because this meant that his father was alive and Aibolit promised the boy to find him.
Chapter 4. Eagles
Aibolit called the eagles and asked them to fly around the whole earth and find a fisherman with red hair and a beard. The eagles carefully examined the entire land and returned to Aibolit.
They said that there is no such fisherman on earth.
Chapter 5. Ava the dog is looking for a fisherman
Penta was very upset, but Ava said that even though eagles have very sharp eyesight, only a dog can find a person. The rest of the friends did not believe Ava and Ava promised that within three days he would find Penta’s father.
He asked to give him Father Penta's thing and the boy gave him a red handkerchief that smelled of tobacco and herring.
Avva said that today the wind was blowing from the north and began to sniff. He caught the smell of ice and snow, deer and polar bears, fir cones, but the wind did not carry the smell of the fisherman.
Chapter 6. Ava continues to look for the fisherman
The next day the wind blew from the south and Ava caught the smells of roses and grapes, pyramids and sand, giraffes and monkeys. But there was no fisherman in the south either.
Then the wind blew from the west and Ava joyfully ran to the doctor. He smelled the fisherman and announced that he was across the sea, on its other shore.
Aibolit ran to Robinson. He, of course, again gave his ship to Aibolit and all the animals and the doctor himself sailed forward. Only Penta was sad and did not believe that his father would be found.
They swam for a long time and the animals began to grumble and scold Ava, saying that they would never find Penta's father. A rock appeared ahead and Ava said that the smell came from there.
But the rock was empty.
Chapter 7. Found
But Ava did not lose heart, he ran around the rock and noticed a small island nearby. Ava rushed to the island and found a narrow hole in which the unfortunate fisherman lay.
He was scared, thinking that pirates had come, but he saw the kind Aibolit and realized that he was not a pirate. He asked for food and ate the whole bun. Then Aibolit took him to Penta and he joyfully hugged his father.
Aibolit took the boy and his father to his native village, where Penta’s mother was waiting for them. She stood on the shore for twenty days and waited for her husband and son.
Everyone was very happy and wanted to kiss Ava, but the dog ran away, although she was very pleased with the praise.
And Aibolit agreed to stay with Penta’s parents.
Chapter 8. Ava receives a gift
In the village everyone praised the doctor and gave him flowers. And then the dwarf Bambuco, a very respected shepherd, came and gave Ava a beautiful collar.
Finally, Aibolit began to get ready to go home. The villagers dissuaded him, saying that the sea was dangerous and there were pirates roaming around there, but Aibolit was confident in the speed of his ship.
Chapter 9. Pirates
Aibolit sailed for three days and saw a deserted island. He didn't know that there were pirates hiding behind the rocks. He was serenely walking along the deck when a ship with black sails appeared from behind the island.
Aibolit shouted to raise all sails, but the pirates were overtaking him. And on the deck of the pirate ship Barmaley gloated with a pistol and a saber.
But Aibolit called the swallow and asked her to call the cranes. The cranes flew in and harnessed themselves to Aibolit’s ship. He flew across the waves and the pirates quickly fell behind.
Chapter 10. Why the rats ran away
The cranes pulled Aibolit's ship to the shore and flew away into their swamp. And Aibolit saw rats running from the ship. And the old rat told the young one that there was a leak in the hold and the ship would sink tomorrow.
Aibolit and his friends hastily left the ship and walked along the shore.
Then a swallow flew in and said that the pirates had captured Aibolit’s ship and were going to sail on it. Aibolit just grinned, promising that the pirates would not sail far. And then he suggested capturing a pirate ship for now.
Friends ran to pirate ship and it turned out to be empty. All the pirates were on Aibolit's ship.
Chapter 11. Trouble after trouble
When Aibolit sailed past the pirate ship, the pig Oink-oink suddenly sneezed and the pirates saw Aibolit. They gave chase. Aibolit's ship was faster and began to gradually move away from the pirates. But then Barmaley fired a pistol and the bullet hit the puller in the chest. Tyanitolkai fell into the water and began to drown.
Aibolit stopped the ship and threw a pulling rope, and then pulled him onto the deck and bandaged him.
But time was lost and the pirates caught up with the ship. They rejoiced and anticipated how they would deal with Aibolit and his beasts.
Chapter 12. The Doctor is Saved
The animals were scared, but the owl said that the pirates would drown anyway, because there was a leak in the hold. Aibolit shouted to Barmaley that his ship would sink, because the rats had escaped from it.
And the pirates really saw that their ship was sinking into the water. Soon he drowned, and the pirates floundered in the water and prayed for salvation. Barmaley even swam to Aibolit’s ship and began to climb the stairs. But Ava growled at him and Barmaley fell into the water. He asked to be saved, but no one came to his aid.
Chapter 13. Old friends
And then sharks appeared and instantly devoured all the pirates.
And then the doctor heard someone calling him and saw Carudo, who said that the crocodile and Chichi were swimming next. They got bored in Africa and decided to return to Aibolit.
Aibolit and the animals returned to hometown Pindemonte and were amazed by the ceremonial meeting.
Crowds of people praised the doctor and shouted cheers. It turned out Penta came and told how Aibolit saved him and his father from pirates, and then everyone found out that the pirates died. Robinson, to celebrate, gave Aibolit a new ship.
Then the cranes flew in and brought the most delicious fruits. A huge feast began. But the doctor soon left and Penta followed him. He saw the doctor frowning and asked the reason.
Aibolit took him into the house and showed him sick animals that urgently needed to be treated. And Penta decided to help Aibolit. he turned out to be a very skillful assistant.

Part 3. Fire and water
Chapter 1. Doctor Aibolit is waiting for a new guest.
The city of Pindemonte stood on the seashore and near the shore there were dangerous rocks on which any ship could crash. Therefore, near the city there was a lighthouse, on which the old black man Jumbo was on duty.
And then somehow Aibolit sailed to Jumbo and asked him to light the lighthouse today. He was waiting for Robinson to return from Africa and did not want him to crash on the rocks. After all, Robinson was carrying his son, Pushing Dick, whom he had not seen for eleven months and missed very much.
Jumbo promised to light four lamps at once.
Chapter 2. Lighthouse
Aibolit cured all the animals and went to bed. But suddenly a seagull knocked on his window. She was very excited and said that there was no light at the lighthouse.
Aibolit got scared and rushed into the boat. He rowed to the lighthouse, but Robinson's ship was already approaching the shore. Then Aibolit asked the seagull to delay the ship.
The helmsman whistled a song cheerfully, not knowing that he was steering straight towards the rocks. Dick was looking forward to meeting his father. And suddenly the seagulls swooped in and began to peck at the helmsman. He began to fight back, not realizing that the seagulls wanted to save the ship. And he called other sailors, who began to drive away the seagulls.
Chapter 3. Jumbo
Aibolit swam to the lighthouse, but the door was locked and no one responded to the knock. Then Aibolit knocked down the door and began to climb up the spiral staircase. He was in a hurry.
Suddenly he saw a man lying in the dark, it was Jumbo. But Aibolit could not stop and check if he was alive, because the life of the whole ship depended on him.
He climbed up to the lighthouse and suddenly screamed. He forgot his matches at home. He looked for matches at the lighthouse and did not find them. The duck searched Jumbo's pockets and also did not find a match.
Chapter 4. Canary
Suddenly Aibolit heard the canary chirping and ran downstairs. He found a cage with a canary and asked her about matches. The canary complained that she was cold and that the wind was blowing, but she still told where the matches were. And Aibolit again rushed to the lighthouse, not knowing whether he would have time to light the fire.
Chapter 5. The Fugitive Pirate Benalis
Aibolit finally lit the lantern and heard the alarm raised on the ship - they saw stones. The ship was saved and Aibolit went down to Jumbo. He saw a large wound on his forehead and gave him medicine.
When Jumbo came to his senses, he said that he was attacked by the pirate Benalis, who escaped from a desert island.
The canary said that Benalis had fled to the mountains and that he wanted to set fire to Aibolit’s house.
Aibolit rushed home; in the darkness he fell several times and scratched his face. But he was in a hurry, fearing that his animals would die if the pirate managed to set fire to the house.
Chapter 6. Doctor in captivity
But then the doctor was grabbed by Benalis. He swore angrily and pushed the doctor into the well. And then he laughed mockingly and ran to set the house on fire.
Aibolit shouted “Save me,” but no one heard him.
And the pirate snuck into the house and set it on fire. He stood and admired the fire.
Finally the frog heard the doctor and went after the cranes.
Chapter 7. New grief and new joy
The cranes brought the rope. Aibolit climbed out of the well and rushed to the house. The house was on fire, but the animals continued to sleep. Aibolit rushed straight into the fire. His hair was on fire, he screamed, but no one heard him. Finally he reached Chichi and woke her up. She immediately screamed loudly, the animals woke up and began to run out of the house. And Aibolit rushed into the office, because there were rabbits sitting in the closet. He released the rabbits and began to descend, but his head began to spin and he fell, losing consciousness.
Ava rushed into the fire and pulled out Aibolit. Together with Chichi, they dragged Aibolit to the stream and the doctor came to his senses.
Birds flew from all sides and brought water, a bear came running and brought a huge bucket. But then three whales swam in and easily put out the fire with fountains.
Chapter 8. Dick
The house burned down and Aibolit decided to live in a cave. The bear called him to the den, the frog to the well, the owl to the hollow, but Aibolit refused.
He went to the shore to look for a cave and saw how Dick met the puller. They kissed with all their heads.
Everyone immediately liked Dick and showered him with delicious gifts.
Chapter 9. Parrot and Benalis
Then the seagulls flew in and began to shout that Benalis was sailing on a boat to Robinson’s ship and wanted to steal it.
Parrot Carudo ordered the seagulls to fly to the lighthouse and block the light from the pirate. A bunch of seagulls easily blocked the light and Benalisa's boat crashed on the rocks. The pirate began to scream and call for help, but Karudo sternly answered him that it served him right, the villain.
Chapter 10. Housewarming
Benalis drowned, but the doctor could not find the cave and therefore was sad. And then a thunderstorm began and the doctor got wet, he felt that he was getting sick. The animals were alarmed, but did not know how to help Aibolit.
And then the beavers came, who announced that as soon as they learned about the fire, they felled thirty trees and built a new house for Aibolit. After all, beavers have such sharp teeth.
The house was magnificent and the stove was immediately lit. The doctor warmed up, but was still very weak. And then Robinson and Jumbo came and brought jam.
The doctor sat in a chair happy and listened to how his friends were having fun.
Part 4. The Adventures of a White Mouse
Chapter 1. Cat
Once upon a time there lived a white mouse named Belyanka. She was the only white one among the gray mice. When the gray mice went for a walk in the dark, the black cat did not notice them. But he immediately saw Belyanka and grabbed her. Belyanka began to beg for mercy, but the Cat only bared his teeth.
Chapter 2. Cage
But then Penta appeared and drove the cat away. He took Belyanka to him and put her in a cage. It was warm and nice in the cage, but the mouse did not want to live in the cage. Therefore, at night she gnawed through the bars of the grill and ran away.
Chapter 3. Old Rat
And then it started snowing and the streets of the city turned white. Now Belyanka was no longer afraid of cats; they did not see her in the white snow. She was happily walking around the city and suddenly met an old rat. She cried loudly.
The rat complained that he had not eaten anything for the third day, because he could not go outside, in the white snow he would be immediately noticed and caught.
Then Belyanka decided to help the old rat and brought a piece of cheese and a slice of bread from the trash heap.
Chapter 4. The invention of the old rat
They lived like this all winter, and when the snow melted, it was the old rat’s turn to carry food for Belyanka.
And then one day Belyanka saw her gray brothers. They went to have fun in the forest. Belyanka began to ask to go with them, but the gray mice refused her. After all, there lived an owl in the forest that would have easily found Belyanka.
The white woman cried bitterly, and the old rat decided to help her. She took Belyanka to the dyer’s workshop and showed her buckets of different paints. The old rat told Belyanka to jump into a bucket of gray paint. And Belyanka also became gray.
Chapter 5. Dangerous paint
In the morning, Belyanka saw that she had turned not gray, but yellow. It turns out that in the dark an old rat confused the buckets with paint. The white woman was offended by the rat, cursed at it and ran away.
On the street everyone started chasing her. After all, no one has seen yellow mice. And Belyanka with difficulty reached her native hole. But the mother did not recognize Belyanka as a yellow mouse. Her sisters and brothers pushed her out of the hole. Belyanka reached the sea.
Chapter 6. The yellow mouse and the doctor
Belyanka rushed into the sea and tried to wash herself off the nasty paint. But the paint did not wash off. Unhappy and wet, she climbed ashore. The sun was supposed to rise soon and then someone would definitely catch her.
Suddenly she saw a mouse with a bow on its tail. Belyanka asked about the bow, but it turned out that it was a bandage that Dr. Aibolit had applied.
Belyanka heard about a doctor who treats all animals and went to see him. Aibolit saw a yellow mouse and was very happy. He said that let it always remain yellow, because it is so beautiful - a golden mouse. And so that no one would eat her, Aibolit invited Belyanka to live with him and even gave her a new name - Fidzha.
And the yellow mouse remained to live with Aibolit.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"

The poem - the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky Aibolit - is based on the theme of great love for animals and the glorification of a difficult and difficult, but at the same time very interesting profession - a doctor (a doctor who treats people and animals).

Doctor Aibolit is at the center of the plot. He is the embodiment of kindness, intelligence, sensitivity, compassion for others, a strong hero moving towards his goal, defeating all evil - and these are the main qualities that characterize most of the heroes of Chukovsky’s fairy tales.

The idea of ​​the fairy tale is the fact of the healing of poor, sick animals living in distant Africa by the good doctor Aibolit.

When creating fairy tales for children, K.I. Chukovsky directly followed his commandments. The fairy tale is written in simple children's language, emotional, accessible to children, easy to understand, but at the same time it has great educational value.

Today there are very good editions of Aibolit, we recommend:

"Dr. Aibolit"

Everyone knows that Dr. Aibolit from morning to night he treats birds and animals that fly and come to him from all over the world. He lives in the fabulous city of Pindemonte on the shores of the warm sea. And the doctor is helped by the duck Kiki, the dog Ava, the pig Oink-Oink, the parrot Carudo, the owl Bumba and the neighbor children Tanya and Vanya.

Doctor Aibolit never managed to live calmly and peacefully in his small house. Incredible stories always happen to him. He fights with pirates and is captured by them, he saves a ship from destruction, travels throughout the world, and the main thing is that he finds true friends everywhere.

This book is the most full version about the life of Doctor Aibolit, told by K.I. Chukovsky: four stories about his exciting (and dangerous!) adventures.

This book contains all the joys at once:

And a wonderful text by Korney Ivanovich :)
And wonderful tinted and color drawings by Gennady Kalinovsky.
And... a cozy format.
And a cover with a fabric spine (nostalgia).
And print quality.
And coated paper.

The book includes ALL parts of the PROSE "Aibolit".

"Doctor Aibolit" (read it ourselves)

6 REASONS TO GIVE YOUR CHILD A BOOK FROM THE “READ YOURSELF” SERIES. A large font of correct academic style is optimal for the child to read. Words with stress - highlighting the stressed syllable helps the child avoid difficulties in determining the place of stress.

VERY thick white paper - the pages are easy to turn, they do not wrinkle or tear, even after numerous “pages” the text and pictures do not show through. A fascinating text - the child will definitely want to know “how it all ends.”

A harmonious ratio of text and illustrations - you won’t be in a hurry to turn the page to look at the next picture.

Gift format - ideal size for a child starting to read; The book fits well on any bookshelf. In a home with many books, children grow up more successful and versatile than their peers. Surround your child with books and give him a happy future!

"All about Aibolit"

Today everyone knows the good doctor Aibolit, who treats animals and children and defeats the evil robber Barmaley. But not everyone knows that Korney Chukovsky dedicated not one, but several works to his beloved hero.

Large text, emphasis on each word indicated.

Excellent paper and printing. A great book for those who have just started reading.

Let's consider a fairy tale based on Chukovsky's commandments:

1 . Graphics and imagery are maintained.

“But in front of him is the sea -

It rages and makes noise in the open space.

And there is a high wave in the sea,

Now she will swallow Aibolit...

But then a whale swims out:

"Sit on me, Aibolit,

And, like a big ship,

I'll take you ahead! » »

2. The highest change of images

"We live in Zanzibar,

In the Kalahari and Sahara,

On Mount Fernando Po,

Where does Hippo walk?

Across the broad Limpopo."

3. The painting is lyrical; many verbs and prepositions give a feeling of constant movement.

“And the fox came to Aibolit...

And the watchdog came to Aibolit...

And the hare came running

And she screamed: “Ay, ah!”

My bunny got hit by a tram!

He ran along the path

And his legs were cut,

And now he's sick and lame,

My little bunny! »

Together with his heroes, you also want to do something, act somehow, help in some way.

4 . Mobility and changeability of rhythm.

“But look, some kind of bird

It rushes closer and closer through the air.

Look, Aibolit is sitting on a bird

And he waves his hat and shouts loudly:

“Long live dear Africa! » »

5 . Musicality of poetic speech.

"Here comes Hippo, here comes Popo,

Hippo - popo, Hippo - popo!

Here comes the Hippopotamus.

It comes from Zanzibar,

He goes to Kilimanjaro -

And he shouts and he sings:

“Glory, glory to Aibolit!

Glory to the good doctors! » »

The song of the hippopotamus sounds like a hymn for doctors.

6. The rhymes are in close proximity.

« And the shark Karakula

Winked with her right eye

And he laughs, and he laughs,

As if someone was tickling her.

And the little hippos

Grabbed their tummies

And they laugh and burst into tears -

So that the oak trees shake. »

7. Each line lives its own life.

“Good Doctor Aibolit!

He is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,

And the bug and the worm,

And a bear!

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone

Good Doctor Aibolit! »

" " What's happened? Really

Are your children sick? "-

" Yes Yes Yes! They have a sore throat

Scarlet fever, cholera,

Diphtheria, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis!

Come quickly

Good Doctor Aibolit! » »

Rhymes of words are the main carriers of the meaning of a phrase.

9 . The poems are not cluttered with adjectives.

"Okay, okay, I'll run,

I will help your children.

But where do you live?

On a mountain or in a swamp? »

10 . Movement predominates, the main rhythm is trochee.

“And Aibolit stood up, Aibolit ran,

He runs through fields, through forests, through meadows.

And Aibolit repeats only one word:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!" » »

eleven . There is a game.

“And Aibolit runs to the hippos,

And pats them on the tummies,

And everyone in order

Gives me chocolate

And sets and sets thermometers for them!

And to the striped ones

He runs to the tiger cubs

And to the poor hunchbacks

Sick camels

And every Gogol,

Mogul everyone,

Gogol - mogol,

Gogol - mogol,

Serves Gogol - mogol. »

12 . Poetry for children - poetry for adults.

« Ten nights of Aibolit

Doesn't eat, doesn't drink and doesn't sleep,

Ten nights in a row

He heals unfortunate animals

And he sets and sets thermometers for them. »

13 . Frequent repetitions add great emotionality to the tale.

“And then the ostrich chicks

They squeal like piglets

Oh, it's a pity, a pity, a pity

Poor ostriches!

They have measles and diphtheria,

And they have smallpox and bronchitis,

And their head hurts

And my throat hurts. »

We see that K.I. Chukovsky made excellent use of his commandments in the fairy tale “Aibolit”. Children still love this fairy tale very much, and later they will love and read it again and again. This is all thanks to the high skill and talent of the great poet.
