Aquarium fish project in elementary school. Research work on the topic "an aquarium in your home." Description of the presentation Research work on the topic: “Natural aquarium, based on slides

Class 1A research project "Aquarium and its inhabitants"

Research topic:"Aquarium and its inhabitants."

Relevance of the project can be expressed in just one phrase by I. Sokolov-Mikitov: “Love for nature, however, like any human love, undoubtedly develops in us from childhood.”

Living in harmony with yourself, with other people and in harmony with nature is a necessary condition for a happy and successful human life in the world. Love for nature is a great feeling; it helps a person to become more generous, responsible, and fairer. A person who loves nature will never offend his neighbor, will not mock our smaller brothers, will not pollute his native nature.

Objective of the project:

Project objectives:

1. familiarize yourself with theoretical information;

2. analyze and summarize the facts;

3. by comparing the collected material, develop interest in the topic,

4. ability to speak in front of an audience;

5. cultivate an environmental culture and the ability to work independently.

Expected results of the project:

Based on the collected material, create a collection of facts from the life of aquarium fish and complete application work.

The study was based on the following hypothesis: if you carefully study the necessary information, analyze and summarize the necessary facts, you can not only replenish and expand your knowledge, but also develop creative abilities and the ability to work independently.

Aquarium fish were chosen as the object of study.

Subject of study: literature study

Research methods: search, systematization, comparative analysis

Project implementation timeline: 2 months.

Implementation of projects at the class level:

Association of parents, children and teachers.

Ecological culture of junior schoolchildren

Environmental competitions, KVN, projects, practical activities, observation.

I. Introduction

The idea of ​​​​creating the research work “Aquarium and its inhabitants” was the theme of the lesson on the surrounding world “Aquarium”. We were very interested in this topic, and we wanted to find out from books and magazines how the first aquarium appeared, what kind of fish they were, how to keep and care for them, how to wash and clean the aquarium.

For us it was new, interesting and even exciting, and we set ourselves target:

study theoretical material about aquarium fish in order to answer questions that interest us, complete application work and introduce the children of our class to the life of aquarium fish.

Man has long been interested in the underwater world inhabited by animals and plants. Relatively recently, scuba gear and research submarines have appeared, making it possible to observe fish in their natural environment for several hours and study their way of life. Despite this, people have long learned to recreate a piece of the underwater world next to them. These are aquariums - permanent homes for fish. An aquarium is not just a beautiful thing that satisfies a person’s aesthetic needs, and not only a means to fill one’s leisure time, but also a working model of a natural reservoir.

II. 1. Aquarium science.

Aquarium science is an occupation associated with modeling an ecosystem in a closed artificial reservoir. Having studied the literature, we learned that: the first European book on aquarium husbandry was published in 1797 in Thuringia by J.M. Bechstein, where the conditions for keeping fish in captivity were described. Fishes are the oldest, most species-rich, and most widespread group. Even the total number of fish species is not known exactly; according to a rough estimate, it ranges from 21 thousand to 25 thousand individuals. They are certainly beautiful creatures. As you know, fish have a calming effect on an irritated and tired person. Freely sliding behind the glass of the aquarium, they not only please the eye, shimmering with various bright colors, but also relieve stress, anxiety, and tension.

Breeding ornamental and freshwater aquarium fish is one of the most common hobbies not only for children, but also for adults. There are many reasons why people want to have fish and aquatic plants around them. And yet, all aquarists - consciously or unconsciously, to a greater or lesser extent are united by one thing: a love for living nature, as well as the pleasure derived from observing the underwater world. Other motivations for becoming an aquarist are responsibility for living creatures and the joy of successfully caring for them.

II. 2. Aquarium fish.

The most ancient information about goldfish appeared in China in the 6th century BC, which were considered sacred.

The first European to see and describe fish of extraordinary beauty was the famous Italian traveler Marco Polo.

The first goldfish were brought to Europe on military sailing ships and appeared in spacious pools at the courts of kings, guarded by guards, and presented as gifts or as rewards to nobles. A goldfish was discovered to have intelligence.

Not all fish can be together in one aquarium. Betta fish are the most beautiful members of the aquarium community, but cannot stand the community of cichlids, but angelfish have a calm character, but they cannot be planted with small fish, which they can easily swallow.

Guppies are the most favorite fish of beginning aquarists, since the hardiest bright freshwater fish, capable of surviving in a small aquarium, are undemanding to water quality, can withstand two weeks of fasting and are even ready to eat algae.

Pearl: This is a small fish. Each scale has a convex shape, which gives it a special originality. Feeding is the same as for other fish species. As for the conditions of detention, the fish requires a large volume of water.

Neon: These fish are quite small and very active. They earned their name because of the silvery shine of their scales. The male is traditionally smaller and slimmer than the female. The fish's fins are transparent. It is better to keep them in an aquarium with peace-loving fish.

Telescope: A very interesting and unique fish. She has large, bulging, attentive eyes (it is worth mentioning that the fish often damages them and goes blind, so there should not be many hard plants in the aquarium that could hurt her). The fish has a spherical shape and is therefore clumsy, slow and a little clumsy. The telescope reacts to temperature fluctuations, so you should be attentive to it.

Veiltail: This is a type of goldfish that is very popular among inexperienced aquarists. She has a short, wide body, a small head, a forked, very long, thin and transparent (like a veil) tail, which is why she has such a name.

Clown fish, or amphiprions, belong to the Pomacentra family. The size of the fish is from 8 to 15 cm. The color is plain with contrasting stripes and spots. Widely distributed in the Pacific and Indian oceans. More recently, thanks to the clown fish, scientists made one important discovery. It made it possible to fight jellyfish burns. Based on the mucus of a clown fish, scientists have developed and made an “anti-jellyfish” cream.

Fish are pets and, creating their own world in the apartment, they need care and attention.

II. 3. Creative activity.

Having carried out a lot of interesting work on the topic, the students of our class shared their knowledge and impressions in the class. Not only the children, but also their parents became interested in this work. No one remained indifferent, the children, with the help of their parents, prepared various messages “Aquarium plants”, “Aquarium and its world”, “Guppies - aquarium fish”, “Breeding aquarium fish”, children spoke about their home aquariums, an application competition was held in class "My Aquarium", several people presented their presentations on this topic.

II. 4. Conclusions on the topic.

Having completed the work, we made the following conclusions for ourselves: people should not only admire the diversity and beauty of the underwater world, but must make every effort to preserve this heritage of our planet: protect the seas and oceans, rivers and lakes from pollution, protect fish from extermination and unreasonable catching.

III. Conclusion

This work helped us understand that fish are pets that delight us not only with their beauty, but also calm our nervous system, so they need care and attention, and for this we must correctly use the knowledge gained. We expanded our knowledge, learned a lot of interesting things and shared our knowledge with our friends.

Children's works.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 34 of the city of Bratsk"

Research work on the topic:

“Aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem”

The work was completed by: Dubovikov Vyacheslav,

student of 4th "A" class

Head: Nikiforova E.G.,

primary school teacher


      From the history of the creation of the aquarium………………………………………………………...5

      Types and purpose of aquariums………………………………………………………......7

      An aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem………………………9

2.1. Survey results…………………………………………………………...10





Once upon a time, for my 6th birthday, my grandmother gave me a small aquarium. That same day, the whole family poured stones into the bottom, planted several plants and poured water.

The first fish in my aquarium were Sumatran barbs. Then we acquired other fish - these were gourami, angelfish, cockerels and a very beautiful pterodoplicht catfish.

My aquarium was populated by more and more new residents: ampullaria snails, crayfish, shrimp and frogs.

It is not easy to care for an aquarium; you need to know and be able to do a lot so that the fish have a good life and the aquarium is beautiful. This is how the idea of ​​creating a research paper came about. I was very interested in this topic, and I decided to find out how the first aquarium appeared, what fish can be bred in an aquarium, how to keep and care for them, how to properly wash and clean the aquarium.

Goal: learn to maintain the aquarium ecosystem.

1.Study theoretical material about aquariums and aquarium fish.

2. Conduct a survey among younger schoolchildren.


Let's assume that the life of the aquarium ecosystem is possible without human intervention

Research methods:

1. Study of special literature.

2.Search for information on the Internet;

3.Questioning of junior schoolchildren;

4.Analysis and synthesis.

The importance of my work lies in the fact that many of my peers want to have or have already started an aquarium, but they don’t know how to care for it or what fish to breed together.

From the history of the creation of the aquarium

Man has long sought to understand the secrets of the mysterious underwater world. Even now, not each of us is given the opportunity to penetrate the depths of the aquatic environment. However, everyone can have a “small lake” at home, observe its inhabitants, and discover its secrets.

The very first aquarists were Chinese. For almost four millennia they have been breeding different fish - at first the fish were kept in artificial reservoirs (original prototypes of aquariums), then vessels were created for them. About two thousand years ago, the selection of goldfish began, without which it is difficult to imagine a traditional aquarium today.

A little earlier, about 2.5 thousand years ago, carp began to be bred in Japan, as well as their decorative breeds were developed: as a result, carp, under the supervision of the Japanese, became the progenitors of koi, and goldfish received a new image - a unique feathery shape. Also, the first mentions of fish farming are associated with Egypt and Assyria. Even 5-6 thousand years BC, the Egyptians kept many Nile fish in ponds, most of them colorful or of unusual shape or behavior. The architects of Babylon created open decorative ponds with fish back in the 9th century BC. e. In palaces, stone basins were installed for the same purposes. Chinese emperors kept fish in luxurious vases decorated with lotus flowers, and peasants wove baskets from rice straw so thick that water did not spill out.

In 1841, an aquarium in the modern sense of the word appeared. The aquarium contained plants and aquarium fish. The English scientist N. Ward (1791-1868), is known for the fact that in 1829 he began to grow plants in glass vessels and so accidentally became one of the progenitors of the modern aquarium. N. Ward placed goldfish in a glass vessel along with a Vallisneria plant. The term “aquarium” itself appeared in 1853 thanks to the German naturalist E.A. Rossmessler.

In 1849, the world's first exhibition of terrariums and aquariums opened in London, then public aquariums appeared in Vienna, Paris, and Berlin in 1860, 1861, 1869, respectively. In Russia, the first public aquarium opened at the Moscow Zoo in 1904.

Mentions of overseas goldfish in Russia are found already in evidence from the 15th century - the time of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily the Dark. In 1862, during the creation of the Moscow Zoological Garden, the idea of ​​establishing a public “Aquarium” arose. In 1864, the Moscow Zoo was officially organized by the Imperial Russian Society for the Acclimatization of Animals and Plants. A room for the “Sea Aquarium” is being built on its territory, but due to difficulties with the delivery of animals, the room is not being used for its intended purpose.

From 1900 to 1912, amateur aquarium keeping acquired the character of a mass hobby, and the breeding of aquarium fish reached almost industrial proportions. During these years, mass aquarium clubs were opened in Moscow, Kyiv and St. Petersburg, aquarium magazines were published, and annual aquarium exhibitions were organized.

Types and purpose of aquariums

It is very important for the inhabitants of the aquarium that their conditions are similar to those in nature. This will help them feel comfortable. Of course, fish can be kept in a three-liter jar, but do not expect them to live a long life and give birth to offspring. In addition, the appearance of the jar will not particularly decorate the room, even if very beautiful fish live in them.

Any body of water created by man to contain aquatic inhabitants in enclosed spaces is called an aquarium.

Specially built structures of enormous volume for displaying animals inhabiting the aquatic environment are also called aquariums or, when it comes to marine life, oceanariums.

Home aquariums can be either freshwater or saltwater. In turn, aquariums for keeping freshwater fish in temperate zones are called cold-water. Fish from central Russia can live in them. The mode suitable for them is maintained by a special water cooling system.

But most often, an “aquarium” is understood as a glass vessel for keeping people from tropical countries.

The purpose of an indoor aquarium can be different.

    A decorative aquarium is used to decorate the interior of a room. It is usually of medium or large volume, beautifully decorated with plants or plastic substitutes, properly lit and stocked with large, active fish species.

    A children's aquarium is not much different from the previous type, but is often smaller in size and populated with bright, large, non-timid fish species (for example, golden ones). It is designed to awaken a child’s interest in the life of the underwater world and foster a responsible attitude towards pets.

    A research aquarium can be of any size depending on the interests of the owner. It does not always look spectacular, since it is created for the convenience of its inhabitants (and the convenience of observing them)

    A commercial aquarium is similar to the previous one. His appearance doesn't matter much. It is used for mass breeding and rearing of aquarium inhabitants: both fish and plants, snails, etc.

Currently, indoor aquariums for surface observation of fish in the form of bowls or vases, as was practiced in Ancient China, are not used. However, such vessels can be used as terrariums for keeping other animals. Sometimes swimming pools are built indoors (from hotels to zoos) for tropical inhabitants. A person can admire them both from above and through the side walls.

An aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem

An aquarium is an ecosystem because it contains all the components of an ecosystem. It is called artificial because it is created by man. An ecosystem is a unity of living organisms and their habitat, in which living organisms of different “professions” are able to jointly maintain the circulation of substances. Should an aquarium contain organisms of different “professions”?

Producers (“breadwinners”) are living organisms (mainly plants) that create organic substances from inorganic, mineral substances.

Consumers (“eaters”) are living organisms (mainly animals) that use ready-made organic substances as food.

Destroyers (“scavengers”) are living organisms (mainly bacteria and fungi) that use the remains of dead organisms for nutrition. They process organic substances, breaking them down into simpler organic and mineral substances.

An aquarium is an artificially created small ecosystem. This system is formed by living organisms - plants, animals, microorganisms, as well as elements of inanimate nature - habitats - water, soil, air, light.

Survey results

I conducted a survey in which 81 primary school students took part. The questionnaire included the following questions:

    Do you have an aquarium?

    What is an aquarium?

    What kind of water for an aquarium?

    What size should be the soil for an aquarium?

    Do you need light?

After processing the questionnaires, it turned out that 23 out of 81 schoolchildren surveyed had an aquarium. Despite this, only 6 people know that an aquarium is an artificial ecological system. 12 people know that water for an aquarium must be settled and at a certain temperature, depending on the type of fish. Only 6 people know what size the soil in an aquarium should be. “We need light,” answered 75 people. To the question “What else should be in the aquarium” different answers were given: algae, plants, fish, filter, stones.

Having found out that my peers, even having an aquarium at home, do not know how to care for it, I prepared recommendations for them and everyone who wants to breed fish at home.

First of all, you should think about your own lifestyle and try to find 20-30 minutes of free time in your daily hassle and worries for aquarium activities. I want to reassure you right away: you will spend 90% of this time just watching your pets. Caring for an aquarium will not require much time and labor if the owner has thoroughly mastered the basic techniques of maintaining it.

All the many options for indoor aquariums are divided into two groups: naturally balanced and energy-intensive high-tech artificial reservoirs.

A naturally balanced aquarium requires minimal outside intervention. In addition to the vessel itself, it requires settled water, soil, underwater plants, fish, food for them, as well as the heat of the living space and air in contact with the surface of the water. Naturally, such an aquarium needs to be cleaned and water changed from time to time.

It is easier to achieve biological balance in a relatively low and wide aquarium, in which a large surface of the water is in contact with the air.

A high-tech aquarium involves the use of various technical means to ensure the existence of its inhabitants.

However, you should remember: the more devices and accessories are used to maintain the aquarium, the more serious the consequences of a power outage in your apartment will be. In addition, it is not recommended to leave high-tech aquariums unattended during your departure.

A variety of beautiful fish are bred in the aquarium. But in order for the fish to live a long time, and even be able to reproduce, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate habitat for them.

Where to start? With soil preparation. For this purpose, washed, coarse-grained sand or pebbles (layer 4-6 cm) are specially selected. Soil is necessary for plant rooting and nutrition. It is an important component of the habitat for burrowing fish and for fish spawning in the ground. You should not put shells on the bottom of the aquarium, as they make the water hard.

Tap water for the aquarium is left to stand for 5-7 days. Then water is poured into a special glass container and soil is laid.

After a couple of days, aquatic plants are planted in the aquarium. Vallisneria, Elodea, and Riccia grow well all year round in warm and cold-water aquariums. Common tropical plants include: cryptocorynes with multi-colored leaves, lancet echinodorus, glossy ludwigia, hornwort, cabomba, pistia.

You cannot oversaturate the aquarium with plants: during the day, in the light, they release oxygen, but at night, in the dark, they absorb it, just like the fish themselves.

The water in the aquarium is weakly mixed, and carbon dioxide accumulates in the lower layers. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically pump air into the aquarium.

A green aquarium will immediately need light: a lot, but not too much. How much light is required is determined experimentally in the first months of the aquarium’s life. Green fouling has appeared - there is a lot of light. The walls were covered with brown algae, the plants stretched out and became pale - there was little light.

The aquarium should be without fish for about a week - complex processes of relationships between micro-inhabitants that have entered the reservoir along with the soil and plants will take place in it.

At first, the water in the aquarium will become cloudy. Do not change it under any circumstances. After 5-7 days, the water brightens and acquires special transparency: its “self-purification” occurs. All this means that biological balance has been established in the aquarium.

It's time to populate the pond with fish! For an aquarium, fish are selected that live naturally in the same areas, or those that live in the same environmental conditions.

It is recommended to keep cold-water fish separately from warm-water ones, and predatory ones from non-predatory ones. The size and behavior of fish are very important characteristics. In nature, the larger ones usually eat the smaller ones. When choosing fish, you need to make sure that even the smallest inhabitants of the aquarium are large enough so as not to become victims of others, and you need to pay attention to this in the future, when the fish grow up.

At home, it is easier to create a warm-water aquarium than a cold-water one. Therefore, tropical fish are more common inhabitants of indoor aquariums.

The warm-water aquarium contains breeds of American fish: guppies, swordtails, catfish, platies, limias.

Often Asian zebrafish, barbs, cardinals or South American luminous neon fish, fireflies and others are placed in the same aquarium.

The cold-water aquarium houses fish that live in Russian water bodies: crucian carp, bitterling, small spined lances, carp, tench. They also contain breeds of goldfish: veiltails, telescopes.

The main condition for successfully keeping fish in a cold-water aquarium, for example, a breed of goldfish, is their low density of planting, that is, for each fish 5 cm long there should be at least 5 liters of water. The water in such aquariums must be purged and filtered.

Other animals are sometimes placed in the aquarium: mollusks, crustaceans, turtles, snails.

Overfeeding the fish is unacceptable: if the water becomes cloudy from excess food, then feeding stops for a while until the water becomes clear again. It is best to feed the fish in minimal doses. Under no circumstances should food be given for future use. (Most types of adult fish can survive without food for 2-3 weeks.)


The aquarium is like a particle of the underwater world, transferred into the room. It is fraught with many mysteries, and observing it is extremely fascinating. At the same time, an aquarium is an artificially torn out piece of the underwater kingdom, the well-being of which is entirely in the hands of the owner. Environmentally competent handling of the aquarium will bring the living conditions of pets as close as possible to natural ones, and ignorance of the laws of life of the underwater world will lead to a violation of harmony and the death of pets.

Hypothesis: suppose that the life of the aquarium ecosystem is possible without human intervention, was not confirmed.

    You need to understand that creating an artificial ecosystem, even a small one, is difficult.

    This requires knowledge, patience, love for little friends.

    If you seriously want to make your own small artificial ecosystem, find a book about aquariums and read it carefully or visit a special website on the Internet.

List of sources used

1. Akimushkin, I.I. Freaks of nature. - M.: Moscow, 1992.

2. Zolotnitsky, N.F. Amateur's aquarium. – M.: Terra, 1993.

3. Kochetov, A.M. Decorative fish farming. – M.: Education, 1991.

4. Internet resources:

Annex 1

Survey questions:

    Do you have an aquarium?________________

    What is an aquarium?



    What kind of water is needed for an aquarium?



    What size should be the soil for an aquarium? ___________________________________________

    Do you need light? _____________________________

    What else should be in the aquarium?


Appendix 2

1. It is easier to achieve biological balance in a relatively low and wide aquarium, in which a large surface of the water is in contact with the air. Achieving biological balance is a ratio of microscopic creatures (bacteria, blue-green algae, etc.) and the inhabitants of the aquarium that we can see (fish, snails, plants) in which the water becomes transparent.

2. You cannot oversaturate the aquarium with plants: during the day, in the light, they produce oxygen, but at night, in the dark, they will shake it, just like the fish themselves.

3. The number of inhabitants of a reservoir is limited by its volume: fish should not experience oxygen deficiency. An indicator of this deficiency is if they rise to the surface in the morning and grab the surface layer of water with their mouths (labyrinth fish (see below “Cockerels”) are not taken into account).

4. The fish settle in the aquarium after the water in it has settled, all the plants have been planted, biological balance has been established, and the cloudy bacterial film has disappeared from the surface.

5. Do not rush to completely populate the aquarium with the entire planned set of fish; release new pets in batches and see what results it brings. In addition, new pets must undergo quarantine before being placed in a community aquarium.

6. It is better to underpopulate your aquarium than to overpopulate it. This will improve the existence of fish during unfavorable seasons of the year (lack of natural light in winter or even the owner’s departure for a while).

7. Overfeeding the fish is unacceptable: if the water becomes cloudy from excess food, then feeding stops for a while until the water becomes clear again. It is best to feed the fish in minimal doses. Under no circumstances should food be given for future use. (Most types of adult fish can survive without food for 2-3 weeks.)

9. Lighting should ensure normal plant growth; it is achieved by a combination of natural and artificial: the aquarium is placed against the wall 1 - 1.5 m from the window (fish look better in side lighting), and a lamp of appropriate power and spectrum is placed above it.


"Alan-Bekser basic secondary school

Vysokogorsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan"

Student project4 class

"Aquarium and its inhabitants"


primary school teacher

Pogodina Rimma Viktorovna




    Aquarium fish……………………………………………………………

    Creative activity………………………………………



During the fourth quarter of the 2017/2018 school year, a group of 4th grade students worked on the project “Aquarium and its inhabitants.”

Relevance of the project can be expressed in just one phrase by I. Sokolov-Mikitov: “Love for nature, however, like any human love, undoubtedly develops in us from childhood.”

Living in harmony with yourself, with other people and in harmony with nature is a necessary condition for a happy and successful human life in the world. Love for nature is a great feeling; it helps a person to become more generous, responsible, and fairer. A person who loves nature will never offend his neighbor, will not mock our smaller brothers, will not pollute his native nature.

Practical value The project is that some of the children from our class already have an aquarium in their home and would like to learn better about caring for fish. Those guys who don’t have an aquarium are interested in this topic and are thinking about having fish at home in the future.

Objective of the project: study theoretical material about aquarium fish in order to answer questions that interest us, write a creative work and introduce the children of our class to the life of aquarium fish.

Project objectives:

1. Familiarize yourself with theoretical information.

2. Analyze and summarize the facts.

3. By comparing the collected material, develop interest in the topic.

4. Ability to speak in front of a large audience.

5. Foster environmental culture and abilities

to independent work.

Intended Product:

Based on the collected material, create a collection of facts from the life of aquarium fish and write a creative work.

The study was based on the following hypotheses : if you carefully study the necessary information, analyze and summarize the necessary facts, you can not only replenish and expand your knowledge, but also develop creative abilities and the ability to work independently.

Object of study: aquarium fish

Subject of study: literature study

Expected results of the project.

    Teaching computer technology to class students using environmental materials.

    Environmental projects for children and adults.

    Implementation of projects at the class and school level.

    Speeches at a school scientific and practical conference.

    Association of parents, children and teachers.

    Ecological culture of junior schoolchildren.

    Environmental Olympiads, competitions, projects, practical activities, observation.

II . Aquariums.

The idea of ​​​​creating the project “Aquarium and its inhabitants” was the theme of the lesson on the surrounding world “Aquarium”. We were very interested in this topic, and we wanted to find out from books and magazines how the first aquarium appeared, what kind of fish they were, how to keep and care for them, how to wash and clean the aquarium.

For us it was new, interesting and even exciting, and we set ourselves a goal:

Study theoretical material about aquarium fish in order to answer questions that interest us, write a creative work and introduce the children of our class to the life of aquarium fish.

Man has long been interested in the underwater world inhabited by animals and plants.

Relatively recently, scuba gear and research submarines have appeared, making it possible to observe fish in their natural environment for several hours and study their way of life. Despite this, people have long learned to recreate a piece of the underwater world next to them. These are aquariums - permanent homes for fish.

An aquarium is not just a beautiful thing that satisfies a person’s aesthetic needs, and not only a means to fill one’s leisure time, but also a working model of a natural reservoir.

Aquarium science is an occupation associated with modeling an ecosystem in a closed artificial reservoir.

Having studied the literature, we learned that: the first European book on aquarium husbandry was published in 1797 in Thuringia by J.M. Bechstein, where the conditions for keeping fish in captivity were described.

Fishes are the oldest, most species-rich, and most widespread group. Even the total number of fish species is not known exactly; according to a rough estimate (since not all species have been discovered and described), it ranges from 21 thousand to 25 thousand individuals.

They are certainly beautiful creatures. As you know, fish have a calming effect on an irritated and tired person. Freely sliding behind the glass of the aquarium, they not only please the eye, shimmering with various bright colors, but also relieve stress, anxiety, and tension.

Breeding ornamental and freshwater aquarium fish is one of the most common hobbies not only for children, but also for adults. There are many reasons why people want to have fish and aquatic plants around them. And yet, all aquarists - consciously or unconsciously, to a greater or lesser extent are united by one thing: a love for living nature, as well as the pleasure derived from observing the underwater world. Other motivations for becoming an aquarist are responsibility for living creatures and the joy of successfully caring for them.

Any person involved in aquarium farming must contain an element of professionalism and strive for a certain amount of specialized knowledge in order to avoid possible mistakes in communicating with living beings. And when combined with a healthy dose of explorer spirit, the learning and assimilation aspects that come from being an active aquarium hobbyist come to the fore. It is in conditions of limited space that it is possible to conduct numerous observations of fish behavior and analyze them.

III . Aquarium fish

The most ancient information about goldfish appeared in China in the 6th century BC, which were considered sacred.

The first European to see and describe fish of extraordinary beauty was the famous Italian traveler Marco Polo.

The first goldfish were brought to Europe on military sailing ships and appeared in spacious pools at the courts of kings, guarded by guards, and presented as gifts or as rewards to nobles.

During the implementation of our project, we were faced with the following question: can all fish live in one aquarium? After all, from the lessons of the surrounding world, we knew that some fish are predators and can eat each other. In addition, while studying the literature and watching an educational film, we found out that each fish requires certain conditions of detention and nutrition. Finally, each fish has its own character, sometimes very complex.

In this regard, we conducted a study, considering each of the selected fish according to several parameters:

  • Conditions for keeping

  • Character

During this work, we also collected a collection of interesting facts about the fish we studied.

We managed to find out that not all fish can be together in one aquarium.

Fighting fish– the most wonderful members of the aquarium community, but cannot stand the community cichlids, and here angelfish They have a calm character, but they cannot be planted with small fish, which they can easily swallow.

Aquarium soms peaceful and accommodating even with little ones.

Guppy- the most favorite fish of beginning aquarists, since the most hardy bright freshwater fish, capable of surviving in a small aquarium, are undemanding to water quality, can withstand two weeks of fasting and are even ready to eat algae

Poeciliaceae aquarium fish are unpretentious, omnivorous, calm, content with small aquariums

Barbs– schooling fish and it is recommended to keep them in spacious aquariums. They are very warlike and in the presence of a female they enter into battles with each other, and their character is compatible with all other fish in the aquarium.

U goldfish discovered the mind. This is also a fairly peaceful, calm fish.

Pearl- this is a small fish. Each scale has a convex shape, which gives it a special originality. Feeding is the same as for other fish species. As for the conditions of detention, the fish requires a large volume of water.

Fishes called neon quite small and very mobile. They earned their name because of the silvery shine of their scales. The male is traditionally smaller and slimmer than the female. The fish's fins are transparent. It is better to keep them in an aquarium with peace-loving fish.

Telescope is a very interesting and unique fish. It has large, bulging, attentive eyes (it is worth mentioning that the fish often damages them and goes blind, so there should not be many hard plants in the aquarium that it could get hurt on). The fish has a spherical shape and It is also clumsy, slow and a little clumsy. The telescope reacts to temperature fluctuations, so you should be attentive to it.

Veiltail- This is a type of goldfish, very popular among inexperienced aquarists. She has a short, wide body, a small head, a forked, very long, thin and transparent (like a veil) tail, which is why she has such a name.

Clown fish, or amphiprions belong to the family Pomacentraceae. The size of the fish is from 8 to 15 cm. The color is plain with contrasting stripes and spots. Widely distributed in the Pacific and Indian oceans. More recently, thanks to the clown fish, scientists made one important discovery. It made it possible to fight jellyfish burns. Based on the mucus of a clown fish, scientists have developed and made an “anti-jellyfish” cream.

Fish - ball lives in the coral reefs of many seas - from the Red to the Caribbean, this is the most voluminous coral creature, which, by swallowing water, can swell to an incredible size. In case of danger, it takes on a spherical shape, which makes it possible not only to scare away small predators, but also then, immediately freed from water, to get something edible that was hidden under a layer of sand. Its peaceful appearance is deceptive: in fact, the ball fish is one of the most poisonous underwater chemical factories and the most powerful toxins in the world are precisely those that it accumulates in itself. However, ball fish meat, provided it is properly prepared, is considered a delicacy by gourmets.

Fish angels widespread among coral reefs. They have a bright and surprisingly refined coloring, but are by no means angelic in character. Each fish “patrolls” its own section of the reef and reacts aggressively to the appearance of other fish there, especially its own or related species. It is impossible to contain more than one individual of each species in an aquarium, otherwise, as a result of incessant fights, only the strongest fish will remain alive. Interestingly, the coloration of juvenile angelfish is often so different from that of adults that in some cases they have been described by scientists as different species.

Fish– these are pets and, creating their own world in the apartment, they need care and attention.

IV . Creative activity.

Having carried out a lot of interesting work on the topic, the students of our class shared their knowledge and impressions in the class.

We wanted to create such a model of an aquarium in the classroom. In which all the fish would live peacefully with each other.

To make the fish we used the following work techniques. Like applique, origami, working with natural materials and plasticine.

The result was a model of an aquarium with the following fish: barb, clown fish, telescope, veiltail, pearl, guppies, gourami.

In addition, we summarized all the accumulated knowledge, interesting facts and wrote a creative work “Project “Aquarium and its inhabitants”

V . Conclusion.

Having completed the work, we made the following conclusions:

people should not only admire the diversity and beauty of the underwater world, but must make every effort to preserve this heritage of our planet: protect the seas and oceans, rivers and lakes from pollution, protect fish from extermination and unreasonable fishing.

This work helped us understand that fish are pets that delight us not only with their beauty, but also calm our nervous system, so they need care and attention, and for this we must correctly use the knowledge gained. We expanded our knowledge, learned a lot of interesting things and shared our knowledge with our friends.

While working on the project, we not only gained new knowledge that will be useful to us in the future, but also learned how to make fish with our own hands, using various techniques for working with paper and plasticine; used creativity and imagination to create an artificial aquarium.

Thus, hypothesis The fact that if you carefully study the necessary information, analyze and summarize the necessary facts, you can not only replenish and expand your knowledge, but also develop creative abilities and the ability to work independently has been confirmed.

The project was made by:

Usatyuk Ilmir

Alexandrova Angelina

Galimzyanov Arthur


    Everything about aquarium fish. Atlas-directory. St. Petersburg: Kristall Publishing House, 2009.

    Mikhailov S. Aquarium fish.

    Schoolboy Yu. Aquarium fish. Complete encyclopedia. St. Petersburg: Kristall Publishing House, 2009.




  • Size: 25.3 Megabytes
  • Number of slides: 27

Description of the presentation Research work on the topic: “Natural aquarium, based on slides

Research work on the topic: “Natural aquarium, experience of creation using garden soil” Completed by: student of the 4th “B” class of MAOU “Gymnasium No. 77” Zinnurova Regina Ruslanovna Supervisor: Kataeva Yulia Alekseevna Naberezhnye Chelny, 2013

1. Introduction, relevance, purpose of the work The purpose of my work: to find out whether it is possible to use soil in an aquarium as a nutrient soil Tasks: - to find out what the aquarium ecosystem is; — Select the right components for the successful “launch” of the aquarium; - “Start up” the aquarium using the ground; — Draw conclusions about the suitability of using soil as a nutrient layer for aquarium plants. Object of study: the process of creating an aquarium with living plants. Subject of research: earth as the basis of nutritious soil for plants. Research methods: search and analysis of information on the topic, practical exercises.

Contents: 1. Introduction, relevance, purpose of the work 2. An aquarium as a mini ecosystem 3. The role of soil in the aquarium ecosystem 4. Preparation for launching a natural aquarium Selection of soil and soil Selection of plants Selection of light lighting Water quality Selection of aquarium inhabitants 6. “Startup” of a natural aquarium aquarium Selecting a location for the aquarium Preparing the soil and soil Preparing plants and water, launching the inhabitants of the aquarium Setting up the light lighting 7. The result of “launching” the aquarium, conclusions 8. Literature

1. Introduction, relevance, purpose of the work Each of us, at least once in our lives, dreamed of having an aquarium at home that would delight us with its beautiful appearance and bring a piece of living nature into our home. Yielding to desire, we went to the store and bought an aquarium, planted lush plants, and introduced beautiful fish. But after a while the plants did not take root, lost their former beauty, turned yellow and rotted, the fish felt worse, and our natural reservoir turned into a small swamp. One day, looking at a well-growing flower standing on the windowsill, I began to think. The flower receives all the nutrients necessary for growth precisely from the soil and water with which we water it. Why not try using soil as the main soil for aquarium plants, since there is already water there.

2. Aquarium as a mini ecosystem Any body of water created by man to contain aquatic inhabitants in enclosed spaces is called an aquarium. An ecosystem is a unity of living organisms and their habitat, in which living organisms of different “professions” are able to jointly maintain the circulation of substances. An aquarium is an ecosystem. It includes several main groups of organisms between which continuous metabolism occurs.

2. An aquarium as a mini ecosystem Signs of an ecosystem 1. Organisms of an ecosystem are self-sufficient and can exist for an unlimited time if conditions remain constant. 2. In each ecosystem, the following components can be distinguished: producers: provide oxygen and organic substances, and receive carbon dioxide and minerals (plants). consumers: give carbon dioxide and organic substances, and receive oxygen and organic substances (animals: fish, snails, etc.). Destroyers: give carbon dioxide and minerals, and receive oxygen and organic substances (bacteria and fungi). 3. Despite the circulation of substances within the ecosystem, some energy still enters it from the outside, and some is lost by it.

3. The role of soil in the aquarium ecosystem Soil for an aquarium has an important role in the formation of biological balance. Soil is needed by: aquarium plants, for them it is a place for the development and rooting of the root system, a source of nutrients. aquarium fish in order to dig in it, rummage, look for food, use it as a shelter, a place to sleep or rest. for cleanliness, since it acts as a mechanical and biological filter, colonies of beneficial bacteria appear and develop in it, which process harmful substances.

4. Preparing to launch a natural aquarium In my experience, the earth will serve as the lower nutrient layer of soil, and on top it will be covered with rock soil - black quartz. The top soil will prevent the soil from making the water cloudy. Quartz, like any stone soil, should not release harmful substances into the water. Scientifically, a suitable soil must be “chemically neutral”. In order to check the quality of the soil, let's conduct a simple experiment. To do this, take some quartz and put it in a glass, into which we pour a little acetic acid. Acetic acid is capable of reacting with various chemical elements. During the reaction, gas bubbles are released. If there are no bubbles, then the soil is “chemically neutral” and will not release harmful substances into the water. Selecting the top soil layer

4. Preparing to start a natural aquarium Now you need to choose a suitable land. The main indicator for the earth is its acidity. The acidity index is determined in p units. H. The soil should have an acidity value close to neutral: p. H = 6.5 – 7 units. Selecting soil and soil 1–6 p.m. H Acidic environment 7 p.m. H Neutral environment 8–1 4 p.m. H Alkaline environment. Acidity table

4. Preparing to launch a natural aquarium There are now many ready-made sets of earthen mixtures for indoor plants on sale. Analysis of earth mixtures showed that most of them consist not of earth, but of peat - a product of decomposition of vegetation. Peat is not suitable for us, as it contains too many nutrients that will quickly spoil the water in the aquarium. But soil for ficus is the best option, since it mainly contains only soil with the required acidity level: p. H = 6.5 units. Selection of soil and land

4. Preparing to start a natural aquarium Plants in an aquarium perform various functions necessary for both the fish and the aquarium as a whole. With the help of plants, biological balance is established in the aquarium. This is a source of oxygen for fish, in addition, many species of fish use plants as shelter and a basis for reproduction. The white color of plant roots is an indicator of the health of the soil. If the roots are blackened and rotten, then harmful changes are taking place in the aquarium ecosystem. Plant selection

4. Preparing to launch a natural aquarium Using the earth as a nutrient soil, it is necessary to plant plants with a root system. I chose several plants that grow quickly, adapt well to new conditions and look very beautiful. All aquarium plants mainly come from tropical and subtropical countries, adapted to temperatures from 18 to 35°C. Selection of Sagittaria plants. Homeland: swamps of the southern states of America Hemianthus pearl. Homeland: tropical regions of America. Blixa japonica. Homeland: grows from New Guinea to India

4. Preparing to start a natural aquarium Aquarium plants and fish need proper lighting. The light that illuminates the room is not enough for them. Fluorescent and incandescent lamps are used to illuminate the aquarium. Calculating the amount of light is very simple - for every liter of water you need 1 Watt (W) of lamp power. The number of watts is written on the body of each lamp. Choosing light lighting Lamps are installed in the lids of aquariums and placed closer to the front glass: in this case, the fish look most bright and natural, and the plants turn their leaves towards the viewer. Lamp operating time is approximately 8 -10 hours a day. This is enough for the growth and development of plants.

4. Preparing to start a natural aquarium What kind of aquarium exists without water? Clean tap water is suitable for the aquarium. The main parameters of water are measured in the already familiar acidity indicators pH, which should be equal to 6.5 -7.5 units. The second important parameter is water hardness - d. H, it is measured in degrees. Required value d. H from 5 to 12 degrees. Water quality 1–6 p.m. H Acidic environment 7 p.m. H Neutral environment 8–1 4 p.m. H Alkaline environment. Acidity table 0– 4 d. H very soft water 4–8 d. H soft water 8–12 d. H water of medium hardness 12–18 d. H quite hard water 18–30 d. H very hard water. Total water hardness table

4. Preparation for launching a natural aquarium Let's determine the acidity of the water pH, which should be equal to 6.5 -7.5 units. In chemistry, there are substances that have the ability to change their color in the presence of acids and alkalis. These substances are called indicators. Paper is impregnated with these substances, which is then used in the form of test strips. The strip is dipped into water and it changes color. The color of the strip is compared with a control color scale. Water quality 15 Our water test showed pH = 6.5 units - which means the water is suitable for us.

4. Preparing to start a natural aquarium Let's determine the water hardness - d. H, it is measured in degrees. Required value d. H from 5 to 12 degrees. We need soft or medium hard water. To determine the hardness of water, let's carry out a simple experiment with water and soap: if soap in water does not lather well and does not produce foam, then the water is hard, and vice versa - if there is a lot of foam, it means the water is soft. Our water is soft. Water quality

4. Preparing for the launch of a natural aquarium The choice of aquarium inhabitants depends, first of all, on its volume, which is measured in liters. The larger the volume of the aquarium, the more fish you can put in it. A simple formula allows you to calculate the number of fish: for each fish there should be at least 5 liters of water. Choice of Aquarium Residents I decided to have Red Cherry shrimp in my aquarium. In our country they call it “cherry” shrimp. Her homeland is Taiwan. This shrimp is easy to keep, it is unpretentious to conditions, beautiful and hardworking. Cherry shrimp are the orderlies of the aquarium, as they clean it of dirt.

6. “Starting” a natural aquarium Choosing a location for the aquarium The main requirement for the location of the aquarium in the room: it should not be in direct sunlight. It is advisable to install it in the darkest place in the room. In strong light, microscopic green algae begin to multiply in the water. They cover the glass, the plants turn out to be covered with green shoots - the water turns greenish.

6. “Starting” a natural aquarium Preparing the soil and soil We fill the bottom of the aquarium with a layer of soil equal to 3-4 cm. Next we fill it with a layer of black quartz of 2 cm.

6. “Starting” a natural aquarium Preparing plants and water, launching the inhabitants of the aquarium After this, we plant the plants in the ground. Plant roots must be trimmed before planting. To prevent our soil from being washed away when pouring water, we place a saucer at the bottom of the aquarium and carefully pour tap water into it at a temperature of +23°C.

6. “Starting” a natural aquarium Preparing plants and water, starting the inhabitants of the aquarium Close the aquarium with a lid and turn on the light. To make it easier to control the lighting time, you can use a timer that is adjusted to a certain operating interval during the day - it turns the light on and off. After everything is planted, we introduce its inhabitants – “cherry” shrimps – into our aquarium. There are only a few of them, but they will quickly give birth to offspring.

7. The result of the “Launch” of the aquarium, conclusions The result of the “launch” of a natural aquarium using land was a closed ecosystem. It takes approximately 3 months for the aquarium to fully “mature”, after which the ecosystem becomes stable. My water remained clear and clean, without an unpleasant odor. Water condition

7. Result of the “Startup” of the aquarium, conclusions The plants confidently began to grow: the Sagittaria released several arrow-like shoots. Hemianthus pearl has produced new branches and increased the number of leaves and the height of the stems. Blixa japonica has taken root and produced several young leaves from the center of the stem. The condition of all plants is excellent, the leaves are juicy, bright, green. The roots are white, which means the soil is fine. Plant condition

7. The result of “Starting” the aquarium, conclusions The good condition of all elements of the aquarium ecosystem allows us to draw the following conclusion: the use of soil in a natural aquarium allows plants to develop and grow. There is no need to add additional fertilizers to the aquarium, since the soil contains all the substances necessary for plants. the soil did not have a harmful effect on the inhabitants of the aquarium - cherry shrimp. There is only one problem left - what to do with a large number of overgrown plants General conclusion

7. Result of “Starting up” the aquarium, conclusions To maintain the well-being of the aquarium, it is necessary to: change the water once a week: drain about 1/4 of the water from the aquarium and add new tap water. The new water should be the same temperature as the water in the aquarium; Regularly clean the aquarium of deposits on the glass; this can be conveniently done using a plastic card. Useful care tips

7. Result of “Starting” an aquarium, conclusions Example of aquariums in our house 26 An 11-liter aquarium, “launched” on earthen soil 1 year ago. A 100 liter aquarium, “launched” on earthen soil 3 years ago.

8. Literature Books: 1. Akimushkin, I. I. Whims of nature. - M.: Moscow, 1992. 2. Zolotnitsky, N. F. Amateur Aquarium. – M.: Terra, 1993. 3. Kochetov, A. M. Decorative fish farming. – M.: Education, 1991. 4. Tsirling M. B. Aquarium and aquatic plants. Reference manual. St. Petersburg : GIDROMETEOIZDAT, 1991. Internet resources: http: //aquajournal. ru/nature. php? nature=1 http: //www. aqa. ru/Neocaridina_denticulata_Red_Cherry http: //aquariumhome. people ru/d. html http://www. aquariumhome. ru/page 1. htm http: //akvarium-book. people ru/p. Hwater. html http: //myaquaclub. ru/aquarium/aqua-start/470 -zachem-grunt-v-aquariume http: //aquaria 2. ru/soil-in-aquarium http: //med. odessa. ua/obraz/vodaafnaliz. html

MBOU "Ardatovskaya secondary school"



"Aquarium and its inhabitants"

Completed by: Vasyushkina Daria, student of 3rd grade A

Head: Iya Ivanovna Italeva,

primary school teacher

Ardatov, 2015


Wherever we live, regardless of age and profession... and we all have one thing in common - love for the WORLD OF AQUARIUM FISH.

It seems to me that a person who is interested in aquariums is endowed with the gift of love not only for people, but also for the surrounding world; this person is able to create and make this world a better place.

The goal of the project: to study theoretical material about aquarium fish in order to answer questions that interest us, write a creative work and introduce the children of our class to the life of aquarium fish.

Project objectives:

1. familiarize yourself with theoretical information;

2. analyze and summarize the facts;

3. by comparing the collected material, develop interest in the topic,

4. ability to speak in front of a large audience;

5. cultivate environmental culture and abilities

to independent work.

Stages of work on the project



Problem and task definition, research



Getting started with information collection



Systematization and analysis of acquired knowledge



Discussion of methods, presentation of final results



Formatting the work, summing up the results



Project presentation

scientific and practical conference"First steps into science"


Signature of the conference participant

Signature of the supervisor (teacher who prepared the student) _____________

____” _______________ 2015


Living in harmony with yourself, with other people and in harmony with nature is a necessary condition for a happy and successful human life in the world. Love for nature is a great feeling; it helps a person to become more generous, responsible, and fairer. A person who loves nature will never offend his neighbor, will not mock our smaller brothers, will not pollute his native nature.

Man has long been interested in the underwater world inhabited by animals and plants.

Relatively recently, scuba gear and research submarines have appeared, making it possible to observe fish in their natural environment for several hours and study their way of life. Despite this, people have long learned to recreate a piece of the underwater world next to them. These are aquariums - permanent homes for fish.

An aquarium is not just a beautiful thing that satisfies a person’s aesthetic needs, and not only a means to fill one’s leisure time, but also a working model of a natural reservoir.

The aquarium, although small, is a sovereign piece of wildlife in your home. All biological and other laws of nature are steadily fulfilled in it, chemical and physical processes take place, bacteria and fungi invisible to the eye live. And in order for your aquarium to see life visible and invisible to the eye, it is advisable to be able to use these laws, and certainly never contradict them with your actions

I . Aquariums: history of origin

Keeping beautiful fish at home and displaying for public viewing, not intended for consumption, is a centuries-old tradition in Asia and, in particular, in China and Japan. Goldfish and ornamental carps swimming in various fish tanks were (and are) in the center of everyone's attention. Simple clay vessels, painted and glazed pottery, exquisite, finely crafted porcelain vessels - all this was used in the practical aquarium hobby of the East. All classic goldfish species were specifically sought out and purposefully bred to be observed from above. Observation "from behind glass" in an aquarium can be considered a Western invention

Our ancestors showed love for breeding ornamental fish in the last century AD. Although very significant conditions for the biological existence of fish were already known, such as, for example, the requirements of tropical fish for water temperature, limited technical capabilities did not allow successfulimplementthis knowledge in practice.
