Winter applique: crafting with children. Collective work on the theme “Winter” “And from our window...” (middle group) Collective application on the theme winter

Galina Grasman

I present to your attention group work on the topic winter"And from our window. ".

Winter in the verses of Russian poets it attracts with its beauty and splendor.

Frost and sun; wonderful day!

You are still dozing, dear friend -

It's time, beauty, wake up:

Open your closed eyes

Towards northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north! A. S. Pushkin.

Target: develop in children the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding nature, cultivate a caring attitude towards wintering birds, and develop creative abilities.

A sheet of Whatman paper was taken as a basis and we gave it the appearance of a window. What can you see outside your window in winter? Of course, large snowdrifts and snowflakes that fly to Earth. Children are walking in the yard and making snowmen together with adults. In every yard they decorate a New Year tree. Trees and bushes are covered with a blanket of snow. Birds fly to the rowan tree and feed on the berries of this tree.

From work The kids had a lot of fun!

Publications on the topic:

The collective work - the collage "Winter in the Forest" - was made by the children of our group from the origami works made during the course of the topics.

Collective applique made from natural material. Theme "Falling Leaves" (middle group) Purpose: to teach children to create a collective composition from.

I invite you to observe from the window and want to know your opinion! In the morning I ran to work in the dark and dreamed that it would be light faster. Why?.

We present to you our collective work “Newspaper City”. The guys and I got acquainted with the properties of paper, including newspaper. Found out.

Finally, winter has come. Winter is sparkling snow, frosty air, peace of mind. Winter is a vast white ocean, crunching under your feet.

Objectives: To introduce the signs of winter; teach to compare winter and autumn, describe the seasons. Progress of the lesson 1. Organizational moment. Greetings.

Winter is a wonderful time of year, how you want to capture all its beauty in detail. Recently we tried to start learning thread printing with the guys.

I work as a teacher in a very cozy and nice kindergarten. So the golden autumn has reached us. The trees gradually began to dress up.

Summary: Application winter. How to make winter-themed applications with your own hands. Examples of winter appliqués to make at home with your child. How to make winter applications in kindergarten. Photos of "Winter" applications for children in the middle and older groups of kindergarten.

Winter is a very beautiful time of year. You can convey all the charm of winter through creativity. In this section we will tell and show you what winter-themed applications you can make with your own hands together with your children. To create winter applications, we will use a variety of materials: colored paper and cardboard, cotton wool, cotton pads, all kinds of waste material. Most of the winter-themed applications described in this article are voluminous applications.

1. Winter application. Application on the theme of winter

In this applique, winter snow is made of white paper, which the child previously tore into small pieces with his hands. By the way, tearing papers with your hands is very useful for developing fine motor skills in children.

Here is another charming winter house. It should be noted that depicting houses in winter-themed applications is very common. In this winter snow applique, the snow is made from ordinary cotton wool. To create such a voluminous applique, you will first need to find any winter house coloring book on the Internet. Cut it out figuratively and stick it on colored cardboard. Paint it, and at the end glue cotton wool onto your winter applique to create the appearance of snowdrifts and snow on the roof of the house.

2. Winter application. Application from cotton pads

Winter-themed applications made from cotton pads are very popular. Using this material you can create three-dimensional snowmen, snowdrifts, snow on the roofs of houses and on tree branches.

3. Winter applique middle group. Applique winter senior group

We have already talked about an applique on a winter theme made from torn paper. Here is another interesting version of this craft.

We would like to pay special attention to winter applications using corrugated paper. In the photo below, children are making appliques on the theme of winter. They cover the mitten templates with multi-colored pieces of corrugated paper. It is better to cut corrugated paper for applique with scissors rather than tearing it with your hands. It should be glued with PVA glue diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Look at the bright and original winter appliqués the kids came up with as a result.

The Christmas trees in the photo below are also made of corrugated paper. You can make multi-colored Christmas trees, or you can make green ones from paper of different shades of green. Choose which ones you like best. How to make such an applique in winter? Cut corrugated paper of different colors into small pieces. Paste it in any order on a white sheet of paper. When the glue dries, cut triangles out of it. These will be Christmas trees. Glue them onto a sheet of thick blue paper. Use white paint to add snowdrifts and falling snow. By the way, snow for the winter applique can be made from white paper using a hole punch.

4. Application winter preparatory group. Winter applique junior group

With small children, it’s easy and quick to make these funny winter-themed appliques called “melted snowmen.” Children can cut out the parts for the applique themselves, or you can make them for them in advance. This winter applique is good because it doesn’t require any special care in the process of its manufacture.Even children of the younger group of kindergarten can cope with it.

Another simple application on the winter theme. Draw a mitten on thick paper or cardboard. Cut out a beautiful snowflake from paper. Glue a snowflake onto our winter applique. Ready!

5. Winter application. Application on the theme of winter

Place a piece of colored paper inside the glass. Dip the balls in white paint. Now put them in a glass, close it with a lid and shake well. As a result, you will end up with colored paper with white streaks. Similarly, make colored paper with white streaks of other colors. From these blanks, cut out the details of the applique on a winter theme.

Finally, two more unusual winter applications. The first application, called “Snowplow,” will appeal primarily to boys. To make such a voluminous applique you will need: colored paper, a cardboard roll of toilet paper, cotton wool, a piece of bubble wrap.

Are you thinking about what to devote to your next creative activity with your child? We invite you to make amazing winter appliques!

You can use a variety of materials as the basis for your work. The classic option is to make winter appliques from colored paper.

But so that they are not boring, you can add your own flavor to each craft. For example, make a real winter character - a penguin.

Winter applique "penguin"

We cut out its parts separately from cardboard, glue them together, and attach the wings with nails - they will turn out to be movable.

Glue all the parts of the applique together.

The penguin can flap its wing.

The “penguin” applique can be made using the most popular material for winter creativity - cotton wool.

Penguin applique made of cotton wool

Winter appliqués with a hat and mittens

Or make an applique in the form of winter accessories - mittens and hats. And to make them look even more realistic, you can decorate them with fluffy pom-poms and fur trim, which can be successfully replaced with white cotton wool.

It is convenient to use pieces of foam cardboard, felt and glass balls as decorations for mittens. We decorate the gloves with pieces of cardboard and rhinestones.

Glue the cotton wool. The “mitten” applique is ready!

See how you can beautifully decorate mittens by making a beautiful winter card out of them:

Winter applications with a polar bear

Using balls of cotton wool as fur, you can make a cute little polar bear face with toy eyes, a black pom-pom nose and a mouth made of chenille wire.

Applique mask “Polar bear”

And if you cover a plate with slightly crumpled pieces of tissue paper, you will get the head of a polar bear. We make his face from a disposable cup. Paint the cup white.

We make holes for the eyes. Apply glue and glue pieces of paper.

We fill all the space except the nose.

In place of the nose, glue a cup onto which we glue a black pom-pom nose.

Glue the nose. The “polar bear” mask application is ready!

Applique pendant “polar bear”

Children can make interesting winter appliqués with their own hands from foam cardboard - it is a very pliable material that is pleasant to work with.

For example, by cutting out parts according to a template and gluing them together, they will get a cute white bear that can easily be turned into a pendant. Glue the tail.

All that remains is to glue the white ribbon and the pendant applique is ready!

Winter applications with trees and forest

Cotton wool imitates not only fur well, but also snow. It can decorate any winter landscape. And pieces of tinsel, rain or silver bugles look good as falling snowflakes.

Glue the branches and cover them with cotton snow - ready!

Trees can also be drawn. And if between them you make a small hillock of colored paper and cover it with cotton wool snow, you will get a bear’s den.

See how to make a wonderful “Winter Forest” applique with colored Christmas trees:

Another beautiful winter applique made from yarn in the video:

What winter applique would be complete without a Christmas tree? We paint the background with paints. From a white triangle we make the base of the Christmas tree, onto which we glue colored translucent paper. These pieces will wrap the front and edges of the Christmas tree, lay on top of each other, and may even leave white gaps. Only then glue brown stumps and a triangular colorful Christmas tree onto the dried background.

You can make the Christmas tree even more voluminous by attaching its decorated figurine to the “trunk”.

By folding a sheet of paper like an accordion and cutting it from bottom to top, you can get an amazing panorama effect. We decorate this blank with winter drawings and appliqué.

Volumetric craft “winter slope”

Glue bright winter houses onto a painted winter background with trees.

Winter applique “houses”

You can make a snowflake out of popsicle sticks, glitter and cotton wool.

Winter applique “hot coffee”

Or decorate cups of coffee to warm us up in winter with cotton balls.

Hot drink applique

Winter applique “snowman”

Or “blind” a snowman. In order to “blind” a snowman out of cotton wool, we cut out the base of the craft from white paper.

The basis of the snowman craft

Glue cotton balls onto the base.

Glue on the snowman a top hat, eyes, nose, scarf, handles and pom-pom buttons. A simple and elegant winter applique is ready!

You can make it out of paper and fill the space around it with lumps of snow.

The cotton wool snowman applique can be a wonderful Christmas tree decoration.

Christmas tree decoration “snowman made of cotton wool”

Using pieces of white paper using the mosaic technique, you can make a polar bear's home.

Application with winter birds

And use pieces of newspaper to decorate the wings of birds wintering in our area.

You can draw a bird and trees on a separate sheet of paper, cut them out and assemble them into a single picture.

The background for the “bullfinch on a branch” applique is painted with blue paint mixed with glue and lined with a thin layer of cotton wool. Next we glue the twig and the pre-painted cut out bullfinch. We make rowan for the bullfinch from bright red lumps of crumpled paper.

Applique “bullfinch on a branch”

From two plates, using cotton balls, you get a cute snowy owl.

Winter applique “Deer”

No less interesting than winter paper applications are crafts made from disposable plates. For example, you can make a Santa Claus Christmas reindeer out of them. Paint the plate brown

Its horns become imprints of children's hands, and its paws become cardboard rectangles.

Glue all the parts together.

Winter applique “Christmas tree made of sticks”

Unusual materials can become parts of any craft. You can make a Christmas tree out of painted ice cream sticks.

Apply glue to the back of the stick.

When the entire Christmas tree is laid out using glue, decorate it with buttons.

Or make a snow-covered window from felt and padding polyester.

And the real laces are cardboard skates.

Watch how to make a winter skate applique in the video:

It is important for children that the craft is not only beautiful, but also interesting. Therefore, they take great pleasure in learning new work techniques and using new materials.

Summary of educational activities in the middle group using non-traditional forms. Collective application “Winter tree”.

Continue to teach children to use a non-traditional type of appliqué;
Develop dialogical speech, activate vocabulary;
Promote the development of cognitive interest;
Cultivate accuracy when working with glue;
Development of fine motor skills in the hands of preschool children through the use of non-traditional forms of appliqué.

Material: White napkins, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth, brush stand, wet napkin, tinted sheet of Whatman paper, illustrations of trees in winter, interactive table.

Preliminary work: Looking at paintings on the theme “Seasons”. Reading stories and poems about winter. Listening to the album “Seasons”. Guessing riddles about winter.

Organization and methodology of educational activities.
Educator: Guys, what time of year is it now? (children's answers).
Educator: Let's remember the main signs of winter, and for this I suggest you play a game:
Game on the interactive table “Seasons”: children choose from the proposed items those that are suitable for the winter season (consolidating the signs of winter).

Educator: Guys, do you want me to tell you a tale about winter? (children's answers).
Educator: Then sit back and listen, the fairy tale begins. Children sit on the mat near the teacher.
-Far, far in the North, where it is always cold, there stood an ice castle. It was very beautiful, and its walls and windows were decorated with frosty patterns. Winter lived in this castle.
Guys, what do you think winter is like? (children's answers).
Educator: You said everything correctly, but despite the fact that winter is cold, it is very caring. Winter flew around the world day after day and sheltered young grass and flowers from frost. But most of all she liked to wrap the trees in silvery frost and snow. Let's look outside the window at the beautiful snow-covered trees (if there is no snow that day, just show pictures of trees in winter). Show pictures of trees on the board (remember the structure and names of trees).
Educator: Guys, do you want to make such a beautiful tree? (children's answers)
Guys, what does winter cover the trees with? (children's answers)
Educator: But we have no snow or frost. What can you and I make our winter trees from? (children's answers). If children find it difficult to come up with answer options, then I ask them leading questions.
Educator: That's right guys. Today we will work with napkins. What color napkins do we need? (children's answers)
Educator: But before we begin our work, I suggest that you turn into “White Fluff” for a short time.
Children stand near their seats and perform finger exercises.
Finger gymnastics "White fluff"
White snow fluff pours out (Gently lower your hands from top to bottom)
Covers everything around. (We spread our arms in different directions)
Pooh on hats (Point to the named things)
Down on fur coats, (or we bend our fingers one by one)
Pooh on the edges
Fluff on the lips.
How ticklish - wow! Let's tickle ourselves and shake ourselves
Whoever tickles - pooh! Palms in front of us, blow on them
Children sit at tables with napkins on them.
Educator: I show the children a tinted background, with a pre-glued trunk and snowdrifts; the children must complete the tree branches by twisting napkins into ropes.

Educator: The tree already has a trunk, what’s missing? (children's answers)
Educator: That's right, now I'll show you how we will make branches. We take a napkin and twist the strip into a rope, this will be a branch for our tree, then we twist the balls, from which we will make snow.
Then let's get to work.
Children perform a collective appliqué.
Educator: We take a brush in our hands, put glue on it, smear our strands with glue and glue it to the tree trunk, we get a branch. And so on until the tree is ready. Then we roll balls (snow) from napkins and glue them along the entire perimeter of the sheet. The teacher monitors the children’s work and provides assistance if necessary.
And now I propose to play again, go to the table and draw a “Winter Landscape”
Game on the interactive table “Winter Landscape”: children take turns creating a winter landscape, choosing the items necessary for this, explaining why they are needed in winter, thereby reinforcing ideas about winter and winter fun.

Educator: Well done guys, you tried very hard. Everyone worked together and you ended up with a very beautiful winter tree.

Ready-made lesson notes on the artistic and aesthetic development of children on a winter theme. Step-by-step master classes on making applications with themes typical for the coldest time of the year. Traditional and original ideas for depicting the “main characters of winter” - snowmen, Christmas trees, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, bullfinches and other wintering birds. Here you can find applications of different levels of complexity - from the simplest, made of colored paper, to voluminous, with “cotton snow” and the use of other non-standard materials.

Applications with the beauties of winter, for every taste and age.

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All sections | Winter. Applications on a winter theme

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