How will a hedgehog be a hedgehog ruff. The letter ё to indicate a merging syllable. Graphic analysis of the letters “E” and “E”

LESSON TOPIC: Letter e to indicate a confluence syllable.

I. Educational.

1. Introduce students to the letter e, denoting two sounds /at the beginning of a word, after vowels/.

2. Improve fluent reading skills with the transition to reading whole words.

II . Developmental .

1. Develop phonemic awareness.

2. Develop speech and thinking of schoolchildren.

3. Improve students' diction.

III. Educating.

I. Foster a humane attitude towards animals, love for nature.


Children, I am very pleased that on the first day after the holidays we will work. Look, even the sun smiles sweetly at you. It's also good that you came to school.


Let's go, children, to the winter forest. He is fabulously beautiful and unique. The Christmas trees are turning green and there are caps of snow on the tree branches. Traces of animals are visible, birds flutter from branch to branch. Forest animals have their own life, they also have their own school, the forest school. Let's go there.


1. While we're on our way, let's remember what vowel letters you already know? Name the vowels that command reading firmly.

Name the vowels that command reading softly /e, i, and/. And what vowels do we also call cunning? / e, I/ Why? /At the beginning of a word, in the middle and at the end after vowels, two sounds are indicated: / y’e/, /y’a/,

2. Work using cards.

While we were walking through the forest, we accidentally fell into the thicket of the forest. To get out of it, we need to get through these Christmas trees. And Christmas trees are not simple, they are magical, Christmas trees are tasks. If we complete the task, we will see a path further into the forest.

Remove the Christmas tree cards and complete the task. Match the words with the appropriate diagrams. Five students work using cards.
3. A little bunny ran towards us. He is in a hurry to go to school, forest school, and can take us there to a large clearing. But here's the problem: he can't fulfill homework and asks us to help him fulfill it. And the bunny’s task is this: you have to guess which words have letters e and I are indicated by two sounds, and in which there is one sound. If the letter stands for one sound, show the bunny a card with the color red, and if two sounds - a syllable - merge:

e/li I/ma Ta/nya

le/s ma/yak sta/ya

/Collect Christmas tree cards and check/

Well done, children, we completed all the tasks and entered the large clearing. Read where our friend the bunny was in a hurry.

/Forest School/

Who are the students at the forest school?

Who is the teacher? /Hedgehog/

Today the hedgehog teacher introduces his students to a new letter. You and I are also not yet familiar with this letter. Let's sit comfortably at the forest school desks and listen to the teacher.


1. Syllable-sound analysis of the word hedgehog.

Children, how many syllables are in a word? hedgehog? Which one is the first?

What's the second one? Name the drum?

Look at the word diagram hedgehog and tell me what the first syllable is represented by? And second? Slowly pronounce the first syllable. What sounds did you hear? / thO /

2. Designation of sounds by letter.

Children, two sounds that formed a merger / yo/, is usually denoted not by two letters, but by one e. Look at the forest school board where it is written. Look; this is a capital letter E, and this is a lowercase letter E.

What letter does it look like? / e/

E and Yo are sisters.

It's not easy to tell the sisters apart. But the letter E has two dots. Like a ladder of nails. Let's make the letter E from sticks. And here is the letter's place in the alphabet and place on the letter tape.

/Teacher shows./

3. Working with the cash register.

Teacher Hedgehog asks us to write his name: hedgehog. Let's guys make up a word hedgehog.

How many letters do you need to take to write the first syllable?

What letters to write a merging syllable: live.

What rule do you know?

What's the sound at the end?

What letter will we write it with?

The result is a word hedgehog.

Let's count how many sounds there are in the diagram? / 5 /

How many letters are in a word? / 4 /

Why? /Letter e at the beginning of a word denotes two sounds./
4. Reading words.
1. Game "Collect a word"

Squirrel was also in a hurry to get to class. And when she jumped from branch to branch, she scattered words, but remembered that all words begin with a letter e:

kizho, sher, chakole

Letter e- thorn. Why? By letter e you say three words:

Christmas tree, hedgehog, ruff, and everything is terribly caustic.

Let's read the words: Christmas tree, hedgehog, ruff, Which syllable is stressed?

Pay attention to the letter e the emphasis always falls. Why? This is the fairy tale teacher Yozh told his students. Let's listen to her.

Fairy tale "Why is Yo always percussive?"

From this fairy tale you will learn where the letter came from Yo there are two bumps at the top - oh, no! two points.

Once upon a time letter E ran away into the forest. Suddenly a strong wind blew and the trees swayed. Letter E she became scared and hid under a fir tree. The spruce tree also swayed from the wind, and letter E two cones fell, from which on the head E bumps formed. From this it turned into another letter - the letter Yo, This turns out to be why Yo always shock.
2. Game "Compare words".

Hedgehog/rice. hedgehog/ hedgehog/ rice. hairstyles / ruff / rice. fish / ruff / rice. washing brushes /

Why are the same words written down, but different objects are drawn?

Teacher's summary.

The same word can mean different things.

3. Game "Who is attentive?"

Task: name words with the letter e.

Hedgehog And brush

All the animals went to bed for the winter, and the hedgehogs lay down in a hole under the tree. But the little hedgehog can't sleep.

- Mom! Why are we still sleeping and sleeping?... Can I go see my friend the brush?

- What are you talking about? You'll still freeze. Sleep!

The hedgehog lay and lay there, fidgeting and fidgeting, waited until his mother fell asleep, and crawled out of the hole. He got out and was surprised. Everything is white - white, and the snow on the Christmas trees sometimes looks like a chicken, sometimes like a hedgehog, and even like a brush!

- Oh, how great!

But the brush sits in the river and doesn’t see any of this! He ran to the river, and instead of the river there was only ice, and a hole in the middle.

- Ruff, ah ruff! What did I see! Well, ruff!

The hedgehog called for a long time, he was completely frozen. Finally a sleepy ruff emerged:

- Well, why are you shouting, won’t you let me sleep?

- Are you also sleeping?

- And how. Until spring. You should go too, huh?

The hedgehog trotted home into a warm hole. I froze all over, ate honey so as not to get sick, and went to bed until spring.


Green Christmas trees sway in the wind

They sway in the wind and bend low.

How many green Christmas trees? /teacher shows a picture with four Christmas trees/

How many bends will we make?


Let's read the tongue twister:

The Christmas tree has pins and needles.

Think about what the tongue twister says!?

Let's say the tongue twister slowly out loud by heart.

Now whisper several times: first slowly, then faster and faster.

Let's say the tongue twister out loud several times at a fast pace.

Who can pronounce the tongue twister without mistakes?


Mine Let's read the words. How do you understand the meaning of the word? my?

/Belongs to me/

With howl How do you understand the meaning of the word his /belongs to himself/


hedgehog my

hedgehog yours

Christmas tree Christmas tree

Let's read the words in a chain. Let's read the words with e at the beginning of a word. How many e stands for sounds? Let's read the words with e at the end of words. How many sounds?


Teacher Hedgehog drew a picture about what happened to him in the summer. Consider it.

Who do you see in the forest clearing?

Who was with the children?

Who did the children see in the bushes?

And here is the story Hedgehog compiled based on this picture.

The guys were in the forest. Suddenly they hear someone rustling near the Christmas tree. There's a hedgehog! The bug attacked the hedgehog. No such luck! She pinched her nose and ran back to her place.

- Did you like Teacher Hedgehog's story?

-Where were the children?

-Who did they see?

- Who attacked the hedgehog?

- Why did the Bug run back to its place?

Each animal adapts in its own way to protect itself from enemies. The hedgehog is saved by the needles; it can curl up into a ball.

The hedgehog is not afraid of the wolf.

The brush is not afraid of pike.

What do they care about pikes, what do they like wolves?

If they have needles.

1. Now let's read the text. We read in a chain, one sentence at a time. How else can you say near? / around, next to /

How do you understand: “It didn’t happen here?” /in vain, useless/

2. Game "SCOUTS"

- Find and read all the words with the letter e.

Think about how you could title the text.


- WITH What letter did you meet at forest school?

What is she like? Why cunning? When does it mean two sounds?

Teacher Hedgehog thanks you guys for your good work.

/Children shake the hedgehog’s paw./

hohoho_bear in About the mouse, the hedgehog, the snake and, of course, the ruff

If a white mouse
take it and, holding it carefully,
shove needles into it
You will receive a hedgehog.

If this hedgehog
I plugged my nose so I couldn’t breathe,
Somewhere deeper, throw it into the river
You will get a ruff.

If this ruff,
holding my head in a vice,
pull the tail harder
You will get a snake.

If this is true,
having prepared two knives...
However, he will probably die:
But the idea is good!

If an adult hedgehog
Taking it and holding it carefully
Cut off the needles on figs
You'll get a mouse

If this mouse
Ass into the hose and slowly
Stuff it up to your nose
You'll get already

If this is a snake
Throw to the ground slowly
He will crawl away crying bitterly
Quiet leaves rustling

If you take that mouse
and quietly, slowly,
inflate for a week straight,
you can get a walrus.

If you take a bag of mice,
pliers, knife, glue.
You can do many different things
but things we don't need

If you take a glass of ruff
take a leisurely gulp
then everything will be okay -
about the hedgehog and about the mouse

And if you drink slowly
two glasses of ruff,
Those are green little devils
They will come running instead of a mouse.

If the skin is from a hedgehog
Sew with stripes
You can make mittens
For ruff lovers.

If a white mouse
Hold your ears for a long time
It ends up being a white rabbit
will jump on the floor.

If you sit down after the ruff
Naked ass on a hedgehog,
There will be no time for flooding here
About the snake and the mouse...

If the rabbit is shaking all over
Bares his teeth at the hedgehog
And he tore it into rags -
it means he drank ruff

Give the rabbit a snake
or a white mouse -
He'll show you what to do with it
And how a hedgehog reproduces...

Having resolved the hedgehog's troubles,
Let's return without haste,
We'll go back to the beginning and continue
Remake the mouse:

Add some legs there,
A tassel on the tail and a horn,
Paint everything with silver -
You will get a unicorn.

And, taking care of the mouse,
Take some papier-mâché
And smear the beast thickly-
Your soul will feel better.

Dry it first
Then choose the words:
Did the turtle come out?
Or is it Merkava...

Quietly rustling slate,
The roof moves slowly:
After so much bullying
We'll lose the mouse!
We will write on the grave:
“He died taking a ruff on his chest!”

The hedgehog took that mouse
And he ate it leisurely
And now the hedgehog is sad
Remembering the mouse...

If in a mouse bowl
You add it slowly
From a pipette regularly
Everything your soul drinks

In six months, look,
The mice will become hardened,
And, dipped into a glass,
The ruff will leave a bump.

If in a mouse bowl
Add a little hashish
Immediately the mouse will perk up
Absolutely no ruff!

About the fate of that mouse
I read without breathing.
This is necessary, as much as possible
Compose with the letter "sha"!

If with white meat
You ate the tail of that mouse
Are you going to swear?
Everything around you is falling apart...

Maybe we'll have enough verses
About snakes and mice,
After all, there are so many different ones in the world
Amazing animals!

Maybe about sables?
And about polar bears,
About the giraffe and the llama
And about proud swans!

I’m already silent about geese,
about banal pigeons...
In general, we continue to flood
May everyone have more fun!!!

To you, mouse poisoners,
marijuana will not help,
in the hedgehog's mouth, down the tail,
This post is for you sadyugams...

“The letter Yo, ё and the sounds that it means. Letter of small letter e."

The purpose of the lesson:

    introduce the vowel letter “е” and the sounds it represents;

    teach how to write the lowercase letter “е”;

    teach smooth syllabic reading with the transition to reading whole words;

    develop the ability to quickly and accurately find the letter “е” in words and sentences;

    develop a coherent and rhythmic spelling of letters and their combinations in words, copy correctly from printed text;

    develop correct posture and the ability to hold a pen when writing;

    develop fine motor skills, eye, speech, thinking, memory of students; phonemic hearing;

    cultivate neatness, hard work, and love of nature.

Equipment: copybook, drawings of a hedgehog and a ruff, table with printed and capital letters letter Ё,ё syllable table, pictures of trees (viburnum, rowan), poster with the text “How a hedgehog lives,” mood mask.

Lesson type: lesson – game, integrated reading and literacy

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: The long-awaited bell rang and the lesson began. Today in class we are going to a birthday party for a new letter, and before going to the birthday party I want to see in what mood you came to school.

2. Working with a mood mask.

U. Show me what's your mood? Why?

(Children answer the question)

I am glad that you are in a good mood, because a good mood is the key to successful work in class. And now they looked at each other, smiled and wished each other a good mood.

3. Students formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

U. But now we’ll find out which letter we’ll go to for our birthday. Read the words written on the board. Which of these words can be excluded based on several criteria at the same time?

Words written on the board : viburnum, hedgehog, rowan and under the words there are pictures with them image.

D. This word hedgehog. It denotes the name of the animal, and the words viburnum And Rowan indicate the name of plants

U. What other criteria can be used to exclude a word? hedgehog?

D. In a word hedgehog two syllables, and in words viburnum And Rowan three each.

D. Word hedgehog ends with a consonant, and the words viburnum And Rowan to a vowel.

U. Look carefully at the letters that make up these words. Determine which of them we have not yet met and formulate the topic of today's lesson.

D. We did not get acquainted with the letter “E” So, the topic of today’s lesson is “The letter E, e and the sounds that it means”

U. So, today we are going to lessons with you for the birthday of the letter “E”. We will get acquainted with the letter “E” and the sounds that it stands for, we will learn to read, write syllables and words with a new letter.

4. Graphic analysis of the letters “E” and “E”.

The teacher shows the children a table with printed and capital letter Yo.

U. What does the letter “Y” look like?

(The teacher listens to the children’s answers.)

U. What letter does the printed letter “Ё” look like? Let's listen to the poem.

E and E are sisters,

It's not easy to tell the sisters apart.

But the letter E has two dots,

Like nails in a ladder.

D. The letter "Ё" is similar to the letter "E", but only it has two dots.

U. Now let’s listen to a fairy tale about why the letter “Y” has two dots.

One day the letter "E" ran into the forest. Suddenly the wind blew and the trees swayed. The letter “E” became scared and hid under a spruce tree. The spruce tree also swayed from the wind, and two cones fell on “E,” which caused cones to form on “E’s” head. From this it turned into another letter - “Yo”, which turns out to be why “Yo” always has two dots.

Draw the letter “Y” using counting sticks. (Children complete the teacher’s assignment.)

U. Look at the board where I drew a cloud from which comes...

D. Rain.

U. What kind of rain is this?

D. These are syllables with the letter “E”.

U. Let's read them.

D. Syo, ryo, ve, de, rub, el, le, yon

U. You hear that all the consonants sound soft in these syllables, which means that the letter “E” indicates the softness of the consonant sound, but you see that some drops are left empty. They don't have any syllables.

These are syllables ka, va. Try to combine these syllables with those previously written, and tell me what you got.

D. Grater, Christmas tree, roar.

U. That's right, now come up with words in which the letter “E” will be at the beginning, (in the middle, at the end of the word)

D. Vole, honey, ice, donkey etc.

U. You and I learned that the word hedgehog begins with the letter “E”. Who is this hedgehog?

D. A hedgehog is an animal with spines on its body. (The teacher listens to the children’s answers.)

U. Say the word hedgehog by syllables. How many syllables are in a word hedgehog?

D. In a word hedgehog two syllables.

U. Say the first syllable. (Children pronounce)

U. How many sounds are heard in the first syllable? Name these sounds.

D. These are the sounds [ th ] And [ O ]

U. How many sounds does the letter “Ё” make if it is at the beginning of a word?

D. If the letter “Ё” is at the beginning of a word, then it means two sounds

U. The hedgehog often has unpleasant encounters in the forest. Recently in the forest he met a snake with a baby snake. Say the word little snake syllable by syllable. How many syllables are in this word?

D. This word has three syllables

U. Say the second syllable.

How many letters does the second syllable consist of?

How many sounds are heard in the second syllable?

Name these sounds.

Why in this case does the letter “Ё” mean two sounds?

(Children answer the teacher’s questions)

U. Conclude in which cases the letter “Ё” denotes two sounds.

(Children make a conclusion)

The letter Ё denotes two sounds [й',о], when it is at the beginning of a word or after vowels. If found after consonants, it denotes the softness of the preceding consonant and the sound [o] Children give their own examples

U. Now we will learn how to write the lowercase letter “е”.

5. Comparison of the printed lowercase and written letter “е”.

A teacher and children compare the printed lowercase and written letters “е”

6. Show the teacher writing the letter “e” on the board.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the loop for the lowercase letter “е” must begin to be written from the middle of the distance between the lines of the working line

7. Finger gymnastics.

U. Before you and I start working on the copybook, let's stretch our fingers

There's a lock on the door/ Children clench their fingers into a fist /

You couldn't open it/ The children shook their fists /

We knocked the lock/ Children bang their fists /

We turned the lock/ Children twirl their fists /

We twisted the lock/ Children turn in reverse side /

One, two, three - we opened it. /Children show open palms/

7. Tracing along the contour of the elements of the letter “E” and patterns in a wide line in the copybook.

U. Now let’s open our copybooks and outline the elements of the letter “E” and the pattern in a wide line.

Children trace along the contour the elements of the letter “Y” and the pattern in a wide line in copybook No. 4 on page 10

8. Students write the letter “E” in cursive.

Children write the lowercase letter “е” on the work line

U. Well done! All the guys got a very beautiful birthday girl. And guests came to the letter “Y”, let’s guess who it is?

There are needles on the back

Long and stinging,

he will curl up into a ball,

There is no head or legs.

D. Hedgehog.

U. Prickly, but not a hedgehog.

D. Ruff.

U. So who came to visit the letter “Y”?

D. Ruff and the hedgehog.

U. Where does the hedgehog (ruff) live? What do you know about the hedgehog (ruff)?

(Children answer the teacher’s questions)

U. There is a forest hedgehog, and there is...

D. Nautical

U. Sea urchin at the bottom of the sea

Sang about the forest hedgehog:

Oh, you hedgehog, brother hedgehog,

How do you live without the sea?

The hedgehog lives in the wilderness of the forest,

Yolka is his home.

U. Needles sea ​​urchin long, like knitting needles, and serve for movement, protection, and also act as hands. It crawls quietly along the bottom and eats whatever gets into its mouth.

9. Phonetic analysis of the words hedgehog - hedgehog, ruff - brush according to the scheme of this copybook.

The diagram is given to students in copybook No. 4, page 10. Children do a phonetic analysis of the words hedgehog - hedgehog and ruff - brush.

10. Writing the words hedgehog - hedgehog and ruff - brush in copywriting with commentary.

(Children write words in copybook with comments)

11. Physical education minute.

U. And on birthdays it is customary to sing songs. Let's sing a song, and in the meantime our fingers will rest.

We shared an orange

there are many of us, but he is alone.

This is a slice for a hedgehog

This slice is for the swift,

This slice is for ducklings

This slice is for kittens

This slice is for the beaver,

And for the wolf... peel.

He's angry with us, it's a disaster!

Run away in all directions.

For the first two lines, rhythmically clench and unclench the fingers of both hands. Then bend the fingers on your right hand one by one.

On the eighth line - spread your arms.

On the ninth - shake your finger.

For the last one, imitate running your fingers across the table.

12. Letter of proposal with commentary: “A ruff lives in the river” in copybook.

U. Let's read the sentence written down in copybook and write it down with commentary.

U. Guys, prove that we wrote a proposal

(Children prove that they wrote down the sentence)

U. Now look at the board.

The words are written on the board: under, hedgehog, sleeping, tree, growing, in, tree, forest.(The words are written in block letters.)

U. Make a sentence using these words

(Children read the sentences they have composed.)

D. A hedgehog sleeps under the tree.

A Christmas tree grows in the forest.

Children, as directed by the teacher, copy these sentences from the board, written by the teacher in block letters.

13. Game “Recognize the sound”

The teacher invites the children to play the game “Recognize the Sound”

U. Clap your hands if the word begins with the letter “e”: tree, blackberry, nimble, raccoon, brush, spruce, song, hedgehog, brush, spinning top, apple, tiger cub, baby elephant.

U. What are baby animals called?

The tiger has…. . At the elephant's -…… .(Children answer the teacher’s question and write down the answers in copybook.)

14. Summing up.

U. Today we visited the birthday party of the letter “Y”. What have you learned about the letter “Y”? And on birthdays they always give gifts. (Children ask riddles, read poems, sing songs) You did a good job in this lesson, well done.


Alyabyeva E. A. M. Sphere shopping center, 2003. Psycho-gymnastics in elementary school.

Bakulina G. A. M. Vlados Center, 2003 Intellectual development primary schoolchildren during literacy lessons.

Volina V.V.M. Enlightenment, 1991. Entertaining ABC studies.

Dove V. T. Voronezh, 2001. Lessons in teaching writing.

Goretsky V. G., Kiryushkin V. A., Shanko A. F. M. Education, 1988. Lessons in teaching literacy.

Supplement to the newspaper “First of September” No. 47, 1995

Sections: Primary School

The purpose of the lesson:

  • introduce the vowel letter “е” and the sounds it represents;
  • teach how to write the lowercase letter “е”;
  • teach smooth syllabic reading with the transition to reading whole words;
  • develop the ability to quickly and accurately find the letter “е” in words and sentences;
  • develop a coherent and rhythmic spelling of letters and their combinations in words, copy correctly from printed text;
  • develop correct posture and the ability to hold a pen when writing;
  • develop fine motor skills, eye, speech, thinking, memory of students; phonemic awareness
  • cultivate neatness, hard work, love of nature;

Equipment: copybook, drawings of a hedgehog and a ruff, a table with the printed and capital letters Ё, ё syllabic table, pictures of trees (viburnum, rowan), a poster with the text “How a hedgehog lives,” a mood mask.

Lesson type: lesson – game, integrated reading and Russian language

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: The long-awaited bell rang and the lesson began. Today in class we are going to a birthday party for a new letter, and before we go to the birthday party I want to see in what mood you came to school U.

2. Working with a mood mask.

U. Show me what's your mood? Why? (Children answer the question)

I am glad that you are in a good mood, because a good mood is the key to successful work in class. And now they looked at each other, smiled and wished each other a good mood.

3. Students formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

U. But now we’ll find out which letter we’ll go to for our birthday. Read the words written on the board. Which of these words can be excluded based on several criteria at the same time?

Words written on the board : viburnum, hedgehog, rowan and under the words there are pictures with them image.

D. This word hedgehog. It denotes the name of the animal, and the words viburnum And Rowan indicate the name of the plants.
U. What other criteria can be used to exclude a word? hedgehog?
D. In a word hedgehog two syllables, and in words viburnum And Rowan three each.
D. Word hedgehog ends with a consonant, and the words viburnum And Rowan to a vowel.
U. Look carefully at the letters that make up these words. Determine which of them we have not yet met and formulate the topic of today's lesson.
D. We did not get acquainted with the letter “E.” So, the topic of today’s lesson is “The letter E, e and the sounds that it means.”
U. Based on the topic of the lesson and relying on the words of the assistants, formulate the purpose of our lesson:

get acquainted with...
find out what...
learn to read...

(Children formulate the purpose of the lesson.)

U. So, today in the lesson we are going to celebrate the birthday of the letter “E”. We will get acquainted with the letter “E” and the sounds that it means, we will learn to read, write syllables and words with a new letter.

4. Graphic analysis of the letters “E” and “E”.

The teacher shows the children a table with a printed and capital letter E.

U. What does the letter “Y” look like? (The teacher listens to the children’s answers.)
U. What letter does the printed letter “Ё” look like? Let's listen to the poem.

E and E are sisters,
It's not easy to tell the sisters apart.
But the letter E has two dots,
Like nails in a ladder.

D. The letter “Ё” is similar to the letter “E”, but only it has two dots.
U. Now let’s listen to a fairy tale about why the letter “E” has two dots.

One day the letter “E” ran into the forest. Suddenly the wind blew and the trees swayed. The letter “E” became scared and hid under a spruce tree. The spruce tree also swayed from the wind, and two cones fell on “E,” which caused cones to form on “E’s” head. From this it turned into another letter - “Yo”, which turns out to be why “Yo” always has two dots.

Draw the letter “Y” using counting sticks. (Children complete the teacher’s assignment.)

U. Look at the board where I drew a cloud from which comes...

D. Rain.
U. What kind of rain is this?
D. These are syllables with the letter “E”.
U. Let's read them.
D. Syo, ryo, ve, de, rub, el, le, yon

U. You hear that all the consonants sound soft in these syllables, which means that the letter “E” indicates the softness of the consonant sound, but you see that some drops are left empty. They don't have any syllables.

These are syllables ka, va. Try to combine these syllables with those previously written, and tell me what you got.

D. Grater, Christmas tree, roar.
U. That's right, now come up with words in which the letter “E” will be at the beginning. (in the middle, at the end of a word)
D. Vole, honey, ice, donkey etc.
You and I learned that the word hedgehog begins with the letter “E”. Who is this hedgehog?
D. A hedgehog is an animal with spines on its body. (The teacher listens to the children’s answers.)
U. Say the word hedgehog by syllables. How many syllables are in a word hedgehog?
D. In a word hedgehog two syllables.
U. Say the first syllable. (Children pronounce)
U. How many sounds are heard in the first syllable? Name these sounds.
D. These are the sounds [ th] And [ O ]
U. How many sounds does the letter “Ё” make if it is at the beginning of a word?
D. If the letter “Ё” is at the beginning of a word, then it means two sounds
U. The hedgehog often has unpleasant encounters in the forest. Recently in the forest he met a snake with a baby snake. Say the word little snake syllable by syllable. How many syllables are in this word?
D. This word has three syllables.
U. Say the second syllable.

How many letters does the second syllable consist of?
- How many sounds are heard in the second syllable?
- Name these sounds.
- Why in this case does the letter “Ё” mean two sounds?

U. Conclude in which cases the letter “Ё” denotes two sounds.

(Children make a conclusion)

U. Now we will learn how to write the lowercase letter “е”.

5. Comparison of the lowercase printed and written letter “ё”.

A teacher and children compare the printed lowercase and written letters “е”

6. Show the teacher writing the letter “e” on the board.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the loop for the lowercase letter “e” must begin to be written from the middle of the distance between the lines of the working line.

7. Finger gymnastics.

U. Before we start working on the copybook, let's stretch our fingers:

There's a lock on the door (Children clench their fingers into a fist)
You couldn't open it (Children shook their fists)
We knocked the lock (Children bang their fists)
We turned the lock (Children twirl their fists)
We twisted the lock (Children turn in the opposite direction)
One, two, three - we opened it. (Children show open palms)

8. Tracing along the contour of the elements of the letter “Ё” and patterns in a wide line in the copybook.

U. Now let’s open our copybooks and outline the elements of the letter “E” and the pattern in a wide line.

Children trace the elements of the letter “E” along the contour and the pattern in a wide line in copybook No. 4 on page 10

9. Students write the letter “E” in cursive.

Children write the lowercase letter “е” on the work line.

U. Well done! All the guys got a very beautiful birthday girl. And guests came to the letter “Y”, let’s guess who it is?

There are needles on the back
Long and stinging,
And he will curl up into a ball,
There is no head or legs.

D. Hedgehog.
U. Prickly, but not a hedgehog.
D. Ruff.
U. So who came to visit the letter “Y”?
D. Ruff and the hedgehog.
U. Where does the hedgehog live? (ruff)? What do you know about the hedgehog (ruff)?

(Children answer the teacher’s questions)

U. There is a forest hedgehog, and there is...
D. Nautical.

Sea urchin at the bottom of the sea
Sang about the forest hedgehog:
Oh, you hedgehog, brother hedgehog,
How do you live without the sea?
The hedgehog lives in the wilderness of the forest,
Yolka is his home.

U. The needles of the sea urchin are long, like knitting needles, and serve for movement, protection, and also act as hands. It crawls quietly along the bottom and eats whatever gets into its mouth.

10. Phonetic analysis of the words hedgehog - hedgehog, ruff - brush according to the scheme of this copybook.

The diagram is given to students in copybook No. 4, page 10. Children do phonetic analysis words hedgehog - hedgehog and ruff - brush.

11. Writing the words hedgehog - hedgehog and ruff - brush in copywriting with commentary.

(Children write words in copybook with comments)

12. Physical education minute.

U. And on birthdays it is customary to sing songs. Let's sing a song, and in the meantime our fingers will rest.

We shared an orange
there are many of us, but he is alone.
This is a slice for a hedgehog
This slice is for the swift,
This slice is for ducklings
This slice is for kittens
This slice is for the beaver,
And for the wolf... peel.
He's angry with us, it's a disaster!
Run away in all directions.

For the first two lines, rhythmically clench and unclench the fingers of both hands. Then bend the fingers on your right hand one by one.
On the eighth line - spread your arms.
On the ninth, shake your finger.
For the last one, imitate running your fingers on the table U.

13. Letter of proposal with commentary: “A ruff lives in the river” in copybook.

U. Let's read the sentence written down in copybook and write it down with commentary.
U. Guys, prove that we wrote a proposal

(Children prove that they wrote down the sentence)

The teacher invites a student who reads well to read the text written on the poster. And then the children read the text “How a Hedgehog Lives” in a chain.

Children read the text written on the poster.


Hedgehog stock for autumn food. He collected mushrooms and wild apples on needles and carried them to the hole. In autumn, the hedgehog digs a hole for itself. In winter, the hedgehog sleeps soundly in its hole, curled up in a ball. The hedgehog slept and hibernated in a warm nest until spring. In the spring he wakes up and crawls out of his hole. All summer he walks through the forest.

U. What new things have you learned about the life of this animal? What else do you know?

(Children's answers.)

U. Now look at the board.

The words are written on the board: under, hedgehog, sleeping, tree, growing, in, tree, forest. (The words are written in block letters.)

U. Make up a sentence using these words.

(Children read the sentences they have composed.)

D. A hedgehog sleeps under the tree.

A Christmas tree grows in the forest.

Children, as directed by the teacher, copy these sentences from the board, written by the teacher in block letters.

14. Game “Recognize the sound”

The teacher invites the children to play the game “Recognize the Sound”

U. Clap your hands if the word begins with the letter “e”: tree, blackberry, nimble, raccoon, brush, spruce, song, hedgehog, brush, spinning top, apple, tiger cub, baby elephant.
U. What are baby animals called?

The tiger has…. . At the elephant's -…….(Children answer the teacher’s question and write down the answers in the copybook.)

15. Summing up.

U. Today we visited the birthday party of the letter “Y”. What have you learned about the letter “Y”? And on birthdays they always give gifts. (Children ask riddles, read poems, sing songs) You did a good job in this lesson, well done.


  1. Alyabyeva E. A. M. Sphere shopping center, 2003. Psycho-gymnastics in elementary school.
  2. Bakulina G. A. M. Vlados Center, 2003. Intellectual development of primary schoolchildren in literacy lessons.
  3. Volina V.V.M. Enlightenment, 1991. Entertaining ABC studies.
  4. Dove V. T. Voronezh, 2001 Lessons in teaching writing U.
  5. Goretsky V. G., Kiryushkin V. A., Shanko A. F. M. Education, 1988. Lessons in teaching literacy.
  6. Supplement to the newspaper “First of September” No. 47, 1995

iotized sounds

Pronounce the words, clearly pronouncing [Y]

Eve, ate, spruce. Howls, barks, washes, whines, digs, melts, walks.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, tree, container, brush, brush.

gives, chews, forges, sings.

South, southern, Julia, Yura, nimble, spinning top, julit.

I howl, I give, I chew, I forge, I mine, I sing, I dig, I sow.

Apple, berry, berries, poison, yak, Jacob, anchor, pit, Yana, bright, bright, clear, clear, hawk, ash, lizard, Yasha.

Bayan, lighthouse, mine, solder, piano, flock, thuja, yours, pine needles. Iodine, yogurt.

Speak sentences clearly pronouncing the sound(s)

Yana eats yogurt. The hedgehog is carrying an apple. Yura starts the spinning top. Julia eats blackberries. Yakov is fishing for ruffs. There are a lot of apples in the box. The wolf howls at the moon. Julia solves the problem. Yasha sings in the choir. Eva plays the piano.

Pronounce couplets, clearly pronouncing the sound [Y]

Eve ate blackberries

Bush is on the right, Eva is on the left.

The hedgehog lies under the tree

And he's shaking from the cold.

Yura didn’t play with Yulia,

He didn't give her the spinning top. Yana was embroidering an anchor,

She silently chewed an apple.

Learn the poem, practice the pronunciation of the sound [th)

Automation and differentiation

iotized sounds


The skiff was anchored at the pier,

The wave, rushing in, rocked that skiff.

And the hedgehog captain walked along the pier,

He whistled a song and smoked a pipe.

Prepare a retelling, practice the pronunciation of the sound [Y)


Yulia and Yura are working in the garden. They bleach apple trees, dig up blackberry bushes, and water flowers.


A hedgehog has a hole under a spruce tree. There are hedgehogs in her hole. Hedgehogs are small and blind. The hedgehog feeds them milk and then runs off to hunt. If she manages to catch a nimble lizard, she will be full, and the hedgehogs will have milk.


(illustration 38)

Mike went behind the old barn onto the lawn and heard that

in the hole by the barn someone is crying softly. Mike came up to the hole, and there was a little bunny. Mike took the bunny out of the hole and laid it on the lawn. And the bunny will run as fast as he can across the lawn into the spruce forest!

Pronouncing syllables.

Le-e La-ya e-le I-la le-e-le i-la-ya le-yo yo-yo-yo-yo

lu-yu yu-lyu lu-yu-lyu

Lyag-yak Yulka - cradle

hatch - south hole - strap

Lel - spruce Yashka - plaque

Yasha and Lida are watering the apple trees. Lyova saw a hedgehog under the spruce tree. Alena sings and dances. Baby squirrels jump from tree to tree. Julia eats raspberries. Alina washes lemons. Eva is resting in the south. Lily has a skirt with straps. In a clearing there is a hedgehog with hedgehogs. I sow celery.

Learn poems, practice pronunciation of sounds JULY

The sun is burning from above,

Herbs and flowers will fade,

even birds don't fly

The hedgehog is resting under the spruce tree,

The lizard scurries under the stump,

And Yegorka will sit in the shade.

Differentiation of sounds (L), (Y)

Learn a poem.


Julia and Lyalya in the clearing

During the day we wove a wreath for Yankee.

The hedgehogs scared them

The girls fell into the hole

And they forgot about the wreath,

We ran as fast as we could.


Lena and Yasha went picking berries. There are a lot of ripe strawberries at the edge of the forest. Lena is big, and Yasha is small. Lena puts berries in a basket, and Yasha eats the berries. Then the children relax under the tree in the clearing and return home.


(illustration 39)

Yulenka is small. She is lying in a stroller. Lilya walks with Yulenka, pushes her in a stroller, sings her a lullaby:


The ghouls have arrived

The cradle was rocked

They sang the song.

Pronounce syllables, pronouncing sounds clearly

la-ya i-la i-la-ya le-e e-le e-le-e

lo-yo yo-lo yo-lo-yo lu-yu yu-lu yu-lu-yu

Speak words clearly

yak-lak yug-luk pit - llama hedgehog - lie

Speak sentences with clear pronunciation

Yura ate onions. Yana collects lilies of the valley. Eva has a top. The elk stood under the tree. Volodya will go south. Mila was embroidering an apple. The wolf fell into a hole. There are boats and skiffs at anchor at the pier. Klava has a bright dress. Beets and onions are placed in boxes.

Learn nursery rhymes, practice pronunciation of sounds.

Hedgehog Ermoshka

Sat by the window

Chewed a bun

I hummed the song.

Dear blackberries,

She treated Vika to it.

Vika praised the berries

And she said “thank you.”

Bye-bye, bye-bye,

You, little dog, don't bark,

Whitepaw, don't whine,

Don't wake up my Yana.

It's a dark night - I can't sleep,

My Yanochka is afraid.

You, little dog, don't bark,

Don't scare my Yana!


Prepare a retelling by practicing the pronunciation of sounds

[ L) [J)


The bright sun is shining, clouds are floating across the sky, birds are singing. Volodya and Yasha are floating on a raft. Volodya catches ruffs, and Yasha draws him.

After practicing the pronunciation of sounds [L)[ J) in words, play an outdoor game.


They drove past us, they ran in circles

Two goats with nuts. On the socks.

We drove through the meadows, changed direction,

With full bags, they walk with long strides.

We drove along paths, changed direction,

With full baskets... they run on their toes.

Goats, goats, goats, Stop,

White-footed goats! jump rhythmically.

What are you doing with nuts? Stretching.

Didn't you come to see us? They squat.

Pronounce syllables, pronouncing sounds clearly.

ra-rya-ya rya-ra-ya ra-ya-rya

ro-ryo-yo ryo-ro-yo ro-yo-ryo

ru-ryu-yu ryu-ru-yu ru-yu-ryu

re-re-e re-re-e re-e-re

Pronounce words, clearly pronouncing the sounds r, r, y

yak - cancer hedgehogs - faces skirt cutting

Yana - wound raccoons - work southern - outdoor

pit - frame hedgehog - rye fuss - steer

nursery - grew up ate - watched

Speak sentences, pronouncing sounds clearly.

Yura ate berries and saw a rainbow. The hedgehog ran into the rye. Yana has a wound on her finger. The crayfish lives in the river, and the yak grazes by the river. Raccoons are doing their job - digging a hole. Yura is picking blackberries. Julia makes apple jam. Yasha draws a hedgehog. Young man - a young sailor.

Prepare a retelling, practice pronunciation of sounds .


(illustration 40)

Yana and Yasha were eating apples under the apple tree. Suddenly a lizard jumped out from under the watering can. "Oh, I'm scared!" - Yana screamed and dropped the apple. The lizard darted into a hole under the apple tree. “The lizard is also afraid,” Yasha laughed.


After practicing the pronunciation of sounds in words, play an outdoor game.


Apple tree! Apple tree! children walk in a circle, holding hands,

Where are your apples? The driver stands in the center of the circle.

Did the frost freeze them? Stop at every line

Or did the wind carry them away? bend one finger at a time,

Or did lightning burn it? The driver shakes his head negatively.

Or were they hit by hail?

Or did the birds peck?

Where did they go? They shrug.

The frost did not freeze them, Again they bend one finger at a time.

And it wasn’t the wind that carried them away,

They were not burned by fire,

There was no hail with rain,

The birds didn't peck them.

The children interrupted! They run away, the driver runs after them,

(Yugoslav song)
