Dilution factor 1 5 how to understand. Calculation of the dilution factor. III. Dilution ratio of aqueous extract from waste, at which there is no harmful effect on aquatic organisms

Laboratory work № 2

Calculation of the standard maximum (regulatory) permissible discharge (MPD) of pollutants into surface water bodies

Goal of the work: 1. study the methodology for calculating the standard MAC for pollutants in surface water bodies;

2. determine the dependence of the value of the MAP standard on wastewater flow.

Theoretical part

Maximum (regulatory) permissible discharge- the mass of a substance in wastewater, the maximum permissible for disposal with the established regime at a given point of a water body per unit of time in order to ensure water quality standards at the control point.

Discharge of wastewater from sources of pollution (enterprises, livestock farms) must be carried out in accordance with the value of the established MAP standard. Discharge of pollutants into water bodies within the established maximum permissible limits does not cause harm environment, thereby ensuring environmental safety when conducting economic activity source of pollution.

The MAP (VAT) standard depends on the assimilative capacity of the water body and is established for each wastewater discharge separately.

In accordance with the “Methodology for calculating standards for maximum permissible discharges (MPD) of pollutants into surface water bodies with wastewater” dated 2004, MAP standards and limits for the discharge of pollutants are established based on the following water quality indicators:

1. properties of water (organoleptic, physical, physico-chemical, chemical, biological);

2. generalized indicators ( pH value, total mineralization, permanganate oxidability, petroleum products (total), phenolic index);

3. chemical compounds and ions existing in the aquatic environment.

MPC standards for permanent sources of pollution are established for the period:

1. up to 5 years for existing facilities, as well as for designed facilities, starting from the date of their commissioning;

2. for facilities under construction and reconstruction - for the full volume of commissioned capacities - until the next capacity is commissioned.

For periodic sources of pollution, MAP standards are established for a period of no more than 3 years.

Calculation of the MPD standard for a separate release into a watercourse

The MAC standard for a separate wastewater outlet is calculated as the product of wastewater flow rate q (m 3 /hour) by the permissible concentration of the pollutant C MAP (g/m 3):

PDS = q × C PDS (1)

1.1 Calculation of the permissible concentration of a pollutant (with MPC)

The permissible concentration of a pollutant (with MPC) is calculated:

a) for conservative substances according to formula (2)

S MPC = S f + n×(S MPC – S f), (2)

b) for non-conservative substances according to formula (5)

C MPC = C f + n×(C MPC × e kt - C f). (3)

where C MPC is the maximum permissible concentration of a pollutant in the water of a stream, g/m 3 ;

C f - background concentration of the pollutant in the watercourse above the wastewater discharge, g/m 3 ;

k - coefficient of non-conservativeness, 1/day;

t - travel time from the wastewater discharge site to the design site, days.

n is the ratio of the total dilution of wastewater in the watercourse.

Conservative are substances that do not undergo changes in water due to chemical and hydrological processes; a decrease in their concentration occurs as a result of dilution. These include suspended substances, iron, zinc, copper.

Non-conservative substances are substances whose concentration in water decreases both due to dilution and due to chemical and hydrobiological processes. These include ammonium nitrogen, nitrates, petroleum products, phenols, surfactants.

If the pollutant belongs to the group of indicators of water properties according to general requirements(suspended solids, BOD, dry residue), then:

1. if C f< С ПДК, С ПДС рассчитывается по формуле (2,3);

2. if C f< С ст < С ПДК, С ПДС = С ст

If the pollutant belongs to the group of toxic indicators (TIP), then it is first necessary to determine the background load of the river using formula 3a

If the obtained value exceeds 1, then C PDS is accepted from the condition of preserving the background. Those. S PDS = S f

For the group of substances with the LPV of the fishery indicator C, the MDS is calculated using formula (2.3). However, in the case when calculated value C PDS > C st., C PDS is taken equal to C st.

Calculation of the total dilution factor of wastewater in a watercourse (n)

The total dilution factor is equal to the product of the initial dilution factor n n and the main dilution factor n o:

n = n n ×n o (4)

The initial dilution is calculated in accordance with the methodology in the following cases:

1. for pressure concentrated and dissipative outlets at a speed ratio river water V p and the speed of wastewater from the outlet of V st. (V st. ³ 4 × V r);

2. at absolute speeds of jet outflow from the outlet greater than 2 m/s.

Otherwise n = n 0 .

1.3 Main dilution factor (n 0)

The ratio of the main dilution n 0 is determined according to the method of V.A. Frolov and I.D. Rodzillera.

1) The mixing coefficient is determined:


where α is a coefficient taking into account hydraulic conditions in the river (6);

where φ is the tortuosity coefficient (the ratio of the distance to the control target along the fairway to the distance in a straight line)

x – coefficient depending on the location of wastewater discharge (for discharge near the shore x =1, for discharge into the river core x =1.5);

D – coefficient of turbulent diffusion, m 2 /s.

2) The turbulent diffusion coefficient is determined.

- for summer time according to the formula:


where g is the acceleration of gravity, g =9.81 m/s 2 ;

n w – river bed roughness coefficient,

C – Chezy coefficient, m 1/2 / s, determined by the formula N.N. Pavlovsky (9)

where R is the hydraulic radius of the flow, m (R » H);

-for winter time (freeze-up period)


where R pr, n pr, C pr – given values ​​of the hydraulic radius, roughness coefficient and Chezy coefficient;

n pr = n w 0.67

where n l is the roughness coefficient of the lower surface of the ice.

3) The main dilution factor is determined by formula (11):

2 . Calculation of the MPD standard for individual release into a reservoir

The MAP standard for a separate release into a reservoir is calculated using formula (1), similar to the calculation of the MAP for a separate release into a watercourse.

Calculation of the permissible concentration of a pollutant (with MPC) is carried out for conservative and non-conservative substances according to formulas (2.3).

Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated December 4, 2014 N 536 "On approval of the Criteria for classifying waste into hazard classes I - V according to the degree of negative impact on the environment" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 29, 2015 N 40330)

III. Dilution ratio water extract from waste, in which there is no harmful effect on aquatic organisms



12. Determination of the dilution factor (Cr) of an aqueous extract from waste, in which there is no harmful effect on aquatic organisms, is based on biotesting of an aqueous extract of waste - a study of the toxic effect on aquatic organisms of an aqueous extract from waste obtained using water, the properties of which are established by the biotesting method used at mass ratio of waste and water is 1:10.

13. Determination of the dilution factor of the aqueous extract from the waste, at which there is no harmful effect on aquatic organisms, is carried out according to certified measurement techniques (methods), information about which is contained in the Federal Information Fund for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements in accordance with the Federal Law of June 26, 2008. N 102-FZ "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements" (Collection of legislation Russian Federation, 2008, N 26, art. 3021; 2011, N 30, art. 4590, N 49, art. 7025; 2012, N 31, art. 4322; 2013, N 49, art. 6339; 2014, N 26, art. 3366).

14. When determining the dilution ratio of an aqueous extract from waste, at which there is no harmful effect on hydrobionts, at least two test objects from different systematic groups (daphnia and ciliates, ceriodaphnia and bacteria or algae) are used, for example, the mortality rate of the crustaceans Ceriodaphnia affinis is not more than 10% in 48 hours (BKR10-48), mortality of the crustaceans Ceriodaphnia dubia no more than 10% in 24 hours (BKR10-24) or mortality of the crustaceans Daphnia magna Straus no more than 10% in 96 hours (BKR10-96) and a decrease the level of chlorophyll fluorescence and a decrease in the number of cells of the algae Scenedesmus quadricauda by 20% in 72 hours (BKR20-72). The final result is taken to be the hazard class identified on the test object that showed higher sensitivity to the analyzed waste.

When studying water extracts from waste with high salt content (the content of dry residue in the studied water extract is more than 6 g/dm3), at least two test objects are used that are resistant to high salt content from different systematic groups, for example, the mortality of the crustaceans Artemia salina is no more than 10% in 48 hours (BKR10-48) and by a decrease in the level of chlorophyll fluorescence and a decrease in the number of cells of the algae Phaeodactylum tricomutum by 20% in 72 hours (BKR20-72).

Dilution is one of the main factors in wastewater treatment. Although dilution does not change the total amount of pollutant entering the water body (wastewater receiver), the neutralizing effect is very significant. Dilution has the same effect on both conservative and non-conservative substances. The dilution of wastewater in the wastewater receiver stream is caused by the mixing of contaminated streams with adjacent, cleaner streams under the influence of turbulent mixing.

In calculation practice, the following concepts are used: dilution factor n and mixing factor A. The dilution factor is quantitative characteristic the intensity of the process of reducing the concentration of pollutants in reservoirs or watercourses caused by mixing and dilution of wastewater in the surrounding aquatic environment.

The multiplicity of the general (total) dilution is expressed by the product:

n = n n ·n basic(2.3)

Where n n– multiplicity of initial dilution, due to more intense dilution in the initial dilution zone; n base– multiplicity of the main dilution.

When discharging wastewater into watercourses and into zones of stable unidirectional flows of reservoirs, the initial dilution is calculated according to N.N. Lapshev.

Initial dilution should be considered in the following cases:

– for pressure, concentrated and dispersive wastewater discharges at the ratio of velocities in the wastewater receiver ( V p) and in the outlet section of the wastewater outlet ( V out): V out > 4 V R;

– when the absolute value of the flow velocity in the outlet section of the wastewater outlet is more than 2 m/s (at lower speeds, the initial dilution is not calculated).

The initial dilution factor is calculated as follows:

1) The speed is located on the axis of the jet

V 0 = V p + Δ V (2.4)

where Δ V – excess of the river flow velocity over the velocity on the jet axis (set within 0.1...0.15 m/s).

2) given by the number of outlet openings of the wastewater discharge head and the flow rate in the outlet section V out (2...5 m/s), determine the diameter of the outlet section:

Where q– consumption of wastewater discharged through the wastewater outlet, m 3 /s; the diameter is rounded down in multiples of 0.05 m.

3) The parameter is calculated T(speed ratio) m = V R / V output and ratio ( V 0 /V p) – 1

4) according to the nomogram (Figure 2.1) the ratio of the diameter of the contaminated jet (spot) in the initial dilution area ( d) to the diameter of the outlet section of the wastewater outlet ( d out);

5) The diameter of the unconstrained jet in the design section is calculated

6) The ratio of the initial dilution without taking into account the restriction of the jet (when the diameter of the spot ( d) is less than the average water depth in the river ( N


7) The ratio of the initial dilution taking into account the restriction of the jet (when the diameter of the spot ( d) greater than the average depth of water in the river ( N) in the initial dilution zone) is determined by the formula:

where the reduction correction factor determined from Fig. 2.2).

The ratio of the main dilution at the design site is determined by the formula:


where is the estimated flow rate of river water in m 3 /s involved in mixing; q– wastewater flow, m 3 /s, A– mixing coefficient – ​​a dimensionless coefficient showing what part of the wastewater receiver flow rate is mixed with wastewater in the maximum contaminated stream of the design site.

Mixing coefficient A found by the formula:


Where e – base natural logarithms; L f. – distance to the design target along the fairway, m (determined according to the plan of the water body - Fig. 2.3).

Theoretically, the distance from the wastewater outlet to the complete mixing point is infinity, therefore the value of the coefficient A, equal to 1, does not occur in practice.

Meaning α found by the formula:

Where φ – river tortuosity coefficient; ξ – coefficient depending on the place of release (for onshore release ξ = 1, with fairway ξ = 1,5); D – turbulent diffusion coefficient, m/s; q – wastewater flow, m 3 /s (according to the assignment option).

Tortuosity coefficient φ determined by the formula:

Where L – length to the design site in a straight line, m (determined according to the plan of the water body - Fig. 2.3).

Table 2.1.

Roughness coefficients for open channels of watercourses

Watercourse category Bed characteristics Roughness coefficient
I Rivers in very favorable conditions (clean, straight bed with free flow, without landslides or deep gullies) 0,025
II Rivers in favorable flow conditions 0,03
III Rivers in relatively favorable conditions, but with some rocks and algae 0,035
IV Rivers with relatively clean channels, winding, with some irregularities in the direction of the streams, or straight, but with irregularities in the bottom topography (shoals, gullies, rocks in places), a slight increase in the amount of algae 0,04
V The channels (of large and medium-sized rivers) are significantly clogged, winding and partially overgrown, rocky, with a restless current. Floodplains of large and medium-sized rivers, relatively developed, covered with a normal amount of vegetation (grasses, shrubs) 0,05
VI Rapids areas of lowland rivers. Pebble-boulder riverbeds of the mountain type with an irregular surface of the water surface. Relatively overgrown, uneven, poorly developed river floodplains (ravines, bushes, trees, with the presence of creeks) 0,067
VII Rivers and floodplains are very overgrown (with weak currents) with large, deep gullies. Boulder-type, mountain-type, riverbeds with a turbulent foamy current, with a pitted surface of the water surface (with splashes of water flying upward) 0,08
VIII The floodplains are the same as in the previous category, but with a very irregular flow, creeks, etc. Mountain-waterfall type of channel with a coarse boulder bed structure, the differences are pronounced, the foaminess is so strong that the water, having lost its transparency, has White color, the flow noise dominates all other sounds. Makes conversation difficult 0,1
IX The characteristics of mountain rivers are approximately the same as in the previous category. Swamp-type rivers (thickets, hummocks, almost stagnant water in many places, etc.). Floodplains with very large dead spaces, with local depressions, lakes, etc. 0,133

Turbulent diffusion coefficient (for lowland rivers) D found using the formulas:

For summer time

Where: g– free fall acceleration, g = 9.81 m/s 2 ; V – average speed of the watercourse, m/s; H – average depth of the watercourse, m; p w– river bed roughness coefficient (table 2.1), S w– Chezy coefficient, m 1/2 /s, determined by the formula N.N. Pavlovsky,

where R is the hydraulic radius of the flow, m (R ≈ N); parameter y, defined as.



In order to implement Article 4.1 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 N 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 26, Art. 3009; 2001, N 1, Art. 21; 2003, N 2, Art. 167; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2005, N 19, Art. 1752; 2006, N 1, Art. 10; N 52, Art. 5498; 2007, N 46, Art. 5554; 2008 , N 30, art. 3616; N 45, art. 5142; 2009, N 1, art. 17; 2011, N 30, art. 4590, N 30, art. 4596, N 45, art. 6333, N 48, Art. 6732; 2012, N 26, Art. 3446, N 27, Art. 3587, N 31, Art. 4317; 2013, N 30, Art. 4059, N 43, Art. 5448, N 48, Art. 6165; 2014, N 30, Art. 4220) and in accordance with paragraph 5.2.30 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 404 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 22, Art. 2581; N 42, Art. 4825; N 46, Art. 5337; 2009, N 3, Art. 378; N 6, Art. 738; N 33, Art. 4088; N 34, Art. 4192; N 49 , article 5976; 2010, N 5, article 538; N 10, article 1094; N 14, article 1656; N 26, article 3350; N 31, art. 4251, art. 4268; N 38, art. 4835; 2011, N 6, art. 888, N 14, art. 1935, N 36, art. 5149; 2012, N 7, art. 865; N 11, art. 1294; N 19, art. 2440; N 28, art. 3905; N 37, art. 5001; N 46, art. 6342, N 51, art. 7223; 2013, N 16, art. 1964; N 24, art. 2999; N 28, art. 3832; N 30, art. 4113; N 33, art. 4386; N 38, art. 4827; N 44, art. 5759; N 45, art. 5822; N 46, art. 5944; 2014, N 2, art. 123; N 16, art. 1898; N 46, art. 6366, art. 6370),

I order:

Approve the attached Criteria for classifying waste as an environment.


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
December 29, 2015,
registration N 40330

Criteria for classifying waste into hazard classes I-V according to the degree of negative impact on the environment

I. General provisions

1. Criteria for classifying waste as I-V classes danger by degree negative impact on the environment (hereinafter referred to as the Criteria) are intended for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities whose activities generate waste, as well as Federal service for supervision in the field of environmental management and its territorial bodies.

2. These Criteria do not apply to radioactive waste, biological waste, and medical waste.

3. The criteria for classifying waste into hazard classes I-V according to the degree of negative impact on the environment are:

degree of danger of waste to the environment;

the dilution factor of the aqueous extract from the waste, at which there is no harmful effect on aquatic organisms.

II. The degree of danger of waste to the environment

4. The degree of hazard of waste to the environment (K), the values ​​of which by waste hazard class are given in Appendix No. 1 to the Criteria, is determined by the sum of the degrees of hazard of the substances constituting the waste (hereinafter referred to as waste components) for the environment (K):

K = K + K + …+ K,

where K, K, ... K are indicators of the degree of danger of individual waste components for the environment;

m is the number of waste components.

The list of waste components and their quantitative content are established on the basis of information contained in technological regulations, technical conditions, standards, design documentation, or based on the results of quantitative chemical analyzes, carried out in compliance with the requirements for measurements and measuring instruments established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

5. The degree of danger of a waste component to the environment (K) is calculated as the ratio of the concentration of the waste component (C) to the coefficient of its degree of danger to the environment (W).

where C is the concentration of the i-th component in the waste (mg/kg);

W is the coefficient of the degree of danger of the i-th component of the waste for the environment (mg/kg).

6. The coefficient of the degree of danger of a waste component for the environment (W) is an indicator numerically equal to the amount of a waste component, below which it does not have a negative impact on the environment. The dimension of the environmental hazard degree coefficient is conventionally accepted as mg/kg.

7. The environmental hazard factor of the waste component (W) is calculated using one of the following formulas:

Where ;

- unified relative parameter of the hazard of a waste component for the environment;

X is a relative parameter of the danger of a waste component to the environment.

8. The relative hazard parameter of a waste component for the environment (X) is calculated using the formula:

where is the score value corresponding to each assessed primary hazard indicator of the waste component;

n is the number of assessed primary hazard indicators of the waste component;

- score value corresponding to the information support indicator of the system of primary hazard indicators of the waste component.

9. Primary indicators of the hazard of a waste component characterize the degree of its danger to various components of the natural environment and are presented in Appendix No. 2 to the Criteria.

10. Point values ​​() corresponding to the information support indicator, determined by dividing the number of assessed primary hazard indicators of the waste component (n) by 12, are assigned to the intervals of its change in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to the Criteria.

11. Waste components consisting of such chemical elements as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, aluminum, iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, titanium in concentrations not exceeding their content in the main types of soils, belong to practically non-hazardous waste components with a relative hazard parameter of the waste component for the environment (X) equal to 4, and therefore an environmental hazard factor of the waste component (W) equal to 10.

Waste components consisting of substances found in living nature, for example, carbohydrates (fiber, starch, etc.), proteins, nitrogen-containing organic compounds of natural origin, refer to practically non-hazardous waste components with a relative hazard parameter of the waste component for the environment (X) equal to 4, and, consequently, a coefficient of hazard degree of the waste component for the environment (W) equal to 10.

For other waste components, the degree of hazard of the waste component to the environment (K) is determined in accordance with paragraphs 4-10 and Appendix No. 1 to the Criteria.

The values ​​of the environmental hazard coefficient of a waste component (W) for the most common waste components are given in Appendix No. 4 to the Criteria.

III. Dilution ratio of aqueous extract from waste, at which there is no harmful effect on aquatic organisms

12. Determination of the dilution factor (Cr) of an aqueous extract from waste, in which there is no harmful effect on aquatic organisms, is based on biotesting of an aqueous extract of waste - a study of the toxic effect on aquatic organisms of an aqueous extract from waste obtained using water, the properties of which are established by the biotesting method used at mass ratio of waste and water is 1:10.

13. Determination of the dilution factor of an aqueous extract from waste, at which there is no harmful effect on aquatic organisms, is carried out according to certified measurement techniques (methods), information about which is contained in the Federal Information Fund for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements in accordance with Federal Law No. of June 26, 2008 102-FZ “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 26, Art. 3021; ​​2011, N 30, Art. 4590, N 49, Art. 7025; 2012, N 31, Art. 4322; 2013 , N 49, art. 6339; 2014, N 26, art. 3366).

14. When determining the dilution ratio of an aqueous extract from waste, at which there is no harmful effect on aquatic organisms, at least two test objects from different systematic groups (daphnia and ciliates, ceriodaphnia and bacteria or algae) are used, for example, for the mortality of crustaceans Ceriodaphnia affinis no more than 10% in 48 hours (BCR), according to crustacean mortality Ceriodaphnia dubia no more than 10% in 24 hours (BCR) or mortality of crustaceans Daphnia magna Straus no more than 10% in 96 hours (BCR) and a decrease in the level of chlorophyll fluorescence and a decrease in the number of algae cells Scenedesmus quadricauda by 20% in 72 hours (BCR). The final result is taken to be the hazard class identified on the test object that showed higher sensitivity to the analyzed waste.

When studying water extracts from waste with high salt content (the content of dry residue in the studied water extract is more than 6 g/dm), at least two test objects are used that are resistant to high salt content from different systematic groups, for example, for the mortality of crustaceans Artemia salina no more than 10% in 48 hours (BCR) and a decrease in the level of chlorophyll fluorescence and a decrease in the number of algae cells Phaeodactylum tricornutum by 20% in 72 hours (BCR).

The values ​​of the dilution factor of the aqueous extract from the waste are given in Appendix No. 5 to the Criteria.

VI. Application of criteria for classifying waste into hazard classes I-V according to the degree of negative impact on the environment to establish the hazard class of waste

15. To establish the hazard class of waste, the following is used:

or Criterion (1) - degree of danger of waste to the environment (K),

or Criterion (2) - the dilution ratio (Cr) of the aqueous extract from the waste, at which there is no harmful effect on aquatic organisms.

16. To establish the hazard classes of waste represented by ashes, slag and ash and slag mixtures from coal combustion, waste from coal mining and preparation, and waste, the aqueous extract from which is characterized by high salt content (the content of dry residue in the studied aqueous extract is more than 6 g/dm), Criterion (2) applies.

17. If, based on the application of Criterion (1) (degree of hazard of the waste to the environment (K)), hazard class V is obtained, to confirm it, a check is carried out using Criterion (2) (multiplicity (Kp) of dilution of the aqueous extract from the waste , in which there is no harmful effect on aquatic organisms).

If there is a discrepancy between the value of the waste hazard class established on the basis of the application of Criterion (1) (the degree of hazard of the waste to the environment (K) and the application of the Criterion multiplicity (Kp) of dilution of the aqueous extract from the waste, in which there is no harmful effect on hydrobionts, the waste hazard class is established based on the dilution factor (Kp) of the aqueous extract from the waste in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to the Criteria.

Appendix No. 1. Values ​​of the degree of waste hazard to the environment (K) by waste hazard class

Appendix No. 1
to the Criteria for waste classification
to I-V hazard classes according to degree
negative impact on the environment
Wednesday approved by order
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia
dated December 4, 2014 N 536

Waste hazard class

Degree of waste hazard to the environment (K)

Appendix No. 2. Primary hazard indicators of the waste component

Appendix No. 2
to the Criteria for waste classification
to I-V hazard classes according to degree
negative impact on the environment
Wednesday approved by order
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia
dated December 4, 2014 N 536

Primary hazard indicators of a waste component

Values, intervals and characteristics of primary indicators of the hazard of a waste component for the environment

Maximum permissible concentration (MAC), mg/kg

Soil hazard class

not installed

MPC (TAC, OBUV), mg/l

Hazard class in water of water bodies used for drinking and domestic water supply

MPC (OBUV), mg/l

Hazard class in water of fishery water bodies

Maximum permissible concentration (MPC, OBUV), mg/m

Hazard class in atmospheric air

Maximum permissible concentration (MPL, MDS), mg/kg

Lg (S, mg/l/MPC, mg.l)

Lg (C, mg/m/MPC)

Lg (C, mg/m/MPC or MPC)

Lg K (octanol/water)

LC, mg/l/96 h

BD = BOD/COD 100%

Persistence (transformation in the environment)

Formation of more toxic products, incl. having long-term effects or new properties

Formation of products with a more pronounced influence of other hazard criteria

Formation of products whose toxicity is close to that of the parent substance

Formation of less toxic products

Bioaccumulation (behavior in the food chain)

Pronounced accumulation in all links

Accumulation in several links

Accumulation in one of the links

No accumulation

Assigned score (B)

The abbreviations used are given in Appendix No. 6 to the Criteria.

In cases where there is no maximum permissible concentration for a hazardous waste component, it is permissible to use another primary indicator indicated in parentheses.

If S =, then log (S/MPC) = and the score is 1, if S = 0, then log (S/MPC) = - and the score is 4.

Appendix No. 3. Point values ​​() depending on the interval of change in the information support indicator

Appendix No. 3
to the Criteria for waste classification
to I-V hazard classes according to degree
negative impact on the environment
Wednesday approved by order
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia
dated December 4, 2014 N 536

Ranges of changes in the information support indicator (n/12)

<0,5 (n < 6)

0.5-0.7 (n = 6-8)

0.71-0.9 (n = 9-10)

Appendix No. 4. Environmental hazard coefficient of a waste component (W) for individual waste components

Appendix No. 4
to the Criteria for waste classification
to I-V hazard classes according to degree
negative impact on the environment
Wednesday approved by order
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia
dated December 4, 2014 N 536

Name of waste component




Di(n)butyl phthalate



Dimethyl phtatate












Chromium trivalent

Chromium hexavalent


Appendix No. 5. Values ​​for the dilution factor of aqueous extract from waste

Appendix No. 5
to the Criteria for waste classification
to I-V hazard classes according to degree
negative impact on the environment
Wednesday approved by order
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia
dated December 4, 2014 N 536

Waste hazard class

Multiplicity (Cr) of dilution of aqueous extract from waste

1000 < Кр 10000

100 < Кр 1000

1 < Кр 100

To determine waste hazard class V, the water extract itself is used, without diluting it.

Appendix No. 6. List of abbreviations

Appendix No. 6
to the Criteria for waste classification
to I-V hazard classes according to degree
negative impact on the environment
Wednesday approved by order
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia
dated December 4, 2014 N 536

MPC (mg/kg)

Maximum permissible concentration of a substance in soil

TDC (mg/kg)

Approximately permissible concentration

MPC (mg/l)

Maximum permissible concentration of a substance in water of water bodies used for drinking and domestic water supply

TAC (mg/l)

Approximately acceptable level

OBUV (mg/l)

Estimated safe exposure level

MPC (mg/l)

Maximum permissible concentration of a substance in water of water bodies of fishery importance

MPC (mg/m)

Maximum permissible average daily concentration of a substance in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MPC (mg/kg)

Maximum permissible concentration of a substance in food products

MPC (mg/m)

The maximum permissible concentration of a substance is the maximum one-time concentration in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MPC (mg/m)

Maximum permissible concentration of the substance in the atmospheric air of the working area

MDS (mg/kg)

Maximum allowed content

MRL (mg/kg)

Maximum permissible level

Solubility of the waste component (substance) in water at 20°C

Saturation concentration of a substance in air at 20°C and normal pressure

Partition coefficient in the octanol/water system at 20°C

The average lethal dose of the component in milligrams of the active substance per 1 kg of live weight, causing the death of 50% of experimental animals with a single oral administration under standardized conditions

LC (mg/l/96 h)

The average lethal concentration of a substance in water, causing the death of 50% of all aquatic organisms tested (for example, fish) after 96 hours

The average lethal concentration of a substance causing the death of 50% of experimental animals when inhaled under standardized conditions


Biological dissimilation

Biological oxygen consumption, expressed in milliliters O/l for 5 days

Chemical oxygen demand expressed in milliliters O/100 l

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Given the known composition of contaminants and wastewater flow rates, the required dilution rate mainly depends on the geometric dimensions of the reservoir, the speed and direction of movement of water in it.

When wastewater is released into water bodies, the concentration of pollutants decreases due to the mixing of wastewater with the aquatic environment. This process is quantitatively characterized by the dilution factor:

Where C in– concentration of pollutants in wastewater released by a reservoir;

From 0 And WITH– concentration of pollutants in the reservoir before and after the release of wastewater.

However, the formula is inconvenient to use in practice.

For reservoirs with directional movement (rivers), it is recommended to determine it using the formula:


Where Q V, Q 0– volumetric flow rate of wastewater and reservoir, respectively

γ – displacement coefficient, showing what part of the flow rate Q is involved in the displacement.

In the initial section, the dilution factor is 1; because

γ = 0 ; That = 1.

Concentration of pollutants in a reservoir at any time:


Where τ = V*(Q 0 + ∑Q V – Q V) the period of complete exchange of water in a reservoir;

V– volume of the reservoir;

Q V– loss of water flow (for example, due to evaporation);

The concentration of pollutants for the most polluted stream of a river flow without specifying its location, shape, size is determined using the Florov-Rodziller method:

C max = C + (C 0 – C)* (2.4)

Where α – coefficient characterizing the hydraulic conditions of displacement;

x– coordinate in the direction of speed and flow, the origin of which is (x=0) the place of wastewater discharge.

The displacement area in the reservoir is conventionally divided into three zones (Fig. 2.1).

Fig.2.1. Scheme of distribution of wastewater in a reservoir:

Zone I – the concentration of pollutants decreases due to displacement caused by the difference in the speed of the wastewater stream and the reservoir;

Zone II – area of ​​turbulent mixing;

III – zone – the area of ​​complete mixing, when the speeds of the wastewater jets and the reservoir are completely equalized.

To estimate the smallest dilution ratio for low-strength reservoirs, another method is used, the so-called N.N. Lapshev method. It is used to calculate the dilution ratio for distributed and concentrated wastewater discharges with the flow rate from outlet devices W 0≥ 2 m/s:


Where A– coefficient characterizing the uniformity of output; for concentrated release A = I, and for distributed release:


I– distance between release devices; d 0– diameter of the outlet; R– coefficient characterizing the degree of flow of a reservoir (lake, reservoir);

S– a parameter determined by the relative depth of the reservoir.

For a reservoir where the movement of water is determined by the flow of discharged wastewater:

Where I n– distance from the wastewater discharge point to the shore in the direction of the wastewater flow velocity, m; F 0– total area of ​​the outlet openings, m3.

For a body of water where the current is determined by the wind, the coefficient is:

, (2.8)

Where W n– flow speed, m/s;

W 0– speed of wastewater at the outlet of the head, m/s.

Calculation of the dilution ratio of wastewater in rivers

Wastewater dilution is the process of reducing the concentration of pollutants resulting from the mixing of wastewater with the aquatic environment. The intensity of the process is quantitatively characterized by the dilution factor (n), which for reservoirs with directed water movement (river flow) is determined by the formula:

, (2.9)

Where Q V And Q 0– respectively, the volumetric flow rates of part of the water in the reservoir and waste water;

γ – mixing coefficient, showing the proportion of water in the reservoir participating in the mixing process:

, (2.10)

Where L– length of the channel from the wastewater discharge point to the water consumption point, m;

α – coefficient depending on the hydraulic mixing conditions – coefficient:

, (2.11)

Where ξ – coefficient taking into account the location of the wastewater outlet (for onshore outlet ξ = 1, for channel outlet ξ = 1.5);

δ – channel tortuosity coefficient;

D– coefficient of turbulent diffusion,

, (2.12)

Where q– free fall acceleration, m/s 2 ;

H– average channel depth, m;

W a n– average speed of water flow in a reservoir, m/s;

S w– Chezy coefficient, (1/m*s);

M g- Boussinesq coefficient, 1/m*s (for water M g = 22.3 (1/m*s)).

Calculation of the dilution ratio of wastewater in winding channels

The method discussed above does not take into account the transverse components of water flow velocity in winding channels, which can significantly speed up the process of mixing wastewater. This is explained by the fact that such currents take place from areas with high concentrations of pollutants to areas with lower concentrations and vice versa.

The lowest total dilution for concentrated wastewater discharge is determined by the formula:

Where β – coefficient taking into account the relative parameters of the channel B/N And R/B(Fig.2.2);

IN– river width, m;

N– depth, m;

R– radius of curvature of the drain, m;

L– distance from the outlet to the design section, m;

The dilution factor is calculated in the following order:

1. The curved section is divided into m sections with the same values ​​of the relative parameters B/H and R/H.

2. Determine the lengths L 1, L2, …, L m and according to the graph (Fig. 2.2) they find the values β 1, β 2, …, β m. In this case, changing the sign of curvature does not change the calculation method.

3. Dilution ratio in the first section, and then the consumption of a mixture of domestic and river water at a distance L 1:

Q 1 = n 1 *Q

4. Dilution ratio, consumption of wastewater mixture in subsequent sections:


Q i = n 1 *n 2 *…*n i *Q 0 .

5. General dilution ratio:

n = n 1 *n 2 *…*n m .

Calculation of the dilution ratio of wastewater in reservoirs and lakes

The conditions for mixing wastewater with water from reservoirs and lakes differ significantly from the conditions of mixing in rivers.

The degree of pollution of water bodies decreases intensively at a short distance from the place of wastewater discharge, but complete mixing of wastewater with the volume of water in the lake occurs at very large distances from the place of discharge.

Calculation of the dilution factor is carried out for scattering and concentrated discharges at the wastewater outflow rate W 0
