Last shot: selfies taken moments before death. Scientists have studied the number and causes of deaths during selfies. Not very good news for Russia The most terrible selfies in the world before death

The growing popularity of Selfies is forcing people to adapt to the new rules of the game. Social networks influence the human psyche, forcing us to do rather strange and sometimes even life-threatening actions in pursuit of likes and shares.

To stand out from the crowd and prove their worth to the world, people, including teenagers, often have to deal with common sense while trying to take absolutely crazy photos.

Check out this list of the most tragic selfies before death. Please, be careful! Even the most impressive photos don't have to cost you your life! Don't try this again!!!

The Spanish guy, whose name remains unknown, loved to shoot in the most unexpected and interesting places, putting your life at risk. One day, a 21-year-old Spaniard and a friend decided to take a photo on the roof of a train standing on a platform in the city of Andujar. He climbed onto the roof and accidentally touched the wire to maintain his balance. A monstrous electric shock threw both guys off the roof. One guy died on the spot, his friend survived but was seriously injured.

Christina Rosello, a 14-year-old schoolgirl from the Philippines, decided to take a selfie during her break. This girl walked out of the school building and noticed a children's ladder standing against the wall. Ten steps was enough for a good photo. This height was also high enough to cause severe traumatic brain injury, multiple limb fractures and kidney injuries. A child has died hours after taking a tragic selfie before he died.

The popular trend, which was called SelfieOlympics, claimed the life of 18-year-old Oscar Reyes. On January 2, 2015, the teenager took a photo of himself dressed as SpongeBob and uploaded it to Facebook. The photo collected more than 200 similar ones. Oscar's friends later told him that he should continue doing Selfie. On January 3, Oscar smashed his head in his mother's bathroom and died from excessive bleeding while trying to take a selfie at the bathroom door.

The 12-year-old girl climbed onto the windowsill in her room and opened the window, telling her friend to take a photo. In pursuit of a good photo, the student ignored her friend’s warnings and ended up falling out of the window. The investigation began after the girl's death. The competent authorities very soon learned that the deceased girl tried to do this several times and often climbed out onto the windowsill of an open window.

Tourists took shocking selfies before they died during the eruption of Mount Ontake in Japan. After this, people were killed by stones or suffocated when they were covered by a wave of volcanic ash. Cell phones travelers with videos and selfies before death, found by rescuers, showed the last minutes before death. The deaths of 54 people were confirmed. Despite the imminent danger, the travelers, instead of running away, stopped for a few seconds to take numerous selfies. They probably didn't realize that they were in grave danger and there would be no way to escape.

Two students were hit by a train in India. Initially, four friends were walking near the train tracks and one of them came up with the "great" idea of ​​taking a selfie right in front of an approaching train. The tragedy occurred in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The friends were waiting for the train, and when it began to approach, they began to take pictures of themselves. One of the friends, who was standing at a distance, began to shout, warning others, but the love for Selfie overcame common sense. Three students didn't have time to jump off the tracks, their selfie ended in death and the fourth lost three of his best friends in one moment.

Yulia Ivanova from Moscow was hanging out with her friends on the bridge. While trying to take a photo, she leaned on the railing and fell 10 meters down. The 22-year-old girl died from severe injuries. A law enforcement source later said the fall was caused by a broken fence she was trying to lean on. The absurdity of the situation is unthinkable.

This selfie nearly ended the life of 22-year-old Canadian Frank Gerard when he tried to take a photo in front of a train in April. According to the Huffington Post, the young man was standing directly in the path of a moving train. At the last moment, he was saved by a driver who kicked Jared while he was driving. A video of the event, posted on YouTube, received more than 32 million views in just three months. You can find it yourself.

Two men from Chelyabinsk paid dearly for their illogical desire to be photographed with a snake. Returning from fishing, they noticed a snake in the grass. They thought it was not poisonous, but unfortunately their hypothesis was wrong. Both men died from snake bites within hours of being admitted to hospital.

This tragedy occurred in the American city of Houston (Texas). 19-year-old Alonzo Daleon Smith died while trying to take a selfie. The young man was about to take a photo with a loaded pistol, but accidentally pulled the trigger and shot himself in the throat.

A Japanese tourist was fatally shot while entering the Taj Mahal Indian Museum. A man was trying to take a selfie and slipped on the stairs. According to the BBC, the guy died in hospital due to severe head injuries without regaining consciousness. Another tourist suffered a leg injury. Japanese diplomats have already been notified of the incidents. Law enforcement officials are currently investigating this case.

There is a current trend of taking selfies on railway roofs. These people want to show that they are so cool and fearless, they try to stand out from the crowd, but, of course, it all ends fatally. Just recently, the body of a 15-year-old boy was found in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, whose identity remains a mystery due to the ongoing investigation. It was found on the roof of one of the subway cars. Last photo The phone showed him trying to take a selfie before he died on the roof of a train, but in the end he was hit by high voltage and was fatally injured.

On the Indonesian island of Nusa Lembongan, near Bali, a Singaporean citizen died while trying to take a selfie. A group of nine friends were spending their vacation on the beach in Sandy Bay Beach. One of them, 21-year-old Mohamed Aslam bin Shahul, discovered a 2-meter rock, tried to take a photo, and fell. According to police, the young man was hit by a wave and was unable to maintain his balance. After slipping and falling into the water, he drowned because apparently he could not swim.

The young man died on the spot from a massive head injury. The tragedy occurred in the USA while taking a selfie, The Independent reported. According to the newspaper, the incident occurred in Calais, Maine. 22-year-old Devon Staples decided to take a patriotic selfie in honor of US Independence Day. He placed the box of fireworks on his head and lit the fuse. The explosion tore off part of his skull. The man died on the spot.

In an attempt to make a good picture, people do all kinds of reckless things. Even though experts strongly advise against taking pictures with wild animals, people rejoice every time they have the opportunity to take a memorable and, most importantly, unique photo. Representatives of national parks and reservations in different countries expressed concern that tourists taking selfies with bears could be seriously injured or even fatally injured. For one American girl, such an attempt ended tragically. She was injured by the bear and died several hours later in the hospital. This is a selfie of her before she died.

The next tragedy occurred in the resort town of Yaremche in Ukraine. A tourist drowned in a waterfall. A 20-year-old guy fell into the water. There was no chance to save him. According to the main version, this young man risked his life trying to shoot a unique picture. Witnesses say he got too close to the edge while trying to take a selfie. He couldn't resist and flew into the water. His body was not found for several days.

Two Iranian girls were trying to create a "Karaoke" selfie video, lost control on the road and crashed into a pole. Their injuries were fatal.

A schoolboy fell from the roof of a house in the Volgograd region while trying to take a “dangerous” selfie. Apparently, his physical fitness was not sufficient to cope with the load, and the boy fell to his death. Here is his last selfie before his death.

It is very difficult to imagine modern life without social networks, where almost everyone has their own page. This especially applies to the younger generation, who are very dependent on social projects in which they can communicate, play, and show themselves to the whole world! Selfies have become a fashionable trend on the Internet. A photo taken with the front camera of a smartphone, or reflected in a mirror. In our country, such self-portraits began to be called “self-portraits”, a cute name, but with tragic incidents...

Selfies taken moments before death. Top 10

It's hard to imagine a modern phone without a camera. Going on a trip to new places, or just walking down the street, people take pictures against the backdrop of landmarks, beautiful landscapes and post new photos on social networks, where they expect rewards in the form of likes and reposts. But such self-portraits do not always pay off! There are more and more cases in the world where people do desperate and thoughtless things to earn recognition on social networks. Sometimes, selfies become the last shots of their lives. Today we will tell you about selfies that were taken right before death! Tragic stories modern photographers.

Selfie with a gun. The accident occurred in Texas, where 19-year-old Alonzo Daleon Smith died from a gunshot. The guy was playing with a loaded gun and decided to take a cool photo. He accidentally pulled the trigger and shot him in the throat.

Cultural monument. A Japanese tourist was fatally injured while entering the Taj Mahal Indian Museum. The man wanted to take a selfie in front of the landmark, but slipped and hit his head on the step. He died from a traumatic brain injury.

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Chelyabinsk bite. Two men from Chelyabinsk paid with their lives for their prank. The comrades were returning from fishing and noticed a snake in the grass. The men decided to catch the reptile and take a photo with it. They thought that the snake was not poisonous, but it turned out to be the opposite! The fishermen received several bites and died in hospital.

Against a background with a bear. People do idiotic things for the sake of a beautiful selfie. A tourist from the United States decided that a bear from the reserve would sit quietly and pose for her smartphone. But the clubfoot attacked the girl, and she died from her injuries.

Deadly Falls. The accident occurred in the city of Yaremche, Ukraine. The young man wanted to shoot a beautiful landscape with a waterfall in the background. Eyewitnesses say that the guy came too close to the cliff, he lost his balance and fell. They searched for his body for several days due to strong currents.

Following the addiction of taking photographs of themselves and posting them on the Internet, people lose their sense of reality and forget about the risk that threatens their health and life. Against the backdrop of the news about a Romanian girl who died while taking a selfie on the roof of a railway carriage, we remember tragedies that might not have happened if we had not had a phone with a camera at hand and a manic desire to earn likes on social networks.

1. Selfie on the roof of a train

In May 2015, a Romanian girl caught fire after accidentally touching an exposed wire while trying to take her "coolest selfie" on the roof of a train. 18-year-old Anna Ursu and her friend went to railway station in the city of Iasi to take a “special selfie” that she wanted to post on Facebook. When the girl was lying on the roof of the train and raised her leg in the air, she accidentally touched a bare wire through which a current of 27,000 volts was flowing. This caused the girl to catch fire. Despite the best efforts of a passerby who tried to save Anna, the 18-year-old girl later died in hospital with burns to about 50 percent of her body.

2. Selfie on the bridge

In 2014, a 23-year-old medical student from Poland died while trying to take a selfie on the famous Puente de Triana bridge in southern Spain. While balancing on the ledge of the famous bridge, Sylvia Rachel slipped and fell from a 3-meter support. The ambulance managed to restart her stopped heart at the scene of the tragedy, but later the girl died in traumatology.

3. Selfie with a gun

Playing with weapons is dangerous, and taking a selfie with a weapon may, as it turns out, be the last time in your life. In 2014, a Mexican man died while trying to take a selfie with a gun that accidentally went off and fatally wounded him. The victim was 21-year-old Oscar Aguilar Otero, who repeatedly posted selfies on Facebook in front of expensive cars or motorcycles, as well as next to beautiful women.

4. Selfie on the way to the bachelorette party

Colette Moreno, 26, died in a car accident in June 2014 while on her way to a bachelorette party. She was sitting in the passenger seat when a car driven by her friend collided with an oncoming car. Ashley M. Theobald said she was trying to pass the car in front when exhaust fumes from that car caused Moreno to have an asthmatic reaction that led to the crash.

5. Selfie on the railway bridge

The girl fell from a height of 10 meters after climbing onto a railway bridge support to take a selfie. Ksenia Ignatieva was supposed to turn 18 in a month. She fell from a height onto 1500 volt wires. Ksenia was an amateur photographer. She decided that the top of the railway bridge in Krasnogvardeisky (a town near St. Petersburg) would provide the best photographs. This was the last decision in her life.

6. Selfie on the first date

James Nichols is offering £300 (S$630) for a stone that was stolen from his car. Why so expensive? Because this rock was picked up by his girlfriend, who fell to her death while trying to take a selfie on a rock during her first date with James. Nichols flew from the UK to South Africa to meet Miss Cheyenne Holloway. The couple visited Northcliffe Rock, the second highest point in the city of Johannesburg. They stopped to take a selfie with the setting sun in the background. According to a witness, Holloway, 21, stood on a large rock near the top of the cliff while Nichols, 23, a portrait photographer, set up a tripod. The rock crumbled and the girl flew down from a 15-meter height.

A popular trend called #SelfieOlympics claimed the life of 18-year-old Oscar Reyes. On January 2, 2015, the teenager took a photo of himself dressed as SpongeBob and uploaded it to Facebook. The photo received more than 200 likes. Oscar's friends later said that this made him so happy that Oscar decided to continue taking "cool" selfies. Investigators claim that on January 3, in his mother’s bathroom, Oscar, while trying to take a selfie, fell from the bathroom door, broke his head and died from profuse bleeding.

8. Birthday selfie on the beach

A young woman named Chezka Agas drowned while taking a group selfie after celebrating a friend's birthday in the Philippines. The 18-year-old civil engineering student was knocked off her feet by a strong wave while posing with six friends on the beach in front of celebrities. windmills Bangui.

9. Selfie on the rock

In August 2014, a Polish couple died after falling from a cliff in Cabo da Roca, Portugal, apparently while trying to take a selfie with their children near the cliff. The couple's 5 and 6 year old children witnessed the tragedy.

10. Selfie on a motorcycle

Ramon Gonzalez is a Puerto Rican reggaeton rapper known as Jadiel. Returning from his parents on a motorcycle, he decided to take a selfie. Moments later, Jadiel lost control of his motorcycle and crashed into an oncoming car. He died May 10, 2014 at Strong Memorial Hospital.

The last few years have been hot for active Instagram users. The most popular social network in the world was hit by a wave of selfies. Millions of stars and ordinary people continuously posted photos of their faces day and night. Of course, such a large-scale flash mob could not but bring disaster. There are several cases where self-love became a real tragedy. It is about such cases that he will tell you PEOPLETALK.

Selfie in the bathroom

There were no signs of trouble when a 17-year-old Muscovite Catherine went to the bathroom with my tablet. But the girl did not foresee that a tablet connected to an outlet a few centimeters above the water was the biggest danger. As soon as Kate decided to take a photo, the device slipped out of her hands and led to instant death.

Selfie while driving

Two young girls from Missouri We were in a hurry to go to a bachelorette party. Happy bride Colette Moreno and her friend Eli Theobald We decided to capture such a joyful moment in our lives. Bye Eli, who was driving, overtook the car in front, her friend tried to take a selfie and asked Eli to smile sweetly for the camera. But at that moment a pickup truck was driving in the oncoming lane. Instant collision claims life Colette, and here Eli The airbag saved me.

Selfie on the edge of a cliff

A 16-year-old Italian lover of photographing natural wonders was pushed by her hobby to fall off a cliff. Isabella Fraciolla, while looking for inspiration for a new shot, approached the edge of a 20-meter cliff located in the city of Taranto, the girl lost her balance and fell off the cliff. All the doctors’ efforts to bring Isabella back to life were in vain.

Selfie on the rock

Another similar tragedy occurred with a tourist couple originally from Poland. The couple tried to take a selfie on the edge of the cliff. Two small children looked at their parents from nearby. This was the last selfie for the couple who fell from the cliff.

Selfie on the roof of a train

In May 2015, a girl from Romania went to the train station with my friend to take the most unusual selfie. Lying on the roof of a train, 18 year old Anna Ursu raised her leg and touched a wire through which a current with enormous voltage passed. As a result of this the body Anna instantly ignited.

Selfie on the stairs

14 year old Filipina Christina Rosello one day I decided to take a selfie after leaving school during a break. A 10-meter-high ladder caught the student’s eye, and the girl climbed onto it with a phone in her hands. Then everything was as usual: a fall, numerous fractures, a concussion. Doctors were unable to save the girl's life; she was dead a few hours later.

Selfie on the bridge

The story of this girl is not much different from all the previous ones. The cause of her death was also a fall from a height while trying to take a beautiful photograph. Climbing onto a high bridge, a young schoolgirl Ksenia Ignatieva from St. Petersburg lost her balance, grabbed a bare wire and fell down onto the rails from the electric shock.

Selfie with a gun

A similar incident occurred in Mexico, where a 21-year-old man died from his seemingly harmless addiction to selfies. Oscar Otero Aguilar often posted on social media photos with alcohol, girls and cars. But this time everything has gone too far. The young man decided to take a photo with a gun to his temple. The sudden shot was so loud that all the neighbors immediately woke up and called an ambulance and the police. But save Oscar failed.


Some time ago Instagram literally replete with all sorts of shots of young girls and boys who were passing the baton to each other called “ Olympic selfie" The idea was to photograph yourself in an unusual athletic pose or position. 18 year old Oscar Reyes I have taken similar photographs many times. His hobby brought him a lot of pleasure, because his friends generously appreciated all his efforts with likes. But on January 2, 2015, the guy decided to take a photo of himself hanging on the door. Having fallen from it, Oscar broke his head and died from terrible loss of blood.

We see people everywhere taking selfies, either in front of a mirror or trying to do an acrobatic trick to make the selfie original and interesting. Over the past few years, selfies have become a fixation for most Internet users. Some people take photos during truly scary moments, such as balancing on the edge of a steep ledge or jumping in front of a train. Sometimes such exploits end in tragedy and we can actually see the last selfie from the life of these adventurers.

1. Otero Aguiral

According to various media reports, 21-year-old Otero Aguilar was obsessed with selfies and posted photos of himself on Facebook daily. He constantly took photographs of himself with alcohol, in and around cars.

Otero was drinking with his friends in Mexico City when he decided to take a selfie in the car. He reportedly wanted to make a new post on Facebook and took a gun to do so to spice up his photo. But during one of the pictures, the gun went off. Agiral died instantly.

2. Isabella Fraciolla

16-year-old Isabella Fraciolla tried to take a photo of herself during a school trip to the seaside town of Taranto, in southeastern Italy. Having climbed the rocks, she tried to climb over the fence to take a selfie, but fell down from a height of two hundred meters. She was taken to the hospital, but, unfortunately, the girl did not survive the fall.

3. Karen Hernandez.

Karen Hernandez was just thirteen when he tried to take a selfie near the El Tunal River in Mexico. While choosing a position, he slipped and fell into the river. He was caught by a strong current and drowned.

4. Ksenia Ignatieva

17-year-old Ksenia Ignatieva climbed onto a railway bridge to take a selfie using a recently purchased camera. She was 10 meters up when she decided to take a selfie. The girl slid off the bridge and grabbed the wires to keep her balance. Unfortunately, the wires were energized at 1500 volts, she was electrocuted and Ksenia fell, hitting her head on the concrete. Soon the girl died.

5. Gary Slok and his mother, Petra Langeveld

On July 17, Malaysian airline passenger flight MH17 was flying over Ukraine when it was shot down. The plane was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lampur. There were 300 people on board - passengers and crew members. Among those passengers were 15-year-old Gary Slok and his mother, Petra Langeveld. Gary was a goalkeeper for a Dutch football club, and Petra was a single mother. They took a selfie minutes before takeoff. Everyone on board died and the investigation into what happened on that fateful day is still ongoing.

6. Collette Moreno

Collette Moreno had been planning her wedding for a long time, so she decided to celebrate her bachelorette party with her best friend, Ashley Thibault. On the way to the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri, Collette decided to take a selfie. Moments later, they caught up with the truck, which was leaving a thick plume of exhaust fumes behind it, causing Collette to cough. Ashley knew her friend had asthma, so she tried to avoid the truck, but another one appeared on the road. Collette had a seizure and the girl suffocated.

7. Courtney Sanford

Courtney Sanford, a 32-year-old woman from North Carolina, decided to stop on the side of the road to take a selfie and post a new photo on her Facebook page. While driving, she took a selfie, uploaded it to Facebook and captioned it that William Farrell's "Happy" made her day. According to reports, as soon as she posted the post, she hit a truck and flew into a ditch. A few minutes later, Courtney died.

8. Ramon Gonzalez

Ramon Gonzalez was a famous rapper originally from Puerto Rico. He performed several hits, which earned him a name. In Rochester, New York, Ramon was planning to ride his motorcycle and take a selfie. Just moments after the photo was taken, the rapper was involved in a car accident, crashing into an oncoming car. In May 2014, Gonzalez died in hospital.

9. Jenni Rivera

Jenni Rivera is a Latin singer who has won several awards, so she's no stranger to acting on camera. Jennie had her own reality television show in which she played herself, and she also appeared in several films and TV shows. On December 9, 2012, Jenna flew on a private jet to Toluca, Mexico, where a television meeting was scheduled. The girl took a selfie just before the disaster. Shortly after the plane took off, something went wrong and the plane crashed. Killed: Jenny, five other passengers and two pilots.

10. Ryan Dunn

As the star of Jackass, it would be most likely that Ryan Dunn would die in some stupid way, like jumping off a tall building or having something lodged in his rectum (as he did in one episode of the show), but it all happened because of drinking and driving under the influence. In 2011, Ryan was drinking with his friends, taking selfies and having fun in every possible way until he got behind the wheel of his Porsche 911 and crashed into a tree at a speed of 130 kilometers per hour on a poorly lit stretch of highway. The car caught fire, but Ryan died before the fire, as a result of a strong impact. Another person died along with him. The police chief said it was one of the worst car accidents he has seen.

Although, yes, drunk driving - stupid death.

Material prepared by Emma Flint and Admincheg site

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