Exchange money game. the main stages of the game on the stock exchange for beginners. Monitoring and calculation

What strategies for playing the Forex market are suitable for beginner traders? What is the best way to play for beginners who want to earn their first money from trading on the Forex exchange?

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine

We continue to understand the topic of investment and stock trading. This topic generates extensive discussion on the Internet.

Some claim that they earn millions from this, while others are trying to understand what the secrets of making money on Forex are and what steps need to be taken consistently in order to succeed here.

All this will be discussed today. After studying this material, you will understand in which direction you should “dig” if you decide to connect your activities with financial markets.

1. Forex market: why is it so attractive and how much can you earn here?

If you are not yet familiar with the concept of “Forex”, then in a nutshell we will explain what it is.

Forex market is an over-the-counter interbank currency exchange market, that is, it does not have a single center (platform) where players, or as they are commonly called, traders, make transactions for the purchase and sale of currencies.

Unlike commodity and stock exchanges, Forex appeared later, in 1971, after the dollar was pegged to gold. Since then, exchange rates have become “floating” and it has become possible to exchange one currency for another.

For example, you can now freely buy dollars for euros, exchange francs for pounds or yens.

When a transaction takes place on Forex, it is customary to talk about such a concept as “currency pair”.

That is, on the one hand is the currency that they want to buy, and on the other is the one for which they are buying the first one. This situation with the free conversion of one currency into another gave rise to the idea of ​​​​earning money from the difference in the rates of these currencies.

Let's not go far and take the most obvious example of a currency pair: the US dollar and our Russian ruble.

This pair will be designated as follows: USD/RUB.

For example, today the value of one dollar is 63 rubles 20 kopecks.

Now let's imagine what we bought today 100 dollars at the current rate, that is, they invested in this transaction 6320 rubles.

2 days passed and the dollar began to cost 65 rubles 70 kopecks. This means that by selling dollars now, we will earn 250 rubles (6320 – 6570 rubles). Doesn't seem like much, right?

Although that's not bad either.

So why do some people make huge amounts of money here? Maybe they invested several million?

Not at all! It’s just that in Forex you can use leverage and it will allow you to earn hundreds of times more. Let's figure out what it is and how it works.

The concept of leverage or how to turn $100 in one day into $1000

Let's say you only have 100 dollars. This is a very small amount and the earnings from it will be small. However, when trading, your broker gives you the opportunity to use leverage.

Leverage– this is additional capital that the broker gives you so that the volume of your transaction is many times greater than the initial amount available.

Typically the leverage is 1 to 100 (although you can choose a different size).

Example of how leverage works

Let's take the same numbers as in the first case.

You have 100 dollars, but thanks to the broker you receive “co-financing” of your transaction in a 100-fold amount and now you make a transaction of $10,000.

Now, with the same fluctuations, your profit will be not 250 rubles as in the first case, but 100 times more, that is 25,000 rubles. But this is already interesting, since in most Russian cities this amount is close to the average wage.

    • What types of exchanges are there?
    • Stock market strategies
    • How does a trader work?
  • 5. Conclusion

How to play on the stock exchange? Where to start? What does a newbie trader need to know? Who is a trader and what does his success in trading depend on? How realistic or dangerous is it to trade on the foreign exchange market? If these questions concern you, then after reading this article you will find answers to all these and other questions.

It is believed that Fortune smiles, first of all, on those who, having entered the stock exchange business, have gone through fire and water, experienced shocks and losses, and learned to make decisions with a minimum of information. How true is this statement? Let's try to understand the intricacies of the stock exchange business.

Dear reader, if you are interested in the topic of how to make money on Forex from scratch, what Forex is and how it works, be sure to read.

Forex trading for beginners

1. How to play on the stock exchange for beginners - is it easy?

For some, the stock exchange is like lotto: entertainment, fun, risk, and nothing more. And someone strives to the trading floor, like a bee, to collect its nectar. Some people place Napoleonic hopes on stock trading - to double their reserves and break into the world of prosperity. And for some, it’s enough to just earn a little extra money.

But, one way or another, everyone expects dividends from the stock exchange. However, getting them is not as easy as it seems from the outside. To move from zero, here, as in any business, you need special knowledge and skills.

What types of exchanges are there?

1. Commodity exchange

Commodity exchange – this is a place for buying and selling various goods: precious metals(platinum, gold), agricultural crops (corn, beans, wheat), natural minerals and their derivatives (oil, gasoline), etc.

However, this does not mean that you need to buy several tons of grain and transport them to your barn. On a commodity exchange, you enter into a futures transaction that involves delivery in the future. When purchasing a futures (concluding a transaction), you only need to pay the so-called collateral value. It is about 10-20% of the real price of the product.

You “promise” to invest the rest when the agreed delivery date arrives. After this, before this period expires, you enter into a reverse transaction: how much they bought - how much they sold . This is how you can make money on the commodity exchange without buying goods. The main advantage of this game is that it is sometimes easier to predict price movements for goods than for currency pairs or stocks.

2. Stock exchange (or securities market)

Here they trade shares, and real assets. This means that by purchasing securities of a company, you will become its shareholder and will be able to receive dividends on the purchased shares or sell them at a profit. In the Russian Federation, such transactions can be concluded, for example, on the RTS or MICEX Stock Exchange. Access to trading is obtained through brokers. They buy and sell shares on orders from traders and keep records of all operations and transactions. This is perhaps the easiest way for a beginner to make money on the stock exchange.

3. Futures exchange (or derivatives exchange)

On this site, futures contracts and options are purchased and sold. Playing on this exchange requires, just like on a commodity exchange, the payment of a guarantee. That is, you pay only a deposit amount (10-20% of the real price), having accepted the obligation to buy or sell in the future a certain number of shares for a certain price.

Subsequently, you repay this obligation with a counter contract. At the same time, you can conduct transactions with much larger contracts than on the stock exchange.

4. Forex currency exchange (Forex)

National currency is traded on this exchange. Purchase and sale are carried out at market prices, according to the exchange rate ratio prevailing on the stock exchange. By purchasing a currency pair at one price, you can later sell it for a higher price. This is the point of the game. Orders to sell or buy are placed via the Internet through trading terminals (less often by telephone). Market analytics, market news, and currency pair quotes are provided by brokers.

Stock market strategies

1. Investing

This is the most clear and simple way. You bought shares for a decent period (12 months, or even more) and are waiting for their value to increase. The main thing in this matterentrust investments to a reliable company , belonging to the category of “blue chips” (as the most liquid companies are called). It is also necessary to analyze quotes over the past 4-5 years and identify the most promising ones.

The advantage of this strategy is your “insurance” against losses. If you made a mistake and the quotes of the shares you bought went down, you will not face a loss until you sell the securities. In case of a mistake, you just need to wait for the stock prices to rise, receiving dividends on them at this time. The only disadvantage of this method of playing is that you won’t be able to earn a lot - on average from 10 % before 30 % per annum.

2. Speculation

This strategy is the most popular. It promises significantly greater profits than all other types of trading. In this case, assets are acquired for short term, often with the expectation of margin lending. Choosing tactics Intraday, you open and close trades throughout the day. Following the same tactics Day-Trading, you carry out a trade over several days or weeks.

When speculating, they also often play “ short ": in anticipation of a decline in quotes, traders are bearish. A short trade is implemented through the use of borrowed funds from the broker.

It looks like this: you borrow a hundred shares from a broker and immediately sell them all; three hours later, the price of securities began to decline - you buy a hundred shares, return them to the broker, and keep the profit for yourself.

Even easier, short transactions are carried out on the futures (terms) market. The scheme is simple: first you purchase a futures contract to sell, then you buy a futures contract to buy – and the profit is in your pocket.

Making money on Forex is similar to futures: first you sell a currency pair, then buy - the difference is yours. In this way you can earn a lot with insignificant capital. However, keep in mind: the risks in such trading are also considerable.

3. Arbitration

The essence of this trade is to find the difference between assets that are somehow related and enter into a contract that allows you to receive this difference. For example, you took stocks and futures on them. If the price of shares on the stock market has decreased, but the futures contract on the derivatives market still remains at the same level, you can purchase, say, a thousand shares at one hundred rubles and buy one futures contract to sell a thousand shares at 110 rubles. In this case, you are guaranteed a profit of 10 rubles per share, no matter where prices move.

Plus arbitration is the absence of risks. TO cons The complexity of such trading can be attributed to the complexity of such trading, which requires constant analysis of multiple markets, the search for price “scissors”, and the ability to conclude several counter contracts at lightning speed. In addition, arbitrage trading is characterized by average profitability. Even experienced arbitrageurs can count on average here 5 % - 10 % at 3-4 months.

Playing on the stock exchange - how and where to start?

First, a beginner needs to choose an exchange. Then find a broker to gain access to the game.

You need to find out the following points from your broker:

  • the amount of commission fees for carrying out transactions, using a trading terminal, maintaining accounts, servicing a broker;
  • the amount of information and services provided by the broker (analytical reviews, news, forecasts, quote archives, etc.);
  • Is it possible to work online on this exchange, through what programs can you access the exchange online, their cost;
  • method of replenishing your account and withdrawing money;
  • guarantees of broker reliability.

It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with several brokers who provide their services on the stock exchange. Then you will have a better chance of choosing the conditions that are most optimal for you. After signing the agreement and installing the program recommended by the broker on your PC, you can start trading.

Important! Just don’t rush to use real money in the game. Ask your broker to provide you with a training demo account: it’s better to go through a “baptism of fire” with virtual money. Learn from your own mistakes - this will save you from big risks in the future.

Playing on the stock exchange - how much can you earn?

This question worries many beginners; we will give as many average values ​​as possible.

Here are the approximate amounts that experienced players can earn on various trading platforms:

  • Speculators earn 20-50% on the stock market (using margin lending, their profits can increase up to 100%);
  • 50-200% of the derivatives market is owned by players trading options and futures;
  • Arbitrageurs get 30-50%;
  • 50-500% is purchased by game participants on the Forex currency exchange

How much can you lose on the stock market?

Any exchange presents great opportunities and great risks. Luck, especially in the foreign exchange market, is a rare guest. In order not to become a loser, you need to carefully think through the game on the stock exchange, plan your Forex trading strategy, create a demo account and test it on historical quotes, especially if you are new to this business. (How to attract luck and money into your life)

Many losers who leave their money on the stock exchange lose precisely because they “rushed into battle” without going through “training.” They overestimate their intuition and, without conducting a competent market analysis, make unforgivable mistakes and unfortunate miscalculations.

Don't follow their example: don't enter into a trade without prior preparation. Do not consider it a waste of time to study specialized literature, study journal publications, get acquainted with relevant websites and think through Forex strategies.

Believe me, the time spent on self-education will increase your chances of success and protect you from a sad fiasco.

Definition of the term "trader"

2. Who is a trader and what does he do - the definition and essence of the profession

Translated from English, trader- This is a merchant. This is what people who trade on the stock exchange are called. Through trading operations - buying assets at low prices and selling at high prices - traders make a profit.

The assets that traders can buy and sell include:

  • goods in demand on the world market (oil, metal, grain);
  • precious metals;
  • stock;
  • contracts (futures and options);
  • currency;
  • cryptocurrencies;
  • stock indices.

Here we have listed all the main financial instruments, thanks to which traders have the opportunity to earn money by playing on the stock exchange.

How does a trader work?

The working platform of any trader is an exchange or over-the-counter market. It should be noted that since the emergence of the trading profession, its essence has changed little. Only previously, the trader was personally present at the exchange and made transactions himself, but now he gives orders to brokers online, while remaining in the office or at home.

Communication between them is carried out via a trading terminal - a special program that can be downloaded and installed from the broker’s website. Receiving information from the broker, the trader analyzes fluctuations in the price of his assets, makes forecasts of possible fluctuations and opens transactions based on these forecasts.

At the same time, he uses various tools from his analytical arsenal.

It includes three main types of analysis:

  • fundamental;
  • technical;
  • computer.

The trader regulates his activities himself. He can make one deal and earn a decent amount of money, which will last for a couple of months. If you wish, you can enter into several transactions every day. You can also use trading robots, using them to carry out automatic trading. True, manual work, as practice shows, is much more effective.

Despite the fact that the trader’s personal presence at the workplace is not necessary, one cannot dare to call his income passive. After all, the main factors of success are his work, the trader’s time and thinking through the Forex strategy. A broker is just a captain on a voyage whose course is charted by a trader.

A trader can work for himself or for various companies. Each of these forms of activity has its own advantages and disadvantages.

1. Working for yourself

In this case, the trader chooses his own broker, opens his own account with him, transfers personal money to him and manages it as he sees fit.

pros (+ ):

  • all earnings go to the trader;
  • the trader plans his own working day, makes his own decisions and works at the rhythm that is convenient for him.

Minuses (- ):

  • you have to risk your own funds;
  • the size of the personal amount can be very limited, and the amount of profit is directly proportional to the amount of investment.

2. Working for a company

This type of work requires formal employment. It's about on admission to the staff of a company - an investment fund, bank, brokerage company, reputable corporation.

pros (+ ):

  • since operations on the market take place on behalf of this company, its rather large funds are used;
  • the trader is assigned a certain percentage of profit from the transactions he conducts, and it is possible to establish a quite decent salary;
  • The risk of losing personal money is eliminated.

Minuses (- ):

  • It’s not so easy to get a job in a decent company without achievements in independent trading;
  • limited freedom of action.

An alternative version of this form of work is the managerial activity of a trader, who manages the money of other investors and trades it to them, receiving an agreed percentage of the profit.

The main difficulty is to achieve such work: you will need to provide investors with convincing evidence of your reliability, profitable Forex strategies, the ability to increase capital, and not “melt” it in an instant, etc.

Qualities required to work as a trader

Profession of a trader in modern world is one of the most profitable, promising and attractive. In developed Western countries, such specialists are trained in institutes. In Russia, this profession can only be obtained through self-education or attending relevant courses conducted by dealing centers.

It is important to understand that the main factor of success in working as a trader is not theoretical knowledge and not a unique technique, but personal participation and development of the right Forex strategy.

To gain practical experience without risking your savings, you can use a demo account by creating it at any brokerage company.

A demo account will convince a young specialist that to work with real amounts it is not necessary to use without iron self-discipline and self-control, developed analytical thinking, drawing up a Forex strategy, attention, organization, composure, efficiency, impartiality and a certain amount of courage.

How much can a trader earn?

As already mentioned, a trader’s earnings directly depend on the amount of capital used.

If you have, say, 100 thousand dollars, then this money will help you earn 100 times more than if you owned only one thousand dollars.

In other words, it is more correct to measure a trader’s income not in amounts, but as a percentage of the starting capital.

If we talk about the average profit of a trader, then when working for himself, he can receive approximately 5 % before 10 % per month from the amount available in the account. He can count on such profits with a low level of risk. Managing another investor's capital can bring in 20-50% of revenue.

Read below on how to trade Forex

3. How to play on the Forex exchange (Forex) - the basics of successful trading

Forex trading, which is considered the most reliable and profitable market in the world, cannot but attract a huge number of traders from all corners of the globe. First of all, stock exchange traders who decide to diversify (or adjust) the contents of their investment basket flock to this trading platform. Novice traders who are just learning the basics of the stock exchange business are not far behind them.

Trading on the Forex exchange is no different from working on many other markets. The rules here are the same as on a narrow-profile derivatives exchange or a classic trading or stock exchange.

How to trade on the Forex market, where to start?

The path to making money on the Forex market, as on any other exchange, lies through creating a trading account, downloading any trading platform to a personal computer, and authorizing the account in the terminal.

Currently, the market for these services allows you to open an account with Forex capital starting from 10 US dollars. This is enough to open a deal to sell or buy currency. In addition to Forex trading, you can access the metals markets in the same way ( platinum, silver, gold), CFD.

By operating on the world's most liquid market with a deposit amount convenient for you, you will not just multiply your capital. You will gain invaluable experience , think over Forex strategies that will be useful to you in the future in order to successfully trade on any other exchange market. In addition, the acquired capital can be reinvested on other trading platforms, which will reduce the cost of entry into trade relations on them.

The interbank foreign exchange market Forex does not have a fixed territorial location. You can carry out any type of trading operations around the clock in real time.

So, anyone who decides to master the profession of a trader on the Forex exchange must first acquire only a PC with access to the Internet.

International currency exchange Forex

At first, you need to find a suitable broker or dealing center. The professional qualities of this assistant (who can easily be considered your partner), the efficiency of his work, and his responsibility will determine your financial success or failure.

Meta Trader 5 and Meta Trader 4– the most popular versions of free trading terminals.

As soon as you learn how to use the program - a trading platform from a brokerage company, you just need to select the currency pair with which you will trade

Real or demo account - what to trade on?

You should not start online trading by opening a real account. It is very dangerous. You can lose everything at once. To protect you from financial risks you need open a demo account on Forex . This simulator is completely similar to a real account. The only difference is that you will practice with virtual funds, and not real capital.

It is advisable for all newcomers to trading not to tempt fate, but to learn how to manage their own money without the risk of being left penniless by creating a demo account. At the same time, a beginner using a demo account should know that he can earn real money if he takes part in trading competitions.

Using a demo account, you can easily practice using so-called “robot experts” or “robot advisors” - automatic trading systems. Today, users have access to a fairly large selection of such programs, both paid and free.

Demo account– this is the most win-win way to start an exchange business on the Forex market. Of course, it’s up to you to decide whether to create one or immediately register a real trading account and transfer real money to it to start trading.

However, this path can only be recommended to someone who is at least 99% confident in their abilities, has acquired a lot of knowledge, has many skills, has already carefully developed a trading strategy and has experience working on a real account on the Forex currency market.

Forex Strategies

Which trading strategy should you choose?

In all Forex transactions - be it a sale or a purchase - the national currency is used as a commodity.

The main task of a trader on the stock exchange – buy currency at the minimum price and sell it as profitably as possible. To do this, you need to think through Forex strategies. The discrepancy between the cost of the product and the purchase price is the trader’s profit.

Such a trading combination in which the number of purchased contracts more quantity sold, called in traders' language " long position" Exchange participants are forced to make such options by the hope that the currency will rise in price in the future and sell them at a higher income.

The so-called “ short position" It assumes that the volume of sales of a product exceeds the volume of purchases. In this case, the purchase of currency occurs with the expectation that its value will fall. Such sales also provide income from the price difference.

Both combinations can be done on Forex. Therefore, the main factor for success on this exchange is the correctly chosen lines of behavior - Forex trading strategies .

Many successful traders, using various third-party strategies, create and develop their own profitable Forex strategy in accordance with their experience and acquired knowledge

Many existing Forex trading strategies are used on the stock exchange, including the Forex currency market.

The most popular and best trading strategies are based on:

  • combinations of indicators;
  • Bollinger Bands;
  • moving averages;
  • by patterns and graphic models;
  • Fibonacci levels;
  • Ichimoku indicators;
  • Japanese candles;
  • trend trading;
  • flat trading;
  • short-term trading (“scalping”);
  • fundamental analysis (news, events, etc.)

In order to accurately plan and create a Forex trading strategy, you need to carefully study the trends and features of the foreign exchange market. This, in turn, requires an in-depth analysis of the trading situation, practical skills that are tested on training accounts.

A beginner will also benefit greatly from studying professional experience experienced traders. Brilliant calculation and practice are the main assistants of a Forex trader!

4. Having earned money on the stock exchange, increase your capital

One of the main mistakes of both beginners and experienced traders is that the money earned on exchanges is quickly spent. Of course, this is completely unreasonable, which is why truly successful traders usually use their earned capital not only back into circulation, but also into their own business.

Having your own business, you don’t have to worry about the future of exchanges and stock market performance; a real reliable business will be a big plus for you. If you don’t know where to invest your money, then we advise you to choose the real estate market. It is the most stable, reliable and easy to understand. Watch a free video course from specialist Anton Murygin on making money in real estate from scratch:

Watch a motivating video about how you can profitably invest in a real estate business:

5. Conclusion

Parting words for beginners

Impassive statistics state: 9 out of 10 new traders “they drain” the deposit and leave Forex with nothing. It’s amazing that in a market where the level of profit is simply off the charts, there is such a percentage of “losers”!

Experts came to the conclusion: The reason for the widespread failure is the inflated ambitions of the modern young man, combined with extreme infantilism. He finds it very boring to pore over textbooks, develop a unique strategy, master the basics of market analysis, open a practice demo account, keep a trading diary, make forecasts, calculate trading risks (how dangerous it is to trade with a particular strategy, etc.).

Another thing is to believe in your luck and trade at random, so to speak, playfully. Such a lightweight approach, when one rushes headlong into the abyss of the stock exchange - without any preparation, without decent starting capital, without knowing how to control oneself - leads to a quick and disappointing ending.

Therefore, instead of parting words, we will end the article useful tips for beginners.

Tip #1. Practice first, play later

Tip #2. If you want decent profits, accumulate decent capital

Tip #3. Learn to control yourself

Tip #4. Accept the possibility of loss as inevitable

Tip #5. Beware of greed and haste.

Let these tips become your guiding star and amulet. Let them lead you not only to real trading, but also to real success in trading on the foreign exchange market.

The stock market, or securities market, is a kind of trading platform, as well as a set of rules and regulatory mechanisms that allow you to trade securities - stocks, bonds, futures, etc. Today, almost anyone can become a participant: it is enough to have access to the Internet and understand the basic principles of the stock market. However, it is precisely the study of the rules of the game in the securities market that sometimes becomes an obstacle that does not allow beginners to turn participation in trading from a hobby into a significant source of income.

Training and efficiency of playing in the stock market

What is education? This systems approach to acquiring knowledge, attention to detail and the ability to analyze acquired information. Education requires time, which, unfortunately, a resident of a modern metropolis almost never has. Today, the popularity of the stock market is growing, stimulating easier conditions for starting trading for new players. There are more and more people wishing to take part in trading, and many brokers are developing special training courses for traders, where in a few weeks (months or, in some cases, even days - it all depends on the training program) beginners are revealed the secrets of the stock market, the principles of its fundamental and technical analysis, etc.

Beginners have the opportunity to choose a basic course of study - both full-time and distance learning. You can study on your own - now there are many programs on the Internet that a novice trader can study for free. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the fundamental works in this area. A fairly wide range of books in this area can be found on the Alpina Publisher website in the “Trading, Investments” section. You can also use a special mobile application or enlist the support of an experienced trader who will create a schedule convenient for his student and conduct a series of classes and seminars via Skype. There are plenty of opportunities to learn about the stock market before you start trading. But how to determine which one is right for you?

Types of stock market training: pros and cons

You can learn to trade in the stock market in a relatively short period of time, and you can do this from anywhere in the world, choosing distance learning type. Thus, some stock market expert companies offer beginners to listen to several theoretical classes online, and then, under the guidance of an experienced trader teacher, apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Each student is assigned a teacher who recommends video materials and textbooks that a novice player can use to study independently. The teacher also supervises his student’s practice: helps to open a demo account, gives skills in opening and closing transactions, teaches how to properly follow the news and, with their help, analyze market fluctuations, protect against risks and work with various financial instruments. Using the “Share Screen” function in Skype, a teacher can monitor the status of a novice trader’s account and adjust his actions. This course is considered basic; it allows the future trader to better understand the principles of the market and try his hand at it.

Some companies make courses and seminars for beginners free, inviting the student who completes them to enroll in the next, more detailed program for studying the game of the stock market - this program will be paid. Its cost depends on the number of classes chosen by the student: one three-hour lesson costs on average from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles. The final cost is also affected by the level of qualifications of the teacher - seminars of world-famous traders will cost students much more.

The development of Internet technologies allows students to study at any time convenient for them and in any country in the world, however, it is worth noting that from a psychological point of view, online communication even now, in 2017, is still inferior to live communication. This is why most major brokers give novice traders the opportunity study full-time . The student has the right to choose: work in a group(this option, as a rule, is cheaper, and also makes it possible to sort out mistakes during the learning process not only with the teacher, but also with other traders) or individually with a teacher develop your own class schedule. “Day training” helps not only to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the market, to practice tactics and strategies of behavior in an atmosphere close to the real one, but also gives the most important thing: it allows you to overcome the psychological barrier between educational and real trading. During group classes, novice traders, under the guidance of a consultant, simulate situations that can actually arise in the financial market, and thereby practice various reactions to its changes. In-person classes for beginners are also free; a more in-depth study of the game on the stock exchange, including programming trading strategies, will cost from 18,000 to 100,000 rubles. The price depends on the company providing the course, the number of classes, the qualifications of the teacher and other factors.

The Amsterdam stock exchange is considered one of the oldest stock exchanges in the world. The moment of its “birth” can be considered the year the construction of the building in which it was originally located began, that is, 1607. In 2000, the Amsterdam Stock Exchange ceased to exist as an independent entity.

What to consider when choosing courses

The best teachers are practitioners - this is an axiom that applies in all areas, and the stock market in this case is no exception. Therefore, when choosing a company that will help you gain a certain amount of knowledge and skills, pay attention to those that are already successful in this area - that is, they provide trading services in stock exchange instruments.

Pay attention to the reputation of the company - most likely, brokers who provide trading accounts and high-quality service also take the process of training beginner specialists with the same care. In addition, large brokers - such as Admiral Markets, TeleTrade, Alpari, Finam and some others - care about the relevance curricula, independently develop and improve them, give beginners the opportunity to choose the form of training, and also provide special literature and video lessons, and the opportunity to open a demo account. For example, RBC-TV has developed a series of lessons “The ABCs of Investor”, and the Admiral Markets company offers a series of video lectures that will help you understand from scratch the principles of the stock market: separate lessons are devoted to fundamental and technical analysis, and risk management.

In addition, large brokers give students the opportunity to improve their knowledge, both paid and free, by conducting webinars with famous traders.

Warning : contracts or financial instruments proposed for conclusion are high-risk and may lead to the loss of the deposited funds in full. Before entering into transactions, you should be aware of the risks involved.

Stock and currency exchanges are increasingly becoming part of the life of a modern person. If earlier they were the lot of only the richest part of the population and ordinary people had not even heard of them, now, thanks to the rapid development of the industry and the rise financial literacy of humanity, trading on the stock exchange has, to some extent, become an everyday thing.

Today, hundreds of millions of people successfully work on financial exchanges, trading, investing or acting as intermediaries in transactions.

Moreover, the constantly growing number of participants in exchange trading does not in any way reduce the opportunities it provides. On the contrary than more people, companies, brokers and other organizations involved in the game on the stock exchange, the better, and the more prospects open up for its players.

In this article we will look at what a game on the stock exchange is for beginners, where to start playing on the stock exchange and how to make your first money on it.

So, if you are filled with the desire to play on the stock exchange, then first What you need to do is decide which type of exchanges you prefer. Will it be (Stock market) or (Forex). There are, of course, other exchanges: commodity, futures, etc., but beginners in this industry are better off choosing the first two options, because securities and currency are the most popular, simple and, most importantly, profitable instruments. Opening up the broadest prospects for players.

You can read about the intricacies of choosing between these options in the article “,” where their strengths and weaknesses are sorted out. But now I’ll just say that if you are focused on making a quick profit, then it would be better to opt for the currency exchange, but if you are primarily interested in its volumes, then the stock exchange would be the best option.

Although, in fairness, it should be said that good profits (and we are not talking about hundreds, but thousands of dollars) can be made on any exchange. The main thing is to know how.

Second step When it comes to where to start playing on the stock exchange, you need to choose what you prefer: trading currencies and stocks, or investing in them in order to receive dividends.

Again, each of these options has both advantages and disadvantages, and each is capable of generating income. Because This issue was also discussed earlier, in the article “”; I will not delve into its subtleties now. And, if you have not yet decided which way to earn money you like, I recommend that you read the mentioned article, you will find a lot of interesting things.

Third step a person who wants to play on the stock exchange is to choose a broker - an intermediary who will provide you with access to the stock exchange and provide you with everything necessary for work software and will help you take your first steps on it.

We can help you in this matter, because... Our team, due to its line of work, closely monitors the situation developing on financial exchanges, and the totality of observations includes the selection of good brokers.

So, one of the best options for those who want to play on the stock exchange is the company. This broker provides the widest selection of trading and investment instruments, platforms and assets for trading, and also has a powerful theoretical basis available to the company’s clients. The reputation of the broker (the largest in the CIS countries) is also beyond doubt.

Do you want to make money on shares of super companies such as Google, Apple, MicroSoft, FaceBook? Invest in them with the most reliable stock broker – .

As for the currency exchange and Forex market, several companies can be distinguished here. Firstly, the broker is another hegemon of financial markets in post-Soviet countries, providing the widest selection of trading products.

And, secondly, it is a relatively young company that is rapidly gaining popularity thanks to uninterrupted and transparent work, as well as favorable conditions for market newcomers. We are talking about a Russian Forex broker. Descriptions of all these organizations and the conditions for working with them are on our website, and you can familiarize yourself with them by clicking on the appropriate link. Go ahead.

Fourth in the question: Playing on the stock exchange – where to start? – this is training. An exchange, any exchange, is not a place where you can go unprepared, and after completing several training courses, watching training lessons, listening to webinars, you will have a much greater chance of success than someone who is too lazy to do so.

You can learn to play the stock market in different ways, both at home and in courses. An excellent option for training beginners is offered by the Zerich company. There is everything a novice stock exchange player needs here. Webinars:

Training courses

And face-to-face classes (group and individual)

More information about where you can get high-quality and free training can be found in the article “”. In addition, in a special section of our website, we have collected a description of many tools, exchange concepts and terminology, ready-made strategies and work tactics, which you can also familiarize yourself with. This will take a little time, but it definitely won’t be unnecessary.

Fifth point plan - putting your skills into practice. If you feel that you are ready to compete with the stock exchange and translate theoretical skills into practice, then go ahead.

There is no need to wait for the “ideal moment” and put everything off until better times, because then you risk never starting, leaving all your dreams of high earnings and trading on the stock exchange unfulfilled.

If you are still afraid of trading on a real account, try working with, fortunately, its opening does not impose any obligations and does not contain financial risks.

That, in principle, is all that concerns the basic aspects of the question of where a beginner should start playing on the stock exchange. There are, of course, smaller aspects, such as drawing up a trading strategy, the ability to control your emotions, etc., you can get acquainted with all of them here at the School of Investment, because this is exactly what it was created for.

The main thing is not to be afraid and lazy. Although the stock exchange is treacherous, it fully rewards those who have made the effort and learned to work with it. And there are no obstacles to not at least trying to join the stock exchange game, improving your financial well-being. Until next time.

Best regards, Nikita Mikhailov
