Moscow State University genetic engineering. Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Moscow State University. What is bioengineering

With the development of technology, new specialties have emerged in many industries. Several innovative areas have also emerged in the field of biology. For example, bioengineering and bioinformatics. They are rightly called “the sciences of the future.” What they do is incredible. It seems like the magic is right in front of us.

At Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics has been functioning for 16 years. All this time, it has been producing certified bioengineers and bioinformaticians who have completed internships and are ready to work.

The faculties of bioengineering and bioinformatics of Moscow State University attract students the latest technology, methods of study, prospects and opportunities.

What is bioengineering

The newest area of ​​biology, which is closely related to technology, is bioengineering. It is fair to believe that he is the future. This young science is just beginning a long and promising path of development. However, there is already a lot of progress. Bioengineers design and then grow living organs and tissues that can last longer than transplants. They will also have a low risk of rejection by the body.

Currently, bioengineering has focused on the cellular and gene levels. This gives great prospects and hope for medicine in general. For example, on the basis of tissue cells, entire organs are grown, as mentioned above.

What is bioinformatics

Bioinformatics is a science that combines biology, mathematics, and computer science. The industry is at a development stage. The task of specialists in this field is the processing and analysis of data obtained in laboratories, as well as the correct structuring and work with this information.

Projects created by bioinformaticians are completely different in scale. Currently, the most popular among them is genomic bioinformatics (or personalized genomics). With the help of analysis, an individual optimal treatment method, diet, physical activity, and special recommendations are developed for a person. This program allows you to create a drug taking into account the characteristics of a particular person.

The faculties of bioengineering and bioinformatics of Moscow State University provide the knowledge necessary for further work.

Study at Moscow State University

The Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics at Moscow State University was founded in 2002. This is the first university in Russia to begin training personnel to work in these specialties. This area trains highly qualified specialists who are proficient in the latest knowledge in the field of biological sciences. They have the skills to modify an item according to the specified purpose. The training lasts six years.

"Foundation" of the faculty:

  • Training in bioengineering disciplines is provided.
  • Particular attention to mathematics. It is being studied in an increased volume.

Program specifics

The Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics at Moscow State University has several distinctive features that help make education more effective and of high quality. A special program comprehensively develops specialists, teaches them to think, self-learn and make important decisions.

Peculiarities educational system faculty:

  • An interdisciplinary approach is the basis of the training program. In other words, different information areas are used to solve the problem posed. Such as mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics. For this purpose, teachers of these faculties are involved, including employees of the Research Institute of Physics and Biology named after. A. N. Belozersky Moscow State University.
  • Tutors are working. That is, mentors who organize the conditions for the formation and implementation of individual educational program student.
  • Each student performs scientific work. Three coursework in the areas of bioinformatics, biochemistry, bioengineering. In the final year there is a final thesis. There is also the opportunity to defend it in the form of a report at a conference in a foreign language.
  • An end-to-end rating system has been established. This encourages students not to lower the bar.
  • Some attention is paid humanities and, of course, philosophy. For those interested, there is a special program for in-depth study of foreign languages; upon completion of the course, a confirming certificate is issued. This opens up broad prospects for working outside of Russia.
  • Students of the faculty are required to undergo practical training.

Entrance exams

In order to enter the faculty, you need to pass entrance tests. This is the Unified State Exam and work that is offered to be done directly at Moscow State University itself. The entrance exam scores for the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics at Moscow State University determine on what basis (budget or contract) the training will be conducted. Unified State Exam scores take into account mathematics, chemistry, biology and Russian. In mathematics, an additional entrance exam is conducted in written form. The passing score for the budget exceeds 300.

Applicants receive points for individual merit. For example, participation in Olympiads in the relevant field, the presence of a secondary school certificate are taken into account general education with honors, the presence of a gold GTO sign, sporting achievements, and in some cases the grade received for the final essay.

Documents are submitted in person, by mail or in electronic digital form (for the latter option, contact information is provided on the official website of the university).

For schoolchildren

If students in grades 9-11 want to improve their knowledge and prepare for admission to the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Moscow State University has special preparatory programs. For example, the faculty has had a group of genetic engineering and molecular biology for 15 years. A biology club for high school students has been operating for 10 years. The Faculty annually holds the All-Russian correspondence Olympiad in specialized subjects.

Hello! I'm one of the most happy people on the planet, my name is Nastya, I am 22 years old and I am a scientist. From those same scientists who wear white coats and make mutants. True, I haven’t made mutants for a year now, but first things first.

How it all began

I was born in Aktyubinsk, now this is the city of Aktobe in Kazakhstan, very beautiful, by the way. When I was two years old, we moved to Yekaterinburg. There I went to gymnasium No. 161, where I studied until the ninth grade.

Appearance gymnasium No. 161 of the city of Yekaterinburg

I have a lot of good memories about this school. Almost all the teachers were Teachers with capital letters, responsible, talented, moderately strict. This school gave me a very good foundation for future knowledge. It’s true that things didn’t work out with physics, but this is rather an exception.

Then we moved to Moscow, where I studied at secondary school No. 936. Ordinary, nothing special. There were bad teachers, there were good ones and even excellent ones, but all this was offset by the low level of training of the vast majority of my classmates. But compared to them, I was still a star, and besides, gold medal received without much effort.

About choosing a life path

In the eighth grade, I read some book, after which I wanted to become a diplomat. I even went to the open day at MGIMO and bought teaching aids, took history seriously. But suddenly it happened that I “fell ill” with chemistry. I was full of ambition, so I decided to enroll not just anywhere, but at the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University. But then my area of ​​interest changed, and I wanted to work on cutting-edge medical problems, for example, inventing a cure for cancer. And one of my friends advised me to enter the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

On the way to the dream - admission to Moscow State University at FBB

The Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics (FBB) is quite young, but already very famous. The year I entered (2008), the competition was more than 11 people per place. It’s not easy to do, but it’s possible, you just need to make every effort.

Helped me and some of my classmates a lot training courses at the faculty. It is also useful to participate in different Olympiads; it gives a significant advantage if you have a winner’s diploma.

But I entered through regular exams. I should have brought it Unified State Exam results in mathematics and Russian, and then pass written exams in biology, chemistry and mathematics. Now everything is taken in the form of a Unified State Exam, only in mathematics there is an additional entrance test.

Student life is a small life

And then a wonderful thing happened - we were given student cards. I still remember the moment when I first picked up the gray with silver embossed student one. All the next five years until I passed it were indescribably happy years.

I'm happy in front of the main building of Moscow State University

I remember the very first lecture at large audience Faculty of Biology. The warm September sun floods the large, ancient-looking hall with light, and I and my classmates, still unfamiliar to me, sit down at our desks, take out our notebooks and wait with bated breath for our first lecture in this temple of science. I will never forget this feeling, it was worth all the effort spent on admission and even more.

There are not enough words to describe the beauty of student years. I am very happy that I studied at FBB. I had the best classmates, we didn’t communicate closely with all of them, but they were all wonderful people and excellent specialists. I had the best teachers who sincerely love what they do, and it is simply impossible not to become infected with this love. I had the best supervisors for my coursework and theses, which I did in the best laboratories. The word “best” is too much, but I’m not exaggerating, it’s a fact.

We had terribly fun and interesting practices, one of them was on the White Sea, beyond the Arctic Circle. It's amazingly beautiful there.

One of the beautiful views of the White Sea

What was especially great was that there was no one at the biological station except students and teachers, and the nearest settlement 15 km by sea or the same amount through the forest. An amazing feeling of pleasant loneliness and some abandonment and unity with nature. Not every resident big city get to experience this.

I'm with starfish from the White Sea

Another unforgettable experience for me was the Moscow State University balls, which are held twice a year, in spring and autumn. A great opportunity to find yourself in a fairy tale, where delightful ladies in long dresses dance waltzes with gallant gentlemen in white gloves.

Me and my classmates at the ball

You don’t even have to talk about the learning process itself; everyone probably already knows that learning is hard, but very interesting. Every day you learn a lot of new things, and if you work in your specialty, most of this will definitely come in handy.

FBB is not the place where people come to get a piece of paper about higher things. This is truly education, and education is top level. As at all natural science faculties of Moscow State University, teachers do not take bribes, and it would never even occur to anyone to offer them. Each student learns on his own, there is no other way, even cheating is not particularly accepted, only in some extreme cases. They expel me mercilessly, usually in the first two years and usually because of mathematics, which is very strong in our department.

I would also like to say something about scientific work. The Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics trains scientists, the vast majority of graduates go to graduate school, about half of them to foreign studies, fortunately the specialists are good and fluency in English allows. Coursework begins in the second year, and each student has his own scientific adviser, who immediately teaches how to work in the laboratory. This is an extremely valuable experience practical work, when, as just second-year students, we were already doing full-fledged scientific work, albeit small and uncomplicated. Then the work became more serious and interesting, we mastered many new methods, many of us published articles in scientific journals, and this is an indisputable indicator of the quality of our work.

What is a big disadvantage is the small amount of free time, especially in the first years. Sometimes I even had to skip classes in order to have time to do experiments in the laboratory; there was no talk of part-time work. In the last courses it’s more free, but it’s also hard. But if you like what you do - and we all liked it! - then you don’t care about all the hardships.

So what now?

One day, that sad moment came when we put on our robes and received our diplomas, sang a farewell song, threw our confederate medals into the air and parted with the students. I look back at the photos where my classmates and I are so happy, and tears well up. These five years have passed so quickly! But I don’t regret a single minute spent at my favorite faculty. He gave me great friends interesting job, useful knowledge, pleasant impressions, a goal for life.

As one teacher in our department said, “a scientist is a vaccination for life.” This is true. Once you try to do science, it is impossible to quit. And you can continue your career anywhere. All roads are open to graduates of the FBB MSU. Some of my classmates are now in graduate school in the USA and Europe, some remain in Moscow. I myself remained in graduate school at Moscow State University, studying immunology, working in a wonderful laboratory with good people And I am happy. Yes, the scholarship is small. Yes, there is not much time for part-time work. Yes, in Russia everything is not as good with science as we would like. But what could be more valuable than a job that you want to come to?

Our graduation

Prikhodko Anastasia Sergeevna

Dean - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Petrovich Skulachev

The rapid development of biology has led to the widespread use of completely new practical approaches to solve problems in health and Agriculture, for the development of fundamentally new technologies and materials in various industries. All over the world there is a shortage of qualified personnel capable of working fruitfully in the field of bioengineering and bioinformatics, and our country is no exception.

The Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, created in 2002 at Moscow State University, trains highly qualified personnel for research institutes and universities, medical institutes and institutions, industry (especially pharmaceutical and biotechnical industries). These are specialists who have mastered the latest achievements of fundamental biological science and capable of purposefully changing biological objects in accordance with assigned tasks.

In order to effectively and optimally train such specialists, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has approved a new educational specialty “bioengineering and bioinformatics”. Distinctive features specialties are:

  • studying bioengineering disciplines: genetic engineering; bioengineering of microorganisms, plants and animals; cell cloning and transplantation; protein engineering; engineering enzymology;
  • a significant increase in the volume of teaching mathematics and, especially, computer science, as in general course, and within the framework of specialized courses in bioinformatics.

The FBB educational system has the following features:

  • The FBB training program is based on an interdisciplinary approach. Teaching activities are carried out by employees of the chemical, biological, mechanics-mathematics and physics faculties, as well as employees of the Research Institute of Physics and Biology named after. A.N. Belozersky Moscow State University. Students fully master classical biology and classical mathematics inherent in university traditions. In addition to this, they study the most modern methods bioengineering, genetic engineering, molecular biology, bioinformatics and mathematics. methods in biology;
  • the faculty has introduced a system of tutors - scientists who personally supervise research work students. Scientific work students - an important and obligatory part curriculum. Each student completes three coursework during the course of study - in bioinformatics, biochemistry and bioengineering; in the final year he completes thesis. Defense is practiced coursework in the form of a conference report in English. Duration of training - 6 years;
  • an end-to-end rating system was introduced as a stimulus for student competitiveness;
  • The faculty offers courses in “Russian language and culture of speech”, “Psychology and pedagogy”, “Philosophy”, “Rhetoric”, as well as elective and special language courses - “Abstracting and translation”, “Methodology of the specialty in English”. The opportunity is provided for in-depth study of the English language, and, if desired, students are prepared to take international exams in English. English language(with subsequent receipt of international certificates). There is an opportunity to study the second and third foreign language(French, German);
  • Faculty students undergo the following educational practices: in the first year - biological practice (Zvenigorod Biological Station named after S.P. Skadovsky); in the second year - zoological practice (White Sea Biological Station named after N.A. Pertsov, Karelian coast of the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea); in the third year - internship in bioinformatics (by competition, Leiden University, the Netherlands).

Using new information technologies and computer equipment in educational process And scientific research is one of the most important priorities of the faculty. Multimedia support is widely used training sessions. Internet access is provided. An Internet portal for the bioinformatics course has been created. We organized our own workshops on biochemistry, molecular biology, and cytogenetics.

Graduates of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics make up the contingent of the most sought-after categories of young specialists. The complexity and versatility of the education received, as well as the skills of research work, allowed graduates of the faculty to find application for the acquired knowledge in the most various areas. Most of the graduates decided to continue their education in the postgraduate education system and became graduate students and applicants at the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Moscow State University, Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology named after. A.N. Belozersky, Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Center of Bioengineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute of Biomedical Chemistry named after. V.N. Orekhovich RAMS. Excellent language training allowed graduates of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics to be in demand not only in our country, but also abroad and continue their studies at the University of Florida and others (USA), Max Planck Institute (Germany), Medical center Leiden University (Netherlands), etc.

Since September 2003, the Faculty has opened and successfully operates a Club on Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology for students in grades 9-10. Since 2008, a biochemistry club has been operating for high school students. The Faculty holds the All-Russian correspondence Olympiad in mathematics, chemistry, biology and physics. The faculty offers preparatory courses in mathematics, chemistry, biology, Russian language and literature.

If you love biology, if you have a good mathematical background, and also a penchant for computer technology, then we are waiting for you at our faculty!


Apply to the budget at the Moscow State University FBB (2016)

This is the layout. There are only 27 places on the FBB (they can increase by 1-3 by Sadovnichy’s personal decision). Half of them immediately go to the winners of the All-Russian Biology Olympiad for schoolchildren. There are about 10 places left, for which 200 people are applying. The passing score is quite high. This year there were 456 points out of 500.

Exams: Unified State Exam in mathematics (major), chemistry, biology and Russian language and a written exam in mathematics (mekhmatov level with the most difficult tasks).

Considering the exceptional complexity of the written university exam and its possible biased assessment, you cannot lose any points at all on the Unified State Examination or lose them at a very minimum (a total of less than 10 points).

In addition to exams, there is also a medical examination that is quite difficult and can be a problem for me.

Starting positions: “graduate of previous years”, this year’s Unified State Examination (USE) Russian 98, mathematics 70, biology 91, chemistry 42. Plus, probably on the verge of a formal health test. And there is also an incomprehensible situation with the additional points that are now given during entrance exams: for high achievements in sports, a certificate with honors and an essay. If everything is clear with sports and an excellent certificate, I don’t have that. That's with school essay It’s not clear what to do: ask at school, write in a new way, or this option is not available to me at all. They give up to 10 points for it, which can be decisive.

In general, the task is complex and complex, requiring not only hard work, but also a certain amount of luck. I will try to make every effort to complete it. Let's see what I can come up with.

The list of subgoals will be constantly updated and expanded.. Work through books, pass exams and solve organizational issues a lot is needed. And, unfortunately, it is impossible to plan all this right away. I'll start small.

General plan until the end of December 2015:

Repeat what has already been learned by the summer of this year and significantly increase general level knowledge of geometry(now close to zero, I don’t know much except the most elementary formulas and theorems) and in chemistry(where I have a monstrously low level, naturally reflected in 42 points on the Unified State Exam).

Register for the Unified State Exam. Decide which one - preliminary March or in the general flow in May-June. On the one hand, I may not be able to make it by March, on the other hand, I would like to spend the entire May and June studying exclusively mathematics, preparing for an extremely difficult written exam at Moscow State University, and not repeating Unified State Examination subjects.

Plus figure out what's wrong essay. I wouldn’t want to lose 10 points, nor would I want to contact my school. It would probably be better to write it again, but it’s not a fact that this is possible. And finally, find out what to do with the Russian - is it possible to keep last year’s result or is there an opportunity to improve it while maintaining the ability to use the old result.

Completion Criteria

Enrollment as state-funded students at the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Moscow University by September 1, 2016.

Personal resources

Time and great desire.

Environmentally friendly goal

Becoming a professional biologist is currently my main priority in life. This is a very interesting activity and also a comfortable way to emigrate from Russia. There are no better biology faculties in Russia than the FBB, and by world standards this is a very decent place. In general, getting into the FBB is my main goal now.
