Why do stars fall from the sky every August? Russians will see the most spectacular starfall of the summer this coming night. What time will the starfall take place on August 11-12?

The summer of 2018 turned out to be rich in unique natural phenomena. In addition to the partial solar eclipse, which is expected on Saturday, August 11, the largest starfall of the year will take place on the same day.

If it is not possible to observe a solar eclipse live in Ukraine, then the meteor shower in clear weather will be visible in all its beauty.

What is a “rain of stars”?

In the last month of summer, the starry sky traditionally becomes the object of close attention for lovers of astronomy, astrology and simply beautiful natural phenomena. The thing is that in August you can observe the Perseids - a meteor shower coming from the direction of the constellation Perseus, which is literally a “rain of stars” - meteors that sweep across the sky at speeds of up to 59 km/sec.

The peak of the starfall in 2018 is expected on the nights of August 11-12 and August 12-13, the most intense shower will take place on August 13 after midnight. According to preliminary estimates by scientists, its density will be moderate: 60-70 meteors per hour. Despite the impressive numbers, the flow will indeed be moderate, because, for example, in 2016, experts recorded figures in the range of 150-200 meteors per hour.

When will the starfall occur in August 2018?

On the night of August 12-13, Russians will experience the most beautiful starfall 2018. It will result from maximum activity meteor shower Perseids. According to forecasts by the International Meteor Organization, up to 100 “shooting stars” (meteors) can be seen per hour at the peak of the August meteor shower.

Also, the convenience of observing the stellar flow on the night of August 12-13, 2018 will be positively affected by the absence of lunar illumination, since the described event occurs just a day after the new moon, and the crescent of the young Moon will not yet be visible.

In general, the August Perseid starfall will decorate the night sky not only on the night from August 12 to August 13, 2018, but also on nearby dates. You can observe the starfall starting from July 20, 2018 and ending on August 21, 2018. But it will be especially noticeable in the several days before and after August 13, 2018.

Where will the starfall be visible from August 12 to 13, 2018?

Since the August meteor shower is a consequence of the Perseid meteor shower (named after the constellation from which it emerges), meteors will appear from the direction of the constellation Perseus.

In the night sky of the northern hemisphere, the constellation Perseus is located in the northeastern part of the sky, approximately in the center between the horizon and the zenith.

Why does starfall occur?

What is a starburst anyway? The name of this phenomenon is deceptive and misleads some people. No, the stars do not fall down.

Astronomers call a meteor shower a meteor shower, and it is created by numerous meteors - these are fragments of comets that fall into the Earth's atmosphere and burn up in it, while on their way down they glow like stars.

If we talk about the Perseid star shower, it occurs when our planet passes through a trail of particles from comet Swift-Tuttle. From Earth, it appears that the center from which the meteors fall is in the constellation Perseus.

But in reality, the meteor shower has nothing to do with this constellation, it simply bears its name and occurs in the same part of the sky.

The mystical meaning of starfall

In ancient times, when humanity did not yet know about the existence of regular meteor showers, their appearance instilled fear and surprise in people, and some even believed that aliens had arrived.

There is an interesting belief: if you make a wish on a falling star, it will definitely come true. Our ancestors thought so, and today many believe in the sign, and oddly enough, very often it comes true.

In 2018, the night from August 11 to 12 coincides with the first lunar day - this is a great time to make a wish, the fulfillment of which will change your life.

To increase your chances, follow these simple rules:

  • wishes are made alone;
  • clearly state what you want with all the details;
  • name the exact date by which the wish should come true, let this date be realistic.

Tonight, from the twelfth to the thirteenth of August, you definitely need to go outside and look at the sky, since only once a year we can observe a wonderful astronomical phenomenon - the Perseid starfall. This is the most intense " star Rain", which you can only see, and you can’t miss it: not only does the starfall itself look enchanting, but you can also make several dozen cherished wishes.

What is a meteor shower, and do we really see numerous stars “dying”? We hasten to disappoint you or make you happy: this is not entirely true. It’s just that our planet is now passing through the orbit of the famous comet Swift-Tuttle, and it, in turn, is entering the constellation Perseus. And those “falling stars” that we are lucky enough to observe are particles of this cosmic body burning in the atmosphere. They are very small in size: sometimes they are grains of sand or tiny pebbles.

At the peak of the starfall, you can see up to a hundred of these grains of sand burning in the atmosphere, which we call “shooting stars.” We will see the most fiery flashes in the skies today, on the night from the twelfth to the thirteenth of August. The Perseids starfall can be observed in the following days, however, today will be its beautiful culmination.

Where can you watch the Perseids starfall?

Today, from eleven in the evening until dawn, you can admire the astronomical phenomenon of the Perseid starfall, seeing all its delights with the naked eye. In addition, now we are favored by the new moon: the sky will be dark, moonless, and the stars will be visible a hundred times better. Starfall can be viewed throughout Russia, as well as other European countries, and the United States of America.

To avoid mistakes, immediately pay attention to the northern part of the sky, and the best reference point is the North Star. From it there are two stars in a straight line, to the right towards the constellation Cassiopeia, which is in the shape of the letter “W”.. But it is better to look towards the south or southwest, since the meteors there are more intense.

We recommend that you settle in with all the comforts, but you should remember that it is best to admire the stars in nature, away from city lights. Arm yourself with insect repellent spray, warm blankets, a thermos of tea, good company - and go!

How to make a wish on a falling star?

Is it true that the wishes we make on a falling star come true? In fact, no one will give you the answer to this question, but there are several positive aspects in this process that will truly help your deepest aspirations come true. Firstly, to quickly make a wish while a star is falling, you need to at least formulate it. The correct formulation is half the success, so you will think a hundred times about your innermost thoughts, and the path to achievement may be found faster than you expect.

Secondly, you will begin to think about your desires even more, which will also lead to a mechanical search for a way out of the situation. Perhaps this approach will lead to success much more than simply relying on the stars? However, no side effects The fact that you make a wish on a falling star will definitely not happen, but there is a chance that it will come true.

Our ancestors firmly believed that what was planned was being realized, and they may have been right in some ways. Let's follow their example and wish for the most secret things during the Perseid starfall! Remember that you cannot tell anyone about your wish until it comes true. And it’s best to whisper your cherished words alone, looking at a falling star.

How to photograph the Perseids starfall as successfully as possible?

  • Use a wide-angle lens;
  • Open your aperture to capture more meteors. The best option is f/2, the parameter has a larger field of view;
  • Use a fisheye lens or setting;
  • Set the shutter speed to 30 seconds;
  • Use burst shooting and auto mode to avoid missing meteors;
  • Set the ISO value to 1600.

The Perseids starfall is considered the record holder for the number of fireballs - this is also the name of these brightest meteors. Every hour on the night of August 12-13, a hundred or even more stars will fly in the sky - a truly mesmerizing sight. Especially in such almost ideal conditions.

But those who want to enjoy the starfall from the city will not be left without their share of meteors either. True, only the brightest meteors will remain visible in the illuminated sky.

The most spectacular event of the summer - the Perseid meteor shower - Russians can watch in all its glory this weekend. The peak activity of “shooting stars” occurs on the night of August 12-13 - don’t forget to make wishes, because in one hour you can watch up to hundreds of meteors burning in the sky.

This year the Perseid shower is not very active, because sometimes it reaches three hundred meteors per hour, but it is still worth seeing the spectacle. Romance, aesthetics, in the end, also scientific knowledge and unforgettable emotions - missing the event would be a stupid mistake.

Many look at the starfall philosophically, others feel a mystical influence astronomical phenomenon- be that as it may, there is a logical explanation for the flow, although some do not pay attention to it. Once a year, during its movement, our planet passes through the dust trail of comet Swift-Tuttle, located in the constellation Penrseids. In the sky, in fact, we are not observing falling stars, but small particles of the comet’s tail, which break off and burn before reaching the Earth.

Where is the best place to watch the Perseids starfall in 2018 and what time?

Starfall is visible from anywhere in our country. The main thing that astronomers advise is to leave or drive away from city lights to enjoy the action in full force. The moon will not interfere with your viewing this summer - the starfall occurred on a new moon, and therefore the satellite's disk will not block your view.

The radiant of the Perseid stream is located in the constellation Perseus, it is easy to find it in the sky to the right of the Big Dipper, below the constellation Cassiopeia - the very letter W in the sky.

The starfall begins immediately with the arrival of darkness, but if you want to see those same hundred stars per hour, then it is better to stay up almost all night - the peak of starfall activity begins at 3 a.m. and lasts until 5 a.m. (unless, of course, dawn disturbs you).

Astronomers advise choosing a place so that the eastern or southern side of the horizon is clearly visible. A rug is spread on the ground - it is better to watch the starfall in a horizontal position. If you want to make a wish, it is better to be alone or with your closest person (this is the advice of astrologers). Try to literally absorb the energy of falling meteors and deeply believe that they are capable of fulfilling what you want.

Live broadcast of the Perseid starfall will be available online

If you don’t have the opportunity to go on a romantic walk, you can watch the starfall on the Internet. The effect, of course, is not the same, but in the video you will definitely not miss a single shooting star.

Starfall videos are provided to a wide audience both by ordinary users who want to share their emotions with millions, and by scientific stations that also do not ignore an important astronomical phenomenon.

Perseids starfall on August 12 watch online

The influence of starfall on a person’s fate and well-being - what to pay attention to

The Perseids starfall will continue until August 20 inclusive - it’s just that this weekend turned out to be the most active. The impact of the starfall will be felt until the end of next week. No, it does not cause physical ailments, unlike magnetic storms And solar eclipses. But it makes a whole spectrum of controversial emotions rage.

Perseus symbolizes the struggle between light and dark, and therefore you should not expect calm and stability during “his” starfall. You will be thrown from one decision to another, and most importantly, each one will seem correct. You can choose the truly right path only based on your desires and feelings - that is, if there is even a drop of doubt, immediately abandon the chosen path and look for the next one.

Many at this time will want to fight for justice, protect the weak, sort things out - the main thing is to do everything very carefully, finding out the motives of people and the reasons for their actions down to the smallest detail, because often during the period of Perseus’s power one can misunderstand events or words and commit rash actions.

Try to be closer to your family, forgive people for their weaknesses, be kinder and more merciful - then the dark side will definitely not allow you to short term turn the path of your life in a completely wrong direction.

Starfall from August 12, 2018 to August 13, 2018 - what time and where will it be visible


On the night of August 12-13 Russians can expect the most beautiful starfall of 2018. It will be a consequence of the maximum activity of the Perseid meteor shower. According to forecasts by the International Meteor Organization, at the peak of the August meteor shower, up to 100 “shooting stars” (meteors) can be seen per hour.

Also, the convenience of observing the stellar flow on the night of August 12-13, 2018 will be positively affected by the absence of lunar illumination, since the described event occurs just a day after the new moon, and the crescent of the young Moon will not yet be visible.

In general, the August Perseid starfall will decorate the night sky not only on the night from August 12 to August 13, 2018, but also on nearby dates. You can watch the starfall starting from July 20, 2018, and ending on August 21, 2018. But it will be especially noticeable in the several days before and after August 13, 2018.


Since the August meteor shower is a consequence of the Perseid meteor shower (named after the constellation from which it emerges), meteors will appear from the direction of the constellation Perseus.

In the night sky of the northern hemisphere, the constellation Perseus is located in the northeastern part of the sky, approximately centered between the horizon and zenith.


The peak of the starfall occurs at 18:00 Moscow time. Sunday August 12, 2018. The active phase will also last throughout the night from 12 to 13 August.

Since for residents of the central part of Russia the starfall will reach its maximum during daylight hours (August 12, 2018, sunset time in Moscow is 20:12 Moscow time), it is best to start observing the celestial phenomenon immediately after sunset, simultaneously with the onset of twilight.

Starfall in August 2018: when and how to look at the Perseid meteor shower

The Perseid meteor shower is clearly visible in the first half of August. The starfall will reach its maximum activity on the night of August 12-13. We tell you why shooting stars appear in August and how to see the meteor shower in all its glory.

What is the Perseid meteor shower?

The Perseids are generated by comet Swift-Tuttle, reports TASS. It moves in an elongated orbit around the Sun. It takes a comet 133 years to complete one circle.

When Comet Swift-Tuttle approaches a star, its core gradually evaporates, and dust particles and pebbles form a trail. For hundreds of years, the pressure of solar radiation stretches it along its orbit and at the same time stretches it wider.

This is how the Perseid meteor shower is formed, which is more than 40 million km wide. Planet Earth has been crossing it for more than a month. But the dense part of the meteor shower is narrower: it is equal to 1.3 million km, and we cross it in about 12 hours.

Why was the meteor shower called the Perseids?

The meteor shower of Comet Swift-Tuttle was called the Perseids because when looking at the sky, it seems that the source of the meteors is the constellation Perseus.

Why do we see "shooting stars"?

Particles of the meteor shower at a breakneck speed - 53 km per second - meet the Earth's atmosphere and burn up.

How to watch a meteor shower?

  • Meteors are visible to the naked eye;
  • 15 minutes before observation, you need to stop looking at brightly colored sources so that your eyes get used to the darkness;
  • It is important to remember that meteors do not appear continuously. You may not see anything for 5-10 minutes, and then within a minute several meteors will appear at once;
  • There is no need to concentrate on individual stars and suddenly shift your gaze - stars can create the illusion of a meteor;
  • At the beginning of the night, the constellation Perseus is low above the eastern horizon, in the middle of the night it rises and moves south;
  • It is recommended to look not directly at the constellation, but at an area of ​​the sky a little to the side (at the zenith, in the southwest and south).
  • The Perseids are best observed at three or four o'clock in the morning.

Why watch Starfall 2018?

On the night of August 12-13, 2018, you can see about a hundred meteors per hour. This data is provided by

In August 2017, throughout the Northern Hemisphere and in Russia in particular, it will be possible to observe the most active and incredibly beautiful starfall.

According to scientists, on the night of August 12-13, 2017, it will be possible to observe a whole cluster of burning meteors that are already heading towards the Earth to fulfill the wishes of those who made wishes.

This night marks the maximum activity of the Perseid meteor shower. The Perseids are a very powerful and unusually beautiful meteor shower.

The Perseids, named after the constellation Perseus, are debris left behind by Comet Swift-Tuttle.

The large 26-kilometer-long nucleus of Comet Swift-Tuttle is showering hundreds of massive meteorites. Comet, the largest body solar system and it cannot fly near the Earth many times. It will not approach our planet until 2126.

She left quite a bit of dust behind from her last visit in 1992. As the Earth orbits the Sun, it collides with debris.

When particles collide earth's atmosphere on high speeds, they light up and create a flash, which we call a starburst. The result is a fabulous and enchanting spectacle. It happens around the same time every August.

The Perseid meteor shower is one of the big three largest meteor showers. It usually begins around July 17, and reaches its peak on August 9-13.

In 2017, the Perseids reached their apogee on the night of August 12-13. The maximum number of combustible particles can reach more than 200 per hour. To see it you need to look towards the constellation Perseus. It can only be observed in the northern hemisphere.

The Perseids are one of the brightest meteor showers of the year. The best time to view these meteors is after midnight. Typically, the meteors of this shower are very bright and fast, and for observation you should not concentrate on any one region of the sky - they appear throughout the sky.

In order to see the Perseids starfall, it is enough to find a place where there will be good review sky and it is advisable to stay away from all light sources at this time. It is recommended to watch the show in the pre-dawn hours.

And don’t forget to make a wish, because according to legend, it is during this period that everything you think comes true.

To achieve greater success, you need to count as many shooting stars as the sum of your birth date. Only after this make a wish and remember - no negative thoughts.

Residents of the entire Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, including Russia, will be able to observe this romantic phenomenon and admire the most popular and brightest “star shower” of the year. Shooting stars will be best seen after midnight and before sunrise.

The maximum intensity of the stream will occur on August 13 - according to forecasts of the International Meteor Organization, up to 100-150 meteors per hour are expected, that is, more than two meteors per minute.

The stated figure refers to observations in the entire sky, far from the city with a clear horizon, noted Vladimir Surdin, a senior researcher at the State Astronomical Institute (SAI) of Moscow State University.

“Astronomers calculate things a little differently. In the whole sky, if the conditions were the same as at the zenith, in general, the most ideal conditions. This cannot be expected for an observer in the city. It is necessary to reduce the amount by 5-6 times so that a person really feels what he expects to see,” the expert explained.

At the same time, Surdin noted that if you stand for five minutes with your head raised, you will certainly see it, since the stream is active, and about once every 2-3 minutes the meteor will “strike” across the sky.

For an observer in central Russia, around midnight, the constellation Perseus is located in the northeastern part of the sky. In the evening it begins its journey from the eastern horizon, rising very high in the morning (almost to the zenith), so that “shooting stars” become visible throughout the sky.

In order not to miss the flow, you need, first of all, to find the constellation Perseus and concentrate on observation. First, you need to orient yourself according to the cardinal directions, then determine the eastern direction.

And it is there, in the center of the eastern sky, slightly above the Pleiades star cluster, that the constellation Perseus is located. And in order to fully enjoy the gift of the Universe, it is necessary to choose places on a hill, not fenced by trees and high-rise structures.

The best view will be away from cities with their blinding light. Those who do not have the opportunity to get far from home can watch the starfall through live broadcasts.

To observe a meteor shower, you do not need any astronomical instruments - you can enjoy the night star spectacle of summer with the naked eye.

During a starfall, you can not only enjoy the beauty, but also use the opportunity to tell fortunes for the future. You will be able to mentally ask questions and receive positive or negative answers. A long trail after a star's fall will be positive, while a negative sign will be a rapid fading.
