Teleportation. Is this phenomenon scientifically possible? Teleportation is not fantasy, but reality. When will it be possible to teleport a person? Is there a teleport

Moving in space and time has been a long-standing dream of man, and it seems that it has every chance of coming true. Recent research by scientists has confirmed that teleportation is possible. Don't believe me? Then make sure of this by reading our article.

Cases of teleportation of people in the past

The teleportation theory has both supporters and opponents. The former, as one of their arguments, cite cases from history when a person moved vast distances in the blink of an eye.

Teleportation (Greek τήλε - “far” and Lat. portare - “carry”) is a hypothetical change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time. The term was coined in 1931 by American writer Charles Fort to describe strange disappearances and appearances, paranormal phenomena that he believed had something in common. Wikipedia

The first person supposedly capable of teleportation was the healer Apollonius of Tyana, who lived in Rome in the 1st century AD. e. They say he could cover the distance between Rome and Ephesus in a few seconds. Emperor Domitian found out about this amazing ability of the doctor, who considered it dangerous and accused Apollonius of Tyana of witchcraft. When the doctor was about to be executed, he disappeared in a flash of light, after which he was seen several kilometers from the place of execution.

Movement in space was also recorded in the 16th century. Then a soldier appeared in Mexico City, talking about his journey to Mexico from the Philippines, which took only a few minutes. The man said he lost consciousness when rioters attacked the governor's residence in Manila, which was being guarded by a soldier. A few moments later he came to his senses, but already in Mexico City.

At first they did not believe him and considered him an ordinary deserter. However, when a ship arrived from the Philippines, the soldier's story was confirmed.

In the 17th century, in Spain, there lived a nun named Maria, who teleported to America at least five hundred times over the course of 11 years. She told her sisters in faith about her travels in which she converted local aborigines - the Yuma Indians - to Christianity.

Pope Urban VIII did not believe these stories and asked the Spanish king to check the authenticity of the nun's stories. The ship that came from America brought evidence from the Indians themselves, who confirmed that a woman from Europe similar to Mary actually appeared to them more than once, who spoke about Christ and gave rosaries.

Many people believe that the magician Harry Houdini also had the secret of teleportation. It was with the help of this method of movement that he left a locked, guarded cell in one of the prisons in St. Petersburg.

Tesla and Einstein teleportation experiment

As further confirmation that movement in space is possible, proponents of the theory of teleportation cite the example of an experiment conducted in 1943 by Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein.

By order of the military, scientists had to move in space large object- ship "Eldridge". Scientists were allegedly able to combine gravitational and electromagnetic flows, directing their power to an experimental object. In front of the amazed witnesses of the experiment, the ship disappeared.

It reappeared in the same place a few minutes later, but none of those who were on it could tell where the ship had disappeared to. Some of them were simply smeared against the side by an unknown force, the rest were damaged in their minds. Adepts of teleportation are sure: movement in space took place; during its absence, the ship managed to be a hundred kilometers from its anchorage.

Modern teleportation research

Modern scientists also do not lose hope of discovering the secret of teleportation and, it must be said, they partially succeeded. Of course, it’s too early to talk about human movement, but researchers have already learned how to transport the smallest particles in space.

According to Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier and his colleagues managed to teleport DNA from one test tube to another. The researchers filled one test tube with water and placed DNA molecules in the second. By passing through them radiation that first passed through a container with genetic material, and then through a beaker of water, the researchers found not only water in the latter, but also DNA.

Chinese scientist Jiang Kanzhen was also able to teleport DNA, but from a living object to another living object. By influencing the melon with electromagnetic field, the researcher transferred its DNA to a cucumber, after which the new fruits of this plant began to taste like melon.

By the way, zoologists believe that movement in space is subject to the queen ant. Observations have shown: a large female laying eggs is actually locked in an earthen bag by the rest of the ants. Only narrow passages are left to it, along which small family members bring food.

Scientists periodically removed the top layer of soil, but did not find the female in place. And after a while she magically appeared there again. This is movement in space.

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Many people want to learn how to teleport like in science fiction films. Move in the blink of an eye from one point to another. It sounds like something incredible, but there have been cases of teleportation in history.

On Wikipedia or encyclopedic dictionaries you can find a serious definition of teleportation.

Teleportation is a hypothetical change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time.

But there is a more understandable explanation - this is the movement of a person in space, when he can instantly move from point A to point B. Moreover, the points can be located not only in the visibility zone, but also on different continents.

This skill will help save time and money when traveling. So it would be nice to learn how to do this.

Fiction or reality

In the age of digital technology, when scientific discoveries have advanced to unprecedented distances in 20-30 years, it is difficult to distinguish fiction from truth. Especially in such a controversial issue.

Officially, there is no development or physical evidence that teleportation is possible. But if in recent centuries this was something completely fantastic and impossible, now things are different.

  1. With the advent of the Internet and cameras on the streets, stories about the movement of people in space began to emerge more often.
  2. Scientists have stopped being skeptical about the theory of human teleportation. After all, there is already progress in this direction.
  3. We have developed a way to move objects. The device is called Scotty and is based on a 3D printer - it destroys the original object, scans it, and recreates a copy of it in another location.

They say that by 2080 a device for teleportation will be invented.

There have been no documented movements yet. Maybe people just don't want to become lab rats, so they hide their skills.

Teleportation technologies

There are already several technologies that are similar to teleportation - they move non-living objects to another location. There is only one difficulty - the original is destroyed. Therefore, this method is not applicable to people.

The original is destroyed and a clone appears in a new location.

But scientists are getting closer to developing safe ways to teleport. According to the most optimistic forecasts, it will be possible to create a teleport as early as 2035.

Real teleportation in life

In addition to technological devices, there are stories of ordinary people who are able to navigate space without technology. And with the power of thought.

  1. In 1952, Tudor Pole walked the mile and a half from the suburbs to his home in just 3 minutes.
  2. In 1982, under the supervision of scientists, Chinese Zhang Baosheng teleported objects from one place to another. After conducting a series of experiments they confirmed his abilities.
  3. A prisoner systematically disappeared from Hadad Prison, only to later reappear in his cell. I just didn't want to increase the time.
  4. A young man instantly appeared at a subway station in New York, claiming that he had only been in the suburbs of Rome. The police checked the information, and it indeed turned out to be true.
  5. In 1871, a clairvoyant from London, Mrs. Guppy, moved from her home to the table of a group of people who were conducting a seance.
  6. On January 4, 1975, Argentinean Carlos Diaz was walking home. I felt dizzy and sat down on the lawn to avoid falling. And he found himself 500 miles from the original place.
  7. In 1937, prisoner of the Kresty prison N.F. Volkov felt dizzy and losing consciousness. He began to look for something for support so as not to fall, but grabbed the parapet on the bank of the Neva River.

And this is only a small part of the stories that have become known to the public. Much more teleportation occurs outside the public domain. Or they don't believe the stories.
There is a documented episode of human teleportation.

Maybe it's a montage, or maybe the person teleported to save a stranger from an accident.

How to learn teleportation

As can be seen from the examples above, very often people teleport involuntarily. In a stressful situation or simply feel weak, and the next second they find themselves in another place.

But you can try to develop in yourself hidden talents. After all, there is a theory that previously all people were able to teleport at will. But over time, they stopped using the ability, and the skill lies dormant inside. And it can be awakened at home.

  1. Choose a time and place where no one will disturb you and nothing will disturb you.
  2. Curtain the windows, turn off all light sources, make it dark.
  3. Sit in a position that is comfortable for you, so that nothing interferes with you and you can relax.
  4. Close your eyes.
  5. Slowly relax all the muscles of your body - from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
  6. Clear your thoughts. Focus on your breathing to enter a trance, similar to meditation.
  7. While in this state, begin to visualize a place that you know in detail and is nearby. For the first time, you need to choose the next room or something located just as close. You can even have another chair in the same room.
  8. You must mentally move to that place. Feel the elasticity of the sofa, the smells in that room. Create the feeling that you are already in that place. It is advisable to sit in the right place before the exercise and remember how you feel.
  9. Having completely immersed yourself in these ideas, wish with all your might to be there. Your desire should be very strong, complete, greedy, as if everything depends on it!
  10. If you feel that your body seems to “dissolve”, becomes incorporeal, do not open your eyes or stop under any circumstances. Now you need to gain even more strength and visualize yourself in a new place.
  11. At the end, you will feel that the teleportation is over - a feeling of integrity, full tactile sensations of the new place.
  12. Open your eyes.

Exercise for 45 minutes every other day to avoid overexerting yourself. When you get it at close range for the first time, increase the range. But the main thing is that you must accurately imagine the place where you plan to end up.

It is impossible to say for sure whether you will be able to learn to teleport. Someone has this talent and will be able to develop the gift in themselves thanks to these tips. But in any case, believe in your abilities - if you are skeptical about teleportation, then you will definitely not succeed.

Not every person can believe in the existence of such a phenomenon as teleportation. But researchers were able to collect many facts that indicate the possibility of instantaneous movement of physical bodies over considerable distances. Today we will talk about what teleportation exists, what main types scientists divide it into, the problems of its enforcement, as well as the risks and dangers associated with this interesting phenomenon.

Teleportation concept

The term “teleportation” has two roots: Greek. τήλε (far) and lat. portare (to carry). Teleportation is the instantaneous process of moving an object over a significant distance at a speed exceeding the speed of light. This phenomenon has been known to people for many centuries, and therefore teleportation has received many different names. This phenomenon is called jauntation, transgression, null-transportation, null-jump, hyperjump, hyperjump.

Mystics believe that teleportation is one of the untapped powers of the mind. The ability to move instantly is inherent in a person from birth. But it belongs to the sphere of the inactive part of the brain, so ordinary people are deprived of the ability to instantly move over fantastic distances. It is assumed that a person who has discovered this ability will be able to teleport if he concentrates on a certain point in time and space.

Dangers of transgression

We must not forget that an object, when moving, can combine with matter already present at its destination. That is, the person focused on the place he needed and teleported. But at that moment there was another person or object in the given position. In this case, there are only two options for further developments.

1. Explosion. It can be either small or huge.

2. The death of both living objects due to the combination of their atoms.

What can teleportation be like?

After a long study of teleportation, researchers divided it into three main types. According to the accepted classification, transgression occurs:

1. Instant and gradual.

2. Quantum and “hole”.

3. Consistent and volumetric.

Sequential teleportation represents movement along a communication channel. In this case, the object is split into atoms in the sending area (transmitter), and then restored at the receiver. That is, his atoms are destroyed and the person disappears. Then these same atoms are collected into the original organism in another place.

For such teleportation, a detailed diagram of the object down to the atoms is required. This is necessary to preserve the original characteristics of the object during movement. A similar principle is used in the operation of some 3D printers. But when teleporting in this way, errors may occur due to the large amount of information that needs to be transmitted. Based on thermodynamics, scientists concluded: this teleportation is almost impossible.

Human atomic detailing poses a major challenge. People have not yet decided what consciousness is and what can be considered a soul. What will be “restored” by the receiver in the end? Is the subject the same or will his appearance change? Or will he appear dead at the receiver? If the object survives, then this can be regarded as its murder, and then its resurrection, only at a different point.

What if you “pierce” the space?

Volume teleportation is considered simpler than sequential. This method of movement involves a “puncture” of space-time. Through such a puncture matter is transmitted. Some researchers believe that such teleportation requires.

Volumetric teleportation does not contradict scientific principles. It can be explained using general theory relativity, which assumes the possibility of creating artificial “punctures” in space. However, by definition, teleportation is instantaneous. Which, in turn, already comes into conflict with the theory of relativity.

There is a more understandable type of teleportation - combining spaces. The overlapping areas represent gates that lead to another point in the world. It should be noted that such transgression is also not consistent with the theory of relativity. In addition, when moving, the object finds itself in completely different atmospheric conditions. The body does not have time to adapt to changes in an instant, which is why it can suffer or even die.

How to teleport?

A person can teleport without using technical methods. This method belongs to the realm of magic. In this case, the subject will not need a teleport, but the ability to control his hidden abilities. Most of people's brains are inactive. If you work with this reserve, you can develop abilities for extrasensory perception (telekinesis, teleportation, etc.).

How to find the “gate” through which you can travel in time and space? For starters, make your hands more sensitive. They are the ones who feel the points of movement. These points are often located in nature and places with special energy, for example, where significant historical events took place.

The article talks about what teleportation is and whether it is possible. Its hypothetical ways of implementation are considered, for which it would be useful.

What is teleportation?

According to scientific definition, teleportation is a change in the coordinates of an object. In this case, the movement cannot be justified and described from a mathematical point of view or a function of continuous time.

But what is teleportation? This is the effect of instantly moving an object or person to any distance at which it disappears from starting point and appears in the final.

From the very beginning of the development of the world of physics, as we delved deeper into the secrets of nature and matter, humanity dreamed of the incredible. Some things and phenomena, years or centuries later, came to life in the form of things familiar to us: telephones, radio communications, organ transplants, etc. appeared. But some dreams of science fiction writers or popularizers of science have not yet been realized. And one of them is teleportation. Is this phenomenon scientifically possible? Let's try to figure it out.

Does it exist?

Unfortunately for most science fiction fans, scientists are not engaged in a targeted search and implementation of some incredible idea. It's the same with teleportation. On this moment it does not exist, and it is not yet very clear how this can happen. There are several hypotheses, but so far it is impossible to test them. But let’s still look at a few of them to understand what teleportation is and whether this phenomenon is possible at least in the distant future.


The first is the so-called transport beam. With such teleportation, all molecules in the body of a person or object are scanned, their state is recorded, after which the original is destroyed, and in another place a similar machine creates a complete copy based on the stored data.

People who are at least a little familiar with physics already understand the impossibility of such a method at this stage of human development. And in the future too. Let's start with the fact that the number of molecules in the human body cannot be calculated, and even more so the recording of all their states, transmission and reproduction in a fraction of a second. Moreover, from the point of view quantum mechanics it is impossible to create an exact copy of a derived quantum state. In addition, when the original is destroyed, consciousness, which is indivisible from the physical body, is also destroyed.

It is this process that teleportation, most often mentioned by science fiction writers, consists of. Is this possible in our time? No.


Another type of instant movement is portals. Some physical state a certain area of ​​space, being in which transfers an object to another, known in advance. This method is most often mentioned in computer games and fantasy.


Such transfer of an object or person cannot be explained at all from a scientific point of view. Therefore, it can only be considered as an attribute of non-scientific fiction in various works of art.


This is another type of teleportation that can be more or less justified by science. Its meaning is to use some device to open a window into another special dimension, the coordinates of which correspond to our world, but the distances are compressed millions of times, and after making another “puncture”, a person appears in a completely different place. For example, in another city or galaxy.

This method was widely described in his books by Arkady, and their heroes made interstellar flights using the same principle.

How to learn teleportation?

This question can be heard often, especially on the Internet. Answer: no way. Of course, if we consider this topic from the side of materialism, discarding all magic and other paranormal manifestations. You may even find communities that claim to teach this process. Naturally, not for free.

If we continue the mystical theme, then there are a lot of historical records about the teleportation of a person or simply disappearing from, for example, a prison cell. But all of them do not stand up to criticism and cannot provide significant facts about this phenomenon.


If humanity one day develops such technologies, be it a puncture into other spaces or something similar, it will be difficult to overestimate their benefits. After all, then the centuries-old dream of instant travel anywhere will come true! Be it another country, continent or planet.

The last point is especially relevant, because even with the construction of the fastest and most reliable spaceships reaching neighboring stars will be very problematic, even at the speed of light, especially since you need to remember the relativity of time. And instant movement in space greatly facilitates this activity.

In the meantime, the answer to the question of whether teleport exists is, unfortunately, negative. And most likely, if it is invented, it will have completely different fundamental properties.

Teleportation is interpreted as a change in the coordinates of an object, while such a movement is poorly justified from a scientific point of view. It is unclear how the effect is achieved, since testing hypotheses in practice is unrealistic. But there are assumptions by scientists that allow us to hope that in the future this method of transportation will be available.

What is "teleportation"?

Teleportation is the result of the rapid movement of a thing or body over any distance, when it disappears in its original place and appears in its final place. So far, scientists have paid little attention to putting this method into practice, but there are still some developments. The following types of teleportation are distinguished:

  1. Transport beam. The molecules of the object are scanned, recorded, then the original is destroyed, and in another place the machine recreates a copy based on this data. It is not suitable for moving a person, since it is impossible to count millions of molecules of the body and reproduce them in a split second. Moreover, when the original body is destroyed, consciousness also disappears.
  2. Portal. A special state of space that transfers an object to another place, with the same field properties. A favorite fantasy theme, but not used in reality, since it is unknown where such places exist.
  3. Null-T. Scientists explain this option as opening a window into another dimension, the location of which corresponds to our reality, but the distances are compressed many times. A puncture is made through them, and the object is moved to another place.

Quantum teleportation

Scientists also identify a type called quantum teleportation - the transfer of a photon state through two things separated in space and a communication channel where the state is first destroyed and then recreated. To do this at the speed of light, Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen correlation particles are used. It is used in quantum calculations, where only the recipient has data about the item.

Why were scientists reluctant to discuss this idea of ​​“teleportation in space”? It was believed that it violated the principle that prohibits the scanner from extracting the entire data of an object. The scan must recreate complete information, otherwise a perfect copy cannot be created. The first successful experiment was carried out only at the beginning of this century between laser radiation quanta and cesium atoms, this was done by scientists from the Niels Bohr Institute. And in 2017, Chinese researchers achieved quantum teleportation over 1,200 kilometers.

Hole teleportation

There is also a type called hole teleportation, a method when objects move from one size to another without a transition period. The action is explained in the following ways:

  1. Pushing objects beyond the boundaries of the universe.
  2. Increasing the wavelength of the object to Broglie.

Teleportation exists - this position is based on the fact that space has limits, beyond which there is no longer space and time, but only emptiness. Since space has no center, such vacuum holes can actually be found at any point; these are conditional particles that are constantly in motion. From a scientific point of view, hole teleportation is based on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and Niels Bohr's complementarity principle.

"Mole Hole"

Theory wormholes explains: space has the power to take the form of a pipe that connects eras or islands of time. The famous physicist Flamm suggested at the beginning of the last century that plastic lineometry could be a hole connecting two planets. And Einstein noted: simple solutions equations that describe electrically charged and forming gravitational fields, sources, have the spatial structure of a bridge.

“Wormhole in space” or wormhole – these “bridges” received this name much later. Versions of how it works:

  1. Electrical lines of force enter the hole from one end and exit from the other.
  2. Both exits lead to the same world, but in different time periods. The entry point is a negative charge, and the exit point is positive.

Psi teleportation

Teleportation technology also manifested itself in psi effects, they are also called psychokinetic phenomena. It includes the following phenomena:

  1. Psychokinesis or telekinesis– impact and influence on objects or energy fields.
  2. Levitation– liberation from gravity. Outwardly, it looks like hovering above the ground, walking through the air.
  3. Out-of-body projection. Separation of energy mass from physical body. A person sees himself from the outside.
  4. Materialization. The ability to implement concerns both processes and objects and situations.

Teleportation - myth or reality?

Is teleportation possible? This question is asked by many people: from scientists to ordinary people. For centuries, it was believed that such a phenomenon could not exist, and that some manifestations were the tricks of charlatans. Only in last years the theory of movement in space and time began to be listened to, thanks to the efforts of physicists who declared that small parts of matter are not an obstacle to instantaneous movements.

Teleportation - is it possible? The answer can be found in the story of the nun Maria, who over the course of several years managed to visit America more than 500 times without leaving her monastery. At the same time, she converted the Yuma tribe in New Mexico into the Christian faith, which is confirmed by conversations with Indians and papers presented by the conquistadors of Spain and explorers of France.

Human teleportation - how to learn?

How to learn teleportation? There is no answer to this question yet, although you can find many societies on the Internet that promise to teach. As well as detailed instructions. But there is no real methodology yet; there are only special cases when individual people showed such talents. However, they could not describe the process of movement itself. Scientists believe that even if technologies such as human teleportation appear, it will be extremely difficult to bring them to life due to the relativity of time.

Teleportation - real cases

Cases of human teleportation, which have been recorded and confirmed over many centuries in different countries Oh.

  1. Magic specialist Tudor Pole in 1952 was able to cover a distance of one and a half miles from the suburbs to his own home in three minutes.
  2. Chinese Zhang Baosheng has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to teleport objects from one place to another. The facts were recorded by scientists in 1982.
  3. A prisoner in the American prison Hadad managed to disappear from closed premises. But at the same time, he always returned back, not wanting to aggravate the punishment.
  4. In New York, a case was recorded when a young man appeared at a subway station, claiming that he was instantly transported from the suburbs of Rome. Checking the situation confirmed this fact.

Books about teleportation

Experiments on teleportation were often carried out by heroes of science fiction writers; the Strugatsky brothers even outlined how flights to the stars would proceed based on this theory. The most interesting books, where many lines are devoted to such an amazing movement:

  1. Cycle "Troy". Mars of the second millennium, strong players recreate the Trojan War. A professor from the 20th century, having moved to another reality, is forced to correct this historical battle.
  2. Alfred Bester. "Tiger! Tiger!". The fact of “jaunting” is stated - teleportation by force of will.
  3. Sergei Lukyanenko. "Star Shadow". The type of teleportation “jump” that the hero performs using a special mechanism is described.

Movie about teleportation

Films and TV series about teleportation were created by directors from different countries. This fact first appeared in the film “The Fly,” when the hero performed an experiment on moving himself, but a fly flew into the camera, which led to tragedy. Of the most famous films:

  1. Star Trek series. To avoid spending money on expensive spaceship takeoff effects, it was decided to move the Enterprise crew members along the beam.
  2. "Sagittarius the restless". Main character creates a teleportation installation and moves around the world at will.
  3. Stargate series. With the help of artifacts and the Asgard beam, people learned to move to other planets.