In our work, the leading importance. Edit the sentence: Leading importance in the work of the committee is given to the moral education of youth

When choosing a word, you should take into account not only its meaning, but also lexical compatibility. Not all words can be combined with each other. The boundaries of lexical compatibility are determined by the meaning of words, their stylistic affiliation, emotional coloring, grammatical properties, etc.

For example, the following phrase should be considered unsuccessful: Personal enmity gradually developed into strong enmity. Noun enmity can be combined with an adjective open, but not with an adjective - strong.

The following erroneous combinations have become very common in speech:

  • keep your eyes open(Right: don't close eye );
  • cozy experience(Right: pleasant impression; impression coziness );
  • meeting called(Right: meeting took place );
  • improve your horizons(Right: expand horizon).

Speech errors associated with word combinations often arise because several stable phrases can be used in the same situation. And the use of a component of one combination as part of another leads to semantic inaccuracy.

For example, the following error contains the phrase: Allow me raise a toast for our hero of the day. In a feast situation, we traditionally use two phrases: raise your glass And make a toast. In this case, we are dealing with the unlawful replacement of one member of a combination with another.

Mixing seemingly similar phrases is one of the most common mistakes in speech.

So, an error like: The level of passenger service at our airport has improved. The level can increase, improve, and the quality can improve. Therefore, the correct phrase would be: Quality has improved (the level of) passenger service at our airport has increased.

note into the following pairs of phrases (in speech the frequency of their components is mixed):

  • meet requirements - meet needs;
  • compensate for damage - collect money, fine;
  • take action - take steps;
  • gain fame - earn respect;
  • constant help- unflagging attention;
  • to play a role - to matter.

When using words that have limited lexical connections, a violation of compatibility often becomes the reason for the comic sound of speech.

For example, expanding the compatibility possibilities of a verbal adjective dejected(in the language it is possible: grief-stricken) makes the following phrase absurd and comical: People came to us, dejected by the experience.

A deliberate combination of seemingly incompatible words should be distinguished from a speech error: living corpse, an ordinary miracle. In this case, we have one of the types of tropes - oxymoron.

The Russian language very often imposes restrictions on the compatibility of even words with similar meanings, even synonyms. Therefore, in difficult cases you should seek help explanatory dictionaries and special compatibility dictionaries.


1.Compare the sentences in the left and right columns. Explain why there is a need for stylistic editing of the sentences in the left column.

These functions are entrusted to advertising departments. These functions are assigned to the advertising departments.
The museum displays relics presented by delegations. The museum displays gifts presented by delegations.
The main strength of Siberia is its abundant mineral resource base. The strength of Siberia lies in its rich mineral resource base.
They work like the most notorious specialists. They work as the most experienced specialists.
The association “Zarya” donated five girls’ dresses for the exhibition. The Zarya association presented five women's dresses of youth cut for the exhibition.
Wearing fur coats, felt boots, and warm mittens, our spectators did not perceive the frost. Wearing fur coats, felt boots, and warm mittens, our spectators did not notice the frost.
Having won this match, Zenit took a step up one step on the podium. Having won this match, Zenit moved up one step on the podium.
Now our children are beginning to experience their first school difficulties. Now our children are beginning to overcome their first school difficulties.
Pensioners sat comfortably under the shady trees. Pensioners sat comfortably under shady trees.
In this battle, shrapnel shot through both of his legs. In this battle he was wounded by shrapnel in both legs.

2. Combine words from the left and right columns into phrases, taking into account the features of their compatibility. Please indicate possible options.

Antique, classic. Mythology, languages.
Innate, born. Talent, intelligence.
Hospitable, welcoming, hospitable. Welcome, owner, man.
Disastrous, harmful. Influence, action.
One, one. Moment, moment.
Long, long, long, lasting, long lasting. Impact, period, path, fees, credit.
Nominate, express, correct, eliminate. Hypothesis, guess, shortcomings, mistakes.
Find, find. Support, support.
Discover, discover. Law, regularity.
Prove, justify. Theorem, theory.
To foretell, to predict. Defeat, success.
Expand, increase, increase. Opportunities, potential, level.

3. Find errors in sentences caused by incorrect combinations of words.

1. The governor paid special attention to the shortcomings achieved. 2. Serious problems hit young entrepreneurs by surprise. 3. We pay special attention to this problem. 4. Athletes from many countries will start in Tokyo. 5. Much attention was paid to the improvement of the city. 6. The premiere of the ballet was honored by the President and Prime Minister. 7. Educational work plays a leading role in the activities of the environmental commission. 8. B last years There is a rapid growth in our cinematography. 9. Our greenhouse has been providing the city with young vegetables for several decades. 10. Already in his deep youth A.S. Pushkin began to write poetry. 11. Friendly matches of the national team with the teams of Ukraine and Slovenia played a major role in the preparation for the championship.

4. In the sentences below, find speech errors associated with violation of lexical compatibility. Edit the sentences.

1. Now only hardcore fans of this sport remember the victories of our hockey players. 2. High school students have experienced a decline in academic performance this year. 3. Dog grazing is prohibited in the park. 4. The warehouse is closed for an indefinite period due to the arrival of cockroaches. 5. Leading importance in the work of the committee is attached to the moral education of youth. 6. The records continue. 7. Children read the verse, standing scattered. 8. My body gave way on my legs from fatigue. 9. The guitar sobbed hysterically, the drum groaned. 10. You have to spend a lot of nerves reading letters from veterans. 11. There was a frost and the corn was severely affected. 12. By the time the apartment was exchanged, the wife, her mother and some things were registered in it. 13. The head of the district administration did not come empty-handed; he presented the school with a library. 14. There are still people who profess the opinion of communist leaders. 15. The experienced fraudster immediately suspected something was wrong and suddenly left the apartment. 16. Experts will not remember such a fruitful score in matches of this level. 17. Advanced technology improves many shortcomings. 18. Grandmother nods affectionately with her wrinkled face. 19. The rate of accidents in the mine has increased. 20. Nilovna appears as a woman beaten down from fear.

Answers to the exercises

Exercise 2

  • Ancient mythology; classical languages.
  • Innate talent, innate intelligence.
  • A hospitable person, a warm welcome, a hospitable host.
  • Detrimental effect, harmful influence.
  • One moment, one moment.
  • Long journey, long exposure, long fees, long period, long term loan.
  • Put forward a hypothesis, make a guess, correct mistakes, eliminate shortcomings.
  • Find support, find support.
  • Discover a pattern, discover a law.
  • Prove the theorem, justify the theory.
  • Foretell defeat, predict success.
  • Expand your capabilities, increase your potential, raise your level.

Exercise 3

1. ...available flaws. 2. Suddenly among young entrepreneurs arose serious problems. 3. ... we devote Special attention. 4. ... start athletes... 5. There was a lot of attention given... 6. ...honored presence... 7. Presenter role... plays... 8. ... rapid development cinematography. 9. ...provides the city early vegetables. 10. Already in early childhood... 11. Large role... played...

Exercise 4

1. only avid fans. 2. High school performance has declined... 3. ...walking dogs. 4. ... due to the need to sanitize the premises. 5. Special attention in the work of the committee is given... 6. Our athletes continue to establish records. 7. Children read poetry, standing in a semicircle. 8. My legs were giving way from fatigue. 9. ...rumbled drum. 10. You read with great excitement letters from veterans. eleven. Unexpected frosts had a detrimental effect on corn crops. 12. By the time the apartment was exchanged, the wife and her mother were registered in it. 13. ...he gave books school library. 14. ...which share the same point of view communist leaders. 15. ...and fast left the apartment. 16. so big accounts... 17. Advanced technology eliminates many disadvantages. 18. ...nods. 19. The number has increased accidents... 20. Nilovna appears in front of us clogged, intimidated a woman.

Antique, classical Mythology, languages

Innate, natural talent, intelligence

Hospitable, welcoming, hospitable

Reception, owner, man

Disastrous, harmful

Influence, action

One, one

Moment, moment

Long, lengthy, long, long-term, long-lastingImpact, period, path, fees, credit

Put forward, express, correct, eliminate Hypothesis, guess, shortcomings, errors.

Find, gain support, support.

To impose, to leave an imprint, a trace.

Discover, discover a Law, a pattern.

Prove, justify Theorem, theory.

Foretell, predict Defeat, success.

Expand, increase, increase Opportunities, potential.

Exercise 13. Indicate speech errors, edit sentences.

1. He began writing songs in his deep youth, and only now fame fell on his gray-haired head. 2. These years have seen rapid growth in our cinematography. 3. Ivanov has been working in this difficult area for a long time, and doing a good job. But in the last two years, he began to have negative glimpses. 4. He set so many world records that only die-hard sports statistics buffs remember them. 5. Dog grazing is prohibited. 6. The warehouse is closed for a sanitary day due to the arrival of cockroaches. 7. It is prohibited to place household and industrial garbage dumps. 8. An elderly house is for sale. 9. The lecture for childless parents is postponed to Thursday. 10. Students in our group have seen a deterioration in their discipline and academic performance this semester. 11. In our work, leading importance is attached to moral and labor education.

Exercise 14. Indicate lexical errors in the following sentences, highlighting cases of violation of semantic and grammatical compatibility. Edit the sentences.

1. A young birch oak grove grew green outside the outskirts. 2. Children recite a poem while standing scattered. 3. The film “Return of the Black Blonde” is showing in cinemas. 4. It was so crowded on the bus that someone suggested: “Stand flat, then it will be freer!” 5. The records continue. 6. Suddenly she noticed: a cat was walking along the corridor on tiptoe. 7. Most of the time passes fruitlessly. 8. The teacher suggested that we write test orally. 9. At the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned its feathers. 10. There has been a tremendous improvement in living conditions. 11. The experience of recent years inevitably shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts. 12. Extensive testing of this vitamin bioactive cream led to extremely positive results. 13. The stranger mounted his horse and rode off on foot. 14. A three-year-old Parisian sits barefoot in a sandbox and, digging in the sand, wears the simplest dirty dress with grace and ease. Who taught her grace? 15. My body gave way on my legs from fatigue. 16. The restaurant was filled with a cheerful hubbub, the guitar sobbed hysterically, the drum groaned. 17. Several new enterprises and public transport have appeared in our town. 18. Stand still and don’t swing your eyes (from the teacher’s speech in kindergarten). 19. This is how I clench my fists on my hands and feet! (child’s speech) 20. Yesterday I took a plane and flew to Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner).

Exercise 15. In the given sentences, indicate the phrases in which lexical compatibility is violated. Replace lexical equivalents that caused speech errors.

1. You have to spend a lot of nerves reading letters from veterans. 2. The above metal did not arrive at the customer plant. 3. By the time the apartment was exchanged, a wife, daughter and belongings were registered in it. 4. Grief did not break this woman, her love for work, her courage. 5. There are people who, having done a lot, good and useful, are quietly and modestly silent about it. 6. The teacher must give advice and comments to his students. 7. There was a frost and the corn was severely affected. 8. We completed the task confidently. 9. Sponsors presented the school with a library, Board games. 10. The mentor scolded me with all his heart for breaking the cutter. 11. I don’t think there are people who would seriously profess the opinion of this eccentric. 12. When a pilot sits in the cockpit of a rough plane, he thinks: who will be first, if not me? 13. But the sergeant was not destined to complete the investigation. On the evening of July 28, the ship “Mstislav Keldysh” suddenly left the scene of the incident, leaving a funeral wreath on the waves. 14. I ask for your permission to order me half a ton of coal.

1. Now I am dead, I have become the leaves of a book, and you can turn the pages of me (Vol.). 2. I myself don’t like grumpy old men, and yet I am sincerely glad that I have not experienced the dishonor of ranks and the baseness of lordly awards (Vol.). 3. The cat turned out to be not only solvent, but also a disciplined animal (Bulg.). 4. Alexander Ivanovich Koreiko was in the last bout of youth - he was 38 years old. 5. Every night Fyodor Nikitich was visited by the same old Soviet dreams. 6. The earth was slightly touched by dark paint, and the leading star promptly signaled the onset of night. 7. “Antelope” has gained a sour reputation and needs to be repainted. 8. The commission, hung with beards, arrived at the “Revenge” artel on three cabs. 9. At that time, most men grew such official, loyal hair devices on their faces. 10. A special breed of government furniture was grown. 11. A deep wrinkle appeared on Balaganov’s serene, unplowed forehead. 12. Kozlevich, against his will, plunged into the abyss of the Criminal Code, into the world of Chapter Three, which edifyingly speaks of malfeasance (I. and P.).

1. The new film is doomed to great success among the widest circles of the public. 2. There is another explanation for such a fruitful score in this match. 3. For many years I have gotten used to everything and I don’t hide, but I am proud of my stainless youth. 4. Of course, not everyone has a roof on one side. 5. You can’t put all the blame on some fashion designers; there are other fashion chefs, so you should ask them. 6. Our hero was not at a loss and immediately paid a lightning visit to the ambassador to prevent this sudden decision. 7. Yes, there were once men! Not like the current tribe. But there are still some magnificent specimens of men today. 8. “Hello, dear!” - he exclaimed and, hugging the unexpected guest, gave him a lingering, friendly kiss on his salty lips. 9. The old fly selflessly beat its head against the glass. 10. The laurels of pioneers do not threaten us. 11. The king's new dress marked the transition from evening dresses to absentee dresses. 12. New signs have appeared in the local history museum of the city of Novokhromovsk: “Do not touch the exhibits with your hands. And with your legs too.”

1.1.3. Speech failure

Exercise 18. Pay attention to speech insufficiency, note cases of ambiguity in the statement, distortion of its meaning. Correct the sentences.

1. The exhibition of young artists at the House of Pioneers was such a success because Karpenko N.I. During her drawing lessons she managed to instill beauty in her students. 2. Student Belov took first place in English language. 3. They graduated from a vocational school, but to work well, they need direct experience at the machine. 4. For mistakes and shortcomings, the chairman of the state farm, Pashkov, deserves punishment. 5. A few hours are enough to dress the whole family in warm mittens using a hand knitting machine. 6. The cash desk receives for baby products. 7. Binding has become an integral part of room decoration. 8. Mayakovsky’s work excites readers in a variety of languages.

Exercise 1. Indicate the lexical errors in the following sentences. Edit.

1. The experience of recent years inevitably shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts. 2. Extensive testing of this vitamin bioactive cream has led to extremely positive results. 3. You have to spend a lot of nerves correcting and redoing documents for an audit. 4. There are people who, having done a lot, good and useful, are quietly and modestly silent about it. 5. The teacher sometimes gives advice and comments to his students. 6. The mentor scolded me with all his heart for breaking the cutter. 7. I don’t think there are people who would seriously profess the opinion of this eccentric. 8. When a pilot gets into the cockpit of a rough plane, he thinks: who will be first, if not me? 9. He began writing songs in his deep youth, and only now fame fell on his gray-haired head. 10. These years have seen rapid growth in our cinematography. 11. Ivanov has been working in this difficult area for a long time, and doing a good job. But in the last two years, he began to have negative glimpses. 12. Students in our group have seen a deterioration in their discipline and academic performance this semester. 13. It is prohibited to place household and industrial waste dumps. 14. In our work, leading importance is attached to moral and labor education.

Exercise. 2. Evaluate the use of lexical means in the given sentences; indicate the use of a word without taking into account its semantics; unclearness of statements, distortion of meaning, absurdity and comedy of speech.

1. The decade of Uzbek cuisine in the restaurant will take place for five days: from September 1 to September 5. 2. During the exam, he mixed up not only all the myths, but also the names of ancient heroes and gods. 3. Farmers do not pay enough attention to fertilizing their fields. 4. Good employees in our company are awarded a Board of Honor. 5. The new film is doomed to great success among the widest circles of the public. 6. The Polish attache was not at a loss and immediately paid a lightning visit to the Spanish ambassador to prevent this sudden decision.

Task 3. Analyze the sentences, find cases of violation of lexical compatibility, contamination of phrases close in meaning, use of a word without taking into account its semantics. Edit.

The association “Zarya” donated five girls’ dresses for the exhibition.

Dressed in fur coats, felt boots, and warm mittens, our spectators did not perceive the frost.

Tourists nestled comfortably under the shady trees.

Now our children are beginning to experience their first school difficulties.

I remembered the war: burning villages, the heartbreaking whistle of bombs.

In this battle, shrapnel shot through both of his legs.

Having won, the university team took a step up one step on the podium.

Where in the recent past there were vacant lots and landfills, entire blocks of new residential buildings have risen.

1) Only avid fans of this sport now remember the victories of our hockey players. 2) High school students have seen their academic performance deteriorate this year. 3) Dog grazing is prohibited in the park. 4) The warehouse is closed for an indefinite period due to the arrival of cockroaches. 5) Leading importance in the work of the committee is given to the moral education of youth. 6) Records continue. 7) Children read the verse, standing scattered. 8) From fatigue, my body gave way on my legs. 9) The guitar sobbed hysterically, the drum groaned. 10) By the time the apartment was exchanged, the wife, her mother and some things were registered in it.

1) Your words are like a balm on my heart. 2) You’ve been building ideals for yourself all your life. 3) How much income do you earn? 4) The visit of the President will undoubtedly enhance the image of the exhibition. 5) Plays a significant role independent work students. 6) We big role We rely on this meeting.
Task 2. Explain why these phrases are pleonastic.
The main point; sad fiasco; A huge array; a short moment; first leader; military occupation; month of May; professional colleagues; bequeath an inheritance; immoral offense; price list; sale of property, timekeeping; retaliatory counterattack.
Task 3. In which sentences is a tautology allowed? Edit the sentences.
1) This story tells about real events. 2) I have to think about this thought. 3) Uniting pensioners into a single force is the task of our party. 4) You are obliged to fulfill your duties. 5) I want to express my opinion about this statement. 6) The heads of children's institutions in their work are guided by methodological literature. 7) He felt that he was overcome by a painful feeling of loneliness.

Task 1. Read the sentences. What words are used in a meaning that is unusual for them? Edit the sentences.
1) Soon the martens will have an inheritance. 2) A galaxy of drug dealers were detained. 3) Behind the colored stained glass windows of the store you can see a new collection of clothes. 4) To decide on the need for surgery, you need to gather a consensus of doctors. 5) Without love, life would be boring and monotonous.
Task 2. Read the sentences. What words are used without taking into account their lexical compatibility? edit sentences.
1) The director raised a toast to intra-corporate solidarity. 2) We witnessed a large theatrical performance. 3) Our meeting took place only in late spring. 4) In these competitions, our athlete broke the world record. 5) Our graduates are head and shoulders above graduates of other universities. 6) At the press conference, lists of candidates for leadership positions were announced. 7) The courier will arrive at your place around nine o'clock. 8) Perhaps we were just unlucky somewhere. 9) Our salaries are about fifteen to sixteen thousand rubles.

Edit the sentences so that every word is clear.

The answer must contain all sentences edited! thanks in advance!
1. My friend recently bought himself a bike.
2. For the artist, tanks and bucks were not the main thing in life.
3. The foreigner paid fifteen pure American greens for the painting.
4. One of the features of a non-market economy is the shortage of goods and services.
5. The government’s task is to contain and curb inflation.
6. The hero of the day was given a fashionable case.
7. After much debate, a consensus was reached at the meeting.
8. It is necessary to give the protest a legitimate form.
9. When you buy an imported item, be sure to study the label.
10. Organizers of theatrical performances and impossible shows strive to gain not only profit, but also publicity.

Exercise 115. Compare the sentences in the left and right columns. Explain why there is a need for stylistic editing of the sentences in the left column.

These functions are entrusted to advertising departments. These functions are assigned to the advertising departments.
The museum displays relics presented by delegations. The museum displays gifts presented by delegations.
The main strength of Siberia is its abundant mineral resource base. The strength of Siberia lies in its rich mineral resource base.
They work like the most notorious specialists. They work as the most experienced specialists.
The association “Zarya” donated five girls’ dresses for the exhibition. The Zarya association presented five women's dresses of youth cut for the exhibition.
Wearing fur coats, felt boots, and warm mittens, our spectators did not perceive the frost. Wearing fur coats, felt boots, and warm mittens, our spectators did not notice the frost.
Having won this match, Zenit took a step up one step on the podium. Having won this match, Zenit moved up one step on the podium.
Now our children are beginning to experience their first school difficulties. Now our children are beginning to overcome their first school difficulties.
Pensioners sat comfortably under the shady trees. Pensioners sat comfortably under shady trees.
In this battle, shrapnel shot through both of his legs. In this battle he was wounded by shrapnel in both legs.

Exercise 116. Combine words from the left and right columns into phrases, taking into account the peculiarities of their compatibility. Please indicate possible options.

Antique, classic. Mythology, languages.
Innate, born. Talent, intelligence.
Hospitable, welcoming, hospitable. Welcome, owner, man.
Disastrous, harmful. Influence, action.
One, one. Moment, moment.
Long, long, long, lasting, long lasting. Impact, period, path, fees, credit.
Nominate, express, correct, eliminate. Hypothesis, guess, shortcomings, mistakes.
Find, find. Support, support.
Discover, discover. Law, regularity.
Prove, justify. Theorem, theory.
To foretell, to predict. Defeat, success.
Expand, increase, increase. Opportunities, potential, level.

Exercise 117. Try to explain why the highlighted combinations are incorrect.

1. The governor paid special attention to the shortcomings achieved. 2. Serious problems hit young entrepreneurs by surprise. 3. We pay special attention to this problem. 4. Athletes from many countries will start in Tokyo. 5. Much attention was paid to the improvement of the city. 6. The premiere of the ballet was honored by the President and Prime Minister. 7. Educational work plays a leading role in the activities of the environmental commission. 8. In recent years, there has been a rapid growth in our cinematography. 9. Our greenhouse has been providing the city with young vegetables for several decades. 10. Already in his deep youth A.S. Pushkin began to write poetry. 11. Friendly matches of the national team with the teams of Ukraine and Slovenia played a major role in the preparation for the championship.

Exercise 118. In the sentences below, find speech errors associated with a violation of lexical compatibility. Edit the sentences.

1. Now only hardcore fans of this sport remember the victories of our hockey players. 2. High school students have experienced a decline in academic performance this year. 3. Dog grazing is prohibited in the park. 4. The warehouse is closed for an indefinite period due to the arrival of cockroaches. 5. Leading importance in the work of the committee is attached to the moral education of youth. 6. The records continue. 7. Children read the verse, standing scattered. 8. My body gave way on my legs from fatigue. 9. The guitar sobbed hysterically, the drum groaned. 10. You have to spend a lot of nerves reading letters from veterans. 11. There was a frost and the corn was severely affected. 12. By the time the apartment was exchanged, the wife, her mother and some things were registered in it. 13. The head of the district administration did not come empty-handed; he presented the school with a library. 14. There are still people who profess the opinion of communist leaders. 15. The experienced fraudster immediately suspected something was wrong and suddenly left the apartment. 16. Experts will not remember such a fruitful score in matches of this level. 17. Advanced technology improves many shortcomings. 18. Grandmother nods affectionately with her wrinkled face. 19. The rate of accidents in the mine has increased. 20. Nilovna appears as a woman beaten down from fear.
