Is the statement true: any rectangular parallelepiped is a cube. Math lesson "rectangular parallelepiped". Respecting your privacy at the company level

Topic: general lesson on the topic: “Rectangular parallelepiped.”


    To consolidate and generalize the ability to convert one unit of area measurement into another and use this knowledge when solving problems, the ability to calculate the surface area and volume of a rectangular parallelepiped and the ability to solve problems using the acquired concepts.

    Develop logical thinking, speech.

    Foster a love for the subject in the classroom.

I. Organizational moment2 minutes

Good afternoon, dear travelers to the land of knowledge!

To start today's lesson, I would like to know if you are ready for the lesson, what is your mood, do you have a desire to learn something new in today's lesson?

As the ancient Greek philosopher Saadi said: “A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings.”

And I would like you to have a desire to learn, to learn something new, unknown, not only in today’s lesson, but always and only in this case will you “fly” higher and higher with your “wings”.

And I also really want to turn to the words of the famous Russian mathematician A.I. Mordkovich: “Whoever studies mathematics from childhood develops attention, trains his brain, his will, and cultivates perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.”

This is what we will need in today's lesson: attention, perseverance and perseverance in order to achieve our goals.

II. Graphic dictation.5min (slide)

Is the statement true?

    The surface of the cube consists of 6 equal squares.

    The surface area of ​​a rectangular parallelepiped is calculated using the formula:

S =av +sun +as

3. Every cube is a rectangular parallelepiped.

4.Each rectangular parallelepiped has edges. These are segments.

5.Any cuboid consists of edges. He has 8 of them.

6. A rectangular parallelepiped has three dimensions - length, width, height.

7.The volume of a rectangular parallelepiped is calculated using the formula: V = A X V X c .

Count verbally(slide)

    Find the area of ​​the shaded figures (Figure 1). Draw three different figures area 8 sq. units.

2. a) Take the necessary measurements and calculate the area of ​​the rectangle (Figure 3). What is its perimeter?

3.Calculate the volume of a cube with a side of 5 cm.

I II. A little historical background5 minutes(slide)

We are surrounded by many objects. They differ in shape, size, material from which they are made, color,…. People are interested in the different qualities of these objects. Mathematicians are interested in their shape and size.

The balls you have played with many times are spherical in shape, although they are all different sizes. Many celestial bodies have a shape close to the shape of a ball, including our planet. The glass and pencil are shaped like a cylinder.

Please note that the shapes of objects are very diverse and not every shape has a special name.

Since mathematicians study not the objects themselves, but their forms, instead of objects she considers geometric bodies: cylinder, ball, cube, etc. (samples of figures on the teacher’s desk). Names of many geometric bodies come from ancient times, and they originated from corresponding objects. For example, from Ancient Greece came the terms “cone” (an object used to plug a barrel), “pyramid” (fire, bonfire), “cylinder” (roller), “rectangular parallelepiped” ( rectangular planes).

Among the many different geometric bodies there is a large group of polyhedra. These figures (the teacher shows the figures) are polyhedra. And we will answer the question: “Why are these bodies called polyhedra?” during our lesson.

IV . Industrial gymnastics.2 minutes.

1) Extend your arms forward. Then slowly rotate your palms 10 times - this will help relieve tension from your hands.

2) Slowly lower your chin to your chest. Then raise your head again. Repeat the exercise 5 times. Good for the neck and shoulders.

3) While sitting, raise your left leg 40 cm from the floor. Move your toes up and down. Then do the same with your right leg.

V. Main part. 20 minutes.(slide)

Teacher’s explanation: “Guys, today we will remember how to find the area of ​​a rectangle and the volume of a parallelepiped on the model of our school. Here is a scaled-down model of the school. Our class is the accounting chamber, each group is a department, and each of you is: chief engineer, engineer, foreman, foreman, accountant. Each department will receive its own task: find the area and volume of the floor.

Each group is given parallelepipeds. Students must measure the length, width, height of the parallelepiped, then find the area and volume of the floor. Lined up on the board and on the desks in each compartment table, in which you need to record and calculate all the data.




1 department

2 department

3 department

4 department

5 department

VI . Lesson summary. 1 min.

Teacher: “We did a good job today: we found out what the area and volume of each floor in our school is, and you will come for your salary tomorrow, when I check your independent work, you will find out who received how much.”

4 department




5 department

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