The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Gibbon audiobook. Edward Gibbon. The history of the decline and destruction of the Great Roman Empire. Audiobook

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Georg Hegel, German philosopher

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Demyan Bedny, Russian Soviet writer, poet, publicist

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Nadezhda Krupskaya, Russian revolutionary, Soviet party, public and cultural figure.

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René Descartes, French philosopher, mathematician, physicist and physiologist

Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an outstanding Soviet teacher-innovator.

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Joseph Addison, English poet and satirist

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Alexei Tolstoy, Russian Soviet writer and public figure

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Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

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Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

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Name: History of the decline and destruction of the Great Roman Empire
Author: Edward Gibbon
Date of issue: 2009
Performers Stars: Natalia Litvinova, Ivan Litvinov, Mikhail Pozdnyakov
Duration: 175 hours 05 minutes
Language: Russian
Format: MP3
Bitrate: 32 kbps
Quality: good
Size: 308.41 MB + 294.92 MB + 345.23 MB + 342.22 MB + 358.98 MB + 380.97 MB + 347.39 MB

Covering the period from the 2nd to the 16th centuries of the Western and Eastern Roman Empire, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is the most significant work ever written on Roman history and remains one of the most popular historical works today.
The text is reproduced in 7 volumes without abbreviations.

The first volume covers the period of Roman history from the Antonine Age (2nd century AD - the "golden age of Roman history") to the unification of the empire by Constantine the Great (324 AD)

The second volume describes the conditions in which historical Christianity took shape. Under Gibbon's pen, the figures of people whose actions to this day evoke very ambiguous assessments come to life: Constantine the Great and Julian, the restorer of Hellenism.

In the third volume, the author describes the era that precedes the fall of the once powerful Roman Empire, its prominent political, state and religious figures and covers the period from 362 AD. to 450 AD

In the fourth volume of the History, Gibbon examines the barbarian invasion of the Roman Empire and sets out his views on the reasons for the fall of the Empire.

In the fifth volume of the History, Gibbon examines the reign of Justinian and the formation of the code of Roman law, the development of Christian dogma and the fight against heresies, the emergence of Muhammad and the birth of Islam.
The material in this volume covers the era of greatest prosperity in the history of Europe and the Mediterranean basin in the VI-VIII centuries. (303 AD - 680 AD)

In the sixth volume of his History, Gibbon examines the events and historical trends that determined further development international relations and internal history European countries for the period 632 AD. - 1203 AD: Arab conquests, Crusades, Norman raids on Southern Europe.
Particular attention is paid to the history of the Slavs and Rus'.

The seventh volume of E. Gibbon's historical epic is dedicated to the final stage of history Byzantine Empire, which ended with the fall of Constantinople and the conquest of part of Europe by Turkish invaders. Understanding the history of Byzantium and Rome, the author paints a broad picture of the tragic events of this time - the end crusades, Tatar-Mongol invasion of the lands of Eastern Europe, the campaigns of the great Timur, civil strife in Italy - which marked the end of the existence of a once formidable and great state.

Edward Gibbon's audiobook The History of the Decline and Fall of the Great Roman Empire covers the period from the 2nd to the 16th centuries of the Western and Eastern Roman Empire. It is the most significant work ever written on Roman history, and remains one of the most popular historical works today.

Edward Gibbon (1737 - 1794), English historian, in whose works a brilliant literary style and fascinating storytelling were combined with high scientific level critical analysis of a wide range of sources.

The first volume covers the period of Roman history from the Antonine Age (2nd century AD - the "golden age of Roman history") to the unification of the empire by Constantine the Great (324 AD).
Playing time: 22 hours. 41 min.

The second volume describes the conditions in which historical Christianity took shape. Under Gibbon's pen, the figures of people whose actions to this day evoke very ambiguous assessments come to life: Constantine the Great and Julian, the restorer of Hellenism.
Playing time: 21 hours. 55 min.

In the third volume, the author describes the era that precedes the fall of the once powerful Roman Empire, its prominent political, state and religious figures and covers the period from 362 AD. to 450 AD
Playing time: 25 hours. 23 min.

In the fourth volume, Gibbon examines the barbarian invasion of the Roman Empire and sets out his views on the reasons for the fall of the Empire. The material in this volume covers the period of the emergence of European states and the rise of the Eastern Roman Empire (450 AD - 594 AD).
Playing time: 25 hours. 10 min.

In the fifth volume, Gibbon examines the reign of Justinian and the formation of the body of Roman law, the development of Christian dogma and the fight against heresies, the emergence of Muhammad and the birth of Islam.
The material in this volume covers the era of greatest prosperity in the history of Europe and the Mediterranean basin in the VI-VIII centuries. (303 AD - 680 AD)
Playing time: 26 hours. 28 min.

In the sixth volume, Gibbon examines the events and historical trends that determined the further development of international relations and the internal history of European states for the period 632 AD. - 1203 AD: Arab conquests, crusades, Norman raids on Southern Europe. Particular attention is paid to the history of the Slavs and Rus'.
Playing time: 28 hours. 05 min.

The seventh volume of E. Gibbon's historical epic is dedicated to the final stage of the history of the Byzantine Empire, which ended with the fall of Constantinople and the conquest of part of Europe by Turkish invaders. Understanding the history of Byzantium and Rome, the author paints a broad picture of the tragic events of this time - the end of the Crusades, the Tatar-Mongol invasion of the lands of Eastern Europe, the campaigns of the great Timur, civil strife in Italy - which marked the end of the existence of a once formidable and great state.
Playing time: 25 hours. 35 min.

Playing time: 175:05:05
Publisher: aKniga
Edward Gibbon's audiobook “The History of the Decline and Collapse of the Great Roman Empire” is performed by: Mikhail Pozdnyakov, Natalia Litvinova
