Assassin is a hired killer. Assassin games. The peak of development and prosperity of the sect

Many people mistakenly believe that it was the modern Taliban and Palestinians who created the first specialized suicide bombing camps, but this is not so. The grim events associated with the death of people began many centuries ago. At that time, the masters of other people's lives were the Assassins - a religious organization of hired killers, which consisted of Ismailis.

Its founder was Sheikh Hassan I ibn Sabbah, known from the pages of history as the creator of the state called “Alamut”. It included the mountainous territory of Persia (modern Iran), Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The center of the power was a fortress built on the peak of the Alamut rock (“Eagle’s Nest”).

Where did the power of the assassins begin?

For thirty-four years the sheikh ruled over the territory of his possessions. He was a fairly tough and merciless ruler who instilled fear in his subjects. At that time, under his care, people lived in harsh conditions. However, despite his severity, he himself lived very modestly, he had a wife and children.

For the ruler, unquestioning obedience from everyone was important. He did not even spare his children if they were guilty. He executed his first son for drinking wine, and killed his second heir because he was suspected of being involved in the murder of a preacher.

Hasan I ibn Sabbah was a heartless and strict ruler for everyone, but it was precisely these traits that attracted more and more supporters to him. He soon had more than 60,000 loyal servants at his disposal, who later became assassins. They say that the Mountain Elder, as the sheikh was popularly called, decided to create a sect after the leader of the Savvay Ismailis was sentenced to execution by the Sultan's vizier Nizim el-Mulk.

The Sheikh believed that an innocent man had been deprived of his life. After the execution, he climbed the tower and began to express dissatisfaction with the behavior of the vizier and received massive support from those watching, who very quickly turned into real fanatics who wanted to kill Nizim el-Mulka.

The most active among the crowd was a man named Bu Tahir Arrani, who became the first killer appointed by the sheikh. In fact, the founding date of the Assassin sect is considered to be 1092, when, during the celebration of the religious holiday of Ramadan, the Sultan's vizier was killed by a hired killer. Bu Tahir Arrani plunged his dagger into his chest and awaited his inevitable fate with a satisfied smile.

Naturally, he was executed, and Hassan I ibn Sabbah ordered to hang a memorial plaque with the name of the first assassin, who became the holy creator of revenge. Over time, the names of representatives of princely, royal and sultan blood, high-ranking officials, scientists, writers, etc., killed by mercenaries, began to be entered there. In a fairly short period of time, in just a couple of years, there were already forty-nine names on the list.

Ticket to the next world

Having felt the pleasant “taste” of power after the death of the vizier, the sheikh realized what incredible power he possessed, because the fanatics around him, like attack dogs, were ready at any time to rush at the victim and destroy him. However, he did not recruit everyone into the ranks of hired killers; he gave special preference to orphans. The detachment he created was called “Fidayeen,” which means “those who sacrifice themselves in the name of faith.”

He was an excellent manipulator and speaker. He promised his “dogs” paradise after death, and in order to reinforce their desire to serve, the sheikh gave them this paradise, but only on Earth. For this purpose, on his orders, an incredibly beautiful garden with fruit trees and fragrant flowers was created. In its center stood a majestic palace, decorated with the finest gold.

Springs flowed near the palace walls, from which milk, wine and honey flowed. In the garden and in the palace there were true beauties who played various musical instruments, delighted the eyes with their plasticity while dancing, and also had incredible vocal abilities. In fact, the sheikh created an earthly paradise, well, at least, he told his followers about such an Eden, and, among other things, he called himself a prophet, capable of sending anyone who wanted to a heavenly place at any time. And he did this periodically.

The young men were put to sleep, and after that they were transported either to Eden, leaving them for several days, or back to the fortress. When the young people woke up, they were ready to kiss their master's feet and do everything he ordered. Naturally, news about “paradise” spread very quickly and more and more people wanted to join the sect.

Assassin Training

The training of hired killers was carried out extremely carefully. Each assassin had to master absolutely all types of weapons existing at that time, understand poisons, and also have extreme stamina and endurance. To do this, the young men were forced to stand motionless at the fortress wall for several hours, regardless of weather conditions.

Patience is one of the main qualities characteristic of mercenaries, as they must hatch a plan of revenge for as long as it takes, whether hours, days or years pass, and patiently wait for the most opportune moment to strike the killing blow.

Also, every supporter of the sect had to be able to transform, and they possessed this talent at the highest level. A distinctive and at the same time unique feature of the assassins can be considered the presence of a smile on their face during torture and execution - they thus seemed to mock those representatives of high society who live believing in impunity and their unquestioning power.

The sect was created strictly according to the hierarchy:

  • “Fedayeen” is the lowest level that carried out death sentences, that is, contract killings.
  • "Rafiki" - senior privates.
  • “Dai al-Kirbali” - generals who obeyed the Mountain Elder, who was always in the shadows from prying eyes. That is why only a select few knew about him, and his people did not even suspect that their ruler was the founder of the religious sect of assassins.

The peak of development and prosperity of the sect

The Assassins quickly struck fear into the entire Muslim world, creating many mountain fortified fortresses in Syria and Iran. Every year there were more and more secret political deaths on their account. However, over time, the effectiveness of fulfilling orders began to fall - it is likely that the reason for this was the bribery of mercenaries by the eastern rulers, who gave a new task - the elimination of European officials.

In 1145, the sect received an order to kill the son of the Tripolitan Count Raymond II of Toulouse. He was killed in the church where he was trying to find his salvation. Naturally, the count was not going to leave the assassins’ act unpunished and gathered an army of Templars, but the leader of the sect was able to come to an agreement with him and literally bought his forgiveness for 2,000 gold coins. But still, the peaceful calm did not last long and a disagreement arose between them.

From that time on, European kings were in fear of the power and dexterity of the Assassins. They spoke only flatteringly about the Mountain Elder, and those who allowed themselves excesses in his direction were mysteriously killed. An excellent example was the death of Count Bohemund, who was stabbed to death in broad daylight in a crowd of people. The same fate awaited Conrad of Montferrat, who was a contender for the Jerusalem crown.

The sect was responsible for the murders of four caliphs, forty-eight city rulers and regional governors, seventeen representatives of the spiritual world, as well as the great scientist of Iran - Abul-Mahasin Ibn Tagri-berdi - and this is not the entire list. However, despite the impunity and strength of the Assassins, their rule came to an end in 1256 thanks to the hordes of Mongols, led by Khan Hulagu. They destroyed the center of the assassins - the Alamut fortress and killed representatives of the religious sect of the Mountain Elder.

Does an assassin sect exist today?

There is an opinion that after the Mongol attack, a small part of the mercenaries were able to escape to Indian territory. This assumption has a right to exist, because in the 13th century the Syrian lands were located close to this country. In addition, irrefutable evidence is that it was during this period that the Fansigar and Tag sects existing at that time rapidly increased their influence in Indian lands.

Therefore, it is likely that Syrian assassins became part of them. Also, given that the main fortress of the sect was located on the lands of Iran, which is located next to Iraq and Afghanistan, it is likely that Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein themselves may be associated with the assassins or even be their leaders.

Osama bin Laden

Saddam Hussein

After all, it is no secret to anyone that these people were accused of organizing a large number of terrorist acts. In addition, martyrs, like assassins, firmly believe that they will certainly go to heaven after their “heroic” death.

However, when they perform their actions today, they are in a trance, the cause of which is drug intoxication. Shaheeds, just like assassins, believe that by taking people’s lives, they learn the truth and fulfill their destiny. Are there a few similarities? But while there are some answers, there are still more questions.

Far away in Persia - between the Iranian plateau and the coast of the Caspian Sea - an inaccessible mountain rises. The Alamut fortress stands on it. The Elder lives there, served by hundreds of warriors - ideal killers, ruthless and unbending executors of the will of their master... not people - living weapons! And therefore everyone in the East - right down to the emirs and caliphs - trembles before the Elder...

This is what they said in the 11th century when they returned from the Holy Land. This might seem like an “oriental fairy tale” - but the Old Man (as well as his warriors, called assassins) actually existed... True, at the beginning of his career he was only 30 years old - and at first he was called the “old man” not because of his age, and out of respect... where did he start his?

“If you want to get rich, you need to found a new religion” - this principle was known long before L. Ron Hubbard. In any case, Hasan ibn Sabbah (this is the real name of the Old Man of the Mountain) took exactly this path: he created what would now be called totalitarian sect. As in modern sects, the “creed” was very simple: “only I know the truth, obey me unquestioningly - and you will go to heaven.” People Middle Ages fell for such a “bait” as easily as our contemporaries - especially since the Elder allowed his followers to visit “paradise” during his lifetime. The “key to heaven” was hashish - that’s why its adherents were called hashishins (Europeans pronounced this word as “assassins”).

In other words, the assassins were sectarian drug addicts. And a drug addict, as you know, is ready to do anything for a “dose”... Once a certain emir was visiting the Old Man of the Mountain - and wanted to make sure whether his warriors were as obedient as they say? The elder immediately ordered the sentry standing on the tower to throw himself into the abyss - and he rushed without hesitation... apparently, dying was not as scary for him as being left without another “dose” (and why be afraid of death - after all, the man was sure that he would fall straight to heaven, which he had already “seen”!).

But throwing yourself from a tower is just that, a demonstration... but in fact, the Elder found a more useful use for his people. He began by capturing this very fortress of Alamut in 1090, and from there the valley over which it dominated, and then the neighboring lands. Moreover, he acted not only and not even so much as a conqueror, but also as the leader of a mafia clan: if you recognize my power, you use my protection and patronage, if you don’t recognize... you yourself understand what will happen. And the local residents supported him: one Elder is still better than a whole army of corrupt officials (who, by the way, will not protect you from his murderers if you do not obey)... This is how a kind of bandit state turned out.

One should not think that no one tried to fight the assassins and their leader - for example, in 1092, the troops of Emir Arslan-tash tried to take Alamut by storm... they failed. Another opponent of Ibn Sabbah was the vizier Nizam al-Mulk - and in 1092 he was killed by an assassin. Sultan Malik Shah planned to attack the assassins - and unexpectedly died on the eve of the campaign (no one doubted that it was poisoning)...

Yes, terror was Ibn Sabbah’s favorite tactic, and his fidayi (as they would say now - killers) knew no equal - the Elder even made good money from this, “hiring out” his killers, and Christians also used such “services” ( Thus, after the death of the Elder, Conrad of Montferrat was killed by the Assassins - soon after the decision was made to transfer the crown of the Kingdom of Jerusalem to him)...

For the murders, daggers were used, less often - poison, and most importantly, the murders were very well organized: in each city, Ibn Sabbah had his own agents who provided shelter and the necessary information to the fidai who arrived from Alamut, and bribed the victim’s servants and bodyguards. And if the assassins decided to kill someone (in the interests of their leader or on order) - there was no doubt: they would do it! So, once the murderers lived as Christians for two years (!), on Sundays, where the person who should have been killed went - until they stopped paying attention to them there... So Ibn Sabbah not only loved the tactics of terror - he brought it to perfection!

And it was precisely this tactic that he tried to use to seize power: his people in the capital began to kill prominent citizens, provoking panic...

The Elder’s plans were thwarted by an incident: a beggar woman, passing by a house on the outskirts of the city, heard screams and moans and called the guards. The house was immediately searched and a basement was discovered where the torture and murders took place. After this, raids begin, in which city residents who hate the assassins willingly participate.

Thus, the Old Man of the Mountain failed to become caliph - so he lived to a ripe old age in the Alamut fortress. He executed his sons: one was reported to him that he was preparing a conspiracy against his father (and when after the execution it turned out that this was slander, he executed the informers and their relatives to the seventh generation), and the second was found in the room - contrary to the ascetic demands of the sect - jug...

But, despite the fact that the Elder had no blood heirs, the terrorist “power” did not cease to exist with his death in 1124. And it existed for another 100 years until it fell under the blows of the Mongol conquerors.

  • Medium, Humanoid, Any alignment other than good
  • Armor class: 15 (riveted leather)
  • Hits: 78 (12 d8 + 24)
  • Speed: 30 ft.
  • Damage Resistance: I
  • Saving Throws: VOC +6 , INT +4
  • Skills: Acrobatics +6 , Attentiveness +3 , Deception +3 , Stealth +9
  • Feelings: Passive mindfulness 13
  • Languages: That's it, Thieves' jargon
  • Danger: 8 - 3900 op.
  • Source: « Monster manual»
  • Capabilities

    Languages. The assassin knows up to two languages ​​besides Thieves' Jargon.

    Murder. On the assassin's first turn, he has advantage on attack rolls against creatures that have not yet taken a turn. All of the assassin's hits against units caught by surprise are critical hits.

    Dodge. If the bounty hunter is subject to an effect that allows him to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, the bounty hunter instead takes no damage if he succeeds on the saving throw, and takes only half damage if he fails the saving throw.

    Sneak Attack (1/turn). The bounty hunter deals an extra 14 (4d6) damage if he hits a target with a weapon attack made with advantage on the attack roll or if the target is within 5 feet of him. from a capable ally of the bounty hunter, and the bounty hunter makes the attack roll without disadvantage.

  • Actions

    Multiattack. The assassin makes two attacks with his short sword.

    Short sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

    Light crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

  • Description

    Hired killers who know how to use poisons work mercilessly for the nobility, heads of guilds, rulers, and, indeed, anyone who can pay for their services.

    • Material taken from the pdf version of the translation "Monster Manual" from the studio "

Assassins are medieval mercenaries, immigrants from the East, outcasts among their fellow tribesmen, later romanticized by Western folklore. Since ancient times, assassins have been called killers who commit atrocities for political reasons. Recently, the legend of assassins received its rebirth: after studying historical sources telling about hired killers, Ubisoft Montreal released the game Assassin Creed.

Origin of the Assassins

For the first time on the European continent, they heard about assassins during the Crusades. Stories about hired killers were written by the enemies of Muslims - the crusaders, and have long turned into legends. Initially, assassins were used by politicians of the Muslim faith to achieve their goals; later they “retrained” as killers of Christians and began to fight the invasions of the Crusaders. It is known that in 1256 the Tatar-Mongols captured the headquarters of the Assassins, located in the city of Alamut.

In their work, the assassins used various techniques accepted in the Middle Ages. One of these methods was murders carried out in crowded places in order to intimidate possible opponents. However, unlike modern terrorists, assassins never killed civilians; they directed their actions only against real, aggressive enemies. The assassins had their own code, they were trained in the art of war, strategy, linguistics, equestrianism, and the art of camouflage.

Assassins today

Modern people learned about assassins after the appearance of the game Assassin Creed. It is a historical adventure game set during the Third Crusade. The player participates in the events as the main character - modern man Desmond Mealy. Mili, using a machine called the Animus, resurrects genetic memory and restores in his mind the identity of one of his ancestors - the assassin Altair.

The essence of Assassin games

The goal of Assassin Creed is to carry out a series of contract killings ordered by the leader of the assassins. To complete the task, the player must travel from the Brotherhood's headquarters through the Holy Land to one of three cities - Acre, Jerusalem or Damascus, and find the Brotherhood of agents. Agents provide the player with the necessary information and require additional missions: eavesdropping, interrogation, theft, transfer of information.

Having entered the game, the user finds himself in a world open to exploration. He can take part in side missions, guard the people he needs, climb to the top of towers and inspect the situation from there. After completing the task, the player returns to the Brotherhood, receives a new weapon and a new goal. The character's health depends on the synchronization that occurs between Desmond's memory and Altair's memories. When Altair suffers injuries, it is perceived as a deviation from reality rather than physical damage.

The Assassin Creed game received a lot of positive reviews and ratings after its release. The project has gained popularity among players from all continents; it has been awarded as one of the best action games with excellent graphics, a dashing plot and exciting gameplay.

Assassin games are not limited to the above mentioned game, they are many and varied. All of them feature an exciting plot, addictive gameplay and excellent graphics. We have collected the best of them for you on this page.
