Methodological recommendations for drawing up a plan. Recommendations for drawing up a marketing plan. Name of the event and format

Dispatching service ____________________________________________________________

The dispatch of forces and means according to fire rank No. ____ is provided.

The fire extinguishing plan was: ________________

Appendix 5

Fire crew report card

Fire brigade number

Job title

Actions of the fire brigade number in case of fire

Appendix 6

Organization of interaction between fire departments and life support services of the organization, city, settlement(district), BUT


Contents of tasks

Responsible service

Involved officials from various services

Appendix 7

Organization of fire extinguishing by fire departments

Time from the start of fire development

Possible fire conditions

Q tr l/s

Extinguishing and protection devices were introduced

Q f l/s




GPS, SVP, etc.

Appendix 8


Table 1

Operational and tactical characteristics of building No.

Dimensions of geometries

ric (m)

Structural elements

Fire resistance limit, building structure (hour)


quality of inputs


staircase design

Energy supply

Fire notification and extinguishing systems







Mains voltage

Where and by whom will I turn off-



table 2

Availability and characteristics of fire extinguishing installations


Name of premises protected by fire extinguishing installations

Availability and locations of automatic and manual fire extinguishing installations

Table 3

Availability and characteristics of the smoke removal and air supply system


Name of premises protected by smoke removal and air pressure installations

Type and characteristics of the installation

Availability and location of automatic and manual start-up of smoke removal and air pressurization units

Table 4

Fire hazard of substances and materials circulating in production and measures to protect personnel


Name of flammable (explosive) substances and materials

Quantity (volume) in the room, (kg, l, m 3)

a brief description of fire danger

Extinguishing media

additional information

Table 5

Presence of hazardous chemicals, radioactive substances in premises, technological installations (devices)


Name of premises, technological equipment

Name of the substance, its quantity

a brief description of

Fire extinguishing agent

Personal protective equipment

additional information

Application 9

Summary tables for calculation of forces and means

Table 1

Summary table for calculating forces and means for extinguishing a fire

Extinguishing option

Forecast of fire development (fire area, fire front, linear speed of spread, extinguishing area, extinguishing volume, etc.

Required consumption of fire extinguishing agents, l. s -1

Number of fire extinguishing agent supply devices, pcs.

Required supply of fire extinguishing agents, l

Number of fire engines, main/special units.

Limit distances for water supply, m

Number of personnel, number of GDZS units people/pcs.

table 2

Forces and means involved in extinguishing the fire and the time of their concentration

Fire rank

Units, location

Number and type of fire trucks, pcs.

Number of combat crews, people.

Distances from fire departments to the facility, km.

Travel time, winter/summer min.

Deployment time of forces and assets, min.


Application 10


(name of organization (object), departmental affiliation, address)

during the day __________________

Operational and tactical characteristics of the organization (object)


List of indicators of fire-tactical characteristics of an organization (facility)

The value of indicators of fire-tactical characteristics of an organization (facility)

Children's, medical, cultural and entertainment, high-rise, public and administrative, cable tunnels; other

Fire resistance level of the building

I, II, III, IV, V degree of fire resistance.

Number of people in the building:


during the daytime

Person; children___ people; sick ___ people


at night time

Person; children ___ people; sick ___ people

Construction and design features





number of storeys



overall height

___×___ meters.


dimensions (geometric)

yes, no.


presence of a basement

the presence of an attic, tech. floors

yes, no.

Building construction:


Exterior walls

Fire resistance limit

Fire danger



Fire resistance limit _____ min. (loss of load-bearing capacity, loss of integrity, loss of thermal insulation ability).

Fire danger (non-fire hazardous, low fire hazardous, moderate fire hazardous, fire hazardous)



Fire resistance limit _____ min. (loss of load-bearing capacity, loss of integrity, loss of thermal insulation ability).

Fire danger



Fire resistance limit _____ min. (loss of load-bearing capacity, loss of integrity, loss of thermal insulation ability).

Fire danger (non-fire hazardous, low fire hazardous, moderate fire hazardous, fire hazardous).



Fire resistance limit _____ min. (loss of load-bearing capacity, loss of integrity, loss of thermal insulation ability).

Fire danger (non-fire hazardous, low fire hazardous, moderate fire hazardous, fire hazardous).


Construction Materials:





Non-spreading, weakly spreading, moderately spreading, highly spreading.

Smoke generating ability:




Flammability: non-flammable, flammable (moderately flammable, normally flammable, highly flammable.

Flammability: inflammable, moderately flammable, flammable.

Flame spread over the surface: non-spreading, weakly spreading, non-spreading, highly spreading.

Smoke generating ability: with low smoke-forming ability, with moderate smoke-forming ability, with high smoke-forming ability.

Toxicity: low-risk, moderately dangerous, highly dangerous, extremely dangerous.



Flammability: non-flammable, flammable (moderately flammable, normally flammable, highly flammable.

Flammability: inflammable, moderately flammable, flammable.

Flame spread over the surface:

Smoke generating ability: with low smoke-forming ability, with moderate smoke-forming ability, with high smoke-forming ability.

Toxicity: low-risk, moderately dangerous, highly dangerous, extremely dangerous.



Flammability: non-flammable, flammable (moderately flammable, normally flammable, highly flammable.

Flammability: inflammable, moderately flammable, flammable.

Flame spread over the surface: non-spreading, weakly spreading, moderately spreading, highly spreading.

Smoke generating ability: with low smoke-forming ability, with moderate smoke-forming ability, with high smoke-forming ability.

Toxicity: low-risk, moderately dangerous, highly dangerous, extremely dangerous.

Fire resistance limit and type of fire barriers


Partitions: type of fire barrier ____; fire resistance limit ____ min.; type of filling of openings (doors, gates, hatches, valves, windows, curtains) ___ ; type of vestibule ____.

Floors: type of fire barrier ____; fire resistance limit ____ min.; type of filling of openings (doors, gates, hatches, valves, windows, curtains) ____; type of vestibule ____.

Evacuation routes.

Smoke-free staircases, external fire escapes, roof exits, external passages, balconies, loggias.

Places of power outage, ventilation, smoke removal.

The main elements of danger for people in case of fire.

Poisoning with CO and decomposition products, exposure to high temperatures, collapse of structures, explosions, spreading of flammable substances, electric shock.


Fire water supply.


number of fire reservoirs, their capacity

PC.; ________l.


fire water supply, its type, water consumption, number of hydrants

dead-end, roundabout; ______l/s; ______PC.


presence and number of internal fire hydrants

yes, no; _____PC.


connection type and diameter of internal fire hydrants


required water consumption for fire extinguishing needs


water supply methods

from a tanker truck; with installation at a water source, water supply, pumping.


Premises containing explosive substances and materials.


Availability of UAPT, UAPS

Note: Depending on the characteristics of the organization (facility), sections of the table can be supplemented with data necessary for use when organizing fire extinguishing.


(head of an organization (facility), municipality, subject Russian Federation)

(certified by seal)


(head of department

fire department)

"___________" _________________ 200__

(certified by seal)

Fire extinguishing card for rural settlements


(name of locality, district)


Phone numbers: _______________________________________________________________

PC, DPC, DPO ___________________________________________________________________

Distance from the fire station ________________ km, route _______________


Number of residential buildings _____________________________________________ ______________________

Number of vital facilities for a rural settlement ____________________

Equipment for fire extinguishing purposes _________________________________________________

The fire extinguishing card was compiled by: ________________________________________________

(position, title, full name)

Appendix 13

Operational-tactical characteristics of objects


Object name, address

Phone number

Fire resistance degree

Number of storeys

Plan area

Number of people during the day, at night

Type and number of animals, method of keeping

Note: Depending on the characteristics of the organization (facility), municipality, sections of the table can be supplemented with data necessary for use in organizing fire suppression, and other reference applications can also be developed.








Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

Appendix 7

Appendix 8

Appendix 9

Appendix 10

Appendix 11

Appendix 12

Appendix 13

Sample lesson plan

The content of the lessons will vary depending on the subject and the type of lesson. But the basic principles of drawing up a competent outline are the same in all cases.

Stage 1. Lesson topic

The topic of the lesson is always indicated in the teacher’s annual lesson plan.

Stage II. Lesson Objectives

MIt is more convenient for young teachers to use the old, proven method and clearly distinguish the objectives of the lesson into three positions:

Educational goals. These could be goals such as:

Give an idea about...;

Summarize and systematize knowledge about....;

Introduce students to (concept, rule, facts, law, etc.)

Develop skills (work with laboratory equipment, etc.).


To instill in students a sense of patriotism, humanity, hard work, respect for elders, aesthetic taste, ethical standards, and discipline.

Developmental. Here are goals that will help develop students’ memory, imagination, thinking, cognitive skills, will, independence, and communication. If the lesson provides for group work, then you can indicate that the main developmental goal will be to teach how to work in a team, express and defend your point of view, and develop communication skills.

Stage III. Planned tasks

This indicates the minimum knowledge and skills that students should acquire during the lesson. The planned tasks should be compared with the requirements for the knowledge and skills of students, which are designated by the Ministry of Education for each grade and for each subject.

Stage IV. Type and form of the lesson

Each time you should clarify for yourself whether this will be an explanation lesson, a conversation lesson, or whether you are aiming to teach a non-standard lesson.
For convenience, I will give examples of the most common types and forms of lessons.

Types and forms of lessons

1. Lesson on introducing new material.

Forms: conversation, problem lesson, lecture.

2. Lesson to consolidate what has been learned.

Forms: games, competitions, KVN, travel, benefit performance, briefing, auction, fairy tale, performance, etc.

3. A lesson in applying new knowledge and skills in practice.

Forms: the same as for consolidation lessons. You can also conduct research lessons, laboratories, creative workshops, competitions, testing, excursions, etc.

4. Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

The form is chosen freely, at the request of the teacher.

5. Test lesson.

Forms: both traditional tests, tests, dictations, essays, and more creative types: seminars, briefings or consultations.

6. Integrated lessons. The forms are free, since 2 or more subjects are involved in one lesson.

Stage V. Equipment

This lists everything the teacher will use during the lesson. These are multimedia presentations, audio and video materials, visual and handout materials.

Stage VI. During the classes

1. Organizing time – a compulsory stage of all lessons. Helps to concentrate students' attention, determine their composure and readiness for the lesson.

2. Checking homework. Experienced teachers practice checking homework every day. This helps not only to check how well the previous topic has been learned, but also to remind the class of the main points of previous lessons.

Exceptions are control lessons.

3. Updating students’ knowledge on the topic. This stage is very popular in teaching methods. Actualization helps students tune in to the perception of the topic and identify the range of issues that will be discussed in the lesson. In addition, actualization makes it possible to set a practical goal for the lesson.

4. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson. The teacher himself can define the topics and goals of the lesson. Or you can lead students to this during a preliminary conversation, creating a cluster or mini-test.

5. The main part of the lesson.

This part of the lesson will vary depending on the type and form of the lesson. But the principle of construction is the same: from simple to complex, from general to specific.

6. Summing up. You can replace this stage with reflection. It is important for the teacher to understand what students have learned, what questions remain unclear, and what problems remain unresolved.

7. Grading. Grades can be set by the teacher himself, analyzing and evaluating students’ work in class, but practice self-assessment or a cumulative point system. In this case, students evaluate their own work.

8. Homework.

Traditionally, this stage is left until the end of the lesson. But homework can be given both at the beginning and in the middle of the lesson. Especially if homework is assigned, for example, writing an essay, an essay, or doing a laboratory test. In this case, the teacher draws attention in advance to the fact that the points developed in class will be important when doing homework.

Modern methodology recommends, in addition to the mandatory task, to offer students options at a more complex level or aimed at developing creative abilities (create a collage, draw a picture on a topic, or prepare a report or presentation).

When developing this section of the business plan, it is necessary to be based on the following principles:

  • 1) the principle of understanding the consumer, based on taking into account the needs and dynamics of market conditions;
  • 2) the principle of fighting for the consumer (client);
  • 3) the principle of maximum adaptation of production to market requirements.

Also, when carrying out marketing activities, it is necessary to remember that the process of coordinating the company’s capabilities and consumer requests takes place in a certain external (environmental) environment, which is influenced by factors such as:

  • 1) stability of the political and legal system in the market country, providing legal protection for the activities of its own and foreign entrepreneurs;
  • 2) economic and demographic factors;
  • 3) the legislative system regulating the activities of the organization;
  • 4) the level of scientific and technological progress, which forces us to produce new products and carry out effective marketing activities;
  • 5) socio-cultural level of the population, geographical, climatic and historical conditions, cultural traditions, which have a great impact on marketing activities. When writing this section, it is necessary to take into account that the marketing plan includes a large number of questions that must be given a detailed, comprehensive answer when drawing it up. It is advisable to outline the main things on several pages: what marketing strategy has been adopted by the company, how the product will be sold - through its own company stores or through wholesale trade organizations; how prices for goods will be set, what level of profitability on invested funds is expected to be realized; how is it expected to achieve constant growth in sales volumes - by expanding the sales area or by searching for new forms of attracting additional customers; how the service will be organized and how much funds will be needed for this; how it is expected to achieve a good reputation for the products and the company itself in the eyes of the public.
  • 1) marketing goals and strategies;
  • 2) pricing;
  • 3) distribution scheme of goods;
  • 4) methods of sales promotion;
  • 5) organization of after-sales customer service;
  • 6) advertising;
  • 7) formation of public opinion about the company and products;
  • 8) marketing budget;
  • 9) marketing controlling.

After determining the overall target strategy of the company for each type of product, a detailed action plan is developed. The main criteria for assessing the strategy here are assortment, market, competition. The range of products offered ultimately depends on the need for product quality among end consumers. Differences in product types in the assortment must meet the specific requirements of consumers.

Market size is determined by the number of potential consumers in each individual product.

Assessing competitors involves identifying firms on the market that sell products with similar qualities and that can replace the product being offered.

Pricing. The pricing strategy may be based on cost, demand or competition. In a cost-based strategy, the entrepreneur determines prices by calculating production, service and overhead costs, and then adds the desired profit to these figures. Demand is not being studied.

As part of a demand-based strategy, the price is determined at the level of the market average, and costs in this case should not exceed the amount calculated as the difference between price and profit.

With a competitive pricing strategy, prices can be either lower or higher than market prices, depending on consumer loyalty, the service provided, and the image of the product. This principle is used by firms that have competitors.

In addition, this section may suggest and justify any of the following strategies:

  • 1) establishment of standard prices. They are established when a channel member sets prices for goods or services and strives to keep them constant over a long period of time. They are used for products such as candy, chewing gum, magazines;
  • 2) variable pricing. A firm deliberately changes prices to respond to changes in costs or consumer demand. Using this strategy, you can offer different prices to target certain market segments. In this case, the prices charged to different consumers are not based on costs;
  • 3) establishment of uniform and flexible prices;
  • 4) strategy of unrounded prices. This strategy occurs in cases where prices are set below round amounts. The psychological factor comes into play - consumers like to receive change;
  • 5) the concept of "price - quality". When entering the market, it is often advisable for a manufacturing company to use price leadership tactics. Another method used if you want to increase the volume of product sales is to establish discounts for bulk purchases.

Product distribution scheme. According to this paragraph, the organization’s marketing plan must indicate a scheme for selling goods.

Distribution and marketing include three elements: transportation, storage and contact with consumers.

When choosing distribution channels, it is necessary to take into account a number of main factors.

  • 1. Consumers:
  • 1) characteristics: quantity, needs, average purchase size;
  • 2) segments: size, purchasing behavior.
  • 2. Company:
  • 1) goals: control, sales, profit, time;
  • 2) resources: flexibility, level, service needs.
  • 3. Product or service:
  • 1) cost: price per unit;
  • 2) complexity: technical side;
  • 3) volume: unit mass, separability.
  • 4. Competition:
  • 1) characteristics: number, concentration, assortment, consumers;
  • 2) tactics: methods of product distribution, sales relationships.
  • 5. Product distribution channels:
  • 1) alternatives: direct, indirect;
  • 2) characteristics: quantity, functions performed, traditions;
  • 3) legal aspects: relevant laws and bills.

There are two main types of distribution channels:

  • 1) direct channels associated with the movement of goods from producer to consumer without the use of independent intermediaries.
  • 2) indirect distribution channels associated with the movement of goods first to the intermediary and then to the consumer.

An assessment is made of which retail network (wholesale or retail) the product (service) is primarily sold or is expected to be sold through.

There are three general categories of organizing I wholesale activities; their brief characteristics are given below.

  • 1. Wholesale activities of manufacturers.
  • 2. Commercial wholesale organizations buy products for resale.
  • 3. Agents and brokers perform wholesale functions but do not take title to goods.

Retailing in general serves four functions. She is involved in the sorting process, collecting an assortment of goods from a large number of suppliers and offering them for sale; presents information to consumers through advertising, displays and signage; carries out operations for servicing goods; completes transactions using appropriate store locations and hours of operation.

Sales promotion. An organization can use a wide range of sales promotion tools:

  • 1) direct mail;
  • 2) trade shows and demonstrations;
  • 3) placement of advertising;
  • 4) printed and audiovisual media;
  • 5) display windows in stores;
  • 6) business meetings and conferences;
  • 7) payment for coupons, etc.

The type of sales promotion largely depends on the strategy of the organization, its position in the market, financial capabilities, specifics of the product, etc. All this is reflected in this section of the business plan in the form of an incentive plan, the development of which consists of the following elements:

  • 1) setting goals. Sales promotion goals are almost always demand-oriented. Objectives associated with channel members include ensuring the most favorable sales conditions, increasing dealer enthusiasm, etc.;
  • 2) responsibility for sales promotion, usually shared by advertising and sales managers. Each one runs incentives related to their area. The advertising manager is associated with coupons, competitions, and calendars. The sales manager deals with trade supplies, discounts, exhibitions;
  • 3) a developed overall plan, including budget, orientation or theme, conditions, media, duration and chronological sequence;
  • 4) choosing the type of stimulation. It is based on factors such as the image and goals of the organization, costs. This is achieved by establishing bonuses for sellers when selling goods for a certain amount, organizing exhibitions, holding trade competitions for dealers, organizing lotteries, replacing outdated modules on preferential terms, by establishing discounts for wholesale purchases;
  • 5) coordination of the plan, i.e. linking the advertising plan with sales promotion;
  • 6) assessments of success or failure.

After-sales service. In this section it is necessary to highlight issues related to the conditions of warranty and post-warranty service, the provision of a range of services in each of these types of service, the structure and location of service enterprises. After-sales service planning consists of determining the organization's policy in the context of the following issues:

  • 1) compliance of the range and quality of after-sales services with the needs of consumers;
  • 2) frequency of use of individual parts and assemblies;
  • 3) a well-functioning mechanism for supplying warranty workshops with the required number of spare parts.
  • 1) established goals;
  • 2) established responsibility;
  • 3) detailed advertising budget;
  • 4) developed advertising themes common to the entire organization;
  • 5) chosen advertising medium;
  • 6) proposed solutions for:
    • a) the content of the message (video);
    • b) work schedule;
    • c) the place of announcements in a broadcast or printed publication;
    • d) other conditions;
  • 7) the period during which the advertisement will be published.

Formation of public opinion ("Public relations"). In terms of marketing, special attention should also be paid to public opinion about the organization and its products (services) and, accordingly, to the methods of its formation. The objectives of the "Public relations" service are:

  • 1) systematically creating a favorable attitude towards the company among the general population;
  • 2) carrying out a sales presentation;
  • 3) conducting institutional advertising;
  • 4) rendering consulting services with the issuance of proposals to management on issues of public recognition of the company, its position in the market and image.

Development of a marketing budget. The simplest way to determine a budget is as follows:

  • 1) the total market volume for each product for the next year is estimated;
  • 2) a forecast is made of the company’s share in this market, taking into account planned marketing activities;
  • 3) sales volume, costs and profits for each product are estimated;
  • 4) the difference between the planned (without marketing activities) profit and the profit obtained as a result of the assessment is determined;
  • 5) part of this difference (usually 50%) is included in the marketing budget;
  • 6) the marketing budget is determined by summing up all products.

This budget is distributed among marketing expense items in the proportions of the previous year.

Controlling. Controlling refers to the quantitative and qualitative preparation and assessment of operational and strategic decisions of management, analysis of the company’s economic activities.

Annual planning of educational work with the class is an integral part of the work of the class teacher. An educational work plan, drawn up taking into account the problems of the class, aimed at the prospects for the development of the children's team and focused on modern requirements The Federal State Educational Standard allows the class teacher to design and systematize his activities and direct them towards achieving educational results.

These guidelines have been developed taking into account the main areas of work of the class teacher. Recommendations contain short description sections of the annual work plan of the class teacher, options for planning main activities (Appendix 1), a sample work plan for the holiday period (Appendix 2), a sample plan for working with parents (Appendix 3), a sample plan for working with children/families at risk.

When drawing up an annual plan of educational work, the class teacher must have the following information:

Approximate composition of the class group of students (total number of students, number of boys, girls);

Age of students and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of this age;

The presence of leaders and outsiders in the class;

The level of achievement of each child;

The presence of formed micro groups of the class team, which unites them;

The presence of problems in the relationships of students in the class and the reasons for their occurrence;

Interests, hobbies and preferences of each student.

All this knowledge is necessary for the class teacher in order to conduct a competent analysis of the work with the class over the previous academic period and identify the main goals and objectives for the new academic year. If the class teacher will be working with the class for the first year, then this information must be obtained from the previous class teacher (teacher). If the class teacher has been working with the class for more than a year, then he takes the listed knowledge about the student body from his experience of working with students, using the results of diagnostic studies, monitoring educational activities, the predominant forms of which are pedagogical observation, questioning, and testing.

The structure of the plan for educational work with the class.Title page. An educational work plan is an official document that must reflect information about the author, who compiled this document, what age category it is designed for, what is the period of its implementation, with whom it is agreed upon and approved by whom. Therefore, in the VR plan it is necessary to indicate the full name. the teacher - the author, the class in which the teacher will work, the timing of the implementation of the plan. This plan must be agreed upon with the administration representative (or teacher) responsible for educational work in educational organization, and approve it from the manager.

Analysis of educational work for the previous academic year. The following information must be included in this section of the plan:

  • the goal of educational work indicated in the plan for the past academic year, towards which the work of the class teacher was aimed;
  • tasks aimed at achieving the goal;
  • expected educational results;
  • forms and methods of work of the class teacher used in achieving the designated goals and objectives;
  • main directions of work of the class teacher;
  • specific activities carried out within these areas, describing the level of emotional response of students (liked it, aroused keen interest, students showed particular activity / did not like it, students did not demonstrate their interest, participated as passive listeners, or not the whole class showed special interest and etc.), it is advisable to indicate among the listed events those that have become traditional and the implementation of which caused a particularly positive response from students;
  • problems that arose in the implementation of the BP plan, indicating the specific reasons for their occurrence;
  • the level of achievement of educational results (based on the results of the academic year) in relation to the solution of the set goals and objectives;
  • work with difficult children and children at risk: the number of children registered within the school, registered with law enforcement agencies, registered with the Children's Children's Department, and the reasons for registration are indicated. The basic principles of organizing work with this group of students, the degree of their involvement in extracurricular activities, the forms used to control students’ employment outside of school, the joint work of the class teacher with social educator, psychologist and parents, what results were achieved, what problems remained unresolved;
  • analysis of work with parents: the degree of activity of parents in interaction with the teacher, the participation of parents in class affairs, problems solved in the process of interaction, the role of the parent committee in organizing the joint work of the class teacher with the parent community, the forms of work used by the teacher, individual work with parents are analyzed , on what topics the conversations and consultations were held, whether there are parents with whom it was not possible to establish contact. Work with parents of children at risk and families in difficult social situations, forms and methods of interaction, positive or negative dynamics of this work.

The purpose and objectives of educational work for the new academic year should be formulated taking into account the above analysis and aimed at creating conditions for eliminating the problems of education identified in the analysis, and their implementation should help improve the quality of the process of education and socialization.

Characteristics of the class team. In this section, you should indicate the numerical composition of the class, the number of boys and girls in it, the level of student achievement, the degree of activity of students in lessons and during organized extracurricular time, the level of cohesion of students within the team, the common interests of the class, the presence of leaders and outsiders in the class, the presence microgroups indicating the principles of their formation, the degree of conflict (low, medium, high), hobbies, preferences and Creative skills students, extracurricular activities for children.

Social class passport(according to the form accepted by the educational organization)

Plan of main activities with class students. This section of the plan can be compiled by types of activities, areas of activity, thematic periods (at the choice of the class teacher).

We should not forget that the plan for the main activities with students must necessarily reflect events at the school-wide and city level.

Action plan for the holiday periods. In order to avoid additional work for the class teacher in planning the organization of vacation time, I recommend including this section in the annual planning of the educational work of the class.

Activities planned for the holidays should help create conditions for the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle, that is, students should learn to relax with benefits for health and personal development. Properly planned work solves the following problems: coordinates the employment of children during the holidays, the child continues to develop on vacation, moral ideals and cultural values ​​are formed. During the holidays, teachers are recommended to take into account the age of the children, their interests, significant dates cities and countries, as well as calendar holidays that will be of interest to schoolchildren. It is important to use as types of activities such as tourism and local history activities, sports and recreational activities, leisure and entertainment communication (for an approximate version of the work plan for the holidays, see Appendix 2)

Plan for working with parents. This section of the plan will allow the class teacher to systematize his work to create a unified educational space “Family and School”. A plan for working with parents may include both group and individual forms of work with parents (see Appendix 2). When drawing up a plan for working with parents, it is necessary to take into account the age category of the parents, their social status and employment in work time. In this regard, it is appropriate to include remote types of interaction in the plan along with full-time forms of work. Group, individual and collective forms of work still remain relevant. From individual forms of work, the plan can include:

  • individual face-to-face and remote consultations for parents,
  • visiting family at home;

among groups:

  • thematic consultations, parent education, master classes;

among collective:

  • parent meetings, jointly organized events (their names must be indicated); It is important to include in the plan work on developing an information space for parents or maintaining a forum for parents, designing visual information stands or booklets for parents.

Plan of work with children/families at risk and students who are registered within the school, registered with the Children's Supervision Department and law enforcement agencies. This section of the plan must include activities aimed at identifying children/families belonging to this category, individual and group activities with students/parents, activities aimed at identifying the interests of students and their implementation, as well as work on preparing and maintaining the necessary reporting documentation , participation in Prevention Councils (for an example of a plan for working with children/parents at risk, see Appendix 4).

Dear Colleagues! I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the options for planning educational work with a class in the main areas of activity, set out below, are not a model for exact copying and are given only as a way of demonstrating possible forms of drawing up a plan; their content requires systematization and additions taking into account educational problems and goals , tasks of a specific class team.

Annex 1

Option 1.Planning of main events by type of activity



Social modeling game “In the world of professions”



Conversation “In the world of discoveries”

Problem-based communication

Discussion discussion of A. Mogilevskaya’s stories “Hurry with Good”, “Do not Rush with Good”

Leisure and entertainment activities

(leisure communication)

Class participation in a charity concert for veterans “New Year’s Serpentine”

Sports and recreational activities

"Health Day"

Tourism and local history activities

Excursion to the Museum of the Great Patriotic War

Artistic creativity

Participation in the school exhibition “Oh, woman, blessed are you!”

Labor (production) activity

Labor landing on the territory of Krasnopresnensky Park

Social creativity

Social project “Memory is Alive”

April May

Option 2. Planning of main activities by areas of activity


Name of the event and format

Estimated level of educational outcome

Local government leaders involved in organizing the event


Healthy lifestyle

KTD “Our teachers, thank you from the bottom of our hearts”

Civic-patriotic education

Discussion “When we are united, we are invincible”

Spiritual and moral education

KTD “Give a New Year’s fairy tale to someone who doesn’t expect gifts from life”

Project “My Grandmother’s New Year’s Toy”


Excursion to the Museum of Military Glory

Meeting with participants in international wars

Spiritual and moral


Participation in a charity concert

Option 3. Planning main events by thematic periods

Thematic period

Name of the event and format

Estimated level of educational outcome

Local government leaders involved in organizing the event


Autumn pages of the school calendar

All-Russian lesson “Ready for labor and defense”

“Holiday Mail” campaign dedicated to Teacher’s Day

Discussion “The power of unity is the power of success” dedicated to the Day of National Unity and Reconciliation

On the wings of a New Year's fairy tale

Competition "My New Year's classroom"

KVN “When the clock strikes 12”

"About courage, about valor, about glory"

Project “He did not flinch in battle”

“Candle of Memory” event dedicated to the memory of internationalist soldiers in Russia

Victorious spring

Photo exhibition “The Scent of Spring” dedicated to International Women’s Day”

Social project “Book of Memory”;

Campaign “For Veterans - with Love”;

Appendix 2

An example of how to work during the holidays


Name of the event and form of organization

Level of educational result

Local government leaders involved in organizing the event

the date of the

Autumn vacation

Autumn walk along Arbat, preparation for the photo project “My Arbat”

Visit to the Nightingale cinema, watching the film Legend No. 17

Discussion on the film “Legend No. 17” we watched

Bike marathon

Design of the project stand “My Arbat”

Appendix 3

Sample plan for working with parents

Name of the event and format


Registration of work results


Individual face-to-face and remote consultations

Problems of academic performance, attendance and relationships in the children's team

Creation of pedagogical conditions to eliminate problems of training and education

During a year

(on demand)

Parental education Group consultations

I once every quarter

Childish selfishness. How to overcome it?

Creation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of parental competence in the process of education

Friends in a child's life

Teenage aggression and its causes

Child's independence. How to develop it?

Master classes

“Holiday at home. How to organize and carry out"

Information booklet for parents, feedback journal

We educate without offending

Parent meetings

End-of-quarter meetings

Minutes of parent meeting

I once every quarter

October, December, March

Joint activities with parents

Sports marathon "Family cross"

Personal participation of parents in organizing and conducting events, creating conditions for the development of a unified educational space “Family and School”

Photo report, design of thematic stands following the event


Photo exhibition

"Mom's eyes"

Theater production "New Year's Theater"

KVN “On the threshold of spring”, dedicated to International Women’s Day

Appendix 4

Sample version of a plan for working with children/families at risk

Name of the event and format


Registration of work results


Individual and group work with students

Identification of children at risk

Definition quantitative composition students whose work requires special pedagogical support

Compiling lists of students who are registered within the school, registered with the KDN, and registered with law enforcement agencies. Registration of applications for registration/removal from school registration


Organizing leisure time for students, involving them in clubs and sections

Organization of extracurricular time for students

Drawing up a “Student Employment Map”

September and throughout the year

Attendance control training sessions and academic performance in subjects

Creating conditions for increasing student attendance and performance

Attendance and progress report

During a year

Participation in raids to visit families of students who are registered with the school, registered with law enforcement agencies, KDN, together with class teachers and a social teacher

Study of living conditions of students

Protocol for visiting a family with a description of the living conditions of students

I once every quarter

Conducting preventive individual conversations on issues of academic performance, behavior and building friendly relationships

with peers

Creating conditions for the prevention of antisocial behavior on the part of students/families at risk.

Map of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation

September, December, March, May and throughout the year upon request

Participation in the Prevention Council

Work on preparation and maintenance of reporting documentation

Compilation of characteristics for children/families at risk"


Maintaining a card of social and pedagogical support for the student/family

During a year

Registration of personal files of students

May, August

A well-written business plan is the key to the investor’s heart and the key to the successful development of the enterprise in the future. Follow the basic guidelines when developing. In this article we will describe recommendations for drawing up this important document.

Purpose of compilation

Of course, calculations are carried out not only for the purpose of drawing up a business plan, but also for personal confidence that the goods and services offered will be popular and your company will develop. Goals and functions:

1) Analysis. First, it performs a market analysis so you understand where your business will be once it opens. When developing a business plan, not only market segments are analyzed, but also competitors. This is done to identify your company. The analysis will give you the opportunity to draw conclusions regarding the chosen direction.

2) Description. A business plan, as a document presenting your business, will include complete information regarding your company. It will also outline the structure of the enterprise and its detailed description.

3) Forecasting. It allows you to make predictions regarding the future position of your enterprise. But to predict the situation in five to ten years, you first need to do an analysis and collect data, at least to predict the first time after the opening of the enterprise.

4) Formulation. We can say that this document describes and formulates in detail the main business idea, which is the main link. By the way, plans for different types entrepreneurial activity differ significantly. If you will be selling something, check out. Naturally, there may be other options: providing services, making money on the Internet, etc. The production of goods always remains a very popular type. Read about how to create a business plan for production. another article.

In fact it implements more features, because he is the “face” of the company.

Stages of creation

Before you start writing anything, you need to get all the necessary information. In this regard, several stages of business planning can be distinguished:

1. Search for sources of necessary information. These may include textbooks, industry publications, relevant courses, government organizations, management consulting companies, and other similar organizations.

2. Determining the goals of developing a business plan. Goals are defined with a list of problems that the final document must solve.

3. Establishing target readers. Who is this document intended for, exclusively for members of the organization or for future investors and shareholders, venture capitalists or commercial banks.

4. Definition of structure. You can view a typical structure.

5. Collect information for each intended section of this document. At this stage, it is advisable to involve people who have experience and knowledge in the field of business planning. First of all, pay attention to the organization’s employees who have experience and are well versed in the internal environment. You can also attract external consultants. For marketing market research, invite general marketers and economists.

For financial forecasting and drawing up the “financial plan” section, you will need financiers and accountants. Pay attention to financial specialists, since the “” section is very important in the document.

6. Writing. It is better for an entrepreneur to write everything himself, even if he does not have skills in this area, but this will take a lot of time. Consultants helped the entrepreneur at the previous stage, but at this stage they can only assist the entrepreneur. As a last resort, writing can be ordered, where and how to do this, read in.

You can take a seventh step: offer to read the completed document to some disinterested person who will evaluate the work based on constructive criticism.

Compilation rules

  • Conciseness. The best volume directly depends on the scale of the enterprise and the specifics of each project. It is written in a business style.
  • It is necessary to collect the necessary information for all sections based on internal data and external sources of information. Then distribute the information by topic - by section.
  • Present technical descriptions, reports, certificates, biographies of managers and contracts separately from the plan itself in the form of attachments.
  • The title page must contain the name of the business plan, details and logo of the enterprise, as well as details of the recipient for whom the plan is assigned.
  • If the recipient is an international financial organization, the document must be translated into foreign languages.
  • If possible, support the text with many illustrations, graphs, diagrams, and tables.
  • Clearly separate plans from facts. Justify all forecasts quantitatively or qualitatively.
  • There should be a numbered table of contents that will reflect main idea section. Then the reader will quickly navigate the text of the document.
  • Pay attention to the risk analysis of this idea and its feasibility. For this purpose, competent procedures are carried out. All processes and activities must be realistic and feasible.
  • An overly optimistic business plan may seem suspicious to investors. Include in the text a realistic assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the business idea, and a strategy for alternative business development.

Compilation methodology

There are several dozen methods for developing business plans. There are separate methods for leasing organizations, investors, government agencies and banks. For example, one method can be used to obtain, another to obtain government assistance, etc.

The most famous Russian and foreign techniques:

  • TACIS;
  • UNIDO;
  • EBRD;
  • Government of the Russian Federation;
  • Sberbank of the Russian Federation;
  • FFPMP requirements and recommendations;
  • OJSC Rosselkhozbank.

There are also separate methods for obtaining. Such methods are relied upon when submitting documents for participation in the small business support program. But this kind of methodology is individual in each subject of the federation. There are many other methods for banks and credit institutions. You can read more about business lending in more detail.

If a business plan is drawn up for a specific institution that has its own methodology, then you need to strictly adhere to it. If the document is being developed for an institution or investor that does not have structure requirements, it is better to choose one of the popular techniques. But do not forget that each project requires a personal creation methodology that will reflect the most important sections for the customer.
