Minimum requirements prototype 2. Brief description of game mechanics and the beginning of the storyline

Prototype 2 is a sci-fi action game with some RPG elements. The action game was developed by the same studio that created the first part of the series - Radical Entertainment. The game was released on all major modern platforms PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on April 24, 2012.

All actions in the sci-fi action are demonstrated from the first person of the main character and take place in one of the most famous cities in the world, New York, which has recently been gripped by a terrible epidemic, turning everyone infected into dangerous monsters.

The main character of the action game is former military man James Heller. By an inexplicable coincidence, he became infected with a terrible virus, but instead of turning into a monstrous monster, he acquires superhuman abilities. All because of the same virus, in the chaos and panic that swept the city, his entire family dies, so the brave military man decides to take revenge on the culprit of what happened. And James believes that the culprit of all the chaos in New York is Alex Mercer, the main character of the first part of the fantastic series Prototype. As in the original, the main character Heller is able to transform some of his body parts and turn into deadly weapons. James can also absorb most game characters, transforming into their appearance and even taking away their memory.

Game Features:

  • All actions in the game take place in New York Zero, which was divided into three separate territories, presented in the form of islands. Alex Mercer is in the “Red Zone” (formerly Manhattan), which is completely dominated and ruled by the fruits of the epidemic, most of the buildings are destroyed, and large pieces of mutant biomass hang on the remaining ones. You can only travel through the lower part of Manhattan, since the rest of it has been completely destroyed. If the hero accidentally falls into the “dead zone”, he immediately dies under fighter missiles. The “yellow zone” is a kind of middle ground where survivors from the red zone found temporary shelter. This is where the Blackwatch Corporation conducts its terrible experiments. The “Green Zone,” according to the same BlackWatch, is free of the virus and is guarded around the clock by well-armed military personnel.
  • Thanks to the game's lead designer, Matt Armstrong, some issues with the presentation of the story to players in the original Prototype have been addressed. According to him, some elements of the gameplay were somewhat puzzling to ordinary players, so in the second part it was decided to make a more constructive story, but at the same time leaving an open world for exploration. In addition, in Prototype 2, all secondary tasks are directly related to the main plot of the game.
  • Unlike the first part of the game, the main character receives not new abilities, but new mutations as he progresses. You can get them by disrupting BlackWatch experiments, attacking Lairs and Field Posts, and also finding special Black Boxes.

The game Prototype, released in 2009 under the wing of Activision, was about an unprecedented epidemic that struck New York. Its main character, Alex Mercer, found himself at the center of events. Deprived of memory and endowed with certain abilities, he tried to understand his past, plunging into the abyss of a bloody confrontation between US troops and mutants generated by the epidemic.

The game was critically acclaimed and well received by players around the world. In the summer of 2012, its sequel, Prototype 2, was released, which will be discussed in this review.

System requirements

Minimum system requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows XP (SP3), Windows Vista (SP2) or Windows 7 (SP1).
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo with a frequency of 2600 MHz or AMD Phenom X3 8750.
  • RAM: 2 GB.
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB or ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB.
  • Operating system: Windows 7 with SP1.
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad with a frequency of 2700 MHz or AMD Phenom X4 with a frequency of 3000 MHz.
  • RAM: 4 GB.
  • Free space on HDD: 10 GB.
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 1024 MB or ATI Radeon HD 5850 1024 MB.

Brief description of game mechanics and the beginning of the storyline

The main character of the second part was Sergeant James Heller, whose wife and daughter died in the recent outbreak of the epidemic. The government blamed Alex Mercer for the tragedy that occurred in New York, and the new protagonist, believing the official version, also blamed him for his personal grief.

At the beginning of the game, James, as part of a peacekeeping force, patrolled the streets of infected New York in an armored car. Suddenly, the combat vehicle was literally swept away by another armored personnel carrier, and the character lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he found that his comrades were dead, and Alex Mercer suddenly appeared nearby. Wanting to avenge his family, the sergeant entered into an unequal battle with the super mutant, but all attempts to kill him were in vain. Heller was a true professional and literally cut Mercer open several times with a huge combat knife, but the latter remained unharmed. Moreover, he began to mock the experienced warrior.

In pursuit of Mercer, James encountered a large number of different monsters, some of which he came into battle with, and he had to run away from especially large specimens.

And so the “main scoundrel” was overtaken, but Heller again could not do anything to oppose him, as a result of which he was seriously wounded.

The sergeant woke up on the operating table in the laboratory of the Gentek corporation. The nearby doctor and representatives of the “black watch” mentioned in a conversation with each other that James was now the property of Gentek and they would experiment on him. He also found out that he was infected with a virus, thanks to which he survived.

The “series of experiments” involved the persecution of crowds of zombies against the unfortunate sergeant. During the battle, it turned out that he was capable of literally destroying them with his bare hands. In the midst of the fight, the order was received to burn everything living and inanimate in the box. The flame burst out and everything went dark.

Heller woke up at the moment when the soldiers of the “black watch” were pouring bursts of machine gun fire on his charred remains. At this moment, a new ability opened up - “absorption”, which consisted in the fact that he was able to absorb the enemy and fully recover from a serious wound. During a further encounter with zombies, James was burned again, but, like the first time, this could not destroy him.

In the end, thanks to his remarkable strength and jumping ability, the sergeant managed to escape from the Gentek laboratory. Mercer was waiting for Heller in one of the alleys. He said that there is no epidemic in the city - this is the official version of the government. In fact, a test of the biological weapon Gentek is underway, and the “black watch” is overseeing this entire process. All new varieties of monsters that appeared on the streets of the city were bred in the corporation's laboratories.

To prove that he was right, Mercer forced James to absorb one of the Black Watch soldiers, and along with his life energy, his memories were transferred to him. Then Mercer said that the sergeant was his chosen one, and asked him to get the DNA of a new virus from one of the Gentek laboratories.

Taking to the streets of New York, Heller discovered a bleak picture: an area of ​​the city that had been turned into a quarantine zone looked like a large concentration camp. The “black watch” was scurrying around everywhere, one of whose patrols tried to stop the sergeant for inspection.

During the clash that followed this event, it turned out that, like Mercer in the first part, Heller is capable of running along the walls of buildings and flying to almost unlimited distances. In addition, it became possible to shoot down helicopters with heavy environmental objects (external chiller units, cars and other objects).

Breaking away from the chase, he took on the appearance of the previously absorbed captain of the “black watch” and went to the nearest highest point of the city to look around. Having oriented himself to the area, James proceeded to the nearest church, where his familiar priest Guerra served.

The priest told the sergeant that two commanders of the “black watch” had set up their headquarters from the local hospital. She became the next target of the protagonist’s visit.

It is further worth noting that the opened area of ​​the city, although it was a “mini-sandbox”, in it the protagonist was free to go wherever he wanted. True, there was nothing to do in this, albeit limited, but completely open world.

Having reached the hospital, James discovered a new ability - “hunter mode”. With its help, he could track down the target he needed.

Dear passengers, stock up on food, drink and fasten your seat belts. You will have an unforgettable journey into the depths of infected New York. Maddened mutants, military men who kill for their own entertainment and city residents who have lost their heads from fear - these are the main attractions of our excursion. Upon arrival at the place, I ask you to take grenade launchers and rifles out of your suitcases and unpack your super-powers, they will soon be useful to you.

Hells Bells (Creation History)

Gentlemen gamers, a little history about the object of our journey. The first ringing of hell's bells, foreshadowing a future apocalypse in New York, rang out in 2007. The trailer for the game Prototype 1 became the pioneer of the future pandemic among players. The outbreak of infection affected almost everyone who saw it. Signs of passion were nervously shaking fingers and fantasies, for which the trailer served as an image. In their visions, players ran along walls like Spiderman, threw huge cars and staged indescribable battles in the heart of New York.

The second outbreak occurred in 2009 and was much more widespread. Players from different parts of the Earth, who had never seen or communicated with each other, experienced similar symptoms: red eyes, trembling fingers, the fantasies described above that became reality on PC screens, and indescribable delight from a new gaming masterpiece.

The third and definitely the last outbreak of enthusiastic cries occurred in 2012 with the appearance of the game Prototype 2. This is precisely the goal of our excursion. Despite the fact that this object had much more prerequisites for the development of hobby among gamers than the first part, it was met somewhat coldly, since more dangerous strains of the third generation were rampant in the gaming community - Mass Effect 3, Diablo III, Max Payne 3, Battlefield 3. Due to the lack of commercial success, the game's publishers, Activison, closed the studio of the game's creators. Some of the guys were transferred to other studios, and others were simply thrown out onto the street. This was exactly the agony of the developers - Radiacal Entertainment. Your brainchild will live in our hearts for a long time.

It's a Long Way to the Top (Game Graphics)

The path to the top of graphic art is, without a doubt, long and thorny. And the developers of the game Prototype 2, unfortunately, did not go through to the end. 2012 showed very clearly, dynamically and colorfully what the graphics of a modern game on modern hardware can be like. It's unfortunate to say that Prototype 2 is no match for them. Of course, in the three years that have passed since the release of the first game, the creators have done a tremendous amount of work on the graphics component. The first thing that catches your eye is the detail that has reached unprecedented heights. The first look at the updated graphics and you understand that this is a completely different game than the first prototype.

The second thing that really annoyed me about Prototype 1 was the very modest menagerie. Fortunately, in three years the developers managed to visit the farthest corners of their imagination, bringing from there new unprecedented creatures. Here there are mutant flying birds and monsters of incredible size, the mere sight of which would give Zmey-Gorynych a heart attack, in three heads at once, and much, much more. Designers with less developed imagination also contributed to the game Prototype 2, significantly updating and expanding the human species diversity in the game.

The third and most annoying drawback of Prototype was the terrible cutscenes made on the game engine. I'm sure they appeared as nightmares to the most impressionable players at night. Fortunately, thanks to improved detail in Prototype 2, this flaw has been completely corrected and some of the videos, also made on the game engine, look very good. For the other part of the video inserts, the guys should bow deeply, and the girls should make a deep curtsy, because the developers have extremely appropriately designed the videos in the “sin city” style. Considering all the bad things that happen in the game, this is extremely appropriate.

I would also like to note the excellent combat animation in the game Prototype 2. The main character is deadly beautiful. From gracefully releasing his opponent's innards, gracefully performing a high somersault, or simply destroying everything in his path, he is damn charming. It's sad, but not all players have access to modern monsters with i7 processors and four-GB video cards. Often, owners of weak average games are often disappointed in the game when trying to play at 12 FPS or less. It’s good that for the developers of the game Prototype 2 this state of affairs was unacceptable. Working hard on optimization, they achieved 20 or more FPS even on average machines. Hence the more than acceptable system requirements of Prototype 2.

And everything would be fine and maybe the development company would not have gone into close acquaintance with the river of oblivion, but all of the above would not surprise anyone. Modern toys, the budget of which exceeds the budget of the second Terminator (about 100 million dollars), have long been able to provide the player with much higher detail and dynamics. It’s just a pity that in pursuit of a drop of sweat on the temples of a scientist who is being eaten by a monster on the roof of that house, they often forget that not all players are able to keep up with the rapidly running computer fashion.

Highway to Hell (Game Plot)

Gentlemen, igronaut passengers, before we tell you about safety precautions while staying in the heart of the rotten big apple, we must tell you what the road was like for ordinary New Yorkers to this zombie hell. The first epidemic of the Mercer virus, as it was dubbed by the Gentek company, was suppressed. After 14 months, the infection broke out again, breaking out on an unprecedented scale. This time it was not possible to contain the virus on the island, and 72 hours later the entire territory of New York was groaning under the yoke of the virus. However, it is unknown who caused more harm - from the rampaging virus or from the BlackWatch soldiers, who tried to restore order in the streets with an iron fist, not hesitating to use the harshest methods.

Amid all this chaos, Prototype 2 introduces us to a new protagonist - Sergeant James Heller. When the second outbreak began, he was serving in Iraq, but when he learned what was happening at home, he immediately rushed home to New York, where his wife and daughter remained. He only needed a few days. Opening the door to his apartment, he found his wife in the middle of a bloody puddle. She was dead, as was James' daughter. A lonely, distraught soldier with no loved ones left. The thirst for revenge completely enveloped his heart, leaving no room for love and compassion. Alex Mercer must die, no matter what it takes.

The next scene that the game Prototype 2 shows us takes place inside an armored personnel carrier driving deep in the red zone. This was the last trip for the crew, because after a few seconds the multi-ton vehicle takes off into the air. Everyone inside is killed instantly, with the exception of James. He was presented with an incredible chance that almost no one else ever had. Here he is Alex Mercer, carelessly turned his back to the burning tank, just a few steps... James sneaks up on Mercer and in one motion cuts the bastard's throat.

Unfortunately, Heller is very unfamiliar with the peculiarities of Mercer's anatomy, because for him such a wound is akin to a mosquito bite. A few moments later, our war hero becomes closely acquainted with the wall. Chasing Mercer through the streets of an empty Manhattan, James miraculously manages to escape certain death from the paws and claws of mutants. And all for the sake of being killed by Mercer...

However, Alex decided to play a cruel joke on the sergeant by giving him his powers. Why did he do this? Who is to blame for what is happening, Mercer, as the rotten news channels claim, or Gentek, who does not hesitate to carry out his inhumane experiments under the guise of panic? You can only answer this question by completely completing the game Prototype 2.

Back in Black (Gameplay)

We are already approaching our destination. It's time to introduce you to the basic principles of survival in New York. Compared to the last excursion to the Big Apple, a lot has changed during Prototype, so you'll have to get used to it. First of all, there is much more space for walking. Now, instead of just the island of Manhattan, you have access to other parts of New York, although not all of them. The city was renamed NYZ (New York Zero) and divided into three zones: red, yellow and green.

In the red zone, the king and god is Alex Mercer. Most of the buildings are destroyed, and those that remain are supported only by biomass, which has entangled almost all the walls. You won't meet people here. Huge mutants, crowds of zombies and the smell of rot will be your companions while traveling through this zone. You can visit this area at the end of the game Prototype 2.

The Yellow Zone is known for being a military playground. Here, refugees huddle in miserable shacks, lighting fires at night in order to somehow keep warm and ward off the mutants. There are also quite a few of the latter in this zone, but they didn’t get here on their own - the Gentek corporation uses the yellow zone as a testing ground for testing new types of mutants and weapons against them.

The green zone is a stronghold of faith and purity. Here, according to Gentek, there is no virus, no mutants, but only quietly working military men and scientists. Utopia, in all its glory. In fact, mutants often sneak into the green zone and at night feast on the tender meat of scientists, and some of the soldiers (and commanders) are infected.

As previously mentioned in this review of Prototype 2, the developers did serious work on bugs, which did not bypass the game's objectives. Now you don’t have to put the puzzle pieces together, trying to understand what the hell is going on around the main character. Prototype 2, unlike its predecessor, provides pieces of information sequentially, in portions, lifting the veil of secrecy over the causes of the second outbreak of the virus, centimeter by centimeter. Secondary missions are no longer limited to simple tests of speed and toughness - now these are full-fledged tasks with their own thoughtful plot, cut scenes and videos. The tests, which also took place in the game, have become much more difficult and, therefore, more interesting. Even a banal flight from the roof turned into planning with an accurate hit and destruction of a bunch of warriors.

Controls in the game Prototype 2 have become much simpler and clearer. If previously, to run along walls, you had to press W twice, which did not always work in the heat of battle, now you just need to hold Shift. In addition, the aiming and dodging systems have been improved - now the main character does not roll away from the enemy, like a first-grader in his first physical education lesson, but with a grace that Olympic gymnastics champions can envy, jumps over the monster, performing a somersault.

The arsenal did not disappoint either. Firearms lovers will definitely enjoy the six-barreled machine guns, helicopter grenade launchers and the installation screwed from the roof of the armored personnel carrier. But true lovers of cruelty and bloodletting will be able to bring their fantasies to life with the help of a solid arsenal of mutations of the main character, which has been replenished with two new features.

In general, the game Prototype 2 presented players with many pleasant innovations, all of which are very successful. The gameplay has definitely gotten better, without ceasing to amaze with new features. Against this background, the game Prototype 2 is distinctive and original and definitely deserves the attention of even the most sophisticated players.

Sin City (Game Voice)

City of sins, fallen city. How do you think people driven to despair should express themselves? People who this evening could become the dinner of a mutant released by scientists to frolic in the center of residential areas? That's right, they should swear, cursing everything in the world: the government, the Black Watch and their own fate. Well, the developers of the game Prototype 2 managed to very reliably convey the atmosphere of doom and despair. The heroes of the game pronounce anarchist speeches worthy of ancient Greek orators and immediately swear with obscene expressions, not hesitating to send the military who bothered them into the depths of Lucifer’s fifth point.

The Russian localizers did not disappoint either, they made a really high-quality Russian voice acting for Prototype 2. Full dubbing, good acting and an abundance of obscene language give the player the opportunity to plunge headlong into the gameplay. As for the rest - the voice acting of explosions, monsters and the screams of dying pedestrians, the game Prototype 2 holds a very high bar.

To sum it up, I would like to say that the developers continued to work on bugs in the sound part of the game, presenting post-Soviet players with excellent Russian voice acting. And even though the main character does not have the vocabulary of a 6th grade turner at a machine-building plant, the Russian accompaniment of the game was definitely a success.

Big Gun (Final Summary)

Dear readers, our flight is coming to an end. Outside +20, sunny. I ask you to proceed to the customs area, where you will be given your equipment, weapons and super powers. We recommend that you pick up the biggest gun you have and go explore the contaminated areas of New York.

Thanks to excellent graphics and dynamic gameplay, the journey will be bright and exciting and will bring you a lot of impressions. And high-quality Russian voice acting will allow you to feel the comfort of home even in the depths of embittered New York. Give this mutant brat a blast and remember, no matter what guns your opponents have, the biggest and deadliest weapon is your hero, capable of causing death and destruction at every turn and at the same time picking out the remains of war meat from his teeth with his claw. And who knows, maybe Alex Mercer himself will have to give you his place at the top of the food chain?

The specifics of PC gaming are such that before you begin, you must first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and relate it to the existing configuration.

To do this simple action, you do not need to know the exact technical characteristics of each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and other components of any personal computer. A simple comparison of the main lines of components will suffice.

For example, if a game's minimum system requirements include a processor of at least Intel Core i5, then you shouldn't expect it to run on i3. However, it is more difficult to compare processors from different manufacturers, which is why developers often indicate names from two main companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

Above are system requirements. It is worth noting that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that meeting the minimum requirements is enough to start the game and complete it from beginning to end. However, to achieve the best performance, you usually have to lower the graphics settings.

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