New Legendary Warlock card - Cho'gall. New Legendary Warlock Card - Cho'gall Blood Absorption Mechanic of the Old Gods


In body Cho "Galla" two personalities live at once: Gall, a cunning master of dark magic and forbidden spells, and Cho, who has not yet encountered problems that brute force could not solve. When both personalities fight together, Cho's powerful attacks and Gall's devastating spells allow them to overwhelm their opponents.

Burning Boulder (additional active skill)

When used, puts Cho"Gall into temporary stasis, making him invulnerable for 3 seconds and dealing 92 damage per second to nearby enemies.
Recovery time: 60 sec.

Twilight Veil [W]

Reduces damage taken from hero abilities by 50% for 2 sec. for each enemy hero hit.

Gift of K"Tun [R]

Cho's basic attacks become ranged and slow enemies by 20% for 2 seconds.

Cho "Gall is a tank and a damage dealer in one hero. Cho's main task in team fights is to take damage on himself, protect his allies and take a position convenient for Gall so that he deals as much damage as possible, which is Gall's main task. For these tasks, 1st level we'll take it right away "Burning Stronghold", this is a talent against auto-attacking damage dealers and tanks with auto-attacks. If the enemy team has no auto-attackers at all, then you can take "Explosive Rush" and rush into the thick of your opponents even faster and from a longer distance.

On Level 4 choosing talent "Scorched Flesh", which, combined with subsequent talent, will give us the opportunity not to return to base for sub-healing and not lose experience and advantage. But on level 7 just choosing talent "Fire Eater" and now after using the skill [W] Be sure to hit with auto attacks for 4 seconds if you want to heal strongly enough. It is thanks to the combination of these two talents that we can restore our health in sufficient quantities and not have to go to the base for treatment.

On level 10 necessary choose an ultimate paired with Gall, that is, if Cho chooses Hammer of Twilight, then Gall must take Volley of Dark Arrows, if Cho chooses Tectonic Shift, then Gall must take Nether Twist accordingly.

In what cases and against whom do we choose this or that ult?

We definitely take it against heroes who can actually Hammer knock down their ultimate, for example: Valla when she shoots around, Nazeebo when she summons the Spirit, Sonya when she spins around herself, Nova when she shoots in three volleys, and so on. Hammer of Twilight is actually not an ultimate with a long cooldown, but another skill with a 15-second cooldown. Therefore, you shouldn’t feel sorry for him, we give them slaps left and right, of course, only after we knocked down the ultimate of the one who was going to be knocked down. A good combination when attacking and when fleeing: Cho throws back "Hammer" opponents, Gall douses them "Volley of Arrows of Darkness", at this time Cho needs to spin a little so that the volley hits the opponents, and not buildings, mobs, or just into the void.

We choose the second pair of ultimates when the enemy team has a lot of skinny ranged players, or those that tanks and any stunners may not allow us to reach. Another important advantage in choosing this pair of abilities is when our team has AOE damage dealers, for example Keltas, Jaina, Nova, and so on. A good sequence is: Cho attracts "Tectonic Shift" as many opponents as possible (preferably not very fat, but it depends on your luck), after they are attracted, uses [W] and basic attacks, at this time Gall uses his "Twisting Nether" and first it slows them down, then it damages them, and at the same time the rest of the team throws as many of their AOE ultimates and skills into this mess as possible. After this, only a few will remain on their feet...

On Level 13 we select an additional active skill, we will have it under number 1, and we use it when it’s really hard for us, either there is little HP left, or Nova’s ult hits us, or a lot of other damage flies at us. While we are in stone, we can wait for the skill to roll back [W] and immediately squeeze it as soon as we leave the stone. Do not forget that while we are in stone, Gallus cannot do anything either. But it’s better for him to do nothing for 3 seconds than for us to go to the base, right?

On Level 16 choosing talent "Twilight Veil" against the enemy team's skills, and now we take less damage not only from auto-attackers, but also from everyone else.

On Level 20 improving ultimate talent "Dark K" Tuna", and now our tank becomes a bit ranged, and slowing down enemies will be very useful. If the second ult was learned at level 10, then we improve it with the talent "Pact of the Old Gods", which will give us stability after using it for a full five seconds.

In the lane, Cho "Gall stands solo and pushes well, or reduces the enemy's health and forces him to return to base, while he himself continues to stand, gain experience and push the line. We should be afraid of stunners and therefore our skill [Q] try to use it after the stun, otherwise it will be knocked down and it will be in rollback. It is very difficult and dangerous to stand on the line against Leoric, even he alone can eat up a lot of our health. And if in team fights Abathur takes the form of Leoric, and both Leorics drain our health, then this is a disaster.

A few tricks: Cho can throw bombs from a safe distance not only at turrets and forts, but also, for example, at Sergeant Petard, the main thing is that Gall explodes them in the right place. Don’t forget to take camps, we can also do this from small levels, while allies must stand on their lines, otherwise experience will be lost mercilessly. Cho can defeat the boss, for example, break into the boss's point with the skill [Q], when his opponents almost finished him off and throw them all away with the Hammer [R]. Or with the second version of the ult, pull all the enemies from the boss’s point with the Shift, Gall will also slow them all down, and at this time our ally can calmly occupy the point and eventually take the boss. And Cho "Gall carries a horse on his shoulder! Such a diverse character :)

Gall's abilities

Description: Deals damage to enemies in the area of ​​effect.

  • Damage: 147 (+5% per level) (+2 per lvl.)
  • Recharge: 3 sec.
  • Target: indicated direction

Description: Gall fires a bolt of energy that bounces off the ground 3 times, dealing damage to all enemies hit.

  • Damage: 148 (+5% per level) 139 (+6 per lvl.)
  • Recharge: 6 sec.
  • Target: indicated direction

Description: Gall explodes "Rune Bomb" Cho, causing damage to nearby enemies.

  • Damage: 274 units 95 (+3.5 per lvl.)
  • Activated: after Cho threw the bomb and throughout its movement

Two-headed (passive)

Description: Gall and Cho have grown together and cannot be separated. Gaul cannot move on his own, but he is immune to stun and silence effects.

Heroic Abilities, Gall's Ultimate

Description: Fires a volley of 20 shadow bolts over 4 seconds. Each arrow damages the first enemy in its path. Arrows are launched in the direction of the mouse pointer.

  • Damage at 10 lvl.: 103 units (+8.5 per lvl.)
  • Duration: 4 sec.
  • Recharge: 60 sec.
  • Target: indicated direction

Description: After a pause of 1 second. begins to maintain this ability for up to 5 seconds, slowing nearby enemies by 40%. When used again, it causes damage in the affected area.

  • Preparation: 1 sec.
  • Time of action: 5 sec.
  • Damage for 10 lvl. when pressed again: 342 units damage (+2 per lvl.)
  • Slowdown: by 40% for 5 sec.
  • Recharge: 100 sec.
  • Target: area around the hero

Talents, Gall damage build

All talents at this level

Selected Talent

Glow of Darkness [Q]

Increases the width of the scope "Flames of Darkness" by 50%.

Absorbing Runes [E]

Replenishes Cho"Gal 20% of the damage dealt to enemy heroes.

Edge of Madness [Q]

Increases damage "Flames of Darkness", inflicted on nearby enemies by 20%. This increase decreases as the distance to the target increases.

After a pause of 1 second. begins to maintain this ability for up to 5 seconds, slowing nearby enemies by 40%. When used again, deals 342 damage. damage in the affected area.

Surge of Terror [W]

Increases damage from "Spheres of Terror" by 25% on the second bounce and by 75% on the third.

Giant Ashbringer [Q]

Deals additional damage to heroes equal to 3% of their maximum health.

Dark Fury [R]

Shadow arrows pass through enemies, damaging all enemies in their path.

Let's repeat, Cho "Gall is a tank and a damage dealer in one hero. Gall's main task is to spit his two skills at everything and everyone, activate bombs and generally inflict as much damage as possible. We are also obliged to help Cho heal or escape if it suddenly becomes too hot by pressing at the same time the button [Z]. On 1st level take "Glow of Darkness", which will increase the width of our main skill "Flames of Darkness" and about the rollback of 3 seconds. without mana, we use it right and left to drive away the enemy, spit in the back or bring Nova and Zeratul out of invisibility.

On Level 4 let's take care of our carcass Cho, because if they merge him, they will merge us too, so we are studying the talent "Absorbing Runes", and now in team fights by detonating a bomb we will be able to return some of Cho’s health, which, combined with his own healing, will make it possible to stand and fight more and longer.

On level 7 we increase the damage even more with talent "Double Trouble" and now we attack first of all the nearest enemy, causing them 20% more damage. If we are in a team fight, then, of course, first of all we hit thin DDs or, for example, Moralis, and whether these heroes will be close enough to receive this bonus depends on Cho.

On Level 10 of Gall's ult depends on what ult Cho took. We repeat what was described above for Cho. If Cho chooses Twilight Hammer, then Gall should take Shadow Bolt Volley, if Cho chooses Tectonic Shift, then Gall should take Nether Twist accordingly. In very rare cases, when Cho's Hammer of Twilight ult is taken, Gall can take the Nether Twist. This combination is needed if Cho took the Hammer to knock down someone’s skills, but at the same time he still fights in the crowd itself, and at the same time there is Jaina or Keltas in our team. In this case, Gall slows down most opponents with the Nether Whirlwind and, together with his DD, damages them.

If Cho has chosen and knocks back the enemy crowd, then we douse them with a ton of damage with the ultimate "Volley of Dark Arrows", while trying to direct the mouse pointer towards the opponents running away in all directions. Up to level 20, this ability only hits the first heroes that come across, as well as buildings and mobs, so we try to use it when there are not too many obstacles around, but only opponents. At level 20, the upgraded ult shoots arrows that pass through opponents and hits those standing behind, as long as the ult’s range is sufficient.

If Cho and I agreed to take the second ult, then we use the following sequence: Cho attracts "Tectonic Shift" everyone who can, during that second while he is pulling them towards us, we press the ult "Twisting Nether" and we try to maintain it, namely, slow it down, perhaps even all 5 seconds, while we need to make sure that no one runs away from the circle, and, after holding it a second time [R], we inflict damage on them. Exactly how long to keep in slowdown needs to be determined by the situation; if we are acting together with AOE damage dealers, then we will press the second time almost immediately. If help has not yet arrived or we have a lot of auto-attackers among our allies, then we keep the enemies slowed down longer. If we are sure that right this very second we will definitely send someone to the base with our ult, then we can safely inflict damage with a second press. After all, it’s better to immediately gain an advantage than to have slowed down and beaten enemy heroes suddenly miraculously heal.

On Level 13 can choose "Tide of Terror", which will allow our spheres, let’s call them capitals, to hit harder with each jump. If our hero Cho "Gall often fights or we play on a map where there are frequent skirmishes on some small pieces of the map, then it is worth increasing survivability and learning "Ominous Shield". At the same time, we must hit the enemy with the sphere of horror, if we hit, Cho will receive a shield for 5 seconds, "Spheres of Terror" They roll back after 6 seconds, we hit again - Cho again has a shield for 5 seconds.

On Level 16 choosing a talent against fat heroes "Giant Slayer" and now the enemy fat men’s health will melt away right before their eyes.

On Level 20 improving ultimate talent "Dark Fury", which will allow arrows to fly through opponents and reach those who usually stand behind the team.

Don't forget to detonate the bomb [E], while trying to blow it up in the midst of mobs or nasty heroes. If Cho throws a bomb at towers or forts from a safe distance and moves away to the side, and we don’t see whether it has rolled or not, then we try to activate it on the tower or castle, calculating approximately the time it takes to roll there. For these and not only these cases, voice communication would be very convenient. For example, Cho or Gall saw Abathur hiding behind an unbroken gate, then with all his skills, Gall can easily get Abathur from behind the wall. Another example: the enemy ran to the well to drink some water, then we can safely throw at least a Sphere of Horror there, perhaps that will be enough so that the water does not help him. And Cho"Gall carries any horse on his shoulder, the main thing is to choose the appropriate transport, not an ordinary horse, but one that seems tired. That's all, thank you for your attention. Below are videos and screenshots of Cho"Gall.

Cho "gall is a novice of the fifth circle of the Shadow Council and the leader of the Twilight's Hammer clan, who is a two-headed ogre and the first ogre mage. He is a student of Gul"dan. Like other representatives of this type of ogres, Cho "Gall has two names, one for each head - Cho and Gall.



Mysterious Islands

Cho"gall is a two-headed ogre, who, along with the Blackheart Preacher, became the progenitor of creatures similar to him. Cho"gall was a student of the warlock Gul"dan, who helped the ogre master the art of arcane magic and master the powers of the Twisting Nether. Over time, he became one of the most dangerous and revered members of the old Horde, as demonstrated during the First and Second Human Wars, he led the first failed siege of Stormwind Keep along with Kilrogg Deadeye.

Cho"gall took the place of the previous leader of the orc clan after his predecessor was executed for disobedience to the Shadow Council. Cho"gall renamed the clan, giving it a new name - the Twilight's Hammer, destroying all records with the old name and mention of the previous leader.

Although Cho"gall was a powerful mage, he was also dangerously insane. The ogre mage turned the Twilight's Hammer into a cult of fanatics who worshiped ancient gods - harbingers of the apocalypse. As the leader and right hand of Gul"dan, Cho"gall helped his teacher in creating knights death and Altars of Storms, as well as in the transformation of ordinary ogres into ogre mages.

Cho"gall and the Twilight's Hammer went after Gul"dan and the Raging Storm clan when the warlock went in search of the tomb of Sargeras. Although Cho"gall himself did not enter the tomb, remaining to guard the entrance to it while Gul"dan was there, he was attacked by the Black-Toothed Smile clan, led by Blackhand's sons Rend and Meim. They were sent by Orgrim Doomhammer to destroy the traitors who, in the war with the Alliance, right before the battle, refused to participate in the last battle for the capital. Although many died on the Mystic Isles, some members of the Twilight's Hammer clan were still able to survive, including Cho"Gall, who was long believed to have died at the hands of the sons of Blackhand and their Black-Toothed Smile clan.

After the battle on the Mystic Isles, Cho"gall, along with the Twilight's Hammer cult, fled to southern Kalimdor, where he found refuge in the chambers of K"Tun, deep inside the Temple of An"Qiraj. Stasia led the half-orc Garona to Cho"Gall, her master. Garona was previously a mercenary of Gul'dan, who killed King Llane Wrynn - Varian's father. Then she was a tool in the hands of Gul'dan, who reliably controlled her with the help of secret phrases that she was programmed to do as a child - he bewitched her to perform predominantly only his commands. When Garona was attacked, she was able to kill almost all the attackers, but Stasia used a secret phrase, which allowed her to be captured and brought to An'Qiraj - the abode of the ancient god K'Thun. Cho"gall was terribly glad to see Garona and even more glad that she was still affected by secret phrases, and she could become a useful tool in his hands, allowing him to easily get to her son Med"an, who was spoken of in the ancient prophecy.

With the help of Cho's magic, Gaul learns of the upcoming secret negotiations in Theramore and comes up with a plan for which Garona should be involved to the maximum extent. Using secret words, he subjugated Garona's will, ordering him to hunt down and kill King Varian Wrynn, and then his son Anduin and Chief Thrall. According to his plan, even if the assassination attempt on Varian fails, both sides will begin to blame each other for the attack, starting a large-scale war, completely forgetting about the Twilight's Hammer cult and what they are doing in the south. According to Cho'Gall's plan , in any case, Garona must die, either at the hands of people or thanks to Stasia, which will make it easier for him to capture her son Med"an. Having given instructions, Cho"Gall ordered her to get out of An"Qiraj, after leaving which she should forget about him existence, and regard the order to kill Varian as his own initiative.

Cho "Gall's plan began to fall apart as soon as Garona and members of the Twilight's Hammer cult attacked the negotiators gathered in Theramore. Med"an made it just in time to save Anduin and try to save his mother, but was stunned by Varian, which Stasia took advantage of, grabbing and taking him with you. Med"an woke up in An"Qiraj from the voice of Cho"Gall, scolding Stasia for her failure, who at the same time protested rather than listen to the accusations in silence. When she said that she would deal with Garona later, perhaps even with the hands of her own son, Med" an tried to attack them both. The ogre threw the young man across the hall straight onto the corpse of the ancient god, where the voices of K"Tun, who was trying to break the fighting spirit of Med"an, began to pester him. Meryl Felstorm came to his aid along with Valeera, who teleported to An'Qiraj right into the center of a very angry and very surprised by their appearance group of the Twilight's Hammer clan. A battle ensued, and after a long struggle they still managed to rescue Med'an.

It is obvious that Cho "Gall survived the battle with Med"an, since he appeared again, but already during the time of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. He is mentioned in some quests, particularly in the Dire Maul and Twilight Highlands quests.

During the game event "Elementals Wreak Chaos", ghostly images of ogre talking to cultists could be found throughout Azeroth.

During the fourth phase of the above game event, Cho "Gall commanded four of his elemental assistants to attack the capitals of the Alliance and Horde. In addition, players witnessed his personal conversation with Crown Princess Theradras, who was placed in charge of the earth elementals used to attack Orgrimmar and Ironforge He also led the hydromancer Kulrata from the sand troll tribe, the sister of the late hydromancer Velrata. Kulrata, by order of the ogre mage, tried to summon the favorite pet of the ancient gods, Gaz'rilla, who had gained strength during this game event, to Stormwind and Thunder Bluff.


Cho'gall's followers scattered and the Twilight Cult was defeated until the Twilight Father took command of the remaining cult members.

"When the child of the three worlds is born, an ancient force will be unleashed. The earth will tremble. The seas will swell. And everything will be swallowed up by madness. The dawn of a new day will bring chaos or peace. Our lord God of Chaos! Universal panic will help free the ancient gods! Soon we We will weaken the barrier between Azerot and the Elemental Realm. And our master will be able to regain power over his elemental servants and they will rage throughout Azeroth."


Cho"gall, one of the first ogre magicians, was an extremely powerful magician.

Cho'gall was voiced by Patrick Seiz.

Material from World of Warcraft Roleplay Wiki

Cho "Gall"(English: Cho"gall) was a powerful ogre mage, leader of the Twilight's Hammer clan and an initiate of the Fifth Circle of the Shadow Council. He was trained by Gul"dan and assisted in most of his achievements, including the creation of death knights and Altars of Storms. Cho "Gall" is the first two-headed ogre mage who appeared naturally over generations, unlike the ogre mages that Gul'dan created from ordinary ogres. At the end of the Second War, Cho"Gall was able to survive on the Lost Isles, where Gul"dan entered the Tomb of Sargeras. For many years he was considered dead, until it became clear that he had actually taken refuge in the ruins of An'Qiraj, where he filled his body with the power of the Ancient God K'Tun.

After some time, the Alliance and Horde began an assault on the Twilight Bastion. The heroes made their way through the protection put up by Cho"Gall, and the strongest commanders of the Twilight's Hammer cult. None of them could stop the heroes, and in the end they encountered the huge magician himself. Despite the fact that Cho"Gall actively used twilight magic and He even called on the faceless to help him; the heroes were able to defeat him in a grueling battle. Dying, Cho "Gall sent them to the depths of Bastion, where Sinestra was hidden.

Cho "Gall is the final boss of the Twilight Bastion and one of the significant figures in the history of Warcraft. Of course, it was his followers who filled literally every corner of Azeroth, spreading lies and deceit throughout the world.

The final boss of one of the first Cataclysm raid dungeons proved to be strong enough to live up to his high status as the leader of the Twilight's Hammer. He has extraordinary strength, masters a dozen different spells and has absolutely no desire to share epics with everyone he meets.

Cho'Gall's abilities

Corrupted Blood -Your blood is infected with corruption! Increases the damage taken from the Ancient God's Corruption spell by 3%.
Corruption: nausea - Corrupted blood has brought you illness. You suffer from vomiting, dealing 19500 - 20500 damage. damage from dark magic to your friends located in a sector with a radius of 5 m in front of you, and applying the “Torrupted Blood” effect to them.
Corruption: Haste - At 25% concentration of Corrupted Blood, the effect of Corruption: Haste is applied to you. The disease begins to take hold of you faster and faster.
Corruption: Reincarnation - At 100% concentration of Corrupted Blood, the effect of Corruption: Reincarnation is applied to you. You gain 100% less health from healing spells, but deal 100% more damage and cast spells instantly.
Summoning adept tempter - Cho "Gall calls upon adept tempters from nearby portals to help him!
Conversion - Cho"Gall applies the "Worship" effect to the target. As a result, Cho"Gall is inflicted with the effect of Vicious Devotion every 3 sec. "Worship" may be interrupted.
Vicious Devotion - Cho'Gul's Worship imbues him with a special rage, increasing his damage dealt by 10% for 20 sec.
Empowered Shadows - Cho'Gall begins summoning unleashed shadows every 3 sec, inflicting 24375 to 25625 Shadow damage to all enemies within X m radius.
Summon Fire - Cho"Gall calls on flames to help him.
Orders of Darkness - Cho "Gall calls on Darkness to help him.
Fiery Destruction - Attacks cause a Fiery Destruction that deals an additional 29250 to 30750 Fire damage. fire damage and casts a Flame spell that hits the nearest area.
Flame - Deals 12675 - 13325 damage. fire damage.
Cho"Gall's Fury - Cho"Gall strikes the target, inflicting significant physical and shadow damage. The target receives increased physical and shadow damage.
Cho's Shot - Cho inflicts 19,500 - 20,500 damage to the target. physical damage, at the same time physical damage to it is increased by 20%.
Gall's attack - Gall deals 19,500 - 20,500 damage to the target. damage from dark magic, and also increases damage from dark magic against a given target by 20%.
Rotten Blood - Causes the blood of all Tempter Adepts to decompose, causing the dried substance to turn into the blood of an ancient god, and also causes the blood of living Tempter Adepts to boil.

Corrupted Devotee Abilities

Depravity - Deals 24375 to 25625 Shadow damage. damage from dark magic to all enemies within a radius of 10 m and inflicts damage on them.
Corrupting Crush - Fires a bolt of Shadow magic at the target, dealing 43875 - 46125 Shadow damage. Shadow damage to all enemies at the point of impact. Targets hit by the Desecrating Crush spell are corrupted.
Fountain of Corruption - Deals 34125 - 35875 damage. damage from dark magic and applies the "Torrupted Blood" effect. Triggered by Blood Poison.
Spilled Blood of an Old God - A slain Adept of an Old God spills tainted blood. Deals 14625 to 15375 damage. damage from dark magic in a radius of X m and imposes the “Torrupted Blood” effect.

The mechanics of absorbing the blood of the Old Gods

Absorbing the Blood of an Ancient God - Cho "Gall absorbs the spilled blood of an ancient god, becoming even more corrupted! Lasts 5 seconds.
Corruption of the Ancient God - Cho "Gall is completely affected by the corruption of the ancient god, inflicting 4875 to 5125 points of damage from dark magic every 2 sec. Applies the effect of Corrupted Blood.
Debilitating Ray - Reduces the effect of healing spells cast on the target and reduces their damage by 75%, and also deals 7800 - 8200 damage. Shadow damage every 1 sec. within 10 sec.
Consuming Gloom - Reduces the effectiveness of received healing by 100%.
Vague creations - Cho"Gall calls upon shadowy creations to help him!

Changing the level of damage with different spells during battle:

  • Corruption: acceleration - 2 every second
  • Fountain of Corruption - 5 every 2 seconds
  • Spilled Blood of an Ancient God - 5 every second you are in the puddle
  • Gore of an Ancient God in miles - 2 per hit
  • Energizing Beam - 2 every second
  • Corruption of the Ancient God - 1 per tick

A little history

The vile Cho"Gall's entire life is dedicated to quenching his eternal thirst to wreak havoc wherever he sets his foot. Cho"Gall is the first ogre mage to rise to power during the time of the old Horde as the leader of the orc clan of the Twilight's Hammer.

He turned out to be not so loyal to the Horde. This was revealed when the ogre left its ranks during a turning point in the Second War. In revenge, Orgrim Doomhammer's squad massacred almost the entire clan of traitors, forcing Cho"Gall and his retinue into hiding. In subsequent years, the ogre mage turned the Twilight's Hammer into a cult of fanatics who worshiped ancient gods - the harbingers of the apocalypse. Possession by the deities of evil led Cho"Gall to ruins the city of An'Qiraj, where the ogre tried to curb the power of Med'an, the new guardian of Tirisfal, in order to awaken the Ancient God. In the end, Med"an upset Cho"Gall's plans.

After these events, the insidious ogre mage was considered dead. However, the Twilight's Hammer cult did not disintegrate and continued its organized activities, leading to fears that Cho'Gall was still alive... and was simply waiting for the right moment to reassert himself.

basic information

Description of the battle

Cho "Gall has kept in his arsenal a decent supply of various abilities, which he uses quite often. Each player in the raid has a Corruption level indicator bar, which slowly fills up during the battle, depending on how often you allow yourself to ax and receive damage from sources from which it would not be worth receiving it.

As the battle progresses, Cho "Gall very quickly calls on adds - adept tempters. When they die, they leave behind a pulsating black vortex, from which several smaller adds in turn emerge. Small adds AoE the raid abundantly and raise the level of corruption in the blood of the raid participants, therefore they must be killed instantly after spawning. Thus, this is his soft enrage - the longer you beat the boss, the more often small adds appear, which AoE the raid abundantly. You need to bring the boss to 25% as quickly as possible to stop the appearance of faceless creatures.

Another interesting feature of combat is mind control. From time to time, Cho "Gall takes control of 1 player (in 10k, in 25 - three) and people controlled by the boss begin to cast a streaming spell of worship at the boss, every 3 seconds summing up a buff on the boss that increases its damage. This streaming spell is needed knock it down as early as possible so as not to accumulate too many buff charges on the boss.

At 25%, Cho"Gall turns on his uber mode, plunging the entire room into shadow and causing crazy damage to the raid. In addition, tentacles appear in the room that drain the strength of selected players, reducing the damage and healing they inflict by 75%. The stream weakening spell can be defeated, and the tentacles themselves should be killed as quickly as possible.Kill the tentacles, and then try your best to kill the boss before he kills you.

Now let's take a closer look at both phases of the battle.

Phase 1 (100% - 25%)

Overall, the first phase is quite simple, but requires a lot of attention from each player. You need to avoid falling into fiery puddles and knock down the castes of people who are under control. In addition, you need to kill the followers whom Cho"Gall calls quite often. To achieve maximum damage, the Ensidia guild recommends tanking Cho"Gall and his adds together, and when the add has little HP left (~10%), take him to the designated place.

When an add dies, corrupted black blood spills out underneath it. A few seconds later, when Cho "Gall casts the spell Rotten Blood, several small adds crawl out of this puddle, which cause very high damage throughout the raid. You need to AoE them as quickly as possible, and then switch all DPS back to the boss until the next follower appears. After small adds appear, the puddle from under the follower does not dissipate, but continues to lie on the ground, causing damage to everyone who stands in it. A barely alive follower should be taken to the place of death of the previous one in order to minimize the area of ​​the room filled with blood.

This battle pattern is repeated up to 25% of the boss. With good overall raid damage, you will have to kill 3-4 large adds and the same number of waves of smaller adds. The Adherents themselves cast Desecrating Crush into the raid, similar to the spell used by General Vezax in Ulduar, but escaping from it is even easier - a few seconds before the clot of darkness falls, a mark is formed on the floor, notifying of the danger.

There are also other AoE spells of Cho"Gall, which are not worth mentioning separately - they are all simply healed. The success of completing the first phase largely depends on good damage to the boss and adds.

Phase 2 (25% - 0%)

During this phase, Cho"Gall only summons vague creatures and hits tanks with Cho"Gall's Fury. For this you need to focus on dealing damage, maintaining bloodthirstiness/heroism and all cooldowns for this period of battle. We shoot down the weakening rays, kill the tentacles and kill the boss before your healers run out of mana or the damage becomes too great.
  • Avoid taking any damage that automatically increases the level of filth in your blood.
  • Kill the small adds very quickly after the death of the tempter adepts and heal the raid generously at this moment.
  • Do not stand in fiery craters, void zones and pulsating pools of blood from followers.
  • Disable casting for players who fall under Cho'Gall's control.
  • Maximum DPS for boss and adds.
  • Save your cooldowns and bloodlust/heroism for the last phase.

