Increase in teachers' salaries this year. Increasing salaries for teachers: teachers, university professors, researchers. Will there be teacher layoffs?

Most recently, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting in Moscow with the heads of the Ministry of Labor, Education and the Ministry of Sports. Quite a lot of topics and issues related to the need for changes and reforms in education were discussed at the meeting.

The main problems whose solutions were discussed during the meeting

The Deputy President could not help but pay attention and touch upon the issue of the shortage of teachers, which is especially acute in many regional centers. Teachers explain this by constantly growing workloads and rather small salaries.

Medvedev already held a meeting on pressing problems of teacher shortage on July 4 of this year. At that time, the main emphasis was placed on the need to review and increase the level of wages for young specialists who were about to begin performing their official duties. The heads of the same three departments were instructed to make changes by August 15. At the same time, a direct line was organized with the Prime Minister, during which he stated that every effort would be made to ensure that the difference in the salary of a young teacher and a specialist with many years of work experience was minimal.

It is worth noting that the heads of the Ministry of Science, Education, Sports and the Ministry of Labor stated that, on behalf of the head of state, all possible measures are being taken to ensure that the teacher’s salary reaches a figure equal to the average in the economy.

Decisions made by the Prime Minister during the meeting

At the last meeting, Medvedev demanded that every teacher receive decent wages, especially for specialists in remote areas and various regional centers. There were even proposals to equate a teacher to a civil servant and, accordingly, equalize wages.

According to Medvedev, good payment for such hard work will solve the issue of personnel shortages. It will also help attract qualified and competent specialists. It was also decided to look for ways to attract qualified specialists without pedagogical education.

An important aspect of this meeting was the decision to improve and expand the specifics and focus of the educational program in the interests of the child. According to the deputy head of state, the education program should be aimed at developing methods for an individual approach to each child. In this case, it is necessary to take into account his abilities, capabilities and interests.

It was decided to report the results of the work done on all these issues on November 15 of this year.

Every year, the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) approves recommendations for establishing a remuneration system for employees of budgetary organizations. New Year 2017 was no exception. What awaits educational workers in terms of wages this year?

In Protocol No. 11 dated December 23, 2016, the Commission reflected the principles on the basis of which the wage system in the public sector should be formed. One of the main principles is the inadmissibility of reducing wages or deteriorating wage conditions in comparison with those established by labor legislation at the federal level, the subject level or the local level. A real increase in the salaries of public sector workers must also be ensured.

  • a list of legal acts containing labor issues;
  • conditions for establishing or changing the remuneration system, for example, an employee’s work should be paid depending on the quality of his work;
  • principles of forming a remuneration system depending on the level of the institution - federal, regional or municipal.

The commission recommended that regional authorities, regional associations of trade unions and employers conclude agreements on the minimum wage in 2017. These agreements must apply to all employees of regional and local institutions.

Note! Information on the average earnings of managers, deputies and chief accountants of institutions must be posted on the Internet on the official website of the authorities that act as founders in relation to this institution.

The founder may also decide that information about the salaries of the main persons of the institution should be posted on the website of the institution itself. The procedure for posting such information should be established by regulations both at the federal level and at the regional and local levels.

It is not allowed to indicate on the website the following information as part of information about the salaries of the main persons of the institution:

  • data that will allow you to determine the place of residence, postal address, telephone and other individual means of communication with the specified persons;
  • classified as state secrets;
  • confidential information.

Currently, a document has already been adopted (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2016 No. 1521), which regulates the issue of displaying information on the Internet about the salaries of heads of institutions. According to this document, this information must be reflected no later than May 15 of the year following the reporting year.

Just like in previous years, the commission paid attention directly to education workers. The recommendations note that salary reduction is not acceptable education employees, which was achieved in 2016. It is determined based on statistical data. In addition, when creating a remuneration system, heads of educational organizations should pay attention to the following points:

  • at least 70% of the salary structure should be the salary amount or wage rate;
  • registration of labor relations with employees must take place in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (order No. 1601 of December 22, 2014 and order No. 536 of May 11, 2016);
  • use of a sample form of employment contract officially established at the state level when hiring an employee;
  • an employment contract or an additional agreement to it must contain a fixed salary, salary rates, the amount of compensation payments, as well as the amount and conditions of incentive payments.

Federal Law No. 347-FZ of July 3, 2016 amended the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. They touched upon the establishment of a maximum ratio between the salaries of the manager, his deputies, the chief accountant (hereinafter referred to as managers) and the salaries of employees. These innovations also affected the budgetary sphere. So, according to this normative act, the maximum level of the ratio of salaries of managers and employees is determined by the founder budgetary institution. Moreover, the size of this ratio cannot be lower than the size established by regulations of local authorities.

The Ministry of Labor in its letter gave some explanations on this issue:

  • the maximum level of salary ratio is set based on the average monthly salary of managers, which is formed from all sources of financing, and the average monthly salary of employees (this does not include the salary of managers). At the same time, the concept of “salary”, according to labor legislation, includes not only salary, but also other payments, including compensatory and incentive ones;
  • The Labor Code itself does not establish a limit on the ratio of salaries of managers and employees. It is established either in a government document or by acts of regional (local) authorities. So, for example, for federal institutions such a limit is set at a rate from 1 to 8. Before the introduction of these changes, there was a practice according to which the limit on the ratio of salaries of managers and employees of the social sector did not exceed 4 times;
  • According to labor legislation, failure to comply with the maximum ratio of the salary of the manager and employees may become grounds for termination of the employment agreement with the head of the organization.

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Teaching is one of the most difficult and noble professions. It is these people who invest all the kindest and brightest things into our children. The work of a teacher is not easy. Only by putting your soul into your students can you become a real teacher. However, despite the importance of the profession, teachers’ salaries are still at a low level. Will there be an increase in salaries for teachers in 2017 and how much can their salaries be increased?

According to research results, teachers working in Moscow schools have the highest salaries. This is not surprising, because the most prestigious schools in the country are located in the capital. This is where the children of officials and businessmen study. The average salary of an ordinary teacher in the capital is approximately 70,000 rubles.

In addition to wages, more comfortable working conditions have been created for teachers in Moscow. Modern equipment of schools greatly facilitates the educational process. The introduction of an electronic knowledge assessment system allows you to work more closely with parents, which means that children are under comprehensive control.

The situation in the regions is completely different. It is especially difficult for teachers in rural schools. Here teachers often receive wages equal to the subsistence minimum. In addition, the schools have absolutely no equipment. Teachers have to make teaching aids on their own and spend nights checking notebooks. The work of these people is like a daily feat.

Incentive payments

The latest news never tires of telling us about the system of incentive payments in 2017 for teachers. However, this system also has its drawbacks.

Today, many experts believe that the system for calculating these bonuses is not yet perfect and there is still a need to increase the basic salary of teachers.

Of course, teachers need to be encouraged. Each of them should strive to improve their qualifications, but what should those who do not have the opportunity to improve their level of professionalism, those same teachers from villages and villages, do?

Last news

Today, the federal authorities are actively advocating for an increase in teacher salaries in 2017. According to many, these investments will improve the quality of education, because a teacher cannot fully devote himself to his work when hungry children are waiting for him at home. In addition, people in this profession also need good rest. Only in this case can we count on truly productive work by teachers.

Also, increasing teachers' salaries will help raise the prestige of this difficult profession. What situation do we see today? Experienced and highly professional teachers often go to work in private educational institutions or engage in personal tutoring. There is a shortage of experienced teachers in regular schools, which is why the level of education of children is also suffering.

The latest news says that teacher salaries will still be increased in 2017. However, the amount that teachers can count on has not yet been determined.

Crisis and wages

The program for increasing teachers' salaries was planned for 2016-2018. However, the difficult economic situation in the country has made its own adjustments. Promised increases are being delayed. However, salaries are indexed annually so that teachers do not suffer from inflation and price increases.

According to government statements, everything possible is being done today to find funds to increase teachers’ salaries in 2017. The president cut the salaries of his staff and refused to index the salaries of certain groups of officials who, in his opinion, already receive a good salary.

However, these measures are not enough. The latest news does not promise us rapid economic growth. Sanctions and low oil prices have led to a large budget deficit, and of course it will not be possible to fill it overnight.

Profession by vocation

Today, many of us are accustomed to comparing the salaries of teachers in our country with the salaries of teachers in Europe and America. Of course, with such a comparison we do not win at all. However, we should not forget that the price level in these countries is also completely different. It should also be taken into account that Russia is still at the stage of economic development.

Compared to what happened in our country in the 90s, one can still observe an increase in salaries and the general standard of living.

We must pay tribute to the teachers who were able to survive those difficult times with the country and did not give up their calling.

Nowadays, you can also meet preschool and school education workers who, no matter what, love their job and devote themselves to it to the fullest. It is these teachers who need to be supported, according to the government. A teacher, like a doctor, must be selfless, and of course his work must be appreciated.

According to the president's statements in the latest news, these categories of public sector employees will receive wage increases first. The system of incentive payments will also be improved to encourage young professionals to strive for advanced training and career growth.

Analysts' forecasts

Today the whole country is waiting for the situation on the world oil market to improve. Raising oil prices will solve many problems in the country and finally fill the budget. According to analysts, hydrocarbon prices should rise in 2017. If the price of oil rises, we can safely say that the program to increase wages for public sector employees will work in full force.

Today it is too early to make long-term forecasts regarding teacher salary increases in 2017. Everything will become clear with the coming of the new year. However, we can say for sure that there will be indexation and teachers will not have to starve. Today the whole world is going through a crisis. Unemployment is growing and cases of non-payment of wages have become more frequent. According to the government, today everything possible is being done to prevent our teachers from finding themselves in such a difficult situation. In the meantime, we need to wait and hope for the best.

The current crisis has hit the country's financial reserves hard. Taking this fact into account, the government is today calculating how much it will cost to increase the salaries of public sector employees. Let's find out whether teachers' salaries will be increased.

It is clear that the country has a budget deficit, so one cannot count on a significant increase. At the same time, the government is aware of its responsibility and therefore refuses to increase social security. does not plan standards.

Teachers will not succeed without an increase in salaries

It is worth noting that school teachers in modern Russia have never been able to boast of high earnings. With the onset of the crisis, their position became even more unenviable. This has led to a decrease in the prestige of the teaching profession, and this is a serious problem. After all, without new young teachers it is unlikely that we can talk about the rise of the country.

Everyone knows that it is the teacher who stands at the origins of the emergence of personality. With its help, any person begins his journey into the world of knowledge. Thanks to the patience, skill and talent of our teachers, new specialists in their field grow.

On the other hand, it is not clear how all this can be achieved given the current state of education and teachers’ salaries. As you know, you have to be born a teacher, so you can’t waste your most valuable personnel. It is necessary to correct the situation and improve the financial situation of teachers as quickly as possible.

Today, according to Rosstat, teachers’ salaries are 18-25 thousand rubles, and even less in small towns and villages. It is impossible to live on such a salary and, moreover, to instill optimism and confidence in the future.

How will earnings change in 2017?

The country's leadership understands the complexity of the situation and therefore decided to increase teachers' salaries by 150 percent by 2018. V. Putin mentioned this back in 2012. It is clear that no one guessed then that:

  1. a crisis will come;
  2. energy prices will fall;
  3. There are sanctions against Russia.

However, this year there was a small ray of hope. The galloping rise in prices for everything has been stopped. There was confidence that everything would soon return to normal. It is not for nothing that the budget for the next three years again includes salary indexation. Let’s hope that already in 2017 the “ice will break” and the situation of teachers will improve. For now, we can say with confidence that in 2017-19, teachers’ salaries will increase by about five percent, that is, by the amount of inflation. A complete economic recovery is just around the corner, and perhaps by 2018 teachers’ salaries will rise significantly.

Teachers' salaries in Moscow

In the capital, the situation with teacher salaries is the best. Here, teachers receive up to 70 thousand rubles for their work. In most schools, there are many factors that stimulate salary growth. This includes additional hours in the subject, electives and preparation of students for the Olympics. Thanks to per capita funding, the situation in Moscow schools has improved significantly. Out of nearly 2,000 schools, about 700 school complexes were created. For example, one such school conglomerate may include several schools, a number of preschool institutions, and its number may reach several thousand. Hence the incentives, high salaries and good equipment. All this attracts talented personnel from the regions of the country. The results of such success were not long in coming. In recent years, the number of school graduates entering prestigious universities has increased sharply.

Position by region

As you know, salaries in Russia vary greatly by region. The same applies to teacher salaries. In some places it has caught up with the average for the subject, but in others it is significantly behind.

Teachers' salaries increase annually by about 6-7 percent per year. According to data from the ministry responsible for education and science, the average teacher salary in the country has reached 33 thousand rubles. The spread of income is very wide: from 80 thousand rubles in the capital to 20 in the regions. Just a few years ago such a salary could not have been dreamed of. Basically, most teachers received 11-12 thousand rubles.

Here's what teacher salaries look like in Russian cities:

City Average salary in the region in rubles Average teacher salary in rubles
Moscow 58760 57780
Saint Petersburg 38935 41725
Saratov 21280 21525
Kirov 20265 22045
Ivanovo 19750 23040
Bryansk 20240 23445
Pskov 20343 24430
Tver 23825 25690
Voronezh 22930 25930
Tula 24665 26060
Vladimir 21875 26795
Kaluga 26950 27600
Lipetsk 22315 27877
Kaliningrad 26010 28110
Krasnodar 25440 31435

Here's how teachers' salaries differ by region:

  • Dagestan - 17,449 rubles;
  • Altai Territory - 20,140 rubles;
  • Chechnya – 22,080 rubles;
  • Mordovia – 19,940 rubles;
  • Udmurtia – 24,434 rubles;
  • Ingushetia – 25,080 rubles;
  • Chuvashia – 26,390 rubles;
  • Tatarstan – 33,670 rubles;
  • Primorsky Territory - 41,694 rubles;
  • Komi - 54,200 rubles;
  • Kamchatka - 69,480 rubles;
  • Chukotka – 76,715 rubles;
  • Yamalo-Nenets District – 83,175 rubles.

The question arises: “What is the reason for such a difference in teachers’ salaries in different regions of Russia?” According to the conclusions of experts from the Higher School of Economics, the reason is that not all schools in the regions have switched to the normative per capita method of financing, and not all subjects of the Russian Federation have yet created the corresponding legislative acts. Hence the underfunding of the educational sector.

The modern model for evaluating a teacher’s work provides for the dependence of a teacher’s income on his costs. In recent years, the procedure for calculating salaries has changed. Previously, the bare salary was taken into account in accordance with the tariff schedule. At the moment, it is possible to take into account the individual abilities of the teacher. It’s a shame that not all regions understand this, much less apply it. It turns out that in order to earn extra money, teachers “run” from school to school in the hope of getting additional hours of work.

In order to ensure uniform approaches to regulating the wages of employees of public sector organizations, the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations has developed “Unified recommendations for the establishment at the federal, regional and local levels of remuneration systems for employees of state and municipal institutions for 2017” (hereinafter - Recommendations).

— the principles for the formation of remuneration systems have been determined;

— mandatory standards and conditions of remuneration are listed;

— issues of remuneration for heads of institutions, their deputies and chief accountants were considered;

According to the principles of formation of remuneration systems formulated in the Recommendations, wages should depend on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity of the work, the quantity and quality of labor expended. Its maximum size cannot be limited. Real wages must rise.

The staffing table of the institution is approved by the head of the institution and includes all employee positions (professions of workers) of this institution.

Remuneration systems are established and changed, including taking into account the annual wage fund, the opinion of trade unions, employee certification, and labor standardization systems. Revision of labor standards is permitted as new equipment, technology and organizational or other measures are improved or introduced to ensure increased labor efficiency. The regulations on remuneration of employees developed by the institution provide for specific salary amounts. Employees must be notified of the introduction of new labor standards no later than 2 months in advance.

For example, when forming remuneration systems for teachers and other education workers in 2017, authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments and heads of educational institutions are recommended to:

— prevent a decrease in the level of wages achieved in 2016;

— salaries (official salaries), wage rates for employees in the wage structure in educational organizations must be no less than 70 percent;

— when concluding employment contracts (additional agreements to employment contracts) with teaching staff, in the remuneration systems for workers in the education sector, be guided by the norms of orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2014 N 1601, dated May 11, 2016 N 536;

- in the employment contract (in an additional agreement to the employment contract) with the employee, provide for a fixed amount of salary (official salary), wage rate established for him for a calendar month or for an established standard of work (standard hours of teaching work per week (per year) per rate wages); the amount of compensation payments, if any; amounts and conditions for making incentive payments;

— when concluding employment contracts with employees, use the approximate form of the employment contract given in Appendix No. 3 to the Program for the gradual improvement of the remuneration system in state (municipal) institutions for 2012 - 2018.

The recommendations also determine that in cases where the amount of an employee’s remuneration depends on length of service, education, qualification category, state awards and (or) departmental insignia, academic degree, the right to change it arises within the following periods:

- with an increase in the length of continuous work, teaching work, length of service - from the day the corresponding length of service is achieved, if the documents are in the institution, or from the date of submission of the document on the length of service giving the right to appropriate payments;

- upon receipt of education or restoration of education documents - from the date of submission of the relevant document;

- when establishing or assigning a qualification category - from the date of the decision by the certification commission;

- when conferring an honorary title, awarding departmental insignia - from the date of conferment, award;

- when awarding the academic degree of Doctor of Science or Candidate of Science - from the date of the decision by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia to issue the diploma.

If an employee has the right to change the amount of remuneration while on annual or other leave, during the period of his temporary disability, as well as during other periods during which he retains the average salary, the change in the amount of remuneration for his labor is carried out upon completion of the specified periods.

For information

Russian educational organizations use 3 remuneration models. They are built on general principles, but have significant differences.

Model No. 1“Basic salary” - is based on the base salary and increasing factors that are approved at the regional level. Employees holding the same position have the same base salary. When calculating the constant part of the salary of school employees, increasing factors are applied to the base salary.

Model No. 2“All inclusive” is based on the teacher's salary for 36 hours of work per week. In this model, all activities of the teacher are paid in salary for 36 working hours per week. This includes instructional hours and other work as determined by the teacher's job responsibilities. The cost of an hour of work for a teacher can be approved at the level of the school, municipality or region as a whole.

Model No. 3“Pupil-hour” is based on the concept of “pupil-hour”. In this model, when calculating the constant part of a teacher’s salary, both the difference in the number of teaching hours he teaches and the number of students with whom he works are taken into account. The amount of “student-hour” and the number of student-hours of workload for a teacher are determined by each school independently.

You can familiarize yourself with the models in detail, for example, on the website of the Teacher’s Newspaper (

On the formation of remuneration systems for public sector employees in 2017: 37 comments

    What kind of salary increase are we talking about??? I'm not even talking about the average teacher's salary of 36 thousand. The salary of the music directors of the kindergarten was 8,400 rubles, and after the salary increase it became 9,600 rubles. We added 1200 rubles - increased by 15% + 3% per category. And now they have removed 30% for the highest category - that’s 2520 rubles. And in the end, if the music director previously received 11,000 rubles per salary, now, after the increase, he receives 9,888 rubles... How is it possible to not love music and not value our profession at all?!

    I work as a teacher in a correctional group (children with cerebral palsy), if before the new wage system, my rate was 8715 (by the way, this includes methodological literature 105 rubles), now the rate is 8444 (this also includes methodological literature 105 rubles .). How does this happen? What kind of new payment system is this? Whoever developed it did not calculate that the salary of one category of educators would increase and that of another would decrease. In our kindergarten, everyone’s salaries increased, albeit just a little, and only correctional ones remained in the red. It turns out that at the expense of some they promoted others? Maybe we should reconsider the calculations so that everyone benefits?

    I have been working as a music director for 23 years. Previously, for more than 3 decades, the rate was -4 grams. If you led 6 grams, you received 1.5 times the rate. Today, the workload of 6 groups is paid only for 1 rate. In reality, the salary fell by 14 thousand rubles . If you don’t go into the details of calculating interest and salaries, what incentive is there to carry one and a half loads for meager pay???

    Hello. I have been working as an English teacher for 24 years. My workload is 26 hours and 2 hours of extracurricular activities per week. The salary until May 2017 was equal to 25,600. From May 1, we were transferred to NSOT and my salary dropped to 17 thousand. Requirements for teachers are increasing, new standards are being introduced, and salaries are being lowered. Question: Is the introduction of NSOT a survival experiment?

    Salaries in schools have not been indexed for several years. Salaries range from 7,250 (educational psychologist) to 7,600 (teacher). In accordance with presidential decrees and the “road map,” of course, there is no average school salary of 32,000 rubles (but according to officials’ reports, there is). But prices and tariffs have already increased many times, and so have the requirements for education. Are we stepping on the same rake again - “poor teacher”?

    Thank you for your blog and your work!
    Unfortunately, we probably shouldn’t expect a competent assessment of the work of a teacher in our country in the near future.

    Good afternoon, the following question has arisen: my salary in the 2016-2017 academic year = salary (18 hours) + extracurricular hours (2 hours) + museum.
    1) Did I understand correctly that with all the changes in schedules and other things, it should not be much different from last year, and if so, what can I base my dispute with the administration on?
    2) Does the director have the right to “take away” the museum from me and transfer it to another teacher in the new school year? (the contract for the museum was short-term, for half a year and expires in August)

    Hello! I work as an English teacher, this year for our school, with 600 students, there are 2 teachers left! My workload is 43 hours, including homeworkers and “evening school”, I would like to roughly calculate my salary? Is there any? is that the formula?

    Is it legal to reduce the salary of a kindergarten teacher compared to the previous school year, due to the fact that the required number of children in the group was not reached)) they needed 25, but they got 20. And the salary decreased from 39,000 to 34,000?

    I work as a mathematics teacher, workload 18 hours (rate), and part-time as a deputy director. In the 2016-2017 academic year, incentive payments were for both one position and a second one, but this academic year the director of the educational institution announced that incentive payments, according to the new wage system, will be paid only for the main position, as a deputy director will not receive them will. Is this legal?

    Good afternoon. I work at school as a chemistry teacher. Under the old salary system, I was paid 5 percent for lab work. Under the new system, the surcharge has been removed. But there is an additional payment for those who are associated with hazardous working conditions. Question: is working in a chemical laboratory associated with harmful conditions or not?

    Hello! In Chita, teacher salaries have changed since September 2017. Local Department of Education. reduced many payments. In the 2016-2017 academic year, payment for checking notebooks for grades 5-6. for a Russian language teacher was 547.50, in the current one - 324.44, 8-11 grades. — 304.17 versus 243.33. There have been no incentive payments for 3 years now, because... There is not enough money for these payments. A new line has appeared “For intensity”, the amount of this payment is determined not by school heads, but by officials. It seems that we are being deceived!

    Hello. And school librarians are not eligible for any incentive payments. School directors insist that this is not allowed. Permanent link

    Tell me, if a school operates according to NSOT, then the additional payment for the complexity of the subject is removed? And question two: What incentive does the school decide to pay for the qualification category, or are there regional recommendations?

    Hello. I work in the Primorsky Territory of Ussuriysk at the MBOU DSHI UGO (music school of arts). Our school management says that the order does not apply to us. Is it so?

    12/07/2018 Vladivostok No. 23a

    “On approval of the Model Regulations on the remuneration of teaching staff of municipal educational organizations of the Primorsky Territory”

    In order to improve the remuneration system for employees of municipal educational organizations of the Primorsky Territory, on the basis of the Primorsky Territory Law of April 25, 2013 No. 188-KZ “On remuneration of labor for employees of state institutions of the Primorsky Territory”, taking into account the Unified recommendations for establishing at the federal, regional and local levels wage systems for employees of state and municipal institutions for 2018 (approved by the decision of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations dated December 22, 2017, protocol No. 11)

    I ORDER:
    1. Approve the Approximate Regulations on the remuneration of teaching staff of municipal educational organizations of the Primorsky Territory (Appendix 1).
    2. Recommend to the heads of municipal education authorities:
    — carry out the transition of municipal educational organizations to a unified wage system from January 1, 2019 in accordance with the Model Regulations;
    — send information on the results of the implementation of a unified wage system for each municipal educational organization to the Department of Education and Science of the Primorsky Territory during 2019 every month before the 5th day of the month following the reporting month, according to the approved form (Appendix 2).

    3. The Department of Economics and Budget Planning of Education of the Department of Education and Science of the Primorsky Territory (I.A. Chugunova) send information on the preliminary distribution of financial resources for 2019 to the municipalities of the Primorsky Territory.

    4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

    And about. Department Director N.G. Kochurova

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