Developments in the Russian language. Educational materials and developments in the Russian language. Russian language and literature

MKOU "Sar-Sarskaya secondary school"

Development of Russian language lessons

under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

Completed by: Kurbanova E.A.

____ Borrowed words__________

Kurbanova Elmira Abiddinovna

MKOU "Sar-Sarskaya secondary school"


Russian language and literature

5th grade

Lesson "Borrowed words"

Russian language 5th grade.

    The purpose of the lesson: the formation of sustainable educational and cognitive motivation for the subject using the example of the topic “Borrown words in the Russian language”, organizing the activities of students to achieve the following results:


    awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language; respect for the native language, pride in it; the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language as a phenomenon of national culture;

    the desire for speech self-improvement;) a sufficient amount of vocabulary and mastered grammatical means for the free expression of thoughts and feelings in the process of verbal communication; the ability to self-assess based on observation of one’s own speech.


    mastery of all types of speech activity: listening and reading:
    adequate understanding of oral and written communication information (communicative attitude, text topic, main idea; basic and additional information);

    mastery of different types of reading (searching, browsing, introductory, studying) texts;

    the ability to extract information from various sources, including the media, Internet resources; freely use various types of dictionaries, reference books, including those on electronic media; mastering techniques for selecting and systematizing material on a specific topic; ability to independently search for information;

    the ability to transform, store and transmit information obtained as a result of reading or listening;

    the ability to compare and contrast speech utterances in terms of their content, stylistic features and linguistic means used; speaking and writing: the ability to determine the goals of upcoming educational activities (individual and collective), the sequence of actions, evaluate the results achieved and adequately formulate them orally and in writing; the ability to create oral and written texts of different types, speech styles and genres, taking into account the intent, addressee and communication situation;

    the ability to freely and correctly express one’s thoughts orally and in writing, to comply with the norms of text construction (logic, consistency, coherence, relevance to the topic, etc.); adequately express your attitude to the facts and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to what you read, heard, saw;


    an idea of ​​the basic functions of language, the connection between the language and culture of the people, the role of language in human life and society;

    carrying out various types of word analysis (phonetic, morphemic, word-formation, lexical, morphological),

    understanding the peculiarities of linguistic design, the use of expressive means of language in the text;

    mastering the basic stylistic resources of vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian language, the basic norms of the Russian literary language (spelling, lexical, grammatical, spelling, punctuation), norms of speech etiquette and using them in your speech practice when creating oral and written statements;



develop the ability to formulate definitions of concepts;

develop the ability to find borrowed words in a text;

develop the ability to use borrowed words in speech;

develop the ability to determine the etymology of borrowed words;

enrich students' vocabulary;

improve spelling and skills.


development of critical thinking of students;

development of students' attention;

formation of UUD (personal, regulatory, cognitive):

developing the ability to formulate and prove one’s point of view;

development of skills to analyze, compare, generalize;

develop the ability to apply new knowledge;

development of creative and speech abilities of students;

formation of logical skills;

developing the ability to rely on what is already known, on one’s subjective experience;

developing the ability to formulate a problem;

development of group and pair work skills.


fostering interest and respect for the native language;

education of a value attitude towards words;

development of communicative UUD:

creating a favorable atmosphere of support and interest, respect and cooperation;

interaction of students in group and pair work: developing respect for each other.

    Lesson type: lesson on introducing students to new material

    Forms of student work: individual, pair, group

    Required technical equipment: PC; multimedia projector;

    Lesson structure and flow

Appendix to the lesson plan

Loan words

Lesson stage

tion of the used ESM

Teacher activities

Activities of the study

Formed UUD.

Organizational moment, motivation to study

no action

Welcome speech from the teacher

The principle of psychological comfort

UUD: personal, communicative.

The goal is to create a friendly atmosphere, motivate students to study, create a situation of success

Updating knowledge

The teacher reads the epigraph to the lesson of the words of V. G. Belinsky: “All nations exchange words and borrow them from each other.” The teacher invites you to reflect on the statement, interpret it, think about what such words are called in the language.

Students make assumptions and discuss them with classmates.

Students name the topic of the lesson.

The principle of integrity.

UUD: cognitive, communicative, regulatory (independent formulation of goals and objectives, planning, forecasting)

GOAL: create a problematic situation, predict upcoming activities.

Goal setting and motivation

The teacher offers the task: listen to the text, write down in your notebook the words that seem familiar to you.Audio recording of the English text "Sports" and asks questions.

What is the topic of the text?

Why did you decide so? After all, the text is in a foreign language. Then he reads the same text in German, asking them to compare them. Then he invites students to set a goal for the lesson, guiding them as they do so.

Students set lesson goals:

Learn to recognize a borrowed word;

Find out the origin of such words;

Learn to determine from which languages ​​words are borrowed

Entering new material

The teacher offers to independently define what borrowed words are, then compare them with the definition from the textbook. Then he offers to determine from which language the words extracted from the texts are borrowed and compare them with information from the textbook dictionary.

Students independently give a definition, then compare it with the materials in the textbook, and find information about the origin of words in dictionary entries from the textbook.

Primary consolidation

1.Electronic task “Borrowed words” Option 1

The teacher guides and advises.

Students will sort the words into groups based on their origin. In case of difficulty, refer to the hint

Communicative, cognitive UUD

Application of new knowledge in a standard situation

2. Electronic task “Borrowed words” Option 2

The teacher provides consultations if necessary.

Pupils work in pairs.


The teacher offers a task. Divide the words into groups depending on their origin. (The words are written on the board.)

Olympics, college, rally, jacket, basketball, postmaster, athlete, gin, stack, cottage, fine, sandwich, spinning, prodigy, grandmaster, gentleman.

Students work individually

Cognitive, regulatory UUD

Transfer to new conditions

1. The teacher suggests determining which foreign words are interpreted.

1) Crispy dough that breaks easily (cracker).

2) A brand of goods that is very popular among customers (brand).

3) Price list, a list of prices for goods and services of a certain company (price list).

4) First performance of the play (premiere).

5) Grace of movements, beauty of posture (grace).

6) Crew, ship personnel (crew).

7) Master of fine manufacturing of products from precious metals and stones (jeweler).

Conclusion: - With the help of what words do we replenish our vocabulary?

2.Write a small miniature: “Music in my life”, write what music you prefer and why, using as many borrowed words as possible, if you have any difficulties, refer to the textbook materials.

Students guess foreign words and check their spelling in a dictionary

They write a creative work, then read it in class, evaluating and reviewing the work of their classmates.

Communicative, cognitive, regulatory UUD

Communicative, cognitive, regulatory UUD


    The teacher offers a choice: 1) write out 4 sentences (one complex) with borrowed words from works of art;

    2) prepare a speech about 5 words borrowed from different languages.

    3) prepare a message “Words-travelers”

Students choose a task from those proposed by the teacher

Cognitive, regulatory UUD


Students determine what they learned in the lesson and what questions they would like to discuss in subsequent lessons.

Communicative, cognitive, regulatory UUD


The teacher offers to evaluate his own work and the work of his desk neighbor, and evaluates the most active students.

Students evaluate activities based on their results, self-assessment

Communicative, regulatory UUD


The teacher suggests assessing the level of understanding of this topic and your impressions of the lesson using drawings.

Regulatory UUD

Lesson-scenario (FSES) in the Russian language on the topic

"Vowels in the prefixes PRE- and PRI-" in the 5th grade of UMK MM.Razumovskaya

Teacher Seregina Olga Egorovna

Place of work, position:

MBOU "Agibalovskaya Secondary School"; teacher of Russian language and literature

The target audience: 5th grade A students

Item: Russian language

Short description: Russian language lesson in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Lesson type: a lesson in “discovering” new knowledge

Lesson topic:“Vowels in pre- and pre-”

Lesson Objectives: meaningful: expand the conceptual base about spellings in word prefixes; with the help of practical tasks, ensure that students understand the conditions for choosing a vowel in the prefixes pre- and pre-

Activity-based: to develop students’ skills in working with words that contain the spelling “Vowels in prefixes pre- and pre-”; develop students' learning skills: cognitive, communicative and regulatory in accordance with the type of lesson (lesson of “discovery” of new knowledge).

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

1. Organizational moment.

Greetings. Expressing good wishes.

Organizing homework self-test.

Target: inclusion of students in educational activities at a personally significant level.

1. Greeting, checking readiness for the lesson, recording the date.

Hello guys. Sit down. I wish you success in class and good grades. Write down the number, great job.

2. Mutual checking of homework according to the standard

At home you did exercise 630. When writing which prefixes did you have to solve a spelling problem? (rules for writing prefixes ending in Z-S)

What algorithm did you use? (1st step - determine the letter at the beginning of the root: vowel, voiced or unvoiced);

2nd step - remember the rule - before the vowel and voiced consonant of the root in the prefix, a voiced consonant is written, Z, before a voiceless one, a voiceless consonant S is written;

3rd step - write the prefix in the word.

Exchange notebooks with each other and check the correctness of the tasks according to the example (screen) SLIDE 2:

Unresponsive, illiterate, powerless, harmless, inactive, selfless, tasteless, endless, boundless, heartless.

On the self-control sheet for homework, enter the score given to you by your classmate.

No errors - 5 points:

1-2 mistakes - 4 points

3-5 mistakes - 3 points

6 or more - 2 points

2. Updating knowledge.

(Motivation for learning activities)

Goal: to record updated methods of action in speech (repetition of what has been learned).

3. Repetition of what has been learned.

From this text, write down the words with prefixes and divide them into 2 columns:

1. Unchangeable prefixes

2. Prefixes ending in Z and S.

1 student at the blackboard. SLIDE 3

The sun came out again, illuminated the gloomy side of the horizon and disappeared. Everything changed and took on a gloomy appearance. The grove trembled. Swifts and swallows flew low over the ground. Lightning flashed. There was a rumble overhead.

1 column - it looked out, illuminated, disappeared, trembled, flew by.

Column 2 – changed, flashed, rang out.

Which word is not included in either the 1st or 2nd column?


Why? (The prefix Pri_ cannot be written in our columns, because this prefix does not apply to unchangeable and z-s prefixes)

3. Students setting goals

lesson as its own learning task.

Purpose of the stage: discussion of difficulties (why difficulties arose, what we do not yet know).

4. Goal setting and motivation:

This morning a telegram arrived in the name of our class. Only bad luck: apparently something happened to her on the road, and some of the letters disappeared somewhere. Still, let's try to read it and restore the lost letters. read out the telegram

(Telegram text on screen) SLIDE 6

With warm greetings from the Pre- and Pri-

Which morpheme has no letters? Will we be able to write down the prefixes correctly right away? Why did the spelling problem arise when choosing a vowel? (? (there is no stress on the prefix, the vowel is in a weak position, therefore, you need to know the rule for choosing a vowel in a prefix)

What do you think is the topic of today's lesson? (Vowels in the prefixes PRE and PRI) SLIDE 7

How to structure the work to correctly write words with the prefixes pre- and pre-?

(SLIDE 8: First we need to remember what we know about this topic, then what we can do and what we should learn in the lesson - the opinions of students are heard)

The exact same telegram is on your desk. Our goal is to gain knowledge that will help restore the text of the telegram, which will be useful in life not only when writing telegrams, but will also help in the future to pass exams in the Russian language. At the end of the lesson, I think we will be able to write the letters in the telegram correctly.

set a goal.

4. Problematic explanation of new material.

Goals: to organize communicative interaction, during which the spelling algorithm of prefixes is identified and recorded.

pre-; create a problematic situation; pronounce a new way of action in external speech.

5. Development of a project for getting out of a problem

(algorithm, translation of the rule into image language).

Goal: solving oral problems and discussing a project for its solution.

5. Linguistic tale.

Today in class we will do a little research and find out under what conditions we need to write pre-. At what -at-.

Filling out a small table that every student has will help us with this.

1. Incomplete action


1. Can be replaced with the word “very” PREVIOUS, WISE.


2. Pre- = re- INTERRUPT, CROSS.

3. Joining.


4. Proximity to something, can be equated to the word “about”.

And a linguistic fairy tale will help us.

There lived two consoles. One Pre-, the other Pri-. Prefix Pre- was very kind and very wise. She became friends with adjectives and played with them into new words: very kind - kind, very wise - wise.

What words with the prefix Pre were found in this text? PRECIOUS, WISE. (Students name, and the teacher writes on the board in the table).

Under what conditions is the prefix PRE - written? (The prefix Pre- can be replaced with the word “very”)

Pristaka Pre- was the daughter of the prefix Pere-, she was very similar to her mother. There was only one letter she did not take from her mother, the letter E. Thanks to this similarity, she could replace the prefix pere in verbs: interrupt - interrupt, cross - transgress.

What words with a prefix appear in this text?


In what other case is the prefix PRE- written? (Prefix Pre- = Re-)

Prefix PRI- was a well-mannered and shy young lady who did not allow herself anything unnecessary. He won’t lie down, but he will lie down, he will not sit down, but he will sit down.

What words with the prefix appeared in this passage?


What is the meaning of the prefix PRI- in this case?

(Everything is done “A little bit, not completely - incomplete action”)

In addition, the prefix PRI- was observational. She noticed that

If a person is walking and approaches something, then they say “he has come”, a horse has galloped, a turtle has crawled, and a bun has generally rolled.

What words with the prefix pri- did you find?


So, what does the prefix mean in this case? (Approximation)

Once the PRI- prefix visited a technology lesson. Girls there are taught to sew on buttons, and boys are taught to nail nails.

What words with the prefix Pri- did you find? SEW ON, NAIL .. What is the meaning of the prefix in this case?


And the prefix PRI- likes to compare everything:

The station area is very large, the school area is not so huge, and her grandmother’s garden plot is very small.

What words with the prefix PRI- were found in the text?


What is the meaning of the prefix in this case? Proximity to something can be equated to the word “about”.

So, we have filled out the table. Let's conclude once again when the prefix PRE is written, and when PR? (Guys draw conclusions from the table)

6. Primary consolidation.

Goal: to consolidate the new way of action practically. 6. Explanatory dictation (1 student at the blackboard).

Tie, attach, land, run, very long, very pretty, sit down, stand up, obstacle.

Enter the score according to the scale on the self-control sheet

No errors - 5 points:

1-2 mistakes - 4 points

3-5 mistakes - 3 points

6 or more - 2 points

7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Goals: to organize independent completion by students of standard tasks for a new method of action, followed by testing against a standard;

Based on the results of independent work, organize a reflection on the use of a new way of activity.

7.Independent work with self-test using a standard exercise No. 646) Students write down a score on the self-control sheet.? SLIDE 9

Approaching, joining Location nearby Incompleteness of action

land Urals pause

attach seaside muted

solder raise


8. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Goal: organize repetition of educational content necessary to ensure meaningful continuity

8. Working with text.

What verbal picture did V. Soloukhin paint?

What helped you see the picture of the spill? (tops of bushes and bathhouse roofs peeked out from the water)

What feelings did the residents of the flooded village experience? (anxiety, fear of the elements) Prove with words from the text (The little birds scurried around anxiously. The old women wailed. Everyone was waiting for them [the buildings] to be carried away)

What style can the text be classified into?

What means of expressive speech does the author use? (personifications: the water has reached the gardens, the water bends the bushes, the bathhouses have huddled)

Explain the lexical meaning of the words “huddled” (huddled) and “lamented” (crying)

Choose synonyms for these words

On the self-control sheet, write 1 point for each synonym.

9. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson.

Goals: evaluate the results of your own activities;

concentrate on the difficulty with a new way of acting in order to agree on homework.

9. Restoring a telegram Enter the missing letters into the text of the telegram

It seems to me that now you know enough about the spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI and you can independently reconstruct the text of the telegram.

Fill in the missing letters in the telegram and explain your choice. .SLIDE 10

What was your goal?

Did you manage to achieve your goal?


What results did you get?

Where can you apply new knowledge?

– What difficulties did we experience? What? Explain and talk through your difficulty. What helped us overcome them?

10. Homework

It is mandatory for everyone to use the table that we compiled in class when completing the assignment and additionally read paragraph 54

1) If you are still not sure that you can distinguish the prefixes on your own, then tell yourself: “I worked well!” and follow exercise No. 646,

2) Anyone who has learned to distinguish the meaning of the prefixes pre- and pre- and can explain the topic to a friend, say to yourself: “Well done!” and come up with a vocabulary dictation of 10-12 words on the topic you studied today.

Finally, I would like to give you such an unusual reminder in verses about the prefixes Pre- and Pre-, which will remind you of the conditions for choosing a vowel in these prefixes:

Overcome the obstacle

Don't break the law

In fine weather

Interrupt the nasty dream

It's good to smile,

Block your way

Here we will write everywhere


All together: Pre-.

With the prefix Zoom in, let's bring it closer,

Glue and sew.

Let's raise it a little higher

And we'll bring something.

Let's downplay it a little,

Let's lie just a little bit,

Let's put it in order

And let's sit down and rest.

11.Lesson grades

SLIDE 12 Grades for the lesson: look carefully at the self-control sheet, add up all the points and give yourself a grade on the scale.

Homework check - maximum 5 points.

Independent work No. 646 - maximum 5 points.

Working with text - maximum 2 points.

Total: maximum - 12 points.

Key to assessment:

11-12 points - score "5";

7-10 points - score "4";

5-6 points - rating "3".

Draw a mood. SLIDE 13

Well done! Thank yourself and our guests with applause. SLIDE 14

Annex 1

Self-control sheet

teaching__ 5th grade A ___________________________________________________________________

Checking homework Exercise

646 Working with text.

Total points Score

No errors - 5 points

1-2 mistakes - 4 points

3-5 mistakes - 3 points

6 or more - 2 points

No errors - 5 points

1-2 mistakes - 4 points

3-5 mistakes - 3 points

6 or more - 2 points

For each synonym 1 point Key to assessment:

11-12 points - score "5"

7-10 points - score "4"

5-6 points - score "3"


We arrive in Balakovo by train, arriving at exactly 10.00 at the station. At 11.30.

We’ll be at school and we’ll be able to get to work.

With great... huge greetings to the... Pre- and Pri- bets

TABLE “Spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-”

Prefix meaning Examples Prefix meaning Examples

1. Incomplete action


1. Can be replaced with the word “very”


2. Approach


2.Pre- = re-


3. Joining.


4. Proximity to something, can be equated to the word “about”.


TABLE “Spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-”

Prefix meaning Examples Prefix meaning Examples

Development of a lesson according to new standards (FSES).

Topic: “O//Ё after sibilants in the suffix.” 5th grade

Lesson Objectives

1. Educational:

a) repeat the spelling o//ё after the sibilants at the root;

b) deepen and expand knowledge of spelling o//ё after sibilants (not only in the root, but also in the suffix);

c) to develop the ability to choose, the ability to justify the choice o//е after sibilants in the suffix and at the root of the word;

d) classify language material based on the rule.

2. Developmental:

a) form communicative UDD: the ability to form judgments within the framework of educational discourse; build educational communication in pairs, groups, and in communication with the class team;

b) to form UDD of a cognitive nature: mastering the techniques of selecting and differentiating linguistic material; extracting information from spelling and explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language;

c) form a regulatory UDD: the ability to set a goal and give its verbal formulation; the ability to evaluate the results of one’s educational activities; the ability to carry out reflection based on the results of studying the lesson topic.

3. Educational:

Awareness of literacy as an indicator of a person’s general culture;

Cultivating the desire for literate speech.



Projector, screen;

Evaluation paper;

Cards O, Yo

Libra, “Participant”, “Observer” cards.

Types of student activities in the lesson:

1. Participation in goal-setting of educational activities.

2. Formulating and writing down the purpose of the lesson

3. Drawing up a diagram based on the spelling pattern being studied, filling out a table on the topic of the lesson.

4. Listening, oral work using cards.

5. Oral chant of a speech according to words with exceptions (o//ё after hissing words at the root of the word).

6. Independent work on the topic

7. Reflection of students at the end of the lesson, evaluation of the results of their activities in the lesson

8. Teacher’s assessment of the results achieved by students

Before the lesson (at recess), everyone is given an “Evaluation Sheet” (10cm x 10cm)

The development of Russian language lessons for 5th grade students is focused on working on the textbook by E.A. Bystrovoy

The development of Russian language lessons for 8th grade students is focused on working on the textbook by M.T. Baranova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova and others.



Subject: Single and polysemous words.

Lesson type. A lesson in discovering new knowledge.

Goals as student activities.

M/n: use dictionaries of different types (explanatory, homonyms), conduct an independent search for information, analyze, compare, build reasoning.

M/k: express and justify your point of view, negotiate and come to a common decision, provide the necessary mutual assistance and exercise mutual control.

6LR: recognize homonyms by distinctive features, distinguish unambiguous, polysemantic words and homonyms based on establishing the presence/absence of similarities between the features of words.

3LR: observe the use of homonyms in language games (riddles) and artistic speech.

Is carried out according to the proposed plan or uses a presentation(see prezent_ rus_5kl_ ur20).

1. Appeal to theoretical material § 58.

Ex. 328 – observation of dictionary entries of polysemantic words and word mononyms.

Vocabulary work:sense of smell, crew.

2. Reading the title of the lesson topic.

Regulatory UUD

IV. Discovery of new knowledge.

1. Referring to the “Did you know that...” section on page 231.

2. Ex. 331-333

Work is carried out in pairs on assignments.

Regulatory UUD

2. Work according to the plan, checking your actions with the goal, predicting, adjusting your activities.

3. Carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

Communicative UUD

2. Listen and hear others, be ready to adjust your point of view.

3. Agree and come to a common decision in joint activities.

Cognitive UUD

Convert information from one form to another (words, text to diagram).

V. Lesson summary.

– Read the key words of the lesson and give a comment on them.

– What definitions did you have to formulate yourself?

Teacher reads a poem.

The mink crawled out of the hole

And she went to a familiar hole.

The minkin entered the hole,

I couldn’t find the mink in the hole.

If there is no mink in the hole,

Maybe a mink next to a mink?

Nowhere. There was no trace.

The mink is here, but the mink is not!

(A. Shibaev)

– Name a word that matches the topic of the lesson. Is this a polysemantic word or a single-valued one? Prove it.

– What was the most interesting thing in the lesson?

– What difficulties did you encounter?

– What prevented you from completing the task?

– What needs to be done to avoid mistakes in the future?

Regulatory UUD

VI. Homework.

§ 58, ex. 334.


Subject: Direct and figurative meaning of the word.

Lesson type. A lesson in discovering new knowledge.

M/n: read different types of information (factual, conceptual), transform information from one form to another (text to diagram).

M/k: correctly and accurately express your point of view on the problem posed, build productive verbal interaction in the group.

6LR: distinguish between single and polysemantic words, compare the direct and figurative meanings of a word (metaphor), establish grounds for transferring names (similarity of features).

3LR: observe the use of words in a figurative meaning in artistic speech.

Lesson steps

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Greetings. Checking readiness for the lesson. Identification of missing.

II. Language warm-up.

1. Vocabulary creative dictation

– Define the words according to their lexical meaning and write them down:

1) car driver ( driver); 2) oak fruit (acorn ); 3) a folding headdress sewn to the collar of outerwear ( hood );
4) quiet speech, in which sounds are pronounced without the participation of the vocal cords (
whisper ); 5) a dull quiet sound from the slight contact of something with something ( rustle ); 6) the junction of sewn pieces of fabric(the seam ); 7) thin rope ( twine ); 8) paved road ( highway ); 9) professional rider at horse races, races ( jockey).

– What ways of interpreting the meanings of words were presented to you? (Descriptive.)

– Are there any other meanings for the words you wrote down?

2. Working with a spelling dictionary (the word vestibule).

– What does the word mean? lobby? ( Students' guesses.)

- Let's compare your answers with the dictionary. What dictionary will help you with this? (Explanatory.)

One of the students looks up the word in the explanatory dictionary and gives its interpretation.

– Write down the word lobby in notebooks. Underline the spellings.

– Which letters did you underline?

- Come up with some kind of association to make it easier to remember this word.

Cognitive UUD

1. Extract information from a dictionary.

2. Convert information from one form to another (word into image, association).

III. Introduction to the topic of the lesson followed by formulation of the problem.

Organization of observation. Dictation.

By evening, the blue sky again fell on the snow, and the white glow faded. And the birches stretched out like arms of snow. And their trunks at the beginning merged with the settled snowdrifts. The sky, dropping blue onto the snow, became lighter, weightless, more transparent. (G. Nikolaeva)

Underline the words used figuratively.

Formulation of the problem.

Presentation can be used

(see prezent_ rus_5kl_ ur19)or traditional work from a textbook.

1. Motivational technique.

– Listen to V. Osten’s poem “The Road”.


Just think how much

Meanings of the word road .

The highway is called dear,

And the path running nearby,

And the road that lies on the plain,

And the caravan path in the desert...

Just think how much

Meanings of the word road .

- How many words does it say?

– How many lexical meanings does the word have? road ?

- Guess what the topic of the lesson will be. (Words that have multiple meanings. Option : polysemous words.)

2 . Appeal to theoretical material§59. Planning.

1) Ex. 336.

Regulatory UUD

1. Make assumptions based on observations.

2. Formulate the question (problem) of the lesson.

Cognitive UUD

1. Read different types of information (factual, subtextual, conceptual).

2. Extract information from a dictionary entry.

3. Perform analysis and synthesis.

IV. Discovery of new knowledge.

1. Ex. 335 – analysis of polysemantic words and establishment of connections (similarities) between the meanings of these words.

Work in groups (the teacher suggests working in groups on the meanings of polysemantic words at his discretion).

Methodical recommendation. It is important for the teacher to show that direct meaning is the meaning of a word that appears first in our minds without being combined with other words (for example, runs - we think about a person, heavy – about weight, etc.), to identify a figurative meaning, context is needed; synonyms can be selected for words with a figurative meaning.

– Formulate a definition of the literal and figurative meaning of the word.

– Is there any connection between a polysemantic word and its direct and figurative meaning?

Try to imagine it as a diagram

– What new things have you learned about the meanings of words?

– Is a metaphor a direct or figurative meaning of a word?

– Specify the topic of the lesson. (Direct and figurative meaning of the word.)

– Write down the key words of the lesson. (Polysemantic words, direct, figurative meaning, metaphor.)

Regulatory UUD

1. Look for ways to solve the problem.

2. Carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

Communicative UUD

1. Correctly and accurately express your point of view on the problem posed.

2. Build productive verbal interaction in the group.

Cognitive UUD

1. Convert information from one form to another (text to diagram).

2. Proficient in different types of reading (introductory, studying, reflective).

3. Process, systematize information, present it in different forms.

4. Compare, generalize, draw conclusions.

5. Build reasoning.

VI. Summarizing.

– Read the key words of the lesson and compare them with those you named in the lesson. Are there any differences?

– Find the “third wheel”:

a) canvas, fields, vestibule;

b) golden ring, difficult character, iron nail.

– Why are these words unnecessary?

– How would you evaluate your work in class?

– What were the difficulties?

– What needs to be done to successfully solve the problems posed in the lesson?

Regulatory UUD

1. Correlate the goals and results of your activities.

2. Develop evaluation criteria and determine the degree of success of the work.

VII. Homework.

1. Vocabulary words (lobby, metaphor) write it down in the dictionary.

2. Present definitions on the topic studied in the form of diagrams, and be able to talk about them using diagrams.

3. Ex. 337, § 59.


Topic: The word as a unit of language. Lexical and grammatical meaning of the word. (§55) Explanatory dictionaries, their purpose, structure, dictionary entry. (§ 56-57). Methods of interpretation (brief, using synonyms, antonyms, cognates)

Lesson type. Skill development lesson.

Goals as student activities.

M/n: freely use various types of dictionaries, process, systematize information and present it in different forms.

6LR: interpret the meaning of a word in different ways, establish connections, similarities and differences between interpretations.

3LR: development of skills in the field of speech culture, based on such qualities as accuracy, expressiveness, clarity of speech; preventing errors associated with inaccurate knowledge of the meanings of words.

Lesson steps

During the classes

Formation of UUD and assessment technology, spiritual and moral education

I. Organizational moment.

Greetings. Checking readiness for the lesson. Identification of missing persons.

II. Language warm-up.

1. Work on a chalk board, write sentences in student notebooks:

The sun hid behind the calico curtain of the sky, and the forest lay like a silver fox under the mountain.(D. Kedrin)

2. Emphasize the grammatical basis, draw up an outline of the sentence, and verbally describe it.

3. Label the studied spellings.

4. Analysis by word composition s/hide/a/elk .

Regulatory UUD:

Ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

III. A written survey with elements of checking homework.

1.Vocabulary dictation (projected on the interactive board)

Close..kyy, flexible..kyy, in the shade(?)ke, sweet..kyy, hovering(?)nik, frosty.., overgrown prune.., cla(s,ss)ny, ve..ti luggage , trail.. foxes, dove..b, tra(s,ss), get five ba(l,ll)ov, yu(n,nn)nost, yu(n,nn)at, stands on the , forest(?)nitsa, che(?)stvovat, akats..ya, zh..raf, adr..s, praz(?)nik, d..fis, d..fin, bulldo.., va( n, nn)a, g..f., weak..some, pr..gnosis, n..b..vault,, alpha..vit, p..m..dor, p..only.

2. Insert the missing letters and underline the spellings. Explain the spelling in brackets.

3. Answer the questions:

What is spelling? Why do you need to know spelling rules?

How do spelling rules differ from spelling rules?

Are phonetics and spelling related? What about phonetics and orthoepy? Show with examples.

Cognitive UUD

1. Read different types of information (factual, conceptual).

2. Analyze, compare, draw conclusions.


3. Own the means of digital information processing (create digital resources independently and use them freely).

IV. Introduction to the topic of the lesson and formulation of the educational problem.

1. Organization of observation.

1.Ex. 310 (students reading texts aloud)

What are the same and different in these texts?

Do you think there can be objects, phenomena that are not named by words?

2. Appeal to theoretical material §55. Planning.

3 Ex. 313 – work is carried out with an explanatory dictionary.

– Which dictionary in the textbook will you work with?

– How do you understand what an explanatory dictionary is?

– What are the names of the meanings that you found in the explanatory dictionary?

– What other information about the word can be found in the explanatory dictionary?

– What are the names of the signs that are indicated next to the word? (Grammatical meaning.)

A detailed oral answer to this question as proposed in ex. 314 at the beginning (one or two students or in a chain).

4. Reading theoretical material §56 with a preliminary task:

Find the answer to the question “What is lexicography?”

How long ago did dictionaries appear in Rus'?

What dictionaries can you name?

– Who compiles explanatory dictionaries?

Introductory reading of the text on page 222, a brief summary of the contribution of V.I. Dahl in the development of language. (He was the first to independently collect “folk” words and select proverbs and sayings for them.)

3. On the interactive whiteboard, you can use material from an object disk on which words with interpretations of meanings are presented.

Happiness is a feeling of supreme satisfaction.

Happiness is when you are understood(from the movie “We’ll Live Until Monday”).

Happiness is joy, well-being, bliss.

Happiness is literally “the good part, the share”(from a dictionary explaining the origin of the word).

– Do you think the word has the same or different meanings? happiness ?

– What is this meaning of the word called? (Lexical meaning.)

– Which definition cannot be found in the dictionary?

– What educational problem will we solve in class?

Lesson topic recording:

The word as a unit of language. Lexical and grammatical meaning of the word. Explanatory dictionaries, their purpose, structure, dictionary entry. Methods of interpretation.

4. Extract information from a dictionary.

5. Know the techniques of selecting and systematizing material.

Spiritual and moral education

Cultivating sensitive, careful handling of words.

Respect for the traditions and culture of the Russian people, the guardians of the Russian word, Russian speech.

6. Proficient in different types of reading (introductory, studying, reflective).

7. Process, compare, systematize information, present it in different forms.

Regulatory UUD

1. Make assumptions based on observations.

2. Formulate the question (problem) of the lesson.

V. Discovery of new knowledge.

1. Observe the order of words in dictionaries on pp. 269-276.

2. Execution of exercise. 319 (collectively), 320 (independently, then check).

3. Ways to explain the lexical meanings of words (theoretical material 111 §57)

4. Exercise 323 (task 2).

5. Ex. 325 (oral).

3. Look for ways to solve the problem.

4. Carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

VI. Project assignment.

“We conduct linguistic observation” (exercise 318)

(The teacher determines who is preparing this project and by what time.)

Read the interpretation of the words atmosphere, horizon, do, diet, bagel in the “Explanatory Dictionary...” by V.I. Dahl and the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov.

  • Match the spellings of the words. What explains the difference, if any?
  • Compare the interpretation of words. What is the difference in interpretation? Which interpretation do you think is more correct?
  • Analyze the composition of dictionary entries. What parts do they consist of?

Choose two or three more words for comparative analysis. Summarize your observations and present them in the form of a report.

Communicative UUD

1. Express your thoughts freely orally and in writing.

2. Observe the norms of speech culture in the practice of speech communication.

3. Find and correct speech defects.

VII. Lesson summary.

– What new information did you receive in the lesson?

– What was the most interesting? What did you find difficult?

– Read the key words of the lesson and make any association to them (interpretation, example, diagram, illustration).

Regulatory UUD

1. Correlate the goals and results of your activities.

2. Develop evaluation criteria and determine the degree of success of the work.


VIII. Differentiated homework.


Option 1 – ex. 322.

Option 2 – exercise 327.


Generalization on the topic “Separate definitions and applications”

The purpose of the lesson: consolidate and test students' knowledge on the topic.

Methodical techniques:repetition, vocabulary dictation, teacher explanation, independent work, training exercises, working with a textbook.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time(message of the topic and purpose of the lesson)
  2. Checking homework:
  • Which parts of the sentence are called isolated?

(Isolated members of a sentence are those that are distinguished by meaning and intonation, For example:

Wind, blowing from all sides, intensified.

  • How are such members of a sentence distinguished in writing? (Commas, less often - dashes.)
  • In what cases are definitions and applications separated?

(We highlight definitions and applications by intonation when pronouncing and by commas in writing in the following cases:

  • Any definitions and applications if they relate to a personal pronoun, for example:

Tired , she came home.

  • Consistent common definitions and applications appearing after the noun being defined, for example:

Berries, picked in the garden, smell delicious.

  • Agreed non-extended homogeneous definitions that appear after the noun being defined, for example:

Wind, cold and prickly, blew from the north.

Checking the ex. 313, completed at home (2 students)

  1. The next stage of the lesson is spelling work(dictated by the teacher)(At the same time, 4 students work with cards independently in notebooks)
  • Let's remember in what cases O-E is written after sibilants in different parts of speech?

(The root is under the stress E, the root is O, except for the words - exceptions:shorts, seam, chocolate, highway, chauvinism, ramrod, ratchet, slum, glutton, rustle, pulp, gooseberry, driver, jockey etc.)

Let's repeat at the same time spelling NOT with different parts of speech, N,NN in participles and adjectives.

  • So, we write down in our notebooks:

Shabby clothes, amazed awed by the beauty of the wild NN wow forest, attract enn y zhurch a inconspicuous looks like a fontanel, a constellation unknown to scientists, an inaccurate calculation, a shallow river, a charming girl, surrounded by a strange outlines, not a loud rustle, not an unbearable burn.

(After students write a spelling dictation, check the chain)

Card No. 1. Assignment: insert and explain the missing letters, justify the punctuation.

The next stage of the lesson is to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Separate definitions and applications.”

We will work on the interactive whiteboard and in notebooks.

(Insert punctuation marks and explain your choice)

(Comprehensive text analysis)

1) Bryansk land, ancient, glorious, is a land of amazing beauty.

2) It is good at all times of the year: summer and winter, spring and autumn.

3) Its forests are beautiful, golden in the rays of the autumn sun, and fields covered with sparkling snow in winter, and meadows, colorful as a carpet in summer and mown, empty, quiet in autumn. 4) Its forests are amazing, powerful and mysterious, steeped in a heroic past. 5) A How many we saw slender, silent trees - giants, keeping many secrets of the conquerors who wanted to conquer this land!

  1. Let's look at these proposals, what can we say about them??

(All sentences are connected in meaning and grammatically, United by a common theme: Bryansk land. This is a text.)

  1. Which sentence contains the main idea of ​​the text?? (in 1)
  2. Name the style of the text(prove your opinion)
  1. This text belongs to the artistic style of speech.
  2. The main task of this style is to create an image. The text creates an image of the earth.
  1. Define the text type(prove your opinion)

Text type – description. After reading it, we can ask the question: “What is it like, Bryansk land?” And here we find the answer, ……………

  1. What artistic and expressive means does the author use to paint an amazing picture??

comparison: meadows, colorful, like a carpet,…

Metaphor : trees are giants that keep many secrets of conquerors

inversion technique (reverse word order): in sentence 4

Draw students' attention to the fact thatseparate definitions and applications are also means of syntactic expressiveness of the text.

  1. Find types of phrases by connection method:

In 1 sentence – agreement: Bryansk land, ancient, glorious, amazingly beautiful land

In 5 sentences – management : keeping secrets, secrets of conquerors, conquer the earth.

  1. Determine the method of connection between 1 and 2 sentences

Sentences 1 and 2 are connected using the personal pronoun SHE.

  1. Parse the 4th sentence, make a diagram of it.

Physical education minute.

  1. Fastening material
  • Let us recall the rule for isolating an application with a conjunction HOW :
  • is separated if it has shade of causality, For example:

Valeria, as a native of the south, it was difficult to get used to the harsh climate of the Arctic.

  • is not separated if it has meaning "as", For example:

Everyone knows Semenovlike a good football player

  • if the application is given greater importance and when pronounced it is separated from the word being defined by a longer pause, then you can put a dash, for example:

November has come - a month of severe frosts

  1. Working with the textbook (exercise 315) Read the task and do it yourself.

(light music sounds)

The first two notebooks are checked and grades are assigned.

The music turns off.

After completing the exercise at recess, check 3 more notebooks

Vocabulary work.

I want to draw your attention to the word PANORAMA.

It has two main meanings:

  • a type of terrain extending over a distant space, for example:panorama of snowy mountains.
  • A large painting with real objects in the foreground, for example:Panorama of the Battle of Borodino in Moscow

The word PANORAMA includes 2 Greek elements:

pan- - “all” and – orama – “view”, “spectacle”

Make up and write down sentences based on the diagrams.

1) [noun , │ def., vyr. prib. rev. │ , ……… ] .

2) [│def., vyr. prib. rev. │, personal. places ………].

distribut adj.

3) [ │as ……… │, noun. ………].

Lesson summary

We repeated the topic “Separate definitions and applications”

- Let us once again establish in what cases definitions and applications are separated?

We highlight definitions and applications by intonation when pronouncing and by commas in writing, in the following cases:

  • any definitions and applications if they relate to the personal pronoun

(Tired , she came home.)

  • consistent common definitions and applications coming after the qualified noun

(Sky full of thunder , everything was trembling in the lightning.)

  • agreed non-extended homogeneous definitions, standing after the defined noun

(March night,cloudy and foggy, enveloped the earth)

  • if they have circumstantial significance


(Deafened by the heavy roar, Terkin bows his head)


Wounded in the shoulder by shrapnel, the captain did not leave the line

or separated from the qualified noun by another clause member

Well done to everyone today. The following grades were received for the lesson:

For work in notebooks -

For working with cards -

For work on the interactive whiteboard (text analysis) -

For work at the board -

Worked with the textbook:

Made proposals for schemes and received assessments

Homework: exercise 323 (for everyone)

Draw students' attention: when performing the exercise you must use a spelling dictionary;

ex. 306 (for weak students), 320 (for strong ones)

Come up with and write down a sentence with the word PANORAMA for group 1;

Text of 5-6 sentences in journalistic style - group 2

The development is a lesson in Russian language and literature on the topic “Precious particles”.

Lesson type: generalization of knowledge. This lesson is based on literary material related to the work of N.V. Gogol.

The didactic material used in the lesson contributes to the development of spelling vigilance, speech skills, the development of thinking, and also fosters a love for the Russian word and the native language.

Through Gogol's artistic word, through works of painting, the lesson contributes to the formation of cultural competence.

Attached is a presentation that allows the teacher to create conditions for a creative approach to studying the topic.

A research-type lesson aimed at improving the knowledge, skills and abilities of 7th grade students.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  1. give an idea of ​​what folk signs are; talk about the role of signs in the life of our ancestors; promote interest in the history and culture of the Russian people, reflected in the language;
  2. contribute to enriching students' vocabulary; give an idea of ​​the role of adverbs in language and speech; develop/improve the skill of correct writing and use of adverbs; develop skills in writing essays and participating in collective project and educational and research activities.

Target audience: for 7th grade

The lesson is based on a meta-subject approach to presenting educational material. The connecting element between the stages of the lesson is the students reading a virtual encyclopedia created using PowerPoint.

Today, schoolchildren have access to a variety of information on the Internet, but know little about the activities of outstanding scientists and artists. In order to broaden the horizons of fifth-graders, the study of the topic “Morphemic Analysis of Words” is presented in the form of a journey through the pages of the encyclopedia, accompanied by outstanding scientists who help students derive and formulate the “laws” of morphemics and evaluate their own achievements.

ICTs make it possible to make the presentation of material interesting and presentable; make encyclopedic information accessible (during the lesson, the teacher, unfortunately, cannot put an encyclopedia on each student’s desk); help organize a physical session.

The lesson “Laws of Morphemics” will allow students not only to repeat and systematize their acquired knowledge about the structure of words, but will also help fifth-graders look at the science of language in the system of other scientific disciplines.

The ability to work with a dictionary is often the key to a student’s success when preparing for final exams, olympiads, and in school research activities.

The purpose of the proposed lesson: to give an idea of ​​lexicography as a branch of applied linguistics; develop skills in working with different types of dictionaries; develop attention to words; cultivate interest and love for the native language.

This lesson can be taught as part of the study of lexicology, when repeating the studied material at the beginning or end of the year, in classes devoted to preparation for olympiads, since questions on lexicography are traditional at olympiads of different levels.

The use of multimedia materials (developed electronic dictionaries, articles from rare dictionaries) in the classroom will increase the effectiveness of teaching, since the stock of dictionaries at school is often characterized by a small number of books.

Target audience: for 5th grade

A lesson in repeating and consolidating knowledge about isolated members of sentences.

During the lesson, the conditions for setting punctuation marks for isolated parts of a sentence are repeated. There is an observation of how their expressive properties are used in speech. There is work with the text, creative work, a test, a conversation about marine painters and their works (Aivazovsky).

Target audience: for 8th grade

1. Cognitive:

a) generalize and systematize knowledge about writing NOT with different parts of speech;
b) introduce the forms of project activity.

2. Practical:

a) strengthen writing skills NOT with different parts of speech;
b) to develop the ability to determine, using a reference diagram, the conditions for choosing continuous and separate spelling NOT with words.

3. General subject:

a) educate:

  • interest in the subject;
  • a linguistic personality possessing different types of competencies;

b) develop logical thinking, speech skills, different types of memory;
c) develop the ability to independently complete a task.

How to write a Russian lesson summary

  • Main principle of working on lesson notes like this: if there are bones, the meat will grow. If you have a rigid structure that will not allow you to miss anything, the material for the lesson will be selected by itself. The skill of a teacher lies in creating the most effective structure.
  • First of all, you need to determine for yourself what you will do during the school year, why you will do it, how, in what order and why in that order. Without strategic planning It is impossible to build each specific lesson. For example, you teach eighth grade and you need to start learning syntax. You can choose one of the strategies: 1) follow the textbook, because the most important thing is that children can move from school to school without problems, 2) study the program for grades 8 and 9 in the eighth grade, so that in the ninth grade you can completely immerse yourself in preparing for the OGE, 3) study first a complex sentence, and then a simple one, in order to constantly repeat the complex one, studying the simple one in detail. In any case, you determine the logic of class movement depending on your ideas about what you should generally do in class, what is important, what is not important, where you have to start, etc.
  • When the general logic of the movement is clear, move on to formulating tasks, subtasks and building a chain of actions. For example, you can plan like this: we learn to find the basis in order to see the boundaries of sentences. To do this, we consider the subject (one lesson is enough), then the predicate (two lessons), then one-component and incomplete + one-component and incomplete as part of a complex sentence (three lessons), then we separate simple uncomplicated sentences (2 lessons), then we can move on to the IPP. Everything is logical, and it is clear why the topics are structured this way. But you are afraid that during these 8 lessons the children will completely forget spelling. This means that we need to build a parallel line of repetition of rules and vocabulary words. Depending on the preparedness of the class, this could be a daily quiz and a short vocabulary dictation or performing several exercises on different rules. By estimating how long it will take you to repeat spelling, you can easily redistribute your hours. Now your plan for introducing a simple sentence took not 8, but, say, 12 lessons. And you also decided for yourself that every seventh lesson you will devote to the development of written speech. We wedge in these classes, we get 13 - 14 hours per section. And so with the entire annual plan. The grid is ready. There are bones, we begin to build up the meat.
  • Now any lesson is already built into the training course and you don’t need determine its place in the plan for the year. All that remains is to write out the outline in detail, select texts, and decide what is best to do in what order. The procedure is not universal. It is determined by your pedagogical principles and views. For example, you indicated that lesson No. 10 should be devoted to one-part sentences. If you are a fan of developmental teaching methods, then you will probably first offer your children language material so that they themselves discover sentences with unusual stems, and even better, construct a classification of such sentences, then you can give a lecture and compare the generally accepted classification with the one obtained by groups (of course, in this case the children will work in groups). If you are for the traditional approach, then do the opposite: give a lecture about one-components, and then give exercises to identify the types of one-components and check if the children understand you. In the first case, you will work on the development of thinking, in the second, you will immediately teach “how to do it right and how it should be done.” Which is better is a moot point. The main thing is that you yourself understand why the lesson is structured this way.
  • We carefully prescribe lesson plan according to plan:
  1. Lesson topic.
  2. The place of the topic in the training course (this has already been determined for you).
  3. Goals and objectives of the lesson (separately for the teacher, separately for the students). For a teacher, there are usually teaching, developmental and educational aspects.
  4. Lesson progress (scenario):
    1. a) Organizational moment (2 min.)
      b) Discussion of homework (5 min.)
      c) Spelling repetition (15 min.: survey, dictation of 10 words, checking with cards).
      d) Repetition of punctuation (5 minutes to place punctuation marks in the given text).
      e) Introduction to the topic of the lesson (2 min.)
      f) Explanation of the material (7 - 10 min.)
      g) Assignment on the topic of the lesson (5 - 7 min.)
      h) Homework (written in advance on the board and in the electronic diary).
  • In front of you ready lesson notes. But cards, which you plan to issue for repetition of punctuation, vocabulary dictation, presentation for lecture- all this still exists only in your imagination. You'll have to spend time to find or create these materials and finish working on your notes. At this stage, it would be a good idea to take a look at our Handouts section.
  • And one more piece of advice for those who decide to share lesson notes with others. To make it pleasant for people to look at your material, take care of the text design. If you format text using spaces, it will not display correctly when copied to the site. Number paragraphs automatically rather than manually (for the same reason). After you have added the material, be sure to go into it again and check if there are any extra indents, different types of selections, etc. Once the material is included by the administrator, editing will not be possible.

Russian language is one of the largest languages ​​in the world. It is spoken by a huge number of people around the world. Of all the Slavic languages, it is the most widespread. In addition, Russian is also recognized as the most common language in Europe. Unfortunately, the complexity of this language is more evident today than ever before. Even among the indigenous population of Russia, not everyone can speak and write it correctly and correctly. It is worth noting that, despite the measures taken (for example, declaring 2007 the Year of the Russian Language), the level of knowledge in this direction is not increasing today. Grammar, phonetics, morphology, syntax, vocabulary, spelling - all this causes many problems both for the younger generation and for adults.

At school, Russian language lessons are taught from the very beginning of education, but not many demonstrate 100% success in this subject. The times when people tried to monitor the purity and correct use of the Russian language, one might say, are becoming a thing of the past. Now the level of knowledge of the Russian language - the native language of many Russian residents - is extremely low. Even in professional media, there are often quite illiterate journalists and correspondents. It’s not worth even talking about ordinary people, Internet users.

Lectures on Russian language

On the pages of the portal, you are offered lectures by teachers with extensive experience. From a computer monitor, they will tell you in great detail and slowly about all the rules of the Russian language, saving the student from the need to sit at a textbook. Video lessons posted on our educational portal on:

as well as 11th grade Russian language can, to some extent, replace a full-fledged home tutor. Considering that you won't have to pay anything for these training videos, using them becomes even more attractive. You will need a computer with Internet access and a desire to fill in the gaps.

Lectures by experienced teachers are presented to your attention. In these materials you will find videos on topics such as participial phrases, degrees of comparison of adverbs, basics syntax And morphology, complex sentences etc. With such effective support, which is provided completely free of charge, a student can significantly improve his own academic performance. It is worth noting that knowledge of the Russian language will be necessary for a person in any life situations, therefore this academic discipline should be treated with increased attention. It is possible that a passion for the humanities will push a student to choose a future profession. Maybe he will like working with texts - and he will connect his life with humanitarian work. Unfortunately, the level of teaching academic disciplines in Russian schools often leaves much to be desired. It happens that these methods discourage schoolchildren from any desire to study the humanities. But the Russian language lessons posted on our portal are not one of them. A professional video filmed at lectures by experienced teachers makes it possible to learn absolutely all the rules of the Russian language slowly, in comfortable conditions. At home, sitting comfortably in front of a computer, a student can learn, perhaps, much more and remember for a long time than at school. Any incomprehensible moment in the video lecture can be repeated with a couple of clicks of the computer mouse.

Learning Russian is now much easier

The sooner a student has the opportunity to correct the educational gap, the easier it will be to study the subject in which he is not doing well. Now you don’t have to look for a tutor (and pay him) or attend additional classes. Training videos posted on our portal can demonstrate no less effectiveness. And timely reading of notes on Russian language lessons will help you better understand the material studied. The main thing is to give the student a chance to understand the importance of this academic discipline in time. Today, a good knowledge of the Russian language (both written and spoken) is often one of the main requirements when looking for a job.

If your schoolchild has certain problems with learning the Russian language, if he demonstrates poor performance in this discipline, use the educational video materials on our website, which are supplemented with auxiliary notes on Russian language lessons.
