Coconut and Flask. Pirate tales and epics. Various pirate stories Audio tale about pirates

Yunga Sklyanka decided to practice attacking enemy ships. She took the magic posing tube, went ashore, pointed the eyepiece at the ship and shouted menacingly: “To the vernissage!”
There was a bang, the ship sparkled from the stern to the bowsprit and, shaking, turned into a huge picture in a gilded frame!

“Oh,” thought the Flask, “I said something wrong, I should have shouted “To the entourage!”
The picture, gurgling, turned into a huge furniture store, full of cabinets, sideboards, chairs, curtains. The store tilted and slowly began to sink.
“She said the wrong thing again, what kind of word is that! Ah! I remembered! On to the report!”
The furniture store immediately turned into a huge bus filled with strange, noisy people, hung from head to toe with cameras, television cameras, and voice recorders. People, noticing the cabin boy on the shore, began to hand her microphones and demand some kind of “interview”.
- Leave me alone! I don't have any interview! To the mess!
The bus, together with its inhabitants, has generally turned into something motley, chaotic, cheerful and absurd...
Yunga was so scared that she remembered the right word out of fear!
- Aboard! Aboard! - Sklyanka shouted twice.
The motley, chaotic, ethereal thing turned into a ship again and, raising its sails, disappeared at breakneck speed behind the nearest island.
And late in the evening, Captain Cocos, who woke up, led the ship back to the bay and, going ashore, asked: “Boy boy, do you know why while I was sleeping, our schooner ended up thirty miles north of our base?”
- I don’t know... Probably carried away by the current...
- Oh well. Put the poser pipe in place. To the wardroom. And don't take her again without my knowledge, okay?
- Fine...
- Yes, but I had amazing dreams today. Very!

How the cabin boy baked a cake

One day, on the occasion of the birthday of the moray eel Murka, cabin boy Sklyanka decided to bake a cake. I took an old one cookbook, went to the galley and began creating the confection.
And everything worked out great for her until the time came to make the cream for the cake.
“Take a glass of embarrassed milk,” Sklyanka read a half-erased sentence in an old book and was very puzzled. She took a can of milk out of the hold and tried to confuse him. She opened the lid and stuck her tongue out at the milk, but the milk was not embarrassed. Then the cabin boy made the most offensive face and showed it to the milk, but the milk was still imperturbable!
“What outrageously imperturbable milk! Or maybe there’s not enough light here and it’s hard for the milk to see how I’m teasing it?” - the cabin boy thought and took the milk can out onto the deck, where the hot tropical sun was shining and everything, everything, everything was visible. There she made faces for an hour, jumped around the milk, showed him her horns, stomped her feet and even shook her fist! But the milk didn’t even think of being embarrassed! Then the annoyed cabin boy grabbed the pistol and fired into the air!
But for some reason the milk did not become confused, but curdled...
“This is the wrong milk, it’s shy. It curled up like some kind of hedgehog, you need to put it in water and let it unfold!” - the cabin boy decided, overturned the can into the sea and grabbed the net to catch the milk as soon as it turned around. But it was not there! The moray eel Murka, who was guarding the ship, immediately surfaced on the left side and happily swallowed the curdled milk!
“Well, now there will be no cream for the cake, and where do people get embarrassed milk?” - the cabin boy thought and went to complain to Captain Coconut about her failure in the confectionery business.
But for some reason Captain Coconut was not upset at all, but on the contrary, he laughed, and laughed for a long, long time. And after laughing, he cheerfully said: “Nothing, cabin boy, let there be a festive pie! A festive pie does not need cream from embarrassed milk!”
"Not supposed to!" - Murka the moray eel confirmed from behind the starboard side, and without any cream she was already very pleased with her birthday.

How did the posing trumpet appear?

Captain Coconut was a cheerful pirate, but sometimes he was very worried about his appearance. It seemed to him that he didn’t look very similar in the photographs. His appearance in the photographs was not brave enough. It looked kind of stupid. There was little nautical or heroic in the captain's bearing. From time to time, Captain Coconut locked himself in his cabin and was sad about it. On such days, cabin boy Sklyanka had to take control of the ship, and she really didn’t like doing anything alone. When Captain Coconut became sad again, cabin boy Sklyanka decided: “That’s it! We need to do something about this!” She took a telescope from the captain's bridge, took out a magic felt-tip pen from the wardroom and began to improve the optical device. To begin with, she wrote on the telescope - “posing telescope”, from the word “pose”. “It sounds so-so, of course, but it should work, now you need to put divisions on the pipe, division number one - “brave pose”, division number two - “heroic pose”, division number three - “formidable pose”, division number four - “ "The pose is funny." "A funny pose would be very useful for pirate parties for children," the cabin boy thought, diligently drawing, "What magical mode of operation for the trumpet could I come up with?" Let there be another “important” pose, done!”
The cabin boy took the former spyglass to Captain Coconut. Captain Kokos was delighted, took the poser's pipe in his hand and, going up to the mirror, was amazed - he looked so brave, such a cheerful pose that you could call the photographer right now! But where can you find it in the ocean?
“Raise the sails!” Coconut commanded in a thunderous voice, so much so that the ship’s sparrow named Jack almost fell off the mainmast, “We’re going to a children’s birthday party, we’ll have a fun pirate party for the kids! Oh, how can I take a photo there now?” !

An epic about a sparrow

Somewhere near the equator, when the ship's thermometer showed 55 degrees in the shade and the cabin boy Sklyanka dreamed of seeing some iceberg on the horizon so she could get ice and make a whole barrel of lemonade, something old, feathered, small, and almost lifeless. Upon closer examination, “it” turned out to be an ordinary old sparrow, which for some reason flew across the ocean and, without calculating its strength, fell onto the ship from sunstroke.
“He’s overheated, poor fellow,” thought the Flask, “we need to put him in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes, let him cool down, maybe he’ll come back to life.”
No sooner said than done. The cabin boy took the old sparrow to the refrigerator, noted the time, and when she opened the door to release the feathered old man into the wild, she did not find him! In its place sat a tiny yellow-throated chick and loudly and brazenly demanded something edible!
“He’s doing well,” thought the Flask, “he hasn’t cooled down, but he’s gotten younger, maybe the refrigerator is broken?” Having carefully examined the white door and the inscription on it, the cabin boy noticed something strange: not all of the aluminum letters that made up the word “refrigerator” were preserved; in place of the letter “x,” someone had written the letter “m” with a felt-tip pen.
“What’s happening, now it’s not a refrigerator, but a “rejuvenator”? It doesn’t keep you cold, but makes you look younger? Yes... I’ll go ask Coconut who’s drawing the letters here...
- Captain Coconut, have you seen the magic felt-tip pen that Caramel sent me for my birthday?
“No, I didn’t see it,” answered Captain Coconut, looking suspiciously at his locker.
- You didn’t see it, then? What should we do with this bird now? - asked the cabin boy Sklyanka, taking out a yellow-throated squeaking chick from her bosom.
- And who is this?
- You will not believe! Three minutes ago it was an experienced elderly sparrow with sunstroke! And after he was in cold... now in the "rejuvenation facility" - he is completely impossible to recognize and, apparently, we will have to feed and educate him!
- Well, let's educate...
- Then look after him here, and I’ll go catch mosquitoes for his lunch, we just sailed to the island.
“Okay, cabin boy,” the captain muttered embarrassedly, and when the Flask retired to the shore, he turned to the chick, “What should I call you, feathered one?” What original name would you choose... I came up with it! I'll call you Jack! Why, Jack Sparrow - it’s so fresh, so original, completely unlike anyone else!

A tale about an octopus

One day, during a particularly long voyage, Captain Coconut was attacked by Inspiration. And this way and that Coconut fought off Inspiration, but it still took him prisoner. And it prescribed a poem about an octopus as a ransom from captivity. Coconut begged, saying that he was not a poet, but a pirate, and did not know how to write poetry. But Inspiration was adamant. And the captain began to rhyme: “The octopus has many legs, the lamprey has none at all, and the lamprey is touchy, the octopus is pleasant to everyone.” Inspiration looked at this work and said: “You stupid Captain Coconut! You swim on the seas and oceans, but you don’t know that octopuses don’t have legs, but tentacles... I’ll let you go, I’ll attack someone else.” And when it disappeared over the horizon, Captain Coconut grinned and said: “Otherwise I don’t know that an octopus has tentacles. After all, if the poem turned out good, Inspiration would attack us constantly, right, cabin boy Sklyanka?”
- That's right, captain!
- That’s why, but we still have to children's party need to swim. Calm, fun, and no one bothers you on the way!

The story of the saber

Having dropped anchor in a quiet harbor, the pirates Captain Coconut and cabin boy Sklyanka decided to restore order on the ship. Wash, patch, repair. And the captain decided to start with the saber, it was dull, it needed to be sharpened, he sharpened and sharpened, sharpened and sharpened, but did not notice how he shortened it by half! Eh, he thinks, okay, there will be a dagger, just need to sharpen it, he sharpened and sharpened, sharpened and sharpened, but again he didn’t notice that he had overdone it. Well... let it be a pocket knife. It’s just a bit dull, it needs to be sharpened, sharpened and sharpened, sharpened and sharpened, and then shortened again, so much so that you can barely see it...
- That's where she is! Needle! And I searched her! - the cabin boy Sklyanka shouted, seeing the shiny remnant of the saber in the captain’s palm.
- Hm...
- I just need to hem the sails! Thank you, Coconut!
- No problem, cabin boy, please contact me...
- Just captain... please don’t clean the cannon today, okay?
- Fine...
And Coconut decided not to do anything else that day. You never know...

An epic about UFOs

Deep, deep at night, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Captain Coconut noticed flying saucers in the sky. They were flying in the background Milky Way a slender triangle, jingled cheerfully, and sent out rays-reflections of the Moon in all directions of the world. The plates were the most ordinary: small, deep, saucers, there was nothing alien in them.
- Hey, plates! What galaxy are you from? - asked Captain Coconut.
- We are local, from Earth! - answered the plates.
- Why and where are you flying in the sky?
- We're flying to a children's party! From south to north! On a children's birthday, everything should be magical and unusual, even the dishes! So we are flying from the Fairytale Land of Merry Land to Moscow!
The pirate Coconut wanted to ask some more question, but he woke up and forgot this dream. Only for some reason he smiled strangely the whole next day, without knowing why.

An epic story about a terrible ocean

On the first of September, cabin boy Sklyanka went to a geography lesson.
She returned to the ship scared, upset, saddened.
- What's the matter, cabin boy? - asked Captain Coconut
- Captain, will we sail north in the summer?
- Perhaps we’ll swim, you know - we love new experiences, and we haven’t surfed the waves in that direction yet. The Northern Ocean has not been explored.
- Oh! How scary! How will we survive there? We were told in geography class that the Northern Ocean is poisonous!
-Which one? Poisonous? - asked Captain Coconut, and as he began to laugh,
laughed for three hours, and when the cabin boy was about to get offended, he said: “Remember the bottle once and for all - the Arctic Ocean! Ice-do-vi-ty, from the word “ice”, not “poison”. You should have said “ prolific,” and that peaches, apples and other fruits grow at the pole!
- Oh....
- Here's an "oops" for you! And from now on, listen to the teacher more carefully, don’t get distracted, okay?
- Agreed...


One pirate accidentally escaped from his sinking ship. He sailed and sailed on a piece of a mast across the ocean and arrived on an uninhabited island.
When he came to his senses, he thought: “Who should I rob?” But there was no one to rob except for a lonely palm tree. Then he decided he would still have to rob a palm tree so as not to lose his qualifications. And he began to climb the long shaggy trunk for coconuts. But he couldn’t reach the nuts, fell down and got a big lump on his forehead. He rubbed his fist over his bump and swore: “I won’t rob anyone on this island again!”

But he still broke his oath when he was very hungry. What will you take from him? A pirate is a pirate!


One pirate served as a boatswain on a ship. And the dashing sailors respected him very much because he lost one of his eyes in battle, and kept the other safe and sound.
On the boatswain's birthday, the crew decided to buy a gift.

- Give us binoculars!

But after thinking together, the team realized that he did not need binoculars, and gave him a large telescope. When looking at it, you still have to close one eye.

The boatswain really liked the gift. And he always wore his telescope behind his right ear.


One pirate buried a huge forged chest with golden piastres in a cave. He drew a plan of the place where the treasures were hidden on a piece of paper with a burnt brand, and took it to the ship. But, damn it, I didn’t indicate the name of that island for memory, because of my pirate illiteracy. And after a while, I completely forgot because of my pirate absent-mindedness. This is what happens if you are not taught to read and write. And so the chest with piastres disappeared. He's lying somewhere in a cave on some island, but who knows which one. And they still can’t find him...


One pirate fell overboard into the sea. And then a shark noticed him. She swam up and threatened: “Give me your vest, or I’ll swallow you right away!” And she herself is terrible. And every tooth she has is no worse than a pirate’s knife. Maybe even sharper.

Only the pirate turned out to be not timid. He showed her nothing: “I won’t give it up!” Your vest is closer to your body!” He was greedy, that is.
Well, the shark didn’t bother with him and decided to swallow him along with the vest. But when she swallowed it, the pirate got caught on a sharp shark tooth and was neither here nor there. The shark suffered and suffered and spat it out, thinking: “Why do I need a vest with holes in it?..”

But this - as far as is known - was the first and last case when greed came to the rescue. So there is nothing to learn from this pirate.


One pirate loved to eat. And he didn’t notice how he became fat. That's why they nicknamed him on the ship - Puzdro. For him, even taking off his boots was not an easy task, let alone aiming a pistol or, for what it’s worth, throwing himself on board with a scream. And the delicious food brought him to the point that he completely lost his formidable appearance. Whoever looks at the pot-bellied guy, everyone laughs. He scares, for example, but no one is afraid.
The pirate Puzdro could not stand such disrespect for his profession, he gave up on everything and went into retirement.


One pirate decided to get married. And he got such a pirate wife that she forced him to do laundry, mend, scrub the deck and fry fish.

He decided to show resistance, but she drove him into the corner of the cabin, cocked the trigger on the pistol and intimidated: “Choose one of two: either you will follow my lead, or I will twist you, your unkempt beard, into a ram’s horn!”

So the pirate raised his shaggy hands up:

“I surrender, my “helpless” one, unquestioningly, of the two, I choose the first.
So he remained under her thumb until the end of his days. I took his love on board! And what a pirate he was! Wow! Or maybe even - wow! Oh-ho-ho-ho!


One pirate wanted to study at school. The teacher asks this pirate in class: “What is five for five?” He didn’t even think, he immediately answered: “Ninety!” The teacher heard this and fainted - bam!

Then they sent another one. That means she also asked the pirate a question that was not simple: “How many months are there in a year?”

The pirate didn’t even raise an eyebrow. And he clearly said: “A lot!” The new teacher also leaves her chair - boom!

The director no longer wanted to risk wasting his teachers. He showed the pirate the door and shouted: “Get out!”
Since that time, all pirates have smelled any school a hundred miles away and sailed away from it. They really need to be kicked out of there!


One pirate ended up in prison for a fight. He sits behind bars and sings a song about the beautiful Mary. He sings for a day, sings for five days, and by the tenth he’s tired. And he became so sad that he began to gnaw the iron bars with his teeth. He gnaws and thinks: “Why did I fight? I'm sitting here in state house, but I could grow flowers in my villa!”
Out of nowhere, the mouse jumped out and stared at the pirate. And he’ll slam his knives across the floor and bark at the top of his lungs: “Shoosh!” The mouse suddenly says to him: “Fool! I know the secret passage! But now, since you’re so mean, I won’t show you!” She squeaked and ran away. The pirate grabbed his head and gnashed his teeth in anger at himself. And I realized that there was no need to offend even mice.


One pirate captured the king.

The king begs him: “Let me go - I’ll get rich!” - “I really need your gold, when I have mine in bulk!” - he scolded the king like a boy. He scolded me, that is, but he himself began to think: “What if I change into a royal camisole and put his own crown on his head? I’ll come to the palace, and everyone there will take me for a king, they’ll bow to me and feed me on a silver platter!”

He pulled the king's clothes off and onto himself, exactly what he was wearing, and put them on. He tied the prisoner up and put him in the hold, where there were barrels of gunpowder, and he went to the palace.

I knocked on the gate. The guards saw the familiar crown and gasped:

- Come in, your royal majesty!

Servants came running from all sides, grabbed him by the arms, brought him into the chambers and asked:

- Would you like anything, Your Royal Majesty?

– It wouldn’t hurt to eat it! – the pirate barked out of habit. - Come on, live up, you are such a bastard.

The servants were surprised: they had never heard a single rude word from their king. And here - here you go! But they didn’t show it. Lo and behold, they are already carrying all sorts of food on carts, fried and steamed, sweet and salty, in general, such that you will lick your fingers. The spoons and cups are served in silver, and the plates are made of earthenware: eat, drink, as much as you like! The pirate was tired from lunch and fell asleep. He began to nod off. And the courtiers are right there:

- Would you like to go to the bedchamber?

- I wish, damn you! – the impostor shouted.
The guards came running, grabbed the pirate, and pushed him out of the palace. Yes, and that’s true. Can you really confuse a king with a pirate?


One pirate never dreamed. Everyone dreamed about something, but he never did. Everyone told each other their dreams, but he was silent because there was nothing to tell.

The pirate was very ashamed that he was not like the others, that he could not see either a long interesting structure or even the most ordinary little sun. At night he bit his pillow out of anger - so much so that only feathers flew out of it. But that didn't help either. No dreams came, even crack!

Their whole band of robbers laughed at him:

- Oh, you sleepless one!

The pirate is tired of this kind of thing. And one day he came up with this. He went out on deck in the morning, when the sea wolves, his friends, were throwing their dreams around like potatoes, and, stretching sweetly, he said, as if by chance:

- Oh, and I had a dream last night - you’ll rock!

Everyone’s faces stretched out and, like sunflowers, turned in his direction:

- So much for you! I am walking, therefore, through the city of Baghdad. There are a lot of people, everyone is pushing and screaming. Suddenly someone pulled me by the hand! I look: a dwarf. He offers me: “Pay one hundred piastres, and I’ll sell you a magic ring.” “What am I going to do with your ring?” - I ask. To which the dwarf answers me: “Put it on your little finger and you will become such a beautiful pirate as you have never seen before.” I counted out a hundred gold pieces to him, and he gave me the ring... Well...

The pirate scratched his bald head and grinned:

- Wow! Actually interesting place! - the boatswain reproached.
The pirate, of course, did not dream anything, as always. He just made up his dream. And he did this more than once with the same success. In the mornings, the whole crew, in their free time from robbery, gathered on the deck and, with bated breath, waited for the cunning inventor to listen to his next fascinating dream, which always ended at the most interesting place.

It’s a pity that that pirate didn’t know his letters, otherwise he might have become a writer. Who knows…


One pirate knew how to embroider with satin stitch. The first thing he did, of course, was load pistols with gunpowder, the second thing was shoot and jump like a cat at night, the third thing was healing wounds, and the fourth thing was doing embroidery.

For everyone who asked, this hefty fellow embroidered anchors on vests, on trousers, and more often on handkerchiefs, which pirates wear on their heads in their own way and tie with sea knots so that the wind does not blow them away.

He did embroidery, but he didn’t charge anyone for his work, either a piastrique, or a doubloon, or a guinea.

One day they hired a newcomer to the team who had never seen a pirate embroider with satin stitch. The newcomer cackled and said:

- What an eccentric! Embroidery is not a man's business. It's disgusting to even look at!

- Disgusting? OK! – the ship’s embroiderer was offended and threw all the needles and threads overboard.

But when the vests, trousers and scarves with embroidered anchors were worn out, the pirates began to beg and persuade their skilled embroiderer to take up his fourth business again. We even bought the threads themselves and brand new needles. And he doesn’t care at all. I was very upset.
And the pirates themselves had to prick anchors on their chests and arms with those needles. Some managed to do it on their feet – for originality’s sake.

From then on, this stupid fashion began - getting tattoos. And all because of that foolish newcomer who didn’t understand anything about beauty!


One pirate was smoking a pipe. Fill it with strong Dutch tobacco and let the smoke rings fly into the sky. He didn’t take his pipe out of his mouth all day, he did nothing but puff.

The rings floated up one after another - and became clouds. Not ordinary clouds, but tobacco ones. And they sailed after the ship, like white paper kites on strings.

And the pirate takes a puff of smoke, closes his eyes, and sucks on his pipe. So it turned out that the clouds turned into black clouds. Into the black tobacco clouds. And then the pirate himself shouted at the top of his pirate throat:
- Hey, aft! Dive into the cabins! Now it's going to rain tobacco!


One pirate boasted that he could speak Chinese. He may have spoken, but no one on the ship understood Chinese and could not check whether this was true or not. That’s why they didn’t believe the pirate, they thought: he was chattering. But the pirate was proud and very worried.

And such a miracle had to happen: in one port a Chinese merchant came to their ship. Old, though with glasses. I couldn’t see, blindly, that there was a black flag with a skull and crossbones on the mast.

And the pirate was terribly happy with his guest. Well, he thinks, I’ll prove to the team that I’m not some trash talker. And in front of everyone she simply addresses him: “Min-tsin-fan, tsup-fip-man.” Or something like that. And the Chinese looks at him like a ram at a new gate and shakes his head: they say, my don’t understand...
The sailors laugh at the pirate:

- Well, you’re welcome to lie! There's a Chinese guy - and he couldn't understand a damn thing!

Meanwhile, the merchant bows and bows, squinting his eyes, and he himself backs away to the gangway out of harm’s way.

The boatswain caught up with him at the pier and on a clean English language asks:

- Well, didn’t our bungler bubble with you like you, like the Chinese?

“Ask something easier,” the merchant answers him in clear English. – I don’t know Chinese, I was born in London...

The boatswain grabbed his stomach and shook with laughter:

- Our poor fellow was unlucky. He pulled the wrong ace out of the deck! Here's your tsun-fen-man!


One pirate was great at drawing cats. He also tried to portray someone else, all sorts of biting, bearded, pecking, all sorts of frightening, grasping, growling things, but they did not resemble themselves. But the cats, these turned out one hundred percent. Like alive. Just behold, they'll snort and scratch him!

And then there were rats in the ship's hold - frankly speaking, they were unattractive and impudent to the point of impossibility. And they were so impudent that they even scraped in the cabins and wandered back and forth on the deck. And there was no control over them.

Then he summons this pirate who drew cats, the captain, or whoever he was in charge there, in general, Bulbul is a gloomy person with a bad character. He calls, first of all he sticks his hefty fist under his nose and asks:

- Did you see this?

- Saw! – Without blinking an eye, the pirate answers. – For me, it’s no worse. I…
- Shut up! - Bulbul interrupted. – Shut your mouth and listen when the boss speaks. So... I give you a day to draw three hundred cats all over the ship, otherwise these rats, you know, will make life impossible. But look, it’s worse! Did you understand the task?

- Do I look like a fool? – the pirate was indignant.

– Who knows you! – the captain, or whatever his name is, in short, Bulbul, slammed his fist on the table. – This still needs to be proven. Take action!

The pirate was washed away by a storm. He grabbed brushes and paint and started painting cats: black, white, red and a completely incomprehensible color. I tried all night and all day, and by evening I had drawn three hundred cats in different poses, and in such a way that they differed from the real ones only in that they did not meow.
The rats saw them, trembled and hid in dark corners, not showing their noses anywhere. And at the very first port they escaped from the ship - they were all they saw.

- Perhaps you really are not a fool! – Captain Bulbul praised the pirate.

– And you doubted it in vain, captain! – the pirate winked. - We know our business!


One pirate never shaved. And his beard grew so long that the whole crew combed it on deck. And then she rolled it into a tube and tied it with a strong leather belt with a large copper buckle. So the pirate wore his beard on a leash.

There was no sense from her. One hassle. Try washing and drying this beard. It’s easier to wash and iron a hundred sheets.

Maybe a pirate beard would never have worked for anything - but the opportunity presented itself. The world championship for the best bearded man was held on the distant island of Makalyako. And the pirate meeting decided:

- Let ours participate! What if we become famous?

No sooner said than done. They sailed to this island of Makalyako, which the devil knows where it has drifted into the distance, and they say:

- Don't worry about it! Don't insult the team!

And on the island there are a dime a dozen bearded men. They walk around with their beards like they sweep the streets with brooms. Not a speck!

The pirate, understandably, was worried like the sea before a storm. But he was worried in vain, because next to his beard, everyone else looked like beards.

So he became the world champion in beard. And thanks to him, his entire pirate crew became famous throughout the world.


One pirate always walked gloomy and gloomy. Well, it’s just a cloud of clouds. It’s disgusting to even look at it, because whoever looks at it immediately frowns and becomes gloomy. Everyone is feeling uneasy, but the pirate - at least give a damn!

He didn't understand the jokes. The whole team sometimes laughs, but his face is stone. Nothing took him.

“Let’s tickle this steros club,” suggested boatswain Tumba. - Maybe it will work?

The pirate's sailors surrounded him and let's tickle him. They tickle and tickle, but he pays zero attention. Then he got tired of it and admitted:

-What are you doing? I'm not ticklish.

Then Captain Bulbul commands:

-Bring the mirror here!

They dragged the mirror as ordered. Bulbul says to the pirate:

- Just look at yourself. What kind of... face do you have? Ugh! It's just asking for a brick! And he doesn’t even ask, but demands!
- Ugh! – the pirate agreed, seeing himself in the mirror. - What a face!

- Now repeat: cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese!

“It’s possible,” the pirate agreed. - I love cheese. Why not repeat it? Cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese...

And when he uttered this word, his lips themselves stretched into a smile, revealing his strong white teeth.

The pirate looked in the mirror and admired his teeth. And in general, he realized that a smile suits him very well, he was as happy as a child, and laughed for the first time in his life.

The crew, along with the captain and the surprised boatswain, also laughed. And it seemed to everyone that even the seagulls that were circling above the ship were laughing.

No one ever saw that pirate looking gloomy and gloomy again, because in any, most dull weather, he quietly whispered to himself: “Cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese...”


One pirate could easily squeeze two barrels filled with lead shot with his hands. Or he could throw the cannon and catch it on the fly. Why, he hammered a nail into a board with his fist, and bent and unbent a copper coin with his fingers. He had the power!
He also did things that you wouldn’t believe if you didn’t see them with your own eyes. For example, it didn’t cost him anything to move the ship without any help when it ran aground. The heavy iron anchor seemed lighter than a feather to the pirate. He playfully pulled it, along with a twenty-pound chain, out of the water and onto the stern. We still need to look for another strong kid like him!

This pirate once found himself at a circus performance, where an overseas strongman was performing various tricks: he would straighten a horseshoe, or break a log over his knee.

The pirate could not stand such deception and shouted to the whole circus:

- Disgrace! Anyone can do this!

- Any? – the circus performer was indignant. - Well, go try it!

A pirate entered the arena and showed a real strongman. The spectators just gasped when he lifted this strong man, and all his weights, and the horse and rider, and the clown with a drum, and the trainer with five curly poodles in her arms like a feather, and smiled. He held it in the air for a while, and then lowered it and said:

- I would still perform, but it’s time for me to go to sea... To work...

- Stay! - the audience shouted. – You are a strongman to all strongmen!

Then children ran out into the arena with flowers and began to beg with tears:

- Don't swim away, uncle! We will go to the circus every day to see you!

The pirate could not stand it and also shed a tear: he felt very sorry for the children. So he remained in the circus. And viewers gave him so many bouquets that his apartment resembled a beautiful flower greenhouse all year round.


One pirate got into a fight with another pirate. One had a flashlight under his eye, and the other had a bruise in plain view. The boatswain Tumba saw such a thing and began to shame him:

– Are there not enough strangers for you? I still didn’t have enough to beat my own!

One pirate points at another:

- He started it first!

The second pirate points his finger at the first:

- He was the first to climb!

- Tsits! - Bosun Tumba got angry. “If you don’t make peace, I’ll hit both of you.” Do you know me!

- We know! – both pirates muttered.

- That's it! Grab your little finger and swear like a pirate, the octopus will strangle you!
- Make up, make up - and don’t fight anymore! – the first pirate backed down, shaking the second’s little finger with his little finger.

- If you fight, I will bite! – the second pirate flashed his eyes, shaking the first one’s little finger with his little finger.

- So it would immediately strike you with thunder! - Bosun Tumba praised. “You’re all good at biting as long as your teeth are intact!”

The pirates stood there, were silent, shook their fists at each other from behind their backs, and went to their cabins.

It was a long time ago, but the pirate little girl is still alive:

Make up, make up -
And don't fight anymore.
If you fight,
I will bite!


One pirate was silent the whole time. In the morning he was silent, in the afternoon he was silent in the evening he was silent. Everyone sang - he kept his mouth shut. All the stories were told - he was dumb as a fish. No one ever heard a single word from him, let alone a whole sentence.

It would seem, what's wrong with that? Well, the pirate is silent. Well, he doesn't talk. So after all, this does no harm to anyone. But his silence angered some. Some people were annoyed. And others were simply infuriated.

- Why is he keeping quiet? – some shook their heads.

- Maybe he doesn’t consider us people? – others puffed out their cheeks.

Captain Bulbul summoned the silent man to the pirate court. And their gang gave him the following ultimatum:

“Either you show your speech, or we’ll write you off ashore!”
Where can a pirate go alone against the whole gang! You can't really mess with her. He opened his mouth, and from there - dydydy, bububu, ryryry! In general, such swearing began, such abuse rained down that even the boatswain, who was considered the rudest of rudenesses, had his lower jaw hanging open.

And the pirate screamed so much, screamed so much, and bawled so loudly that the ears of the sea robbers, accustomed to everything, began to wither like flowers in a drought.

Captain Bulbul regretted that the silent man spoke, but what’s done is done.

The pirate had to listen to a new ultimatum:

“Either you shut up your fountain, or we’ll write you off on the shore!”

The pirate listened and was offended:

– I didn’t want to chat! You yourself ordered it! Yah you!

Maybe he's right in his own way?


One pirate loved to ride whales. He liked it - and on dolphins. But there are more on whales. You sit on the smooth back of a giant, you hold on to his whale's whiskers with your hands so as not to fall into the sea, and above your head a fountain gurgles and shimmers. Beauty! Is not it so?

One day the other pirates say to him:

- You ride on whales. Do you think we don’t want to? And we, you know, are also keen!

- Yes, what is there! – the whale rider did not object. “We can go for a ride together.” I don't feel sorry!

The pirates jumped into the sea and are waiting. We didn't wait long. They look: a whale has appeared on the horizon. As soon as he swam up to them, the whale rider immediately saddled him and grabbed his mustache with his hands. Keith slowed down. Well, the pirates climbed onto his back in droves. They spurred the whale with their bare heels - and he carried them across the waves so that salty splashes scattered all over the place.
The pirates liked to ride on a whale. They were cheerful - and let's dance for joy. And the whale became ticklish, so he launched his fountain higher - and washed all the dancers clean off his back. He waved his tail goodbye and dived into the depths. They only saw him!


One pirate was walking through the narrow streets of Ramsel on a hot summer day and wandered into the Quiet Cool tavern. To his surprise, he saw that the visitors sitting at round tables were eating some white balls with small spoons.

“I’ve never eaten anything like this,” the pirate thought. “I guess I’ll try.” He walked up to the counter and said to the owner:

- I want... these... balls!

- How many servings? One or two? – the owner asked.

- One and quickly! - the pirate ordered.

The balls in the vase turned out to be cold as ice and sweet as honey. They quickly melted in the mouth, like spring icicles on the roofs. And the delicacy was such that the pirate lost his breath and shouted:

- Hey, master! Five more servings!

And when he placed five more vases in front of him, the pirate asked:

-What are these balls called?

“Ice cream sundae,” came the answer.

As soon as five portions were finished, the pirate ordered ten more. And licking another ball from a spoon, he gently whispered the word he heard for the first time:

- Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream...

The sun was very hot outside. And the magical cold balls came in very handy. I didn’t want to leave the tavern anywhere because of this fabulous delicious ice cream.
Only on the second day did boatswain Tumba find the missing pirate in the Quiet Cool tavern.

“I thought you were drinking rum,” he chuckled contemptuously. - And you’re eating some kind of rubbish, some kind of balls!

“This is ice cream... a sundae...” the pirate croaked with frozen lips. “And I’m not going anywhere from here, I swear by all the seas!”

...The pirate returned to the ship three years later, when he had eaten his fill of ice cream. But at night he dreamed of a distant tavern for a long time and his soul felt sweet and cool.


One pirate got hold of a round geographical globe somewhere and, looking at it, suddenly discovered that all the seas, oceans and islands already had names.

- Can't be! – the eccentric was indignant. – There is continuous water all around, and all the seas and oceans and even islands have already been discovered by someone? Nonsense! I guess I didn't search well...

And he began to twirl the globe in his hands again. But wherever you point your finger, it’s busy. And he turned it from left to right, and from right to left, but to no avail.
And then the pirate covered the globe with blank paper and began to draw his seas, his islands and his oceans. Draws and says:

- This is the Great Pirate Ocean, this is the Pirate Sea, and this is the small pirate island...

I painted and painted the globe and did not notice how night had fallen. The pirate felt sleepy. But he fell asleep very contented and happy, because no one else has ever had, never has, and never will have such a wonderful globe like his.


One pirate collected stones on the beaches different countries. Among them were smooth and rough, dark and transparent, white and yellow, round and triangular. And everyone is very beautiful. He himself didn’t know how many of them he had, but he guessed that there were a lot, since he even found about a hundred or two hundred “chicken gods” - pebbles with holes through them.

The pirate always carried his stones in his bosom. Just in case. I was afraid that it would be stolen. Well, there were plenty of thieves on the pirate ship.

The boatswain didn't like it. And he carefully warned the pirate:

- Bludgeon! You'll tear your vest!

Only the pirate waved it off. Stones were more valuable to him than a vest. But there were so many of them accumulated in it that when walking he could barely move his legs. And one day, when he was washed overboard by a wave during a storm, this poor fellow almost went to visit the fish. To the bottom, that is. It’s good that the boatswain noticed, managed to grab the heel and yank the vest so that the stones would fall out. Otherwise it would have been worse for the pirate.
They pulled him out of the water, pumped him out, and dried him. The fat boatswain waved his finger in front of the pirate’s nose and said affectionately:

– I warned you, two hundred jellyfish and one cuttlefish! There is no point in carrying stones in your bosom. This does no good to anyone!


One pirate bought a parrot. Big, colorful and, in addition, talking. In fact, it turned out that the parrot is not talking, but singing.

Every morning, hanging upside down in his cage, the parrot woke up the sleepy pirate with some song. He sang with a great burr, something like this:

Loved by all matrrrros
Pineapples and coconuts.
All pirrrats love it
Mandarrins and Grrranat.
At the first sound of a bird's voice, the pirate jumped up as if stung and shook his fist at the parrot. And the parrot, in turn, did not pay any attention to him. And the next morning everything repeated again, and at the same time, like clockwork.

By the way, about the clock. Clocks were already on sale then – both pocket and wall watches. But alarm clocks had not yet been invented. And so the parrot served the pirate instead of an alarm clock. And the pirate woke up not to the alarm clock, but to his parrot, which, however, did not ring, but sang funny songs.

However, in imitation of the boatswain, who, putting four fingers in his mouth, whistled loudly, calling the crew onto the deck, the parrot also quickly learned this whistle and, instead of songs, began to wake up the pirate with a mischievous deafening whistle. And from that time on, the parrot became neither speaking nor singing, but generally whistling. And the pirate, until he got used to it, jumped up to the ceiling in his sleep. And he filled his forehead with huge lumps.


One pirate bought a black top hat and a cane at a cheap price in a port shop. Why the hell they surrendered to him - he himself did not know. But I bought it anyway. In addition, the seller gave him a black bow tie.

“This is a gift from the company for you,” he says, “for a complete set...

No, not a living butterfly, but one that all sorts of millionaires wear to all sorts of receptions.

The pirate returned to the ship and thought:

“Once the money has been paid, it must be applied...”

He put a top hat on his head. He picked up a cane. The butterfly against the background of the vest also looked good. It was in this form that the pirate came out on deck: to look at others and show himself off.

From surprise, the soles of the boatswain's boots stuck to the deck boards, while others froze in place as if frozen.

But the pirate keeps his mark; in such a parade, it’s somehow inconvenient for him to throw rude words left and right. And he uttered a phrase that would never have occurred to him before, he uttered a phrase that made the four robbers collapse on the deck as if they had been killed. He said:

- Glad to see you, sirs!
On this ship, on this old but still strong vessel, no one had heard such expressions. And so they struck everyone like a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder.

- Have you gone crazy, or what? - The boatswain came to his senses. – Who do you take us for?

“For decent sirs,” the pirate announced solemnly.

- I’ll show you this sir now! – the boatswain threatened with his fist. – You won’t be happy!

- Fi! How uneducated you really are! – the pirate grimaced. - How disgusting your manners are!

- So you also decided to insult me, to call me “you”? – the boatswain was indignant. - Well, this doesn’t fit into any hold at all! Now I’ll break your stick on your hat and let the butterfly go free.

“Firstly, not a stick, but a cane, and secondly, not a hat, but a top hat,” the pirate remarked. – And thirdly, I simply don’t want to talk to you in such a tone!
And he proudly left the deck to the whistling and hooting of the screaming brethren. He returned to the cabin, looked in the mirror, winked at himself and said:

- Nothing, nothing. Next time I’ll buy each of them a top hat, a cane and a bow tie - and they’ll all become like cute, polite sirs!

(fairy tale-joke)

Unwashed, bearded
Pirates sail the seas.
Suddenly a shark is on the way,
Don't joke with her.
Tells them: "Hey, pirates,
Unwashed bearded men!
I'm hungry as hell.
Come on, jump overboard!
Otherwise I'll bite you
The brig is yours along with the sails!
The captain answers:
“I won’t give the command!
The mouth is not a cannon barrel.
I'm not afraid of you, shark!
And if you go on board -
So you’ll end up on your own!”
The shark got angry
She lashed the water with her tail,
The mouth opened and into battle -
Anyone would be scared.
I'm not the least bit scared!
Get it right,” -
And hit him in the forehead with an oar.
"Bool!" – toothy shark
Drowned in the blue sea.
He will know how to bite everyone,
Scratch your teeth on the sides!
And the funny pirates
Unwashed Beards
We swam again... Suddenly it surfaced
A fish with a nose like a saw.
Tells them: "Hey, pirates,
Unwashed bearded men!
I'll cut your ship apart!
I'll drown you all in the sea!
Your souls after death
The sea devils will take it!”
The captain answered her:
“I won’t give up the brig without a fight!
I'm not afraid of you at all!
Just try sawing! –
If you go on board
So you’ll end up on your own!”
The fish got very angry
And let's cut as hard as we can.
It’s no wonder to be afraid here,
Anyone would be scared, but:
“No,” said the brave pirate, “
I'm not the least bit scared!
Get it right,” -
And hit him in the forehead with an oar
“So it is,” the pirates shout, “
After all, you can’t cut frigates!”
A fish with a nose like a saw -
"Bool!" - and instantly went to the bottom.
And the funny pirates
Unwashed Beards
Then they sail on the sea.
Suddenly an octopus swam out to meet -
The octopus is big and fat,
About the height of their ship,
In the middle of huge waves
He waves his tentacles,
Tells them: "Hey, pirates,
Unwashed bearded men!
I haven't eaten for a long time
I'll drag you all down!
For sailors and sailors
I have a lot of suckers!”
The captain answers:
“I won’t let the ship sink!
I'm not afraid of you! Hey, you bitch
Put away your Velcro!
And if you go on board -
You’ll end up dead right there!”
The octopus became terribly angry,
He grabbed the side with a death grip,
He began to pull the ship to the bottom...
Anyone would be scared, but:
“No,” said the brave pirate, “
I'm not the least bit scared!
Get it right,” -
And hit him in the forehead with an oar.
"Bool!" - and the octopus is huge
Instantly disappeared into the dark abyss.
This horror will no longer happen
Pull the ships to the bottom!
The pirates sailed like this for a long time
Unwashed bearded ones.
Finally, the pirate brig
Reached the Island of Dreams!
The pirates came ashore
Each with a map and a shovel,
They started digging here and there -
Look for treasure on the island.
The first one dug up the snag,
And the second flask for rum,
The third dug up a chest.
A knock came from it.
The pirates got scared
Unwashed bearded men -
Everything in life is not like in the movies,
Anyone would chicken out here, but
The brave captain said:
“I’m not the least bit scared!
Get it right!”
And he broke the chest with an oar.
A cloud of dust blew up
The smell is terrible, like a grave,
There are no treasures
A skeleton stands in their place.
He says: “Hey you pirates,
Unwashed bearded men!
Who is a stranger here looking for treasure,
He won’t come back alive!” –
And let's chatter our teeth,
Rattling rusty chains...
Waving his saber, eager to fight -
Anyone would have run away.
“No,” said the brave pirate, “
I'm not scared at all!
Get it right,” -
And hit him in the forehead with an oar.
"Boom! Crunch! Bang! - and no more
Evil greedy skeleton.
The captain is happy about the victory
But where is the treasure hidden?
Suddenly from the waves and seagulls
The parrot's voice rang out:
“You won’t find a treasure anywhere -
Neither on land nor in water!
It has been lying there for two hundred years
In a safer place!
The pirate raised his head
And I found where the treasure was hidden -
He is not in the sky on a cloud,
And among the dense foliage -
A huge hook is driven into a palm tree,
And on it hangs a chest.
Pirates found it in the chest
And piastres and ducats,
Gems, pearls
And crystal horns!
The spoils were instantly divided
And they sailed away on the ship -
There are many treasures here and there,
Adventure doesn't wait.

Who was he - this incredibly thin, long-haired, big-eyed man with a high forehead and thin fingers? What do we know about him, except that his name is on the title page of the famous and beloved adventure book “Treasure Island” all over the world?
Robert Louis Stevenson lived a short life (1850-1894). But this life is covered in legends. A native of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, a fellow countryman of Robert Burns and Walter Scott, he had a tremendous influence on world and especially English literature. Stevenson created magnificent examples of prose and poetry, magazine journalism, drama and travel diaries. Here, for example, is the Scottish ballad “Heather Honey.” Readers in many countries know it as a folk poetic legend. And “suddenly” one day they will learn with amazement that this ballad was written by the author of “Catriona”, “Treasure Island” and “Castwrecked”!
The popularity of “Treasure Island” can only be compared with the popularity of “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe. But to those who have read this elegant, cheerful book, filled with the wind of wanderings and the romance of dangerous adventures, it will seem strange, almost incredible, that its author all his life, from early childhood, was so seriously and incurably ill that the “Country of Beds” and a frequent guest named “Bloody Jack” (as Stevenson called chronic bleeding from the throat with dark irony) became his constant companions.
Tusitala (that is, storyteller, storyteller) was nicknamed Stevenson by the natives from the Samoan archipelago, where they passed last years his life. The natives naively believed that Tusitala was immortal, because he kept a magical vessel - the “Satanic bottle”. But in fact, every day of his life was given to him with such difficulty, was filled with such intense, non-stop work that in his letters the reader will often find references to his imminent death, of which Stevenson himself and his loved ones were almost sure...
And yet he lived! He lived by what, almost from the age of ten, became the main dream, the support of his life, without which he could not imagine a day. “In my childhood and youth,” Stevenson recalled, “I was considered lazy and people pointed their fingers at me as an example of a lazy person; but I was not idle, I was constantly busy with my concern - learning to write. There were always two books stuck in my pocket: I read one, I wrote in the other. I was going for a walk, and my brain was diligently searching for the appropriate words for what I saw; sitting down by the road, I began to read or, taking a pencil and notebook, made notes, trying to convey the features of the area, or wrote down from memory the poetic lines that struck me. That’s how I lived, with words.”
This life was heroic. Real, not bookish, dangers awaited Stevenson at every step: every day he fought against illness and death. Everything was in this life - travel, and adventures, and distant countries, and great love, truly “at first sight,” and dedication, and the passion that captured his whole soul to “carpenter in literature” so that the “knock of the ax” could be heard from afar!
The writer himself is like the hero of one of his books. Brave, sincere, ready at any moment, even if this minute turned out to be the last, to come to the aid of the offended. One day, worried about the life of his beloved woman (who later became his wife), Stevenson jumped on his horse and rushed off on a long journey, without stopping, without giving himself a break. He was almost at his goal, in the coastal mountains, but then he lost consciousness and lay there for two nights until he was accidentally found by a hunter. Then he humorously described this “adventure” that almost cost him his life in a letter to a friend: “According to all the rules, death seemed inevitable, but after a while my spirit rose again in divine rage and began to urge and spur my frail body with considerable effort and considerable success."...
So, more than once he found himself “shipwrecked.” But again and again Tusitala jumped on his horse and rushed towards dangers, fearlessly looking them in the eyes.
Like almost all the Stevensons, Robert Louis, or simply Lou (as his loved ones called him), was supposed to become a lighthouse builder or, at worst, a lawyer. A resident of the “Land of Beds” and an enthusiastic traveler to the “Land of Books” studied at the University of Edinburgh and was even awarded a silver medal by the Royal Scottish Society of Art, sank in a spacesuit to the bottom of the sea, where he was supposed to build his lighthouse...
Having abandoned this profession, Lu diligently passes the legal exam and receives the title of learned lawyer. And he becomes... a writer! In fact, he was one even before entering university. The young author of an essay about Scottish rebels of the 17th century was not even 16 years old when his name adorned title page a small book published in an edition of 100 copies at the expense of his father.
And now, since Thomas Stevenson once turned out to be “guilty” in the literary debut of his only son, he had to (although later he hardly regretted his compliance) agree with Lou’s choice. Thus, a writer appeared in a family of famous engineers in Scotland, whose name would eventually go down in the history of world literature!

This is how I would like to live,
I need a little:
The vault of heaven and the sound of the stream,
And it's still a road.

This is how Robert Louis expressed his dreams in a poem with the almost symbolic title “The Tramp”. All his life he was a wanderer, a rebel, a noble pirate and robber - in his poems and novels, stories and stories. Speaking against the so-called “teaspoon and tureen” literature, that is, works that are grounded, plotless, and downright boring, Stevenson bravely declared “war on the adjective” and “death to the optic nerve.”
What does it mean? Of course, not the absence of any adjectives or descriptions of appearance. His books contain both poetic landscapes and short, comprehensive portraiture. They do not contain what he despised more than anything else - didacticism, long, meaningless speeches, unnecessary details, prolixity that obscures the meaning. This is what he rejected as an absurd and meaningless “adjective.”
But we see the events in his books as if in reality, we hear voices that seem to be heard very close by, we participate in the story, and the joys and sorrows, discoveries and failures of the heroes become our own.
“My First Book” is the title of the preface to Treasure Island. And then Stevenson says that, in essence, this is his first novel, and not his very first book. The way it is. But since we are talking about this novel, we need to find out how it actually came into being - this wonderful “Treasure Island”, from which we have known Stevenson since childhood.
One day, while competing with a cheerful schoolboy (his stepson) in the noble art of “painting pictures,” Robert Louis accidentally drew a map of the island. “Its curves unusually captivated my imagination,” he later wrote half-jokingly, “there were coves that captivated me like sonnets. And with the thoughtlessness of the doomed, I named my creation “Treasure Island.” Before I knew it, a blank sheet of paper appeared in front of me, and I was making a list of chapters.” The heroes of the future book "scurried hither and thither, fought and searched for treasure on several square inches of thick paper." “This will be a book for boys,” Stevenson decided with lightning speed, “and here is a boy at hand to serve as a touchstone for me.”
And the book was born! Listeners: a fifteen-year-old “gentleman, to whose exemplary taste” his stepfather later dedicated his creation, an old father - he “not only listened with delight to a new chapter every day,” but also became the most “zealous collaborator” of his son, and the writer’s wife. They all added something to what was written. And Stevenson was tormented by doubts: “I am thirty-one years old, I am the head of the family; I managed to lose my health, I have never lived without debt... Is this (book) really destined to become another, final failure?

The novel either proceeded unusually easily, then suddenly inexplicably stumbled at the most interesting part. But as the work approached the end, as the main images emerged, and among them - the subject of the author’s greatest pride, the one-legged pirate John Silver, brave and insidious, active and quick-witted - the chapters, one after another, were sent to print.
And when Stevenson finally “crossed the Rubicon” and wrote the word “end” on the manuscript, “Treasure Island” appeared in the children’s magazine Young Folks, published in London. There he seemed to get lost, but in a separate publication he aroused general interest. They were read by people of all circles - from schoolchildren to the prime minister. Stevenson became famous.
What is the secret (if it exists) of such unconditional, timeless and not only local success? After all, a lot of adventure novels were published even in Stevenson’s time. And more decades have been added large quantity fascinating plots, insidious villains and noble heroes.
Of course, becoming, even at the cost of long trials, rich and happy is an important goal. Winning and destroying your rivals is also a difficult matter. But let's think: is this the only hidden essence of Stevenson's book, is this the only thing that captivated and continues to captivate millions of readers?
“Gloomy, drenched in blood,” even a “cursed” island - that’s what the place where the famous “Hispaniola” went to for the teenager Jim (and therefore for us, his fellow travelers) was like, having on board both the honest and those who had lost their humanity the mental appearance of people.
And the treasures of the mysterious Captain Flint, buried here, treasures for which many brave sailors died, for which so much blood was shed and so much suffering was experienced, so many lies and cruelty were seen... Do we really think about them when we try to uncover the secret of the success of this book ?
No! The secret is not the black pirate flag with crossed bones. And not even in the virtues of noble heroes or the cunning of villains. The modest “book for boys” has become a reason for thought and conclusions about life for millions of readers of various characters, ages and nationalities! After all, this is exactly how we perceive this adventure novel. Because every reader who, in the words of Tusitala-Stevenson, “has eyes and even a penny of imagination,” discovers in him his own little “treasure island” - events, characters, thoughts, images, special, courageously brief, energetic and graceful Stevenson style.
M. Babaeva


One pirate accidentally escaped from his sinking ship. He sailed and sailed on a piece of a mast across the ocean and arrived on an uninhabited island.

When he came to his senses, he thought: “Who should I rob?” But there was no one to rob except for a lonely palm tree. Then he decided he would still have to rob a palm tree so as not to lose his qualifications. And he began to climb the long shaggy trunk for coconuts. But he couldn’t reach the nuts, fell down and got a big lump on his forehead. He rubbed his fist over his bump and swore: “I won’t rob anyone on this island again!”

But he still broke his oath when he was very hungry. What will you take from him? A pirate is a pirate!


One pirate served as a boatswain on a ship. And the dashing sailors respected him very much because he lost one of his eyes in battle, and kept the other safe and sound.

On the boatswain's birthday, the crew decided to buy a gift.

Let's get binoculars!

But after thinking together, the team realized that he did not need binoculars, and gave him a large telescope. When looking at it, you still have to close one eye.

The boatswain really liked the gift. And he always wore his telescope behind his right ear.


One pirate buried a huge forged chest with golden piastres in a cave. He drew a plan of the place where the treasures were hidden on a piece of paper with a burnt brand, and took it to the ship. But, damn it, I didn’t indicate the name of that island for memory, because of my pirate illiteracy. And after a while - I completely forgot because of my pirate absent-mindedness. This is what happens if you are not taught to read and write. And so the chest with piastres disappeared. He's lying somewhere in a cave on some island, but who knows which one. And they still can’t find him...


One pirate fell overboard into the sea. And then a shark noticed him. She swam up and threatened: “Give me your vest, or I’ll swallow you right away!” And she herself is terrible. And every tooth she has is no worse than a pirate’s knife. Maybe even sharper.

Only the pirate turned out to be not timid. He showed her nothing: “I won’t give it up!” Your vest is closer to your body!” He was greedy, that is.

Well, the shark didn’t bother with him and decided to swallow him along with the vest. But when she swallowed it, the pirate got caught on a sharp shark tooth and was neither here nor there. The shark suffered and suffered and spat it out, thinking: “Why do I need a vest with holes in it?..”

But this - as far as is known - was the first and last case when greed came to the rescue. So there is nothing to learn from this pirate.


One pirate loved to eat. And he didn’t notice how he became fat. That's why they nicknamed him on the ship - Puzdro. For him, even taking off his boots was not an easy task, let alone aiming a pistol or, for what it’s worth, throwing himself on board with a scream. And the delicious food brought him to the point that he completely lost his formidable appearance. Whoever looks at the pot-bellied guy, everyone laughs. He scares, for example, but no one is afraid.

The pirate Puzdro could not stand such disrespect for his profession, he gave up on everything and went into retirement.


One pirate decided to get married. And he got such a pirate wife that she forced him to do laundry, mend, scrub the deck and fry fish.

He decided to show resistance, but she drove him into the corner of the cabin, cocked the trigger on the pistol and intimidated: “Choose one of two: either you will follow my lead, or I will twist you, your unkempt beard, into a ram’s horn!”

So the pirate raised his shaggy hands up:

I give up, my “helpless” one, unquestioningly, of the two, I choose the first.

So he remained under her thumb until the end of his days. I took his love on board! And what a pirate he was! Wow! Or maybe even - wow! Oh-ho-ho-ho!


One pirate wanted to study at school. The teacher asks this pirate in class: “What is five for five?” He didn’t even think, he immediately answered: “Ninety!” The teacher heard this and fainted - bam!

Then they sent another one. That means she also asked the pirate a question that was not simple: “How many months are there in a year?”

The pirate didn’t even raise an eyebrow. And he clearly said: “A lot!” The new teacher also gets off her chair - boom!

The director no longer wanted to risk wasting his teachers. He showed the pirate the door and shouted: “Get out!”

Since that time, all pirates have smelled any school a hundred miles away and sailed away from it. They really need to be kicked out of there!
