Summary of romeo and juliet for kids. Ballet "Romeo and Juliet" by Sergei Prokofiev. Great drama and a happy ending. Romeo is sent out of town

William Shakespeare

"Romeo and Juliet"

The action of the tragedy covers five days of one week, during which a fatal series of events takes place.

The first act begins with a brawl between servants who belong to two warring families - the Montagues and the Capulets. It is not clear what caused the enmity, it is only obvious that it is old and irreconcilable, drawing both young and old into the whirlpool of passions. The nobles of the two houses quickly join the servants, and then their heads themselves. On the square flooded with the July sun, a real battle boils. The townspeople, tired of the strife, hardly manage to separate the fighters. Finally, the supreme ruler of Verona arrives - the prince, who orders to stop the clash on pain of death, and angrily leaves.

Romeo, the son of Montecchi, appears in the square. He already knows about the recent strike, but his thoughts are elsewhere. As it should be at his age, he is in love and suffers. The object of his unrequited passion is a certain impregnable beauty Rosalina. In a conversation with a friend Benvolio, he shares his experiences. Benvolio good-naturedly advises to look at the other girls and chuckles at the objections of a friend.

At this time, the Capulet is paid a visit by a relative of the prince, Count Paris, who asks for the hand of the only daughter of the owners. Juliet has not yet turned fourteen, but her father agrees to the proposal. Paris is noble, rich, handsome, and one cannot dream of a better groom. Capulet invites Paris to the annual ball they are giving that evening. The hostess goes to her daughter's chambers to warn Juliet about the matchmaking. The three of them - Juliet, mother and nurse who raised the girl - they vividly discuss the news. Juliet is still serene and obedient to her parents' will.

A lavish carnival ball at the Capulets' house is infiltrated under masks by several young men from the enemy camp, including Benvolio, Mercutio, and Romeo. They are all hot, sharp-tongued and adventurous. Mercutio, Romeo's closest friend, is especially mocking and eloquent. Romeo himself is seized on the threshold of the Capulet house by a strange anxiety.

I do not expect good. Something unknown
What is still hidden in the darkness
But it will be born from this ball,
Untimely shorten my life
Due to some strange circumstances.
But the one who guides my ship
I've raised the sail...

In the crowd of the ball, among the random phrases exchanged between the hosts, guests and servants, the eyes of Romeo and Juliet intersect for the first time, and, like blinding lightning, they are struck by love.

The world for both is instantly transformed. For Romeo, from this moment on, there are no past attachments:

Have I ever loved before?
Oh no, those were false goddesses.
I did not know the true beauty from now on ...

When he says these words, he will recognize him by his voice cousin Juliet Tybalt, immediately grabbing his sword. The hosts beg him not to make a fuss at the party. They notice that Romeo is known for his nobility and there is no trouble even if he attended the ball. Wounded Tybalt harbors a grudge.

Romeo, meanwhile, manages to exchange a few lines with Juliet. He's in a monk's outfit, and behind the hood she can't see his face. When the girl slips out of the hall at the call of her mother, Romeo learns from the nurse that she is the daughter of the owners. A few minutes later, Juliet makes the same discovery - through the same nurse, she finds out that Romeo is the son of their sworn enemy!

I am the embodiment of a hateful force
Inopportunely unknowingly fell in love.

Benvolio and Mercutio leave the ball without waiting for their friend. Romeo at this time silently climbs over the wall and hides in the dense garden of the Capulets. Intuition leads him to Juliet's balcony, and he freezes when he hears her pronounce his name. Unable to stand it, the young man responds. The conversation of two lovers begins with timid exclamations and questions, and ends with an oath of love and a decision to immediately unite their destinies.

I don't own what I own.
My love is bottomless, and kindness is like the expanse of the sea.
The more I spend, the more boundless and richer I become.

So says Juliet about the feeling that struck her. "Holy night, holy night ... / So exorbitant happiness ..." Romeo echoes her. From that moment on, Romeo and Juliet act with extraordinary firmness, courage and at the same time caution, completely submitting to the love that has swallowed them. From their actions childishness involuntarily leaves, they suddenly transform into people wise with higher experience.

Their attorneys are the monk brother Lorenzo, Romeo's confessor, and the nurse, Juliet's confidante. Lorenzo agrees to secretly marry them - he hopes that the union of the young Montagues and the Capulets will serve as peace between the two families. In the cell of brother Lorenzo, a marriage ceremony is performed. The lovers are filled with happiness.

But in Verona, the summer is still hot, and "the blood boils in the veins from the heat." Especially among those who are already quick-tempered as gunpowder and are looking for a reason to show their courage. Mercutio spends time in the square and argues with Benvolio which of them loves quarrels more. When the bully Tybalt appears with his friends, it becomes clear that a skirmish is indispensable. The exchange of caustic barbs is interrupted by the arrival of Romeo. “Get off! Here's to me right person, - Tybalt declares and continues: - Romeo, the essence of my feelings for you is all expressible in the word: you are a bastard. However, the proud Romeo does not grab the sword in response, he only tells Tybalt that he is mistaken. After all, after the wedding with Juliet, he considers Tybalt his relative, almost a brother! But no one knows this yet. And Tybalt continues to bully until the enraged Mercutio intervenes: “Cowardly, despicable humility! / I must wash away her shame with blood!” They fight with swords. Romeo, horrified by what is happening, rushes between them, and at that moment Tybalt deftly strikes Mercutio from under his hand, and then quickly hides with his accomplices. Mercutio dies in Romeo's arms. Last words, which he whispers: "Plague take both of your families!"

Romeo is shocked. He lost his best friend. Moreover, he understands that he died because of him, that Mercutio was betrayed by him, Romeo, when he defended his honor ... “Thanks to you, Juliet, I am becoming too soft ...” - Romeo mutters in a fit of repentance, bitterness and rage. At this moment, Tybalt reappears on the square. Drawing his sword, Romeo attacks him in "fiery-eyed anger." They fight silently and frantically. A few seconds later, Tybalt falls dead. Benvolio, in fear, tells Romeo to flee immediately. He says that Tybalt's death in a duel will be regarded as murder and Romeo faces execution. Romeo leaves, depressed by everything that has happened, and the square is filled with indignant citizens. After Benvolio's explanations, the prince pronounces a verdict: from now on, Romeo is condemned to exile - otherwise death awaits him.

Juliet finds out terrible news from the nurse. Her heart shrinks from mortal anguish. Grieving for the death of her brother, she is nevertheless adamant in justifying Romeo.

Should I blame my wife?
Poor husband, where is a good word for you to hear,
When the wife does not say it at the third hour of marriage ...

Romeo at this moment gloomily listens to the advice of brother Lorenzo. He convinces the young man to hide, obeying the law, until he is granted forgiveness. He promises to send letters to Romeo regularly. Romeo is in despair, exile for him is the same death. He is languishing with longing for Juliet. They manage to spend only a few hours together when he secretly sneaks into her room at night. The trills of the lark at dawn notify lovers that it is time for them to part. They can not tear themselves away from each other, pale, tormented by the upcoming separation and anxious forebodings. Finally, Juliet herself persuades Romeo to leave, fearing for his life.

Lady Capulet, who entered the bedroom of her daughter, finds Juliet in tears and explains this with grief due to the death of Tybalt. The news that the mother reports makes Juliet go cold: Count Paris is in a hurry with the wedding, and the father has already decided on the wedding the next day. The girl begs her parents to wait, but they are adamant. Or an immediate wedding with Paris - or "then I'm no longer your father." After the departure of her parents, the nurse persuades Juliet not to worry: “Your new marriage will overshadow the first one with its benefits ...” “Amen!” Juliet responds. From that moment on, she sees in the nurse no longer a friend, but an enemy. The only person left she can trust is Brother Lorenzo.

And if the monk does not help me,
There is a means to die in my hands.

“Everything is over! There is no more hope! Juliet says lifelessly when she is alone with the monk. Unlike the nurse, Lorenzo does not comfort her - he understands the desperate situation of the girl. With all his heart sympathizing with her and Romeo, he offers the only way to salvation. She needs to pretend to obey the will of her father, prepare for the wedding, and in the evening take a miraculous solution. After that, she must plunge into a state resembling death, which will last exactly forty-two hours. During this period, Juliet will be buried in the family crypt. Lorenzo will let Romeo know about everything, he will arrive at the moment of her awakening, and they will be able to disappear until the best time... . "Give me the bottle! Don't talk about fear," Juliet cuts him off. Inspired by new hope, she leaves with a vial of solution.

In the Capulet house, preparations are being made for the wedding. Parents are happy that the daughter is no longer stubborn. The nurse and mother tenderly say goodbye to her before going to bed. Juliet is alone. Before a decisive act, she is seized by fear. What if the monk deceived her? Or will the elixir not work? Or will the action be different than he promised? What if she wakes up early? Or even worse - will remain alive, but will lose her mind from fear? And yet, without hesitation, she drinks the bottle to the bottom.

In the morning, the house announces the heart-rending cry of the nurse: “Juliet is dead! She passed away! The house is filled with confusion and horror. There can be no doubt that Juliet is dead. She lies in bed in a wedding dress, stiff, no blood in her face. Paris, like everyone else, is overwhelmed by the terrible news. The musicians invited to play at the wedding are still awkwardly trampling around, waiting for orders, but the unfortunate family is already plunging into inconsolable mourning. Lorenzo, who has come, utters words of sympathy to his relatives and reminds that it is time to carry the deceased to the cemetery.

... "I had a dream: my wife came to me. / And I was dead and, dead, watching. / And suddenly from her hot lips I came to life ..." - Romeo, who is hiding in Mantua, does not yet suspect how prophetic this vision will turn out to be . So far, he knows nothing about what happened in Verona, but only, burning with impatience, is waiting for news from the monk. Instead of a messenger, Romeo's servant Baltazar appears. The young man rushes to him with questions and - woe! learns the terrible news of Juliet's death. He gives the command to harness the horses and promises: "Juliet, we will be together today." From the local pharmacist, he demands the most terrible and quickest poison, and for fifty ducats he receives a powder - “pour into any liquid, / And have twenty strengths in you, / One sip will lay you down instantly.”

At this very time, Brother Lorenzo is experiencing no less horror. The monk, whom Lorenzo sent to Mantua with a secret letter, returns to him. It turns out that a fatal accident did not allow the order to be fulfilled: the monk was locked in the house on the occasion of a plague quarantine, since his friend had previously cared for the sick.

The last scene takes place in the tomb of the Capulet family. Here, next to Tybalt, the dead Juliet had just been laid in the tomb. Paris, lingering at the coffin of the bride, throws flowers at Juliet. Hearing a rustle, he hides. Romeo appears with a servant. He gives Balthazar a letter to his father and sends it, and he opens the crypt with a crowbar. At this point, Paris comes out of hiding. He blocks Romeo's path, threatens him with arrest and execution. Romeo asks him to leave kindly and "not to tempt the insane". Paris insists on arrest. The duel begins. The page of Paris in fear rushes for help. Paris dies from the sword of Romeo and before his death asks to bring him to the crypt to Juliet. Romeo is finally left alone in front of Juliet's coffin, He is amazed that in the coffin she looks like she is alive and just as beautiful. Cursing the evil forces that carried away this most perfect of earthly creatures, he kisses Juliet for the last time and with the words “I drink to you, love!” drinks poison.

Lorenzo is late for a moment, but he is no longer able to revive the young man. He arrives just in time for Juliet's awakening. Seeing the monk, she immediately asks where her husband is, and assures that she remembers everything perfectly and feels cheerful and healthy. Lorenzo, afraid to tell her terrible truth, urging her to leave the crypt. Juliet does not hear his words. Seeing Romeo dead, she only thinks about how to die herself as soon as possible. She is annoyed that Romeo alone drank all the poison. But next to him lies a dagger. It's time. Moreover, the voices of the guards are already heard outside. And the girl plunges a dagger into her chest.

Those who entered the tomb found the dead Paris and Romeo, and next to them still warm Juliet. Lorenzo, who gave vent to tears, told the tragic story of lovers. The Montagues and the Capulets, forgetting their old quarrels, held out their hands to each other, inconsolably mourning the dead children. It was decided to put a golden statue on their graves.

But, as the prince rightly noted, all the same, the story of Romeo and Juliet will remain the saddest in the world ...

It all started with a feud between two families - the Capulets and the Montagues, the cause of which is not known. Representatives of these families converge on the city square by their heads, and a fight ensues. The townspeople with difficulty disunite the fighting, but then the prince of Verona appears and orders everything to stop immediately, angrily leaving. Romeo's son comes to Montague, his father tells him about the skirmish, but the guy does not listen, because he is young and in love with one impregnable beauty Rosalina.

Count Paris, a relative of the prince, comes to the Capulet family in order to ask for the hand of their daughter Juliet, who is not yet an adult, but the father gives his consent. The mother tells her daughter that they came to woo her - she will be the wife of the count. In honor of such an event, the Capulets arrange a carnival, which Mercutio, Benvolio and Romeo, who is seized with a strange sense of anxiety, infiltrate in masks. In the midst of the fun, Romeo crosses paths with Juliet, and, they say, the arrows of Cupid, they are pierced by lightning love. But then the girl's cousin Tybalt appears, disunites the couple and immediately grabs the sword. The owners beg him not to make a fuss, and Tybalt, holding a grudge, leaves. The young people disperse, but from the same nurse they learn that he is the son of Montague, and she is the daughter of Capulet, and this means that they are enemies. Mercutio and Benvolio leave the ball without finding Romeo, who has climbed over the fence and hid in the Capulet garden. By chance, he comes exactly to Juliet's balcony, hears her say his name, and responds. A conversation begins between them, in which they swear an oath to seal their feelings of love. They choose brother Lorenz and a nurse as attorneys. The monk agrees to the secret wedding of the couple with the hope that this will be the first step in the reconciliation of two long-standing warring families. A ceremony is performed, Romeo and Juliet become husband and wife, and the young are overwhelmed with happiness. Meanwhile, Mercutio and Benvolio are sitting on the square, while arguing about something. Tybalt appears and starts mocking them, but sees that Romeo has joined his friends, and immediately switches to him. But Romeo does not say anything to him in response, for Tybalt has already become a relative for him, although he himself does not yet know about it. His words infuriated Mercutio, and they grab their swords. Tybalt mortally drops it, and Mercutio dies in Romeo's arms. For the death of a friend, Romeo whips a sword with Tybalt, and he dies. Romeo is found guilty of such an act and expelled, and if he returns, he will be executed. Exhausted from longing for his wife, Romeo, at night, makes his way to his beloved in the room, and at dawn he leaves. When Juliet's mother entered her daughter's room and saw her crying, the girl explained that it was because of her brother's death. But the mother delighted her daughter that the count was in a hurry with the wedding, and the ceremony would be tomorrow. From such news, the girl's heart is horrified, and she asks her parents to cancel the wedding. She takes a miraculous solution from her brother Lorenzo, which puts her to sleep, drinks it, and by morning she is found without signs of life. Her body is taken to the tomb, where, after the ceremony, Romeo comes, who was not warned about Juliet's plan. Seeing his dead wife, he drinks poison from grief, and falls dead. Lorenzo is late for a moment, and can no longer save Romeo. Waking up, Juliet saw a dead lover, and, unable to bear the loss, killed herself with his dagger. Those who entered the tomb shuddered at what they saw, and, being in tears from grief, Brother Lawrence told them the whole story. Then the prince said that: there will be no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet.

The tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" by Shakespeare has been known since 1597. The plot about the fate of loving hearts, separated by the will of people or circumstances, was widespread in the literature of the Renaissance, when the playwright worked. But it was Shakespeare's genius that created on its basis a genuine literary masterpiece.

The meaning of the work laid down by Shakespeare, according to the well-known literary critic G. Anixt, can be expressed as follows: “a hymn of triumphant love”, “a tragedy of great passion”, “love conquering death”. Read summary"Romeo and Juliet" by Shakespeare stands first of all in order to easily navigate the plot twists and understand "who is who" among the characters when reading the full text of the play.

main characters

Romeo- the son of the Montagues, the beloved of Juliet and her husband.

Juliet- the daughter of the Capulet couple, beloved and wife of Romeo.

Montagues, Capulets two feuding families.

Brother Lorenzo- monk, spiritual father of Romeo.

Other characters

Escalus- Prince of Verona, acts as a judge in the city.

Count Paris- a relative of the prince, in love with Juliet and about to marry her.

Mercutio Romeo's friend, relative of the prince.

Benvolio Romeo's friend, Montague's nephew.

Balthazar Romeo's servant

Nurse Juliet's nanny.

Tybalt Capulet's nephew, Juliet's brother.

choir- reads the prologue to the first two acts, according to the tradition of ancient tragedy, expresses the point of view of the author of the work.

The place and time of the tragedy is medieval Italy, the cities of Verona and Mantua.


The chorus tells that within two hours the viewer will be told tragic story"life, love and death" of children from two warring noble families.

Act one

Scene 1

The action takes place in Verona Square.

Samson and Gregory, servants of the Capulet family, are talking. Samson says that he is ready to fight with any of the Montagues, while Gregory believes that the owners are quarreling, but they don’t need it, they are just servants.

Montague's servants, Abram and Balthazar, appear on the square. Samson provokes a fight. Benvolio sees the servants' fight and wants to stop it. Tybalt, who appeared in the square, ridicules Montague's nephew for "gripping with a peasant." Ignoring Benvolio's words about trying to reconcile the servants, he calls him a coward. A fight begins, in which all the new participants, supporters of the Capulet and Montague houses, enter.

Enter the Capulets, followed by the Signor and Signora Montagues. The heads of the families are going to fight, the wives do not let them do it.

Enraged Escalus, Prince of Verona, appears, orders to stop the "massacre" and "disperse under pain of death."

Except for the Montagues and Benvolio, everyone leaves the square.

The Montagues are concerned about the behavior of their son: he is always saddened by something. Benvolio promises to "get to the mystery" of Romeo.

Romeo appears, but his parents leave. After listening to him, Benvolio realizes that he is in love.

Scene 2

One of the streets of Verona.

Count Paris wants to marry the daughter of Capulet, who is not yet 14 years old. Capulet says that she is too young, that the main thing in this matter is the desire of his daughter, and invites Paris to a holiday that he arranges annually, hoping that there the young man will find another bride for himself.

Romeo and Benvolio learn about the Capulet's party and decide to attend it, where Romeo can see Rosalind, whom he is in love with.

Scene 3

The action takes place in one of the rooms in the Capulet's house.

Signora Capulet tells her daughter that Paris is wooing her, she and the nurse praise the prince. Juliet, who "did not even think" about marriage, out of respect for her parents, promises to "take a closer look" at the groom.

Scene 4

Verona street.

Several mummers, including Benvolio, Mercutio and Romeo, are about to enter the Capulet house for a feast. Romeo anticipates trouble:

"I'm not looking forward to it. Something unknown
What is still hidden in the darkness
But it will be born from this ball,
Untimely shorten my life
Due to some terrible circumstances.

Scene 5

Capulet's house, hall.

At the ball, Romeo sees a girl who is "too bright for the world of ugliness and evil" and understands that "I have not known true beauty until now."

Romeo in the guise of a monk talks to Juliet and kisses her. The nurse recalls Juliet to her mother, and Romeo learns from her that the girl is the daughter of the Capulets, the enemies of his family. Romeo and his friends leave the ball.

Juliet finds out from the nurse that the young man who kissed her is from the Montecchi family. The girl is amazed

"I am the embodiment of a hateful force
Inopportunely, unknowingly, I fell in love!

Act two

Scene 1

The action takes place at the wall of the Capulet garden.

Romeo wants to see once again the one that struck his heart.

Benvolio calls to Romeo, but he does not respond, slips away, jumping over the wall of the garden into the courtyard. Mercutio believes that one should not look for someone "who does not want to be found."

Scene 2

The scene is the Capulet Garden.

Having made his way to the Capulet garden, Romeo sees Juliet on the balcony. Young people talk, and then confess their love to each other. Their happiness is "so exorbitant, so fabulous and wonderful!" Juliet is ready to "follow everywhere" Romeo, her sense of "bottomless".

Romeo goes to his confessor, Father Lorenzo, in order to "take up the marriage" without delay.

Scene 3

Action - in the cell of brother Lorenzo.

Romeo tells his confessor about the meeting with Juliet, asks him to marry his beloved as soon as possible.

In the erupted love of the children of Montecchi and Capulet, Lorenzo sees the "denouement of civil strife" of families.

Scene 4

The place of action is the street.

Benvolio and Mercutio say that Capulet's nephew Tybalt sent a letter to Romeo. It is believed that this is a challenge to a duel. Romeo appears, explains to his friends that he has an important matter.

A nurse appears on the street, she is looking for Romeo. The young man assures her that his intentions are pure and serious, and asks her to tell Juliet that:

"under any pretext
By noon she should come to confession.
Brother Lorenzo will marry us with her.

Scene 5

In the Capulet garden.

The Nurse returns to Juliet and, in an abbreviated form, conveys to her everything she heard from Romeo.

Scene 6

Priest's cell.

Lorenzo's father secretly marries the lovers. “Stormy feelings have a violent end, only in a sense of proportion is true good,” he warns Romeo.

Act three

Scene 1

Verona Square.

Benvolio asks Mercutio to leave, it seems to him that "troubles cannot be avoided" - after all, the Capulets are everywhere. During their conversation, Tybalt appears nearby, arguing with Romeo's friends.

Romeo comes to the square, Tybalt insults him. The young man (now he is a relative of Tybalt) is not going to quarrel, offering to "part as friends". Mercutio, who considers Romeo's behavior a "shame", draws his sword. Romeo tries to stop the fighting, at which point Tybalt wounds Mercutio and hides.

Mercutio is dying. Romeo, in desperation, fights the returned Tybalt and kills him.

Benvolio forces Romeo to leave. Citizens, the prince with his retinue, the Montecchi and Capulet families gather in the square. Benvolio tells the prince what happened.

Prince Escalus is furious (Mercutio is his relative). He decides that Romeo, who killed Tybalt, “for an unauthorized act will immediately be sent to a foreign land,” and he is going to impose a fine on the warring families, whose contention has finally bothered him.

Scene 2

In the Capulet garden.

Juliet is looking forward to Romeo.

The nurse brings the news that Romeo "stabbed Tybalt and into exile". The girl begins to scold Romeo, but, coming to her senses, refuses to blame her husband, who "was not born for shame." The words that her husband was sent into exile plunge Juliet into "despair without edge and without bottom."

The Nurse knows where Romeo is hiding and promises to find him. Juliet gives her a ring for her lover and asks her to tell Romeo to come and say goodbye to her.

Scene 3

In Brother Lorenzo's cell.

The priest informs Romeo, who is hiding in his cell, that by the decision of the prince he was expelled from Verona. The young man is in despair, because the exile will separate him from his wife.

There is a knock on the door - this is the nurse. She learns from Lorenzo that Romeo is "drunk with tears" and says that the same thing happens to Juliet. Hearing that he is the cause of his wife's suffering, Romeo is about to kill himself.

Lorenzo stops him and urges him to behave like a man, because now he is "a wild beast with the blindness of his actions."

"What do you need
Kill yourself and kill yourself
Your wife who lives by you?
How bad is your kind and heaven and earth,
Which are you betraying blasphemy?
They united all in you
Not for breakup. This is how you dishonor
His nature and love and mind.

The confessor explains to Romeo: there is no point in blaming your own fate, because "how many successes are pouring in." Juliet is alive and loves him, no matter how much Tybalt wanted Romeo to die, he is alive, and instead of being executed for murder, he was exiled as a punishment. The monk finds a way out for the young man. At night, Romeo must go on a date with Juliet and calm her down, and then go to Mantua "until there is an occasion to open your marriage and reconcile at home. Then we will beg to be returned.”

The nurse gives Romeo the ring and leaves.

Romeo says goodbye to his spiritual father.

Scene 4

The action takes place in the Capulet house.

Paris talking with the Capulet spouses. They make a joint decision about the wedding, scheduling it in two days. Because of the mourning for Tybalt, the wedding will take place in the presence of the closest people.

Capulet sends his wife to tell Juliet about this.

Scene 5

Juliet's room.

The lovers say goodbye and cannot part.

The nurse warns that the mother is heading towards the girl.

Speaking with her daughter, Signora Capulet tells of her intention to avenge the death of Tybalt and poison Romeo. Keeping up the conversation, Juliet tries not to betray her attitude towards Romeo. Mother announces the decision to marry her to Paris. Juliet refuses marriage.

The father who enters the room hears about the refusal of his daughter. He is furious, does not want to hear an explanation and gives her two days to think,

“And if you are my daughter, then you will marry,
And if not, wander, starve
And you can hang yourself: God is my witness,
Then I am no longer your father."

Parents leave, Juliet asks for advice from the wet nurse. The nanny believes that Romeo is in exile and the girl can enter into a new, more profitable marriage with Paris.

Realizing that the nurse is no longer her ally, Juliet decides to go to Father Lorenzo for help.

act four

Scene 1

In Brother Lorenzo's cell.

Paris talks with a monk about the upcoming wedding. Juliet enters, Paris speaks to her, calling her his wife, but the girl seeks to be alone with Lorenzo. Paris leaves.

Juliet is ready to do anything not to become the wife of Paris.

“I am given to Romeo. Before
I will give my hand with my heart to another,
I will cut off the life of the heart with my hand.

She asks the monk to help, and brother Lorenzo decides to give her "a remedy like death from this shame and misfortune", but warns: it will take courage to use it. Juliet agrees, "determination in love" will help her.

"Everything about
Before I could not hear without trembling,
Now I will not hesitate to do
So as not to violate the loyalty of Romeo.

Lorenzo advises Juliet to return home and inform her parents that she agrees with their marriage decision. On the eve of the wedding day, she will need to drink a potion prepared by a monk. After that, for almost two days, the girl will plunge into a deep sleep, which everyone around will take for death. According to family tradition, Juliet should be buried in the family's crypt in a coffin without a lid. Lorenzo will call Romeo, the two of them will be next to the girl until she wakes up "refreshed". After that, the lovers will be able to leave.

Juliet takes the bottle of drink and leaves, promising to follow Lorenzo's instructions exactly.

Scene 2

The place of what is happening is the Capulet's house.

Signor Capulet gives orders about the wedding. He hopes that Lorenzo will persuade his daughter to accept the right decision. Juliet appears, she asks her father for forgiveness and says that she agrees to the marriage. Satisfied with his daughter's words, Capulet decides to marry Paris and Juliet the next day. She leaves to tell Paris the news.

Scene 3

Juliet's room.

Juliet asks the nurse to leave her alone. The girl is tormented by doubts: either she is frightened by the thought that drinking may not work, then she is afraid that there is poison in the bottle, she doubts whether she can “keep her mind intact” in the crypt. Imagining that the ghost of Tybalt is looking for Romeo, he resolutely drinks a cup of Lorenzo's tincture and instantly falls asleep.

Scene 4

House of the Capulets.

The house is hurriedly preparing for the wedding. Capulet sends the Nurse to wake Juliet.

Scene 5

In Juliet's room.

The nurse wakes Juliet and finds that she is dead.

Brother Lorenzo, Paris, musicians come to the house. Hearing the sad news, everyone suffers in their own way. Capulet "crushed, ridiculed, crippled, mortified", Paris "divorced, deceived, trampled into the mud", for the mother and nurse, this is the worst day of their lives.

Lorenzo intends to shame everyone, explaining that there is no need to grumble, Juliet "the sky shines with eternal life" - she is in paradise. The monk orders to “sprinkle the body with rosemary” and take it to the crypt.

act five

Scene 1

The action takes place on the street of Mantua.

Romeo walks down the street, reflecting on his dream, which he thinks promises joy. In a dream, Romeo saw himself dead, but his wife appeared with a kiss and brought him back to life.

Meets Balthazar, who tells that he saw "Juliet's burial".

Romeo decides to go to Verona and die on the same day next to his beloved. He remembers the beggar pharmacist and goes to buy poison from him.

The pharmacist at first refuses to sell the desired composition, because "in Mantua, those who sell such substances are executed." But "need gives consent", and for a lot of money he gives Romeo the powder. Poured into any liquid, the poison will work from the first sip.

Romeo is about to drink the "saving potion" at Juliet's coffin.

Scene 2

Monk Lorenzo's cell.

The monk Giovanni comes to Romeo's confessor (he was sent to Mantua to Romeo with a letter). It turns out that he could not get to Mantua and deliver the letter. Lorenzo is very worried - the young man has not received important news.

“The letter had a very important meaning.
The delay of these lines threatens with misfortune.

Juliet is about to wake up. The monk decides to go to the tomb and hide Juliet in his cell when she wakes up.

Scene 3

The action takes place in a cemetery.

Paris with a page is sent to the Capulet family crypt to say goodbye to his failed wife. Not wanting to draw attention, Paris orders a servant to warn him if anyone appears in the graveyard. The page whistles when he sees people, and Paris hides in the bushes.

Exit Romeo and Balthazar. Romeo gives the servant a letter for his father and asks him to leave because he wants to look at his beloved one more time.

Seeing Romeo, Paris decides that he is going to desecrate the bodies of Juliet and Tybalt. Not recognizing Paris in the dark, Romeo explains to the young man that he is preparing "reprisal against himself", but he does not believe him. A duel begins, in which Romeo wins. Recognizing the murdered Paris, sympathizing with him, who also loved Juliet, puts the body in the crypt.

Romeo addresses his wife with bitterness and tenderness:

"My love! My wife! End
Though sucked, like honey, your breath,
Can't handle your beauty.
You Have Not Been Defeated: The Banner of Life
It burns in your lips and on your cheeks"

Romeo drinks poison.

Brother Lorenzo hurries to the crypt, runs into Balthazar. Having learned from the servant that Romeo, who knows nothing, has been in the crypt for half an hour, he foresees trouble. On the plates, he sees with horror traces of blood, "crimsoned swords", and, finally, the bodies of Romeo and Paris.

At this moment, Juliet wakes up, she wants to see her husband. “Your dead husband lies at your feet, and Paris is with him,” says the monk and wants to take the girl away to hide her, sending “a nun to the monastery.” “Another power greater than mine warned us,” he concludes bitterly.

Juliet refuses to go, Lorenzo leaves. Juliet sits over her husband's body, discovers a vessel in his hands, realizes that he was poisoned. The girl kisses her husband, hoping to be poisoned along with him by the poison left on her lips. Seeing the dagger, pierces himself and dies.

The page of Paris leads the guard to the crypt. They call the prince, the Montagues, the Capulets, they bring in a weeping Lorenzo.

Seeing the dead, the prince intends to find the "culprit of fanaticism." Montague reports that, unable to bear the separation from his son, his wife died today.

The Montagues and the Capulets look down on their dead children.

Lorenzo leads his tragic story "in a double person - as an accused and an accuser, in order to condemn himself and justify" . It tells about the true cause of the death of the children of Montague and Capulet.

After listening to the monk, Escalus interrogates Balthazar, who tells about everything he saw and heard. The prince reads Romeo's letter, it confirms the monk's words. The Prince of Verona addresses the warring families:

"Where are you, irreconcilable enemies,
And your argument, Capulets and Montagues?
What a lesson for the haters
That the sky is killing you with love!”

Struck by a common grief, the families reconcile. The prince puts an end to the tragedy of families:

“Your approach is shrouded in darkness.
The sun does not shine through the thick clouds.
... a tale of Romeo and Juliet
It will remain the saddest thing in the world ... "


Like hundreds of years ago, the events described in Shakespeare's drama excite our contemporaries with the depth of feelings and characters of the characters. Brief retelling"Romeo and Juliet" will prepare the reader for the perception of the story of the bright and true love of young people, who defeated the long-standing enmity of families.

Tragedy Test

After reading the summary, test your knowledge of Shakespeare's famous work:

Retelling rating

Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 2755.

Title of the work: Romeo and Juliet

Year of writing: 1594-1595

Genre of work: tragedy

Main characters: Romeo- Son of Montague Juliet- Capulet's daughter Tybalt- Juliet's cousin Mercutio Romeo's friend Rosaline- Juliet's cousin

Immerse yourself in the medieval era will help a summary of the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" for reader's diary, from which one can understand that the famous story is not only about love.


There has been a centuries-old feud between the Capulets and the Montagues.

Romeo is in love with Rosaline and is immersed in dreams about her. Mercutio persuades him to sneak into the masked Capulet ball to see his beloved. Romeo forgets about her, noticing Juliet, the most beautiful girl at the ball. She also falls in love with him. They get to know each other and understand what a barrier is between them.

Young people are secretly married.

Tybalt confronts Mercutio and engages him in battle. Romeo tries to separate them. Tybalt kills Mercutio. An enraged Romeo mortally wounds Tybalt. The Duke of Verona drives Romeo out of the city.

Juliet's father informs her that he is marrying her off. She drinks a drug that puts her into a long sleep so that her relatives think she is dead. Romeo learns of Juliet's death and rushes to say goodbye to her. Seeing her, he drinks the poison and dies. Juliet wakes up, sees Romeo and stabs herself with a knife. Families of children stop feuding.


If the families of the main characters were reconciled, then their children and other people who died in vain would still be alive. No one remembers how the war between them began, but the heads of families stubbornly continue to hate each other. Such senseless and unfounded hatred leads to sad consequences - innocent people suffer. Whatever the grievances may be, you need to forgive each other for the sake of future generations.

Libretto by L. Lavrovsky, A. Piotrovsky, S. Radlov, S. Prokofiev based on the tragedy of the same name by W. Shakespeare. Staged by L. Lavrovsky. Artist P. Williams.

Escalus, Duke of Verona.

Paris, young nobleman, fiance of Juliet.


Capulet's wife.

Juliet, their daughter.

Tybalt, nephew of Capulet.

Juliet's Nurse.


Romeo, their son.

Mercutio and Benvolio, friends of Romeo.

Lorenzo, monk.

Samsone, Gregorio, Pietro - servants of the Capulets.

Abramio, Balthazar - servants of the Montagues.

Page of Paris.

Page Romeo.

Juliet's friends.

The owner of the zucchini.



Youth in battle.

Greenery merchant.


In the middle of the orchestral introduction, the curtain moves apart, revealing to the audience a three-leaf triptych painting: on the right - Romeo, on the left - Juliet, in the center - Lorenzo. This is the epigraph to the play.

Verona in the early morning hour. The city is still dormant. Romeo can't sleep alone. He wanders aimlessly through the deserted streets, immersed in dreams of love.

Gradually the streets come to life, early passers-by appear. Stretching lazily, hardly parting with sleep, the maids of the tavern clear the tables.

Servants Gregorio, Samsone and Pietro come out of the Capulet house. They are nice to the maids and start a dance. On the other side of the square, Balthazar and Abramio come out of the Montecchi's house.

Servants of two warring families look sideways at each other, looking for a reason to quarrel. Sharp jokes turn into a squabble, someone pushed someone, and a fight ensued. The weapon is drawn. One of the servants is wounded. Benvolio, Montague's nephew, separates the fighting and tells everyone to disperse. The servants, grumbling with displeasure, obey.

Here is Tybalt, Capulet's nephew. An adventurer and a bully, he is just waiting for an opportunity to fight the hated Montagues. The case presented itself. The fight begins. The Montagues and Capulets run out of their houses at the noise. The fight flares up.

The whole city was in motion. Heavy blows are heard. The Duke of Verona appears. With a movement of the sword, he signals to lay down his weapons. From now on, declares the Duke, whoever starts a fight with a weapon in his hands will be put to death.

The people, satisfied with the order of the Duke, disperse.

Juliet's room. The naughty Juliet cheerfully teases her Nurse, throws pillows at her, runs away from her, and she, awkwardly waddling, tries to catch her.

Merry fuss is violated by Juliet's Mother. Gradually and sternly, she tells her daughter to stop her pranks: after all, Juliet is already a bride. Such a worthy young man as Paris asks for her hand. Juliet laughs back. Then the Mother solemnly brings her daughter to the mirror. Juliet can see for herself - she is quite an adult.

A ball has been announced at the Capulet Palace. Nobles of Verona in festive clothes are sent to the celebration. Accompanied by singers and musicians, Juliet's friends and Paris go to the ball with their page. Animatedly talking and laughing, Mercutio runs through. He is dissatisfied with Romeo, he does not understand his sadness. And Romeo himself cannot figure out what is happening to him. He is tormented by ominous premonitions.

The action is transferred to the hall of the Capulet house. Solemnly seated at the tables, the guests conduct a sedate conversation. The dancing begins. The guests ask Juliet to dance. She agrees. Juliet's dance reveals her purity, charm, and poetry. Romeo entered the hall, unable to take his eyes off her.

Putting on a hilarious mask, Mercutio amuses the guests to tears. Taking advantage of the fact that Mercutio captured the attention of everyone, Romeo approaches Juliet and excitedly tells her about the feeling that has arisen in him. The mask accidentally falls off Romeo's face. Juliet is struck by the beauty and nobility of Romeo. Juliet's heart was also kindled with love.

Tybalt, an unwitting witness to this scene, recognized Romeo. Putting on a mask, Romeo disappears. When the guests disperse, the Nurse informs Juliet that Romeo belongs to the Montecchi family. But nothing can stop Romeo and Juliet. On a moonlit night they meet in the garden.

Juliet is at the mercy of the first outbreak of feelings. Unable to bear even the briefest separation from her beloved, Juliet sends Romeo a letter to be given to him by the Nurse. In search of Romeo, the Nurse and Pietro accompanying her fall into the thick of carnival fun.

Hundreds of citizens are dancing on the square, singing and frolicking. To the sounds of an orchestra, a procession carrying a statue of the Madonna performs.

Some mischievous people tease the Nurse, but she is busy with one thing - she is looking for Romeo. And here he is. The letter has been delivered. Romeo reverently reads Juliet's message. She agrees to become his wife.

Romeo comes to the cell of Father Lorenzo. He tells Lorenzo about his love for Juliet and asks to marry them. Touched by the purity and strength of the feelings of Romeo and Juliet, Lorenzo agrees. And when Juliet enters the cell, Lorenzo blesses their union.

And on the squares of Verona, the carnival is noisy and sparkling. Among the merry Veronians, Romeo's friends are Mercutio and Benvolio. Seeing Mercutio, Tybalt starts a quarrel and challenges him to a duel. Romeo, who came to the rescue at this time, tries to calm the quarreling, but Tybalt taunts Romeo, calling him a coward. And when Romeo withdraws Mercutio's sword to prevent bloodshed, Tybalt inflicts a fatal blow on Mercutio. Overcoming the pain, Mercutio tries to joke, he dances, but his movements weaken, and he falls dead.

Beside himself with grief, avenging his beloved friend, Romeo enters into battle with Tybalt and kills him.

Juliet's mother runs out of the Capulet house. She calls for revenge. Benvolio leads Romeo away, who must flee immediately.

At night, Romeo secretly sneaks into Juliet's room to see his beloved before parting ... Dawn is approaching. Lovers say goodbye for a long time. Finally Romeo leaves.

Morning. The Nurse enters, followed by Juliet's parents. They report that the day of her wedding to Paris has been fixed. Juliet begs Mother and Father to spare her, not to force her into a hated union with the unloved. The will of the parents is unshakable. The father raises his hand to Juliet. She desperately resorts to Lorenzo. He gives Juliet a potion, after drinking which she will fall into a deep sleep, similar to death. Only Romeo will know the truth. He will return for her and take her secretly from the open crypt. Juliet happily accepts Lorenzo's plan.

Returning home and pretending to be submissive, she agrees to marry Paris. Left alone, Juliet drinks the potion. When her friends come in the morning to dress her up for the wedding, they find the bride dead. The news of Juliet's death reaches Mantua, where Romeo has fled. Overwhelmed with grief, he hurries to Verona. The funeral cortege is moving. Juliet rests in an open coffin. The coffin is placed in the family tomb. Everyone leaves. Night. Romeo runs into the cemetery. He falls to the tomb, says goodbye to Juliet and drinks the poison.

Juliet wakes up. Consciousness and memory do not immediately return to her. But when she sees herself in the cemetery, she remembers everything. Her gaze falls on Romeo. She rushes to him. Saying goodbye to him, saying goodbye to life, Juliet is stabbed with Romeo's dagger.

The old Montagues and Capulets approach the grave. In horror, they look at the dead children. Then they stretch out their hands to each other and swear in the name of life, in the memory of two beautiful creatures, to end the enmity forever.

Two prehistory of the appearance of Kenneth Macmillan's ballet Romeo and Juliet are known: Macmillan created his production after F. Ashton (1955), or - the choreographer was inspired by the troupe's touring performances Bolshoi Theater in October 1956 in London. The probability of the second version is indicated, in particular, by the names of S. Prokofiev and S. Radlov (as the authors of the libretto) in the credits of the film-ballet Romeo and Juliet performed by the La Scala troupe with A. Ferri and A. Koreya in the main roles. The American critic E. Porter also believed (1973) that C. Macmillan borrowed some structural solutions of ensembles from J. Cranko (1958).

K. Macmillan initially staged the ballet for L. Seymour and K. Gable in Covent Garden, but the premiere, which took place on February 9, 1965, was danced by M. Fontaine and R. Nureyev. The performance was a great success, the artists were called to bow 43 times.

The version of C. Macmillan is distinguished by the inventive and beautiful duets of Juliet and Romeo, Juliet and Paris, the strengthening of Romeo's dance party (sometimes at the expense of other characters, for example, part of the image of Mercutio - both meaningfully and musically - takes on Romeo), while variations Romeos consist mainly of jumps, as well as an increase in the dramatic play of artists on stage in the spirit of realism. K. Macmillan's production can be called one of the most emotional versions of the ballet Romeo and Juliet.

[compiled according to the video version of the La Scala ballet]

Ballet in 3 acts, 13 scenes
Music by S. Prokofiev

Choreography by C. Macmillan

Sets and costumes by N. Georgiadis

(when the curtain is closed)


Picture one

Market Square of Verona. Early morning. Romeo comes out, he tries to declare his love to Rosaline, who rejects him. Romeo joins his friends Mercutio and Benvolio.

With the onset of the day, the square is filled with merchants and peasants. Romeo looks on dreamily.

Romeo with friends dances with street girls, flirts with them. Each of the three couples has their own little dance. The people of the House of Capulet appear.

5. Quarrel
Tybalt and his friends insult one of the girls. A fight breaks out.

Mass scene of a fight with swords. In the finale, the fathers of the Montecchi and Capulet families appear with swords.

The Duke of Verona appears, orders everyone to stop the quarrel. On both sides, the dead are mourned, then they are dragged into one heap in the middle of the stage.

The Duke forces the heads of the two warring houses to shake hands. At his command, everyone lays down their weapons on the ground, but hostility remains.

Picture two

(when the curtain is closed)

Juliet's room in the Capulet house. To the right and left are large bird cages. The Nurse sits in the room. Juliet runs in with a doll and begins to play with the Nurse. Juliet's father and mother enter with Paris, who is predicted to be Juliet's suitor. A small duet of Juliet and Paris. After the guests leave, Juliet again takes up the doll, but the Nurse reminds her that her childhood is already over, she will soon have to get married.

Picture three

The area in front of the gates of the Capulet house. Pass invited to the ball guests. Tybalt welcomes everyone. Here is Romeo with friends in masks. Rosalina appears. Tybalt gives her a rose. Romeo draws Rosaline's attention to himself. Rosaline leaves with Tybalt, dropping a rose for Romeo.

Pas de trois Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio (without masks). The dance is permeated with humor and play. In the finale, the friends put on masks and raincoats again and decide to follow Rosalina to the Capulet's house.

Picture Four

Ballroom in the Capulet house. In the background in the center is a wide staircase. Guests are dancing, on the proscenium - Tybalt, Paris. Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio appear on the stairs. After a while - Juliet and the Nurse. Romeo is looking for Rosalina, dancing with her in a pair. Juliet comes to the middle of the stage. Duet of Juliet with Paris, in the finale of which Romeo and Juliet meet eyes. The dance of the knights continues.

The girls start dancing. Then comes the Romeo variation. Romeo's dance is to Juliet, who is playing the mandolin. In the finale, Paris takes Juliet away from Romeo.

At the end of the variation, Romeo joins Juliet's dance. All dancers pay attention to them.

Variation of Mercutio. In the middle is an insert - No. 26 (NURSE), Benvolio dances to this music. By the end, the stage is empty. Only Tybalt and Mercutio remain, and soon they leave.

Juliet appears, followed by Romeo. They are drawn to each other. However, the Nurse, Lady Capulet, Tybalt and Paris alternately appear on the scene, and Romeo has to constantly hide from them. Finally, the young people are left alone. Romeo takes off his mask. Duet of Romeo and Juliet.

Tybalt appears and tells Romeo to leave. The Capulet couple appear and, in accordance with the laws of hospitality, allow Romeo to stay. The Nurse tells Juliet who Romeo is.

18. GAVOT (Departure of guests)
Ballroom. The ball continues. Romeo dances without a mask among the guests, sometimes meeting with Juliet, then with Tybalt. Gradually, the guests disperse.

Fifth painting

18. GAVOT (Departure of guests)
The gate of the Capulet house, from which guests come out. Tybalt follows Romeo. But Capulet forbids Tybalt to pursue Romeo.

sixth picture

Night. Garden at the Capulet house. Juliet steps out onto the balcony. Romeo runs in with a cloak. Juliet comes down to him.

Consists mainly of jumps.

Features a variety of supports. Romeo and Juliet declare their love and swear allegiance.


Seventh picture

Market Square of Verona. Here life is in full swing, young people are dancing - three girls are the soloists.

Romeo appears. One of the girls calls him to dance, but he is lost in his thoughts. Mercutio and Benvolio run in.

Romeo nevertheless begins to dance, as if testing his feelings. His friends join him. In the middle is an insert - No. 31 (FOLK DANCE AGAIN). To this music, a wedding procession appears on the stage. Romeo thinks.

Continuation of the general dance.

dance Street musicians, artists.

The Nurse is looking for Romeo to deliver a note from Juliet. Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio put on masks and make fun of the Nurse.

Romeo happily reads the note and runs away.

Eighth picture

Cell of Pater Lorenzo. The monk is immersed in prayer. Romeo runs in, gives Father Lorenzo Juliet's note.

The Nurse appears, followed by Juliet. Wedding scene.

Ninth picture

People continue to have fun in the square. Tybalt appears in the background with his comrades.

Couples dancing, including the couple in marriage (appeared in the 7th scene)

Tybalt quarrels with Mercutio. Romeo returns, tries to reconcile them. Tybalt bullies Romeo, but he refuses to fight.

The episode is not dance. Tybalt wounds Mercutio.

[The scene is exceptionally similar to the one staged by L. Lavrovsky]

In the finale, Mercutio makes a gesture that can be interpreted as Plague, take both of your families!

35. ROMEO DECIDES TO avenge the death of MERCUTIO
Expressive non-dance scene. Romeo kills Tybalt.

[The scene is also built in the spirit of L. Lavrovsky's production]

Lady Capulet mourns Tybalt, throws herself at Romeo with a sword. Romeo is desperate. In the finale on the stage - the Capulet couple over the body of Tybalt.

[pantomime predominates in act 3]

Tenth picture

(when the curtain is closed)

Juliet's bedroom. Duet of Romeo and Juliet (various supports).

The duet smoothly transitions into this musical theme. After a long kiss, Romeo escapes by jumping off the balcony.

The Nurse enters, followed by Juliet's parents and Paris. Musical themes No. 11 (Minuet) and No. 38 (ROMEO AND JULIET) sound.

41 Juliet Refuses To Marry Paris
Juliet rejects Paris, angering her father. Theme No. 13 sounds (DANCE OF THE KNIGHTS)

Juliet's monologue is built on a dramatic game, emotionally expressive.

Juliet Run - Juliet puts on a cloak, runs around the stage in a circle and hides in the left wings.

Eleventh painting

Conversation with Father Lorenzo. The monk offers Juliet a sleeping potion.


Twelfth picture

Juliet's bedroom. Juliet is back. There is a conversation with her parents, Juliet agrees to marry Paris. Little duet with Paris.

Drama, naturalism of experiences. At the end of the scene, Juliet drinks a drink.

Juliet's six friends are dancing. They are trying to wake her up.

The Nurse enters with a dress for Juliet. Then mother and father Capulet. Everyone understands that Juliet is dead. General despair.

Thirteenth painting

Family vault of the Capulets. In the middle of it lies Juliet. Torchlight funeral procession. Here are Juliet's parents, Paris and the Nurse. Romeo secretly appears, he cries. Everyone leaves, Paris remains in the crypt to say goodbye to Juliet. Romeo kills him. Then he runs to Juliet, hugs her to him, dances with her, but Juliet does not wake up. Then Romeo drinks the poison and dies.

Juliet wakes up. Discovers first dead Paris, then Romeo. Juliet takes Paris's dagger and stabs herself with it.

Final scene: Romeo lies on his back, arms outstretched, head down on the stairs at Juliet's coffin (head to the audience), Juliet in the same position on the bed of the coffin, touching Romeo's hand.

Ekaterina Karavanova

S.S. Prokofiev, Op. 64

Ballet in 4 acts, 9 scenes

Clavier: Music Publishing House, 1991 Moscow.

1. INTRODUCTION (With curtain closed) Allegro assai

The curtain opens


Picture one

2. ROMEO (Andante)
3. THE STREET WAKES UP (Allegretto)

4. MORNING DANCE (Allegro) was written by the composer at the request of L. Lavrovsky on the basis of the Scherzo from the Second Piano Sonata.

5. Quarrel (Allegro brusco)

6. FIGHT (Presto)

7. ORDER OF THE DUKE (Andante)

8. INTERLUDE (Andante pompozo)

Picture two

9. PREPARING FOR THE BALL (Juliet and the Nurse) (Andante assai. Scherzando)
10. JULIET-GIRL (Vivace)

11. CONGRESS OF GUESTS (Minuet) (Assai Moderato)

12. MASKS (Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio in masks) (Andante marciale)

13. DANCE OF THE KNIGHTS (Allegro pesante. Side theme: Juliet dances with Paris. Poco piu Tranquillo, then repeated main topic"Dance")



16. MADRIGAL (Andante tenero)


18. Gavotte (Allegro)

19. BALCONY SCENE (Larghetto)

20. ROMEO VARIATION (Allegretto amoroso)

21. LOVE DANCE (Andante)


Picture three

22. FOLK DANCE (Allegro giocoso)
23. ROMEO AND MERCUTIO (Andante tenero)



26. Nurse (Adagio scherzoso)


Picture Four

28. ROMEO AT PATER LORENZO (Andante espressivo)

Picture Five

31. FOLK DANCE AGAIN (Allegro giocoso)


Returns from Lorenzo and tries to reconcile them) (Moderato)


34. MERCUTIO DIES (Moderato)

35. ROMEO DECIDES TO avenge the death of MERCUTIO (Andante. Animato)



Picture six

37. INTRODUCTION (Andante)
38. ROMEO AND JULIET (Juliet's Bedroom) (Lento)


40. Nurse (Andante assai)


42. JULIET ONE (Adagio)

43. INTERLUDE (Adagio)

Picture seven

44. AT LORENZO (Andante)
45. INTERLUDE (L'istesso tempo)

Picture eight

46. ​​AGAIN WITH JULIET (Moderato tranquillo)

48. MORNING SERENADE (Mandolins backstage) (Andante giocoso)

49. DANCE OF THE GIRLS WITH LILIES (Andante con eleganza)

50. JULIET'S BED (Andante asai)


Scene nine

51. JULIET'S FUNERAL (Adagio funebre)
52. DEATH OF JULIET (Juliet wakes up, commits suicide, dies, hugging Romeo. The crowd approaches timidly) (Adagio meno mosso del tempo precendente)

NB: No. 18 GAVOT - plug-in, taken from the "Classical Symphony"

Of Shakespeare's 37 dramatic works, Romeo and Juliet is the first mature tragedy to become the focus of early period creativity, which researchers call humanistic or optimistic. The work of the Renaissance is rightfully considered a masterpiece of world classical literature.

The play, which leaves no one indifferent, tells about the high sincere love of a young man and a girl from two warring clans, has been firmly established in the repertoires of academic and experimental theaters around the world for several centuries. The relevance and depth of its problems, as well as the skill of creating characters, the work awakens to creative accomplishments not only theatrical creators, but also film directors who gave the world several dozen adaptations of the famous tragedy.

The work is written on the basis of a wandering plot, literary adaptations of which are known in the works of ancient, Italian, French and English authors. However, Shakespeare's variation of the well-known plot received world recognition. Blatant problems, a multifaceted plot, rich images - all this makes the play of the English classic a great achievement of world drama.

William Shakespeare. "Romeo and Juliet": a summary

Already from the first lines of the work, it becomes clear that between the noble families of Verona Montecchi and the Capulets, an irreconcilable enmity has long been going on, which not only embraced all relatives of the clans, but also their servants. A conflict ensues between the latter, witnessed by the public and the duke (in some translations, the prince). He commands to stop this endless war, otherwise the guilty will be punished. Benvolio was also a participant in the conflict. He tells about what happened to his friend and relative Romeo - the son of Montecchi. However, all this does not disturb him, since his mind is occupied with heavy thoughts about unrequited love to Rosaline, without whom he does not see the meaning of life. The young people are joined by their third friend - Mercutio, a relative of the duke.

Having accidentally met the servant of the Capulets, the young men learn that a masquerade ball will take place in their house. To dispel a friend, the guys decide, dressed in masks, will go there. Before the masquerade, a relative of the duke, Paris, asks the Capulet for the hand of his daughter. Father, referring to her young age - 14 years old, still does not refuse a noble and rich young man.

Before entering the Capulet house, Romeo felt a premonition that something irreparable would happen that would shorten his life, and it would be born at this ball. At the masquerade, Romeo and Juliet see each other, and love pierces their hearts like an arrow. Romeo tells her of his admiration. Capulet's nephew Tybalt recognizes him by his voice and grabs his sword. The hosts stop him, not seeing anything wrong with the fact that Romeo attended their celebration, but Tybalt still harbors a grudge.

Acquaintance and wedding

From the nurse Juliet, the lovers in turn learn that they are the children of sworn enemies, but this does not affect their ardent feelings. Romeo spent the whole night under Juliet's balcony. In the morning they already swore to each other in eternal love and thought about how to secretly get married. Father Lorenzo and the nanny became the lovers' assistants. On the same evening, the young people got married.

Meanwhile, Tybalt wants to get even with Romeo, but meets his friends, with whom he enters into a heated skirmish. Romeo arrives and tries to prevent the conflict, considering Tybalt already his brother. Trying to protect the honor of a friend, Mercutio enters into battle with Tybalt, in which he dies. Before his death, Mercutio sounds one of the most important phrases works: "A plague on both your houses." Tybalt appears again, and an enraged Romeo kills him, after which he hides in the cell of Father Lorenzo. The duke appears on the square, who sentences Romeo to exile in the city of Mantua.

This news was tantamount to death for Romeo, because he will be forced to part with his beloved, who probably already hates him for killing his brother. He is comforted by the nurse, saying that Juliet's love for him is stronger than the pain due to the death of Tybalt. Lovers say goodbye and languish in suffering before a close separation.

Paris reappears and Capulet sets the date for the wedding. Juliet refuses, causing her parents to disown her. She goes for advice to Father Lorenzo, who has figured out how to save her from remarriage and help loving hearts. On the night before the wedding, she must drink a potion that will put her to sleep for two days. Everyone will assume that she is dead, and they will take her to the family crypt. Juliet did everything as the holy father ordered. The Capulet family and Paris sadly see her off on her last journey. Meanwhile, Lorenzo sends a messenger to Romeo to be there when Juliet wakes up.

Due to the cholera epidemic, the messenger was not released from the city, and he could not convey the message to Romeo, to whom his servant Balthazar had already arrived and reported on the death of Juliet. The newly-made husband does not want to live without his beloved anymore, and having bought poison, he goes to Verona to share with his wife last resort.

Paris comes to the Capulet crypt to say goodbye to the bride, where Romeo also appears. A duel ensues between them, as a result of which Paris dies. In front of the coffin, Romeo admires the chosen one, who is beautiful and fresh, as in life. Saying goodbye to his beloved, he drinks poison and dies. Lorenzo doesn't have time to stop him. The noise outside distracted the holy father from the coffin in which Juliet woke up. Seeing Romeo dead, she kisses him to taste the poison and, piercing herself with a dagger, falls near her husband.

The Capulet family, Father Montague, the duke and the city society gathered at the tomb, to whom Lorenzo told a tragic love story. As a result, the fathers of the warring families, united by grief, shook hands, promising to erect golden monuments to their children. And the duke summed up: despite the reconciliation of families, the story of Romeo and Juliet will remain the saddest in the world.

Character characteristics

The system of characters in the tragedy is quite developed. In addition to the main acting characters, there are many secondary characters in the work: messengers, servants, cooks, musicians, townspeople and others. Shakespeare conditionally attributed all the characters to the two warring camps of Montague and Capulet.

But there are characters who do not belong to clans and carry, perhaps, the most important semantic load - Father Lorenzo and the Duke. They are fair and honest towards everyone. Each, for his part, is trying to reconcile the families, but only the main characters succeed - Romeo and Juliet at the cost of their lives. The images of the main characters have long become common nouns as symbols of eternal, sincere and selfless love. They are ready to put everything on the altar of their love: wealth, honor, name and even life.

The main ideas of the work

"Romeo and Juliet" is the personification of the author's humanistic ideas about the freedom of choice of a person, his ability to independently build his life. The author does not share the mercantile views of his father in the desire to marry his daughter to a rich and promising groom. From this arises social problem in the work. Juliet's disobedience reflects the breaking of family relations and the principles of education of the Renaissance, the desire for the right to personal happiness. Father Lorenzo, violating certain principles, helps the young, which confirms another moral idea of ​​​​the work - it is love that is the basis of marriage.

William Shakespeare's very popular comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream has several storylines, which intersect throughout the work.

One of the masterpieces of world literature is Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet", full of social and philosophical reflections and rich in intricate plot intrigues.

The death of heroes suggests that the main idea of ​​Shakespeare's dramatic work is the unwillingness and unworthiness of society to understand and appreciate ideal love, it has no place among people who value principles, wealth, status. Dying, the heroes made their love immortal.
