Everyone gives injections to young children. How to give an injection in a child’s buttock: a video describing the injection rules. How to give an injection to a small child

In many cases, the medicine is recommended to be administered intramuscularly. With this method, the gastrointestinal tract is not injured, the drug is quickly distributed by the blood throughout the body. The word “intramuscular” in relation to adults means an injection into the gluteal muscle, but when it comes to children, everything is not so simple.

Technique for giving injections to young children

How successfully the child’s first injection is given will determine his attitude towards this procedure for the rest of his life. Therefore, if you decide to give it to your baby yourself, be calm and confident. He will certainly feel any excitement. Act quickly, clearly and accurately. Then the procedure will be the least painful for you and the baby.

Choose syringes depending on the volume of the drug administered. Give preference to thin and short needles. If you need to inject 1 or 2 ml, you can purchase insulin syringes.

Psychological preparation of the baby

By playing “doctor,” you can find out all the secrets from children or help them adjust psychologically. The easiest way to prepare your child is at home. In this case, the main role (in our case, the girl is a nurse, and the boy is a nurse) should go to him.

First, let's get acquainted with the syringe. Buy them in excess so that you can trust your child to open the package on their own and insert the needle (closed with a protective cap!) onto the syringe. Show how the piston moves, draw in water and release it. Then give the injection to a plush toy.

Never leave a child alone with a needle. At the end of the game, check all the medical equipment you used. For example, you can tell your child that the doctor must report on the materials used. Look at them before you start playing, bag them up right after and make sure everything is in place.

If you are confident in your patient's reaction and behavior, invite him to very gently touch the tip of the needle. Tell them that it is so sharp specifically so that the injection is least painful for the patient.

Be honest. Do not downplay the pain from the injection. It’s better to focus your baby’s attention on the benefits of it. For example, vitamins will help him grow faster and slide down that big hill that he wants to climb on a walk. The cure is to get well soon and go get some ice cream.

Preparing for the injection

Immediately before the procedure, do the following:

  • wash your hands with soap;
  • prepare cotton wool, alcohol (or buy disposable wipes at the pharmacy in advance for treating injection sites), a syringe in a closed original package, an ampoule with the drug;
  • open the syringe and ampoule;
  • draw the drug into the syringe and release excess air;
  • treat the needle insertion site;
  • securely secure the child, be prepared for him to begin to resist;
  • quickly insert the needle, slowly inject the drug and remove it, pressing it with a cotton pad at the end;
  • treat the wound.

If you are giving an injection in the leg, then sit the child on your lap, press his arms to your chest with your hand, and fix his legs. If in the buttock, then place the baby on your lap, butt up, while pressing his legs with one foot, and lightly pressing on his back with your hand.

If you are afraid that the child will twitch and you will not be able to immediately find the correct place to insert the needle, first mark a dot with a green dot. It's harmless, and you'll feel safer.

When you're finished, praise your baby. If he didn't behave the way you agreed, he still managed. Analyze how he felt and at what point something went wrong. Next time everything will certainly be better!

Where to inject?

The injection site depends on the patient's age. In the first years of life, the injection is given only in the upper thigh. As a rule, the phrase “the first years of life” means infancy up to 3 years. This depends not only on age, but also on body type and weight. Small and thin children will take longer to receive hip injections than their larger peers.

This place for children was not chosen by chance. The thing is that in babies the vessels and nerves are located closer to the skin simply because they are small both in age and size. To reduce the risk of the needle getting into the sciatic nerve or vein, injections are given in the thigh. It's safer this way.

An intramuscular injection should be given to a child over 3 years of age in the buttock. To do this, half the butt is mentally divided into 4 squares, and the syringe needle is inserted into the center of the upper square, which is closer to the edge of the butt.

If you inject regularly, alternate where the needle is inserted. That is, if today you injected your right leg or right buttock, then tomorrow you inject into the left side of the body. When you inject into your right leg again, step back from the previous wound by 1-2 cm in different directions.

How to properly administer the needle and drug?

Before inserting the needle, you need to grab the skin with two fingers, as if you were trying to pinch a child. The distance between them should be approximately 3-4 cm. When you are already holding the child with one hand and giving an injection with the other, ask someone to help you.

The needle should be inserted quickly and carefully, perpendicular to the baby's body part. If you hesitate, you will only increase the patient’s torment. Press the plunger slowly and smoothly so that the drug enters the body gradually.

Removing the syringe

Before removing the needle, press a cotton swab soaked in alcohol near the injection site, and then quickly pull the needle out. Lightly massage around the wound. This will disinfect it and disperse the drug through the capillaries in the muscle, preventing it from accumulating at one point. Then you can cover the wound with a band-aid for 15 minutes to prevent dirt from getting into it.

Possible errors and complications after injection

Unfortunately, even experienced nurses do not always give injections to children without consequences. No one is immune from mistakes, but this is not a reason to refuse injections. When you have information and know how to react in different situations, you can help your baby.

ComplicationWhy did this happen?What to do?
Hard ball or lump at the injection siteThe drug did not dissolve or due to incorrect injection technique it was injected subcutaneouslyApply Traumeel, Levomekol or iodine mesh to the seal
Abscess (suppuration of the wound)Dirt got into the wound or sterility was not maintained during the procedureContact a doctor (surgeon)
Bruise (hematoma, hemorrhage)The needle touched a vessel or the drug was injected too quicklyThe hematoma will go away on its own; to speed up this process, it can be smeared with heparin ointment
Air infiltration (seal, lump)There is air left in the syringeThe painful lump will go away on its own, but you can lubricate it with Traumeel or Levomekol
The needle hit the sciatic nerve (instant burning pain)The needle is too long or the injection site is chosen incorrectlyImmediately remove the needle and consult a doctor

There are few complications after injections. The lumps are not scary; in most cases they go away on their own, without causing significant discomfort to young patients. The most serious complication is an abscess. Body tissues literally dissolve into pus, but this only happens in advanced cases.

How to learn to give injections yourself at home?

Learning how to give injections correctly is not at all difficult. In this matter, however, as in any other, practice is needed. You can train on grapes - they have delicate skin and small size.

You can watch special training videos. Including those that teach future doctors. They will help you better understand exactly where and how the injection should be given. With each new injection you will act more confidently and faster. By observing the child's reaction, you will select the optimal rate of drug administration.

To treat many diseases, the doctor often prescribes intramuscular injections. However, no one wants to visit the hospital several times a day to get an injection, so you need to learn how to do these simple but important actions yourself.

We will tell you in this article how to give an injection in the buttock in order to cause the patient a minimum of discomfort and ensure deep penetration of the medicine.

Anatomical features

Intramuscular administration medicines– a convenient and common type of treatment. Intramuscular injections should be given to those areas of the body where the largest accumulation of muscle mass is located. In addition, the choice of injection site is influenced by the distant location of blood vessels and nerve endings.

The following areas of the body are suitable in this regard:

  • Hip;
  • Hand;
  • Buttocks.

An intramuscular injection into the buttock is the easiest and most convenient way to administer the medicine. Even a beginner can cope with it.

The fact is that the largest layer of muscles is located in the buttocks, and there are very few nerve endings there, so a person, as a rule, does not experience pain.

After administration of the drug, a depot appears in the muscle tissue. From it, the drug enters the blood vessels through the vessels, and then spreads to all organs and tissues.


For intramuscular injections, you need to purchase long needles designed for this type of injection, which are injected almost the entire length. Short needles or improper insertion will allow the medication to penetrate the skin, causing inflammation.

Let's look at how to properly give an intramuscular injection.


Before placing an injection in the buttock, you should carry out some preparatory steps.

  • Wash your hands with soap;
  • If there are special antiseptics, treat your hands with them, wiping each finger;
  • Prepare everything you need to perform the injection: an ampoule with medicine, a blade for opening it, cotton swabs or balls, a disinfectant, a disposable syringe (for adults its volume is 5 ml, for children 2 ml is enough);
  • Determine the area of ​​the buttocks where you will inject the injection.

The last point should be discussed in more detail, since injections into the buttock are given only in a certain area.

The buttock area is visually divided into 4 parts. If it is difficult for you to imagine mentally drawn lines, you can draw zones with iodine.

The injection is placed in the second outer part, since it is the ideal place for these purposes: it has the fewest nerve endings and large vessels. In addition, there is practically no chance that you will hit the sciatic nerve with a needle, and the medicine immediately penetrates into the muscle and not into the fat layer.

The lower injection areas are not suitable and the first part is too close to the spine.

Let's start opening the ampoule.

  • It would be a good idea to read the name to make sure that you are injecting the right medicine and check the expiration dates;
  • Shake the bottle and tap it so that the product sinks to the bottom;
  • Use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to wipe the thin part of the ampoule;
  • Using a special nail file, sharply swipe the neck of the ampoule several times;
  • Wrap the ampoule with a napkin and press firmly on the neck.

After opening the ampoule, release the syringe from the packaging and, without removing the protective cap, connect it to the needle.

Remove the cap and plunge the needle into the ampoule. Pull the piston towards you and make sure that the medicine fills the syringe evenly.

We place the syringe with the needle up and slowly release the air from it by pressing the piston until drops of the product appear at the tip of the needle. Cover the needle with a cap.


If the doctor prescribed you an intramuscular injection into the buttock, and the medicine turns out to be a powder, it should be dissolved in a special solution. Which “solvent” to use for a particular product is indicated in the instructions for use.

In this case, you need to act like this:

  • We draw the solution into a syringe;
  • Remove the metal rim on the lid of the bottle with powder;
  • Insert a needle into the rubber cap and let in the solution;
  • Shake the bottle thoroughly so that the medicine is completely dissolved;
  • Turn the bottle over and draw the product into the syringe;
  • Change the needle;
  • We give an injection.

Performing an injection

Having completed all the necessary preparatory steps, we begin to inject the medicine into the gluteal muscle.

Knowing how to give injections correctly is very important, because if the rules for performing injections are violated, complications may arise that will aggravate the patient’s condition.

  • Place the person on their stomach or side;
  • Use a cotton swab soaked in antiseptic to wipe the area where you will inject;
  • Hold the syringe in your right hand;
  • If you are injecting an adult, stretch the skin; if you give an injection, gather the skin into a fold;
  • With a quick and sharp movement, maintaining an angle of 90 degrees, insert the needle ¾ into the marked part of the buttock;
  • Slowly press down on the plunger while injecting the medicine;
  • After the injection, apply a cotton swab soaked in antiseptic to the needle and quickly remove the syringe;
  • Wipe the injection site with a cotton swab, lightly massaging the muscle.


There are rules that must be followed when administering medication intramuscularly:

  • Do not use a disposable syringe several times;
  • You cannot inject the medicine into the same buttock, they need to be alternated;
  • If you need to give several injections at once, do them in different buttocks or step back a few centimeters from the previous injection.

Separately, I would like to dwell on how to give an injection to a child, because babies are restless and very susceptible to pain.

An injection in the butt of a child is given in the same way as for an adult. However important point is the psychological component. The baby needs to be calmed down and placed on your lap. Be sure to make sure your hands are warm. Massage the gluteal muscles to help your child relax. Next, proceed according to the scheme described above.

Unpleasant consequences

We have already figured out how to give injections. When performing them, you should strictly follow the rules mentioned above. After all, if the injection is given incorrectly, the person will face such consequences.

Any prescription of injections signifies the seriousness of the situation and the complexity of the disease, however, children have to be given injections quite often. There are many reasons for this, one of which is complications after the disease. In inpatient treatment, injections are common practice, but it happens that the child can stay at home if it is possible to give him an injection. In addition, injections can relieve acute conditions, including extremely high temperatures.

Injections for children: how to do it yourself

Photo by Shutterstock

Types of injections

Injections are given not only in the butt - depending on the purpose and method of administration, intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous injections are distinguished. Subcutaneous medications are administered when there is no need to achieve an immediate effect or when it is necessary for the drug to act for a long time. For example, this is how most childhood vaccinations are done.

Intravenous administration of the drug is carried out when an immediate effect of the substance is required

This injection requires strict adherence to the rules of implementation, it is technically complex, therefore intravenous injection and placement of a drip is the responsibility of a medical professional exclusively.

Another thing is intramuscular injection. This is the method used to carry out the vast majority of injections. There are several favorable places for intramuscular injections: thigh, buttocks, shoulder. Preference is given to the buttocks.

How to give an intramuscular injection to a child

When injecting a child yourself, it is important to know where to inject and to strictly follow the sequence of actions during the manipulation.

You will need:

  • ampoule with medicine
  • injection syringe
  • sterile cotton wool
  • alcohol

Choose a syringe with the thinnest possible needle, which will make the injection less painful. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and dry them with a sterile cloth. Using massage movements, knead the baby's buttock.

Open the bottle of medicine using cotton wool soaked in alcohol and open a disposable injection syringe. Make sure that the syringe plunger is lowered all the way, that is, there is no air in it. Draw the medicine into the syringe in a slightly larger quantity than necessary. Holding the syringe vertically, with the needle up, release the air that has formed inside the syringe and the excess amount of the drug.

In an attempt to maintain the health of their children, parents trust professional health workers to give injections to their children. But sometimes things like this happen life situations, when such an opportunity does not present itself, and the child needs to be given an injection immediately. At the same time, parents are wondering how to give injections to their children so that everything is correct. In principle, injection skills will not interfere with any adult. But parents especially need this knowledge, since it can come in handy at the most unexpected moment.

Types of injections

In medicine, there is a division of injections into several types, which differ in their purpose and, accordingly, the injection site:

  1. Subcutaneous injections. Such injections are characterized by the introduction medicines directly under the skin. Most often, this type of injection is given to children in the hospital, as vaccinations.
  2. Intramuscular injections- the most common type of injection. They can, like the first type of injection, be used for preventive vaccinations, as well as for emergency treatment of children. Intramuscular injections are given to children very often, both in the hospital and at home. In this case, antibiotics, antipyretics and vitamin-containing agents can be administered.
  3. Intravenous injections require special medical skills, since they are the most complex and dangerous type of injection of all those listed. Children are given intravenous injections in the most extreme cases and only by medical workers.

When wondering how to properly inject a child yourself, you need to understand that we are only talking about injections of the 2nd type, that is, intramuscularly. Only such injections can be given to children outside the hospital walls, without serious medical training.

Rules and features of the procedure

The procedure for administering intramuscular injections to children is quite simple, but requires adults to strictly follow certain rules. Considering the young age of children, there are several features when giving an injection:

  • collection general information about subsequent medical manipulation (watching a training video, reading articles, a clear example from a nurse);
  • It is advisable to have an assistant if the children are very young;
  • give injections to children only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • follow the rules of asepsis using hygiene products;
  • use only disposable medical instruments;
  • the importance of psychological preparation of the child before the procedure, taking into account age and temperament.

Psychological attitude

It is impossible to exclude preliminary psychological preparation of children before the injection. It is this category of patients that really needs it.

Parents should tell their child in advance about what he will experience. Explain why this procedure is necessary and what effect will follow. The emphasis should be on the benefits of the injection, and not on its pain. Before administering the injection, you can play “doctor” with your child, or read a book, showing and telling what actions are performed during this process. That is, during the psychological preparation of children, it is necessary to tune them into the desired wavelength and help them relax. Only after this do you begin to carry out the necessary manipulations.

If the baby is very small, this method is not suitable. Here the main place is given to the emotions with which the mother accompanies her actions. A gentle voice, kind words and strokes will help him relax and calm. Some other person, but familiar to the baby, may be distracting at the time the injection is given.

What is needed for the injection

For independent implementation intramuscular injection outside the walls of a medical institution you will need:

  • A drug prescribed by a doctor, which has a valid expiration date, the integrity of the packaging is not compromised, instructions are attached. If the medicine is available in the form of a dry powder, it will require a solvent (painkiller, water for injection). To learn how to dilute correctly and in what quantity to use, check with your doctor.
  • Medical disposable syringe. At the same time, choose a tool of the required volume. Young children are given injections with 1-2 cc syringes. ml. Such syringes have the required length and thickness of the needle in order to get the kids into the muscle tissue, but not touch the bone. For older adults, use a volume of 5 cubic meters. ml. The pharmacy must clarify the purpose of the syringe - for oil or aqueous solutions.
  • Medical alcohol 70% (it is forbidden to use vodka due to the fact that germs are not completely killed).
  • Sterile cotton wool or antiseptic wipes.

Preparing for the injection

It is advisable to carry out all preparatory activities in a place inaccessible to the child, away from his eyes. You also need to take care in advance about where the medical procedure will be performed. Both an adult and especially a child should feel comfortable. Good lighting of the place is also very important. Preparation for the injection must be carried out in compliance with all sanitary standards.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Wear sterile gloves and treat them with an alcohol cotton swab or a disinfectant wipe.
  2. Take a bottle of medicine and a syringe. The ampoule with liquid must also be disinfected. Without removing the syringe from the package, place the needle on it. Open the drug, avoiding glass chips getting inside the bottle.
  3. Remove the cap protecting the needle and draw the medicine into the syringe. Then, lifting the syringe with the needle up, release from it all the air that might have gotten in during the process of taking the drug. A drop of solution at the end indicates that there is no air inside the syringe.
  4. Place the cap on the syringe.

Now you can directly begin performing the intramuscular injection.

Where to inject

The best place to administer medications to children is the butt. Injections for small children, as well as children with low muscle mass, are given in the thigh, since the possibility of touching the sciatic nerve located in the gluteal muscle is excluded.

Before giving a child an injection in the buttock, you need to mentally divide one buttock (left or right) into 4 equal sectors. The upper extreme sector will be the place for infusion of the drug. If the injection is given in the thigh, then this is its upper part. In order not to lose the place where the medicine was administered, you can first put a small dot there with green paint.

When carrying out a long course of treatment, it is necessary to alternate the areas in which injections are given. If the injection is administered next to the previous puncture, it is necessary to move at least 1 cm away from it.

How to properly administer the needle and medication

  • Before inserting the needle, the injection site must be wiped with an alcohol swab or an antiseptic wipe.
  • Take the syringe and remove the cap from the needle.
  • With a hand free from the syringe, grab a tight fold of skin 3-4 cm. With a confident and quick movement, insert the needle strictly perpendicular to the body into the fold. In this case, the needle should enter two-thirds of its length.
  • Release the fold. Slowly and smoothly introduce the solution. The syringe is positioned in the hand as follows: the thumb presses on the piston, and the middle and index fingers hold the instrument at the base.

Removing the syringe

Having finished pouring the solution, cover the area with sterile cotton wool with your free hand, without removing the needle from the flesh. Now you can pull it out. You need to remove it quickly but carefully. Without removing the tampon from the wound, massage it a little to speed up the absorption of the medicine. Then apply a bactericidal patch to this place for a short time so that germs do not penetrate inside.

Possible errors and complications after injection

In nature, there are a lot of complications that can arise after an injection. A bruise, tissue compaction, a purulent abscess, an allergic reaction and many other exacerbations can cause serious discomfort to the young patient and his loved ones.

Minor bruises and lumps after an injection in the buttock do not require any intervention; they go away on their own. To speed up their resorption, you can make iodine nets for children, apply cabbage leaves or special ointments with heparin or dimexide.

If your baby has an allergic reaction, immediately give him antihistamines (Diazolin, Suprastin). It is advisable to call an ambulance. Because an allergic reaction can develop into anaphylactic shock. The result will be the death of the child.

After the injection, it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby's health. If he has the slightest discomfort, shortness of breath appears, or the temperature rises, immediately call an ambulance without self-medicating. The count can go on for minutes.

It is impossible to avoid complications completely. But if you follow the basic instructions, they can be reduced significantly. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of asepsis - this is the main condition when administering medications to children at home.

Children are the most vulnerable patients, because it is in childhood that fears are formed, including fears of injections. Therefore, it is very important not to emotionally traumatize the child when performing the first healing injections in his life.
On this page of the site we will tell you how to give your child a vaccination or an intramuscular injection, without pain or consequences.

Preparing for an injection: how to prepare your baby at home before going to a vaccination or an injection at the clinic

Introduce your child to possible procedures that he will have to undergo in the clinic at home using familiar objects

It is important to prepare a child for various events in life, including communication with doctors. To prevent a neck examination, washing a wound, or vaccination from becoming a shocking event, psychologists advise introducing the child to these events in a timely manner. game form using familiar objects.
Check the dolls' necks with a beautiful spoon, and treat the toy's wound with mom's cotton balls for cosmetics.

Regarding injections, you can first introduce your baby to syringes without needles. “Look, the syringe is small and useful. And the baby is big and strong.”
Take colored BogMark syringes for play - the manufacturer produces syringes for injections for children in orange and blue, they really look like toys. And studies have shown that this “friendly” type of medical device generally reduces the level of anxiety in children and adults before and during the procedure.

Psychologically prepare the baby for the procedure, calm him down, and if possible, sit him in your arms during the injection. Do not deceive your child by saying that he will not feel anything at all, and, of course, under no circumstances give the injection on the sly! This way, you will not only lose the baby’s trust, but will also develop a fear of this simple medical procedure for many years to come.
After all, in fact, an injection today is not as scary as it was 20 years ago! Fortunately, we have the opportunity to buy modern three-component syringes, with sharp thin needles - with a good syringe, the injection is really almost unnoticeable (if the medicine itself is not painful). Therefore, when giving an injection to a child, do not be nervous yourself, and create an atmosphere of calm for the child.

There is no need to deceive your child by claiming that the injection is not painful or scary. In fact, how can it not be scary if he is afraid?
Be respectful and understanding of his fear.
It’s better to tell your baby something like “It hurts a little, but it’s not dangerous at all, and after the injection you won’t have pain in your tummy (leg, etc.). The less you are afraid, the faster the medicine can help you. Take it "My hand. If you can relax your butt, we will quickly give you an injection and your tummy will immediately begin to feel better."

Injection to a baby in a treatment room (in a hospital, clinic)

How to behave in the office before an injection.
It is strictly forbidden to ridicule a child’s fears of strangers (nurse, doctor) - “Imagine, doctor, he is afraid! So big, what a shame!” With this attitude, the child will withdraw next time and will not trust either you or the doctor.

A mother should be a friend - and in the case of medical manipulations with a child, this feeling in the baby should be one hundred percent.
Don’t brush off your child’s experiences, don’t say, “Don’t make things up! Stop it!”
It is important for the child to understand that his problems are important to his mother and no matter what happens, he is not alone in this medical office, he has a friend and protector, his mother.

How to give an injection to a child at home yourself

Note to parents: Under no circumstances should you frighten a child with a doctor, an injection, or a hospital.
A visit to the doctor is not a punishment, not an educational measure. And illness is not the child’s fault.
Parents must convince the child that the doctor is a friend, an ally who knows how to help the child if something hurts.
Psychologists believe that a child should not be lied to about an unpleasant procedure (for example, an injection) upcoming at the clinic, and it is better to explain the purpose of the visit (for example, a vaccination) in advance.
In a doctor's office, parents should not confront or argue with the doctor in the presence of the child. The psychological mood of parents is the main guideline for the child’s behavior.
Bring your child's favorite toy to your doctor's appointment. Children feel safe surrounded by familiar things.
After an unpleasant procedure, do not forget to encourage the child: the little hero deserves praise.

1) cotton balls soaked in alcohol tincture - 2 pcs.
2) syringe: there is a special syringe for injections for children - this is the BogMark syringe 2 ml
3) the drug: check the expiration date, compare the appearance of the contents of the ampoule with what is written in the instructions under the heading "description" (according to appearance the solution or powder for administration must correspond to the description in the instructions)

As with an injection on an adult, first prepare a syringe. More information about how to open an ampoule, how to knock out air bubbles, etc. - on this page of the Site about syringes and injections site
There is no need to carry out preparatory “work” in front of the baby - draw the medicine into a syringe in another room, come to the child for an injection with fully prepared tools (syringe, cotton wool, etc.)
It would be useful to massage the muscle into which the injection will be carried out: before the procedure, knead the muscle with your fingers for several minutes.

When giving an intramuscular injection to a baby, take the child in your arms and try to create conditions so that the child does not twitch (as an option, place the child on his tummy on your lap).
Remove your baby's clothes so that nothing is squeezing the buttocks and legs.
Wipe the injection site with a cotton swab and alcohol.
Insert the needle at a 90 degree angle. If you use a children's syringe BogMark 2 ml, the baby's skin does not need to be folded, since the needle of this syringe is shorter than on syringes for adults, and the likelihood of touching the periosteum is almost zero.
If the child is worried, give the injection quickly; if the situation allows, do not rush to administer the drug (the slower the medicine is administered, the less painful the injection, and the less likely it is that lumps will occur after the injection).
After the injection, apply pressure to the injection site with a clean cotton swab soaked in alcohol tincture, and put on clean underwear.

When giving an injection to a child of conscious age, you don’t have to hold him in your arms, but providing him with physical contact with his mother during the injection is important.
Take the child by the hand; if the injection is administered by one of the relatives, the mother can lie next to the child and hug. It is important to create a calm, trusting atmosphere.

For the rest, proceed the same way. The injection is at an angle of 90 degrees, there is no need to take the skin into the fold when using a BogMark 2 ml baby syringe.
If the child’s weight is higher than normal, as well as for children over 10 years old, use “adult” syringes, with standard needles - 2.5 ml and 5 ml.

Details on how to choose a syringe for a child are on this page.

Well, what if before the injection the child screams, is nervous, is hysterical, and does not want to listen to anyone?

Almost any medical procedure for a child is stressful, and an invasive one (such as an injection) is even more so.
And to give an injection by force, holding a squirming and screaming child together is doubly stressful.
In our opinion, there is no need to traumatize a child by developing in him fear and distrust of doctors, treatment, and, in the end, his own parents.
Therefore, our opinion is that we need to negotiate.
But how is an individual question, depending on the child’s age, character, etc. Each mother herself knows better what arguments her child listens to.
If there is a scandal before vaccination, postpone the procedure, make an agreement with the child and come to the clinic tomorrow.
If there is a scandal before an injection of a drug for a child’s illness, which needs to be done today, put it off for 30 minutes, bring the child out of the state of hysteria, come to an agreement with the child and give the injection in a calm environment.

As the baby grows, it is important to select the correct behavior patterns when injecting.
The famous child psychology researcher Jean Piaget identified four stages intellectual development child, adopting such a classification can achieve effective dialogue with the child during medical procedures.
1. sensory-motor period (from birth to two years) – children acquire primary sensations of taste, touch, signals, sounds and manipulations; When giving an injection, tell the child what will happen, carry out the manipulation itself quickly, an assistant should hold the child so as not to accidentally injure him during the injection.
2. prefunctional period (from two to seven years) - children in this stage have the ability to think intuitively, but in most cases sensations are based on perception. Children believe in everything they see and hear - they cannot be frightened by “horror stories” about injections and doctors. Tell only the truth, express support.
3. specific operational period (7-11 years) – children during this period acquire the ability to reverse their thoughts and feelings logically; it is quite possible to explain the benefit of the injection compared to the pain of the disease.
4. formal functional period (11-14 years) - when adolescence begins, a higher and richer level of intellectual development begins: the ability to think abstractly.

A child’s attitude towards the world, including medical procedures, largely depends on the attitude of the parents. Don’t be afraid yourself, don’t deceive your child, invite medical specialists for injections - but only as friends, helpers, and in no case as enemies (if you don’t listen, the doctor will come and give you an injection).
Let children grow up healthy and get sick less, and BogMark syringes, if necessary, will always help to make a neat and low-traumatic injection.

Not enough information? Something is not clear? Read: popular questions about syringes and injections.

In addition, the website offers online consultation:
The best doctors at the family medicine clinic and specialists from the website answer questions about syringes and injections.
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