The child smacks his tongue at 3 months. Why does an infant constantly chew and stick out his tongue: pathological reasons or the newborn’s way of communicating? What could be bothering him?

There is nothing more interesting than watching a baby grow and develop. Parents notice all the changes and worry about everything. When a baby sticks out his tongue, this may indicate that he is playing and is in a good mood, or it may hide a complex of problems. That is why you should carefully understand the question of why a baby sticks out its tongue.

The baby cannot speak. He expresses all his desires and needs with the help of gestures and facial expressions. The tongue is one of the tools of communication. If a baby sticks out his tongue, it means he wants to eat or is simply seeking attention. Or he reports that he is sick and does not feel well.

You should be alarmed when the tongue sticks out not only during play, but constantly, even in sleep. In this case, you should definitely visit a pediatrician. After examining the child, he can refer him for consultation to other specialists.

If a child shows his tongue, this may be the cause of neurological, endocrine or infectious diseases. There will definitely be other warning signs.

Disease of the endocrine system – hypothyroidism

The problems are related to the thyroid gland. The main reason is the lack of a trace element such as iodine in the body. To determine its level, blood is examined. Blood is collected from infants from the heel in the maternity hospital.

In addition to the fact that the child sticks out his tongue, other symptoms are present:

  • skin color becomes yellow or pale;
  • the surface of the skin is dry and flaky;
  • there is a delay in mental and physical development;
  • the tongue protrudes outward because it does not fit in the mouth due to large swelling;
  • the area around the nose and lips becomes blue;
  • no weight gain;
  • persistent constipation develops.

In this case, treatment (the basis of therapy is hormones) and additional examination (ultrasound, blood tests) are prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Neurological disorders - atrophy of facial muscles

The trigeminal nerve is most often affected. This may occur due to malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. The problem becomes a consequence of previous respiratory diseases or various facial injuries.

Additional symptoms appear:

  • the face becomes immobilized, facial expressions change (the child does not cry, does not smile, there are no facial folds);
  • swelling of the lips is observed;
  • facial asymmetry is observed;
  • eyelids droop;
  • the chin moves to the side.

The treatment is carried out by a neurologist. The results of MRI and ultrasound examinations may be needed. Treatment is mainly medicinal. Additionally, vitamins, massage, and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Infectious disease - thrush

The mucous surface of the oral cavity is affected. The reasons for its occurrence may be a decrease in immunity, frequent regurgitation.

The child sticks out his tongue, and other symptoms appear:

  • a white, cheesy coating appears in the mouth;
  • gums, tongue, palate become inflamed and red;
  • If treatment is not started, the plaque becomes gray or yellow.

Consultation with an infectious disease specialist and dermatologist is necessary. Ointments and solutions, vitamins, and drugs that help improve immunity are prescribed locally.

The main condition is compliance with a special diet for a nursing mother.

The reason why the baby constantly shows his tongue may be stomatitis. This disease occurs when viruses and bacteria enter the body. The symptoms are easy to notice:

  • oral cavity inflamed, swollen, red;
  • ulcers are clearly visible, which can appear anywhere: on the tongue, on the palate, on the gums;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the child is capricious and refuses to eat;
  • sleep becomes restless.

A dentist, immunologist, and infectious disease specialist can help. Vitamin complexes, immunomodulators, ointments and medicinal solutions, antiviral or antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Increased intracranial pressure

It is caused by serious disorders of the central nervous system. This can happen due to a birth injury or a serious infectious disease such as meningitis.

Symptoms that are a reason to consult a doctor:

  1. the diameter of the child’s head exceeds the age norm;
  2. constant throwing of the head back;
  3. swelling of the fontanel;
  4. severe muscle tension;
  5. the child squints his eyes;
  6. trembling of hands and chin;
  7. poor sleep;
  8. rolling the eyeballs downwards.

Consultation with many doctors is necessary, including a neurologist and an ophthalmologist. Required condition is to undergo brain tomography, neurosonography, and study the fundus. Treatment is aimed at improving circulatory functions. Additionally, therapeutic exercises, massage and vitamins are prescribed.

Tongue hypotonia (muscle weakness)

This disease is caused by birth trauma, disruption of the endocrine system, birth ahead of schedule. Past infectious diseases also have an impact.

Signs that accompany tongue protrusion are:

  • lethargy, low mobility of the child;
  • he sleeps for a long time;
  • lack of weight gain;
  • poor appetite;
  • retardation in physical development.

If parents often notice their baby’s tongue sticking out, it is necessary to carefully examine his skin and mucous membranes. If warning signs are detected, you should immediately visit your pediatrician. Only he can give recommendations on further treatment tactics.

No reason to worry

A child, like an adult, can fool around and stick out his tongue. Therefore, do not rush to run to the doctor.

  1. Pampering. During the game, the baby expresses his good mood in this way.
  2. Teething. At this time, the gums become swollen and painful. The child tries to relieve the pain and scratch the gums with his tongue. At this time, you can notice how he sucks or chews his tongue, refusing teethers.
  3. The child trains the muscles of the tongue. This is inherent in nature. This is how he prepares for speech activity.
  4. Hunger. The desire to eat can be expressed in this way. Instead of eating, he chews his tongue. When the child learns to ask for food differently, the problem will go away.
  5. Physiology. Tight lower jaw and big tongue do not allow the latter to sit comfortably in the oral cavity. The problem goes away when the baby is 6 months old.
  6. Dry, hot air. In these cases, the oral mucosa dries out, and the baby tries to moisten it.
  7. Short hyoid frenulum. This problem becomes noticeable already in the maternity hospital.

Parents are often concerned with the question: why does the baby chew or suck his tongue? The main reasons that should not cause concern in adults include:

  • preparation for the act of chewing adult food;
  • early weaning from the pacifier;
  • when a child is very busy and concentrates on performing some action, he chews his tongue;
  • You may notice how your baby chews his tongue when he is bored.

Adults should learn to recognize dangerous and harmless moments that cause a baby's tongue to stick out. It is very important to distinguish behavioral characteristics from a painful condition in time.

Every newborn baby is special. But there are a number physiological processes, which are inherent in every child: swinging arms, legs, stages of development of speech, emotions, etc. Also, some kids have a number of bad habits. For example, finger sucking or tongue sticking out of the mouth. But, if parents encounter the first bad habit very often, the second encourages young mothers to be puzzled by the question: “Is this normal? Maybe sticking out your tongue is neither a game nor pampering, but a problem?

Newborn baby sticks out tongue: non-dangerous reasons

Before sounding the alarm and contacting the pediatrician, monitor in what cases the baby begins to show his tongue. There are a number of harmless reasons why tongue protruding is considered normal:

  1. Teething. When the baby feels discomfort in the mouth due to swollen gums, parents can see how the baby runs his tongue along the gums and sticks it out. This symptom is usually accompanied by heavy salivation.
  2. The child wants to eat. Newborns often show their tongue when they are hungry. This reflex is especially developed in children who are breastfed (they thus subconsciously look for the mother's breast).
  3. Baby is hot. A protruding tongue may indicate that the baby is hot or thirsty. By showing the tongue, the baby increases the surface on which moisture evaporates.
  4. Big tongue. Some babies may have a larger-than-standard tongue at birth. Because of this, his mouth becomes cramped. But there is no need to sound the alarm, since with age this small defect will disappear on its own.
  5. The baby is training . The tongue is a muscle of the body that needs training. No one is surprised when a baby twitches his arms or legs. The same goes for the tongue.
  6. Pampering. Often toddlers stick out their tongues, copying their parents, who play with the baby in this way.

Why does a baby often stick out his tongue - an overview of possible diseases with symptoms in the table

Sometimes parents may notice that the child's tongue falls out of the mouth area. If such signs are present or the baby does not put the tongue back for a long time, then you should contact a specialist. Below in the table we will look at what diseases can be accompanied by protruding tongue.

Diseases that can cause your baby to stick out his tongue

A disease that causes the baby to stick out his tongue Associated symptoms of the disease Which doctor should I consult? What basic examination and treatment might the doctor recommend?
Hypothyroidism With hypothyroidism, the function of the thyroid gland is reduced. With this disease, the baby's tongue falls out of his mouth. Also, the disease in children in the first months of life may be accompanied by late falling off of the umbilical remnant, slow healing of the umbilical wound, prolonged jaundice, persistent constipation, and insufficient weight gain. Symptoms can be different: they depend on the type of feeding of the child and on the age. Consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary. For this disease, a wide range of examinations is carried out: biochemical blood test, ECG, ultrasound of the thyroid gland and other examinations if necessary.
Neuromuscular diseases As a rule, myopathy (impaired muscle function) of various muscle groups, symmetrical and asymmetrical, is observed.

Observation by a neurologist.

In this case, the pediatrician may recommend contacting a neurologist. Diagnosis depends on symptoms: life history, computed tomography, genetic analysis, consultation with other specialists.

Treatment: therapeutic nutrition, rich in proteins and amino acids; physiotherapy; massage and gymnastics; psychotherapy if necessary.

Thrush (candidiasis) Often you can see white on the baby's cheeks and palate. If you see a strange plaque in your baby's mouth, you should contact your pediatrician. Oral swab for fungus (candida).
Stomatitis With this disease, you can notice small ulcers in the oral cavity, which cause the baby to stick out his tongue due to discomfort, because ulcers can also affect the lower part of the tongue. In this case, you should contact your pediatrician, who, if the disease is advanced, will refer you to a pediatric dentist for consultation. In case of stomatitis, the baby’s oral cavity is examined. The doctor may want to take a smear to rule out other oral diseases.

Stomatitis is treated with medication. Parents also need to treat the baby’s mouth with special decoctions or ointments to eliminate the disease.

Intracranial pressure (ICP) If the baby sticks out his tongue, throwing his head back, then this is a clear sign of ICP. This symptom can even occur during sleep. A consultation with a neurologist is required, who, if the diagnosis is confirmed, will prescribe medication and massage. To determine this disease, an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is performed.
Tongue hypotonia The baby's tongue is protruding and loose. Also sedentary. It usually occurs in premature babies, as well as in those who have problems with the endocrine system. The examination requires consultation with a pediatrician and neurologist. The baby must undergo an ultrasound, after which drug therapy and physical therapy are prescribed. Water procedures are often prescribed, since with hypotension the baby has trouble holding his head up and sitting.

If a baby constantly sticks out his tongue, this may indicate that the baby has a thyroid disease called hypothyroidism. The cause of this disease is a lack of iodine in the mother during pregnancy.

Additional signs of hypothyroidism include: slow development of the child, late onset of teeth sprouting, appearance of coarseness in facial features (such as: wide nose, short neck, thick lips), large and swollen tongue, dry skin, pale yellow complexion in the unfortunate baby . All this begins to actively manifest itself from the age of three months, when the baby not only sticks out his tongue, but the tongue is too large and does not fit entirely in the mouth.

As you can see, yes, sticking out a baby’s tongue can also indicate hypothyroidism, but it is accompanied by many additional symptoms, and if you don’t have them, don’t be scared and run to the doctor if the child sticks out his tongue just a few times. In addition, in almost all good maternity hospitals, tests are taken from the baby at birth, and the test includes the disease “hypothyroidism,” which would allow it to be identified much earlier if it is present.

Another reason for a little one’s tongue protruding is often increased intracranial pressure (abbreviated as ICP). For some reason, in the post-Soviet space, it is very fashionable among both doctors and parents to make this diagnosis first of all. No, abroad, of course, everyone also knows about ICP and is actively treating it and studying new treatment methods. But still, the list of conditions that are accompanied by ICP is small, and we like to attribute it to it in many situations. Let me clarify: “with them” ICP is something rare, but very dangerous, requiring emergency care and immediate hospitalization. “With us” is something that happens very often, is easily identified and is almost always successfully treated without the need for hospitalization. That is, before you agree with such a diagnosis just because the baby sticks out his tongue, and run to take the appropriate medications, I still advise you to study the topic yourself.

On the Internet, the following version of the reason for a child’s tongue protruding is very popular - atrophy of the facial muscles. No comment here, if this really happened, it would be observed all over the face - the baby would not be able to smile, grimace, or generally control the facial muscles normally, or even lose control over them altogether. Here, of course, you need to immediately run to the doctor, but this is a rare and immediately recognizable disease among young children.

As you can see, most of the terrible reasons for tongue protruding are most often far-fetched; let’s consider the more probable and harmless ones.

Cutting teeth - using a tongue, the child scratches itchy gums and relieves pain. In principle, he usually won’t harm himself with this.

Pampering - the child simply explores his capabilities and abilities while having fun. There's nothing wrong with that.

The tongue is just a little big. Usually the “proportions” become normal by six months and the help of a doctor is not needed here. If not, then you can apply, but this is a rare case.

The baby misses his mother’s boob and the milk from it. This is a sweet and common reason that usually occurs in infants when breastfeeding; they just want to be with their loving mother more often and with tasty milk, because the substances from it calm the baby, not to mention the fact that this is the mother’s breast - the dearest and dearest person on Earth. This is not a problem, but a sweet joy.

As you can see, sticking out your tongue is not a reason for your baby to be scared or suspicious terrible diseases. If the child is generally developing well, is cheerful, active and does not experience the listed terrible symptoms of those diseases in which the tongue actually sticks out; If there are no signs of teeth on the protruding tongue and the tongue does not hang out of the mouth, then everything is fine with the child! So, calmly play with him and devote your time to development rather than pointlessly running around to doctors because of the slightest fear.

Author of the publication: Valeria Samoilova 

Good day to you, dear friends! Today we will look at another issue that concerns the health of your baby. We're talking about sticking out the tongue. Surely this phenomenon has not passed by any young family and I am sure that it causes concern among parents. “What if this is a very serious illness?” - This is exactly what most mothers think.

Looking ahead a little, I want to say right away that sticking out your tongue is quite normal phenomenon for babies. Almost any Small child sooner or later he will start doing this. He will also spit and drool, there is no escape from this.

It is also worth distinguishing between two concepts: whether the baby sticks his tongue out on his own or whether it constantly falls out and does not hold on. If you have the second option, then here you urgently need to sound the alarm and run to the pediatrician.

I will help you figure out the reasons for the tongue sticking out. It is also worth noting that they may differ depending on the age of the baby.

Causes of your child sticking out his tongue that you shouldn’t be afraid of

Baby sticks out tongue a month

It is at this age that most infants begin to do this. Although they were recently born, they have already mastered this “exercise.” Why this happens:

  1. The child may simply want to eat, because he grasps the nipple or nipple on the bottle with the help of a tongue. Therefore, if the baby repeats the same actions with his tongue as when eating, then perhaps it is time to feed him. He may also begin to suck his tongue and even bite lightly.
  2. At this very young age, the child already becomes interested in everything and with the help of his tongue he can explore his mouth and lips. He can get carried away by something, he can stare at his dad or mom, at some toy and involuntarily stick out his tongue, this is normal.
  3. If it is summer and the temperature is too high, then the baby could simply overheat a little, he is hot. That is why the child sticks out the tip of the tongue or completely.
  4. In very rare cases, it happens that the baby is born with a very large tongue. It doesn’t really want to fit in his mouth and the baby sticks it out. There is nothing terrible here and there is no need to sound the alarm. After some time, the dimensions will fall into place.

The child sticks out his tongue at 2, 3 months

Added to all the above reasons is the fact that the baby’s first teeth are already beginning to bother him. Yes, at such a very young age, his gums may already begin to itch. In this regard, the baby begins to worry and scratch his gums with his tongue and even massage them. From the outside it will look as if he has his tongue out of his mouth and moving it back and forth.

Take a close look at your child's gums. If they are swollen or red, then that’s exactly how it is, your baby will soon have his first teeth.

Also, at 2 months, the child is already playing a little more actively with his parents and may well begin to stick out his tongue in the process. This phenomenon may begin to occur a little more often, because the baby is already more interested in something than in the first month.

Baby sticks out tongue at 4, 5, 6 months

At this age, sticking out the tongue, plus spitting in different directions, becomes a habit for the child. He finds it very funny. If he likes it, he will begin to constantly stick out his tongue until he gets tired of this idea and finds other adventures for himself. If you start playing with him at this time and laugh off him or with him, then consider that sticking out your tongue will become your baby’s favorite pastime and can last for a year or a year and a half. Therefore, you don’t need to respond by repeating all the child’s actions or pretending that you really like everything he does.

In addition, a child at this age is already beginning to try to crawl. In this case, the tongue will stick out if the baby is experiencing difficulties, strains, tries to crawl to the goal, etc.

If a child sticks out his tongue at 1 year or 2 years or older, it may be because he is playing. If at this age the tongue sticks out frequently and you cannot find out the reason, then it is best to consult a doctor about this issue.

Reasons why your baby sticks out his tongue and why you should worry

It is clear that a child’s tongue sticking out may not be the result of a harmless reason, but of a serious or not so serious illness. In this regard, I decided to list diseases that are in one way or another associated with tongue protrusion.

  1. Thrush. This is a fungal disease that forms a white coating on the tongue and cheeks. Naturally, in connection with this, the child begins to feel discomfort and is nervous. Sticks out tongue to scratch it.
  2. Stomatitis. This is a little more serious than thrush. Small ulcers form in the mouth, as well as well-defined spots white that hurt, sting and itch. By sticking out his tongue in this case, the baby is trying to get rid of the obsessive illness, but nothing works.
  3. High blood pressure. Yes, it also bothers people at this age. What high blood pressure can lead to, I think, is not worth telling. Therefore, if a child not only sticks out his tongue, but also throws his head back, then this is a clear sign of this disease. The child urgently needs to be shown to a doctor so that he can prescribe the necessary medications or procedures.
  4. The facial muscles are atrophied. This is a more serious illness, which can be accompanied not only by the child’s protruding tongue, but also by other strange manifestations on his face. The baby does not smile at all and does not make faces at you, as children his age usually do.
  5. Hypothyroidism. A serious disease of the thyroid gland, which may appear in a child not from birth, but only a few months later. The symptoms of this disease are not only a protruding tongue, but also its swelling. Also dry skin and pale complexion. The child begins to develop rough facial features, such as a wide nose or thick lips. Naturally, in this case, the child should be immediately taken to a pediatrician, who will then write you a referral to an endocrinologist.

Well, that’s all, dear friends, we seem to have sorted out the main possible reasons, along which the child sticks his tongue out of his mouth. As you can see, in most cases there is no need to worry, because this is natural behavior for a baby.

When a baby sticks out its tongue and makes faces, it involuntarily causes a smile. But there is some concern about whether the baby really shows his emotions in this way, or whether this behavior is abnormal. It is advisable to understand the reasons that cause these grimaces, because not all of them are harmless.

When and why does a baby stick out his tongue?

If your child's behavior seems strange, you need to carefully observe him. After all, he himself does not yet know how to speak, so he has to communicate about problems by changing his behavior. If your baby sticks out his tongue only a few times a day, this is an accessible way of communication that should not cause concern.

Sometimes to express my emotions

If this happens too often, continue monitoring. Pay attention to your baby's reaction in different situations and be prepared to describe it in detail to the pediatrician. The options could be:

  • Grimacing is associated with specific situation. During the game, it is natural and is a demonstration of positive emotions, an attempt to reproduce some sound or repeat a movement seen in adults. It often occurs during sleep or after feeding, but should not be frequent or nervous.
  • The baby is learning to control his muscles, but he is not doing very well yet. No one is alarmed if he randomly moves his legs and arms, and moving his tongue back and forth also becomes a kind of exercise.
  • The child lacks attention. If this movement appears in the presence of mom or dad, it indicates that the baby needs to be picked up, caressed, rocked, and fed.
  • Teeth begin to cut. After four months, unpleasant and painful sensations appear in the mouth, the gums swell, the baby scratches them all the time, including with the tongue, and drools.
  • It's too hot in the room. The baby is uncomfortable, and he tries to communicate this, and in order to increase the evaporation of moisture and cool down a little, he instinctively sticks out his tongue.

Examine the child's body, look into the mouth. Any redness or rash, loss of appetite, or apathy indicate a problem that causes the tongue to constantly stick out. A visit to a pediatrician will help you determine the cause and get rid of doubts about your health.

Features of physiology

There are congenital pathologies of the structure of the tongue that cause unusual behavior and make feeding difficult for up to a year, and at an older age lead to incorrect pronunciation and require the intervention of a speech therapist. Some babies have an oversized or forked tongue. It barely fits in the mouth and literally falls out.

The second problem is short bridle– the connection between the tongue and the lower jaw – or lack thereof. Because of this, the tongue becomes sluggish and inactive. Both problems do not affect your well-being, but cause discomfort. Sometimes they can decrease with age. But the issue can be radically resolved with the help of a simple operation, which the child tolerates much more easily in infancy.

When to intervene if your baby begins to stick out his tongue

There are signs indicating the presence of pathology and are accompanied by involuntary movements of the tongue. They are not terrible in themselves, but the consequences can be very serious:

Some babies stick their tongue out here and there because they want to play.

  • The child does not sleep well. The baby has difficulty falling asleep, is restless, often wakes up or screams in his sleep.
  • Constant nervousness. The child becomes irritable for no apparent reason and often cries.
  • When lying on your back, your tongue will stick out. This is probably caused by the presence of a speck of dust in the mouth or larynx, unsuccessful attempts burp or have a bowel movement.

In these cases, you need to try to remove irritating factors, avoid visiting noisy and crowded places, and walk in the fresh air. Pay more attention to your baby and monitor his digestion.

Diseases in which the baby constantly sticks out his tongue

In some cases, this behavior indicates a problem, either minor or quite serious. It’s better not to specifically look for alarming symptoms in your baby, but you need to know about them in order to prevent more dangerous pathologies:

  • Hypothyroidism. This disease is caused by problems with the thyroid gland. Occurs if the mother experienced iodine deficiency during pregnancy. Its main signs are pale, marbled or yellow skin of the baby, developmental delay, and bluish discoloration of the nasolabial folds. The tongue swells and does not fit in the mouth. The diagnosis will be made by an endocrinologist after conducting appropriate examinations, followed by long-term treatment.
  • Hypotonicity language. If the child is drowsy, inactive and slowly gaining weight, this may be due to a head hematoma, birth injury, endocrine or infectious disease. The problem often occurs in premature babies. A sign of pathology is a flaccid, “loose”, sedentary tongue with decreased muscle tone.
  • High intracranial pressure. Occurs as a result of difficult childbirth, disorders of the central nervous system, or previous meningitis. The child's behavior becomes restless, he throws his head back, sleeps little. He has an increased head size compared to his peers, the fontanel is slowly tightening, hand tremors, strabismus, and increased muscle tone are observed. If suspicion arises, it is necessary to consult a neurologist, ophthalmologist, and undergo diagnostics.
  • Facial muscle atrophy. This problem affects mainly girls and manifests itself in the absence of facial expressions. The baby is unable to smile; when he grimaces, there are no folds on the forehead; his face seems petrified. The reason is associated with a violation of the ternary nerve, endocrine glands and the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. It is a complication after infectious diseases and injuries.
  • Thrush. The disease is caused by the fungus Candida, which affects the mucous membrane. A white coating appears in the mouth, the gums become inflamed and red. The baby sticks out his tongue to relieve any irritation. In this case, you should immediately show it to your pediatrician, who will identify the pathogen and prescribe ointments and mouth rinses. Good hygiene and a low-carbohydrate diet will help you avoid this problem.
  • Stomatitis. A fungal disease leads to the appearance of ulcers and redness on the tongue and palate, accompanied by an increase in temperature. The child's sleep is disturbed, his appetite worsens, and he often cries. The disease is caused by bacteria, herpes virus, and fungi.

All these diseases are dangerous for the baby’s health, and a protruding tongue is just one of the manifestations. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will analyze the symptoms and choose the appropriate treatment taking into account the characteristics of the baby’s body.

Whatever the reason, it is impossible to ignore the baby’s abnormal behavior, but most often it is not necessary to rush straight to the hospital. If there are no acute attacks that cause pain, you should observe the child for some time, make sure that the symptom is repeated more than once, and tell the pediatrician about it at the next examination. It is dangerous to delay treatment for serious illnesses, but it is no less harmful to treat a baby for no reason. It is better to double-check the diagnosis and conduct additional examinations.
