Coniferous trees presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world (middle group) on the topic. Coniferous forest of Russia, presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic Download presentation coniferous trees

It is many hundreds of years old. He is dressed in a green sheepskin coat. Although it grows in the remote taiga, He is always held in high esteem. After all, He is very rich in cones for both adults and children. And in the cones, whatever you say, the nuts are delicious inside. It is many hundreds of years old. He is dressed in a green sheepskin coat. Although it grows in the remote taiga, He is always held in high esteem. After all, He is very rich in cones for both adults and children. And in the cones, whatever you say, the nuts are delicious inside. Cedar

Conifers are one of the most ancient groups of plants, dating back about 300 million years. Conifers are one of the most ancient groups of plants, dating back about 300 million years. Representatives of coniferous trees: cypress, yew, cedar, fir, juniper, pine, spruce, etc. Coniferous trees grow in abundance, in one form or another, throughout the globe, in all parts of the world. Quite often, coniferous trees dominate other plants. The size of an adult coniferous tree can reach 100 meters in height (the tallest coniferous tree is Sequoia evergreen - 115.2 meters). In addition, representatives of coniferous trees are not only the tallest, but also the thickest - Taxodium Mexicana (11.42 meters in diameter), the oldest - Durable Pine (4700 years old) and the largest - Sequoia Dendron giant (with a volume of 1486.9 m³) representatives of the flora. In Russia, the most common are spruce, pine, fir, cedar, and juniper.

1. Name 5 coniferous trees (spruce, pine, fir, cedar, larch) 2. Who is spruce friends with in winter? (spruce is friends in winter with crossbill, woodpecker and squirrel) 3. Why do spruce trees have the shape of a triangle? (snow easily slides off them and does not break the branches). 4. Which coniferous tree sheds its needles for the winter? (larch)

5. Does pine or spruce have longer needles? (near pine) 6. What climate do conifers like? 6. What climate do conifers like? (cold climate) 7. What birds eat conifer cones? 7. What birds feed on conifer cones? (crossbill, nutcracker) 8. Which coniferous tree has cones - berries? 8. Which coniferous tree has cones that are berries? (juniper)

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Coniferous trees

Prepared by Petrova Nadezhda Vasilievna St. Petersburg GBDOU kindergarten No. 11 10/25/2015 2

Scots pine An evergreen tree up to 40m high. The length of the root is up to 30 m. The crown is highly raised, cone-shaped, and then rounded, wide. Pine lives on average up to 350 years. 10/25/2015 3

Pine needles The needles are triangular or flattened, located on shortened shoots in twos, long and narrow, hard, smooth, prickly (up to 8 cm long), usually remain on the shoots from 3 to 6 years. 10/25/2015 4

Pine “blooms” in late May - early June 10/25/2015 5

Pine cones and seeds 10/25/2015 6

Use of pine Pine wood is widely used. Rosin and turpentine are obtained from pine resin; with deeper processing, solvents, flavors, and adhesives are obtained. 10/25/2015 7

Common spruce 10/25/2015 8 Evergreen spruce is the oldest tree in the Russian forest. Reaches 30 m. Spruce is frost-resistant, shade-bearing.

Spruce needles Spruce needles are tetrahedral, arranged in a spiral, sitting one at a time on leaf pads. The length of the needles is up to 2 cm. The lifespan of each needle is six or more years. 10/25/2015 9

Fir cones and seeds 10/25/2015 10

Use of spruce Spruce wood is used in construction, used in the pulp and paper industry, as well as for the manufacture of musical instruments, containers, sleepers, and telegraph poles. 10/25/2015 11

On Christmas and New Year it is customary to put up a New Year tree. 10/25/2015 12

Larch Larch in favorable conditions grows up to 50 meters and lives up to 400 years. In autumn, larch turns yellow like deciduous trees, and in winter its needles fall off. 10/25/2015 13

Larch needles Larch needles are soft, tender, flattened, bright green. They grow in bunches of 20-30 pieces together. The length of the needles reaches 40 mm. 10/25/2015 14

Presentation “Coniferous trees”

Presentation"Coniferous trees"

Description of the slides:

No. 1. Topic " Coniferous trees"

№ 2. Trees are called conifers, which have needles/needs instead of leaves. Needles are also leaves. Only a special shape - long and narrow. They are strong enough that they can easily survive the winter. The waxy skin prevents the needles from freezing or drying out. Needles also provide in winter tree the required amount of food. These leaves-needles live for several years. Then they turn brown and fall off. But not all at once, so tree the foliage is always preserved and they always remain green, hence the name - "evergreen".

No. 3. B coniferous In the forests of our district you can find spruce, pine, cedar, fir, and larch.

No. 4. Pine – conifer tree with a smooth yellow trunk. Pine needles are long and sit in pairs. Pine cones have a round shape.

No. 5. Spruce is a familiar New Year tree. Spruce needles are short, rough, located singly and densely cover the branches. The cones have an oblong shape. Ate - long-lived trees.

No. 6. Fir differs from spruce in that its needles are flat, and its cones stick up and even mature ones do not fall to the ground, but scales simply fall off them.

No. 7. Cedar pine is popularly called Siberian cedar. Its needles are collected in bunches of five, and the seeds are pine nuts.

No. 8. Larch is the only coniferous trees, which turns yellow and sheds its needles for the winter.

No. 9. Find out coniferous trees on twigs and cones.

№ 10. Coniferous trees and their uses. Coniferous trees: larch, pine, spruce are the best materials for construction. Larch and spruce are used in the production of furniture, parquet, and plywood. Pine is used in construction and mechanical engineering. Pencils are made only from cedar, and cedar oil for food is also made from pine nuts.

No. 11. Besides everything that coniferous trees give us oxygen. And also fruits coniferous trees– cones with seeds are food for birds and wild animals. That's why coniferous trees bring a lot of benefits and our task is to protect trees and all the nature around us!

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Coniferous trees Kravtsun M.G. Primary school teacher MBOU Egorlyk secondary school No. 1

Guess the riddles.

What kind of girl is this: Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman, She doesn’t sew anything herself, But she wears needles all year round. Spruce

It is many hundreds of years old. He is dressed in a green sheepskin coat. Although it grows in the remote taiga, He is always held in high esteem. After all, He is very rich in cones for both adults and children. And in the cones, whatever you say, the nuts are delicious inside. Cedar

A relative has a Christmas tree with non-thorny needles, but, unlike the Christmas tree, those needles fall off. Larch

This grandmother is a hundred years old, She has no hump, She sticks out high, She looks far away, Death will come for the old woman - The grandmother will become a hut. Pine

Conifers are one of the most ancient groups of plants, dating back about 300 million years. Representatives of coniferous trees: cypress, yew, cedar, fir, juniper, pine, spruce, etc. Coniferous trees grow in abundance, in one form or another, throughout the globe, in all parts of the world. Quite often, coniferous trees dominate other plants. The size of an adult coniferous tree can reach 100 meters in height (the tallest coniferous tree is Sequoia evergreen - 115.2 meters). In addition, representatives of coniferous trees are not only the tallest, but also the thickest - Taxodium Mexicana (11.42 meters in diameter), the oldest - Durable Pine (4700 years old) and the largest - Sequoia Dendron giant (with a volume of 1486.9 m³) representatives of the flora. In Russia, the most common are spruce, pine, fir, cedar, and juniper.

Record holders

Thick -Taxodium Mexicana (11.42 m in diameter)

Old - Long-lasting pine (4700 years)

Large – Giant Sequoia (with a volume of 1486.9 m³).


Name 5 coniferous trees (spruce, pine, fir, cedar, larch) 2. Who is spruce friends with in winter? (spruce is friends in winter with crossbill, woodpecker and squirrel) 3. Why do spruce trees have the shape of a triangle? (snow easily slides off them and does not break the branches). 4. Which coniferous tree sheds its needles for the winter? (larch)

5. Does pine or spruce have longer needles? (near pine) 6. What climate do conifers like? (cold climate) 7. What birds eat conifer cones? (crossbill, nutcracker) 8. Which coniferous tree has cones - berries? (juniper)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation "Coniferous trees"

The presentation introduces students to the characteristics of coniferous trees, as well as their use on the farm. The presentation can be used in lessons on studying the surrounding world in grades 1-2....
