They are located between France and Spain. Andorra is a resort state. Andorra on the map and its flag. Useful information for tourists

Andorra- or, as it is correct, the Principality of Andorra is a dwarf state in Europe, located between France and Spain. A beautiful and sunny state is a resort.

The Principality of Andorra - the heart of the Pyrenees

Neighborhood, with these two countries, let's say, is quite pleasant. Probably the only thing that “sads” Andorra is the lack of access to the sea. The name of the country was given by the ancient Basques, in whose language andurrial means "wasteland".

I don’t know what the ancient Basques had in mind when giving the name to this territory, but reliable sources assure that Andorra is one of the most beautiful and sunniest European ski resorts.

A small principality with a population of about 70 thousand people is flourishing in the literal and figurative sense. Under the snow caps of the Pyrenees, it is buried in a sea of ​​flowers. And the lion's share of its economic prosperity is provided by the tourism business. All over the world, this dwarf country is called the Heart of the Pyrenees. Watch the video (unfortunately with German voice acting, but very beautiful), and enjoy the views of this country, scenes from the life of ordinary Andorans.

Yes... it is not for nothing that tourists from all over the world adore the Pyrenean resorts. Especially impressive is the dog sledding in the Pyrenees))))

Andorra is a dwarf European state sandwiched between France and Spain. This word means "wasteland" and even Charlemagne in 790 gave independence to this area. Thus, the Principality of Andorra is one of the oldest states in Europe.

The map can be enlarged or reduced

Historically, it was formed in a convenient place of the pass, on the way "from the Franks to the Moors", where merchants usually always stopped to rest. At first, this was greatly facilitated by the huge folding knives of the local Catalans, with which they very cleverly fenced in order to demonstrate to the merchants how great they could protect them if something happened.

For centuries, the tale of the agility with which the hot Catalan boys who inhabit Andorra throw their weapons has been passed down by impressed merchants: Ha-ha-ha, blockhead, did you drop the knife... Blockhead? And you try, shake your head.
However, these passions are in the distant past. Now, the tourist is waiting for a beautiful and not fussy life. The state, although a dwarf, is very rich, now trade has huge benefits and is carried out mainly in luxury goods. In addition, ski tourism and rock climbing are also highly developed in this mountaineer's paradise. The best alpine skis and suits for skiers reminiscent of cyborg body armor, goggles with rangefinders and built-in routers, strength and lightness. However, it is easy to find vintage items for souvenirs.

Andorra, part of Europe, and in Europe, telephony is more than just communication. Now the right telephone services have appeared in Russia. The hotlines of St. Petersburg will provide any Russian with a mass of necessary information, at least for business, even for life.

Andorra is one of the dwarf states of Europe. It is located on the southern slope of the Eastern Pyrenees between France and Spain, in the basin of the Valira River. From the west, north and east, Andorra is surrounded by 65 high mountains, most of the time covered with snow. The highest point of the country is the peak of Coma Pedrosa (2946 m), the lowest is Rio Runer (840 m).


State structure

Officially, Andorra is considered a principality, but in fact it is a republic. The co-rulers of the country are the President of France and the Bishop of the Spanish city of Seo de Urgel (a joint protectorate over Andorra was established back in 1278). Andorra is represented in the international arena by France.


Official language: Catalan, Spanish, French.

Many speak English, Portuguese.


The majority are Catholics (99%).


International name: EUR

History of Andorra

Traditionally, the foundation of Andorra is attributed to Charlemagne, although there is no evidence for this. In 1278, the so-called Act-Pareage was signed between the Count of Foix and the Bishop of Urgell (city of Seu de Urgell), according to which they shared power among themselves in the valley. Subsequently, the rights of the Count of Foix passed to the king, and then the emperor and president of France.

In 1419, the "Council of the Land" (Consell de la Terra) was created, in fact, the parliament of Andorra, later - the General Council.

In 1866, the so-called. The "new reform" changes the feudal system of government that existed before.

At the beginning of the 20th century, highways were built that connected the country with Spain and France.

In 1933-34, riots took place in Andorra, primarily related to restrictions on the electoral right. In July 1934, the white emigrant Boris Skosyrev seized power in Andorra for 9 days, declaring himself king and proclaiming universal suffrage for men and freedom of the press. Then he was overthrown by the civil guard (Spanish gendarmerie), called by the Bishop of Urgell.

During the Second World War, small units of Spanish and French troops were in Andorra. After the war, the country "opens itself to the world" and becomes a fairly popular ski resort, in addition, the liberal tax system allows you to open many inexpensive shops by European standards.

In 1982, the first government of the Principality was created, and in 1993 a constitution was adopted that abolished the remnants of feudalism (although the President of France and the Bishop of Urgell remain nominal co-rulers), the country joins the UN.

Traditionally, the foundation of Andorra is attributed to Charlemagne, although there is no evidence for this. In 1278, the so-called Act-Pareage was signed between the Count of Foix and the Bishop of Urgell (city of Seu de Urgell), according to which they shared power among themselves in the valley. Subsequently, the rights of the Count of Foix passed to the king, and then the emperor and president of France ....

Popular Attractions

Andorra Tourism

Where to stay

Andorra attracts tourists from all over the world with its ski resorts. As a rule, hotels in this country are small three and four star hotels, which, in turn, are divided into three conditional subtypes.

So, the first group includes hotels located in the largest cities of the country and belonging to large international hotel chains. Such hotels correspond to 4 and 5 stars and are located at the same distance from the most important ski resorts, to which there is a free shuttle every day. Depending on the level of the hotel, you will be offered additional services - a swimming pool, sauna, gym, spa services, sports grounds (as a rule, you need to pay extra for these services).

For those who prefer home comfort and reasonable prices, accommodation is offered in the small mountain villages of Andorra, where you can stay in a three-star hotel or rent an apartment. The cost of living here is an order of magnitude lower than in large cities, the transfer to the ski-bus lifts takes about 10-15 minutes.

For those who prefer a luxurious holiday, there are hotels located in the immediate vicinity of the ski lifts. Rooms in this hotel should be booked in advance.

Well, for fans of extreme sports, accommodation is offered in igloo houses, which are completely built of snow and ice. Additional services include dog sledding or snowmobiling.

It is worth considering that the most common languages ​​in Andorra are Spanish and French, not all staff speak English. Buffet-style meals are included in most hotels, but drinks must be paid extra. Playgrounds are equipped for children, it is possible to use the services of a nanny.

  • in Italy, Spain, France, a title of nobility, intermediate between a count and a duke
  • an honorary family title (in Italy, Spain, France), a rank between a count and a duke. Marquise, wife or daughter of the Marquis. Marquisage cf. the title or estate of a marquis. Awning, outer curtain in front of windows, tent
  • in some countries of Western Europe: a title of nobility, intermediate between a count and a duke, as well as the person who bears this title
  • what was the name of the title of nobility, the middle one between a count and a duke
  • between count and duke


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  • the chronicler says to the deceased Svyatopolk that he went between the Czechs and the Poles, in the arch. to this day, between chahi and lyakhi means this and that, neither this nor that, the middle is half. The day has gone between the Chakhi and the Poles, I don't know where


  • cf. unwilling. ital. music medium and even time signature in music, between rare and frequent, slow and fast, between adagio and allegro. Andantino, even more moderate, slower than Andante
  • tempo between adagio and moderato