Multiplication table on fingers by 9. Multiplication on fingers. Entertaining mathematics. Writing math poems

In life, people who are able to do mental calculations look like “super smart people,” although there is nothing complicated about it. A calculator is a calculator, but counting in your head is useful!

How to help your child learn the multiplication tables?

Below are some simple techniques

Multiplying by 2 or doubling.

Doubling is quite easy, just add something to yourself. First, I showed one, two, three, four, five fingers on my left and right hand at the same time - this is how we got 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.

Together with my student's fingers, we reached twenty, and then I pointed to different things in the room, and suggested that they count and double - the number of letters in a poster, the number of symbols on a watch dial, count the number of spokes on one side of a bicycle wheel, and check if it fits whether the total number is doubled and so on.

Multiplying by 4 and 8, 3 and 6

When you know how to multiply by two, this is mere nonsense. Multiplying by four is the same as doubling the answer for something that has already been doubled, for example, 7x4 is 7x2x2, and we already remembered well that 7x2 is 14 in the previous lesson about doubling, so turn 14 itself into 28 will not be difficult. Once you've figured out the four, it's not that hard to figure out the big eights. Along the way we noticed that, for example, 16 is both 2x8 and 4x4. So we learned that there are numbers consisting entirely of twos: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.

By multiplying by 3 and 6, we learned the old pirate method of "dividing by three."

If you add the digits of a number multiplied by 3, 6, or any other number that is divisible by three, then the result of adding the digits of the answer is always a multiple of three. For example, 3x5 = 15, 1+5 = 6. Or 6x8 = 48, and 4+8 = 12, a multiple of three. And you can add the numbers into 12, you also get 3, so if you get to the end like this, you always get one of three numbers: 3, 6 or 9.

So we turned it into another game. I would ask a number, even a three- or four-digit one, and ask if it was divisible by 3. To answer, just add the numbers, which is quite simple. If the number was divisible by 3, then I asked - “and by 6?” – and then you just had to see if it was even. And then (in the special case of small numbers from the table) sometimes I also wanted to find out what would happen when dividing by 3 or 6. It was a very fun activity.

Multiplying by 5 and 7, prime numbers

And now we are left with multiplication by five, seven, and nine. This means that we learned to multiply them by many other numbers - by 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10. We figured out five very quickly - it’s easy to remember: at the end there is either a zero or five, just the same as a number to be multiplied: either even or odd.

A clock dial is a great object to use with A's; you can come up with many problems about traveling in time and space. At the same time, I explained why there are sixty minutes in an hour, and we understood why this is convenient.

We saw that it is convenient to divide 60 by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, but it is inconvenient to divide by 7. So it was time to take a closer look at this number. From multiplication by seven, the only ones left to remember were 7x7 and 7x9. Now we knew almost everything we needed. I explained that seven is simply a very proud number - such numbers are called prime, they are divisible only by 1 and themselves.

Many parents whose children have completed first grade ask themselves the question: how can they help their child quickly learn the multiplication tables. During the summer, children are asked to memorize this table, and the child does not always show a desire to engage in cramming in the summer. Moreover, if you just mechanically memorize and do not consolidate the result, then you can later forget some examples.

In this article, read ways to quickly learn the multiplication table. Of course, this cannot be done in 5 minutes, but in a few sessions it is quite possible to achieve a good result.

Also read the article,

At the very beginning, you need to explain to your child what multiplication is (if he doesn’t already know). Show the meaning of multiplication by simple example. For example, 3*2 - this means that the number 3 needs to be added 2 times. That is, 3*2=3+3. And 3*3 means that the number 3 needs to be added 3 times. That is, 3*3=3+3+3. And so on. Understanding the essence of the multiplication table, it will be easier for the child to learn it.

It will be easier for children to perceive the multiplication table not in the form of columns, but in the form of a Pythagorean table. It looks like this:

Explain that the numbers at the intersection of the column and line are the result of multiplication. It is much more interesting for a child to study such a table, because here you can find certain patterns. And, when you look carefully at this table, you can see that the numbers highlighted in the same color are repeated.

From this, the child himself will be able to conclude (and this will already be the development of the brain) that when multiplying, when the factors are swapped, the product does not change. That is, he will understand that 6*4=24 and 4*6=24 and so on. That is, you need to learn not the whole table, but half! Believe me, when you see the entire table for the first time (wow, there’s so much to learn!), your child will feel sad. But, realizing that he needs to study half of it, he will noticeably become more cheerful.

Print out the Pythagorean table and hang it in a visible place. Every time, looking at it, the child will remember and repeat some examples. This point is very important.

You need to start studying the table from simple to complex: first learn multiplication by 2, 3, and then by other numbers.

To easily memorize tables, various tools are used: poems, cards, online simulators, small multiplication secrets.

Flashcards are one of the best ways to quickly learn the multiplication tables

The multiplication table needs to be learned gradually: you can take one column per day to memorize. When multiplication by any number is learned, you need to consolidate the result with the help of cards.

You can make the cards yourself, or you can print ready-made ones. You can download the cards from the link below.

Download cards for studying the multiplication tables.

The numbers to be multiplied are written on one side of the card, and the answer on the other. All cards are folded face down. The student draws cards from the deck one by one, answering the given example. If the answer is correct, the card is put aside; if the student is wrong, the card is returned to the general deck.

This way, your memory is trained, and the multiplication table is learned faster. After all, while playing, it is always more interesting to learn. It also works in a card game visual memory, and auditory (you need to voice the equation). And also the student wants to “deal with” all the cards as quickly as possible.

When we learned a little about multiplying by 2, we played cards with multiplication by 2. We learned multiplication by 3, played cards with multiplication by 2 and 3. And so on.

Multiplying by 1 and 10

These are the easiest examples. You don’t even need to memorize anything here, just understand how numbers are multiplied by 1 and 10. Start studying the table by multiplying by these numbers. Explain to your child that multiplying by 1 will result in the same number being multiplied. Multiply by one means take a number once. There shouldn't be any difficulties here.

Multiply by 10 means you need to add the number 10 times. And the result will always be a number 10 times larger than the one being multiplied. That is, to get the answer you just need to add zero to the number being multiplied! A child can easily turn units into tens by adding a zero. Play flashcards with your student to help him remember all the answers better.

Multiply by 2

A child can learn multiplication by 2 in 5 minutes. After all, at school he had already learned to add units. And multiplication by 2 is nothing more than the addition of two identical numbers. When a child knows that 2*2 = 2+2, and 5*2 = 5+5 and so on, then this column will never become a stumbling block for him.

Multiply by 4

After you have learned multiplication by 2, move on to multiplying by 4. This column will be easier for your child to remember than multiplying by 3. To easily learn multiplication by 4, tell your child that multiplying by 4 is multiplying by 2, only twice . That is, we first multiply by two, and then the resulting result by another 2.

For example, 5*4 = 5*2 *2 = 5+5 (as when multiplying by 2 you need to add the same numbers, we get 10) + 10 = 20.

Multiply by 3

If you have any difficulties studying this column, you can turn to poetry for help. You can take ready-made poems, or you can come up with your own. Children have well developed associative memory. If a child is shown a clear example of multiplication on any objects from his environment, then he will more easily remember the answer that he will associate with any object.

For example, arrange the pencils in 3 piles of 4 (or 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - depending on which example the child forgets) pieces. Come up with a problem: you have 4 pencils, dad has 4 pencils and mom has 4 pencils. How many pencils are there in total? Count the pencils and conclude that 3*4 = 12. Sometimes such visualization is very helpful in remembering a “difficult” example.

Multiply by 5

I remember that for me this column was the easiest to remember. Because each subsequent product increases by 5. If you multiply an even number by 5, the answer will also be an even number ending in 0. Children remember this easily: 5*2 = 10, 5*4 = 20, 5*6 = 30 and etc. If you multiply an odd number, the answer will be an odd number ending in 5: 5*3 = 15, 5*5 = 25, etc.

Multiply by 9

I write 9 immediately after 5, because multiplying by 9 has a little secret that will help you quickly learn this column. You can learn multiplication by 9 with your fingers!

To do this, place your hands palms up, fingers straightened. Mentally number your fingers from left to right from 1 to 10. Bend the finger by which number you need to multiply 9. For example, you need 9*5. Bend your 5th finger. All the fingers on the left (4 of them are tens), the fingers on the right (5 of them) are ones. We combine tens and ones and get 45.

One more example. What is 9*7? Bend the seventh finger. There are 6 fingers left on the left, 3 on the right. We connect, we get - 63!

To better understand this simple way to learn multiplication by 9, watch the video.

Another interesting fact about multiplying by 9. Look at the picture below. If you write the multiplication by 9 from 1 to 10 in a column, you will notice that the products will have a certain pattern. The first digits will be from 0 to 9 from top to bottom, the second digits will be from 0 to 9 from bottom to top.

Also, if you look closely at the resulting column, you will notice that the sum of the numbers in the product is 9. For example, 18 is 1+8=9, 27 is 2+7=9, 36 is 3+6=9 and etc.

Second interesting observation this: the first digit of the answer is always 1 less than the number by which 9 is multiplied. That is, 9 × 5 = 4 5 - 4 is one less than 5; 9×9 =8 1 - 8 is one less than 9. Knowing this, it is easy to remember what number the answer begins with when multiplied by 9. If you forgot the second digit, then you can easily count it, knowing that the sum of the numbers in the answer is 9.

For example, how much is 9x6? We immediately understand that the answer will begin with the number 5 (one less than 6). Second digit: 9-5=4 (because the sum of the numbers is 4+5=9). That makes 54!

Multiplying by 6,7,8

When you and your child begin to learn multiplication by these numbers, he will already know multiplication by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9. From the very beginning, you explained to him that 5x6 is the same as 6x5. This means that he already knows some answers; he does not need to learn them first.

The remaining equations need to be learned. Use the Pythagorean table and playing cards for better memorization.

There is one way to calculate the answer when multiplying by 6, 7, 8 on your fingers. But it is more complex than multiplying by 9, it will take time to count. But, if some example does not want to be remembered, try counting on your fingers with your child, perhaps it will be easier for him to learn these most difficult columns.

To make it easier to remember the most complex examples from the multiplication table, solve simple problems with the required numbers with your child, give an example from life. All children love to go to the store with their parents. Give him a problem on this topic. For example, a student cannot remember how much 7x8 is. Then simulate the situation: it’s his birthday. He invited 7 friends to visit. Each friend needs to be treated to 8 candies. How many candies will he buy at the store for his friends? He will remember the answer 56 much faster, knowing that this is the number of treats for friends.

You can memorize the multiplication tables not only at home. If you and your child are on the street, then you can solve problems based on what you see. For example, 4 dogs ran past you. Ask your child how many paws, ears, and tails do dogs have?

Children also love to play on the computer. So let them play profitably. Turn on an online trainer for your student to memorize the multiplication tables.

Study the multiplication tables when your child is in a good mood. If he is tired and begins to be capricious, then it is better to leave further training for another time.

Use the methods that are most suitable for your child, and everything will work out!

I wish you easy and quick memorization of the multiplication tables!

In the summer, Arina must learn the multiplication table. She already knows up to 5, and then the set of numbers is a little more complicated. Today we discovered an interesting method of multiplication on our fingers. We figured it out. Arina is delighted, and I’m also somewhat surprised why they didn’t know about this at school! I'm sharing.

Turn your hands with your palms facing you and assign numbers from 6 to 10 to each finger, starting with the little finger.

Now let's try to multiply, for example, 7x8. To do this, connect finger No. 7 on your left hand with finger No. 8 on your right.

Now we count the fingers: the number of fingers under the connected ones is tens.

And we multiply the fingers of the left hand remaining on top by the fingers of the right - these will be our units (3x2 = 6). The total is 56.

Sometimes it happens that when multiplying “units” the result is greater than 9. In such cases, you need to add both results into a column.

For example, 7x6. In this case, it turns out that the “units” are equal to 12 (3x4). Tens equal 3.

3 (tens)
12 (units)

Multiply by 9

Turn your hands again with your palms facing you, but now the numbering of your fingers will go in order from left to right, that is, from 1 to 10.

Now we multiply, for example, 2x9. Everything that goes up to finger No. 2 is tens (that is, 1 in this case). And all that remains after finger No. 2 is units (that is, 8). As a result we get 18.

In modern primary school The multiplication table begins to be taught in the second grade and ends in the third, and the multiplication table is often taught in the summer. If you didn’t study in the summer, and your child is still “floating” in multiplication examples, we’ll tell you how to learn the multiplication table quickly and fun - with the help of drawings, games and even your fingers.

Problems that children often have in connection with the multiplication tables:

  1. Children don't know what 7 x 8 is.
  2. They don’t see that the problem must be solved by multiplication (because it doesn’t directly say: “What is 8 times 4?”)
  3. They don't understand that if you know that 4 × 9 = 36, then you also know what 9 × 4, 36: 4 and 36: 9 are equal to.
  4. They don’t know how to use their knowledge and use it to reconstruct a forgotten piece of the table.

How to quickly learn the multiplication table: the language of multiplication

Before you start teaching the multiplication table with your child, it’s worth stepping back a little and realizing that a simple multiplication example can be described in a surprising number of different ways. Take the 3×4 example. You can read it as:

  • three times four (or four times three);
  • three times four;
  • three times four;
  • product of three and four.

At first, it is far from obvious to the child that all these phrases mean multiplication. You can help your son or daughter if, instead of repeating yourself, you casually use different language in conversations about multiplication. For example: “So how much is three times four? What do you get if you take three times four?”

In what order should I learn the multiplication tables?

The most natural way for children to learn multiplication tables is to start with the easiest ones and work their way up to the most difficult ones. The following sequence makes sense:

Multiplying by ten (10, 20, 30...), which children learn naturally as they learn to count.

Multiplying by five (after all, we all have five fingers and toes).

Multiplying by two. Couples, even numbers and doubling are familiar even to small children.

Multiplying by four (after all, this is just doubling multiplying by two) and eight (doubling multiplying by four).

Multiplying by nine (there are quite convenient techniques for this, more on them below).

Multiplying by three and six.

Why is 3x7 equal to 7x3

When helping your child remember the multiplication tables, it is very important to explain to him that the order of the numbers does not matter: 3 × 7 gives the same answer as 7 × 3. One of the best ways to clearly show this - use array. This is a special mathematical word that refers to a set of numbers or shapes enclosed in a rectangle. Here, for example, is an array of three rows and seven columns.


Arrays are a simple and visual way to help your child understand how multiplication and fractions work. How many points are there in a 3 by 7 rectangle? Three rows of seven elements total 21 elements. In other words, arrays are an easy-to-understand way to visualize multiplication, in this case 3 × 7 = 21.

What if we draw the array in a different way?


Obviously, both arrays should have same number points (they don't have to be counted individually), because if the first array is rotated a quarter turn, it will look exactly like the second.

Look around, look nearby, in the house or on the street, for some arrays. Take a look at the brownies in the box, for example. The cakes are arranged in a 4 by 3 array. What if you rotate them? Then 3 by 4.

Now look at the windows of the high-rise building. Wow, this is also an array, 5 by 4! Or maybe 4 to 5, depending on how you look? Once you start paying attention to arrays, it turns out that they are everywhere.

If you've already taught your children the idea that 3 x 7 is the same as 7 x 3, then the number of multiplication facts you need to memorize decreases dramatically. Once you memorize 3 × 7, you get the answer to 7 × 3 as a bonus.

Knowing the commutative law of multiplication reduces the number of multiplication facts from 100 to 55 (not exactly half due to squaring cases such as 3×3 or 7×7, which have no pair).

Each of the numbers located above the dotted diagonal (for example, 5 × 8 = 40) is also present below it (8 × 5 = 40).

The table below contains one more hint. Children usually start learning their multiplication tables using counting algorithms. To figure out what 8 × 4 is, they count like this: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32. But if you know that eight is four is the same as four times eight, then 8, 16 , 24, 32 will be faster. In Japan, children are specifically taught to “put the lowest number first.” Seven times 3? Don't do this, count better 3 times 7.

Learning squares of numbers

The result of multiplying a number by itself (1 × 1, 2 × 2, 3 × 3, etc.) is known as square of the number. This is because graphically this multiplication corresponds to a square array. If you go back to the multiplication table and look at its diagonal, you will see that it is all made up of squares of numbers.

They have interesting feature, which you can explore with your child. When listing the squares of numbers, pay attention to how much they increase each time:

Squares of numbers 0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49...
Difference 1 3 5 7 9 11 13

This curious connection between squared numbers and odd numbers is a great example of how different types numbers are related to each other in mathematics.

Multiplication table for 5 and 10

The first and easiest table to memorize is the 10 multiplication table: 10, 20, 30, 40...

In addition, children learn the multiplication table by five relatively easily, and they are helped in this by their arms and legs, which visually represent four fives.

It is also convenient that the numbers in the multiplication table for five always end in 5 or 0. (So, we know for sure that the number 3,451,254,947,815 is present in the multiplication table for five, although we cannot verify this using a calculator: on The device’s screen simply won’t fit such a number).

Children can easily double numbers. This is probably due to the fact that we have two hands with five fingers on each. However, children do not always associate doubling with multiplying by two. The child may know that if you double six you get 12, but when you ask him what six equals two, he has to count: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. In this case, you should remind him that six is ​​two - the same as twice six, and twice six is ​​double six.

So, if your child is good at doubling, then he essentially knows the two times table. At the same time, he is unlikely to immediately realize that with its help you can quickly imagine a multiplication table for four - for this you just need to double and double again.

Game: double adventure

Any game in which players roll dice can be adapted so that all rolls count as doubles. This gives several advantages: on the one hand, children like the idea of ​​going twice as far as the dice shows with each throw; on the other hand, they gradually master the multiplication table by two. In addition (which is important for parents busy with other things), the game ends in half the time.

Multiplication table by 9: compensation method

One way to master the nine times table is to take the result of multiplying by ten and subtracting the excess.

What is nine times seven? Ten times seven is 70, subtract seven to get 63.

7 × 9 = (7 × 10) - 7 = 63

Perhaps a quick sketch of an appropriate array will help cement this idea in the child's mind.

If you have only memorized the nine times table up to "nine ten", then nine 25 will baffle you. But ten times 25 is 250, subtract 25, we get 225. 9 × 25 = 225.

Test yourself

Can you solve the 9 × 78 example in your head using the compensation method (multiplying by 10 and subtracting 78)?

There is another convenient way to master the nine multiplication table. It uses fingers and kids love it.

Hold your hands in front of you, palms down. Imagine that your fingers (including your thumb) are numbered from 1 to 10. 1 is the little finger on your left hand (the outermost finger to your left), 10 is the little finger on your right (the outermost finger to your right).

To multiply a number by nine, bend the finger with the corresponding number. Let's say you are interested in nine 7. Bend the finger that you mentally designated as the seventh number.

Now look at your hands: the number of fingers to the left of the curled one will give you the number of tens in your answer; in this case it is 60. The number of fingers on the right will give the number of ones: three. Total: 9 × 7 = 63. Try it: This method works for all single-digit numbers.

Multiplication table for 3 and 6

For children, the multiplication table by three is one of the most difficult. In this case, there are practically no tricks, and the multiplication table by 3 will simply have to be memorized.

The multiplication table for six follows directly from the multiplication table for three; here, again, it all comes down to doubling. If you know how to multiply by three, just double the result - and you get a multiplication by six. So 3 × 7 = 21, 6 × 7 = 42.

Multiplication table for 7 - dice game

So all we have left is the seven times table. Eat good news. If your child has successfully mastered the tables described above, there is no need to memorize anything at all: everything is already in the other tables.

But if your child wants to learn the 7 times table separately, we will introduce you to a game that will help speed up this process.

You will need this much dice, as many as you can find. Ten, for example, is an excellent number. Tell your son or daughter that you want to see which of you can add the numbers on the dice the fastest. However, let the children decide how many dice to roll. And to increase your child’s chances of winning, you can agree that he must add the numbers indicated on the upper faces of the cubes, and you – those on both the top and bottom.

Have each child choose at least two dice and place them in a glass or mug (they are great for shaking the dice to create a random roll). All you need to know is how many cubes the child took.

As soon as the dice are rolled, you can immediately calculate the total of the numbers on the top and bottom faces! How? Very simply: multiply the number of dice by 7. Thus, if three dice were drawn, the sum of the top and bottom numbers would be 21. (The reason, of course, is that the numbers on opposite sides of the die always add up to seven.)

Children will be so amazed at the speed of your calculations that they will also want to master this method so that they can use it someday in a game with their friends.

In the era of the so-called British Imperial system of measures and "non-decimal" money, everyone needed to own an account up to 12 × 12 (then there were 12 pence in a shilling and 12 inches in a foot). But even today, 12 comes up every now and then in calculations: many people still measure and count in inches (in America this is the standard), and eggs are sold by dozens and half-dozens.

Little of. A child who can freely multiply numbers greater than ten begins to develop an understanding of how large numbers are multiplied. Knowing the 11 and 12 multiplication tables helps you spot interesting patterns. Here is the complete multiplication table for up to 12.

Note that the number eight, for example, appears four times in the table, while 36 appears five times. If you connect all the cells with the number eight, you get a smooth curve. The same can be said about cells with the number 36. In fact, if a certain number appears in the table more than twice, then all places where it appears can be connected by a smooth curve of approximately the same shape.

You can encourage your child to explore on his own, which will keep him busy for (maybe) half an hour or more. Print out several copies of the table for multiplying the first twelve numbers by 12, and then ask him to do the following:

  • color all cells with even numbers red, and all cells with odd numbers blue;
  • determine which numbers appear there most often;
  • say how many different numbers are found in the table;
  • answer the questions: “What is the smallest number not found in this table? What other numbers from 1 to 100 are missing from it?”

Focus with eleven

The 11 multiplication table is the easiest to construct.

1 × 11 = 11
2 × 11 = 22
3 × 11 = 33
4 × 11 = 44
5 × 11 = 55
6 × 11 = 66
7 × 11 = 77
8 × 11 = 88
9 × 11 = 99

  • Take any number from ten to 99 - let it be, say, 26.
  • Break it into two numbers and move them apart to create a space in the middle: 2 _ 6.
  • Add the two digits of your number together. 2 + 6 = 8 and insert what you got into the middle: 2 8 6

This is the answer! 26 × 11 = 286.

But be careful. What do you get if you multiply 75 x 11?

  • Breaking down the number: 7 _ 5
  • Add: 7 + 5 = 12
  • We insert the result in the middle and get 7125, which is obviously wrong!

What's the matter? There is a little trick in this example that needs to be used when the digits used to represent the number add up to ten or more (7 + 5 = 12). We add one to the first of our numbers. Therefore, 75 × 11 is not 7125, but (7 + 1)25, or 825. So the trick is actually not as simple as it might seem.

Game: beat the calculator

The purpose of this game is to develop the skill of quickly using the multiplication table. You will need a deck of playing cards without pictures and a calculator. Decide which player will be the first to use the calculator.

  • The player with the calculator must multiply the two numbers drawn on the cards; he must use a calculator even if he knows the answer (yes, this can be very difficult).
  • The other player must multiply the same two numbers in his head.
  • The one who gets the answer first gets a point.
  • After ten attempts, players change places.

Rob Eastway

This method is often called the grandma method. It should be said right away that this is the worst of the proposed ways to study multiplication - it leads to a dead end, and the method given below is recommended more for familiarization than for practical use.

Finger multiplication technique.

Description and preparation.

The child is required to be able to add, know the multiplication table from 1 to 5 and be able to multiply by 10. To multiply by 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 we use the fingers of both hands.

First you need to place both hands with your palms facing you and number all your fingers sequentially from 6 to 10. The numbering of the fingers is as follows:

Little finger – 6,

Nameless – 7,

Average – 8,

Index – 9,

Big – 10.

At the initial stage, fingers can be numbered with a pen. During the multiplication process, you will need to touch the necessary fingers of both hands. More details immediately with examples.

Example 7 * 6.

First you need to touch the ring finger of your left hand (number 7) to the little finger of your right hand (number 6). This matches the numbers in the example.

Multiplying 7 by 6

The touching fingers and the fingers below them are called lower, the fingers above are called upper.

To multiply 7 * 6, first calculate the sum of the lower fingers. In our case it is 3. Then multiply by 10, we get 30.

Now add 30 and 12 and get the answer 42.

Example 8 * 9.

To begin, you need to touch the middle finger of your left hand (number 8) to the index finger of your right hand (number 9).

Multiplying 8 by 9

First, let's calculate the sum of the lower fingers. In this case it is 7. Then multiply by 10, we get 70.

Adding 70 and 2, we get the answer 72.

Advantages of the method

  • Quite easy to use.

Disadvantages of the method

  • Dead end method. Multiplying on your fingers will not allow you to count anything more than the multiplication table, that is, you will still have to relearn how to multiply normally.
  • Inferior. Requires basic training in multiplication.
  • Inconvenient. Requires the use of both hands.
  • Impractical. It is unlikely that you will be able to pass the multiplication table by counting on your fingers in front of the teacher.
  • Not serious. A child counting on his fingers may become an object of ridicule from classmates.