Educational work at school presentation on the stand. Presentation: "Forms of educational work." The purpose of educational work

Relevance of the project. Life experience and human culture are passed on from generation to generation. The formation of a value relationship depends on a number of factors (value choice, children’s direct experience of value relationships, the object’s own understanding of the content, forms of manifestation and general meaning of value in a person’s life, which occurs in value-oriented activities). That is why a child’s entry into culture is a complex process and depends entirely on his desire, efforts, and skills. Adults should help him become a worthy person, who is characterized by positive qualities, virtues that constitute a generalized characteristic of the moral qualities of an individual, the basis of universal human values.

Expected results: Each of the assigned tasks has its own specific evaluation criteria. First of all, this is the style of communication with each other, the attitude towards others, the desire to see the beautiful and the beautiful, the quantitative results of the events and the number of participants.

Project implementation. Stage I: g. - g. Direction: “Politeness and speech etiquette” Goal: Expanding knowledge about etiquette. Formation of ideas about speech etiquette. Teaching politeness as a manifestation (in speech, actions) of respect for oneself and other people. Objectives: Create conditions for the development of speech culture, improve speech etiquette. Expand your vocabulary of polite words.

Planned activities: activities, timeframes responsible 1 Diagnostics of students “Formation of school motivation”, “My Family” September psychologist class. manager 2 Class hours: “Polite conversation” “What is “good” and what is “bad”.” during the year class. leader students 3 Conversations: “The magic word Hello!” during the year class. leader students 4 Collection of proverbs about etiquette, politeness, polite actions. during the year class. leader students 5 Work on outdated words. during the year class. leader students 6 Tic-tac-toe holiday or rules of good manners. Michaels. leader students

Stage II: g. - g. Direction: “Beauty of deed” Goal: Fostering a culture of relationships in children. Formation of ideas about the beauty of an act. Objectives: To develop a respectful attitude towards family. Form an idea of ​​duty to loved ones. Learn to show mutual respect for each other. Promote the assimilation of the rules of culture of behavior in public places.

Planned events: events and deadlines 1 Conversations on the rules of conduct in public places. during the year class. leader 2 Conversations: “You won’t abandon a friend in trouble” “Where there is peace and harmony, there is no need for treasure” during the year class. leader 3 Parents' meeting "The relationship between mother and father - the basis of sex education for children" November class. leader 4 Exit to the theater, museum, cinema. throughout the year class. leader parents 4Courtesy WeekFebruaryclass. head parents

Stage III: city - city Direction: “Getting involved with folk traditions” Goal: Developing interest in folk customs and native places. Education of patriotic feelings. Objectives: To introduce folk art. Foster respect for folk traditions.

Planned events: events and periods of responsibility 1Search work “My Pedigree” during the year class. head parents 2 Learning Russian folk games. during the year class. head parents 3Search work “History of the school in my parents” during the year class. leader parents 4 Excursion to the museum. throughout the year class. leader parents 5 Folk traditions in your home - conversations, holidays. during the year class. head parents

Stage IV: g. – g. Direction: “Our inner world.” Goal: Development of psychological culture among students. Objectives: To form primary ideas about the inner world of a person - attention, memory, emotions, interests, character. To promote mastery of self-education techniques, attention, memory. Develop communication skills. Teach children methods of self-regulation, emotional and volitional spheres. Develop the ability for empathy and compassion.

Planned activities: activities and timing 1 Conversations: “What does it mean to be attentive?” "What is character?" during the year class. head 2Trainings: “Learning to remember” Learning to manage oneself” “Rules of an honest dispute” during the year class. head psychologist 3Parents meeting “Development of will in children.” Januaryclass. manager 4

Forms educational work

Prepared by:

Primary school teacher

Volkova Daria Sergeevna

Lyubertsy 2017

Form of educational work - this is an organizational structure, a pedagogical action, an event in which the tasks, content and methods of a specific educational process are implemented.


  • Organizational
  • Regulatory
  • Informative


Any form of educational work involves

solving an organizational problem.

Can act as an organizer

both teacher and students.

The organization of the business reflects

a certain logic of action,

interaction of participants.

There are generalized methods (algorithms) for organizing various forms of educational work, which have become traditional and are used by many teachers.


The use of one form or another allows you to regulate both the relationship between teachers and students.

Different forms have different effects on the process

cohesion of a group of students.

Thanks to the forms where it is laid in advance

the need for interaction occurs

formation of social norms



The implementation of this function involves not only one-way communication to students

this or that amount of knowledge, but also

updating their existing

knowledge, appeal to their experience.


  • Individual
  • Group
  • Massive


Conversations, classes, consultations conducted with one child.


Several participants (circle, temporary group, class) are in direct contact with the teacher and with each other.


Several classes, a school, a district, the whole country hold holidays, conferences, rallies, processions, etc.


The main means of influence is the rational word, persuasion with a word that

can be painted

emotion and evoke emotions

children. (Conversations, cool

discussions, meetings,

conferences, lectures, etc.)

The main thing here is exchange

information, messages

students, teachers and others

adults, discussion of problems.


They unite such affairs of pupils, where the main means of influence are joint experiences, mainly social, moral, aesthetic.

The main thing here is to evoke strong, deep and ennobling collective emotions, similar to those that people experience in the theater, at holidays, rallies and in similar situations.


Has a positive effect on


joint work, more broadly - various

activity, any work, including socially useful activities.

These are different types of work at school: from daily

cleaning before school renovation, layout and arrangement

garden, park, farm organization, school

cooperative, printing house, information center.


They form a type of educational influence in which the main thing is play, joint recreation, and meaningful entertainment. These can be sports games, educational, competitive,

competitive. All of them are the same

like the above types

forms of educational work,

often combine the above

means of influence: word,

image, deep emotions,


In this type, the main means of influence are elements of psychological training, methods of practical psychology, individual and group psychotherapy: lectures, conversations, discussions, psychological exercises, consultations.

Organization algorithm educational work

  • determination of the topic, objectives, form of the event
  • preliminary collection of material (if necessary)
  • Planning (determining the content and sequence of work)
  • preparation of participants (for example, preliminary conversation, stand preparation)
  • carrying out the work - pay attention to the composition, decoration of the room, the role of the guests, ending
  • analysis and self-analysis of the teacher

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A student is a person.

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Conversation with parents.

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Home visit.

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Types of the nervous system.

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The Republic of Kazakhstan.

April 2012

5.Environmental education.

6.Aesthetic education.

11.Family education.

Table: Types of nervous system

Sanguine passport.

Cheerful and cheerful.


Choleric passport.

Restless, fussy.

Intemperate, quick-tempered.

Impatient, reactive.

Decisive and proactive.


Resourceful in an argument.

Works in jerks.


10. He is vindictive and touchy.

13. Aggressive.

14. Intolerant of shortcomings.

Phlegmatic passport.

Calm and cool.

Cautious and reasonable.

Restrained and patient.

Doesn't waste energy.

11. Easily restrains desires.

20. Has endurance.

Passport of a melancholic.

Shy and self-conscious.

Lost in a new environment.

Easily tolerates loneliness.

Tends to withdraw into himself.

Gets tired quickly.

Has weak, quiet speech.

16. Excessively touchy.

18. Inactive at work.

19. Submissively subdued.

The Republic of Kazakhstan.

Aktobe region, Mugalzhar district, Emba city Secondary school No. 2

Report on the topic: “Educational activities of teachers.”

Prepared by: teacher of Kazakh language and literature E.M. Kurantaeva

April 2012

Raising the younger generation is the main task of any teacher. Every teacher is a psychologist and he has to study the psyche of each student. A student is a person with his own views on the world and the environment. First of all, when studying this personality, the teacher will have to choose the right approach to the inner world of each student. Of course, this is not easy work, requiring a certain amount of knowledge, skills and patience.

Parents, sending their child to school, completely entrust him to the teacher, who, in turn, bears incredible responsibility for the student’s mastery of knowledge, achievement of the main goal, as well as for his life, health and safety. Unfortunately, in our time there are parents who do not take into account the child’s capabilities and force him to “jump above himself,” thereby trying to realize their personal omissions or failed plans. When a teacher is faced with such a problem, he must equip himself with creativity, using communicative methods of approach to both the child and the parents. Examples of such methods are home visits, individual conversations, questionnaires, psychological tests with parents and students.

Parents of this type do not want to allow such grades as "3" and the child, having received such a mark, tries to immediately correct it, trying to prove to others that he is capable of more, he develops a sense of inner self, or he loses interest in the lesson, self-esteem decreases, he becomes touchy and aggressive. The role of the teacher in solving this situation is to choose a middle ground and bring to the awareness of the parents the abilities and inclinations of their child.

One of the main objectives of 12-year education is to identify the skills and abilities of the student. Some students are interested in sports, others in music, and others in poetry. Having identified the individual abilities and qualities of a student, the teacher must contribute to the development of students’ knowledge in a particular area, promote his participation in competitions, competitions, and the publication of works in newspapers and magazines. Having seen the fruits of such work, parents, in turn, will understand what their child is capable of.

An important role in the development of a child as an individual is played by the class teacher. The class teacher, together with the subject teacher, promotes the development of the child’s skills and abilities in one area or another. He encourages the child to attend school sections and clubs, promotes the development of creative activity and logical thinking.

A huge contribution to the development of creative activity and the formation of socially significant individual qualities is made by subject weeks, decades, extracurricular activities and educational hours. Educational work can be organized in the following areas:

1.Civil-patriotic, legal and multicultural education.

2.Spiritual and moral education.

3. Formation of the need for self-realization and self-development of the individual.

4.Formation of socially significant individual qualities.

5.Environmental education.

6.Aesthetic education.

7. Physical education and the formation of a health-preserving healthy lifestyle environment.

8.Labor and economic education.

9. Professional and creative education.

10.Development of intellectual culture.

11.Family education.

12.Formation of a communicative culture.

When educating students in these areas, the class teacher must create a health-preserving environment, provide emotional comfort, alternate different types of activities, pay special attention to the independence of students. We often come across definitions starting with, self-"" is self-esteem, self-education, self-realization, self-development and etc. and proof of this is the introduction of the subject – self-knowledge – into the school curriculum.

Self-knowledge is aimed at cultivating in a child a sense of self-worth, self-respect, independence of judgment, the ability to self-improvement, the ability to navigate in the spiritual world and in the situations of surrounding life, the readiness to make independent decisions and take responsibility for one’s words and actions.

The subject of self-knowledge is introduced into the school curriculum from the 1st grade. It is at this age that a child’s character traits are formed and his individuality develops. The class teacher will have a close relationship with the teacher of the subject self-knowledge. This could be attending lessons, an individual conversation with the teacher, an invitation to educational hours and parent-teacher meetings.

An important role in the development of a child as an individual is played by a school psychologist, who will help the class teacher determine what temperament a particular student belongs to and, in accordance with the student’s temperament, the class teacher chooses one or another approach to the student.

We can distinguish the four most pronounced types of the nervous system, their relationship and connection with temperament (see table “Types of the nervous system”).

Table: Types of nervous system

Melancholic temperament, as can be seen from the table, is determined by the weakness of the processes of excitation and inhibition, while their mobility or inertia is uncharacteristic. Even with a slight overstrain, for example, in the case of solving a difficult task or life situation, a melancholic person has a breakdown.

A melancholic person has a weak type of nervous system and, therefore, is not resistant to circumstances that require overcoming or strong stimulation of the nervous system. The remaining three types of nervous system are considered strong.

Phlegmatic temperament is a type of temperament that, although a strong type, is still characterized by low mobility of nervous processes. Once they have arisen in certain centers, they are distinguished by their constancy and strength. An inert nervous system corresponds to this type.

Sanguine temperament - another strong type of temperament - is characterized by the fact that its processes of excitation and inhibition are quite strong, balanced and easily mobile.

Choleric temperament is the third strong type of temperament - unbalanced, uncontrollable, in which the processes of excitation predominate over weak inhibition. This type of nervous system quickly depletes and is prone to breakdowns.

If on a diagram we place all the temperaments in a coordinate system, at the starting point of which is the sanguine person (strong, balanced, agile), then other temperaments deviate from it depending on the severity of the features of the three coordinates such as the nervous system, characteristic of these temperaments.

The class teacher can invite a school psychologist to educational hours, to parent meetings, to help organize various psychological trainings and tests.

The main task of every teacher and parent is to educate a competitive, comprehensively developed personality that meets current standards and requirements.

V. Wundt left us a commandment: “In the everyday joys and sorrows of life we ​​must be sanguine, in important events of life melancholic, in relation to drives that deeply affect our interests - choleric, and finally, in the execution of decisions - phlegmatic.”

Sanguine passport.

Cheerful and cheerful.


Often does not finish the job.

Tends to overestimate himself and his capabilities.

Able to quickly grasp new things.

Unstable in interests and inclinations.

Easily experiences failures and troubles.

Easily adapts to different circumstances.

Takes on new business with enthusiasm.

10. Cools down quickly if the matter ceases to interest you.

11. Quickly gets involved in new work and quickly switches from one job to another.

12. Is burdened by monotony and everyday work.

13. Sociable and responsive, does not feel constrained in communicating with new people.

14. Works quickly, enthusiastically, smoothly. Needs breaks less often than others.

15. Hardy and efficient.

16. Has loud, fast, distinct speech, accompanied by lively gestures.

17. Maintains self-control in unexpectedly difficult situations.

18. Always has a cheerful mood.

19. Falls asleep and wakes up quickly.

20. Often not collected, shows haste in decisions.

Choleric passport.

Restless, fussy.

Intemperate, quick-tempered.

Impatient, reactive.

Harsh and straightforward in relationships with people.

Decisive and proactive.


Resourceful in an argument.

Works in jerks.


10. He is vindictive and touchy.

11. Has passionate speech with confused intonations.

12. Unbalanced and prone to ardor.

13. Aggressive.

14. Intolerant of shortcomings.

15. Has expressive facial expressions.

16. Able to act quickly and solve life problems.

17. Tirelessly strives for something new.

18. Has sharp, impetuous movements.

19. Unstable in achieving the set goal.

20. Prone to sudden mood swings.

Phlegmatic passport.

Calm and cool.

Consistent and thorough in business.

Cautious and reasonable.

He works calmly, slowly, and rarely rests.

He is silent and does not like to chat in vain.

Has a calm, even speech, without sharply expressed emotions or facial expressions.

Restrained and patient.

Brings the job he started to completion.

Doesn't waste energy.

10. Strictly adheres to the developed life routine and work system.

11. Easily restrains desires.

12. Low sensitivity to approval and encouragement.

13. He is not malicious, shows a condescending attitude towards barbs directed at himself.

14. Constant in his relationships and interests, knows how to wait, and gets along with others.

15. Slowly gets involved in work and switches from one task to another.

16. Roven has relationships with everyone.

17. Loves neatness and order in everything.

18. Has difficulty adapting to a new environment.

19. Inert, inactive, lethargic.

20. Has endurance.

Passport of a melancholic.

Shy and self-conscious.

Lost in a new environment.

It is difficult to establish contact with strangers.

Easily tolerates loneliness.

Does not believe in his own strength, loses heart when faced with adversity.

Feels depressed and confused when facing failures.

Tends to withdraw into himself.

Gets tired quickly.

Has weak, quiet speech.

10. Involuntarily adapts to the character of the interlocutor.

11. Impressive to the point of tearfulness and anxiety.

12. Extremely receptive to approval and encouragement.

13. Makes high demands on himself and others.

14. Prone to suspicion and suspiciousness.

15. Painfully sensitive and easily hurt.

16. Excessively touchy.

17. Secretive and not sociable, does not share his thoughts with anyone.

18. Inactive at work.

19. Submissively subdued.

20. Strives to evoke sympathy and help from others.

Materials used: Methodological manual for teachers of self-knowledge. 1st class “Bobek 2010”

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Main events: 1. 3rd place in the district museum-historical Olympiad dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow. 2. Lessons were held in the school museum (Battle of Borodino, Easter, Maslenitsa). 3. A district conference “War in Literature” was held. 4. Primary school students participated in the district research competition “Premiere”. 5. 2nd place in the district brain-ring for Moscow studies “Moscow in the Ring of Boulevards” 6. Virtual excursions to places of historical and cultural heritage were conducted for elementary school students. 7. 6 medals of winners of the interschool art festival “Sinegoria-2012”. 8. Competition of children's and creative works as part of the tolerance week “Planet of Tolerance”.

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9. Pupils of the 8th grade "B" Rudenko Anastasia and Machkalyan Anush took 1st place with a presentation on the topic "Research of the Moon" in the regional conference "Space Horizons". Also 1st place went to Nikolay Tishin 7b. 2nd place went to Alina Savelyeva 8b , Galchutkin Vladislav 7b and Kuzmin Ilya 10. Savelyev Dmitry 11th grade “A” - WINNER of the district open competition of design, research and abstract works of schoolchildren in physics "Lomonosov Readings-2012".

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Personal growth of students in grades 4-8. 118 people were interviewed, of which: 19 people were students of grade 4 “A” Loginova T.V. 23 students of grade 5 “A” Finogenova N.V. 21 students of 6th grade “A” Skomskova G.M. 11 people from 6th class “B” Karpova I.M. 12 students of grade 7 “A” Komarova Yu.V. 13 students 7 “B” Pestich E.N. 19 people from 8th class “A” Vorobyova N.M.

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Brief conclusions: Children understand the importance of studying and gaining knowledge. They are aware of the need to raise the level of culture and labor education - they are “ready” for this and “do not resist.” Children gave the highest percentage of positive attitudes (71.2%) to a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, the concept of “Fatherland” is formed in children from case to case, depending on the situation. It may be necessary to pay attention to the psychological state of students, because... the attitude towards one’s inner world is at the level of a situationally negative attitude.

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Management in the field of education As a result of the study, our school scored 50 points, which indicates the optimal quality of educational activities of teachers

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RESULTS OF THE STUDY: It is necessary to monitor the dynamics of schoolchildren’s upbringing. It is important to monitor teachers’ implementation of the educational potential of schoolchildren’s educational and extracurricular activities. Various representatives of the school community (teachers, parents, students) should be involved in the development of educational plans and programs.

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Collectivistic type The individual perceives the group as an independent value. The problems of the group and its individual members come to the fore; there is an interest in the successes of each member of the group and the group as a whole, and the desire to contribute to group activities. There is a need for collective forms of work.

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Research on the occurrence of conflict situations in school The study was conducted taking into account the views of parents, teachers and students.

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Question/respondent Parent Teacher 1. What is most often the cause of conflicts in students’ communication with each other? 1.Bringing up mistakes. 2. Educational mistakes of teachers 3. Increased aggression 4. Whistleblowing 1. Educational mistakes of parents. 2. Educational mistakes of teachers 3. Increased aggression 4. Inability to play d-s-d 2. What most often causes conflicts in communication between a teacher and students? Mutual misunderstanding Failure to fulfill requests Selfishness Rudeness of parents 1. Violation of discipline 2. Bad manners of the teacher 3. Disrespectful attitude of the student 3. What most often causes conflicts in communication between a teacher and a parent? Prejudicial attitude of the teacher towards the child Negative statements from the teacher to the child 1. Self-removal of parents from the learning process 2. Parental accusations of bias. 4. How do teachers build relationships with students? Raising your voice, shouting, Persuasion, explanation 5. What methods of resolving conflicts with children do you consider the most effective? Persuasion, clarification Compromise

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Students’ opinion: “What most often causes conflict in your communication?” With peers With teachers With parents Snitching Injustice of teacher Dishonesty of parents Inability to get along with others Dislike of the subject Eternally busy parents Different nationality Violation of discipline Categorical demands Greed Failure to fulfill tasks Difference of views Incompetence of teacher Restriction of freedom Unwillingness of teacher to understand problems Rudeness of students Failure to comply with requests of parents

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Long-term plan of educational work for the 2012-2013 academic year. If the meaning of theater were only an entertaining spectacle, perhaps it would not be worth putting so much effort into it. But theater is the art of reflecting life. Stanislavsky.

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Goals: Methodological theme of the school: the formation of an innovative educational environment as a necessary condition for the implementation of the “Capital Education - 6” program. The leading goal of the school is to create a person-oriented education system, adaptive to the levels and characteristics of students’ development, combining educational, general developmental and specialized training, and the formation of a human citizen. The goal of educational work is to create conditions at school for free, conscious self-determination of the individual on the basis of fundamental knowledge, experience of creative activity and firmly mastered social and civic competencies.

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Objectives: Implementation of the city target program for the development of education “Capital Education - 6”. Using the resources of additional education and the school museum as a way to expand the possibilities for choosing individual educational trajectories and developing the creative potential of the individual. Creating conditions at school for preserving and strengthening health, developing a healthy lifestyle for students and pupils, providing assistance to children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance. Creation of mechanisms for using intellectual, sociocultural and physical culture and sports resources of the Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye district and the city of Moscow in education, realizing the potential of education in school development. Creation at school of conditions for the formation of spiritual and moral foundations for the development and socialization of the individual in the multicultural environment of the metropolis on the basis of a tolerant approach. Creation of mechanisms for coordination and integration of network interaction in working with gifted children.

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To achieve the desired result and implement the assigned tasks, educational activities will be organized as follows: Conducting subject weeks. Participation in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the mathematical game “Kangaroo”, “Lomonosov Readings”, “Zubrenok”. Conducting thematic classes by class teachers dedicated to anniversaries and memorable dates, environmental and labor education, instilling a healthy lifestyle and crime prevention. Organization of district conferences and intellectual games aimed at broadening the horizons and cognitive interest of students. Instilling morality and spirituality through museum pedagogy (carrying out extracurricular activities and lessons in the school museum “Memory of the past - the road to the future”).

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Functions of the deputy director of a school for HR: information and analytical function, planning and forecasting function (including own activities), motivational and goal function. organizational and executive function, control and diagnostic function, regulatory and correctional function

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The main objects of management activity of the Deputy Director for VR Teaching staff Student staff Parental staff Extracurricular organizations

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Education is managing the process of formation and development of a child’s personality through the creation of favorable conditions for this. Personality is a person who freely and responsibly determines his attitude towards the world, towards people, towards himself. Relationships: Value-based (positive) Non-value-based (indifferent) Anti-value (negative)

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Value relations value objects are objects of the child’s surrounding world that are recognized as valuable in the civilization with which a person identifies himself; priority values ​​are humanistic: - Man, Family, Fatherland, Earth, Peace, Knowledge, Labor, Culture - Good, Truth, Beauty.

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Personal growth is the development (positive dynamics) of humanistic value relationships of the child’s personality to the world, to people, to himself

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The result of the educational process is personal growth as a positive dynamics of personality development, and not compliance of a set of useful qualities with a standard, standard, norm

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The essence of the analysis is the determination of cause-and-effect relationships between the components of the educational process; the results of the pedagogical process; the appropriateness of the work carried out; factors that determined the results achieved; the effectiveness of the means, forms and methods of education used; achievements and shortcomings in the organization of educational work; ways of developing the educational process

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The purpose of the analysis is to identify the “field of problems” in education, evaluate the results of educational activities over the past period, find options for further development of education, develop and justify the goals and objectives of education for the new school year

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Basic requirements for the analysis of educational work: the analysis must be objective, take into account both quantitative and qualitative characteristics; it is necessary to consider the entire set of phenomena that occurred in the educational institution; it is necessary to determine the connection of the subject of analysis with the past and future. analysis involves the study of the educational process; analysis must cover all elements of education, all participants in the pedagogical process; analysis is one of the main methods of intra-school control and is a way of monitoring and diagnostic activities of the educational process

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Stages of work on analyzing the educational work of the school Stage 1 (January-April) Collection of information

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Methods of obtaining information pedagogical observation various types of survey questionnaires of students, parents, teachers retrospective analysis analytical and creative reports of class teachers and teachers of the State Duma, heads of children's associations, clubs, additional education teachers analysis of subject teachers of their interaction in the lesson with students analytical materials of the activities of the Headquarters of the Verkhovna Rada results of in-school control collective analysis

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1st group Analysis of the state of educational work through the eyes of school students Purpose of the study: to study students’ opinions about VR and the organization of interaction in school and class. Objectives of the study: to determine the active participation of children in the social life of the school, preparation and conduct of events in school and class. identify the emotional attitude of students to school, to events, as well as to negative phenomena at school. determine children’s satisfaction with relationships with all participants in the educational program.

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Group 2 Analysis of the educational work of the school through the eyes of parents The purpose of the study: to study the opinions of parents about VR and the organization of interaction in school and class. Objectives of the study: to determine the active participation of children and their parents in the social life of the school, preparation and conduct of events at school and in the classroom. identify the emotional attitude of parents to school, to events, as well as to negative phenomena at school. determine parents’ satisfaction with relationships with all participants in the educational program.

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3rd group Study of the well-being of teachers at school The purpose of the study: to determine the degree of satisfaction of teachers with their life activities in the school community and their position in it. Objectives of the study: to determine the level of readiness of the teaching staff for interaction and communication. assess the state of the psychological microclimate in the teaching staff. determine teachers’ satisfaction with relationships with all participants in the educational program.

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4th group Studying the dynamics of the development of personal growth Purpose of the study: tracking the dynamics of the development of students’ personality and developing practical recommendations for changing the conditions for its improvement Objectives of the study: studying the formation of individual personality traits of each student and their dynamics according to the initial state. revealing the psychological reserves of students’ personality. determining areas of collaboration between teachers and psychologists.

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Structure of the certificate based on the results of the creative team's work topic of the study goal of the study participants of the study time and scope of the study content of the study results of the study causes of positive and negative phenomena ways to eliminate the causes at the level of goals and objectives system of measures to eliminate the identified causes, indicating the timing and responsibility forecasting the results after the implementation of the system measures

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Objects of monitoring and indicators of the effectiveness of the educational process The children's team is one of the most important conditions for the development of the individual (the level of team cohesion and the relationships in it between the participants of the educational process) The state of interpersonal relationships “student-student”, “student-teacher”, “student-parent”, “ teacher-parent" (level at the parallel of classes) Professional position of the teacher as a condition for personal development Organizational conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the education process (activities of student self-government bodies necessary for the self-realization of schoolchildren) (level of development of student self-government at the classroom and school level) Satisfaction of participants in the educational process organizing UVP at school

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The student’s personality and the dynamics of its development as the main indicator of the effectiveness of the educational process Level of value orientations (main values-goals and rejected values-goals) Level of motivation for success Level of attraction to motivation for success Level of motivation for fear of failure Level of satisfaction of participants of the UVP with its organization Level of leading motives of activity (personal - promote self-realization and self-expression), collectivist (cohesion and development of the team), (prestigious - the formation of leadership qualities)

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Recommendations for conducting diagnostics of personal growth Conducted at the beginning and end of the academic year Conducted in the same class for several years The results of education (personal growth) should be definable, realistic, diagnosable Determination of the dynamics of personal growth and the process of diagnosing it should reflect a respectful attitude to the personality of the pupil It is unacceptable to compare pupils with each other, but only with oneself after a certain period of time

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Stage 2 (May) Preparation of a general analysis of the educational work of the school Synthesis 1. Conclusion on how the task was generally solved, facts, figures confirming this conclusion. Analysis. What was done to solve the problem, what educational work was carried out. What and how influenced its solution (characterization of the degree of influence of various pedagogical means on solving the problem)? Synthesis 2. Conclusion about the most effective pedagogical means and the reasons for the decrease in the effectiveness of VR, which are substantiated by objective data.

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The structure of the analysis of educational activities, analysis of the results in the education of the children's team, general results and the effectiveness of specific activities. self-analysis of the activities of the deputy director for BP, identification of achievements and shortcomings in methodological work with the teaching staff, in the organization of the Higher School of Management, in the organization of their work schedule.

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Scheme of VR analysis Analysis of the result in achieving the goals of educating the children's team Analysis of work with the teaching staff Analysis of changes in the value attitudes of students Setting goals and objectives for the new school year

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Analysis of the results in the education of the children's team. What goals and objectives were set last year? The level achieved (how fully) the problem has been solved, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the results and their dynamics. What conditions and means of education were involved (personnel, methods and forms, education through lessons) Reasons for failure to complete the task. What prevented this? Why? How did solving the problem affect the students’ development? What trends have occurred? Comparison with indicators of previous years. Identification and assessment of positive trends, measures that contribute to their achievement, as well as the conditions that need to be created to enhance their impact. Identification and assessment of negative trends. How to prevent the development of their negative influence? What conditions need to be created for this? Key issues. Goal setting for the new year.

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Analysis of work with the teaching staff What educational goals and objectives were set in the past year, if any of them were not fulfilled, the reasons are indicated. What is the effectiveness of working with the teaching staff: instructional and methodological; individual; organizing the exchange of experience and visits to open events by teachers of additional education; development of innovation processes. use of scientific potential in educational work.

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Analysis of changes in the value relations of students What is the result of the educational work of the school - a change in the qualitative characteristics of the personality of students, the behavioral line of pupils, changes in the inner world, the growth of their self-awareness and the acquisition of social competencies: communicative, organizational (establishing cause-and-effect relationships) 2. What is the degree of influence of all conditions and factors on: level of intellectual development of students level of health of children level of education of students

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Setting goals and objectives for the new academic year. Basic requirements for the goals of education The presence of a foundation on which the entire education system is built. Goal of the year: to develop in students and teachers a value-based attitude towards managing their own bodies and ensuring physical, mental and moral health. Objectivity. Goals should reflect historical patterns and take into account scientific and technological achievements of man. Feasibility in the educational process - achieving the goal in all forms of the educational process in the classroom and outside of class time through the content, forms, methods, conditions and means of working with children. Measurability. The presence of such methods with the help of which the results of EP and their compliance with the goals of education are recorded. Differentiation of goals according to the age of students, that is, the complication of goals as the child grows older
