The meaning of conjunction in the dictionary of linguistic terms. Allied connection Allied connection

Complex sentences allow you to convey voluminous messages about several situations or phenomena, making speech more expressive and informative. Most often, complex sentences are used in works of art, journalistic articles, scientific works, texts in official business style.

What is a complex sentence?

Difficult sentence - a sentence that consists of two or more grammar basics, is an intonationally formed semantic unity that expresses a certain meaning. Depending on the relationship of parts, complex sentences with coordinating subordinating and non-union connection.

Complex sentences with coordinating connections

Compound Sentences - conjunctional sentences, which consist of equal parts connected by a coordinating connection. Parts of complex sentences are combined into one whole using coordinating, adversative or disjunctive conjunctions. In writing, a comma is placed before the conjunction between parts of a compound sentence.

Examples of compound sentences: The boy shook the tree, and ripe apples fell to the ground. Katya went to college, and Sasha stayed at home. Either someone called me, or it seemed like it.

Complex sentences with subordinating connections

Complex sentences - conjunctional sentences consisting of unequal parts that are connected by a subordinating connection. In complex sentences, there is a main part and a dependent (subordinate) part. Parts of the dictionary are connected to each other using conjunctions and allied words. In writing, between parts of a complex sentence, a comma is placed before the conjunction (conjunctive word).

Examples of complex sentences: He picked a flower to give to his mother. Those present were wondering where Ivan Petrovich came from. Misha went to the store his friend was talking about.

Usually, a question can be raised from the main clause to the subordinate clause. Examples: I came home (when?) when everyone had already sat down to dinner. We learned about (what?) what happened yesterday.

Complex sentences with non-conjunction connections

Unconjunct complex sentences are sentences whose parts are connected only with the help of intonation, without the use of conjunctions and allied words.

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Examples of complex sentences with non-conjunctive connections between parts: The music started playing, the guests started dancing. It will be frosty in the morning - we won’t go anywhere. Tanya turned around: a tiny kitten was huddled against the wall.

A comma, dash, colon or semicolon can be placed between parts of non-union complex sentences (depending on what meaning the parts of the BSP express).

Complex sentences with different types of connections

Mixed complex sentences can include several clauses connected to each other by coordinating, subordinating and non-conjunctive connections. In writing, in mixed complex sentences, the punctuation characteristic of complex, complex and non-union sentences is observed.

Examples: Vitya decided that if the teacher asked him to answer a question, he would have to admit that he had not prepared for the lesson. On the right hung a painting depicting a blooming garden, and on the left there was a table with carved legs. The weather worsened: a strong wind rose and it began to rain, but it was warm and dry in the tent.

If complex sentences within a mixed sentence form logical-syntactic blocks, a semicolon is placed between such blocks. Example: On the porch, a sparrow was pecking at grains that grandmother accidentally scattered; At this time, dad came out, and the bird quickly flew away.

What have we learned?

  • Complex sentences can include simple and complex sentences.
  • In terms of meaning, parts of complex sentences can be equal or unequal.
  • Based on the type of connection between parts, complex, complex and non-union sentences are distinguished.
  • In mixed complex sentences, the punctuation characteristic of complex sentences with the appropriate type of connection is preserved.

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Complex sentences always contain two or more simple ones (also called predicative clauses) connected various types connections: union coordinating, non-union and union subordinating connections. It is the presence or absence of conjunctions and their meaning that allows us to establish the type of connection in a sentence.

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Definition of subordinating connection in a sentence

Subordination or subordination- a type of connection in which one of the predicative parts is the main, subordinating part, and the other is the dependent, subordinate part. Such a connection is conveyed through subordinating conjunctions or allied words; from the main part to the subordinate part it is always possible to ask a question. Thus, a subordinating relationship (as opposed to a coordinating relationship) implies syntactic inequality between the predicative parts of the sentence.

For example: In geography lessons we learned (about what?) why there are ebbs and flows, Where In geography lessons we learned- main part, there are ebbs and flows- subordinate clause, why - subordinating conjunction.

Subordinating conjunctions and allied words

Predicative parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinating connection are connected using subordinating conjunctions, allied words. In turn, subordinating conjunctions are divided into simple and complex.

Simple conjunctions include: what, so that, how, when, barely, yet, if, as if, as if, for sure, for, although and others. We want all peoples to live happily.

Complex conjunctions include at least two words: because, because, since, in order to, as soon as, while, until, despite the fact that, as if and others. As soon as the sun rose, all the songbirds woke up.

Relative pronouns and adverbs can act as allied words: who, what, which, whose, which, how many(in all cases); where, where, from, when, how, why, why and others. Conjunctive words always answer any question and are one of the members of the subordinate clause. I took you there, where I Gray wolf didn't run!(G. Rosen)

You need to know: what it is, examples of it in the literature.

Types of subordination in a complex sentence

Depending on the means, connecting predicative parts, the following types of subordination are distinguished:

  • conjunctional subordination - parts of a complex sentence are connected by simple or complex alliances. He opened the doors wider so that the procession could pass through freely.
  • relative subordination - between the predicative parts there is a conjunction word. After death, people return to the same place they came from. they came.
  • interrogative-relative subordination - parts of a complex sentence are connected through interrogative-relative pronouns and adverbs. The subordinate part explains the member of the main sentence expressed by a verb or noun, which has the meaning of a statement, mental activity, feelings, perceptions, internal state. Berlioz looked around sadly, not understanding what frightened him.(M. Bulgakov).

Often one complex sentence contains more than two predicative parts that are dependent in relation to the main one. Due to this There are several types of subordination:

This is interesting: in the rules of the Russian language.

Based on which member of the main sentence explains or extends the dependent one, subordinate clauses in some sources they are divided into subjects, predicates, modifiers, additional and adverbial.

  • Every, whom he met here offered to help him. The subordinate clause extends the subject of the main clause every.
  • Never think that you already know everything.(I. Pavlov) The subordinate part explains the predicate of the main think.
  • You should never regret something that can no longer be changed. In this case, the subordinate part answers the question of the prepositional case.

A more common classification is that depending on the questions they answer, subordinate clauses are divided as follows:

Non-union and allied coordinating connections are one of the ways of constructing. Without them, speech is poor, because they provide more information and are capable of containing two or more sentences telling about different events.

Complex sentences and their types

Depending on the number of parts, complex structures are divided into two- and polynomial. In any of the options, the elements are connected either by a conjunction (which, in turn, is provided by the corresponding part of speech) or by a non-conjunction.

Depending on what types of relationships are present, complex formations create the following groups:

  • Complex sentence with non-union and allied coordinating connection: The sky suddenly darkened, a distant rumble was heard, and a wall of rain covered the ground, driving down dust and washing away the city smog.
  • Constructions that combine elements with a subordinating relationship, for example: The house we entered was depressing, but in this situation we had no choice.
  • Complex sentences with subordinating and non-conjunctive types of connections: No matter how he hurried, his help was late: another car took the wounded.
  • In polynomial constructions, subordinating, non-union and allied coordinating connections can be used simultaneously. The next time the phone rang, my mother answered it, but heard only the voice of a robot informing her that her loan was overdue.

It is important to be able to distinguish between complex sentences and constructions complicated, for example, by homogeneous predicates. As a rule, in the first case, the syntactic lexical unit contains several grammatical stems, while in the second there will be one subject and several predicates.

Non-union designs

In this type of lexical constructions, 2 simple sentences or more can be combined, which are connected by intonation and meaning. They can communicate with each other in the following ways:

  • Sentences are linked by enumeration. The evening gradually faded, night fell on the earth, the moon began to rule the world.
  • Constructions in which elements are divided into several parts, two of which are opposite fragments. The weather was as if to order: the sky cleared of clouds, the sun was shining brightly, a light breeze blew across the face, creating a slight coolness. In this non-union construction, the second fragment, consisting of 3 simple sentences connected by enumerative intonation, explains its first part.
  • Binary connection of simple elements into a polynomial complex design, in which the parts are combined into semantic groups: The moon rose above the ridge, we did not immediately notice it: the haze hid its radiance.

A non-conjunctive, like a conjunctive coordinating connection, in a complete connection separates individual sentences from each other with punctuation marks.

Commas in non-union polynomial constructions

In complex compounds, their parts are separated by commas, semicolons, dashes and colons. Commas and semicolons are used in enumerative relations:

  1. The parts are small in size and connected to each other in meaning. After the storm there was silence, followed by a light whisper of rain.
  2. When parts are too common and not connected by a single meaning, a semicolon is used. Chamomiles and poppies covered the entire clearing; Grasshoppers were chirping somewhere below.

Unionless designs are most often used for transmission large quantity information that is not always related in meaning.

Dividing marks in non-union formations

These signs are used for the following types of relationships between elements of a syntactic structure:

  • Dash - when the second part is sharply opposed to the first, for example: We knew about his fears - no one knew about his readiness to die.(In such a construction with a non-union, as well as a union, coordinating connection between parts, I would like to put the conjunction “but”).
  • When the first part talks about a condition or time, then a dash is also placed between it and the second fragment. The rooster crowed - it's time to get up. In such sentences, the meaning of the conjunctions “if” or “when” is appropriate.
  • The same sign is placed if the second part contains a conclusion about what was discussed in the first. There was no strength to object - he silently agreed. In such conjunction constructions, “therefore” is usually inserted.
  • When the second part of the sentence is compared and determined by what is narrated in the first. He makes a speech - he breathes hope into people. In these constructions you can add “as if” or “as if”.
  • In sentences with an explanatory connection and justification of the reason, a colon is used. I’ll tell you to the point: you can’t let your friends down.

Sentences with a non-union, as well as a union, coordinating connection between parts are separated by signs depending on their semantic relationship.

Complex constructions

In sentences of this type, a coordinating connection is used, carried out using coordinating conjunctions. In this case, between their parts there may be:

  • Connective relationships interconnected by unions and, yes or, particles also, also and neither...nor. No birds chirp, no mosquito squeaks, no cicadas chirp.
  • In separating relationships, conjunctions are used what and, or, particles either... or, not that... not that and others. Either the wind brings an incomprehensible sound, or it itself approaches us.
  • Sentences with both non-union and allied coordinating connections with comparative relations indicate the identity of events, but in the second case with the use of conjunctions namely And that is. Everyone was happy to see him, that is, that’s what he read on their faces.
  • Explanatory relationships tend to use conjunctions yes, but, ah, particles but, and therefore and others. A blizzard was raging outside the window, but it was warm near the fireplace in the living room.

Often it is conjunctions and particles that explain what connects simple sentences into a single complex structure.

Complex sentences with mixed types of communication

Constructions where a non-union and a union coordinating connection are present at the same time occur quite often. They can contain separate blocks, each of which contains several simple sentences. Within blocks, some elements are connected to others in meaning and are separated by punctuation marks with or without conjunctions. In a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and a conjunctive coordinating connection, the line between them is separators, although individual blocks may not be connected in meaning.


§ 2090. A word form (alone or with word forms extending it) can be introduced into a sentence using a subordinating conjunction, together with which it forms a conjunction: comparative (with conjunctions How, as if, as if, exactly) or a revolution formed by a conjunction How in meaning (as) .

Comparative phrase formed by a noun in the form im. etc., performs as part of simple sentence defining function under the following conditions.

1) If in this sentence with the removal of this phrase the informative integrity is violated: Here red cloak, flying by, Here female voice How string(Block); His spouse - Mashenka - cheerful talker With eyes How cherries, was dressed bright(Gorky); Was He clumsy, short, With hands as if rake(magazine).

2) If this phrase refers to an adjective and through it to a noun, characterizing both the object and its attribute at the same time: Katyusha, beaming smile And black, How wet currant, eyes, flew to him towards(L. Tolstoy).

For other cases of using the comparative conjunction, see § -.


§. Union how(And than) serves to express gradational comparison, i.e. comparison according to the ratio of what is being measured: pear sweeter, how apple; whiter, how snow; more cold, how Always. When comparative, a word form with a conjunction how(And than) takes the position of the complementary form: On dark sky started flicker stars, And Weird, to me it seemed, What They much higher, how at us on north(Lerm.); Here was lighter, how V field(Czech.); She was, confused more more, how I(Kataev); Aspen more combines With northern grayish sky, than With blazing azure heaven(Soloukh.).

Note. The comparative position can be occupied by pronominal words like other (otherwise), another (By-to another), in which the gradational relation gives way to a broader relation of difference: Life on others planets Maybe turn out to be significantly other, how on Earth(magazine).

In such constructions the dependent part with the conjunction how(And than) cannot open sentences.

§. Union How And (equals How And, So same How And) expresses equating relations ((equally) , (equally)); he connects parallel terms based on their identical relationship to the predicate: Mushroom pickers, How And fishermen, Not love unnecessary noise And conversations((mushroom pickers don’t like it and fishermen don’t like it)). Unlike How comparative, union How And indicates similarity, similarity of objects not in their essence (although this similarity is not excluded), but in their relation to the same action, sign, event. Union How And expresses a subordinating relationship, determining the dependent position of the word form it introduces, but the element And introduces the meaning of the connection and brings the relationships expressed by the conjunction closer to the coordinating ones (cf.: A equals And, How... So And): On war trees, How And People, have each my fate(Sholokh.); Human obviously was afraid be late, equals How And Skutarevsky(Leon.); Captain Enakiev, So same How And his soldiers, With first glance fell in love boy(Kataev). Union How And often relates a particular situation to a general one: He, How And All former military, Not knew how dress By-fashionable(L. Tolstoy); How And in all village, V home Not was neither vote, neither sound(Lipatov).


§. A word form that is in a subordinating connection with another word form can also be connected to this latter using a coordinating conjunction: I his I know, And for a long time; Us was coming short-lived, But (A All-after all) parting. Alliances are possible here And, But, Yes, less often A, and also close to coordinating conjunction Although. All of them can appear in various combinations, representing a more or less close unity. Along with conjunctions, words like even, only, especially. Dividing and explanatory conjunctions are not used in these constructions (except be That), gradational.

The conjunctive connection is superimposed on the connection of word forms, preserving the meaning of this connection and adding its own meaning - connective, adversative, concessive. This design is built primarily on the basis of weak subordinating connections, but is not excluded for strong connections. The dependent word form often follows the conjunction ( Case moves, But slowly), but may also precede it ( Case slowly, But moves).

The conjunction connection is superimposed on the connection of word forms various types: subordinating (1) or characteristic only of a sentence (2): 1) Hero our time exactly portrait, But Not one person(Lerm.); I writing, But trifles(Czech.). 2) She Same coming With him, But already light, straight, free from humiliating alarms(Leon.); Here And Now imprisoned vegetable gardens, Yes Not All: three families starred more With autumn, having separated By different cities(Spread). Such communication can be bidirectional: To me sell men oats, Yes really hurt bad(Czech.; bad oats And sell bad); Eyes, Although And surrounded brown shadow, shone proudly And inexorably(Lerm.; eyes, surrounded shadow And shone, surrounded shadow).

Superimposed on the connection of word forms, the conjunction expresses the relationship not only between the object and its attribute ( short-lived, But parting) or between an action and its sign ( I know, And for a long time), but also between whole situations: Father leaves, But more Not soon((father is leaving), (this departure will not happen soon)). In this case, the conjunction introduces a word form that plays the role of a second rheme; compare: I I'll be back Not soon(rheme - Not soon) And I I'll be back, But Not soon(first rhema - I'll be back, second - Not soon).

A dependent word form may refer not to the predicate, but to another member of the sentence: Behind Nastya arrived one lady, Same which-That neighbor G-on Totsky By estate, But already V another, distant provinces, And took Nastya With yourself(Adv.); Death Napoleon upset his, But He Not despaired V restoration Although And crippled, But All-after all kingdoms Polish(L. Tolstoy); Meeting With Tanya, Yes more V such day, meaning fast end wars, appeared to him deep significant(Kazakevich). The dependent part of a sentence introduced by a conjunction often includes lexical indicators of modality and tense, such as Necessarily, Always, Now, already, more, again, Maybe, Seems, vice versa.

§. The combination of subordination given in word connections and composition given in a conjunction determines the syntactic specificity of the conjunction part: it is formally dependent, although the relations between the parts are identical to the relations in composition. In constructions with coordinating connections of subordinate word forms, the following relationships are possible.

1) Connective with shades of addition, expansion, aggravation (conjunctions And, And besides, And To that same, And even, even And Not only, Yes, Yes more): [Famusov:] Fell, Yes So, What a little back of the head Not knocked me down(Mushroom.); Housekeeper, By extreme least, Not shaves beards, A this, against Togo, shaved, And, it seemed, enough rarely(Gogol); Well So know, What I I'm getting married, And Now really certainly(Adv.); Through two points passes straight, And besides only one(textbook); We ready, And for a long time, sit down behind table negotiations(gas.).

2) Adversatives with a restrictive connotation (conjunctions But, But Not, But All-after all, But All same, But already, But Now, But only, But at this; Yes, Yes Not, Yes really, Yes only, Yes And That, And That, however, Although would, only): IN That time was more groom Her spouse, But involuntarily(Fluff.); They drinking - however Not water, walking few(Lerm.); Now I only Want be loved ones, And That Very few(Lerm.); Insarov sat down, But Not on sofa, A on floor, at her legs(Turg.); AND So Very rarely, But It happens And With person(Priv.); From fog were heard vote, But already more remote(Paust.); Expensive at the cost, But learned live one(A. Kron).

3) Concessive with a restrictive or compensatory connotation ( Although [And], though [And], Although And... But, though And... A, let ... But, let, let him, But Truth, But but, though would [And]... Yes [but], Truth, A, A All-after all, All equals): Traits her, Although incorrect, could like it(Turg.); But Pierre, Although And reluctantly, insisted on volume, What thought fair(L. Tolstoy); Wet infantry IN full gusto curses swamp, Not dreams O friend - Though would death, Yes on dry(Tward.); Strange, V like this city, A nowhere go(Hermann); Always wiser let bitter, But knowledge, How timid ignorance hint(Evtush.); Going rain, Truth, small(colloquial speech).

4) Explanatory-inclusive (clarifying and highlighting) ( For example, especially, V peculiarities, V in particular, in every case, main way, more often Total, A especially, And V in particular, And V peculiarities): He became read, All more By-English(Turg.); Yours presence, especially Today, For me necessary(Adv.); Money will do, A especially V Taganrog(Czech.).

In addition to conjunctions, indicators of connections when subordinating word forms can be introductory words and phrases ( obviously, probably, Maybe be, To luckily, perhaps, Certainly), adverbs such as partly, sometimes, Sometimes, Always, sometimes, at first, already, more: Few-little by little she learned on him look, at first from under his brows, askance, And All was sad(Lerm.); Speaks, note brought, - must be, from sick(Turg.); Face her All more was burning, Maybe be And indignation(Adv.).

The constructions discussed in §, which contain the characteristics of both simple and complex sentences, in the chapters on complex sentences are not derived from the system of a complex sentence and are described within its corresponding types.

Allied communication

Allied communication

UNION COMMUNICATION. Such a connection between individual words and phrases, which is expressed by conjunctions (see), for example, table and chair; I bought two pencils and a box of pens; the door opened and Marya Pavlovna entered; or rain, or snow, or will, or No; in the old But clean dress; That the sun will hide That shines too brightly; the prisoner turned pale When he was clicked; He did not come, because his father died; dad says What he will buy me a horse, etc.

N.D. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925

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