Interesting topics for research paper in history. Research work "the history of Russia in the history of my family." Borussia is a winning team

1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Main part: “No one is forgotten, Nothing is forgotten”

4. Conclusion

5. List of used literature.


For scientific work for an 11th grade student of the Ulyanovsk secondary school, Ulyanovskoye village, Christina Romashka on the topic “Great Patriotic War in the fate of my fellow countrymen." The project is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Participation in the work on this project is a tribute of gratitude and respect to the living veterans of that terrible war. The problematic issues proposed for research allow us to touch upon the trials that befell all Soviet people. When studying them, it is necessary to conduct your own research and draw appropriate conclusions. Purpose of the study: Perpetuating the memory of fallen fellow countrymen - participants in the Great Patriotic War and home front workers. To revive the creative and research activity of students through project activities. Create an album about participants and home front workers of the Great Patriotic War - relatives and fellow countrymen: “I remember, I am proud...” and a stand in the library “Our fellow countrymen - Heroes of the Soviet Union” Hypothesis: The relevance of this project is dictated by the desire to preserve the memory of fellow countrymen - participants in the Great Patriotic War war, those who died and the need to develop in children patriotism and a sense of love for the Motherland, a sense of pride for their small Motherland, for their fellow countrymen. Research stages:

Statement of research objectives

Proposing a research hypothesis

Implementation of the plan:

a) study of sources

b) event analysis

Experimental methods:

Method of acquiring factual material

Method of processing factual material

Methods for rational presentation of results

Novelty of the research: the novelty lies in the fact that it is the personal contact of the younger generation with the historical and up-to-date information about people who glorified the name of their native country with their labor and military exploits. It will allow you to think about the measures of your involvement in the need to protect and preserve peace. Results of the work and conclusions: knowledge about the Great Patriotic War has been comprehensively studied and systematized. About the contribution of fellow countrymen to the Victory.

Area of ​​practical application of the results: The created project involves the promotion of patriotic education by involving schoolchildren, parents, and the public in joint events on patriotic and spiritual-moral education. The results of the research can be used in conducting history lessons, thematic classes and Lessons on Courage for the younger generation. The current generation owes a huge debt to those who remained on the battlefields, to those who returned, providing us with a peaceful, quiet life on the ground. That is why it is our duty to remember those harsh days and the heroes of the war. Time is moving us ever faster away from the horrors of war. And all the more significant for us, the young generation of the 21st century, are the living memories of witnesses of that harsh era.

I was fascinated by this topic. I wanted to know more about wartime, about the people who made their invaluable contribution to the Victory over fascism, who live next to us, about their fates, because we know almost nothing about their lives in the pre-war and war years. I decided to learn from the relatives of living witnesses of that time about the life of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War using the example of my fellow countrymen, and to introduce my research to the students of our school. This is practical significance my work.

The object of research in this work are graduates of my school.

The subject of the study is the life path of veterans.

The purpose of this research work is to perpetuate in the memory of the younger generation the feat of our fellow countrymen during the Second World War.


My research work is related to solving a creative problem in the field of anti-fascist propaganda, patriotism, developing a reverent attitude towards the history of one’s country, one’s people, one’s family, through preserving the memory of ancestors who participated in the struggle for the freedom and independence of their Fatherland.

The scientific significance of the work lies in identifying the living conditions of people, their survival during the harsh years of war, hard work during the war years, sacrifices made in the name of Victory. People living next to us, analyze their lives and the cost of victory. Searching, studying and systematizing documentary materials about participants in the Great Patriotic War.

Main stages of the project.

Joint activities on the preparation of materials with history teacher Z.L. Lidzhieva, and the rural library;

Study of literature and periodicals;

Choosing research methods under the guidance of a history teacher.

Independent work with data on the Great Patriotic War;

Analysis of own data, their comparison;

Goal of the work: explore the relationship between the history of the small Motherland and the heritage of the whole country; deepen and expand your knowledge about the Second World War based on the fate of your fellow countrymen.

Based on the goals, the following tasks were set:

Expand your knowledge about WWII

To attract the attention of the younger generation to study the history of their native land

From local newspapers and encyclopedias I learned about fellow countrymen who took part in the war

Met with families of WWII participants

Recorded their memories

I studied the literature on this topic

Conducted a survey among school students about knowledge about the heroes of the Second World War

Subject of study: The life story of my fellow countrymen - participants of the Second World War.

Object of study: My fellow countrymen - participants of the Second World War

The sources of the research work were:

Memories and materials from personal archive participants of the Second World War, V. T. Bifeld

Memories and materials from the personal archive of WWII participants, I. Emelianenko

Memories and materials from the personal archive of WWII participants, K. Shemet

Soldiers of Victory 1941-1945.

Main part

“No one is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten."

The most important thing is that I realized that everything goes down in history. People's suffering, devastation, famine during the war and post-war years. Our generation only has the opportunity to touch the past war in the memories of witnesses of that time, the surviving documents of that time. This is what I want to show in my work.

The events of the Great Patriotic War are moving further into the past. More than one new generation has grown up that knows about the war only from books and films. But the feat of Soviet soldiers will never fade over the centuries. Villages and streets are named after them.

In our village of Ulyanovskoye there is a street named after the hero of the Great Patriotic War, Wilhelm Teodorovich Bifeld. In the park on the square of our village, on a high pedestal, there is a bronze figure of the “Soldier-Liberator”; on the granite pedestal, the names of the heroes of the winners who died in the Great War are carved. Among them is the name of Wilhelm Bifeld, born in 1918 in our village of Ulyanovskoye, which was then called Nemkokhaginka. He grew up in a peasant family. Then he started teaching German at school, later entered the Elista Pedagogical College, after graduating from it, he was sent to work in Solenovskaya high school. From here he was drafted into the Red Army. In the last letter that his parents received on June 9, 1941, he said that he had become an officer and would soon come on leave. The war has begun. Immediately, Wilhelm Teodorovich fell into the line of fire. In the fall of 1941, in one of the battles, he was shell-shocked and captured. The Nazis were glad that the Soviet German officer was from the Volga region, dreaming that he would help them identify communists in the concentration camp. They even allowed me to wear Soviet uniform. But their dreams did not come true. Bifeld did not become a traitor, he was a patriot of his homeland, secretly organized escapes, and obtained documents. With his help, 290 people escaped from the camp and went to partisan detachments in the Smolensk region. Along with Bifeld in the concentration camp was the Leningrad writer Sergei Golubkov, who in his book “Behind Barbed Wire” spoke about the feat of our fellow countryman. At the beginning of 1942, Wilhelm was arrested and shot on the second day. Biefeld behaved courageously. He calmly took off and folded his uniform and shouted at the barrel of a machine gun: “Damn Hitler!” In 1995, one of the streets in our village was named after him.

I would also like to tell you about my fellow countryman Ivan Ivanovich Emelyanenko. Born on September 21, 1921 in the village of Voznesenovskoye, Don Region. There were four children in the village and Ivan was the youngest. He finished four classes and began working in a sheep breeding team. The war began and Ivan Emelianenko went to build a defensive line on the Don. Then he participated in the construction of an irrigation canal in Stavropol and delivered horse-drawn vehicles to the defenders of Stalingrad. Ivan Ivanovich was drafted in 1942 and sent to guard military facilities. He fought on the second Ukrainian front, in Hungary, Austria, where he met victory.

In May 1946, he returned to his parents, who were living in Esto-Altai at that time. In the same year, Ivan Ivanovich married Lyubov Nikolaevna, with whom he raised three children. In 1947, the young family moved to the village of Ulyanovskoye. Ivan Ivanovich worked as a tractor driver on the Karl Marx collective farm, as an electrician at a regional industrial plant, at a sawmill, and at a brick factory. 1969-1996 he worked at the mill. For excellent success in work, a conscientious attitude to work was awarded with certificates of honor and gratitude. Ivan Ivanovich has seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Emelyanenko Ivan Ivanovich awarded the order Patriotic War II degree and anniversary medals.

Victory Day is celebrated quite widely and solemnly in Russia. In honor of this event, there is a monument to General Lembit Pern on the square of the district military registration and enlistment office. Lembit Pern was born in Esto-Khaginsky, Medvezhensky district of the Stavropol province in the family of Abram Yuryevich Pern on June 21, 1903, the third son, who was named Lembit.

At the age of eleven he graduated from a three-year rural school. Later he began to study at the Vorontsov-Nikolaev gymnasium. In those years it was a difficult time, the First World War was going on and the Pernov family was making ends meet. Lembit had to interrupt his studies and go to work. But the dream of getting an education remained, and in his seventeenth year he left for Stavropol, where he studied during the day and worked in a bar at night. In the summer of 1920, Lembit was elected secretary of the volost revolutionary committee. In March 1921, Lembit was offered to study at a military school, he agreed and soon became a student at the 3rd International Military School in Petrograd. The young officer understood that military school This is a military educational program, and already in 1928, having passed the external exams, he received a certificate of secondary education. In the spring of 1931, Lembit, already the deputy chief of staff of the regiment, submitted a report on enrollment at the M. Frunze Academy. In 1934, after graduating, Major L. Pern was appointed to the post of deputy chief of staff of the 85th Order of Lenin Chelyabinsk Rifle Division. For high performance in combat and political training, he was awarded the first order - “Badge of Honor”.

In the fall of 1940, L. Pern was appointed chief of staff of the 2nd Special Rifle Corps. In the summer of 1941, the corps was redeployed to the Minsk area on June 21, its birthday. He met him at the hotel; it was the last good night. On June 22, 1941, the Nazis treacherously attacked Soviet Union. Before Lembit Abramovich could give the order, fascist planes appeared over the city. And the very next day the Nazis bombed the city. The dead and wounded appeared. 100th Order of Lenin rifle division Major General I. Russiyanov, who defended the Northern advances to the city, repelled attacks during the day and was able to push the Nazis back 15 km from the city. But the forces were not equal and they were forced to retreat. In this difficult situation, the headquarters under the command of L. Pern also showed itself. awards were given extremely rarely in the first years of the war. But it was in August that Colonel L. Pern was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

I also want to point out. Kuzma Grigorievich Shemet. Born in Novoyegorlykskaya, the neighboring Salsky district. Moved to Proletarsky district. From here he was drafted into the Red Army. But after 2 months he was disqualified; he was not suitable for health reasons. He returned to peaceful life again and married Lydia Ivanovna. When the war began they already had 3 sons. “I was one of the first to be drafted,” recalls the veteran. On July 1, 40 people left our collective farm. K. Shemet was assigned to the communications and intelligence training division. The first plane appeared in mid-August, but there were no strong raids. Later, there were already battles on the outskirts of Rostov. K. Shemet's regiment was based in the village of Pavlovskaya. During one of the raids I was shell-shocked. In mid-December they were transferred to Maykop. After graduating from the Rostov Military-Political School. In 1942 he passed the exams and was awarded the rank of company political instructor. Then they were sent to Mazdok to the 26th training rifle brigade, which trained marching companies. At the end of June, he was appointed commissar of the echelon and, together with the chief, of the marching companies near Kharkov. On his way he reached Prussia. On February 4, 1945, he was seriously wounded and was hospitalized. During this time, he managed to find his wife and three sons. But he saw them only in March 1946.

Your whole chest shines with orders,

Heroically you walked through the smoke of war

Your head may have been gray for a long time, but you are strong in thought and spirit,

So don’t let the hardships of life break you,

Health and happiness to you for a long time.

I wish you well-being with all my heart,

Beloved veteran...!

But the best monument to the heroes - fellow countrymen and all those who died in that war - MEMORY. Preserving it for posterity.

In history lessons, we study the history of our Motherland. Including topics related to the Great Patriotic War. This is not enough. I would like to know more about wartime, about the people who made their invaluable contribution to the Victory over fascism. We know almost nothing about the people who live next to us, about their destinies, about life in the pre-war and war years. This was dictated by my desire to learn from living witnesses of that time about the life of the people during the Great Patriotic War, to introduce my research to as many people as possible. This is the practical significance of my work.


Research work helped to collect and study information about participants in the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, about their contribution to the victory over the German invaders, systematize the collected material, and replenish the school local history corner. This work reflects the life of fellow countrymen using the example of specific people, develops interest in the history of the city; fosters respect for the workers of the region and a sense of pride in their small homeland. We can say that the example of our older comrades influenced the choice of life path. A monument was erected in the school yard, where the names of graduates who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War are carved in gold letters. Most importantly, I realized that everything goes down in history: people’s suffering, devastation, famine in the war and post-war years. Our generation still has the opportunity to learn about the war from the memories of living witnesses of that time. This is the main thing I wanted to show in my work.

Based on the results of the research work, a stand was created in the library: “Faces of Victory.” On class hour, dedicated to the labor and military exploits of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, I introduced my classmates to the results of the work.

The dead live among the living,

Those who left have left to return.

In all hearts in all human homes

Their silent steps are heard.

Forgetting them means betraying them!

Becoming indifferent is worse than being a murderer

And not cast iron, not bronze, not granite,

Who have been deceitful more than once,

And the memory of generations preserves them

That's why they are alive posthumously!

The feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War is worthy of admiration. Soldiers, officers, workers and collective farmers, children and adults bore an unbearable burden of hardship and suffering on their shoulders.

List of used literature:

    Memories of the family of I. Emelianenko

    memories of the K. Shemet family.

    The newspaper “Zori Manycha” dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Second World War.

    Soldiers of Victory 1941-1945.

    Website shalkar/ru

    School materials.

    Archived data .

    Memoirs of V. Bifeld's family members

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Ulyanovsk secondary school"

Research work on the topic:

“The Great Patriotic War in fate

my fellow countrymen"

Completed by: 11th grade student

Chamomile Christina

Head: Lidzhieva. Z.L


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8 Sea robbers. A bridge connecting Europe and Asia. Museums and galleries of London. At the dawn of humanity... (All about the Stone Age). Napoleon. The role of personality in history. Rock chronicle. Science and education in Ancient Greece. Our view of the war in Spain. Skyscrapers: yesterday and today. A true story about the past and present of our family. Unknown Golden Horde. German automobile companies. Extraordinary secrets of China. The complicated history of a simple pencil. The unsolved mysteries of Khan Batu. Ninja spies of the Middle Ages. The deification of animals in the religion of the Egyptians. Defense of Sevastopol. The image of a dragon in Chinese mythology. The image of a female goddess in Greek mythology. The image of a horse in the culture of Indo-European peoples. Education of the American Nation. Petrified witnesses. Olympian gods. Olympic Games in Ancient Greece. Olympic Games in ancient times. Olympic Games: history of origin. Olympic symbols. Features of the burial ceremony in Ancient Egypt. The island of Saipan is a wonderful corner of the USA. The Patriotic War of 1812 through the eyes of the French. Napoleon's mistake. Fall of Constantinople. Paris Commune. The UK Parliament and its main characteristics. Steam locomotive: how it all began. Sailboats: history, principle of movement. Peloponnese in the 8th-6th centuries. BC First World War: subjectivity in assessment historical events and phenomena. The first state in the Nile Valley, myth or reality? The first cars. Belshazzar's feast. The Pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven wonders of the world. Pyramids of Egypt. Pyramids in the past, present and future. Pyramids of the world. Pyramids are a source of coded information or a conversation with eternity.

9 Pirates in history and literature. Pirates past, present and future. Letters in the absence of writing. Writing of Ancient Egypt. In the footsteps of ancient civilizations. Egypt. In the footsteps of vanished civilizations. Labors of Hercules. Princess Olga's trip to Constantinople. Political portrait of Otto von Bismarck. The political aspect of Russian-Chinese relations in the 90s of the XX century. beginning of the 21st century Why did Ancient Egypt and the states of Western Asia submit to the young Persian State? Why do the military salute? Why do the Chinese eat with chopsticks? Why are mummies well preserved? Why did the Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations break down in 1939? Legal regulation of relations in Frankish society during the Merovingian period. Holidays of Ancient Rome. Prerequisites for the flourishing of the Arab Caliphate. President is a dangerous profession. US Presidents. Princess Diana is the national heroine of Great Britain. Nature is the main passion of the British. The reason for the re-rise of the Shinto religion in Japan in the 13th century. Reasons for stopping the conquest of new territories by the armies of the Roman Empire. The reasons for the dawn and decline of the condottiere era in the XIV-XVI centuries. Origin and development of ancient Greek theater. The origin of writing. Origin of law. Origin of the nicknames of the states of North America. Curse of the Pharaohs. Phoenix bird: true story or legend? Punic Wars Development of democracy in Athens in the VI-V centuries. BC. and in medieval Europe in a comparative aspect. Has the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids been solved? Revolution in the Netherlands. Religion of the ancient Greeks. Religion of the ancient Slavs and Egyptians: a comparative analysis. Religion of the Slavs before the adoption of Christianity. Roman army in ancient period stories. The role of Oliver Cromwell in the activities of the Long Parliament. The role of traditions in Scottish culture. Knights of the Middle Ages. Knightly culture. Chivalry in the Middle Ages. Who is the knight: a robber or a model of nobility? S.Yu. Witte and P.A. Stolypin reformers of the early 20th century. Samurai in the sociocultural space of Japan. Wedding ceremonies of the peoples of the world. Holy fast of Ramadan. Secrets of the Tower.

10 How old is the samovar? Treasures of the Silk Road. Social and psychological analysis of the personalities of Alexander I and Napoleon. Are Hammurabi's laws fair? Comparative characteristics ancient Sumerian, ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek religions. Comparative analysis weapons and equipment of medieval warriors. Medieval edged weapons. Medieval castles. Samurai steel. Old castles of Great Britain: their past and present. Stonehenge legend of England Stonehenge: history and legend. Pages of British history. The Sphinx is a great mystery of the desert. Mysterious stones of Stonehenge. Secrets of the Great Wall of China. Secrets of the ancient Egyptians. Secrets of the ancient peoples of the British Isles. Secrets of ancient civilizations. Egypt. Secrets and mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids. Who built them and why? Secrets of the Maya. Secrets of Queen Hatshepsut. Templars. Tartan as the main element of the Scottish national costume. Theoretical postulates of the Islamic path of development in the 20th century. Terracotta Army of Qin Shi Huang. The tragedy of September 11, 2001. Results and consequences. Traditions of chivalry. Triumphal arches of Russia and France, dedicated to war 1812. Trojan War. Fact or fiction? Tutankhamun is the living image of Amun. Winston Churchill: a man of legend. Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Fascism as a socio-political movement of the 20th century. The phenomenal rise to world fame of the Barbie doll. Philosophers of antiquity: about society and man. Enlightenment philosophers of the 18th century. Phoenician purple. Florence Nightingale. Formation of the polis system in Attica. Francesco Petrarch is a great humanist. Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nuclear Armageddon. Steel arms. Civilization of Minoan Crete. Mayan civilization. English tea traditions. Charlie Chaplin. The clock is a great invention of mankind.

11 Man underwater. Genghis Khan a barbarian or a creator? What do we know about chocolate? Wonders of the world Ancient world. Chess art. Checkers. Scottish Order of the Thistle. E. Che Guevara as a symbol of freedom in youth culture. The evolution of automobile engines. The evolution of human housing. The evolution of writing tools. The evolution of costume from ancient times to the present day. The evolution of watches. Eiffel Tower: history of construction, design features, interesting facts. Ethnic traditions of China. Ethiopia is the oldest Christian country, a stronghold of Orthodoxy on the Dark Continent. The Sea of ​​Japan in history.

STATE FINAL CERTIFICATION IN WORLD HISTORY for 9th grade students. Ticket 1 1 Life and activities of primitive people. 2 Reasons and prerequisites for great geographical discoveries. Christopher Columbus. 3

Class: Hours per week: 2 Total hours per year: 0 p/p Section. Lesson topic. First trimester Total weeks. Total hours 22 4. Thematic planning Subject: “History” Number of hours on the topic. Practical part.

APPROVED Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated December 3, 2018 836 Tickets for an external examination when mastering the content educational program basic education By

Municipal educational institution "Lopchinskaya secondary school" of Tyndinsky district Working programm in the academic subject "History" 5th grade Adopted at a meeting of the pedagogical

Basics general education History 5th grade Work program Moscow Planned results of mastering the subject Meta-subject results the ability to consciously organize one's activities

Office equipment 32 TABLES ON HISTORY AND SOCIAL STUDIES History of Russia (summarizing tables). 1. Ancient Rus' in the 9th - 13th centuries. 2. Formation of the Moscow state in the XIII - early XVI centuries. 3. Formation

WORKING PROGRAM in history for grade 5 2018 2019 academic year Explanatory note The work program of the subject “History” (“General History”) is intended for teaching in grade 5 of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School 12 ZATO”

Section title Introduction. Primitiveness Ancient East Explanatory note Contents of the subject Summary What history studies. Historical chronology (counting the years “BC” and “AD”).

World History Test Specification for the UNIT and Comprehensive Testing (Approved for use in the UNIT and Comprehensive Testing

Planned results of studying the academic subject “History” Section title Introduction to the subject Subject results the student will learn the student will have the opportunity to learn to determine the place of historical

3. Learning results by level. 3.1 Learning results in history at stage II. A 6th grade graduate: 1) appropriately uses historical concepts and vocabulary, abbreviations and phrases: time, prehistoric

Results of mastering the academic subject grade 5. Subject: By the end of training, the student will learn to: determine the place of historical events in time, explain the meaning of basic chronological concepts and terms

Work program on World History The planned results of mastering the academic subject “World History from ancient times to late XIX V." by the end of 10th grade: know, understand: basic facts, processes


Certification test program Bachelor's degree in the field of study 030600 History, full-time study, extramural training 2nd year History of Russia Primitive society on the territory of our country.

THEMATIC PLANNING Subject: history of Russia Class: 0 Program: I. L. Andreev, L. M. Lyashenko. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 19th century. Program for 0 general education classes

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program in history is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of (basic) general education, “Programs for general educational institutions

Municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary school of the village. Berdyuzhye" CONSIDERED at a meeting of the Moscow Region of teachers of the humanitarian cycle, protocol dated August 3, 207. AGREED Deputy

Section I. Planned results The history work program for grade 5 is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, the requirements for planned results

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Abakan “Secondary school 20” Approved by order of the MBOU “Secondary school 20” dated 3.08.206. 22 Work program on history 5th grade at 206

CALENDAR-THEMIC PLANNING Grade 6 lesson lesson in the topic Topic of the lesson Number of hours Date of the lesson according to the plan in fact Note Introduction. Our Motherland - Russia. Item national history. Subject

I. Explanatory note The work program of the educational subject “History” for grade 5 (hereinafter referred to as the program) is compiled on the basis of: 1) federal state educational standard (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from

Adapted work program for students with disabilities and mental retardation in history, grade 5 Developer: Smyshlyaeva S.S. history and social studies teacher 207 . Explanatory note This program has been compiled

WORK PROGRAM ON THE HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES EXPLANATORY NOTE. The work program is based on the Federal component of the state standard of basic general education in history (Federal

Subject: CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING OF THE COURSE IN THE HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE NAMES Name of sections, lesson topics Living Middle Ages Chapter. The formation of Medieval Europe (VI-XI) The formation of barbarian kingdoms. State

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school 16" Podolsk, Moscow region Work program on history (general history) ( A basic level of) 5th grade Compiled by:

4. Thematic planning Subject: “History” Class: 6 Hours per week: Total hours: 70 (30+40) p/p Section. Lesson topic. Number of hours on the topic. Practical part. First trimester Total weeks. Total hours.

Abstract to the work program on “History of the Ancient World”, grade 5. 1. Number of weekly hours: 2 2. Number of hours per year: 68 3. Shcherbakova N.V. Strelova. 5. Goals of studying “History of the Ancient World” in 5

Subject CALENDAR-THEMIC PLANNING HISTORY 0th grade lesson in the topic Lesson topic Introduction. Item historical science and features of historical knowledge. Section I. Number of hours According to plan Date In fact

Calendar and thematic planning History 5th grade Weekly hours: 2 hours Annual hours: 68 hours Section, topic, topic a Quantity Date Type a Lessons with ICT, hours non-standard level 2 3 5a.5b, 5c, 5d, 5d 5 6

Calendar thematic planning Name of section and topics Hours of teaching time Introduction. Living Middle Ages. Subject. Formation 5 of medieval Europe (VI-XI centuries) Ancient Germans and the Roman Empire.

Thematic planning. 5th grade. of the section/topic of the lesson hours of instructional time Introduction 1 deadlines for completion plan/fact notes 1 Introduction. What history studies. Sources of historical

Basic general education World artistic culture 8th grade Work program Moscow PLANNED RESULTS OF MASTERING THE SUBJECT Students’ knowledge of the main types and genres of music, spatial

Hours of instructional time Name of the section and topics of the lesson THEMATIC PLANNING in the subject History Class 6 2016-2017 academic year Planned dates for completing the program Current control form Home

The textbook has been prepared taking into account the latest achievements of historical and legal science and in accordance with the course program “History of State and Law” foreign countries" It sequentially sets out the history of the origin,

I. Planned results of mastering the academic subject “History of Russia. General History" in grade 5. Work program for the subject "History of Russia. General History" for grade 5 is compiled in accordance with

Logistics and technical support of the history room. Short description technological features - office “64” Zhuperina Valentina Borisovna - consists of one room - total area 54 m 2 - located

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Municipal educational institution gymnasium 1st year. Shuya, Ivanovo region RECOMMENDED Minutes of the meeting of the subject department from / signature of the head of the department,

Test specification. Test name: Test in the discipline “World History” for certification teaching staff average secondary schools. 2. Purpose of development: The test is designed to determine

Contents Introduction Part one. HISTORY OF THE STATE AND LAW OF THE ANCIENT WORLD Section 1. HISTORY OF THE STATE AND LAW OF THE ANCIENT EAST Chapter 1. ANCIENT EGYPT 1. The emergence of the state 2. Early

Municipal government educational institution "Evdakovskaya basic secondary school" of the Kamensky municipal district of the Voronezh region Considered at a meeting of the ShMO of subject teachers

CONTENTS Preface... SECTION I. FUNDAMENTALS OF HISTORICAL KNOWLEDGE 1. Why and how history is studied... 4 2. Concepts of historical development...8 SECTION II. ANCIENT AND ANCIENT HISTORY Topic 1. Primitive

Updated 7..03 06:54 Explanatory note. Today, the value of historical science in society is increasing. History teaches children such universal human values ​​as respect for each other, religious tolerance, justice,

1 Thematic planning for history in grade 10 for the 2016/2017 academic year. Lesson topic History of Russia Recent history Note History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 19th century. Introduction 1 1

Thematic planning. p.p. Name of section and topics Hours of study time Deadlines for completion plan 1 Introduction. Living Middle Ages 1 01.09 Topic 1. The formation of medieval 4 Europe (VI-XI centuries) fact

Calendar-thematic plan for history (grades 5-7) Tashkent 205 Calendar-thematic planning for the subject of history 5th grade History stories (68 hours) T/r Topics Hours Date - lesson Introduction

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Buinskaya secondary school" of Ibresinsky district Chuvash Republic CONSIDERED at a meeting of the methodological association Head

“Considered” at the meeting of the Ministry of Defense Minutes of the city “Agreed” Deputy. Director for Water Resources Management of Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Secondary School” T.I. Trofimova from the city “I approve” Director of the Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Secondary School” L.N. Timoshevskaya Order from the city of Municipal

1 1. Explanatory note to the work program on history, grade 6 The work program is compiled on the basis of: - Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation"; - federal

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Kerch of the Republic of Crimea “REVIEWED” at a meeting of the Moscow Region of teachers of the humanitarian cycle MBOU Minutes of 2017. Hand. MO I.B. Marinenko “AGREED”

Class: 5a, 5b, 5c The program on the history of the Ancient world for grade 5 is compiled on the basis of (M.. Prosveshcheniye, 2011) and the work program for general history(to the subject line of textbooks by A.A. Vigasin A.O. Soroko-Tsyupa,

Thematic planning of history lessons in classes of GBOU SKOSHI 6 Explanatory note Currently does not exist state program in history for deaf schools. carried out on the basis of Programs

“CONSIDERED” at the meeting of the ShMO Minutes of 20. Head of “AGREED”: Deputy. Directors for Water Resources Management 20 g Contents of the program “History of the Ancient World” 5th grade program is designed for 68 hours (2 hours per week)

CONTENTS FOR THE READER...3 Introductory part 1. What is culture?... 5 2. What types of culture is divided into according to its bearer?...6 3. What types of culture is divided into, reflecting social contradictions?...

AUTONOMOUS NON-PROFIT GENERAL EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION “SOSNY SCHOOL” APPROVED by Director I.P. Guryankina Order 8 dated August 29, 2017 Work program for the subject “History” 5th grade basic general

WORK PROGRAM ON HISTORY 5TH GRADE. Planned results of mastering the academic subject history The personal results of studying history in primary school include the following beliefs and qualities: *awareness

Planned results of mastering the subject Personal results: awareness of one’s identity as a citizen of a country, a member of a family, an ethnic and religious group, a local and regional community; development

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program for the subject “History” is compiled for 5th grade students on the basis of the following regulatory documents: - Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (in force

Preface... 8 Section I. State and law of the Ancient East Topic 1. State and law of Ancient Egypt...10 1. Periodization of the history of the ancient Egyptian state: Early, Ancient,. Average, New

Ticket 1 1. Sources of knowledge about the past. 2.Specify superfluous word, justify your answer. Pyramid, ziggurat, mummy, sarcophagus. Ticket 2 1. Egypt - the gift of the Nile. 2. Mark the dates on the time strip. 1) 500

2 Contents I. Planned results of mastering the academic subject... 3 II. Contents of the subject... 4 III. Thematic planning of an educational subject... 7 3 I. Planned results of mastering the educational

List of possible topics for design and research work.

According to HISTORY


The list is just a starting point for choosing a research paper topic. You determine the topic of your research yourself, having it approved by your supervisor. You can either come with your own topic or choose one of the following. If you are interested in a particular area of ​​history, you can seek help in choosing a topic. I would like to draw your attention to the section “History of Childhood in the USSR”, which we envision as a separate project combining several research works, which we would like to develop and continue. Within its framework, other topics that you propose yourself are also welcome.

In any case, remember the main thing: the topic should beinteresting exactly for you, and we will try to help you choose the right one.

Ancient world history

    Ancient navigation according to the Odyssey (Umansky Leonid)

    Ancient Greek container amphoras (stand design)

    Spinning and weaving in the ancient world (stand design) – Lyuba Grigoryan

    Roman military presence in Chersonese Tauride.

    Construction inscriptions of the Bosporan kings as a historical source

    Gladiators in ancient inscriptions. (Puchkov Evgeniy)

    The Battle of Sardis as explained by Herodotus and Xenophon

    Augean stables - myth and reality

    The Athenian agora in the comedies of Aristophanes

    Exchange of gifts in Homer's poems (Boris Korneev)

    Vases on ancient Greek tombstones/in vase paintings

    Animals on ancient tombstones / in vase paintings

    Fruits of plants on antique tombstones / in vase paintings

    Weapons in ancient vase painting

    Cypriot kingdoms and the Ionian revolt against the Persians.

    Cyprus in the classical period according to the works of Isocrates.

    Reflection of everyday life in ancient Greek tombstones

    Antique shipwrecks. (Gleb Sukachev)

    Model of an ancient Greek vessel from a school museum: problems of attribution

    Images of wreaths on the lists of priestly personnel from Olympia (Mitya Zharov)

History of the Middle Ages

    Christian and Russian personal names in Novgorod birch bark documents.

    Boris Godunov in Old Russian inscriptions.

    Foreigners about money circulation in Moscow Rus'.

    Fishing in Galich Mersky in the XVI – early XVII centuries (with stand design).

    Assault on Galich in 1450

    Medieval “zoology” based on materials from bestiaries.

    Old Russian princes are the owners of seals from Mogutovo.

    The lifestyle of the inhabitants of the Mogutov estates.

    Old Russian cuisine according to Domostroy

    Sayings of the Seven Wise Men in the Old Russian “Bee”: the problem of selection

    Order of the Hospitallers in Cyprus.

    Richard the Lionheart in Cyprus

    Griffins of Tsarskoe Selo: on the question of archaeological and numismatic sources of the image. (Volodina Anastasia)

    The structure of inscriptions on ancient Russian spindle whorls (Maria Balakshina)

    Tombstones of the Nikolo-Perervinsky Monastery (Ogorodnikov Sergey)

    Cities of Dalmatia in the late Middle Ages: Split, Dubrovnik, Trogir.

    Piracy in the Adriatic Sea in the 16th – 17th centuries. Uskok movement.

    The role of women in the Crusades.

    Formation of a new historical consciousness of the Renaissance (Analysis of the views of N. Machiavelli)

Patriotic War of 1812

    Guerrilla actions Denis Davydov (mapping)

    Life of the Russian province in the rear of Napoleon’s “Great Army”.

    Worldview of Denis Davydov.

    Geographical and cultural characteristics of Russia in the memoirs of soldiers of the Grand Army of Napoleon I.

    Inscriptions on French cannons (Galeev Oscar)

Story XIX V.

    Implementation of zemstvo reform through the eyes of eyewitnesses.

    Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum as a social and pedagogical project.

    Animals in the service of the imperial family.

    The economy of royal luxury: construction and maintenance of the Tsarskoye Selo palace complex of the 18th-19th centuries.

    Unification of Italy (1848-1870). Risorgimento in faces.

History of the Cuban Revolution

    The image of a revolutionary and partisan lifestyle in the works of Che Guevara

    The mystery of Che Guevara's departure.

    Cuban revolution in cinema

    Che Guevara in peacetime.

    Socialist Cuba in a unipolar world.

Modern history, anthropology and sociology

    Conference “Vyshgorod”: topics of reports and geography of participants for 6 years (2005-2010)

    Story project activities at the school "Intellectual".

    Personal names and nicknames of students of the Intellectual school.

    The collapse of the USSR in the light of numismatics and bonistics.

    Changes in the symbolism of domestic coins in 1991-1998.

    The story of my family.

    Inscriptions on Phanagorian shovels archaeological expedition and the subculture of archaeologists

    Russian poetic epitaph of the XX-early XXI century.

    “Cyprus problem” in the Soviet media of the 1970s-1980s.

    The image of the “Wild West” on both sides of the “Iron Curtain” (based on cinematographic materials)

    The Great Patriotic War as reflected by Soviet and modern Russian cinema (comparative analysis).

    Rome through the eyes of Italian film directors of the second half of the 20th century. (R. Rossellini, F. Fellini, M. Antonioni)

History of childhood in the USSR

    The cult of pioneer heroes in the USSR.

    Rituals of passage in the life of a Soviet child

    Soviet ritual of admission to pioneers.

    Elite children in the USSR.

    Studying foreign languages V Soviet school: features of presentation and content of regional studies material.

    America as perceived by Soviet children

    Comics in the USSR

Interdisciplinary research

    Folk calendar in the works of A. Melnikov (Pechersky) “In the Forests” and “On the Mountains”.

    Mysteries of the phonetics of Old Russian inscriptions.

    Stone-signpost in Russian folklore and literature.

    Pits in the cultural layer of Phanagoria.

    Design of the website of the Department of History

    Design of the Internet page of the Mogutov archaeological expedition

    Vasily Grigorovich-Barsky and P. S. Pallas: two travelers of the 18th century.

    Knightly orders, royalty and the papacy in the era Crusades(use the example of the Kingdom of Cyprus).

Social projects

84. Waste paper collection system at the Intellectual school

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, history projects can be completed by schoolchildren individually or in a group of 3-4 people. Such activities are mandatory after the introduction of new educational standards in domestic schools.

Modern requirements

Currently modern society urgently needs creative, educated, caring young people.

It presents the school with a social order to educate a mobile, literate individual who is aware of his cultural, historical, and spiritual affiliation with the country, and understands his responsibilities and rights.

Significance of research activities

Any creative history project involves applying standard knowledge to new conditions. not only learns to use a variety of historical sources, but also develops the skills of conducting scientific discussion.

The topics of history projects can be general, relating to certain stages of human development, or have a narrow focus - on the study of individual events, periods, people. Regardless of the type of activity, any research work requires serious and lengthy preparation and systematization of the material.

Work structure

Topics for history projects can be proposed by the supervisor or chosen by the students themselves. Despite the fact that the content of the works differs significantly, there are certain general rules, which need to be taken into account.

Start your own scientific activity it is necessary to think through the algorithm of actions, select the topic and purpose of the study. At this stage, the help of a teacher is allowed; the success of all subsequent work of the child directly depends on him.

First example

For example, if a student is interested in toy history, it is important to choose a specific object to study. It is impossible in one work to mention all their types, to collect information about appearance, use. Toy Story can be limited in its work to one city, family, or time period. This gives the material greater importance and significance, increasing its uniqueness.

Topics of research work in history related to toys are aimed at developing in the younger generation a sense of patriotism, pride in their city, family, and country.

Among the methods that will be required to carry out such work, we note: conducting a sociological survey, reviewing literary sources, and processing the results obtained. Special attention must be paid to the design of the work.

Second example

If a student decides to develop a project on the history of the city, this indicates his caring attitude towards the past of his country. What can you take for work? For example, the main objects are considered as objects historical monuments cities, the time of their creation. If the work is carried out by a group of schoolchildren, they can develop a route that will include the main attractions settlement, their detailed description.

Features of work

History project topics can be related to folk traditions, national rituals, family photographs.

Such works make it possible to connect several generations at once with a single thread, and to develop in growing Russians a sense of pride in their country. Children learn to independently plan their activities, make decisions, and establish contacts with other participants in the educational process.

The topics of history projects that junior schoolchildren choose mainly relate to a specific family or city. High school students have a wealth of knowledge, so their work has a more global scale.

Material for work

We offer you topics for research papers on history. Perhaps they will be of interest to the younger generation of enthusiastic, caring Russian schoolchildren.

  • Macedonian in the Hellenistic era.
  • What do we know about Alfred Nobel?
  • Fortresses and castles of England.
  • Past and present of the English alphabet.
  • Socio-economic development of Greece.
  • Atlantis is a civilization worth learning more about!
  • Attica during the collapse of slave-owning democracy in the works of Aristophanes.
  • History and significance of balloons and airships in Russia before 1918.
  • Uniqueness of China.
  • Story
  • Military equipment in Rus' during the X-XVI centuries. and the specifics of its creation.
  • Martial arts in the period of Ancient Rus'.
  • Boris Godunov: life and significance for the country.
  • What's happened Time of Troubles?
  • Life of peasants in the Middle Ages.
  • The fate of the family in the history of the country.
  • Battle of Thermopylae
  • Bogatyrs in the past and present.
  • The Battle of Borodino through the eyes of the French.
  • Gods of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece.

Examples of research papers related to Russia

For example, the history of creation Slavic alphabet can become the basis of several works at once:

  • Life of the Slavs.
  • Culture and religion.
  • Beliefs of the Slavs.
  • The magical world of ancient Russian myths and legends.
  • Slavs and Vikings: features of relations.
  • Slavic weapons.
  • The appearance of the first writing.

Fans of the 17th-20th centuries may well start studying interesting facts associated with these historical milestones:

  • Great personalities in Russian history.
  • Virtual trip around the USSR.
  • The influence of time on the popularity of the historical figure I.V. Stalin.
  • The influence of historical processes on the formation of Soviet power.
  • The influence of epidemics on events that took place in Russia.
  • The emergence of Russian humanism.
  • War of 1812.
  • Elected power as a factor in increasing the standard of living of Russian citizens.
  • History of names and surnames.
  • Heraldry: an inflorescence of history, knowledge and art.
  • Cities of Russia in legends and traditions.
  • Public holidays as a reflection of the characteristics of the political regime in our country.
  • Welcome to Moscow!
  • History of chess.
  • Friendship since ancient times.
  • Women in the history of our country.
  • Lenin's life path.
  • Forgotten Pomeranian Russian games.
  • The Life of Queen Catherine II.
  • How the Moscow region and Moscow appeared.
  • Conquest of Siberia.
  • Ivan IV the Terrible is the first Tsar of Rus'.
  • Ivan the Terrible: a portrait of a personality based on the era.
  • Ivan Susanin is a true patriot of the Russian land.
  • The importance of accepting Christianity in Rus'.
  • Iconography in Rus'.
  • The history of the creation of the Moscow Kremlin.
  • How coins appeared in Rus'.
  • Russian pancakes - interesting facts.
  • The history of Russian pancakes.
  • Sailing fleet in Rus'.


Modern realities demand from young people logical thinking, teamwork skills, independent activity planning. Project and research activities fully contribute to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality who is ready to be responsible for their actions and will not experience difficulties in searching and processing the flow of information.

Today there is a constant increase in information flow in various fields of knowledge. It is important to gain the skills to quickly respond to all changes, including political and historical areas. Such skills are formed in the younger generation precisely during the project and research activities. That is why, after the introduction of new educational standards in Russian primary and secondary education, it became a mandatory step for schoolchildren to conduct independent research or joint, collective creative projects.

Such activities allow teachers to solve certain educational and educational tasks:

  • development of critical and analytical thinking of schoolchildren during creative activities and implementation of educational projects;
  • searching for talented and gifted schoolchildren and creating optimal conditions for their full development;
  • nurturing a sense of patriotism in the younger generation of Russian citizens.

Project activities help children choose their future professional activity, avoid problems in social adaptation, achieve success in academic and various extracurricular activities.

Approximate names of topics on which work can be completed by students of regular secondary schools are given above. They can be changed or supplemented at the discretion of young researchers and their supervisors.

Any projects related to the search for historical information about a city, country, era, or outstanding personality allow teachers to fully fulfill the state order.

New realities place special demands on the content and forms of domestic education, including the study of the fundamentals of history. Projects carried out within the framework of individual topics will be an excellent way of self-improvement and self-development for the younger generation.

Alexander the Great. Hellenistic era.
Alfred Nobel
English castles and fortresses.
The English alphabet in the past and present.
Arabic calligraphy
Archaic Greece VIII-VI centuries. BC e. Socio-economic development of Greece.
Architecture of China
Architecture. Culture and buildings.
Atlantis is a civilization that does not exist!
Atlantis - myth or reality?
Attica during the period of the collapse of slave-owning democracy in the works of Aristophanes.
Achilles and his image in art.
Balloons and airships: history and service in the Russian army until 1918.

Military equipment in medieval Rus' in the 10th–16th centuries. and features of its manufacture.
Martial arts of Ancient Rus'.
Martial arts of Ancient Rus'.
Boris Godunov
Was there an alternative in the development of Russian society in late XVI- early 17th century during the Time of Troubles?
Was Ivan IV the most cruel ruler in the 16th century?
Life of peasants in the 16th century.


Without a root, wormwood cannot grow, or the history of one genus.
Berezina. Mysteries of Napoleon's treasures.
Berlin Wall. How much of this word...
Fearless Sky Knight
Battle of Thermopylae
Heroes of the past and present.
Gods of Ancient Egypt
Gods of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.
Gods and myths of Ancient Greece
Fighting vehicles of the past
The Battle of Borodino through the eyes of the French.
The struggle between patricians and plebeians
Brandenburg Gate
Are the British Royal Family a Relic of the Past?
Buddhism as a religion.
Was there a Great Flood?
Life of the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt
Life and everyday life of the Evenks at the end of the 20th century.
Life, religion and culture of the Aztec civilization.

Grand Duke Alexander Nevskiy.
Beliefs of the Eastern Slavs
Beliefs of the ancient Slavs. Paganism.
Slavic beliefs as superstitions of modern man.
Vikings and Slavs: a history of relationships.
The influence of Norman culture on development Old Russian state.
The influence of the policies of Ivan III on the historical development of Rus' in the 15th century.
The emergence and formation of the Moscow Principality as a center of statehood and spiritual culture.
The emergence of writing among the Slavs.
The magical world of legends of Ancient Rus'.
Wars of the ancient Slavs.
Armament of Slavic warriors.

In the Valley of the Pyramids
In search of the Holy Grail: from origins to the present day.
UK currency
Vatican. State within a state.
The Great French Revolution 1789-1799
Great Bulgars
Great personalities in history.
Great discoveries. Christopher Columbus.
Great rulers of the Middle Ages
Great civilizations of the East
Great Britain in the 19th century.
Relations between the Russian and Byzantine churches.
The Vikings are the creators of the history of navigation.
Virtual trip to Egypt.
Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
The influence of Ancient Egypt on modern times
The influence of time and religion on the popularity of the historical figure A. Macedonsky.
The influence of historical processes on lexical borrowings.
The influence of the Celts on the language and culture of Great Britain.
The influence of epidemics on historical events that took place on Earth.
Military sports training in Ancient Greece.
The emergence of life on Earth
The emergence and development of writing.
The emergence and evolution of writing.
The emergence of Italian humanism.
The emergence of a new religion - Christianity. Chronology of events in time and space.
Warriors and knights of the Middle Ages
War of 1812
War of the Scarlet and White Roses
Wars in Ancient Greece in the 1st century BC.
Rise of Spartacus
It all started with a wheel.
The Flood as a projection of earthly cataclysms and catastrophes.
Following Anna Yaroslavna - Queen of France...
Elected power as a condition for increasing the standard of living of citizens.
Higher education in the UK

The heroes of Russian history are the Russian Columbuses.
Heroes of Russian epics and their real prototypes.

Family tree. History of names and surnames.
Genealogy. The story of my family
Henry VIII is an English monarch of the Tudor dynasty.
Heinrich Vogeler (on the 135th anniversary of the artist’s birth).
Heinrich Schliemann: polyglot and successful man.
Heraldry: an inflorescence of history, art and knowledge.
Heraldic monsters
Heroes of Greek mythology in the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".
A city forgotten by history. Tragedy of Troy.
The city that emerged from the dust
Cities of Germany in legends and traditions.
State and national symbols of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.
Public and religious holidays in the Arab world.
Public holidays as a reflection of the political regime in the country.
Gothic cathedral as a symbol of the universe.
"Grail" - fact or fiction?
American Civil War
Greco-Persian Wars
Attila the Hun.

Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy is the savior and guardian of Rus'.
Armor of a warrior of Ancient Rus'.
Old Russian school
Old Russian names.
Ancient Rus'
Ancient Slavic deities in Russian fairy tales. History and fiction.
Ancient symbolism in the artistic decoration of a peasant hut.

In the bag. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill. A hat trick.
Dynasties of English kings (Anglo-Saxon dynasty).
Welcome to Paris!
Dolmens of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.
Dolmens are an ancient mystery of our time.
Ancient Babylonian society according to the laws of Hammurabi.
Ancient Greek myths about Troy and the Trojan War.
The ancient Greek Argonaut Jason is the first industrial spy.
Ancient Greek polis Chersonesos-Magadan. Historical parallels.
Ancient Egyptian costume.
Ancient states: facts of history.
Ancient inventions. History of chess.
Ancient ships
Ancient civilizations of North America.
Ancient Egypt and its attractions.
Ancient China. Qin Empire.
Ancient China: mythology and reality.
Ancient Rome
Ancient myth and modernity.
Ancient Armenia: origins, traditions, culture.
Ancient Greece in the modern world.
Ancient India
Ancient Mayan civilization.
Friendship since ancient times
Uncle Ben. The history of the creation of one of the parliament towers.

Egypt - Gift of the Nile
The Egyptian pyramids are a storehouse of scientific knowledge.

The life of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky as an example of service to the fatherland.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his legacy.
Joan of Arc - saint or witch?
Joan of Arc is the national heroine of France.
The woman is the pharaoh of Ancient Egypt.
Women in history
Women and politics
Women rulers.
The cruel kings and queens of Britain.
Life path of Confucius
Life of Queen Victoria.
Life of primitive people
Life of the Pharaohs
Dwellings of ancient nomads.

Forgotten ancient Russian games.
Conquest of Siberia.
Ermak's riddle
Mysteries of the Battle of Kulikovo.
The origins of the Moscow region and Moscow.
The meaning of the adoption of Christianity in Rus'
Forgotten about Turkey
The mystery of Loch Ness.
Mysteries of Ancient Egypt
Mysteries of the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids.
Mysteries of glass

Mysterious Templars
Castles of England.
Castles of Bavaria.
Castles of Great Britain.
Castles of the Loire, history.
Castles of Japan
Castles and palaces of Germany, their legends.
Hever Castle in England
Castle on the rock
Zeus from Mount Olympus
Meeting Serge
The significance of the discoveries of Christopher Columbus.

Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible: personality and statesman.
Ivan IV the Terrible - the first Russian Tsar.
Ivan the Terrible: a psychological portrait of a personality against the background of the era.
Ivan Susanin is a patriot of the Russian Land.
Iconography. Russian icon
Ilya Muromets
The name of St. George the Victorious in Novgorod history.
Historical reality of “The Tale of Igor’s Host”, “Prayers of Daniil the Zatochnik”, “Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh” and other works of ancient Russian literature.
History of the Moscow Kremlin (architectural chronicle).
The history of the emergence of coins in Rus'.
History of Russian baths
The history of Russian pancakes.
History of Russian surnames

From the history of paper
From the history of numismatics
From the history of the locomotive
From the history of the horseshoe
From the Exupery tribe
Images of birds in various cultures.
The invention of the wheel is a revolution in the development of mankind.
Inventions of Leonardo da Vinci
Imperial features in the philosophical and religious ideas of the ancient Incas.
The institution of monarchy in modern Europe.
The Institute of the US Presidency: History and Modernity.
Interesting facts from the life of Indians.
Interesting facts from the life of spoons
Interesting facts about state flags.
Johann Gutenberg and his "black" art of printing.
Art of Ancient India.
The art of primitive man.
The art of the tea ceremony
Islam: past, present, future.
The Islamic factor in US foreign policy (1980–1990s).
Study of Greek influence on Scythian culture.
Study of the history of cities founded by Alexander the Great.
Study of the nicknames of Russian and Byzantine rulers in the 10th–12th centuries.
Historical and cultural heritage of Ancient Egypt
Historical and linguistic significance of French fashion.
Historical and psychological portrait of Queen Elizabeth I of England.
Historical figure
Historical reconstruction of the Battle of Vokhna.
History of England in the Middle Ages
The history of England in the mirror of architecture.
History of Igrim schools.
History of Olympic Games.
History of Halloween
History of the Eiffel Tower
History of English holidays.
History of monetary units.
History of architectural styles.
History of ballet
History of British royal dynasties and their contribution to the development of Britain.
Bicycle history
History of things. Telephone
The history of the Olympic Games.
History of the emergence and spread of Christianity.
The history of the doll.
History of heraldry
History of Ancient England
Railway history
The life story of Queen Victoria.
History of housing: from past to future.
History and culture of Norway.
History and culture of the peoples of the North: bone carving art.
History and legends of the Nevyansk Tower.
History of cinema
History of the bell
History of the Crusaders and their campaigns.
History of the spoon
History of the Tower of London.

History of medicine
History of the museum
History of the German currency.
History of public transport in England.
History of weapons
History of points
History of piracy.
The story of a disappeared village.
History of writing. Emergence and development.
History of the Intercession Church: eras, events, people.
History of the accession of Wales and Northern Ireland to the United Kingdom.
History of the development of Ancient Egyptian civilization.
History of the development of US international relations.
History of the development of sailing ships.
History of postal development
History of the development of machine tool industry.
History of the creation of the Memorial.
History of the creation of dishes.
History of the sundial
History of matches.
History of terrorism and methods of combating it.
History of the iron
History of the piano.
History of football
History of chemical weapons.
History of edged weapons.
History of shamanism
History, language and culture of the American Indians.
Vanished Land
Disappeared monuments.
Vanished civilizations.

K. Minin and D. Pozharsky are an example of the unity and heroism of the Russian people in defending the Fatherland.
How people dressed in the old days.
How did the names of the Moscow Kremlin towers come about?
How they built it in Rus'

Stone architecture of Ancient Rus'.
Stone Chronicle.
Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy - Defender of the Fatherland.
Prince Oleg is the first all-Russian ruler.
Princely congresses of the 12th–13th centuries. and their real meaning.
Red Sun over Russia (the life and deeds of Grand Duke Vladimir).
Koporye fortress on the northwestern defense line of Rus'.
Oreshek fortress on the northwestern defense line of Rus'.
Staraya Ladoga fortress on the northern line of defense of Rus'.
Peasant War of 1773-1775.
Peasant clothing in Rus'
Baptism of Rus': legend and facts.
Kulikovo Field is the first military field in Russia.
Battle of Kulikovo: controversial issues of historiography.
Battle of Kulikovo: strategy and tactics of Dmitry Donskoy.
Culture of Ancient Rus' before the Mongol invasion.
How people learned to count time.
How people mastered fire.
How cars came to be
How did telephone communication develop?
How did you study in Ancient Egypt?
How did the bread come to the table?
What kind of sweets are there and where did they come from?
What were the first books?
Time calendars
Calendar and its history.
Cardinal Richelieu.
Carinthia is a federal province of Austria.
China. Is globalization coming from the East?
Cleopatra VII
Cowboys: myth and reality
When and where to celebrate the New Year.
Bells and bell ringing.
Trips to war. According to the memoirs of participants in military operations in Chechnya.
Queen Victoria and her era.
Queen Elizabeth II
The British Royal Family is a symbol of power.
King Arthur: reality or legend?
Corruption is a social evil.
Peasant and farmer: power of the land or power over the land?
Cryptography. Basics of encryption and history of development.
Who are gladiators?
19th century culture
Culture of Ancient Egypt.
Culture of Ancient Greece
Kurgan through the eyes of children.

Chroniclers about the beginning of the Russian state.
The Legend of Joan of Arc
Legend about the Scythians and Sarmatians.
The legendary Joan of Arc
Legendary and historical figure - Toyon Lögoy.
Legends of Vishera stones.
Battle on the Ice
Personalities in the history of cryptography.
London past and present.
London is a city with 20 centuries of history. London attractions and main tourist sites.

London: past and present.
Tower of London.

Maslenitsa: history, games and rituals.
The world of rock art on the lower Amur.
Worldview of the Old Believers.
Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov
Myths and symbols of the ancient Slavs.

Maya: Lost Civilization of Pre-Columbian America.
Small nations in the modern world
International conflicts: Iran and Iraq.
Between past and future (From the history of high school).
Medieval Man Menu
Metal from Atlantis
Metropolitan yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Japanese sword and European sword: a long road to nowhere.
Mycenaean civilization
The world of everyday life of a worker at an industrial enterprise (based on materials from enterprises in our city).
World terrorism
Global financial crisis and the US Great Depression.
The Myth of Osiris
Mythical animals
Mythical inhabitants of the waters.
Mythological dictionary. Ancient Greece.
Myths of Ancient Greece. Gods and deities.
Myths and legends of Ancient Greece
Myths and legends of English-speaking peoples.
Myths and legends about animals from different peoples of the world.
Myths and legends about constellations
Myths and reality in the mysteries of the pyramids.
Ancient Egypt Fashion
Model of a cheese furnace.
My favorite English holidays.
Shaolin Monastery.
Mongol power of Genghis Khan.
Mongol invasion of the 12th–13th centuries. and the death of the ancient Khakassian state.
Coins are witnesses of history.
Sea robbers
A bridge connecting Europe and Asia.
Museums and galleries in London

The national hero of Russia is Alexander Nevsky.
The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is an example of Russian military architecture of the 15th-16th centuries.
Nizhny Novgorod - the center of formation people's militia in 1611.
Novgorod letters
New Year and Christmas holidays in Rus'.
Norman theory of the origin of the Old Russian state and its criticism

At the dawn of humanity... (All about the Stone Age).
Napoleon Bonaparte - the great commander
Napoleon. The role of personality in history.
Rock chronicle
Science and education in Ancient Greece.
Our view of the war in Spain 1936-1939.
Skyscrapers: yesterday and today.
A true story about the past and present of our family.
Unknown Golden Horde
German car companies
Extraordinary secrets of China.
The complicated history of a simple pencil.
Unsolved mysteries of Khan Batu
Ninjas are spies of the Middle Ages.

Image of Ivan the Terrible.
Images of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky in chronicles XVII century.
Images of monarchs of the 18th century (Peter I, Catherine II, Paul I) in Russian journalism of the 19th–20th centuries, school textbooks.
Oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible
Oprichnina and disputes around it in historical science.
Weapons of Ancient Rus' according to historical sources and Russian folklore.
Melee weapons among the Slavs in the 9th–11th centuries.
Weapons of the ancient Slavs
"From chain mail to uniform." History of Russian military costume.
Where did the Russian stove and kerosene lamp come from in peasant life?
The deification of animals in the religion of the Egyptians.
Defense of Sevastopol
The image of a dragon in Chinese mythology.
The image of a female goddess in Greek mythology.
The image of a horse in the culture of Indo-European peoples.
Education of the American Nation.
Petrified Witnesses
Olympian gods
Olympic Games in Ancient Greece.
Olympic Games in ancient times
Olympic Games: history of origin.
Olympic symbols
Features of the burial ceremony in Ancient Egypt.
Saipan Island - a wonderful corner of the USA
The Patriotic War of 1812 through the eyes of the French.
What the school's order book told about.
Napoleon's mistake

Characters of Slavic mythology.
Correspondence between Ivan IV the Terrible and Andrei Kurbsky.
Political system of medieval republics (Novgorod, Pskov).
Political symbolism: royal weddings, coronation celebrations, inaugurations.
Campaign of Ermak's squad to Siberia.
The reign of Ivan IV - pros and cons.
Feast of Ivan Kupala.

Rulers of Russia and Rus'. Myths, legends, facts.
Signs and superstitions

Fall of Constantinople
Paris Commune
The UK Parliament and its main characteristics.
Steam locomotive: how it all began

Sailboats: history, principle of movement.
Peloponnese in the 8th–6th centuries. BC
The First World War: subjectivity in the assessment of historical events and phenomena.
The first state in the Nile Valley - myth or reality?
First cars
Belshazzar's Feast
Pyramid of Cheops - one of the seven wonders of the world
Pyramids of Egypt
Pyramids in the past, present and future
Pyramids of the world
Pyramids are a source of coded information or a conversation with eternity.
Pirates in history and literature
Pirates past, present and future.
Letters in the absence of writing
Writing of Ancient Egypt
In the footsteps of ancient civilizations. Egypt.
In the footsteps of lost civilizations
Labors of Hercules
Princess Olga's trip to Constantinople.
Searches for a disappeared concentration camp.
Political portrait of Otto von Bismarck.
The political aspect of Russian-Chinese relations in the 90s of the XX century. – beginning of the 21st century.
Why did Ancient Egypt and the states of Western Asia submit to the young Persian State?
Why do the military salute?
Why do the Chinese eat with chopsticks?
Why are mummies well preserved?
Why did the Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations break down in 1939?
Legal regulation of relations in Frankish society during the Merovingian period.
Holidays of Ancient Rome
Prerequisites for the flourishing of the Arab Caliphate.
President is a dangerous profession.
The reason for the re-rise of the Shinto religion in Japan in the 13th century.
Reasons for stopping the conquest of new territories by the armies of the Roman Empire.
The reasons for the dawn and decline of the condottiere era in the XIV-XVI centuries.
Origin and development of ancient Greek theater.
Origin of writing
Origin of law
Origin of the nicknames of the states of North America.
Curse of the Pharaohs
Phoenix bird: true story or legend?
Punic Wars

Real and mythological images of ancient Russian princes.
The role of Ivan IV the Terrible in the centralization of power.
The role of the people in the Time of Troubles 1611-1612. in the assessments of famous Russian historians.
The role of Slavic amulets in the life of the Slavs.
Russian diplomacy in the X-XVI centuries.
Russian porridge
Russian folk hut

Russian folk clothes.
Russian heroes: myth or reality?
Russian armor of the X-XVII centuries
Russian lands in the fight against the Mongol-Tatars.
Russian nesting dolls
Russian folk sundress
Russian wedding ceremony
Russian medieval monastery as a landowner and intellectual center.
Russian hospitality
Rus' and the Golden Horde: problems of relationships.
Rus' and the Crusaders

Development of democracy in Athens in the VI-V centuries. BC. and in medieval Europe in a comparative aspect.
Has the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids been solved?
Revolution in the Netherlands
Religion of the ancient Greeks
Religion of the ancient Slavs and Egyptians: a comparative analysis.
Religion of the Slavs before the adoption of Christianity
Roman army in ancient history
The role of Oliver Cromwell in the activities of the Long Parliament.
The role of traditions in Scottish culture.
Knights of the Middle Ages
Knightly culture.
Chivalry in the Middle Ages
Knight - who is he: a robber or an example of nobility?

Imposture at the beginning of the 17th century. False Dmitry I.
Wedding ceremonies in Rus'
Holy hero Ilya Muromets. An epic hero or a real historical figure?
Sergius of Radonezh
Time of Troubles. History in faces. History of the Godunov family.
Collective portrait of Russian impostors of the 17th-18th centuries.
Medieval castles in Russia
Ancient Russian measures in history and folk speech.
Vintage games
Pages of the history of Ancient Rus'. Prince Vladimir: from paganism to Christianity.
Sevens are the guardian spirits of the peoples of the Amur region.
S.Yu. Witte and P.A. Stolypin - reformers of the early 20th century.
Samurai in the sociocultural space of Japan.
Wedding ceremonies of the peoples of the world.
Holy fast Ramadan
Secrets of the Tower
How old is the samovar?
Treasures of the Silk Road
Social and psychological analysis of the personalities of Alexander I and Napoleon.
Are Hammurabi's laws fair?
Comparative characteristics of ancient Sumerian, ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek religions.
Comparative analysis of weapons and equipment of medieval warriors.
Medieval edged weapons.
Medieval castles
Samurai steel.
Old castles of Great Britain: their past and present.
Stonehenge - a legend of England
Stonehenge: history and legend.
Pages of British history
Sphinx - the great mystery of the desert

Traditions and customs of Ancient Rus'
Mysterious stones of Stonehenge
Secrets of the Great Wall of China
Secrets of the ancient Egyptians
Secrets of the ancient peoples of the British Isles.
Secrets of ancient civilizations. Egypt
Secrets and mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids. Who built them and why?
Mayan secrets
Secrets of Queen Hatshepsut.
Tartan as the main element of the Scottish national costume.

Terracotta Army of Qin Shi Huang.
The tragedy of September 11, 2001. Results and consequences.
Traditions of chivalry
Triumphal arches of Russia and France, dedicated to the War of 1812.
Trojan War. Fact or fiction?
Tutankhamun - living image of Amun

Jewelry of Ancient Rus'
Winston Churchill: a man of legend

Form of government under Ivan the Terrible: absolutism or class-representative monarchy?

Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt
Fascism as a socio-political movement of the 20th century.
The phenomenal rise to world fame of the Barbie doll.
Philosophers of antiquity: about society and man.
Enlightenment philosophers of the 18th century.
Phoenician purple
Florence Nightingale
Formation of the polis system in Attica.
Francesco Petrarca - great humanist

Edged weapons of Russian warriors.
Khomus is an ancient musical instrument of the Yakuts.

Temples of Rus'
Christianization of Rus'

Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nuclear Armageddon.
Steel arms

Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Personality and destiny.
Civilization of Minoan Crete
Mayan civilization

What did they write with in the old days?
English tea traditions
Charlie Chaplin
Clocks are a great invention of mankind.
Man underwater
Genghis Khan - barbarian or creator?
What do we know about chocolate?
Wonders of the Ancient World

Chess art.
Scottish Order of the Thistle.

E. Che Guevara as a symbol of freedom in youth culture.
The evolution of automobile engines.
Evolution of the human home
The Evolution of Writing Tools
The evolution of costume from ancient times to the present day.
Evolution of watches
Eiffel Tower: history of construction, design features, interesting facts.
Ethnic traditions of China.
Ethiopia is the oldest Christian country, a stronghold of Orthodoxy on the Dark Continent.
The Sea of ​​Japan in history.

Pagan mythology of the Slavs.
Yakut creations from birch bark.
