"Space Travel" (entertainment for preschoolers for Cosmonautics Day). School-wide event for Cosmonautics Day. Scenario Event about space

Marina Tsyplakova
Scenario of an event for Cosmonautics Day for older children preschool age"Journey into Space"

Scenario of the event for Cosmonautics Day.

Subject: « Journey into space» .


1. Expand your views children about astronautics.

2. Foster a sense of patriotism and pride for the Fatherland.

3. Organize competitive activities between teams.

4. Create active interaction among students in the team.

Equipment: portraits astronauts, an image of the planets of the solar system and famous constellations, cut-out pictures of a rocket, two balloons, rackets, demonstration material (slides about space, astronauts, Children's drawings).

Educator: Guys, who can guess what our topic will be dedicated to? event? (Answers children) .

The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people since ancient times. But it became closer and more accessible only with the penetration of man into space.

Let's see how this happened.

Video presentation

Aviation Day and astronautics is special, triumphant holiday! No wonder the whole world celebrates it!

Many centuries passed before humanity found a way to overcome gravity and rise to space. Guys, remember the fairy tales and legends. Whatever they flew on fairy-tale heroes! (Answers children) . (On bats and eagles, on flying carpets and wizards’ beards, on the Little Humpbacked Horse and magic arrows.).

The first who saw in a rocket a projectile capable of carrying earthlings into interplanetary space was the great Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. The scientist carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with an aircraft that could fly beyond the Earth. But, unfortunately, he did not have such an opportunity. And only many years later another Russian scientist, S.P. Korolev, was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite.

On April 12, 1961, the world's first space flying with a person on board the ship. We had been preparing for this day for a very long time.

Scientists, test designers and people of many other professions were involved in preparing the great flight. Everything had to be taken into account, everything had to be foreseen in order for the flight to be successful. It took a long time to choose and astronaut.

And after much testing and discussion, a decision was made: first in the world astronaut will become Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Finally the decisive day arrived. April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin on spaceship"East" committed space flight. In 108 minutes, the satellite ship with the world's first astronaut circled the globe and returned safely to Earth. This was a powerful breakthrough in the development space!

And then there was a solemn meeting on Red Square. In a few hours, Yuri Gagarin became the most famous person in the world. When the government announcement about the great flight came over the radio, crowds of people filled the streets throughout the country. Everyone wanted to greet the world's first astronaut, Son of the Earth, Citizen of the Universe.

Valentina Tereshkova - the first in the world female astronaut. To this day she remains the only woman to have committed solo space flight. She spent in almost three days in space.

It was originally planned to send to space two female crews at once, but later it was decided to abandon this idea.

Mine space flight B. Tereshkova committed on June 16, 1963. on the ship "Vostok-6". This was the sixth and last spaceship from the series"East". Start of ship B. Tereshkova did not happen at Baikonur "Gagarin site", but with a duplicate one.

45 years ago from launch vehicle launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome"Soyuz", on board which was spaceship"Voskhod-2". Its crew consisted of two people: ship commander Pavel Belyaev and co-pilot Alexey Leonov. The entire flight lasted a little more than a day, but it was a historic flight. During it - March 18, 1965, when cosmonaut Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov was the first of the earthlings to go beyond space ship and made the first man in history to go out into the open space.

Educator: Word " astronaut"appeared quite recently. On October 4, 1957, our rocket was launched into low-Earth orbit for the first time spacecraft made by human hands. And he began to revolve around the Earth, just as the Moon does. This is how the first artificial satellite appeared. (Points to the satellite on the central wall.) Road to space was discovered.

Educator: Imagine being the future astronauts, and we're off to cosmodrome.


We're going to cosmodrome,

We walk in step together.

We walk on our toes

We're walking on our heels.

They checked my posture.

And they pulled their shoulder blades together (walking on toes, on heels).

Let's run guys together -

We all need to warm up.

Educator: People have always wanted to know, is there life on other planets? And if there is, who lives there? But to find out, you need to fly to the planets. And now we can fly to space?

(Answers children) .

Educator: Let's build a rocket

Contest "Build a Rocket"

Educator: We assembled the rocket. And now we need to fly to space. But before we take off, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "House".

I want to build a house

(Fold your hands like a house and raise them above your head)

So that there is a window in it,

(Join the fingers of both hands into a circle)

So that the house has a door,

(Palms we connect our hands together vertically)

Nearby for a pine tree to grow.

(We raise one hand up and “spread” our fingers)

So that there is a fence around

The dog guarded the gate,

(We join our hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)

It was sunny, it was raining,

(First, we raise our hands up, fingers “spread”. Then we lower our fingers down, making “shaking” movements)

And the tulip bloomed in the garden!

(Let's put it together palms and slowly open our fingers - “tulip bud”)

Educator: Well, let's go to journey? Crew take your seats, fasten your seat belts! Let's start counting the seconds until start.

Teacher and children together: Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Start!

Educator: Guys, we arrived on "Planet of Smarties".

1. Guys, what planet do we live on? (Earth).

2. First name astronaut flying into space? (Gagarin)

3. What were the names of the dogs that were the first to return from space? (Belka and Strelka).

4. What Yuri Gagarin said at the moment start? (Go)

5. Name spaceship, on which Gagarin went to space? ("East")

6. What is the protective suit called? astronaut? (spacesuit)

8. What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly space? (Spaceship) .

9. The fastest form of transport created on Earth? (Rocket).

10. How many minutes was Yuri Gagarin in space? (108 minutes)

11. What is the name of both the animal and the constellation? (Bear).

12. Give the first name astronaut who went into space. (A. Leonov).

Educator: Well done boys! All questions answered. And we leave this planet and go to another. And it's called "Sports". The inhabitants of this planet have prepared a relay race for us.

IN space any object weighs nothing. This state is called weightlessness. All items in space the ship is attached to its place. If this is not done, they will float freely. In such conditions, any person becomes a strongman. In zero gravity, not only a person, but also an object loses its weight. Now we will try to carry a balloon at arm's length on a racket.

Contest "Weightlessness".

Educator: And now we will do a short journey on all planets solar system. Let's name all the planets one by one. (Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Jupiter). (Children name planets)

Physical exercise.

There lived an astrologer on the moon - ( "They're watching" into a telescope)

He kept track of the planets: (Point to the sky with your hand)

Mercury - once, (Describe a circle with your hands)

Venus two, (Cotton)

Three is earth, four is Mars, (Sit down)

Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn, (Tilt right-left)

Seven is Uranus, eight is Neptune, (Lean forward, bend back)

If you don't see it, get out! (Spread your arms to the sides)

Educator: Guys, while you and I were doing warm-ups, our ship landed on the planet "Riddles".

1. Among the blue field -

The bright shine of a large fire.

The fire moves slowly here,

It goes around Mother Earth,

There is a cheerful light shining in the window.

Well of course it is. (Sun).

2. On clear nights

A mother and her daughters are walking.

She doesn't tell her daughters:

Go to bed, it's late! -

Because mother is the moon,

And the daughters. (stars).

3. She spread her scarlet tail,

Flew off into a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary... (rocket).

4. He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket.

Children, who, tell me, is this? (astronaut)

5.Look out the window in the evening:

It's already dark outside,

A light bulb is visible in the sky,

It's called. (moon).

E. Uspensky

6.Everyone has their own home:

Stories have volumes

There are clothing stores,

Cabbage and pears have baskets,

Animals have a zoo,

The cars have their own fleet.

Everything that is in this world,

Has a home on the planet.

And the planet, I know,

It's called. (Earth).

7. What kind of ceiling is this?

Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high,

Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish.

It's a little bit bluish.

And sometimes so beautiful -

Lace and blue - blue! (Sky)

8. From which ladle?

They don't drink, they don't eat

Do they only look at him? (Big Dipper)

Educator: Astronauts must be very careful. Let's check your gaming-jumping-leap energy and cosmic mindfulness!If I shout: "Jump", - then you, jumping, respond loudly and unanimously: "Jump!".What if I shout: "Jump!", -then you all jump up and answer: "Jump". Do you remember? Begin!

A game "Confusion : jump and gallop"

Educator: Well, guys, it’s time to return to our planet Earth. We're flying back. We fly with you past the constellations. What constellations do you know? (Answers children) . Now let's connect each star with a line and see what the drawing looks like.

Contest "Guess the constellation".

Educator: Our flight is over! Thanks to all! Open the hatch! Get out of the rocket! Congratulations on your successful return to Earth. At the end of the flight each the astronaut needs to eat. To remember the flight, I present you with sweet prizes.

Game scenario educational program"Space-planet-we!" dedicated to the day Cosmonautics

Target: Development of children's knowledge about space, famous astronauts, and space discoverers.
- development of cognitive interest and knowledge about the history of astronautics,
- develop children's curiosity, thinking, speech, memory, attention,
- cultivate a sense of patriotism and citizenship.
Description: the material will be useful for teacher-organizers, teachers additional education, teachers, as well as preschool teachers.
Student population: 9-12 years
Props: balloons with letters, foil, tape, hoop, balls, buckets, landmarks, plates, Frutonyanya puree.
Progress of the program:
Music is playing on the screen Slide 1.
Leading: Hello, dear guys! Today is a great day for our entire country. Who knows what it is called and what it is famous for? Slide 2. That's right, it was on this day, April 12, 1961, that the first spacecraft with a person on board was launched into orbit. Who became the world's first cosmonaut? (Yuri Gagarin). Slide 3.
Humanity has long strived for the stars. Since time immemorial, people have dreamed of flying to the Moon, to the planets of the solar system, to distant mysterious worlds. In 1960, this moment arrived. The lucky winner for the role of astronauts was 26-year-old Yuri Gagarin. He was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps as one of the pilots who had excellent skills in controlling aircraft. Slide 4. The requirements for candidates (there were 20 of them) were high and strict. Health must be excellent, endurance and discipline, excellent knowledge and skills high level. Yuri Alekseevich completed the training course brilliantly. Slide 5. And on April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin made his fateful flight from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Let's see how this happened (hyperlink in the picture).

As you can already see, at 9:06 am the Vostok rocket was launched from the launch pad of the Baikonur Cosmodrome under the control of Yuri Gagarin. When the rocket began to rise, Gagarin said the historical phrase: “Let's go!” His flight lasted 108 minutes and ended with a successful landing near the village of Smelovka, Saratov region SLIDE6. After such a breakthrough in space exploration, Yuri Gagarin received the early rank of major and at the same time the title of Hero Soviet Union.
Yuri Alekseevich dreamed of new flights. However, fate had its own way SLIDE 7. March 27, 1968 Yu.A. Gagarin tragically died in a plane crash during a training flight along with his instructor, hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Seregin.
Soon, in 1968, this holiday was given the status of international SLIDE 8. Thanks to the feat of Yuri Gagarin, Cosmonautics Day is celebrated today with respect and honor for those who contributed to the development of modern space technologies.
The name of Yuri Gagarin will live as long as humanity lives. Streets, squares and educational establishments. In many cities there is a monument to the Great Cosmonaut, and there are Gagarin museums. On Cosmonautics Day, various events are held in all cities and villages.
Since the day of Yuri Gagarin’s flight, a lot has changed: technology, crew training, and the program of work in orbit. Now they work in space for a long time, and not only men, but also women. Valentina Tereshkova is considered the first female cosmonaut. Slide 9. To this day, she remains the only woman in the world to go on a space flight alone, without assistants or partners. Slide 10. She also became the first woman in Russia to be awarded the rank of major general. It was in this rank that Tereshkova retired in 1997, at the age of sixty. Valentina Tereshkova forever inscribed her name in the history of the Soviet Union, Russia and the whole world.

Of course, everyone may want
Look at Earth from space.
But will you have enough patience and strength?
Only the one who bravely endured everything
Go on a space flight.
Let's go guys, space is calling us!
Well, guys, are you ready to test yourself as an astronaut? Then we can safely begin our “Space-Planet-We!” program. Slide 11.

First, let's do a warm-up. Slide 12. Now each of you will feel weightless in space. To do this, you need to get up from your seats, or come forward to us. On command you must spin around yourself 5 times. Ready? Then let's start! Let's count! Now try to make a swallow, it will mean flying into zero gravity. Let's applaud all the guys, I see that you are very diligent and patient guys.

Movement coordination competition.

Leading: Guys, who can tell me why astronauts in space can’t walk like we do on the ground, but rather soar in the air?
Children: weightlessness bothers them.
Leading. Right. Our planet attracts all objects to itself: people, animals, stones, etc. Therefore, we cannot jump high, and if we throw a ball, it returns to the ground. And when the spaceship goes far from the Earth, it no longer attracts, and the astronauts are in weightlessness, that is, they swim, fly... So our next competition is a weightlessness test. Slide 13.
For the competition you need 6 guys. Each of you receives 1 balloon. Your task is to throw up a balloon (in each of the balloons there are pieces of paper with the letters: C, A, T, U, R, N), and while it is in weightlessness, in the air, you must consider which letters are inside it. As soon as you see the letter, you must run to a chair and write it. As a result, you should get 1 word - the name of the planet.

Competition "Weightlessness" hyperlink to the picture.

Leading: To go on a flight, an astronaut goes through many tests. And one of them is the ability to solve the code. Now you have a table with numbers in front of you. Each letter corresponds to a specific letter of the alphabet. You need to figure out the sentence by the numbers. Calculate the letters in your head and unravel the encrypted message. So, pay attention to the screen. Slide 14. Go! Whoever guesses the first word shouts from his seat.

Contest "Cryptographer"

Encrypted telegrams:
3, 15,10, 14, 1, 15, 10, 6 Attention
17, 16, 19, 1, 5, 12, 1 Landing
15, 6, 3, 16, 9, 14, 16, 8, 15, 1 Not possible
31, 17, 10, 5, 6, 14,10, 33 Epidemic
19, 17, 1, 19, 1, 11, 20, 6, 19, 30 Save yourself

Leading: Well done guys, the answer has been received. The encrypted sentence turned out to be “Attention! Landing is impossible, there is an epidemic, save yourself!”
Leading: We passed the weightlessness test. We managed to unravel the encrypted words, well, now we can go into space and try on an astronaut suit? Tell me guys, what is it called? Yes, we can’t go into outer space without a spacesuit. Slide 15. Therefore, I propose to build it yourself. For this competition we need 9 players. You are given foil and tape. 1 player will become an astronaut, and the other two will be assistants. Your task is to wrap the astronaut in foil and secure it with tape. Whoever does it better wins.
We will check the reliability of the suit by taking several steps in zero gravity (children in “space suits” take several steps).

Leading: Now we have spacesuits. Let's capture this moment. (Photo for memory). And we can safely go into space. By the way, the first person who visited outer space, was Alexey Leonov. Leonov's spacewalk was carried out from the Voskhod-2 experimental spacecraft. The ship's crew already consisted of two people. The commander of the apparatus was Pavel Belyaev, and Alexey Leonov was appointed as the pilot. The Berkut spacesuit was made especially for this mission, which would later fail him.
Well, we hope that nothing bad will happen during our flight, so we will first go to the smallest planet, called Pluto. Slide 16. For this competition we need 2 teams of 6 people. Each of you is given a hoop. 1 player climbs into the hoop, i.e. as if entering outer space. You run to a landmark - it will be the planet Pluto. On it you must take a piece of land to give to scientists for a more detailed study of the planet. A piece of earth or rock will become a ball. You squeeze it between your legs and run to pass the baton to the next player. You finish your flight by passing the baton to the next player and placing the ball in the basket. Whoever flies to Pluto faster and collects more material wins.

Leading: We continue our flight into the solar system, where we can meet unearthly creatures. And we need to be prepared to meet them. Let's try to make friends with them. So, the next competition is “Aliens”. Slide 17. I invite 2 teams of 6 people. Each player first needs to dress up as aliens (put a plate on one ear, another on the other, and put a third plate on top, and put on special gloves on his hands and feet). And without using your hands, with a plate on your head, you run to the landmark, so that nothing falls, you also come back and pass the baton to the next player. Whoever completes the task first wins.

Leading: Astronauts have a very long and difficult flight. And he will definitely want to have a snack. The astronaut takes food with him, and he does not need spoons and forks, because the food is sealed in tubes. Slide 18. Astronauts squeeze food directly into their mouths. For a very tasty competition, I ask 4 people to come out.
Each participant is given Frutonyanya puree. You need to eat it as quickly as possible. Whoever eats first without leaving a single gram of food wins.
Competition "Cosmonaut's Lunch". hyperlink to the image.

Leading. What did you guys have for lunch? It's time to find out the name of the planet we arrived on. Take a close look at your tubes. And find the letter that is circled. From all the letters you need to make a word and you will find out the name of another planet (Uranus). The guys are doing the task.
Presenter: We did a great job today, and I propose to consolidate knowledge about space. We will hold a competition “The door to space is open to everyone, come on, check yourself!” I ask you a question, and you must answer it correctly.
1. Name the date of the 1st flight into space. (April 12, 1961)
2. Who became the first person to go into space? (Yu.A. Gagarin)
3. What was the name of his ship? (Ship "Vostok")
4. What is the name of the cosmodrome from which Russian rockets launch into space? Where is he located? (Baikonur, Kazakhstan)
5. Which planet is the largest in the solar system? (Jupiter, more than Earth 13 times) How small? (Pluto)
6. Who was the first to go into outer space? (Alexey Leonov)
7. Name the Russian women cosmonauts. (Valentina Tereshkova, Svetlana Savitskaya)
8. What were the names of the dogs who were the first to return from space? (Belka, Strelka)
9. What are American astronauts called? (Astronauts)
10. Who was the second, after Gagarin, Soviet cosmonaut? (German Titov)
11. List the planets of the solar system. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto)
12. Can a star fall? (No)
13. What falling bodies do we call “shooting stars” (Meteorites)
14. What is the name of the optical device for studying cosmic bodies? (Telescope)
15. What is the name of the science that studies celestial bodies? (Astronomy)

Leading: Well done boys! This is where our program comes to an end and I would like to end it with the words of cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite, I saw how beautiful our planet is, people, we will preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it.” Hyperlink to the image. Let's fulfill the behest of the first cosmonaut. And I say goodbye to you, goodbye, see you again!

Leading. Our holiday today is dedicated to one of the most interesting areas human activity- astronautics. You know why we celebrate this holiday on this day? It was on April 12 that everyone heard on their radios: “Moscow speaking! All radio stations of the Soviet Union are working! Moscow time - 10 hours 2 minutes. We are transmitting a TASS message about the world's first human flight into outer space. On April 12, 1961, the world's first spacecraft-satellite Vostok with a person on board was launched into orbit around the Earth in the Soviet Union. The pilot-cosmonaut of the Vostok spacecraft is a citizen of the Soviet Union, pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.”

Presenter. Yes, we owe this holiday to Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He was the first man to go into space. The starry sky has attracted people since ancient times, and humanity has come a long way from its theoretical reflections to real practical discoveries. Let's remember together how it all began.

Student 1. The study of space attracted people back in antiquity, when philosophers thought about the problems of the universe and the system of planetary movement. Only a few celestial bodies can be seen with the naked eye. These are the Sun, Moon, five planets and the brightest stars. But Galileo was the first to study space. He was the first to make a telescope.

Student 2. Galileo selected the lenses several times, and finally his attempts were successful. His first tube consisted of two lenses - concave and convex. And after several attempts, Galileo managed to make a pipe with thirty-fold magnification. It had a length of 1245 mm; The lens was a convex spectacle lens with a diameter of 53 mm, and a flat-concave eyepiece had an optical power of 25 diopters. This pipe is still kept in a museum in Florence.

Student 3. Galileo was the first to understand that the main scientific purpose of a telescope was the observation of celestial bodies. Galileo studied the Moon. He was the first to see numerous craters and mountain peaks on it. And studying Milky Way, Galileo Galilei determined that it was a huge cluster of stars.

Student 4. Yes, Galileo Galilei made enormous contributions to space exploration. His first telescope was followed by numerous telescopes, which were improved year by year. So, first there was an optical telescope. It creates an image using light that is collected by lenses or mirrors.

Student 5. But it had many disadvantages. The image was in the form of a blurry spot of irregular shape. Astronomers began to look for a way to eliminate this problem. They began to use lenses with very long focal lengths. Telescopes were huge in size and difficult to use. A little later, telescopes on tripods appeared, which lasted until the 18th century. But they also had their drawbacks. Due to the wind, astronomers received poor images.

Student 6. The optical telescope was followed by a radio telescope, which collects pulses and signals emanating from space objects on its dishes. Ronald Bracewell was at the origins of his invention. Initially, the radio telescope was called a spectroheliograph and was intended to study the microwave background of the Sun.

Student 7. Another achievement of mankind is space telescopes that are installed in outer space. They provide multiple magnification and the ability to distinguish the smallest objects at long distances. The largest telescope was built in Mexico. It is located at the top of the Sierra Negra volcano, which is located at an altitude of 4580 meters. The antenna diameter of the largest telescope is a record 50 meters.

Student 8. The further the exploration of space went, the greater the desire of man to personally master this space grew. With the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, humanity reached a new level. This happened on October 4, 1957. Sputnik 1 is the first artificial satellite of the Earth. Its code designation is PS-1 (Simple Sputnik-1). The launch was carried out from the 5th research site of the USSR Ministry of Defense "Tyura-Tam", later renamed the Baikonur Cosmodrome, using a Sputnik launch vehicle.

Student 9. Since then, thousands of satellites have been planted in low-Earth orbit, monitoring all terrestrial and space processes. But the most important event is still the first human flight into space. And for us the main thing is that this is the flight of our compatriot, Russian man Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Leading. Yuri Alekseevich had to come a long way. Let's trace his journey together from a little boy to a great space conqueror.

Student 10. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Klushino. He came from a peasant family. His father, Alexey Ivanovich Gagarin, was a carpenter, and his mother, Anna Timofeevna Matveeva, was a pig farmer. Gagarin studied first at a village school, then, when his family moved to Gzhatsk, at a local school. Then he entered the Lyubertsy vocational school. In August 1951, Gagarin entered the Saratov industrial technical school, and on October 25, 1954, he came to the Saratov Aero Club for the first time. In 1955, Yuri Gagarin made the first solo flight on a Yak-18 aircraft.

Student 11. On December 9, 1959, Gagarin wrote a statement asking to be included in the group of cosmonaut candidates. A week later he was called to Moscow, where he underwent a comprehensive medical examination at the Central research aviation hospital. At the beginning of 1960, another special medical commission followed, which declared Senior Lieutenant Gagarin fit for space flight. On March 3, 1960, by order of the Air Force Commander-in-Chief Konstantin Andreevich Vershinin, he was enrolled in the group of cosmonaut candidates, and on March 11 he began training.

Student 12. In addition to Gagarin, twenty more officer-pilots applied for the place of the first cosmonaut. Then, out of twenty, only six were chosen. The person who will fly into space was determined only at the last moment. At the meeting of the Civil Committee, Gagarin was chosen, and German Titov became his backup. Three TASS reports were prepared about Gagarin's flight into space. The first was about a successful flight, the second was an appeal to the governments of other countries if the satellite ship suddenly fell into the territory of other countries or into the ocean, and the third was a tragic message.

Student 13. The launch was given at 9:07 Moscow time from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Gagarin circled the globe in 1 hour 48 minutes and returned safely to Earth. He landed in the Saratov region, not far from Engels. The first people who met the astronaut were the forester’s wife Anna Akimovna Takhtarova and her six-year-old granddaughter Rita.

Student 14. After the flight, Gagarin truly became a hero who glorified our country. Immediately after landing he was promoted to major. A grand reception was organized for Yuri Alekseevich in Moscow. A red carpet was laid out from the plane on which Gagarin arrived to the government building. On Red Square, Nikita Khrushchev awarded Yuri Gagarin the Gold Star “Hero of the Soviet Union” and the new title “Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR”.

Student 15. Yuri Gagarin died in a plane crash near the village of Novoselovo, Kirzhach district Vladimir region during a training flight on March 27, 1968 at 10:30 am. Together with Gagarin in the cockpit was his instructor, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel Vladimir Seregin.

Student 16. Today everyone knows the name of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. In many cities there are streets, avenues, alleys, and schools named after Gagarin. His name is given to: the city of Gagarin (formerly Gzhatsk) and the region (formerly Gzhatsky), the crater on back side Moons, asteroid No. 1772, Golden medal FAI, which has been awarded since 1968, is a square in Moscow where there is a monument to the cosmonaut.

Presenter. Today we have learned a lot about the man who was the first to conquer universal space. Infinitely kind, strong, talented and persistent, he has come a long way. It took Gagarin enormous courage to overcome not only physical, but also psychological stress. He really was a man with capital letters, who took his country to a new level.

Leading. Now let's see how carefully you listened to our speakers. We'll ask you a few questions.

Quiz questions:

1. Who invented the first spotting scope? (Galileo Galilei)

2. What lenses did Galileo Galilei use? (Concave and curved)

3. What other types of telescopes are there? (Optical, radio telescope, space)

4. What disadvantage do optical telescopes have? (Unclear image)

5. Where was the largest telescope built? (In Mexico)

7. What code designation did the first artificial Earth satellite have? (PS-1)

9. The name of the first person to conquer space? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)

10. How long did the first manned flight into space last? (108 minutes)

11. Who was chosen as the understudy of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin? (German Titov)

12. What was the name of the satellite ship on which Gagarin flew? ("East")

13. Where did Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin land? (In the Saratov region)

14. What title did Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin receive immediately after landing? (Major)

15. Which city now bears the name of Gagarin? (Gzhatsk)

Cosmonautics Day

(Scenario of an event for children in the preparatory group for school)

Prepared and conducted by a physical instructor

(based on materials from the Internet)

Goal: To introduce children to the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day, and space heroes. Involve parents in joint activities to celebrate Cosmonautics Day.

Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about space, the date of Yuri Gagarin’s first flight into space, and the holiday.

Progress (scenario):

Children enter the column one at a time, walk through the hall, diverge and merge through the center into a column one at a time, two at a time, four at a time. Divide into two teams and sit on chairs.

Host: Hello, guys! You probably already know what day it is?

Children's answers: Cosmonautics Day!

On a wooden spoon, without the help of the other hand, you need to carry the balloon, go around the landmark and return back to your team, passing the object to the next participant in the game. The team that follows all the rules without errors wins.

6. Relay race: ship flight.

All the guys stand on their chairs; you need to use the chairs to move to the other side (towards the landmark) without stepping on the floor. The team that completes the task correctly and quickly wins.

7. Make a rocket.

Answer difficult questions.

2 The man who flies into space. (Astronaut)

1 What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly into space? (spaceship)

2 What is the name of both the animal and the constellation? (mother bear)

1 Why is there day and night on earth? (the planet revolves around itself)

2 Who was the first astronaut to fly into space? (Yuri Gagarin)

1 What was the name of the spaceship on which Gagarin made his first flight? ("East")

We sum up the results of the competition and it turns out that friendship wins! All children perform a round dance.

Scenario for Cosmonautics Day

"First in Space"

Poem read by elementary school

Palm shielding yourself from the light,

The boy is sitting.


And suddenly magical:


Reached Luna station.

And looking up from my notebooks,

He said with dignity:


As if this is how it should be.

It must be like this

Not otherwise.

And it’s not surprising

What is it by us,

We have started

Assault on unsolved planets.

Presenter 1: - On April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. This is a national holiday. It seems familiar to us that spaceships launch from Earth. In the high celestial distances dockings take place spacecraft. For months at a time space stations Astronauts live and work, automatic stations go to other planets. Can you tell what's special about this?

Presenter 2: - But just recently they talked about space flights as science fiction. And so on October 4, 1957, it began new era- era of space exploration. On April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, the planet's first cosmonaut flew on the Vostok spacecraft. He was our citizen Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Poem by Sergei Kirsanov “One for all...”

The ether lived with its own worries.

And the thunder of the jet roars -

Gagarin! – did not thunder throughout the world.

And he was walking towards the rocket. Suddenly I looked back,

To smile at everyone who saw you off.

Luckily, someone touched my shoulder,

And someone shook hands heartily.

Everything went as usual, as in training,

And everything will become unusual later,

When the rocket is torn off the edge

Dagger fire, jet thunder!

He looked at Herman as if he were a brother,

To your faithful backup.

And he shouted to those seeing him off: “Guys!”

One for all and all for one…

Presenter 1: - The inhabitants of the Earth will always remember with gratitude the names of people who discovered a new sphere of human activity. In this constellation, some of the brightest are the name of the planet’s first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, and the name of the chief designer, Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

Ved.2: - The chief designer, as the cosmonauts called him, will remain the chief forever. My whole life was in work. No hobbies, no hunting, no fishing. He didn't know how to rest. Many years from now, Earth's astronauts, flying in their spaceships to other worlds, will raise a toast to New Year's Eve for this person.

Ved.1: - Yes, great things do not die, they remain for people. The achievements of today's cosmonautics live on the thought of the first, chief space designer, Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. And it is precisely to this day that his words apply: “What seemed impossible for centuries, what yesterday was just a daring dream, today becomes a real task, and tomorrow – an accomplishment.”

Ved.2: - These are them, the first builders spaceships under the leadership of Korolev, they made humanity’s dreams of space exploration a reality.

We were prisoners on a modest ball

And how many times, in countless changes of years,

The persistent gaze of the Earth in the dark expanse,

I watched with longing the movements of the planets.

Song “Land of Children”, words, music

Sketch “I discovered sleepwalkers”

1: Where are you going?

2: Man took off from the earth for the first time in many centuries. A new space age has opened. Everyone - into space! There are only fools left on Earth!

1: Do you understand what you are saying?

2: Quite.

1: Chatterbox! Baroness Munchausen.

2: You yourself are a baroness! I don't want to talk to you at all. What do you understand about space problems? Darkness! At all times in history, all sorts of obscurantists persecuted great people and considered them crazy. Giordano Bruno, Copernicus, Galileo...

1: Fi!

2: Yes, fi! Dogs even fly into space! But I can not? What do you think I am, worse than dogs?!

1: It’s worse, at least the dogs were scientists, but you somehow managed to get a “3” in mathematics!

2: Just think, mathematics. Even without your mathematics, I came up with something that you never dreamed of!

I thought for 4 days

Moon... Moon? Moon!

Was born in my mind

There is only one theory.

The moon has come away

Was a piece of the Earth

On that piece at that very hour

And there could be people.

My conclusion is quite logical

And, therefore, he lives,

On our companion Moon

Our kindred people!

1: Listen, what you make up all the time is good. But this is not enough for a real researcher. Yuri Gagarin is the world's first cosmonaut, he graduated from his craft with excellent marks, from technical school, and from aviation school - all with excellent marks! He was involved in sports and was interested in many things! To fly into space, you first need to stand on Earth with both feet. Then off to space! And you? You study poorly! If you break away from the team, you'll have to go to the station young technicians you have to go - they build models of spaceships there.

2: All this is nonsense, by the way, I saw sleepwalkers through my telescope.

1: Come on!

2: I decided to check myself, brought the Moon closer and at the same moment discovered sleepwalkers on it!

1: Come on!

2: They look like people who lived in the old days! They have hair everywhere, like gorillas.

1: Come on!

2: They live in stone caves, they don’t build cities! Sleepwalkers graze their cows in the forests!

1: Well, yes?!

2: Not in the kitchen, right on the fires, food is being prepared, and robbers roam the mountains at night.

1: Well, yes?!

2: Don't give a damn! You yourself know that the Moon is a piece of the Earth that took it and broke away. And maybe when it came off, your close relatives were on it.

1: Fuck you... (leaves)

2: (runs after her) Listen, but this is scientifically proven...

The poem is read by elementary school students.

We live on our planet

In such an amazing age,

And the first of the first in the rocket

Soviet man flies.

Not for military intelligence purposes

On a super-fast ship

He flies alone in the Universe,

To return to the Earth again.

It was not in vain that skillful hands worked

For the glory of the people! For the glory of the country!

Working people and people of science

We are strong in a peaceful Commonwealth!

Ved.1: - It is known that there were other cosmonauts next to Gagarin. They were also well prepared and could successfully complete the task of building the first space trench. However, they sent him, Gagarin. So he was the best of the best? The easiest thing to say is: yes.

Ved.2: - The fact is that for the first flight we needed a person whose character would intertwine as much as possible positive qualities. And here such undeniable Gagarin advantages were taken into account: selfless patriotism, unshakable faith in the success of the flight, excellent health, frantic optimism, flexibility of mind and curiosity.

Ved.1: - Courage and determination, accuracy, hard work, endurance, simplicity, modesty. Great human warmth and attentiveness to other people. This is how he was before the flight. This is how he met his well-deserved fame. Remained like this until the end...

Poem by Nikolai Dobronravov “Gagarin’s Constellation”

Let the stars make a date for us again,

We hear discharges of cosmic blizzards...

You are with us, you are going on a mission with us,

First, true, only friend!

In the forests beyond Vladimir there are hundred-year-old pines,

And the gloomy sun rises in the morning...

There will be no, there will be no last flight -

People remember your first flight!

The outskirts of Paris remember you,

Moscow avenues and Ryazan rye.

And the children in the world play Gagarin,

So you live on the planet!

You made friends with an amazing fairy tale,

A smile shines like a dawn in the darkness...

From this smile, both kind and affectionate

People on Earth have become warmer.

The endless sky is getting closer and closer to us,

And there will be no end to exploits in life.

The Gagarin Constellation rises above the world, -

In truth, hearts start towards the light.

Ved.2: - And now the words of Yuri Gagarin himself: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!”

Ved.1: - Cosmonaut No. 2 German Titov: “I saw it, our Earth, I saw it all. She's beautiful, but she's really small. If you look at it from space. And, remembering the Earth as I saw it from there... I suddenly understood with all my being how we must take care of it.”

- Song “Bells”, lyrics by Yuri Entin, music by Evgeny Krylatov

Sketch “I want to be an astronaut” by Elena Ponomorenko

(Mom is sitting at the table, there is a second chair nearby)

Host: Every boy dreams, of course,

That someday he will fly into space.

And the boy Seryozha was no exception,

I decided to be an astronaut when I grew up.

(Seryozha comes out)

Seryozha: The astronauts are lucky,

They fly into space every day

They count the stars, walk on the moon...

How I want it too.

I want to be an astronaut

When I grow up and fly into space!

Host: But first we need to find out

What does it take to become an astronaut?

(Seryozha approaches his mother)

Seryozha: I’ll ask my mother. Mom, tell me

What does it take to become an astronaut?

Mom: Astronauts have their own special regime,

Exercise every day and they go to bed on time.

It's very important for health

Follow this special regime.

Jogging, push-ups, squats,

Douse with cold water.

At least start with this.

Seryozha: Well, it’s a couple of trifles.

I’m already ready to do exercises.

And go to bed by the hour.

I can do all this myself.

Mom: Well, son, since you're ready,

Let's get started today.

Host: He studied with his mother all day,

And he did squats and push-ups,

I wiped myself with cold water,

And he even lifted the barbell.

He jumped, ran and skipped.

And by the evening I was terribly tired.

(Mom and Seryozha do exercises, running, squats, rubdowns, etc. On last words the presenter Seryozha sits down tiredly on a chair)

Mom: Are you so gloomy, son?

Have you changed your mind about becoming an astronaut?

Seryozha: Now I understand - this is not easy work

Space flights.

I haven’t changed my mind about becoming an astronaut,

But I'm not ready yet

Being an astronaut is not easy!

Of course I won't be sad

I will develop strength in myself,

Do exercises in the morning

And go to bed on time.

Host: All boys dream about space,

They read books about space.

They study the stars in the sky,

They dream of becoming astronauts.

Poem by Alexander Gavryushkin “Space”

I would like to fly to the moon

Plunge into an unsolved world.

And like a beautiful dream

Touch the brightest star.

Fly to distant orbits,

Dimensions unknown to us all,

Where the mysterious cosmos keeps

There are many secrets of the vast universe.

To visit other planets,

Which science doesn't know about.

And see unearthly creatures, -

That they fly on strange saucers.

Ask them how they live there,

Is there autumn, winter or summer,

For what purpose do they always fly to us?

To a planet forgotten by God...

Everyone always dreams of something,

And they strive to achieve something.

Only space, alas, never

He probably won’t want to open up...

Ved.2: - Many years have passed since the first flight. During this time, a lot has changed in astronautics. Work in space now takes a long time. Courageous people—heroes—work in space. Today, working in space is Scientific research and daily work.

Ved.1: - This is today. And tomorrow?.. Settlements on the Moon, travel to Mars. Scientific stations on asteroids, communications with other civilizations... All this is the future. Maybe not so close, but real. After all, it builds on what has already been achieved. And we will not be upset that you and I will not become participants in long-distance interplanetary expeditions.

Ved.2: - Let us not envy the people of the future. They will, of course, be very lucky; things that we can only dream about will become familiar to them. But we were also very lucky. The happiness of the first steps into space. And let our descendants envy our happiness.

Song “Childhood”, lyrics by Mikhail Plyatskovsky, music by Yuri Chichkov
